View Full Version : Rate my Epic Build?

2013-05-12, 12:54 PM
Just looking for comments on the build, nothing huge or such.

Beguiler 6/ Rainbow Servant 10/ ShadowCraft Mage 5/ Nightmare Spinner 2/ Warblade 1/ Shadow Adept 1

L1 Spell focuse Illusion Flaw> Eschew Materials Flaw> Earth Sense

L3 Heighten Spell

L6 Earth Spell

L9 Steady Concentration

L12 Shadow Weave Magic

L15 Rapid Metamagic

L18 Arcane Thesis Silent Image

21E> Epic Spellcasting

24E> Ignore Material Components

Gondin Lethorn [/B][/URL]
Forest Gnome Beg 6/Rainbow 10/Shad 5/Night 2/ 1 warblade/ 1 shadow adept, Level 25, Init +12, HP 275/200, DR 5/Evil, Speed 60'
AC 34, Touch 20, Flat-footed 31, Fort +21, Ref +17, Will +28, Base Attack Bonus 12
+5 Valorous Parrying Holy Adamantine Greatsword (Melee Touch Attacks) +36/+36/+31/+26/+21 (2d4+14 plus 2 Fire, 19-20/x2)
Spot +13, Listen +8, Darkvision 60', Superior Low-Light Vision, Arcane Sight 120' Gondin normally moves slowly, taking 10 on Hide (DC 43) and Move SIlently (DC 40). His Armor Spikes are always set to full Defense mode. ( , )
+5 Twilight Soulfire Mithril Breastplate, +5 Eager Warning Initiative Spellblade Defending Armor Spikes (+10 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Size, +4 Natural, +6 Misc)
Abilities Str 22, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 33, Wis 17, Cha 16
Condition Immune to Nonmagical Weapons, which are destroyed on impact
Reflex DC 15 Half damage from magical weapons, which are not
Immune to Death spells, Death effects, Energy Drain, and all Negative Energy
Immune to Greater Dispel Magic
Immune to Scrying, Mind Affecting, and any spell or power that detects, reads, or influences thoughts, emotions, or behavior, including Limited Wish, Wish, Miracle, Bend Reality, and Reality Revision when used for that purpose, but not Metafaculty. Arcane Eye, Remote Viewing, and Scrying show your area but not you.
Resistance 30 to All Energy Types
Darkvision 60'
Superior Low-Light Vision
Hide in Plain Sight
Pass Without Trace
Continuous Hide from Undead, no save even for intelligent undead
Persistent Freedom of Movement
Persistent Glibness

Renewal Pact Active
Stalwart Pact Active

2013-05-12, 01:02 PM
Rate against what?

How optimized it could be?
Against challenges you're going to face?
Against other reasonable epic level characters I've seen?

Rating of a game in which epic spellcasting on a rainbow servant shadowcraft mage wearing a starmantle cloak is considered acceptable?

2013-05-12, 01:08 PM
Boost your AC, monsters have (in theory) 2+(1.5*CR) to hit, or 39.5 to hit, though in practice this is not the case. Still, you have Epic Spellcasting and Starmantle, so I think you probably could do fine. The game however... might fall apart due to Epic Spellcasting.