View Full Version : "cursed" to be good?

2013-05-12, 10:13 PM
How much story lining do you think you can put into a character, to allow the unseelie fey template, and be in a normal party, by being the "cursed" to be good behavior?

2013-05-12, 10:30 PM
There is no such thing as a "curse" to be of some particular alignment. However, adding another template after Unseelie Fey, which in turn forces a change in alignment to Good, would accomplish what you're after.

Any character built with an alignment-changing template is assumed to naturally possess all the attributes of that template, including alignment. Changing alignment just because it would be more convenient for a particular game would be entirely unnatural. If you really want to build a character with a Good alignment, you shouldn't go for Unseelie Fey. Why not go for Seelie Court Fey instead? They can be any alignment.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-12, 10:56 PM
Any creature that is "Always <alignment>" isn't actually always that alignment, just almost always. There's a Succubus paladin statted up by WotC somewhere.

2013-05-12, 11:04 PM
Any creature that is "Always <alignment>" isn't actually always that alignment, just almost always.
This isn't a creature, but rather a template change. See ADDING A TEMPLATE, STEP-BY-STEP on page 293 of Monster Manual. There aren't any options here.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-12, 11:19 PM
This isn't a creature, but rather a template change. See ADDING A TEMPLATE, STEP-BY-STEP on page 293 of Monster Manual. There aren't any options here.

I don't see it under the step-by-step part. It's there under "reading a template," but only says:

Usually the same as the base creature, unless the template is associated with a certain alignment (such as the celestial and fiendish templates, and any template that changes a creature’s type to undead).
This only implies that one that is associated with an alignment doesn't inherit its alignment from the base creature, not that they're never unusual in that regard.

2013-05-13, 06:59 AM
There is no such thing as a "curse" to be of some particular alignment.


This metal hat looks like a typical helmet. When placed upon the head, however, its curse immediately takes effect (Will DC 15 negates). On a failed save, the alignment of the wearer is radically altered to an alignment as different as possible from the former alignment—good to evil, chaotic to lawful, neutral to some extreme commitment (LE, LG, CE, or CG).

2013-05-13, 09:51 AM
It could be a Geass/Quest (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/geasQuest.htm) to act in accordance with a Good alignment. Not sure how to make that permanent, though.

Someone could have cast Sanctify the Wicked or Mindrape to make your character Good.

Someone could have nonmagically converted your alignment as per the rules in BoED.

Or you could just make your alignment Good and not be a **** to everyone.

2013-05-13, 10:44 AM
It could be a Geass/Quest (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/geasQuest.htm) to act in accordance with a Good alignment. Not sure how to make that permanent, though.

Someone could have cast Sanctify the Wicked or Mindrape to make your character Good.

Someone could have nonmagically converted your alignment as per the rules in BoED.

Or you could just make your alignment Good and not be a **** to everyone.

Yeh I was also thinking of geas. But you can just have a god cast it on you. That way its impossible to remove, and will never run out. You are now permanently doing good deeds.

2013-05-13, 01:06 PM
Mark of justice x 10+? Pick 10+ things the target can't do or else be cursed. For flavor make each curse related to the crime.