View Full Version : Please ignore

2013-05-13, 01:02 AM
Please ignore this thread. It was made hoping to be within the rules, it would be best if the topic were dropped.

Edit: I PMed the mods, and honestly I hoped to start a thread in a similar vein within the rules, but if that is not possible, I hope they delete this.

2013-05-13, 01:28 AM
Yeaaaah....this is going to get locked. And you'll probably get a warning. I picked one up for creating an identical thread. My best guess is that, while you can create a new thread to pseudo-necro an old one, that option's off the table after the old one gets locked. Again, best guess. I'm baffled. And mildly irritated, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, I would PM a mod. Ask them to remove this thread, explain that you didn't know you were in violation of the rules. Follow up with a written request for special permission to....re-re-restart this thread. That should put you in the clear.

2013-05-13, 01:37 AM
I've been on the receiving end of 3 TPKs. Two of them were entirely justified since in those cases the players were idiots.
The last was the DM not reading the monsters and the abilities carefully enough. This has been a continual failing with him since we switched over to 3.5 back when it came out.
We were somewhere between 5th and 7th level, and we met one of those low CR fiends with Blasphemy. Everyone was stunned and easy prey for the other enemies' coup de grace.

2013-05-13, 02:09 AM
Yeaaaah....this is going to get locked. And you'll probably get a warning. I picked one up for creating an identical thread. My best guess is that, while you can create a new thread to pseudo-necro an old one, that option's off the table after the old one gets locked. Again, best guess. I'm baffled. And mildly irritated, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, I would PM a mod. Ask them to remove this thread, explain that you didn't know you were in violation of the rules. Follow up with a written request for special permission to....re-re-restart this thread. That should put you in the clear.

I think you've been treated unfairly - for all the reasons you've mentioned. There is no way you can follow this logic just by reading the rules.

2013-05-13, 02:14 AM
I think you've been treated unfairly - for all the reasons you've mentioned. There is no way you can follow this logic just by reading the rules.

I'm not asking for sympathy or a repeal of the warning. My post here was made with the sole intent of getting someone else out of the same situation. I'd appreciate it, for the sake of the thread and for the sake of peace with the mods, if this topic were dropped.