View Full Version : Characters you would love to play but probably never will

2013-05-13, 05:45 AM
Ok, so I was bored today and was thinking of unlikely and random character ideas that will probably never get into a game.

I've always had a problem with rolling badly on saves, so I thought what if a succubus went into blackguard, for the ridiculous bonus of cha to saves. And all was good. Until my friend said "why don't you also possess a nymph, get double cha to saves, and also cha to AC?".

So I started looking into it and I have this so far: Succubus Blackguard 2/Pious Templar 1 (for mettle) for a total ECL of 15 having possessed a Nymph's body using the rules from fiendish codex I.

I'm working with the abilities I rolled for my backup character just as something to work off: 18,16,16,15,15,10

I was thinking 10+2 str, 15+2+1(gloves of dex) dex, 15+2+1(8HD stat bump)+2(amulet of con), 16+6 int, 16+4 wis and 18+16+2(cloak of cha) cha

You would have all the abilities of a succubus and nymph, with the succubus' base cha. 9 HD, so the Nymph's blinding beauty/Stunning Glance save DC's would be 10+4(half HD)+13(cha mod) for a DC of 27

Saves would be 10/5/7 base from HD, then +5/+4/+5 from abilities, then +26 from double cha to saves for a total of +41/+35/+38 to saves. Grab a ring of evasion and mettle from pious templar and if you pass a save you're pretty much immune to any effect.

Add in the array of SLA from succubus, dimension door from Nymph, and druid spells at 7th level druid and you have a pretty fun looking character. I'll admit it lacks any real offensive capabilities, but I would imagine this character would take advantage of their huge cha and apply it to making everyone around them do whatever they wanted (not to mention DC 28 charm monster at will)

What crazy character ideas have you wanted to play around with but never really had a chance to use (probably because your DM would never allow it)

2013-05-13, 06:36 AM
A gestalt war hulk. He was a maug fighter 15/Warhulk 10. He had 50str and a maximum damage of 3968 with crits. He had at least 14 in any stat. Unfortunately he was declined due to him being another brute character in a party of characters who had too many brutes.

On character concept a monk rogue would be cool, but severely lacking in the mechanics department.

2013-05-13, 07:27 AM
I rarely get to actually play D&D, usually I'm more likely to be found behind the DMs screen. Or I would be if I bothered with a screen. Anyways, I would love to be able to play as any number of the theurge classes: Anima Mage, Soul Caster, Eldritch Disciple... Even if they might lack the same raw power of playing a straight Wizard, I think it would be quite a lot of fun. I would really like to play as one of the classes from ToB or MoI, but most DMs protest because "ToB is OP" or because Incarnum is too odd for them. Playing a Truenamer from The Way Words Work would be quite a bit of fun I imagine, especially if I could go Truesinger/Legacy Champion as an homage to one of my favorite fantasy series, The Symphony of Ages.

Man on Fire
2013-05-13, 07:37 AM
LG Goblin who wanted to become Paladin but was rejected and bacome soldier, Dex and Cha based fencer and in the end captain of a flying ship. I could see him as sine srt if Swirdsage//Rogue/Swasbuckler/Legendary Captain gestalt.

LE Half-Nymph Aasimar Dread Necomancer//Paladin of Tyranny in game of high intrigue.

2013-05-13, 07:46 AM
I've wanted to play a Sorcerer/ Oracle (or Favored Soul, depending whether it's Pathfinder or 3.5) / Mystic Theurge. Spontaneously cast ALL the spells!

2013-05-13, 07:46 AM
I'd actually like the fluff of setting sun and stone dragon. Unfortunately the mechanic sucks so much it's funny (it crossed the line twice from being not funny to funny). Yeah it's THAT bad

2013-05-13, 07:59 AM
Bard1/Warlock1/AnimaMage8/SumblimeChord1/EldritchTheurge9 :smalltongue:

2013-05-13, 08:17 AM
Some time, I want to, with another player, play a pair of mechanatrix arcane casters with shocker lizard familiars. (Or, in a pinch, one of them could be a ranger or druid with the Dragon Magazine feat that lets you take a Magical Beast animal companion.) This would require a degree of coöperation that is rare to nonexistent in any group I've ever played with.

Also, I'd love to play a Fleshwarper sometime, but level 10 is awfully late to be entering a prestige class, considering I've never gotten to play any character past level 8.

2013-05-13, 10:01 AM
I recently got an idea for a gestalt Solar Ascendant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=191088)//Saint/Crusader who was originally a Solar herself, a favoured champion of her deity. When shifting to the material plane on a task for her god she was mysteriously turned mortal with only a fraction of her power and no way to contact her patron. Even attempts by other clerics of her deity prove useless. They can contact it, but any attempts to relay the information are met with an odd forced silence - they are compelled to be unable to convey the message, regardless of medium. Even their interpretive dance is silenced!

Lost, alone and without the divine guidance, the ex-Solar quests among the mortal races to reacquire her divine powers and discover just why she lost them in the first place.

Not a super original concept by any means, but it's one I would like to explore at some point. Amnesia optional :smallwink:

2013-05-13, 10:06 AM
I normally DM, but if I ever played a character I'd certainly crossplay a female martial character. The class, though, would depend on what homebrew's allowed. My fallback would be to a paladin, but I'd prefer either a shapeshifting class I made with the Generic Class 2.0 or jiriku's Google-famous monk fix

2013-05-13, 10:13 AM
These (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15207747&postcount=31) guys (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15214100&postcount=35).

Honestly, I come up with way more characters than I can ever use. Sometimes I'll slip them in when I DM, but others I really want to play, not toss in as an encounter for other parties to destroy.

Jaser, whose name is ironic, takes the idea of the drawback of the Craven feat and runs with it. He's a yellow-bellied, spineless wimp. Sneaky and clever, though. See, Jaser is a master of disguise, and belongs to a multitude of different guilds and brotherhoods - league of assassins, merchant's guild, brotherhood of thieves, etc - each under a different identity. Some of his associations have even been with rival organizations, and in one instance he received a contract from the brotherhood of assassins to kill one of his identities from another organization, which he did; of course the corpse was to mangled to identify him properly.

He's a liar, a scoundrel, and a coward. He will strike an enemy only when he has the decided upper hand, can sneak attack, and plots a clear escape route. If damaged at all, he retreats to lay up for a while. He'll use every dirty trick in the book to put one over on you. He's a liar, a cheat, and a general no-goodnik.

Obviously this type of character presents obstacles in being integrated into a standard party in most campaigns. Who wants a teammate that bolts at the first sign that he might be injured or defeated, who only helps out when he can be sure his own hide is protected? The only way I've been able to come up with is that his membership in the party is one of his fake identities - he pretends to be good, worships a good god, gives to charity, etc, basically playing a bit of the Robin Hood role. He also puts on a front of bravery, but will recommend "caution with this plan," suggests tactical maneuvers that keep him out of harm's way, and generally make excuses when he apparently runs away like the chicken he is.

Mechanically, I haven't ironed out all the details yet. Factotum/Chameleon would be a good fit, but he dips as many classes as he can to improve his sneak attack. Obviously he has the Craven feat. High ranks in bluff, disguise, hide, and move silently, but has the Jack of All Trades feat so he can fake being competent with whatever skills he needs.

Pavel (or any variant of Paul)
Small even for a gnome, Pavel is a little man with a big attitude. He has a classic case of "short man syndrome" - overcompensating for his small stature with big talk, aggressiveness, overreaction to criticism, and showoff behaviour. On the plus side, it has driven him to succeed in many areas of life to prove that his size is not a hindrance. He's a master swordsman, an intense athlete, and quite intelligent.

He's a variant of the "other killer gnome" build (Blade Bravo, Titan Fighting, Underfoot Combat, Confound the Big Folk, etc). This one could be brought into a game at some point.

Kenta is a big boy. He's been overweight all his life, and received all the usual taunts and barbs associated with it. It hurt him, of course, but he was an optimist and strong of spirit. He didn't become depressed, desperate, self-deprecating, defensive, or cruel in kind. He simply decided that he was as good as anyone else, and that no amount of small-mindedness from others would stand in his way. He trained and served with both town guard and military, traveled, courted ladies, made a good living, and undertook heroic quests. He's had everythign he's wanted out of life: adventure, love, and money enough for a comfortable living. These days, if anyone pokes fun at his weight, he merely smiles, shakes his head, and remarks "grow up, my friend."

Kenta is bullish not boorish, friendly but reserved, and overall a sturdy, solid, stand-up guy. He loves to eat and drink and makes no apologies. He is a bit of a gourmand and a good cook, and brews his own ales and wines. He is fat, but his chubbiness belies his thickly muscled core.

Mechanically, he would be a King of Pong (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5892951)-type build, focused on pushing people around, knocking them down, throwing them, etc. This one would be a potential character to bring to an actual game, but my DM normally doesn't include ToB in his book list, and I want some Warblade on this guy.

2013-05-13, 01:14 PM
A petal hellfire warlock Arcane trickster. It takes a bit of finagling but I was able to get the build 100% functional. Now I just need to see it in action.

2013-05-13, 01:38 PM
These (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15207747&postcount=31) guys (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15214100&postcount=35).

The urchin that you linked sounds a little like Nix from Paul S. Kemp's The Hammer and the Blade. He doesn't have quite the abandonment issues, but the trinkets and homelessnes instantly reminded me of him.

2013-05-13, 01:45 PM
Hmm....I'd really like to play a character with a Paladin-esque code of conduct that relies heavily on illusions and trickery to achieve his ends.

2013-05-13, 02:00 PM
A lazy wizard who sits on his rear and relies on summoned monsters to work for him. Like, in everything. Even the most mundane tasks, such as fetching a cup of tea.

Needless to say, he doesn't go into dungeons. He's being carried.

2013-05-13, 02:13 PM
Here are some. Basically, I was skimming the Pathfinder rules online and found out about how in Pathfinder, CR = ECL but with the chance to gain extra levels later (like buying off some of the LA that doesn't exist).

My succubus paladin idea:

While working with an evil wizard, this succubus (by the name of Azuza... it's a palindrome because Azuza goes both ways) came back from a mission to discover that the wizard had been killed by his rivals. She started collecting his treasure, including an un-identified helmet. She put it on and oops, rolled a 1 on her save to avoid having her alignment altered. She became Lawful Good.

Instantly, she felt a need to atone for all of her horrible acts. To that end, she became a paladin, even though her code of conduct meant that she would get no use out of some of her best skills. On the other hand, she's not a stick-up-the-butt paladin, being very sexually free and believing that even the most evil of creatures has the potential to be good. Her main character flaw is her vanity.

She takes two levels of paladin before the allure of multi-classing appeals to her. She then takes two levels of monk, so that she can add her natural attacks after her unarmed attacks (even if she can't do so with a flurry) and so she can use Evasion with her incredible saves. She then takes a level of Oracle (for CHA to AC and Reflex, instead of DEX), before going back to paladin.

Then, I thought about a mimic:

At CR 4, a mimic has incredible shape-changing abilities that are awesome in their vagueness. Pathfinder mimics also have a bunch of +0 CR abilities that I might be able to finagle.

Basically, the build would be based on the idea of a character that can shapechange in such a way as to sprout all sorts of extra body parts to attack with. So:

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)/Ranger (maybe shapeshifter)

Ranger gives Aspect of the Beast which gives claw attacks. I take Improved Unarmed attack (or a level of Monk (Martial Artist) to get it for "free") so I've got unarmed attacks, after which I can do all of my natural attacks (claws and a mimic's slam). Barbarian gives Lesser Fiend Totem for another natural attack (a gore). And take a feat to get a headbutt attack to add to the list.

I've built this guy in a couple of different ways, I'll never get to play him, so things are still a little vague, but there are lots of options.

And then, there's this fey megaraptor:

I just love the idea of this big dinosaur monster who can become a delicate elven woman (with a very simplistic way of speaking) who can arm wrestle the mightiest warriors.

It's only CR6, for (assuming a decent point buy):

STR: 26
DEX: 24
CON: 26
INT: 8
WIS: 16
CHA: 20

And one good thing about the fey template is that it gives the creature the ability to speak Sylvan, which means this "lady" *can* speak, and so it would only take a few ranks in Linguistics to speak other languages. OTOH, it's interesting to imagine a PC who *only* speaks Sylvan.

Originally, I had considered a Fey Hydra, but Hydras are Huge, meaning that it wouldn't be able to become a medium sized creature with the Fey "Change Shape" ability.

And there's the Lyrakien sorcerer...

"This tiny woman has a lithe form with delicate butterfly wings. She is surrounded by sparkling lights and gentle rainbow arcs."

That's cool enough. CR 2 for +10 CHA? Sign me up! Especially with pseudo-buyoff.

But the best bit... the absolute best bit... is...:

With the improved familiar feat, you can have an Lyrakien as a familar. So she could have another of her race as her familiar! How awesome is that?

I'd also like to play a medusa, but only if I could find some decent ways to boost that save DC up to a reasonable level... but that's pretty hard to do, especially in Pathfinder-only.

Oh, and there's also a re-fluffed alchemist:

Instead of a normal guy becoming a hideous monster, I'd want some ugly disreputable guy who turns into a beautiful virtuous strong warrior woman. And while that's reasonably easy to refluff some of the early abilities, the later stuff gets a bit harder.

2013-05-14, 06:48 AM
The urchin that you linked sounds a little like Nix from Paul S. Kemp's The Hammer and the Blade. He doesn't have quite the abandonment issues, but the trinkets and homelessnes instantly reminded me of him.

Interesting. I've never read that series, and truth be told a lot of his personality and back story was borrowed more from Bean from the Ender's Shadow series, except for the hoarding behaviour. Anyway, I'll take this as a recommendation and check it out if I ever get to use this character. Might give me some interesting RP applications.


2013-05-14, 07:10 AM
A lazy wizard who sits on his rear and relies on summoned monsters to work for him. Like, in everything. Even the most mundane tasks, such as fetching a cup of tea.

Needless to say, he doesn't go into dungeons. He's being carried.

Isn't that like any wizard, ever, anyway?

I think I'd like to play a Dragonlance game once in a while, although I haven't really considered making a character for it.

2013-05-14, 11:08 AM
Well, I've been looking for excuses to post my build, so here it is.

Human, Cleric of Cydor.
Cleric 8 / Sacred Exorcist 2

ACF destroy undead

Domains: Planning and Time.

Flaws: Inattentive, Shaky.

1 - Persist Spell; Divine Metamagic; Extra Turning
3 - Reach Spell
6 - Elder Giant Magic
9 - Extra Turning

The main point of this build would be to never use money on weapons or armor (aside from persisting of course). With a string of prayer beads and the feat elder giant magic, the caster lvl would be increased by 7. Thus, greater magic weapon, magic vestment e the spells that I persist would benefit from a huge boost, making me have +5 weapons, armor and maxed out protections at lvl 11 (maybe less, there's another feat that increases CL, but I cant remember it right now and I dont really know if it stacks with EGM).

The gold I save would be used in nightsticks and other items the party might need.

So, the main reason why I wont be playing this character is that I cant find a group/DM who allows all the books necessary for this build (or the cheese, even if it's a simple cheddar/mozarella combo), and even if I do find one, the DM would probably nerf all I can do (DMM and CL increase).

Man on Fire
2013-05-14, 02:42 PM
Female Paladin/Monk with Ascetic Knight and Serenity (that feat from Dragon magazine which ties Paladin's CHA based abilities to WIS). She is torn between both worlds and knows she doesn't really belong to either one. And her Arch-enemy is Ex-Monk Frostrager.

2013-05-14, 03:44 PM
I am Galstaff, Sorcerer of Light! (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lW7lvUeSVCjUF674oUfEmXwOi0-Q3ssuVd1_B7KiW3s/edit?usp=sharing)

2013-05-14, 04:12 PM
Gestalt(Dragonfire Adept/Stalwart, Battle, Draconic Dragon Sorcerer with Divine Receptacle:Planning)/Rejuvinating, Shapeshift Druid Dragonborn Desert Uwe Kobold with Dusk Giant skills, feat-rewriting and feat buying shenanigans.

Ends up with 3 breath weapons usable as free actions 1/round each. Can cast any spell he knows any number of times per day with insane metamagic as a part of a breath weapon(makes them a minimum swift action instead of free but w/e). Oh, and has 23 HP at level one from draconic feats. Cheese and loopholes galore were used to make that character but it was a fun idea even if never played.

A note on the OP succubus, take one level of Aristocrat so you can take the Shield of Charm feat to add Cha to AC a second time.

2013-05-14, 08:37 PM
A dapperforged Psion Nomad, who is basically a planar chauffeur. Probably using that old 3.0 planar psionic PrC. Hard to think of many ways he would be too useful except in a plane-hopping campaign, and even then he would only be taxi.

2013-05-14, 09:02 PM
Gundolon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12152413#post12152413)
That is all.

2013-05-14, 10:06 PM
Pathfinder has a feat called Sliding Axe Throw, where a thrown axe can also make a trip attempt on a hit. Combine that with Throw Anything, Two-Handed Thrower, Quick Draw, and various ranged feats, and you have a character who chucks volleys of greataxes at his foes to bring them to the ground. I just like the imagery of a guy carrying around about 20 giant axes at a time and throwing 5 in a round.

2013-05-14, 11:59 PM
Pathfinder has a feat called Sliding Axe Throw, where a thrown axe can also make a trip attempt on a hit. Combine that with Throw Anything, Two-Handed Thrower, Quick Draw, and various ranged feats, and you have a character who chucks volleys of greataxes at his foes to bring them to the ground. I just like the imagery of a guy carrying around about 20 giant axes at a time and throwing 5 in a round.

Kung Fu Hustle anyone?

2013-05-15, 12:18 AM
I have really wanted to give a Factotum Chameleon with the Lucid Dream skill a try and get up to some Inception type shenanigans in the Realm of Dreams. Unfortunately it's not a very party friendly build. Although it could make for a terrifying villian, aka Freddy Kruger.

Cyan Wisp
2013-05-15, 03:41 AM
Honestly, my desires are simple. I just never find the right moment.

a CAdv Ninja or a thief-acrobat - a really flippy, tumbly person
a daring, dashing swashbuckler, who improvises freely and uses terrain and dungeon dressing (effectively) for more hilarity
a gnoll-blooded human Barbarian/Warlock cannibal witch-doctor
a gunslinger (Dark Tower flavoured)

2013-05-15, 03:50 PM
Ooh! Or a Rage Mage. Any kind. I keep remembering it when I look through CWar, and it just looks so cool. And so bad.

2013-05-15, 04:20 PM
Ooh! Or a Rage Mage. Any kind. I keep remembering it when I look through CWar, and it just looks so cool. And so bad.Ditto, here. I have wanted to find a use for Rage Mage since the book came out. Iron Chef Optimization hasn't touched it yet, have they?

2013-05-15, 08:11 PM
To add to my own thread, I have a character currently in the pipe that I'm gonna present to my DM. It's a petal (with the LA bought off) paladin 5/grey guard 4 with Mounted combat, spirited charge, power attack and dragon cohort.

Grabbing an aptitude lance so I can apply weapon finesse to it (since my dex is 20 and my str is only 10)

After petal racial adjustments he would have:
10 Str
20 Dex
20 Con
20 Int
16 Wis
24 Cha

Traded out his mount for smiting charge ACF, He's gonna fly around on a faerie dragon (which JUST fits in at level 9 and dragon cohort) dealing 3d4+84 damage on a smite/full PA charge (the +2 from charging and the +7 from cha while smiting completely negates the -9 from power attack heh)

I'm a bit worried that my DM will nope the idea simply because it's a faerie flying around on a faerie dragon dealing relatively obscene amounts of damage though :smallfrown:

Also considering, when I levelup (and subsequently so does my faeriedragon) giving my mount a level of horizon walker grabbing desert, and have a mount that cannot be fatigued

2013-05-15, 08:46 PM
Honesty, I would like to play as this:


I can't stop laughing at this!

2013-05-15, 08:50 PM
Honesty, I would like to play as this:


I can't stop laughing at this!

Alright, close the thread.
We have a winner.

2013-05-15, 09:09 PM
Alright, close the thread.
We have a winner.

I'm glad you like it :smallsmile:

2013-05-15, 09:27 PM
warlock3/wu jen3/eldritch theurge10/archmage2/hellfire warlock2

high arcana: spell like ability body outside body, now i can create infinite hellfire blast spewing clones, sure i'd be missing out on 9th level spells, but it'd still be really fun. or the Jade Phoenix mage version of this to turn into naruto basically.

other than that i've recently had the idea for a razorclaw shifter barbarian that focus' on shifting feats and using its claws. i've always wanted to play a werewolf but the rules for doing so just don't make it doable, but this is pretty damn close.

OOOO! also i've had this idea for an artifacer for so long, he's a nerd who dreams of being a cool adventurer so he dresses up vaguely cowboyish and goes out into the world wielding wands like guns.

2013-05-15, 09:38 PM
Names are just for fun in some/many cases. Homebrew material used. Some are partially played.

page 261 of Spell Compendium

Captain Michael Hook (Carries a hook attached to a piece of wood that is functionally a dagger)
Wizard (Eidetic Spellcaster Variant)
Wizard 13/Archmage 2/Wizard 1/Archmage 1/Wizard 1
-Mastery of Shaping
-Mastery of Elements
-Spell Like Ability (Shapechange)

01-Eschew Materials

Spell of the Day: Orb of Force

-All his spell components are ocean/water-esque (e.g. specially prepared water to wash your eyes with for true seeing)
-Good friend of Feodoric Smee
-Leaves all nautical duties and swimming to Mr. Smee (hence no ranks in profession [sailor] or swim)
-Hates seafood
-Afraid of the dark
-Hates soda, tea, and coffee

Met Mr. Smee after being abducted for experimentation. Smee broke them out while Hook helped with magic and intelligence. Barely escaped a dire crocodile which Smee managed to fight off and save Hook. Became good friends thereafter.

STR 12
DEX 10
CON 14
INT 18
WIS 10
CHA 10

6 skills
Knowledge [Arcana]
Knowledge [Dungeoneering]
Knowledge [Nature]
Knowledge [Religion] 1 rank
Knowledge [The Planes]
Spellcraft 1 rank less

Languages: Baeran, Keldoran, Manai, Mui (unlearned for the moment if necessary), Yothish, Sylvan

Learn and prepare the buff spells and dispel spells.
Orb of Force (Use Empower Rod)
Undeath to Death
Benign Transposition
Get Ring of Freedom Item
Heart of Water

Useful Shapechange Forms:
Prismatic Golem (Remove Prismatic Effects)
Shadesteel Golem (Outright immunity to SR effects)
Inevitable (Construct that can cast)
Choker (2 spells per round)
Any Swarm (Grapple this...) shouldn't have to though

Useful Polymorph Forms:
Any Swarm (No grapple)
Treant (Natural Armor, Plant type, high grapple, very powerful combatant, retains spellcasting)
Dread Blood Blossom (No grapple, plant type, fly, nasty attacks, half damage from weapons, no spellcasting)

Useful Alter Self Forms:
Troglodyte (+6 Natural Armor)
Locathath (Water Combat)
Avarial (Flight)
Straight up warblade with a +5 Greatsword of Speed

10 attacks (DR applies 10 times so metalline may be useful)

100 damage pa for 5
180 damage from STR
20 damage minimum from damage dice of GS
50 damage from +5 enhancement bonus
40 damage from greater weapon specialization

2 atks at -1 BAB

34 = +12
+5 weapon
+2 greater weapon focus

+18 total
Neutral Good
Aberrant Human
Warlock 18


1-Point Blank Shot
1-Precise Shot
3-Spell Penetration
6-Greater Spell Penetration
9-Empower Spell-Like Ability
12-Quicken Spell-Like Ability
15-Improved Precise Shot
18-Weapon Focus (Eldritch Blast)

Chain Shirt
Healing Belts

Bluff Maxed
Concentration Maxed
Sense Motive Maxed

Save money to remove status effects.
Lost Anthropomorphic Giant Squid

STR 26
DEX 16
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10

1st = Monk
2nd = Barbarian
3rd = Warblade (Buyoff and re-attain)
4th+ = Warblade


Aberrant Human
Warblade 100%

1-Power Attack
1-Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
3-Improved Toughness
6-Travel Devotion
9-Weapon Specialization (Greatsword)
12-Greater Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
15-Greater Weapon Specialization (Greatsword)
18-Weapon Mastery (Greatsword)

Troy McClure

Aberrant Human Barbarian (Spirit Lion Totem Variant) 1
Incarnate X


Power Attack
Weapon Focus (Greatsword)

3-Cobalt Charge
Truedeath (Lesser)
+1 Heavy Mace

Aura of Chaos
Aura of Perfect Order
Martial Spirit
Don't Care

Mountain Tombstone Strike
Strike of Righteous Vitality
War Master's Charge
White Raven Tactics
Ancient Mountain Hammer
Greater Divine Surge
Aberrant Human
Jade Archer 8/Warblade 1/Jade Archer 9


Escape Artist
Move Silently


[Point Blank Shot
Weapon Focus (Shortbow)]

3-Combat Expertise
6-Superior Expertise
9-Martial Study [Cloak of Deception]
12-Rapid Shot

Cloak of Deception [Feat]
White Raven Tactics
Wall of Blades
Douse the Flames

Absolute Steel Stance

+5 Elvencraft Composite +5 Masterwork Darkwood Shortbow of Seeking
Bracers of Archery, Greater
Robe of the Archmagi
Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis
Flying Carpet 5x5
Ring of Slowfalling
Cape of the Mountebank->Boots of Teleportation
Handy Haversack
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Ring of Evasion
Some sort of anti-lifesteal thingy (Soulfire Enhancment padded leather armor)

+10 BAB
+11 Dex
+5 Bow
+2 Bracers
+4 Class Feature
+1 Weapon Focus
+1 PBS
Eliphas the Inheritor
-Body structure and Armor of Eliphas the Inheritor
-Voice of Eliphas the Inheritor
-Replace chaos symbols and skulls (and perhaps other things) with Red cat iris eyes
-Holy symbol is a red cat iris eye
-Neutral Good

Cleric 10/Contemplative 8 [Spontaneous Variant][Alteration Domain][Time Domain][Travel From extra][Fire from extra] Take healing spells as necessary

06 STR 14
02 DEX 10
04 CON 12
02 INT 10
10 WIS 16
02 CHA 08

+5 Chain Shirt (Customized) of Soulfire
+5 Animated Heavy Shield
Ring of Protection +5
Amulet of Natural Armor +5
+5 Defending Armor Spikes
+1 Dex
+10 Kolyarut
AC 52
+1 Flaming Frost Shock Corrosive Collision Ghost Touch Greatsword "Skittles"

Weapon Proficiency [Greatsword]
Weapon Focus [Greatsword]
Toughness x9001

Enlarge Person
3d6+4 damage

Polymorph into Treant
2d6+9 damage

Monk 1 (Decisive Strike)(Overwhelming Attack)
Dreadnought 1 (Later)
Crusader 17


+5 Weapon
+16 STR
+28 (14 BAB)
+1 Aptitude
+1 Dreadnought
+5 Collision
+1 Base Damage
+2 Armbands of Might
116 damage

+5 Weapon
+1 Aptitude
+11 STR
+1 Weapon Focus
+11 Aura
+4 Martial
+1 Dreadnought
+3 BAB
-2 Penalty
+35 to hit

+5/+1 Quarterstaff of Collision (+2), Aptitude (+1), +3 Mar, +1 Mar
Armbands of Might
Pulvis-in Pulverem [Aberrant Human]

+5/+1 Quarterstaff of Aptitude, Martial Discipline [Devoted Spirit][Diamond Mind][Iron Heart][Stone Dragon]*
Truedeath Crystal [Lesser]*
2 Healing Belts*
+5 Mithril Chain Shirt of Soulfire
Armbands of Might*
Wings of Flying*
Hathran Mask of True Seeing
Cloak of Mysterious Emergence
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Ring of Protection +5
Belt of STR +6*
Gloves of DEX +6
+4 STR book*
+4 CON book
+4 DEX book
Handy Haversack
Periapt of Health
+5 Animated Heavy Shield
Potions of Delay Poison*

+16 STR
+1 Base
+14 BAB x2
+5 Wep Enh
+1 Extra Wep Enh
+2 Bracers
+4 Feats
+2 x2 extra BAB conditional

To Hit
5 wep
1 wf
5 special
2 extra special
11 str
11 min roll
+4 Feats
+3 BAB
-2 Penalty
+2 Flank It or Pop a Counter -2 BAB

01-////Monk 01.00 [Decisive Strike][Power Attack][Improved Unarmed Strike][Weapon Focus/Quarterstaff][Cleave]
02-Crusader [Martial Spirit Stance, Crusaders Strike, Leading the Attack, Vanguard Strike, Douse the Flames, Stone Bones]
03-Warblade [Punishing Stance, Moment of Perfect Mind, Charging Minotaur, Steel Wind][Toughness->Great Cleave at 5th]
04-Warblade [Wall of Blades]
05-Warblade [Action Before Thought]
06-Warblade [Absolute Steel Stance][Weapon Specialization/Quarterstaff]
07-Warblade [White Raven Tactics]
09-Warblade [Iron Heart Surge][Melee Weapon Mastery/Bludgeoning]
11-Warblade [Mind Over Body]
12-Warblade [Roots of the Mountain, Aura of Perfect Order][Martial Stance/Aura of Perfect Order]
13-Warblade [Quicksilver Motion]
15-Warblade [Ancient Mountain Hammer][Greater Weapon Focus]
17-Warblade [Diamond Nightmare Blade]
18-Warblade [DNB->Strike of Perfect Clarity, Strike of Righteous Vitality, Hearing the Air][Martial Study/Strike of Righteous Vitality]

Iron Heart
Devoted Spirit
Diamond Mind
Stone Dragon

Sense Motive
2 languages and thereafter Diplomacy


Retrain Feodoric Smee

Warlock 8
Warblade 1
Warlock 9



01-Point Blank Shot
01-Precise Shot
03-Spell Penetration
06-Improved Spell Penetration
09-Weapon Finesse
12-Martial Study [Burning Blade]
15-Improved Precise Shot
18-Arcane Mastery

Get Chausible of Fell Power, Greater

Lomanon Totempol [Aberrant Human]

Was a commoner, retrained into warblade after being kicked out of a Keldoram mining city militia peon job [Carry miners equipment around] due to budget cuts with reduced mine output. City was abandoned a year or so ago after the mine closed down due to being completely tapped out. Has a badge to prove service but it's not really worth much as it's actually even lower than the lowest normally possible rank (it doesn't have the yellow chevron on it that even the lowest rank has).
Cleric 17 [Alteration Domain (Spontaneous), Travel Domain]
Contemplative 1 [Kobold Domain]


01-Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
01-Weapon Proficiency (Greatsword)

+5 Amulet, +5 Ring, +5 Chain Shirt, +5 Animated Heavy Shield
+1 Flaming, Frost, Shock Greatsword "Oxyclean"

Concentration 4
Knowledge [Religion] 4
Spellcraft 2
Speak Language: Baerahn

Triforce holy symbol

Languages: Keldoran, Baerahn

Sherlock Holmes (Wizard) [Nicknames me Watson]
18 intelligence
Knowledges, Search Max
Requisition aid of boards for help
Fighter 2
Ranger 2 Fast Movement
Barbarian 2 Bear Totem Whirling Frenzy
Swashbuckler 2
Warblade 2
Crusader 2
Dreadnought 2
Duskblade 2
Warrior 2

+3 Fort
+3 Fort +3 Ref
+3 Fort
+3 Fort
+3 Fort
+3 Fort
+3 Fort +3 Will
+3 Fort +3 Will
+3 Fort

+27 Fort, +3 Ref, +6 Will


Aberrant Human

Monk 1-2
Fighter 2-2
Rogue [FB] 2-2
Wizard [FB] 1-1
Cleric 1-2
Bear Totem Barbarian Ranger Var 2-3
Ranger Special Variant 4-4
Swashbuckler 1-1
Swordsage 1-1
Artificer 3-3

29 feats
Daring Weaponeer

d8 HD
Full BAB
Good Reflex Save
4+Int Skill Points

Proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons and Light armor but not with any shields.

Find the Weak Spot (Ex)

At 1st level, a daring weaponeer has a 25% chance per attack with his specialized weapon to ignore damage reduction. This chance improves to 50% at 3rd level, 75% at 6th level, and 100% at 9th level.

Specialized Training (Ex)

At 1st level, a daring weaponeer must choose a light weapon to specialize with over the course of his adventuring career (he may not change this choice later on). He gains the weapon focus feat for that weapon, is treated as having the weapon finesse feat for that weapon as long as he wears no heavier than light armor, and is treated as a fighter with level equal to his class level for the purpose of taking feats related to that weapon.

Graceful Fighter (Ex)

At 4th level, while using his specialized weapon and wearing no heavier than light armor, a daring weaponeer may add his dexterity bonus to damage rolls. At 8th level, the daring weaponeer ignores the maximum dexterity bonus for light armor that he wears.

Adaptive Fighter (Ex)

At 7th level, a daring weaponeer can deal uninhibited damage against even creatures and objects against which his specialized weapon would not work as effectively by virtue of mundane aspects of their form (such as swarms and oozes with a piercing weapon or rope with a bludgeoning weapon but not incorporeal creatures). Furthermore, when attacking a target with natural or worn armor while using his specialized weapon he adds a +2 on his attack roll. At 14th level, this bonus to attack rolls against natural or worn armor increases to +4.

Rapid Strike (Ex)

At 10th level, a daring weaponeer gains a single extra attack in a round at his highest bonus when making a full attack with his specialized weapon while wearing no heavier than light armor. At 20th level, he gains another extra attack in a round with his specialized weapon using the same rules as the first one granted by this ability.
Warforged Sorceror 17/Warblade 1
[Divine Companion Variant]
-Laziest SOB known to exist (Actually sleeps (or close to it - puts a cloth over ocular areas that falls off if he sits up) while resting to prepare spells)
-Was created with magical ability (sorcerer)
-Dishonorably Discharged due to Slacker Attitude
-Learns feats and skills just by natural ability
Toughness x9001

S-10 (02)
D-10 (02)
C-16 (06) +2
I-10 (02)
W-10 (04) -2
C-16 (16) -2

Get metamagic rods, momento magica, twilight enhancement on armor plating

Acid Splash
Detect Magic

Enlarge Person
Feather Fall


Abilities come with no effort
Warforged Warblade 16/Warlock 1/Crusader 1

Crusader 18
Neutral Good
12 years old

STR: 16 (10)
DEX: 10 (02)
CON: 18 (16)
INT: 10 (02)
WIS: 10 (02)
CHA: 08 (02)

Max Concentration
Max Diplomacy
5 ranks in balance
A lot of languages

01-Extra Granted Maneuver
03-Dragon's Toughness
06-Dragon's Toughness
09-Dragon's Toughness
12-Dragon's Toughness
15-Dragon's Toughness
18-Dragon's Toughness

04 CON
08 CON
12 CON
16 CON

+5 Soulfire Chain Shirt
+5 Heavy Shield
+5 Defending Gauntlet
Gauntlet of Rust
+6 Gloves Dex
+2 Book Dex
+1 Keen, Acidic Burst, Flaming Burst, Icy Burst, Shocking Burst, Thundering Heavy Pick
+6 Con Amulet
+4 Con Book
Wings of Flying
Boots of Teleportation
+1 Banishing Sap
Ring of Sustenance
Ring of Freedom of Movement
+4 Wisdom Book
+4 Charisma Book
+4 Strength Book
+4 Int Book
2 Physical Ability Score Charged Restorers
Helm of Underwater Action
Handy Haversack
Lesser Truedeath Crystal
+6 Strength Belt
Vest of the Archmagi
Crystal Mask of Mindarmor
Reciprocal Bracers

AC at 35

Bolstering Voice
Iron Guard's Glare
Aura of Perfect Order
Strength of Stone

Rallying Strike
Revitalizing Strike
Strike of Righteous Vitality
Mountain Tombstone Strike
White Raven Tactics
Greater Divine Surge
Supes (Retrain from skeletor myaah)

Crusader 18
Neutral Good
30 years old

STR: 16 (10)
DEX: 18 (00)
CON: 22 (16)
INT: 10 (02)
WIS: 10 (00)
CHA: 18 (04)

Max Diplomacy
Max Balance
A lot of languages

01-Extra Granted Maneuver (ToB)
06-Steadfast Determination
09-Iron Will
12-Indomitable Resolve
15-Air Elemental Heritage
18-Improved Flight (RotW)

04 CON
08 CON
12 CON
16 CON

+5 Soulfire Chain Shirt
+5 Animated Heavy Shield
Gauntlet of Rust
+1 Defending Gauntlet
+1 Keen, Acidic Burst, Flaming Burst, Icy Burst, Shocking Burst Heavy Pick
+6 Con Amulet
+4 Con Book
+4 Strength Book
+6 Strength Belt
Boots of Teleportation
+1 Banishing Sap
Ring of Sustenance
Ring of Freedom of Movement
2 Physical Ability Score Charged Restorers
Helm of Underwater Action
Handy Haversack
Lesser Truedeath Crystal
Reciprocal Bracers
Amulet of the Planes

AC at 35

Aura of Chaos
Iron Guard's Glare
Aura of Perfect Order
Strength of Stone

Rallying Strike
Revitalizing Strike
Strike of Righteous Vitality
Mountain Tombstone Strike
White Raven Tactics
Greater Divine Surge

Need 6000 xp for lvl 2

Crusader's Strike
Vanguard Strike
Leading the Attack
Stone Bones
Douse the Flames

Martial Spirit Stance

XP = 8075 xp
500 from retrain
APL 8 [Thomas Hunting Mod]
APL 2 [Baerahn housekeeping]
APL 4 [Fox in the fog]
APL 6 [Open the door, get on the floor, everyone fight the dinosaurs]
APL 6 [A sticky situation]
APL 2 [Ed Rescue]
APL 6 [Hunting]
APL 6 [Dragon Mod]
APL 4 [Chi Vampire]
APL 4 [Sewers]

Career Total: 9758 gp {after revives and re-equip}
-50 [Oil of Magic Weapon]
-80 [Desert Supplies for 2 people]
-20 [Alchemist Fire]
-2000 [+1 Enhancement]
-2300 [+1 Enhancement for Armor and Shield]
Current Amount = 4308 gp (Must save up 10k to res lizardfolk child who died to aberration)

Crusader 1/Barbarian 17
Dire Werebear (Natural) Killoren (Allowed to apply with DM access)
Neutral Good
30 years old

STR: 18 (16) (Max this)
DEX: 10 (02)
CON: 14 (06)
INT: 14 (06)
WIS: 10 (00)
CHA: 10 (02)

Knowledge (Nature)
A lot of languages

WRT through a feat later

Whatever I need

Martial Spirit Stance

White Raven Tactics
Warblade 7/Exotic Weapon Master 1/Crusader 1/Warblade 9

STR x2

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
Weapon Focus
Weapon Specialization
Greater Weapon Focus
Greater Weapon Specialization
Melee Weapon Mastery
Martial Study [Strike of Righteous Vitality]

10 attacks

32 STR

+5 BS of Speed and Collision

22 damage str
40 damage over 10 attacks
400 damage
250 damage if DR 15 (minimum

Worst attacks will be at
5 wep
4 feat
11 str
23 to hit

Cleric 8
Crusader 1
Swordsage 1
Cleric 9

Spontaneous Alteration Domain
Envy Domain

Shifting Defense
Ursarkar E. Creed

Crusader 1/Marshal 1/Battle Sorceror 16

Marshal 1/Battle Sorceror 7/Crusader 1/Battle Sorceror 9

Summon Monster at Each Level possible (at 6 swap for contingency when 8th unlocked)
Plane Shift at 7th
Dispel Magic Greater 6th
Contingency 6th
Teleport at 5th
Overland Flight 5th (retrain to permanency at 18th if necessary)
Polymorph 4th
Dimension Door 4th
Illusory Wall 4th Retrain
Haste 3rd
Fly 3rd
Tongues 3rd Retrain
Rope Trick 2nd
Alter Self 2nd
Web 2nd
Endure Elements 1st
Protection vs Evil 1st
Enlarge Person 1st

Retrain all summon monster except 8 into other stuff and use memento magica


Spirit Companion

1-Spell Focus (Conjuration)
3-Augment Summoning
6-Eschew Materials
9-Still Spell
12-Silent Spell
15-Transdimensional Spell
18-Rapid Spell

Concentration, Diplomacy
Alteration and Healing Domain Cleric (Spontaneous)
PrC for Travel Domain

Cleric 17 [Alteration Domain-S][Spell Domain]/Heirophant 1 (Spl Shapechange)
Neutral Good
12 years old

STR: 12 (10)
DEX: 10 (02)
CON: 14 (16)
INT: 10 (02)
WIS: 10 (02)
CHA: 18 (02)

Max Concentration
Max Diplomacy
5 ranks in balance
A lot of languages

Anyspell a ropetrick and use a rod of extend.


4,8,12,16 WIS


Cleric 17/Hierophant 1

Spontaneous Alteration Domain
Travel Domain

Scribe Scroll
Eschew Materials

Monk 1
Warblade 1 (Punishing Stance)
Ranger 12
Fighter 4

Water Splitting Stone
Sense Weakness
Weapon Specialization
Weapon Focus
Melee Weapon Mastery

Bypass 9 points of DR


8 attacks
Warblade 1/Crusader 1/Warblade 16

Martial Stance feat for Aura of Perfect Order
Martial Study feat for Strike of Righteous Vitality

Strike of Perfect Clarity as much as possible

Feats for a particular weapon (greatsword)


2013-05-15, 09:53 PM
1st. My most original character I've never yet played is Klaus the Warforged Warlock who may or may not be a gnome in a powersuit.
Just never had the right kind of campaign to run him

2nd: I actually ran this character for a little bit, but never got to finish his story
Straight Pathfinder Summoner who's Eidelon is a genie
He's a 16 year old kid who was an orphan till he was taken in by a jeweler and taught his trade. One day a mysterious stranger sells him a ring that contains said genie inside who grants him magic powers and tells him he is going to adventure and become a hero. He was on a quest to find out who his real family was when the campaign ended.

2013-05-15, 09:59 PM
Lately I've been wanting to play a Monk/Cleric with a focus on touch spells. I still haven't bothered looking up if that'd work with flurry of blows though. I probably should, but... Yeah.

Probably go Githzerai as the race because it's been a while since I've played with any cheese in a game. Or someone showed me a build where I could become a Lich at level 11 despite dipping into Monk for 4 levels. So yeah, either a Githzerai Monk/Cleric, or a Monk/Cleric Lich. Either one seems like it'd be fun, cheesy as heck, but fun.

I've also always wanted to play an assassin... In any edition to be honest. Not even a broken assassin, just a run of the mill assassin. I'm not sure how/why I've never played one, but all I know is I want to. lol

2013-05-16, 02:17 AM
On character concept a monk rogue would be cool, but severely lacking in the mechanics department.

Sadly my rogue / monk / sorcerer / enlightened fist / arcane trixter was turned down for being overpowered. Even sadder - in my group it was overpowered.

2013-05-16, 05:33 AM
nowdays i really want to play a necromancer (DN or cleric), but the campaigns/groups never has room for necromancy and pc's controlling undeads. :smallfrown:

2013-05-17, 04:48 PM
I'd like to play a Spellfire wielder. It's an interesting mechanic that often gets overlooked.

2013-05-17, 05:54 PM
Well, I've been playing a cleric who thus far only dabbles in necromancy, and isn't built around it at all(to be honest I spread that cleric pretty thin, and try to do way too many things with the one guy). So I'd probably like to make a cleric whose main thing is necromancy.

I also want to play as a dragon.

And I keep wanting to give Psion a try, but can never bring myself to go through all the psion material.

And this is more a campaign than character but I would LOVE to be in an evil campaign(with Neco cleric maybe) parallel to another good aligned group in the same campaign world with the two groups actively working against each other. I think that would be awesome if it was done right.

2013-05-17, 06:25 PM
This character is unplayable not because it's mechanically weird, or too optimized, or because the concept is silly or it wouldn't be effective or fit in to a DM's setting. Rather, I'll never get to play it because I'll never find a group in which the roleplaying would work.

Basically, I realized awhile back that Melf's Unicorn Arrow is actually a pretty decent spell to put Arcane Thesis on. From there, it was the observation that a lot of nice spells involve rainbows (Color Spray, Prismatic stuff).

This all built up to the concept of a Sorceror with Arcane Thesis: Melf's Unicorn Arrow who specializes in spells involving rainbows, glitter, and unicorns. The character would be flamboyantly, campily, enthusiastically gay, complete with a lisp. The build doesn't use much in the way of cheese, and would be solidly effective despite being able to argue for almost every power on thematic grounds. To a non-optimizer, the concept doesn't even seem particularly potent. Thus, it's the perfect way to sneak a solidly powerful but not disruptive character into a low-powered campaign.

The problem, as mentioned, is the roleplaying. I'm never going to find a group that's not either too homophobic for the character to be run without making people uncomfortable, or too enlightened for the character to be run without people being offended, and even if I did the people would have to know me pretty well before I could consider running it, at which point the whole "sneak optimization" element wouldn't work.

2013-05-17, 11:21 PM
One of these day's I'd like to put together a build that only needs Cha and gets some decent buffing form spells and use of martial maneuvers, and has the most absolutely disgustingly high Cha possible, probably through excessive template stacking.

I also think it might be fun to play a semi socially savvy character with decent healing ability's.

On and Ubermount build.

2013-05-17, 11:57 PM
Make an entirely random character.

Get a spreadsheet with all the Races. Roll to determine race.
Roll all stats.
Spreadsheet with all classes. Roll for class at each level.
Roll for each feat. Reroll if you don't qualify (this one would probably take a long time).
-----> If you roll for a feat like Skill Focus, roll to determine what the focus is.
Roll for every spell level.

Man on Fire
2013-05-20, 05:25 PM
Apparently my built of Kung Fu Bear may be too weird for most of DMs.

t exmplain ,this build was:
Monk 2/Half-Orc Paragon 3/Drunken Master 2/Fist of the Forest 3/Bear Warrior 5/Warshaper 5

Apparently idea of Drunken Bear delivering kung fu kicks is too silly.

2013-05-20, 07:15 PM
One of these day's I'd like to put together a build that only needs Cha and gets some decent buffing form spells and use of martial maneuvers, and has the most absolutely disgustingly high Cha possible, probably through excessive template stacking.

I also think it might be fun to play a semi socially savvy character with decent healing ability's.

On and Ubermount build.

Is it strange that I would recommend Healer for this?

2013-05-20, 07:17 PM
Shadow Template Changeling Psychic Rogue named Mellisandra.

She was going to be my replacement character after my Soulknife went down
'Heroically Holding the Enemies back for 'just a few seconds' with some hefty character development, but then the game died.

She's an orphan that walked the planes, favoring the plane of shadows so much that it eventually warped her, until finding the party. She's been a spy for a long time, and is conveniently currently between jobs, and has a lust for adventure and intrigue.

She doesn't even remember what her true form is at this point.

2014-12-05, 05:40 PM
I've always wanted to play a character that starts as a Commoner, with a problem. He is cursed with some sort of uncontrollable Death Touch.
On the surface this clearly sounds like an attempt to power game, but I envision problems for the character. For one, he has no control over the power. What cleric would lay Healing Hands on someone that might kill them with a touch? Would a hero hanging from a cliff accept the helping hand of such a cursed individual? What Villains wouldn't give there left ...uh there lieutenants left arm for such an ability? And how far would they go to get their hands on someone with that ability?
And the curse isn't reliable. He can't make it work. It either does, or doesn't kill, with no reason he can deduce. He can't assume it will kill some thing automatically, and he is dead set against using this abominable power in any event. And I'm sure there are other problems.
But the main idea here is not his potential for killing, but the role playing twist. I tell the GM right up front, "He does NOT want this power, and he does NOT seek to 'control' it. He has been cast out of his home, and out of his village. He has no one to turn to, and no where to go. Any town would bar him entrance and they would be just in doing so."
I envision the party of adventurers happening upon this poor sorry soul who is all decked out in black robes, inscribed with warnings: BEWARE, CURSED, and similar. He is on a journey to get as far away from people as he can, so as to end the killing. I imagine the PCs taking pity on him, and either help him find a way to end the curse, or help him find a place where he can live in peace.
I know the "obvious" answer would be a simple Remove Curse spell (or similar). The assumption here, however, is that such a thing simply would not work. Otherwise, it would not be such a problem.

2014-12-05, 05:48 PM
Play a Favoured Soul of some Random deity
Make an old school table of your spells to determine which you cast
Roll Dice

Ed: Also, Thread Necromancy.

2014-12-05, 05:58 PM
Human Saint Apostle of Peace. I love the fluff, but most DM's complain either about:
Saint's power as a +2 template, or Vow of Nonviolence's restriction on party members not killing humanoids/monstrous humanoids, or Vow of Peace's calming aura.

2014-12-05, 06:13 PM
Anything I dm.

Manly Man
2014-12-05, 07:39 PM
-insert fruitcake Sorcerer idea here-

Honestly, I would have let him in a campaign of mine, even if the rainbow themes and stuff ring optimization bells for the experienced (I actually knew pretty much from the start that if a spell had prismatic in it, it was powerful, and that was when I first read the First Edition Player's Handbook (I was about five or six at the time)). I just like the flavor so much, because it's pretty obvious that someone who's that sheerly campy is eitehr a fake, or just overdoing it.

Relatedly, I went and made a character for a campaign with a DM I found out was a homophobe. I made a dwarf Paladin that followed a goddess of love, and he was a complete and utter BEAR of a dwarf. Professed his love towards his comrades and his bedmates, some of them being both at once. Looked something like the one on the top, but with a chainmail vest. (http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130527024329/dragons-crown/images/3/34/DC_-_Dwarf_Pile_by_George_Kamitani.jpg)

Needless to say, that DM didn't DM for very long after that.

2014-12-06, 11:23 AM
I've had this idea for a necropolitan Apostle of Peace/Ruby Knight Vindicator follower of wee jass with a crapton of turn attemps(Maybe even Saint thrown in, not too sure now) whom I once used as a temple guardian. Not the unbeatable kind, he just sat there to make sure no blood was spilled in Wee Jass' temple, and conducted people outside :smallbiggrin:.

Loved how it was a really strong cameo appearance, but as much fun as it was, it'd be likely a pain to play in a party for a reasonable amount of time.

2014-12-06, 12:15 PM
Draconic Tiefling Lion Spirit Totem Barbarian/Paladin/Vassal of Bahamut. I thought this build up as a backup character for a RHoD run through but she never saw action. She rode around on a Drakkensteed and Dual Wielded lances and was, in general, an absurd heavy hitter.

Jeff the Green
2014-12-06, 12:21 PM
From a similar thread:

A sharn (ECL 9, casts as Sorcerer 6/Favored Soul 6 but as SLAs, gets two extra standard actions a round and 9 attacks on a full attack) Spell Sovereign with a blade of pain and fear living spell familiar to give him a bunch of instances of the spell to force nine saves versus fear every round.
A Vecna Blooded Shadow Walker Shadow Creature Riddled Child of Nature Mercury Dragon Wymling RHD 3/Warlock 1/Dragonfire Adept 1/Beguiler 2/Cloistered Cleric 1/Shadow Adept 1//Sorcerer 1/Archivist 1/Mystic Theurge 7 named β-Cinnabar of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysilio gogogoch (possibly to replace the spellweaver if he bites it). Mostly I was trying to break my DM's Player/Character/Race/Class table in as many ways as I could and I doubted the forum administrators would let me make my user name long enough.
A changeling Spell Sovereign who can swap out the spell his living spell familiar is every round as the familiar's full-round action.
A yak folk Erudite/Walker in the Waste, except with a yak folk monster class that is basically an Artificer that only works with spell trigger items and a cold, psionic adaptation of WitW. Named གཡག་ རིན་པོ་ཆེ (G'Yag Rinpoche, Tibetan for "revered yak").
A cleric of Ilmater with the Heretic of the Faith feat who believes that since suffering purifies and humbles the soul so it can focus on helping others, it's his duty to torture aristocrats.
A son of the aristocracy/soldier who quit because he became disgusted with the nobility's abuse of the commonfolk, went to live in a disadvantaged neighborhood and fix things, and then made a Faustian bargain he thought was a servant of Tyr (using this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?186362-The-Dark-Saint-PrC-(PEACH)) PrC) and now is on the slippery slope downward.
A Shadowcaster//Factotum thrall to the Queen of Air and Darkness.
An archaeologist with a spirit of intellect grafted onto his brain.
An awakened cat that focuses on fear effects—including Perform (caterwauling—get it? :smalltongue:) to Inspire Awe, some feats to make anyone hit by his spell frightened with no save, and a really impressive Intimidate bonus.
A vampire that got stuck in a dungeon and survived by calling up demons and eating them.
A twisted Princess Jasmine (http://jeftoon01.deviantart.com/art/Twisted-Princess-Jasmine-105058755).
A were-gerbil.

2014-12-06, 01:46 PM
The Winged Mod: Closed due to thread necromancy, but feel free to start a new thread if you want to discuss this further. (Though it might be better suited in the main Roleplaying Games forum.)