View Full Version : Temple of Elemental Evil conversion.

2013-05-13, 08:59 AM
Hey folks,

A few friends of mine are thinking about starting the Temple of Elemental Evil module, and I know there is a conversion for that so we can play with d&d 3.5 rules. I don't have any experience with the module itself. If I am to be the one that will DM the module, I'd like to know a few things. I was wondering if anyone has played the module, and in particular the 3.5 conversion.

If my entire group will play, we'll be having a DM and 5 players. We'll start out at lvl 1. What kind of point system do you recommend for this campaign? And what sources would you allow? I've heard it's a rather difficult module, but I don't want the players to powerplay very badly.

Let me know what your opinions are, I could use the help. Thanks in advance.


2013-05-13, 09:22 AM
I assume you mean 1st Ed. AD&D T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil. ENworld had a 3.5 conversion for it. I don't know if they still do. A bit of googling may turn it up if it's not on that site anymore. Do realizes there is also a 3.0 Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil as well. That would of course entail the standard 3.0 update rules.

2013-05-13, 09:46 AM
I assume you mean 1st Ed. AD&D T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil. ENworld had a 3.5 conversion for it. I don't know if they still do. A bit of googling may turn it up if it's not on that site anymore. Do realizes there is also a 3.0 Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil as well. That would of course entail the standard 3.0 update rules.

I've GM'd a group part of the way through the (converted to 3.5) 1st edition version, My first thought would be to mention that there is a lot of paper shuffling involved of trying to keep track of everything. (the conversion doesn't give stats for SRD monsters, just tells you what they are and maybe gives a page reference.

The process went something like: Ok, you see a room in front of you (hmm, room 39A, find reference in original module, read out flavour text, look up room in conversion, look up monsters in monster manual).

We really quite enjoyed the module so far but when we finished the floor we rotated GMs so I won't finish running it for a few years yet.

2013-05-13, 10:44 AM
Thanks both for the quick replies. I think it might be worth playing the original campaign, since it starts from lvl 1. I could ask a friend to help me DM it together. That leaves more time for actually playing and less time for having to look up everything. Rotating DM's seems like a good idea as well to keep it interesting. It's a pretty long adventure.

I'd like to know if you could play this as an evil party, and which point buy would be appropriate.

Thanks again!

2013-05-13, 10:51 AM
I'd like to know if you could play this as an evil party, and which point buy would be appropriate.

I don't see why not, there are plenty of plot hooks written in for allying with various evil factions. My group refused to ally with evil but we tend to play good characters most of the time.

I don't have any recommendations to point buy 28 worked out ok for my group, You may prefer higher or lower.