View Full Version : Cryptic Help (Pathfinder)

2013-05-13, 02:36 PM
Alright, I'm pretty new to trapping classes in general as I've not been into pathfinder as long as 3.5, but can anyone give some general words on the Cryptic?


I'm designing a combat trapper class (lays magical runes on terrain) and I'm looking for some balance referencing.

2013-05-17, 02:41 PM
My understanding is that the Cryptic trap abilities are not of the "drop in battle" type but rather the "Oh please don't let Tucker's kobold hordes take levels in this" type. Traps are not generally something you create during a fight. For that, look at the Ranger, Trapper kit.

2013-05-17, 02:47 PM
Quick Trapsmith and Fold Trap (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/cryptic/cryptic-insights) allow you to put out traps during the combat, and Swift Trigger from their Insights lets them set it off in the same round it's put out. They can also pick up Ranger traps with one of their Insights as well. They'd be pretty nasty at trapping during combat, if I ever bothered to learn all the different trapping rules. (My group and I barely ever deal with them.)

2013-05-17, 04:02 PM
You're trapping the floor, but really, you're only trapping yourself.