View Full Version : Elemental Grafts.

2013-05-14, 02:16 AM
So I wanted some of these. But some seem oddly hard hitting for pitiful returns. Like this.
standard action to activate or deactivate 20ft fly (perfect).
-2 con always.
-4 spot, search, listen, hide, move silently when fly is active.
also costs 58k or 29k to make.

That hardly seems worth the fly. That wouldn't even get you out of range of anything that is really dangerous. It seems useless.

Now the water grafts are amazing for just a few hit points and just two points of dex. That might hurt some builds. But most it won't hurt too much for what you get. and mind you its way cheaper for all three grafts then just the one air graft I am talking about. 30k or 15k to make. want to know what the water ones give you.

1- 20% concealment, hide anytime underwater, and unlimited underwater breathing. for 6hp and -2 dex. This ones kind steep too.
2- auto stabilize any friendly(does not say it has limited use), cure fatigue, exhaustion, nauseated, paralyzed, sickened, or stunned by... breathing on them (also has unlimited use), and stops you and them from getting dehydrated by breathing on them and stops all spells that do that from working on you(also unlimited use). such as horrid withering. for 4 hp. desert campaigns will love this one.
3-Always under freedom of movement underwater and when going through deep bogs and shallow river type terrain. +2 damage vs things in at least 1ft of water with you. again a tiny 4hp.
4- all three of these grafts together give you the added bonus of 30ft swim. that gives you a +8 on swims as well as all swim speeds do.

NOw the air ones give you a bonuses for multiples too. +5 land speed after you have two. +10 at three and +15 at four the max.

But the abilites seem almost beyond nerfed. I mean one lets you bullrush someone from a distance its okay. one lets you blind. its okay. but the biggest one sucks to get. and its bonus for all of them is kind lame.

also all elemental grafts have elemental flesh on their list. 50% fortification and 50% stun resist. Not that big of a deal I don't think. I tend to have these anyway for way cheaper.

also these bonuses for having more then one cancel each other out if you take earth and air or water and fire. so your stuck with with only taking from two groups. I would take the earth ones but they slow you down in a few ways. Fire only gives you Initiate and reflex bonuses for multi. earth gives you DR. I was just wondering if anyone has used these things. I mean for flavor the grafts are awesome. but function on some is lame and underpowered. I was curious if these were increased or changed would it change the balance that much?