View Full Version : creating a sonic boom {any}

2013-05-14, 06:28 AM
so guys here is something i have been wondering about. is it possible to make a character able to move fast enough in one round to create a sonic boom?

by my calcualtions the character would have to be able to move about 6000 feet in one round wither or not they really move that amount.

the floor is open to anything from any combination of books, d&d and pathfinder. i know there is a monk thing in pathfinder that lets them move at 10x the movement speed so that means that you only need to get the speed up to about 600 feet per round

anyway the challenge has been put out cant wait to see what comes up

Fouredged Sword
2013-05-14, 06:43 AM
Somewhere out there someone built a cleric that could move an arbitrary distance in a round. Something based on persisting a buff that you can expend all at once for a boost to speed based on the remaining rounds left in the buff.

Because you extended the duration to 14400 rounds you got going very, very fast. And then you use travel devotion to make a move action and a run action in one round, going 5 times that distance.

Then there is the PP mitigation linked hustle psion. You can get an unlimited number of move actions cascading from round to round. You can use any number of PP mitigation and generation tricks to make this unlimited in use.

Ether way, sound travels instantly in 3.5, so breaking the sound barrier is impossible. This is another physics oddity, on top of Pi=4 and gravity not being related with mass.

2013-05-14, 06:54 AM
Chuck E. Cheese, I think the build was. Or Jack B. Quick, maybe.

2013-05-14, 07:00 AM
"Ether way, sound travels instantly in 3.5, so breaking the sound barrier is impossible. This is another physics oddity, on top of Pi=4 and gravity not being related with mass."

actually in d&d they use LB which already has gravity factored into it. and for all normal game play sound would be instantaneous considering it moves so dam fast. as for the whole pie=4 it depends on the movement grid system your using. i have seen a grid system that got close to pie=pie

2013-05-14, 07:01 AM
A Hasted catfolk monk of the four winds Level 20 using his ki pool to increase his speed has a base land speed of 140 feet. 30 (normal bonus) +30 (Haste) + 60 (fast movement) + 20 (Ki pool) . So when making a sprint using the aspect of the tiger it sums up 140 x 10 making it 1400 feet per round. He gains additional 10 feet movement bonus from the ratial trait Sprinter. Now we have a running speed of 1410 ft. per round. Using the Slow Time to gain 3 aditional move actions we can reach 4230 ft. Astonishing but still not enough. This is only if my calculations are not wrong and my knowledge of the rules is not misleading me.

2013-05-14, 07:08 AM
It's certainly possible for a bloodstorm blade throwing something with a decent range increment and making multiple attacks. The thrown and returning weapon is the thing that goes supersonic, not the character.

2013-05-14, 07:11 AM
How's this?

Also, if anyone wants to see the rocks-fall version of that concept, let me know. :smallwink:

2013-05-14, 08:57 AM
"Ether way, sound travels instantly in 3.5, so breaking the sound barrier is impossible. This is another physics oddity, on top of Pi=4 and gravity not being related with mass."

actually in d&d they use LB which already has gravity factored into it. and for all normal game play sound would be instantaneous considering it moves so dam fast. as for the whole pie=4 it depends on the movement grid system your using. i have seen a grid system that got close to pie=pie

Stop, you're making me hungry.

2013-05-14, 09:05 AM
"Ether way, sound travels instantly in 3.5, so breaking the sound barrier is impossible. This is another physics oddity, on top of Pi=4 and gravity not being related with mass."

actually in d&d they use LB which already has gravity factored into it. and for all normal game play sound would be instantaneous considering it moves so dam fast. as for the whole pie=4 it depends on the movement grid system your using. i have seen a grid system that got close to pie=pieWhat's LB?

2013-05-14, 10:15 AM
Become size fine and have your self at the end of a whip. Have someone crack the whip and you have helped to create a sonic boom.