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View Full Version : A meeting between the shadows

Vixsor Lumin
2013-05-14, 11:13 AM
The Tankard of Moonlight. It was a busy place, full of the hustle and bustle of the cities workers after a long day. It was a noisy place, the perfect place to find a secluded corner and speak without being heard.

In a corner that was out of the natural flow of traffic sat a small figure in mottled black and grey clothing. He held a mug in his hand and casually scanned the entrences.

2013-05-14, 02:05 PM
The door to the Tankard opens and a half dozen men enters, all talking loudly and laughing. From the clothes and pieces of conversation one is able to pick up it's fairly evident that they belong to a recently arrived merchant caravan.

The group almost moves as one towards the bar, not bothering to apologize for any toes trampled or card games disturbed on the way. As the loudest of the lot starts to shout out orders to the bartender one individual steps back from the group and looks around for a moment before noticing the small figure in the corner. The newcomer nods slightly before turning back to the bar and ordering a bottle of wine and two glasses. Then he walks over to the other.

"Silver?" He asks, his voice gentle, barely audible over the sound of the crowd. His hands, meanwhile, move in a quick pattern, asking more questions.
"Order Alliance? Alone? Danger?"

A waitress walks over with the previously ordered bottle and glasses and the man hands her a few coins for her trouble before sitting down and pouring himself some. He holds up the other glass in a questioning manner towards the other figure.
"A drink?"

Vixsor Lumin
2013-05-14, 10:41 PM
"Hello Rhaeb. Thank you." Silver says with a smile and a nod. His fingers quickly flash out the words "Yes. Yes. Not for now." he takes the offered drink and takes a quick sip. "It's nice to finally meet you. It would appear that we are going to be working together quite a bit." He smiles at Rhaeb and held up his copy of the message that stated that they were to be partners, with out pulling it all the way fron his cloak. He quickly glances over to the enterence as another loud group barges in to the bar. Without taking his gaze from them, his fingers whir out the question "Your specialities?"

2013-05-15, 12:07 PM
Having filled Silver's cup Rhaeb continues.
"Yes, that was my impression as well. I am not sure what my superiors have in mind, but I suspect that we will find out soon enough."

He puts down the bottle and while pretending to adjust his collar he continues the silent discussion.
"Espionage. Killing. You?"

He follows Silver's gaze over to the entrance and smiles.
"I also understand that we share a common skill, you and I. I haven't worked with someone so like me before. I rather look forward to it."

Vixsor Lumin
2013-05-15, 12:33 PM
He smiles as well and looks back at Rhaeb. "Likewise. I am excited for our future together. Although ill have to admit that i've only just made initiation, so i dont have much in the way of real experience." he drums his fingers on the table making subtle symbols. "Stealth, archery, and theft."

He glances down at his hands as if just noticing that they have been moving almost constantly. "I'm sorry," he laughs "Apparently I'm more nervous about this meeting than I thought I was." he adds to excuse his apparent fidgeting.

He quickly places his glass to his mouth and takes a small drink.