View Full Version : Strangest Character You've Ever Played

2013-05-14, 06:44 PM
So, let's talk about the characters that have made the rest of your group go "Wha?!"

The weirdest characters you've ever made, bonus points for being completely accidental until you realize something was fishy with them.

I just started a high-powered campaign. 32 point buy, and to encourage our boring players to roll something other than "Human", the DM allowed a +4 LA to be completely subtracted, and any remainder to be bought off as per Unearthed Arcana.

I rolled on my alignment and gender and saw I was a Lawful Good Female, and was designated the Wizard of the group.

I decided the easiest thing to do would be to add the Half-Celestial template to a base race (I decided Gnome so I could go for Shadowcraft Mage), and since I had volunteered for "hard core", needing to remember to eat and drink each day (and pay attention to carry capacity), I decided to drop the "Native" from the usually Native Outsider race. I would be born on Mount Celestia.

Because of the campaign setting I was emailed about, I decided to worship Bahamut, and took a Wyrmling dragon familiar.

Now, let me spell this out laconically.

I was a small winged bookish female Lawful Good magic student of Celestia raised in an idyllic golden city on a mountain with a baby dragon assistant.

I don't think I'd ever O_O ed so long in my life when my DM pointed that out to me.

Oh, and it doesn't end there.

Furthermore, we house-rule that Gnomes can always talk to Burrowing Animals, not to mention the whole half-blooded Outsider who is a Shadow Magic user thing. I also bought a Scroll of Permanency for 8875g and used it on an Arcane Sight I cast, changing her eye color to glowing blue.

Blonde blue-eyed flying girl that can talk to Squirrels... that sounds vaguely familiar... http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash4/277146_303325273085018_1381075780_q.jpg

Good-aligned Half-Outsider shadow magic user. Hmm... http://a.deviantart.net/avatars/t/e/teentitans-raven-plz.jpg?2

Let's just say the DM told me to change my character's name to Tara. I couldn't blame him.

So, anybody ever have any experiences like that?

2013-05-14, 07:12 PM
While not "Whaa.." material exactly, I did have a similar moment.

It was a lower powered campaign under a DM friend who REALLY hates optimizing (for reasons I won't get into) so I created a human ranger who fought with a bastard sword and hunted with his pet hawk.

He was a reserved invidiual, wise but quiet, a ferocious warrior nonetheless. He had been plucked from his home at a young age in a slave raid and from there is where he gained his martial skill.

My DM reads over my character sheet and my backstory and goes..."So, you're basically playing Tristan from 'King Arthur'?"

I sat back in my chair, amused but slightly confused. Yup. Pretty much.


2013-05-14, 07:15 PM
While not "Whaa.." material exactly, I did have a similar moment.

It was a lower powered campaign under a DM friend who REALLY hates optimizing (for reasons I won't get into) so I created a human ranger who fought with a bastard sword and hunted with his pet hawk.

He was a reserved invidiual, wise but quiet, a ferocious warrior nonetheless. He had been plucked from his home at a young age in a slave raid and from there is where he gained his martial skill.

My DM reads over my character sheet and my backstory and goes..."So, you're basically playing Tristan from 'King Arthur'?"

I sat back in my chair, amused but slightly confused. Yup. Pretty much.


Yup, that's the kind of thing I'm asking about, I'm just not sure what a better title/intro should be.

2013-05-14, 07:23 PM
Never actually played it, but I very recently built a vampire monk character that turned into Slenderman. He was a Changeling (pale face), had the Aberration Blood=>Inhuman Reach and Willing Deformity=>Deformity (Tall) feats, so he had abnormally long arms and legs, and his levels in Warshaper let him grow tentacles if he wanted to. I was very amused when I realized.

2013-05-14, 10:53 PM
Chicken Infested/Weresheep Commoner w/ Aberrant Heritage and Deepspawn. Got to be a tentacle sheep that I think could fly but I dont remember how.:smalltongue:

2013-05-14, 11:12 PM
1/2 styx dragon awakened spider monkey necromancer

2013-05-14, 11:46 PM
Not mine personally, but one of the players in my campaign. He played as a changeling beguiler/chameleon with multiple personalities. Every in universe day he showed up as a different character who was convinced they were really someone else. Each of his personas were part of a powerful shadowy conspiracy consisting of just him/herself. He ended up messing up the campaign bigtime when he showed up as his "Ditzy Cleric Girl" persona on the day we really needed help solving a murder mystery. Shame we hadn't discovered factototum yet, we could have been even crazier.

2013-05-14, 11:47 PM
In one really out there campaign that never got of the ground i wrote up a character that was essentially enough scars and tatoos to cover a human body that were magically animated, classed as a warblade.

When I showed the DM the character sheet and said "I see you have played Planescape: Torment recently. All i'm seeing here is 'The Nameless one, except only his hideous bodily damage'".

And for the three sessions we played this guy was the most fun i have had with a character in ages.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-15, 12:32 AM
Hmmm. I played a gestalt Dread Necromancer//Paladin (yes, LG paladin)/Bard, with levels of sandshaper, walker in the waste, virtuoso, and sublime chord, who had a dryad cohort.

He was very lawful good, actually.

2013-05-15, 12:51 AM
Half-fiend Half-Celestial (Human).

Parents died and were trapped in his two thinanum weapons. The souls being trapped weirdly would either Sell them to Hell (devil) or save them to celestia (angel).

Could hear them through the weapons (was a TWFighter) called his weapons mother and father and talked to them though no one else could hear them. Constantly trod between light and dark. Had a gold colored eye and a red one. Everyone thought he was nuts. LN.

And then there was the dream warrior.

Used combat form from PHB2. fluffed it as a dreamlike trance. Had the power to planeshift into dreamscape. Did Inception type stuff.

2013-05-15, 01:40 AM
I once played Professor Hawking in AD&D.

It was a point buy, all ability scores starting from 3. We had about 5th-level characters.

"Professor Hawking" had the minimum physical scores and had some major flaws too. He couldn't get to his room in the tavern, because it was upstairs and he didn't have any spells prepared for a safe journey to upstairs. Yes, he was a single-class wizard.

He died by falling off a boat and drowned. The shore wasn't far away. I simply didn't have any spells at all for maritime adventuring.

2013-05-15, 01:57 AM
My strangest would have to be the Bard/Soulforger* I played in a friend's campaign. He started out as a rogue styled after a ninja... but he was forced to kill his girlfriend (she was possessed by the big-bad and killing the rest of the party)... and that drove him out of his mind.

After that I convinced the DM to let me redo him as a bard (his skills and stats were similar enough that the difference was minimal outside the spellcasting) - we roleplayed it as his insanity unlocking some latent power he didn't know he had.

He used this power for... questionable ends - creating angelic clones of aforementioned girlfriend over and over; but (as noted below) they were always flawed and would become murderously insane after awhile and he'd have to put them down.

Honestly I kinda want to play that character again now that I'm thinking of it; I'm quite a bit better roleplayer now than I was then... wonder how he'd play as a Summoner in PF... hrm...

At any rate though it was a strange one. Shame that campaign died, it would have been nice to give him some resolution.

*I think that's the name, it's a 3.0e third-party splatbook prestige class that lets you create life from nothing... with the caveat that as you lack divine power your creations are inherently doomed to eventually go insane - you can slow this process by sacrificing money to keep your minions sane for awhile longer.

Cyan Wisp
2013-05-15, 03:06 AM
As a player, my characters almost always have dark pasts, secret identities or stage names. But otherwise, they are pretty normal. I actually like playing single classes, mildly optimised, with an exciting, but credible, backstory.

However, as a DM, the strangest thing I have endured is...

... [1E] A box of Rot Grubs, collectively known as Gerald.

Funny for the first few minutes, but...:smallsigh:

2013-05-15, 04:14 AM
Half-Celestial Warforged Paladin with Ranged Smite and firearms.

It wasn't long into the game that his nickname became "Wing Zero".

2013-05-15, 04:24 AM
A Norse samurai/ninja chef is probably one of my oddest.
He wields either a pair of wakizashi in a niten-kendo style, or vegetable cleavers, chef's knives, or french rolling pins as weapons.
He's skilled at knowing obscure languages(such as Sasquatch, Aklo[Lovecraftian monster language] and Vegepigmy[weird little mushroom men, who communicate with morse code and grunting]), knowledge about random plants(often more so than druids, despite usually being a ninja or thief), and using any cooking tool that's not intended as a weapon, as a weapon(he even gets an extra bonus to hit with non-weapon things).
He can also use Naruto style substitution techniques.
He usually dresses in a Yukata and a Tartan Kilt, with geta for shoes, and a bandana worn on his head, while carrying a kitchen's worth of supplies strapped to his back.

Flame of Anor
2013-05-15, 04:56 AM



2013-05-15, 05:04 AM
Lawful evil Tibbit Beguiler named Mr Mephostophales

2013-05-15, 07:02 AM
Lawful evil Tibbit Beguiler named Mr Mephostophales

Why did you make him LE? If anything, he's more of a TN to NG.

Edit: Also, his name should be Mistoffelees. :smallbiggrin:

Flame of Anor
2013-05-15, 07:32 AM
Why did you make him LE? If anything, he's more of a TN to NG.

Edit: Also, his name should be Mistoffelees. :smallbiggrin:

Well, maybe Malroth was referring to the original name, Mephistopheles.

2013-05-15, 08:04 AM
Why did you make him LE? If anything, he's more of a TN to NG.

Edit: Also, his name should be Mistoffelees. :smallbiggrin:

It really should be Mr. Mess-o'-fleas.

2013-05-15, 08:34 AM
I joined a game briefly and it took me a while to realize that I was the only optimizer at the table and, not only that, but the only one who understood the rules.

The other players were 20th level (although not quite into epic rules yet from a touch of LA here and there), so I came in at 19th. For my own amusement, I took a huge LA for Werewolf Lord and went Barbarian (I forget the PrCs I went with to help offset the LA.) I recall that I met the PCs somewhere in Hell and that they were scared of fighting a Pit Fiend that came along, even though there was at least one 20th level paladin and another with Divine Rank 0. They were impressed when I did over 100 points of damage with a full attack action, which made me confused; I was later further confused when the guy with Divine Rank 0 complained about his saves all being in the single digits, which turned out to be him not adding his class saves in.

At any rate, it was later pointed out to me by someone in the game that I had made Albrecht (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/worldofdarkness/index.php?title=Jonas_Albrecht).

2013-05-15, 09:21 AM


No need for apologies. I am fallible :smallfrown:

2013-05-15, 09:39 AM
Human Chaos Mage (a la Quintessental Chaos Mage) named Harietta Ponce. Originally a level 5 with an Intelligent Quarterstaff named Dude (that was just what I called him habitually) that was afraid of everything, especially her own shadow. Helped out by one of my DM's old characters who ascended to godhood, she ended up surviving to level 24. Her Path of Chaos was the Path of Whispered Madness, so in the epic-level version of her the DM would roll a d20 to determine Hari's personality at any given time.

Never got to roleplay the end of her story, but what I had envisioned was her absorbing the power of a (homebrewed) God of Chaos (she had already eaten a rift to Limbo), becoming Chaos Incarnate, then going back in time to turn herself from a regular human being into one whose soul was shackled to Chaos (herself).

This post doesn't do it justice. Hari was a boss (overpowered as crap, too), and is my favorite character I've ever played.

2013-05-15, 11:17 AM
A venerable human who was the "insane genius" (wizard) with Alzheimer's. Every round I rolled a d20 to see if I forgot what I was doing. Made for some interesting interactions.

Try negotiating with a Duke of a rival country only to roll a 1, realize you're very thirsty, and this guy in fancy clothes is talking about something, but hey, there's some wine on the other side of the room.... Why are these people yelling at me?

2013-05-15, 11:25 AM
Hmm... Not counting D&D, I've played a house plant and a dog (two separate games) in Rifts.

In D&D, I played a living breastplate.

2013-05-15, 11:31 AM
Back in the 2e days we made a two player game. I was a mute elven rogue and my partner was a blind dwarven warrior... with a crossbow. We had to rig up a way for me to cue him where to point his xbow. It involved a rope tied to him. Fun times!

Man on Fire
2013-05-15, 12:00 PM
Well, I have some.

There is Baran Dowan, alo known as "Little Dragon". neutral Good Desert Kobold, gestalt. Full mouther war veteran who dedicated his life to killing black dragon that murdered his commrades. On one side he is Warblade using spiked chain with weapon finese. Yup, not Swordsage - Warblade. On the other he is Dragonfire Adept. He wore leather helmet with face-protecting mask on hss face, because dragon marked him there as his toy.
Let me get this straight - he is descendant of dragons, who comes from far land with draconic powers, most of which are invocations and great combat abilities in face-protection and little-to-no armor.

Another one was my first character, Cleric of Helm. I got miniature of Minotaur, so I decided my cleric has been cursed into looking like one. He was drunk, through entire adventure he was acting like completely drunken maniac.

And now to one game I ubmitted Half-Orc Monk with levels in Drunken Master and Bear Warrior. I call him Kung Fu Bear.

But the one that really takes the tool was Nanny Grunch. tristalt game, I wanted to test my homebrews - this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240784) and this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13134515#post13134515) PrCs. I took them on two sides and went pure bard on fourth. Also, my character was an ogre, former member of orc invading forces, who now served as nanny and bodyguard to son of Gnoll senator. It was female ogre, wearing maid outfit, that wa either singing to cast spells or hulking out to unleash hell on every body who even looked at her funny. And wat wierded other players the msot were ranks in Craft (Sewing).

2013-05-15, 12:11 PM
The strangest concept I ever played was an island-hopping druid with a dire rat animal companion in a pirate game. That never seemed to be like inadvertently copying a character, though. I have intentionally tried to figure out builds for, say, an aquatic elf which also becomes a Lythari (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Lythari) with significant fighter levels and ranks of use magic device (Link from Twilight Princess with Zora armor) and a warlock/monk/enlightened fist punching with eldritch blast damage (Ganondorf from Super Smash Bros. Melee).

Closer to the original intent of the thread, however, there was a post I found years ago on the WotC forums where someone detailed the great backstory they had come up with for a non-standard character. It was a trumpet archon who had become stranded on the material plane with no memory of its past. It also grew into its power slowly while its adoptive mortal parents hid its origins from it, but brought it up with a strong sense of justice. Then the player scrapped the idea upon realizing...
the character was Superman.

2013-05-15, 12:48 PM
I was helping my buddy out with a build for a gestalt game. He wanted to be really sneaky and versatile, with a bit of a sherlock holmes vibe and so over the course of things I recommended Factotum. I don't remember what his other side was, but he was fairly durable. He either grabbed improved unarmed strike or had a 2-level monk dip.

I think he ended up grabbing knowledge (dungeoneering) and ended up looking into weapons that would increase his versatility. About half an hour after I pointed out that a whip would give him really good reach (with the caveat of no attacks of opportunity), so he could trip opponents while staying out of harm's way, we realized we'd made a durable, fistfighting, whip-cracking, dungeon-crawling academic skilled at avoiding traps. I wish I could remember the name, it ended up being something like mississippi fred or athkatla sam or something. Jonas "Cormyr" Harrison?

Then there was the time in our epic campaign we stepped back and realized that my sun Elf (Gestalt) Bladesinger Gish had unconsciously become the fusion of Gandalf and Sephiroth, complete with absurdly long sword (magically enhanced sword, just wanted reach at the time), nifty staff (before I found the runestaff rules, the only way to increase versatility further was Master Staff), powerful elven ring (part of a set of wedding rings), glowy wings (tinkering with epic buff spells, could lose the flight for other bonuses), Bardic Knowldege and Legend Lore (Diviner for bonus spells while only losing one school, one Bard level for skill reqs for Bladesinger), serious magical mojo (Gestalt = no casting loss), and ridiculous sword/staff/magic fighting style (had to blow a custom feat on it just cause I wanted to cast, have sword, use staff at same time, was done before Return of the King Gandalf came out).

2013-05-15, 12:49 PM
Well, I have some.

There is Baran Dowan, alo known as "Little Dragon". neutral Good Desert Kobold, gestalt. Full mouther war veteran who dedicated his life to killing black dragon that murdered his commrades. On one side he is Warblade using spiked chain with weapon finese. Yup, not Swordsage - Warblade. On the other he is Dragonfire Adept. He wore leather helmet with face-protecting mask on hss face, because dragon marked him there as his toy.
Let me get this straight - he is descendant of dragons, who comes from far land with draconic powers, most of which are invocations and great combat abilities in face-protection and little-to-no armor.

I think we have a competitor with me for "most epic coincidental character".

2013-05-15, 01:00 PM
While the character I was playing was a very deliberate Tron Bonne (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110220182614/megaman/images/3/37/Tronhappy.jpg) knockoff, it took a few sessions before anyone noticed that my cohort, Demitri, a warlock/rogue, had picked up a few magic items to enhance his Eldritch Blast damage, specifically the Chaucible of Fell Power (I always described it as a flowing scarf) and a gauntlet that I don't recall the name of that allowed him to change the energy type of his attack and stack on a few extra d6s a few times per day.

"So, what you're saying is, that you've got a cohort with a fancy scarf, who has a blaster-hand that changes to different elemental energy types (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100721143036/megaman/images/a/a8/Protoman10.png)?"

It was requested I pick up and start using a shield afterwards.

2013-05-15, 02:09 PM
Got invited to a fairly high level campaign and the DM said the party needed a tank so I decided I was gonna be try my hand at Paladin and prestige into Gray Guard.

I pick out my race and roll my stats. Goliath with nothing below a 16.

I go to equip him and I find Mechanus Gear from planar handbook. I make it out of Mithril and do a few other things to drop the armor check penalty. And enchant it with strength +4, 2/day 800 foot dimension door, and healing. Then i stick glyph seals all over it for some extra spells.

For my weapon I pick up a Goliath great hammer and enchant the **** out of it with every anti-demon thing I can dig up.

I hand the DM my character he looks it over and says "So let me get this strait. You have made 7 1/2 foot tall tattooed person with great stats and superhuman strength and con. Equipped him with a ridiculously tough suit of armor that is covered in magic holy symbols, enhances strength, teleport's you, and can heal you. You have a demon ban hammer and you have magic powers. Oh and you're a Gray Guard. You do realize what you've made right?"


2013-05-15, 03:06 PM
This was on purpose, but I did a scythe-weilding Goliath Kung Fu Genius Monk/Warblade who wore white robes. Had improved trip.

Hello, Zasalamel from Soul Calibur 3!

It worked pretty well too. A reach polearm would have been more optimal, but it had great saves, insane mobility, standard-action strikes, and an insane potential two-weapon fighting scythe flurry time stands still raging mongoose full attack at the high levels we never actually got to. It would have been 12+ attacks at highest base attack bonus -2 plus iteratives.

Drove the DM nuts.