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2013-05-15, 11:51 AM
47013 AR, Arodus, (August) Toilday (Tuesday) 1 PM

Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to rely on itself to solve its problems. Meanwhile, the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common folk for every last copper, deaf to their pleas. Now the hacking coughs of the sick are heard throughout town. The plague has come to Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders can’t be bothered to stop it.

The day was a hot and blistery one with the sun high above and nay but a tiny breeze. But people still had to work, and even if they didn't want to the Lumber Consortium would make sure they would. People went about their business, pretending things were normal even as loved ones succumbed to a sickness. Th Low Market was at a slight bustle as vendors tried to sell their third rate goods in hopes of earning coin, some hoping to earn enough to use on their ill loved ones for a cure.

The Rouge Lady was of course still in full business as usual, men spending their coin there to forget their misery for even a while and a hot touch. As usual the cruel Kabran Bloodeye was yelling at one of his girls as those inside this illicit establishment could hear.

For the less seedy, The Sitting Duck up to the north, the local hot spot for adventurers, explorers, and other rapscallions looking for excitement was doing fairly well business wise. At the moment two drunken townsfolk were heavily engaged in a game of knivsies.

Creeping ivy and full window boxes cover the façade of the rugged-looking, two-story shop bearing the faded sign “Roots and Remedies.” A line of twenty-some somber townsfolk—some with pale, wheezing children, others seeming to be precipitously near tears—stretches from the open door.

What are our PCs up to?

Map of Falcon's Hollow


2013-05-15, 03:17 PM
Finally forced to wear his chafing armor, Augustin Ferron nurses a pint at the Sitting Duck, keeping an ear out for any leads regarding his mission to the local ruins.



As he listens, he ponders if the Rouge Lady might be worth a visit on the way out of town.

2013-05-16, 04:01 PM
Unfortunately, Augustin would not hear anything specific about the Azlanti ruins he sought, but he would catch an exchange between two drunk laborers trying to arm wrestle, but in their drunken state it was pathetic looking.

"Oi!...I swear on me da's grave, my cousin told me how when he went out into the forest to take a leak while cutting sum' trees, workin', he found himself some weird carving...he thinks it some sort of relic...we thinks it could be something worth much coin..mebbe enough to leave this ***thole." One said with a slight slur as the other guy took advantage of his monologue to win the match.

2013-05-17, 12:25 AM
The dark-skinned dwarf trudged through town, his hood drawn up over his head. Anyone walking near him heard broken muttering and strange noises, causing most to steer clear of him. If one could see his eyes, however, they would notice those sharp chips of obsidian constantly sweeping the street, looking for any signs of a threat.

He had learned long ago to keep his eyes open when moving in and about the Hollow - too many unsavory types trying to take something that wasn't theirs. He kept on hand firmly on the enormous axe he carried over one shoulder, the other occasionally stroked his black beard, tucking the braids back into his belt. Pausing for a moment, he saw the opening to the Low Market ahead, as well as the sign for Goose'n'Gander to his right. The need for supplies had brought him to town, and this was the only place for anyone not in the Company's higher echelons.

A wafting odor on the wind caught his nose, however, stopping him in mid-stride. With a rumble above his belt, he glanced over at the inn to his left, Jak'a'Napes. Sighing, he turned to stomp over there - there wasn't any chance of his avoiding the place now that his stomach was set on Jak's famous griddle cakes.

Pushing through the door, the dwarf sought an empty table and thumped over, sitting down heavily. Waiting for a server, he rested his axe against the wall and pushed his hood back. Best you see ever crumb when Jak was making your food ... you didn't want to lose a single delicious bite.

Sorry for the delay - hopefully that's a good enough intro for now!

2013-05-17, 10:36 AM
Tarn stands outside Roots and Remedies watching the line of coughing and wheezing people with a look of annoyance on his face. Not necessarily at the people themselves, but at what they represented. That is...where his family was due to end up - his mother, anyway. His sister would rather stay at the temple praying for salvation. Hoping that her god or another would offer her some miracle cure, even though Lady Cirthana had had no more luck than she.

He sighs. His mind was awash with thoughts on just who could be responsible for this. His first thought, of course, was the Lumber Consortium. But why would they plague their own town? What would they gain from it? Then again, what would anyone gain from this? What does it do to have Falcon's Hollow dying from plague? A prelude to something bigger, or an accident of nature?

Deep in thought, he heads to The Sitting Duck, if only to get away from the wheezing for a while. He finds the tavern in much the same state as it always is. In some ways the familiarity was welcoming, but despite being in town for years he always felt like he wasn't quite as welcome among the locals as he could be. The fact that he still thought of them as "locals" and himself otherwise could be a factor in that. He approaches the bar and sits down, ordering a drink. "Usual please. Any new words around town?"

2013-05-17, 12:28 PM
@Dagall @ Jak'n'Japes

Indeed the cinnamon-y smell wafted throughout the inn, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in juxtaposition to the rest of the town. Inside there were four other patrons chatting and having some pancakes. Dagall would receive some looks from the few other patrons but nothing more would come from it.

He would then be greeted from the sole server, a young half elf boy with the tip of his right ear torn but healed over. He smiled affably as he asked him what he would like. "Greetings sir, what can I get you?"

@Tarn @ The Sitting Duck

The rowdier tavern here in which a certain cleric was now in had a faint smell of tobacco.

The gruff bartender glanced at Tarn and raised a brow as he slid over an ale to other patron who sat two stools away.

"New words? Well, we have a foreigner, a fresh face sitting over there," He said as he tilted his head, gesturing to where Augustin sat as he poured Tarn his a pint of his regular and then tapped the counter for the coin.

2013-05-17, 12:53 PM
Tarn retrieves a coin from the purse inside his leathers and tosses it to the bartender. "Oh? Yet another body for the meatgrinder is it?" He replies. "Or something more..." He adds as an afterthought to himself. Deciding to throw caution to the wind, he grabs up his ale and sits down at the table of the 'fresh face'. Whether it was the armour or just the way he held himself, Tarn had a good feeling.

"So, I hear you're new in town. Name's Tarn. Nice to meet you. Business or pleasure?"

2013-05-17, 01:12 PM
Dagall stared at the boy for a moment, smelling the cinnamon wafting through the air. "Bears been in th'clover?" At the inevitable blank look the boy would probably give, Dagall frowned, staring at the boy for a moment. "Have th'bears been in th'clover? Ye know, bears? Clover?" Dagall waited as patiently as he could ...

Yub, that's what he asked!

2013-05-17, 01:54 PM
The half elven boy's smile faltered as confusion could be visibly seen, he froze as if though his brain was trying to process these words. "Uh..uhm..I...I'm afraid I don't understand...I don't think so?"

2013-05-18, 06:22 AM
Augustin ***** an eyebrow as he regards his new companion. The fellow had moxie, along with a certain charm, the cleric had to admit.

"Came for work, don't rightly know what will make me stay, if anything. Gus." Augustin returned the greeting.

Scanning his tablemate a bit closer, Gus continues. "You'll pardon my saying so, but you don't look like much of a lumberjack or sawmiller. What's your work around here, friend?"

edit -

Seriously? I can't say "*****?" Ok, Gus raises an eyebrow, then :smalltongue:

2013-05-18, 09:39 AM
"I do odd jobs around town as required. Surprising amount of odd jobs need doing in a town like this." Tarn replies. "You don't look much like a lumberjack yourself. Or one of the sellswords they hire to guard their lumberjacks."

2013-05-18, 10:10 AM
"Your eyes do you credit, sir. I am no lumberjack, and my armor is mostly for show. No, I am a priest of Desna. Mine is to wander, and serve the Starsong where I may. She has led my steps here, and will move me again as she has need. For now, I am here."

Gus peers over his tankard as he drinks. As he sets his drink back down, he continues. "So, you do 'odd jobs' here? Does that make you a local lad, or just a seasonal citizen?"

2013-05-18, 12:19 PM
"Another religious one." Tarn thinks to himself. He tried not to think too bad of the people who did believe, but prayers had never helped his family before - how much did the gods really care? He wasn't terribly familiar with 'Desna' though.

"I came here...a few years ago now. Not sure I count as local for that, but I live, work and sleep here, so I suppose that makes me local enough." He replied, taking a drink. "I'm not too familiar with Desna. Did she tell you why she has lead you here?"

2013-05-18, 12:49 PM
Dagall grunted, more to himself than the boy. "Guessin' ye got no honey, then. Ah'll be takin' one order, then ... and any syrup ye got. And an ale ... dark, not that pi$$ water ye serve the halflings. Ah be needin' ta ...."

He trailed off, staring at the table in front of him for a long moment as tbe boy waited nervously. Glancing back up, he frowned. "What, are ye eaves' droppin boy? Get me food, lad!"

Shaking his head at the rudeness of strangers, Dagall leaned back in his chair and waited for his order, eyes sweeping across the room and the four other patrons. Thinking about the looks of the folks he had passed on the street, he murmured to himself, completing his earlier thoughts. "... get anuther job ..."

Decided to change to dark orange, since the dim gray just lacked the contrast I wanted :smalltongue:

2013-05-18, 07:22 PM
Gus makes no attempt to stifle the chuckle Tarn's question brings.

"No, my Lady is rarely so direct. She merely points us to the road, it remains ours to walk. So here I am, walking."

Gus, finishing his tankard, motions for another round. As his order is filled, he casts a quizzical eye across the table.

"So tell me, 'Tarn the Local Enough,' what's this I've heard about carved trees hereabouts?"

2013-05-18, 08:40 PM
"Carved trees? Only trees I've heard about are the usual lumber that our benevolent rulers are so focused on." Tarn's voice practically drips venom when he talks about the Lumber Consortium. "If you're looking for information in this town your number of sources are pretty few." Tarn drops his voice and leans in closer. "The Consortium would tell you nothing - if it's important and they know about it, then they've already claimed it."

"Rumour has it that the owner of the carnival - Quinn - has dealings with the fey of the forest. If you're after a specific tree, I can't think of anyone who'd know more than them." He leans back, taking a drink. "Other than that, the local herbalist Laurel obviously deals with plants. The source of her herbs might know something. Or Cirthana at the Temple of Iomedae might know something."

2013-05-18, 11:31 PM
Gus sighs.

"Ah, the dear brothers and sisters of Iomedae. A noble fellowship, although a bit too formal for my tastes. I'm certain if they had any knowledge of this matter, some gallant knight or other would've gone a-questing ages ago. I'll speak with them, but I don't expect too much aid. Perhaps I'll seek out this 'Laurel' on my way to speak with Quinn."

Gus rises, and flips a coin on the table to cover the drinks. As he checks his gear, he nods towards Tarn.

"I thank you for the good company, and information, sir. May the Great Dreamer grant you soft roads by day, and the solace of dream by night."

Gus turns toward the door.

2013-05-19, 11:03 AM
Tarn watched Gus begin to leave. He had a distinct feeling that whatever it was Tarn was after - a cure or the destruction of the Consortium - this Gus person would play a part. "Ah, hold on." Tarn says, jumping up. "You've got no chance seeing Laurel during the day. The queue out her door is stretching all the way down the street. You're better off meeting Quinn first. I've done work for Laurel before though, I can get in to see her while you meet Quinn, if you want."

2013-05-19, 11:47 AM
Gus turned in response to Tarn. Light dances in his eyes as he replies.

"Fair enough. You go speak with Ms. Laurel, and I'll go to this 'Quinn's' carnival to get some information... and maybe a candy apple. I'll see you back here at evenfall."

Gus nods, and turns back to the door. He strolls out, and through the village toward the carnival.

2013-05-19, 02:28 PM
@Dagall in Jak'n'Japes

The half elf boy nervously nodded his head. "Right away sir." He said quickly and rushed over to the kitchen.

"Oi..!..You 'ad betta' calm yer nipples down...Calathes is a good boy, don't go givin' him a hard time..if ya wanted honey ya should say for from 'tha start rather than your nonsense," One of the other patrons who overheard the exchange snorted and drank from his mead, looking at Dagall.

@Tarn in The Sitting Duck

"Sending him off to see Quinn? Let's hope the foreigner doesn't get into trouble," A passing bar wench commented as she gestured if Tarn wanted a refill on his drink.

@Gus Strutting Through Town

The carnival grounds would in the direction of area F8 on the map provided in the first post. As he walked along that dusty dirt road, he would pass the church (F11) where some thugs out front were harassing a clergywoman in vestments of red and silver who seemed to be cleaning up what appeared to vandalism on one of the walls. A few citizens watched and stayed away in fear of getting involved and dealing with the consequences of interfering in the affairs of one of the many gangs in Falcon's Hollow.

"Hahah....that's right bi*** clean up that mess," One of the them called down to her. a group of three stood behind her too close for comfort.

"Ooop oop..looks like..." One then kicked over her bucket of water. "She'll have to get some new bucket of wata' hahah." More mocking laughter left the mouths of these thugs.

2013-05-19, 04:41 PM
Catrin buzzes about Roots and Remedies, trying to help even though she knows it is to no avail. "Laurel?! Din't you say that ya found some adventurers to help us?! Where are they?!" She tries to calm herself for the sake of the sick. I just don't know how they got.

2013-05-19, 05:11 PM
The woman in question shot Catrin a stern look as she finished up transaction for some soothing root teas to a customer. Laurel was a thin Vudrani middle aged woman with her dark brown hair (that was braided into many thin braids) pulled back in a taut pony tail. She wore a pair of severe looking glasses.

"Calm your nips down girl, firstly I said no such thing. I sent out a call for adventurers or those just as foolishly brave to help but after that, its beyond my control. Now stop being useless and hand me that vial behind you with the brown liquid." She said sternly. Naturally, Laurel was quite stressed out, everyone was coming to her for help but there was only so much she could do.

2013-05-19, 05:28 PM
"Trouble? I'm practically counting on it." Tarn replied with a wink and a smirk. He downed the rest of his drink - ignoring the rush of alcohol in his system and tossed a coin to the wench as he walked out the door.

The journey to Roots and Remedies was a short one and the scene hadn't changed much from how he left it - not surprising considering he'd barely been gone a few moments. Whistling a jaunty tune and with a spring in his step he strolled up to the front door and squeezed past those in his way to get inside the shop with not a care as to any objections that they might have made. "Laurel, a pleasure as always. Do you have a moment to talk?" His smile, his eyes briefly darting to the other lady in the room. He was sure he'd seen her before somewhere, but he couldn't place her.

If that girl at the temple being harassed is Elena then Tarn is gonna start cracking heads :smalltongue:

2013-05-19, 05:51 PM
Gus takes note of the commotion, and steps toward the woman, keeping the three ruffians within eyeshot.

Sense Motive check (if appropriate) to see if I can tell if these hooligans are after anything specifc - [roll0]

Pretending not to notice the thugs, Gus approaches the woman, and kneels to pick up her bucket. Placing it in his left hand, he rises and offers her his right.

"Ah, my lady, it seems as though your bucket has spilt. Oh well, accidents will happen. Care to accompany me to refill?"

2013-05-19, 06:22 PM
Also, Knowledge(Religion) to see if I recognize the vestments, as well as my familiarity with her church
I know it's probably Iomedae, but just trying to make sure I play fair :smallwink:

2013-05-19, 06:41 PM
Catrin quickly grabs the vial and hands to Laurel. "I'm sorry, I just... I don't know. Stress is getting to me," she says, spotting the newcomer just after. She doesn't quite remember him waiting in the line but she doesn't have time to care. I hope whatever he needs is important.

2013-05-20, 02:26 AM
@Roots and Remedies

As Tarn totally cut in front of everyone who were still waiting in the long line, he would be on the receiving end of complaints.

"Hey you can't just cut like that!" One woman yelled at him angrily, holding the hand of her sick looking child.

Laurel raised a brow and glanced up at from her horn rimmed glasses. "A moment? Does it look like I have a moment?" Her stressed voice laced with sarcasm. She then utters a small thanks to Catrin and pours the liquid into another vial which held something else in it as the liquid turned into a warm looking yellow. She then explained to the next customer in line to rub this like a lotion onto their ill ones to keep down the fever symptons. It would absorb into the body and all that what not.

"Make it quick Tarn," She said as she accepted the copper bits from her customer as the next person in line took their turn.

Gus would indeed recognize the vestments to be of Iomedae as for the motives of the hooligans, they seem to Gus as causing trouble for the sake of trouble and because perhaps they believe because they can. As for the woman, or cleric of the church rather, she looked to be holding back tears. She slowly looked at Gus and forced a small tiny smile and nodded her head just a smidge. "I..y-yes...I would appreciate that...thank you.."

'Hey you...! Bugger off, she 'as got to learn 'ta do things herself eh," One of the hooligans grabbed Gus' shoulder with a crooked smirk.

2013-05-20, 05:15 AM
Gus drops his bucket, and pulls away from the thug. He touches his hip with a "Bit of Luck" and begins gesturing wildly and intoning deeply and eerily in Celestial.

Bluff check to make thugs think I'm casting a powerful spell (rolling twice, using highest from bit of luck) -


"Sister, you speak Celestial, do you not? Tell them that I am casting a very dangerous and powerful spell, and that they should run away now... Also, do you know if they sell candy apples at the carnival?"

2013-05-20, 06:56 AM
Tarn completely ignores any objections to him cutting as if they were white noise. They didn't concern him - besides, he wasn't really cutting in line. Judging by Laurel's tone, she probably wasn't much in the mood for his usual flirty self. "Met a holy-man today." He began as he paced around the store. "Heh. In this town. I know. He said he was looking for some...carved trees, of some sort. Being as you're the expert on all things plant-related in this town, I thought to ask you if you'd heard of anything like that." He paused for a moment. "Sweeten the deal." He told himself.

"And then I thought that I remember you asking about Adventurers to help you out recently. Why not attempt to kill two birds with one stone? I convince this holy-man to help you out with your problem, he finds his weird tree things which solves his problem, and everyone is happy."

"Well, as happy as can be expected in Falcon's Hollow, anyway."

Social rolls if they're required:
Diplomacy: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

2013-05-20, 10:24 AM
"Oi..!..You 'ad betta' calm yer nipples down...Calathes is a good boy, don't go givin' him a hard time..if ya wanted honey ya should say for from 'tha start rather than your nonsense."

Dagall paused for a moment, his eyes turning to look at the patron that spoke to him so. He replied loudly, "Sorry, what concern are me nipples t'ye? Keep t'yer plate and let me do me own orderin' ..."

The rudeness of some people never ceased to amaze the dwarf ...


2013-05-20, 03:00 PM
Catrin tries to focus on helping the others but she cannot help but eavesdrop on their conversation. It was indeed peculiar for a holy man to be wandering about this town. Perhaps these carved trees were signs from his God. After Tarn is done talking about him she asks, "Well where is he?! He needs to go now!" She covers her mouth, eyeing Laurel to gauge her reaction. "Sorry about my outburst. I shouldn't assume that he'll agree."

She had never heard of any of these carved trees but the question was directed towards Laurel after all. I wonder if this fellow will go into the woods too.

2013-05-20, 03:46 PM
@Gus outside a church to Iomedae

The clergywoman was a little surprised when Gus began to speak in the dulcet and angelic language of the Celestials.

<I do..I just bit rusty in language..I understand okay-like but speak not too well..though I know not about sweet apples stuff> She then nodded getting his request and faced the hooligans.

"Wha-what what is he doing? And why are youse speakin' funnies?" One of them demanded with an obvious worry in his eye.

"Oi Shelyn's nipples...he's a magic user...!" Another one declared.

"T-that is correct...and he tells me that that he is casting a powerful and dangerous spell and that you'd better get out of here before he turns you into toads," She embellished the last bit, but between the wild gestures and deep intones and 'funny language' the hooligans began to worry.

"Oi..let us git out of here!"

"Waah I ain't dealin' with this..let's get out of here!" The third one shouted as he then ran off as the other two followed suit for their pitiful lives.

@Laurel's Shop

Indeed she was not in the mood for flirtations, though one could wager she never was. At the mention of carved trees she just looked at him funny. "I have no idea about that...however...that seems something more Milon Rhoddam at the Consortium Lumber Camp West would know being an experienced woodsman and all that."

"For the second thing, I would appreciate if you did that." Her tone briefly softened. She was then startled by Catrin's outburst along with the customer she was dealing with. Multi-tasking!

"Well if he his a holyman, it might not be too hard to convince him to help for the greater good."


"Oi, well it concerns me that ya sure have some bad manners, its rude, if ya is gonna act rude, might as well go to the Sitting Duck eh?" The patron looked at his friend for reassurance but his friend was just face palming and shaking his head.

"Sir..sir..here..I got your drink order," The half elven boy waiter named Calathes hurried back and setting the drink on the table. "You-your pancakes will be out in a moment."

2013-05-20, 04:00 PM
Dagall looked at the man again, a low growl rumbling from his throat. In an even tone that only carried to the other patron, he spoke calmly. "Ye seem t'be the only one bein' rude, eaves droppin' on me conversation wit th'lad. If'n ah wanted yer opinion, I'd come over there and ask ye fer it. Keep yer nose t'yer own plate, and ah'll be doin' th'same."

The boy had arrived with his drink. Taking the mug, he nodded his thanks, tossing a silver piece to the boy before taking a long pull of his ale.

Hopefully it was a good brew ...

2013-05-20, 04:05 PM
As the ruffians turn tail, Gus drops his arms to the side, and addresses the priestess without turning his gaze from the would-be attackers.

"Huh. I... honestly did not expect that to work."

Gus picks the bucket back up, turns towards the cleric and offers her his hand.

"I'm Gus. Good job selling that, Sister...?"

2013-05-20, 04:19 PM
"He went to see Quinn at the Carnival - I'm sure you've heard the rumours." Tarn replies to Catrin, his voice jovial and joking. Whatever the truth was behind Quinn and his association with the forest, Tarn's only interest was laughing at the superstitious townsfolk muttering in fear of 'what could be'."We can catch up to him if needs be, undoubtedly. I take it that you want to help out on this little expedition?"

Without waiting for an answer, he turns to Laurel. "We'll need a list of what you require, maybe ideas as to where we might usually find them. Once we have that and organise ourselves, I see no reason we can't set off immediately." Obviously working for Laurel also served his purposes too. If Laurel's final concoction worked then he was sure that Elena and his mother would get a free sample for Tarn's part. Plus him 'saving the town' wouldn't hurt his reputation.

2013-05-20, 07:47 PM
Catrin grows silent when it is assumed that she'll be going into the woods. "I suppose someone'll need to pick out what we need. I can do that," she answers, twiddling with her thumbs. She wasn't solving anything by being here but she was afraid of venturing into the woods. Still, as she had mentioned, she could be useful and she needed to see the results. "Is there anyone else that is volunteering?"

2013-05-21, 05:15 PM

The brew was a good enough brew enjoyed by many in town though very picky drinkers might think different. As for the other patron, he grunted and growled and was prepared to say something when his companion talked him out of it.
The server would then soon deposit the coin in an old timey cash register like thing. A few moments later he would return with the pancakes and a small cup with syrup in it.


"Cirthana, Sister Cirthana, Brother Gus," She said softly with a faint smile. "I thank you for showing up and running off those hooligans, a part of me does think they were likely the ones behind the vandalism." She wanly frowned.

@Tarn & Catrin

"I have not heard word from anyone else," She said to Catrin with a shake of her head. She then took out a moment to pull out a dusty old tome and set it out on the table and then gestured to a customer to hold on a minute.

"As for the ingredients from what I read in my nana's old tome, some hoojoo weird concoction. Some rare roots and concentrations, most of which I have here, but the three that I don’t have...well...Elderwood moss, which I’ve never heard of, but granny says the stuff only grows on the oldest tree in a forest. A specially pickled root called rat’s tail, again, sounds like hoojoo to me. And seven ironbloom mushrooms, stunty little things that only grow in dark places thick with metal, a favorite among dwarves, or so I hear.” She softly sighed and shook her head as she readjusted her sliding glasses. "My best guess would be venturing into the Darkmoon Vale forest as dangerous as it is."

2013-05-21, 06:19 PM
Gus smiles warmly. "'Gus.' Just 'Gus.' And you might be right about the graffiti, Cirthana."

He offers his arm to walk with Cirthana. "Let's go refill this bucket, and we'll see about cleaning this mess."

Gus looks around, checking for any more riffraff. "Please tell me there is water in the temple. I'd hate to have to try and refill at the well. My lady Desna favors me well, but I fear even our luck may not hold out for another ruse."

2013-05-21, 07:34 PM
"Rat's Tail, Elderwood Moss, seven Ironbloom Mushrooms, all likely in the Darkmoon Vale." Tarn repeats back to confirm he had the instructions correct, before sighing. "Well if curing everyone was easy you'd have already done it, I suppose. Let's just hope this works."

"Well then, if there's nothing else, we should probably find our holy-man." Assuming nothing interrupts him, Tarn heads outside (pausing a moment to smirk at those still in line as he passes) and waits for Catrin to join him.

2013-05-21, 08:13 PM
"I'm not entirely sure where the eldest tree is but I'm sure we can find our way," Catrin speaks after hearing the list of ingredients. She approaches the tome to try to look. "Mind if I take a look?"

Assuming it's fine, she attempts to read through the book for any more details to help her.

Afterward, regardless of what happened, she bows her head and says, "I promise you we will return soon." Then she runs outside to join her new companion. "I need to stop by my home first. Pack some things, you know?"

2013-05-21, 10:33 PM
"As you wish. We'll meet at the Low Market when we're done." With that, Tarn turns and heads in the direction of the carnival where he hopes to find Gus, already running through what he's going to say to convince the man to help out. He hoped that his initial read was correct and that he'd assist in the task just for the sake of doing good.

2013-05-21, 10:43 PM
Dagall nodded his thanks to the server and inhaled deeply over his plate. The smell was divine, bringing a measure of peace to the normally dour dwarf. Adding just a touch of syrup, he cut into the stack, savor isn't each bite. Hells bells, he could catch the plague tomorrow ... might as well enjoy this for today.

Once finished, he thanked his server, belched loudly, and asked how sticky the doors had been recently.

2013-05-22, 11:54 AM

Cirthana wanly smiled and took his arm anyway. "We have some just recently purified fresh water barrels down in storage we got from the town well." She answered likely relieving her fellow cleric. She lead him inside the church and gestured that they be quiet. Mass was in session as another priest stood at the front preaching to a crowd of one.

There was a brief frown as she lead him downstairs to the storage before it returned to a wan smile. "Its in the corner." She said with bucket in hand.
@Catrin She looks through the book and would see some basic sketches of the ingredients, at least she would be identify them better to make sure they got the right ingredients.

<I'll think of some nebulous bonus for later>


Nothing would happen along the way that would distract him into something side questy as he traveled to the outskirts of town to the northwest.

The carnival grounds looked abandoned, at probably would have been had it not been for a sweet melody coming out from of the red and gold tents. Things seemed to be in downtime right now for the carnival in a not in session sort of way. It was quiet and a little eerie but that was just the nature of empty carnivals. Some townsfolk wondered how Quinn managed to keep his livelihood going when he wasn't running his carnival.


"Sticky doors? Well we did get new doors last week...the previous doors were getting old," The server answered, nervously hoping he answered the patron here correctly.

2013-05-22, 12:37 PM
Dagall sighed and shook his head. "Never ye mind ... guess I'll find out if'n it's gonna rain the ol' fashioned way." Standing up, he paid for his meal, nodded his thanks again, and departed, ready to gather supplies at the Low Market.

2013-05-22, 02:39 PM
Gus retakes the bucket, and begins to fill it from the barrels. As he finishes, he turns his head toward Cirthana.

"I hate to ask this after filling the bucket, but is there going to be a problem using this purified water just to clean a stain? Oh well."

After filling the bucket, Gus picks it back up. He turns back to Cirthana as the prepare to walk back out. "Has Lady Iomedae always fostered such a meager flock in Falcon's Hollow? I haven't seen any other temples hereabouts. Is the Light of the Sword truly so dim here?"

2013-05-22, 04:29 PM
Tarn raises an eyebrow at the seemingly empty carnival grounds. They were surprisingly creepy with no one around. Then again, he found carnivals quite creepy to begin with - empty or otherwise. With a shrug, he approaches the closest tent that music is emanating from and glances inside.

2013-05-22, 07:25 PM
Catrin would go on home, trying to remember the drawings of the plants. When she gets home, she grabs for her bag and starts packing her belongings. In the corner of the room, her father's pistol and assorted goods still rest. She sighs and picks them up, holstering the gun and putting on the bandoleers.

"Mother," she announces to the sleeping woman, "I'm going out to get the ingredients that Laurel needs. Then we'll be happy..." They probably weren't going to be happy in this town regardless unless some changes were made. She sighs and carefully places a kiss on her mother's forehead, hoping that hasn't contaminated her.

With her goodbyes said, Catrin departs to meet with Tarn.

2013-05-23, 02:15 AM

The server was glad that Dagall was gone, the 'dwarf' made him nervous, like he was under a spot light.

Ah the Low Market, where it was open to everyone in town, and pitiful sold the High Market’s food leftovers (including meats and vegetables just starting to go bad), heavily salted meats, and other foodstuffs that barely survive their trip to
the market. Nothing in the Low Market sold for more than a few gold, and almost everything is worth only coppers. It was a 'nice' place.


"It's fine...purifying water comes as a simple cantrip to me," She said with a wan smile which soon turned into a frown.

"Unfortunately yes..many of these beleaguered townsfolk avoid the temple as much as they can. The Lumber Consortium has made itself clear in denouncing the meddling of the Inheritor in the town’s affairs and because of so...well, you saw how many attended afternoon mass."

"If only I was more strong and learned in the divine magic, I could probably help cure these people of the plague going around...then maybe they would trust us, trust the church." She softly sighed and shook her head lightly touching it with her fingertips.


Inside the small carnival tent sat Namdrin Quinn the half elf on the ground on a mat, crossed legged. Namdrin was a sinewy half-elf of corded muscle and bone,
with a long face haunted by loss of years ago. He was currently playing a set of pan pipes, a soft, melodious tune wafting about in the tent. The tent itself was of spartan design with the simple necessities.

"Welcome, may I ask the name of my guest?" He asked as he kept his eyes closed and returned to his pipe playing.


Assuming by departing to meet with Tarn, she is going to the Low Market where they were to meet correct?

2013-05-23, 05:47 AM
Once outside, Gus helps clean the graffiti. As they work, he continues to converse.

"Well, my lady, I would ordinarily love to help with this plague, but I wouldn't want to steal your temple's thunder, as it were. But perhaps I could speak with whomever runs this 'Consortium,' if you think that might help." Gus continues with a grin.

"Back to the lumber, have you heard anything about strange carvings or relics out in the timber?"

2013-05-23, 01:52 PM
Dagall wandered the market, looking for items of interest. In particular, he looked for a throwing axe and some decent ale, if possible. Perhaps a spot of rope, as well.

As you can see by my signature, I'll be in the land of no wi-fi for 4 days ... sorry if I slow the game down, but press on w/o me, if necessary. I'll catch up on Tuesday :smallsmile:

2013-05-23, 02:45 PM
"My name is Tarn Entae. You are Namdrin Quinn, the owner of this carnival, yes? I was wondering if you could help me with something." He hadn't expected to find Quinn here, alone or otherwise. "Well, two things really. One large, one small. The first is small - I directed a friend of mine to come see you, a holy man called Gus. I was wondering if you had seen him?"

"The large thing is rather more important. I was wondering if you had any insight into the odd affliction which has affected the town." Tarn doubted he'd got a real answer to his second question, but it didn't hurt to ask at least. What was the worst that could happen?

2013-05-23, 05:14 PM
Catrin, when she arrives at the Low Market, searches for her new companion Tarn. Where is he? she thinks to herself as she looks around. Because she is distracted, she is on a straight crash course to trip on the dwarf Dagall. Short people can be hard to see when you aren't paying attention.

2013-05-28, 03:59 AM
@Gus @ The Church of Iomedae

"I don't think there is any thunder to steal," She replied with a small wan smile/frown. At his question about strange carvings or relics out in the timber she looked at him funny and with confusion and shook her head. "I'm afraid I haven't, it is news to me." She then tapped her chin in thought as her eyes lit up for a second.

"I do know of a man named Milon who is very much experienced with the Darkmoon Vale forest." She said.

@Dagall and Catrin @ the Low Market

Alas Dagall would mostly come across ales and other frothy alcoholic drinks. The Low Market was home to mostly close to spoiling food and mundane home stuffs like poor quality cookware and low quality home decor. For weapons and adventuring gear, he would only receive direction to the Goose’n’Gander, the local general store.

However, he would soon find a young girl (Catrin) crash into him.

@Tarn @ Quinn's Carnival

"I have not had any guests come by save for you young man," The half elf replied after finishing off his melody. He set the pan pipes down and stared at Tarn.

"I do. You speak of the Blackscour plague. Nasty thing to be honest if allowed to get worse..." He trailed off as if though lost in thought.

“It’s a sickness, this fungus, almost like any other, but you get the mold growing in your body...."

2013-05-28, 11:02 AM
"Milon, eh? Perhaps I should have a talk with this 'Milon,' then. I suppose I could also look into this disease, though I am not the greatest healer among my Lady's faithful."

Once they finish cleaning, Gus bids his new lady friend good day, promises to take her for a drink later, and continues toward the carnival, keeping an eye out for ruffians. He also mulls this new information about the plague and this 'Milon.'

2013-05-28, 11:40 AM
A name and a method. A fungus which grows inside a person? That meant Elena had it growing in her too..."You seem to know quite a lot about it." Tarn replies, trying his best not to sound accusatory. "I don't suppose you know of any method by which to stop the plague?" Would that it was that easy. Surely someone would've already asked Quinn. Even the superstitious townsfolk weren't that brain dead.

2013-05-28, 11:57 AM

Cirthana would bow her head with a quiet thanks and appreciative smile. But moving on.

Fortunately for Gus he would get no trouble, though he would spy some obvious thugs hanging around the opening of an alley, watching him and giving him stink eyes as he passed. But they did nothing more than that, just some thugs being unproductive and hanging around on their turf.

@ tarn
"I do," Quinn said as if to confirm that yes, he knew quite a lot about it. He ran his hands along his long face and massaged his cheeks for a moment.

"Unfortunately I don't, however, I suggest one be wary on the water they drink, the fungus has a habit of growing w in water. If only I had known such a thing decades ago."

2013-05-28, 01:08 PM
"Decades?" Tarn replies, leaning forward, his curiosity clearly showing, all pretense of casual inquiry gone from his face. "As far as I know, the first cases started springing up only in the past few weeks. Has this happened before?"

2013-05-28, 01:21 PM

"I had a sister, well my adopted sister, but still a sister nonetheless. It was not so much a plague like now, then, but an individual case." He said, glancing to the side with his haggard eyes. "We didn't even live in Andoran at the time, but far in another land. Any whom, she came down with it, it was new to us, we didn't know what to do nor did we have the wealth to seek medical aid, she died." His voice void of emotions, well seemingly at least, like it was a concentrated effort.

2013-05-28, 01:30 PM
Dagall shook his head in disgust at the quality of food and items. Normally, he would berate the seller's for their audacity, but having been in town a few times, he knew they were not to blame - the best items went to the High Market and the arse's who lived in Kreed's pocket.

Of course, as an employee of the Consortium, he might actually have a chance at getting into the High Market, but he wasn't about to do that. Not when these people were being pi$$ed on and told it was just yellow rain. Besides, he didn't really need anything fancy ... just a couple of tools to tinker with.

Turning to head towards the Goose'n'Gander, he took two steps and was plowed into from the side by a distracted human woman. Well, she bounced off of him, but was nimble enough to keep her feet and almost look graceful about it.

Frowning, he glared at the girl. "Bah, watch yer path, lassie! Git yerself hurt, bargin' around with yer eyes closed like that!"

2013-05-28, 01:34 PM
"I...see..." He wasn't sure if he was being manipulated or if the man before him was sincere. His mind urged caution while his heart resonated at the story. Pushing thoughts of suspicion from his mind, he chose to believe. "I too have a sister. Her name is Elena. She...has recently come down with this plague, along with my mother. Laurel believes that she may have a possible remedy and I'm going to be part of the expedition to collect ingredients for it. Please, on behalf of my sister, if there's anything you could offer, it would mean the world to me."

2013-05-28, 04:04 PM
Catrin, completely flabbergasted by the collision, shouts, "I'm so sorry about that sir! My eyes were open and usually I'm a bit more perceptive it's just that I wasn't looking out for someone so..." She bites her lip, staying silent for a moment. "Nevermind. I'm sorry, sorry, just distracted is all. Finished speaking for the moment, she smiles apologetically yet awkwardly.

"Have you seen a man with green eyes around? Or some sort of outsider holy man?" she asks, her eyes widening afterward. "Oh I don't mean to impose. Maybe... maybe I could help you with something? Help make up for me bumping into you... yeah."

2013-05-28, 04:48 PM

Assuming Gus sees the same thing Tarn saw upon arrival at the carnival, minus the instrument.

Gus looks around the deserted carnival. By the time he finds the occupied tent, the occupants are already in conversation.

"Oh! Hello... Tim, wasn't it? Didn't expect to see you here. Is this the gentleman we seek?"

2013-05-28, 05:06 PM
Dagall harrumphed, somewhat mollified by the quick apology. Of course, the barrage of questions put him immediately back on edge. "Green eyes? Holy man? Lass, this be a market, not some social dance. Ain't seen any green eyed or holy men ... ain't been lookin'."

At her offer of help, he thought for a moment, wondering if he should give the lass a lesson. Perhaps it would help slow the human a bit, and teach her a bit of patience. Of course, if she was distracted now, he didn't want her off chasin' after a man with holy green eyes in the middle of whatever errand he gave her.

Snorting, he shook his head. "Looks like ye be the one needin' help ... just slow yerself down, lass. If'n I find a green holy man, ah'll send 'im yer way. Where ye be stayin?"

2013-05-28, 05:48 PM
"No, no, the holy man and the green-eyed man are different people. Or maybe the holy man also has green eyes," she says, tapping her finger on her lips. "I have no idea."

She stands there looking around for a few more moments. "I was supposed to meet the green-eyed man here in the market but I'm not sure exactly where. I don't think we came up with a very good plan." A sigh escapes her mouth as she turns back to Dagall. "I'm trying to help Laurel deal with the plague and I was supposed to meet the green-eyed man here after he tried to recruit that holy fellow but who knows if he'll actually succeed."

Catrin blinks, scratching her head afterward. "Sorry. I'm Catrin," she announces as she hesitantly offers her hand.

Are dwarves the handshaking type?

2013-05-28, 05:58 PM
Dagall stared at the woman for a long moment, blinking as she spilled her story. Glancing down at her hand, he snorted. Reaching out, he shook her hand, looking at her eyes. "Dagall Blackstone." He paused for a moment, then asked, "Does this man have pointy ears? Does he like cinnamon?"

2013-05-28, 06:31 PM
"I have no idea if he likes cinnamon," Catrin answers, confused by the specific nature of the question. "I don't recall his ears being pointy either." She taps her right foot for a few moments, trying to think of something to say. "Nice to meet you, by the way."

2013-05-28, 07:14 PM
"Tarn." He replies, correcting Gus on his name with an air of one who often had his name gotten wrong by people. "This is Quinn, yes. We were just discussing the Blackscour Plague. I may have also recruited a young lady to head out into the forest and look for your carved relics, as long as we also look into a few choice ingredients for Laurel. We're meeting up at the Low Market."

2013-05-28, 09:05 PM
Dagall shook his head, as if the girl were daft. At her stare, Dagall sighed. "The flapjacks, lass. If'n yer friend liked cinnamon he'd be there. And them pointy ears kin smell spices a mile away."

Tapping his chin, he glanced around the market. "Why here?"

2013-05-29, 12:06 PM
Quinn looked at the newcomer and wanly smiled. "Seems I am popular today." He said in a monotone, Tarn's question, temporarily postponed of answer.

2013-05-29, 12:20 PM
Gus seems accutely aware of his intrusion. "Yes, well... ahem... Don't let me interrupt. Please, continue what you were talking about. I can step outside, if need be..."

2013-05-29, 03:56 PM
"Um... well, anyways, I don't know why he chose this place," Catrin says with a sigh to follow up. "Maybe he wanted to pick something up for the road."

2013-05-29, 05:54 PM
Glancing around the market, Dagall muttered, "Better off eatin' roots in the woods." He looked back at the girl, then around the market. The girl looked a bit flustered, and more than a bit vulnerable.

Clearing his throat, he asked, "Uh, are ye okay lass? Or d'ye need me t'wait with ye fer yer friend?"

2013-05-29, 09:20 PM
"Me? Yeah, I'm perfectly okay. I can take care of this," she replies hastily, still looking around for her new companion. "I'm just... anxious to get out there is all. I want to get this done with as quickly as possible and I'm not in the mood for waiting in this... place."

She smiles weakly afterward, continuing, "You're welcome to keep me company if you want. I'll be fine though, no need to worry."

2013-05-29, 09:31 PM
"We shouldn't be a minute, Gus." Tarn debated suggesting he go straight to the Low Market, but he wasn't sure he could describe Catrin well enough, and that would be a whole other mess. Best to just cut this short. Quinn would be around later, he was sure. And perhaps the answers he needed would be out in the forest regardless.

"It appears my time here has been cut short. Thank you for your help and hospitality. I'm sure I'll be back later." With that, Tarn leaves the tent with Gus (assuming Gus has no further questions for Quinn) in order to meet up with Catrin.

2013-05-30, 04:15 AM
As Tarn comes out of the tent, Gus begins to follow, but one nagging question holds him back. He calls Tarn to a stop, the pokes his head back into the tent, seeking closure from Quinn for one last burning issue.

"Hi, um, 'Quinn,' was it? Do you sell candy apples here?"

2013-05-30, 09:30 AM
Dagall snorted. Last thing he needed to do was baby-sit some human lass if she didn't need it. But she had said something interesting about the plague. Having seen more than his share of coughing, sickly people, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy.

Looking at the girl, he asked, "Ye be a healer, then?"

2013-05-30, 05:32 PM
"I'm more of an apprentice," Catrin replies meekly, "That holy man is probably better than I am, although I could be assuming. That is what holy men do, right?" She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes as she goes over the details of the plants. "As you can probably tell, I ain't that much of an adventurer. I'm just going so I can pick out the ingredients and maybe lend an extra hand."

2013-05-30, 06:36 PM
Dagall nodded, the situation making a bit more sense. The others may have sent her ahead to keep her out of the way while they prepared themselves. Or perhaps they were already searching for the cure without her. Regardless, it seemed that she had been given little direction, but acted as if she carried the lion share of the task.

"Whittling." He nodded his head, as if he had provided some amazing observation to the girl, as he waited with her.

2013-06-01, 04:26 AM
As Tarn comes out of the tent, Gus begins to follow, but one nagging question holds him back. He calls Tarn to a stop, the pokes his head back into the tent, seeking closure from Quinn for one last burning issue.

"Hi, um, 'Quinn,' was it? Do you sell candy apples here?"

The half elf looked at him with a quirked brow, it was a slightly odd request. "I do not, not at this time."

2013-06-02, 04:09 PM
Disappointed, Gus returns with Tarn

2013-06-03, 10:08 AM
To fast forward, everyone ends up at the Low Market at the same time. Letting the bumping into each other begin!

2013-06-03, 12:58 PM
"Catrin!" Tarn yells as he spots her, practically dragging Gus by the arm over to her. "This here is Gus. Gus, Catrin. Gus here's the holy-man I mentioned before. Worships..." Tarn trails off as he tries to remember who. As his memory fails him he 'suddenly' notices the person beside Catrin. "Ah! But who's this?"

2013-06-03, 06:08 PM
Dagall frowned at the man's frenetic persona. When the man looked at him and asked 'who's this,' he shook his head. "Ye should know ... ye just called her by name."

Harumphing to himself, he stood with his arms crossed, watching the group with a wary eye. If no one else had anything of value to say, he'd probably leave to finish his shopping and return to his small hut.

2013-06-03, 11:06 PM
Catrin's eyes widen when she sees Tarn coming over. "This is Dagall. I ran into him while looking for you and he's been keeping me company," she answers as she smiles at the dwarf. Her expression soon turns serious, however. "Where were you? Why did it take you so long to come? We ought to get going!"

She starts to run off but she stops in her tracks. "Nice to meet you Gus. Oh wait, do you have to buy things from here? Oh, um, and I guess this is goodbye Dagall... Unless you want to come with us? Oh I don't want to be presumptuous... Hm." She stands there silently, starting to wonder who exactly she was with.

2013-06-04, 11:32 AM
Gus tries to speak a couple of times during the rapid-fire exchanges, but gives up. He nods recognition when introduced, then puts on his most compliant smile

2013-06-04, 11:35 AM
The dwarf nodded to the others. "Aye, my name's Dagall. Lass looked lost, so ah stayed with her. Where ye be off ta?"

2013-06-04, 09:33 PM
"We," Tarn begins with a blazing smile plastered to his face, "are off to the Darkmoon Vale woods. Dangerous, yes, but we have important reasons to go. Safety of the town at stake! Also Gus wants relics of some sort. You should come along. You look like quite the capable sort!"

2013-06-04, 10:00 PM
"Are you always so peppy?" Catrin blurts out to Tarn, though she covers her mouth right up afterward. She sighs and shakes her head. "Let's just get going, alright?" Her attention turns to Dagall, who apparently doesn't trust her to take care of herself. I hope he doesn't come just because he wants to babysit me.

2013-06-05, 10:00 AM
Dagall nodded to the smiling man, somewhat mollified by the youngster's attitude. Now there be a proper perspective ...

Aloud, he replied with a shrug, "If'n ye want the company, ah've got time ... nuthin' in these markets worth me gold." He looked to Catrin, who looked less than excited at the prospect of him coming along ...

2013-06-05, 01:13 PM
"Ah, but who wouldn't be excited? Adventuring while saving those we care about. Also relics." He replies to Catrin, twinkle in his eye. Part of it was an act, but part was a sincere rush. "Finally, a chance to really put my talents to work." He muses in his mind.

"Glad to have you on board, Dagall. If we are all sorted, we should head out immediately while we still have sunlight to work with."

Hell yeah, party together, adventure beginning. Let's rock this :smallcool:

2013-06-05, 02:18 PM
The dwarf motioned for them to continue, snorting inwardly as he thought to himself, 'While we still have sunlight to work with' ... hmmph, spoken like a human. Ah well, can't help their night-blindness, I suppose ...

Ditto ... before we come up with a reason to NOT travel together :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-06, 03:15 AM
4:20 PM
Outside of Falcon's Hollow, north.

And so the lot of you make haste to the lumber keep at north, as it looks to be the shorter distance. Anyways! Its a very long walk taking to at least three hours in length give or take a few miles. You likely sip from your waterskins as the hot sun beats down on you.

The Lumber Consortium Camp cuts an ugly scar of stumps into a dense stand of proud darkwood trees. A few miles up and one could actually see the forest. Five sturdy-looking log buildings—seemingly a bunkhouse, meal hall, office, barn, and smithy—stand with numerous wide carts and sleds amid the sawdust-covered clearing. The atmosphere around the camp appears as callous and unrelenting as the men who work it. At the moment several employees could be seen hauling logs and stacking them in their groupings. The employees seem to ignore and pay you no heed as they continue on with their back breaking labor.

Minus the halfway house bit, and warren bit

It would all of course be quite familiar with Dagall who would actually be approached by Jarlben Trookshavits, the camp foreman known to Dagall for having little patience with laziness. He was a fat balding man with sweaty pink skin in a custom tailored fancy suit.

"Dagall. What are you doing here? You don't work today. Who are these folks?" He asked/demanded answers from.

2013-06-06, 01:45 PM
Dagall frowned as they stood in front of the smelly human. He glanced back at the others, then shrugged. "Sounded like they were looking for you ... I just led the way. Ask them."

He jerked his thumb towards the three folks in tow, uncertain why they had come here. Most townies didn't want to come anywhere near the Consortium ... and with good reason, as Dagall was learning each day.

On vacation (see the sig). I'll post when I can!

2013-06-06, 04:23 PM
Catrin sulks on her whole way through the camp, as she wishes to speak against the treatment of the workers but would definitely rather avoid causing trouble. "I believe one of our party wanted to talk to Molin," she answers, gesturing to Gus. She decides to let the holy man digress any more information if he so wishes, as she barely knows what he wants with the "carved trees" anyways.

2013-06-07, 09:17 AM
Gus raises an eyebrow thoughtfully. I wonder if she means 'Milon,' he thinks. Didn't know he was at this lumber camp, but thank you for once again guiding my steps, My Lady.

After his moment of quiet thought and prayer, Gus speaks.

"Yes, I'm told this 'Milon' is quite the woodsman, and may possess knowledge to aid in my travels. If you know this 'Milon,' could you be so good as to point the way...?"

2013-06-07, 09:47 AM
Belated diplomacy roll:


2013-06-07, 10:57 AM
Jarlben Trookshavits glowered ay Dagall and the way he spoke to him, all casual and flippant, he hmmph'd. But Dagall was a hard worker, much more stronger and more endurance then some of the other employees, so Dagall got off with an eye roll.

"Milon?" He looked at Catrin with a brow raise. "What busine--" He cut himself off as the holy man spoke.

"Well, I suppose I could tell you since you caught me in a fairly good mood," He said making a face as if though he had just caught whiff of something smelly. "He's in the mess hall, probably drinking away, old bastard."

2013-06-07, 05:13 PM
Gus smiles. "My thanks, good sir. Blessings of the Song of the Spheres be upon you."

If no one stops him, Gus turns and heads where Jarlben indicated

2013-06-07, 06:23 PM
Nodding his thanks, Dagall followed the others, muttering to himself, "If'n he'd said they were lookin' fer Milon, I coulda told 'me where he'd be ..."

2013-06-08, 03:39 AM
Eventually the four would find themselves at the Mess Hall and to Milon who sat at the end of one of the long tables, guzzling down a pint of ale. Milon was a large muscled human with a mop of brown hair and a crooked nose, his skin tanned from laboring under the sun, he looked to have a bit of Kelesh1te in him.

When he approached he looks at the party with haggard shot eyes. "What'chall want?" His tone was not hostile, just tired. "Dagall..that you? Whatcha doi...ah...nevermind..."

2013-06-09, 02:09 AM
Dagall walked over and sat at the table. "This lad wants t'speak wit ye, Milon. Jus a few questions, ah reckon ...". He spoke softly, but kept his eyes on the man. Never knew how a man in his cups would react.

Does Dagall know much about Milon?

2013-06-09, 05:25 PM
Gus steps forward.

"Hello... Milon, correct? I am Austin Ferron, priest of Desna. Gus, if you will. My associates can introduce themselves. I understand you are familiar with the wilderness hereabouts?"

2013-06-10, 04:52 AM
"My name is Catrin. I'm not the one who came here to speak to you though," the girl introduces herself. She tries to shift into the background afterward.

2013-06-10, 10:50 AM
"Tarn," is all he says as ways of introduction. It appeared that Dagall had more expertise in this area of the town and he was quite happy to let him and Gus take the lead. If anything was forgotten, he could always pipe up and interject after all.

2013-06-10, 11:22 AM
Maybe Dagall has knowledge on Milon, depends on how often he concerns himself about to others to retain those details on them. But a common knowledge thing about Milon that Dagall knows is that he has a beloved nephew who had come down with the plague illness and has been drinking a lot more often during break time and lamenting publicly during his drunken spurges.

He looks as the other three introduce themselves and haggardly nods at each of them before addressing Gus properly. "Aye...I am...where youse gettin' at?"

2013-06-13, 02:23 AM
Given what he knew about Milon, Dagall figured the man was still in his cups lamenting his ailment. Perhaps this group would find sympathy with someone in need of a cure ...

2013-06-14, 06:09 PM
After taking a moment to give himself a Bit of Luck, Gus answers. "Well, sir, being a woodsman, I was curious if you might have heard about anything peculiar going on hereabouts? Strange happenings, odd discoveries, and the like?"

2013-06-14, 10:08 PM
Catrin bounces up and down, eager to get on the road, but keeps her mouth shut. She may be nervous about adventuring but she'd rather get it over with!

2013-06-14, 10:28 PM
After taking a moment to give himself a Bit of Luck, Gus answers. "Well, sir, being a woodsman, I was curious if you might have heard about anything peculiar going on hereabouts? Strange happenings, odd discoveries, and the like?"

Hopefully no one would forget about the cure ingredients stuff Laurel spoke of to ask Milon for more information on...

Milon looked at Gus gruffly and raised a brow. "Those are peculiar questions for a man of the cloth to go poking around asking." He hesitated for a moment and stared at his drink, snorting back in a bit of phlegm. "If you could be less vague I could be more helpful here." He said gesturing that Gus also sit down across the table.

2013-06-14, 10:47 PM
Tarn stands behind Gus, not taking a seat but instead gazing around them, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. "Ingredients too." He whispers to the holy man, though really it was something that Tarn or Catrin should take care of asking about.

2013-06-15, 12:42 AM
Dagall pulled up a chair, sitting back and leaning against the wall while the others spoke. Besides, he didn't know what these three wanted from Milon; he would just have to wait and see ...

2013-06-16, 06:50 AM
Gus took a seat. "Well, to tell you the truth, I can't elaborate because I simply don't know exactly what I'm looking for. I've heard conflicting reports of carvings or relics found out in the woods of late. Does any of that strike a chord?"

2013-06-16, 08:36 PM
While Catrin bumbles about, a sudden thought flares in her mind. "Pardon me," she speaks out after the holy man speaks. She taps on her lip as she tries to recall all that Laurel told her. "Would you happen to know anything about the 'oldest tree in the forest'? We're looking for elderwood moss, which apparently grows off of that. Just thought that you might know cause... you work with trees."

She smiles and starts to bounce again. "And maybe you know something about rat's tail or ironbloom mushrooms, cause that's what we have to find too."

2013-06-18, 04:48 AM
Gus took a seat. "Well, to tell you the truth, I can't elaborate because I simply don't know exactly what I'm looking for. I've heard conflicting reports of carvings or relics found out in the woods of late. Does any of that strike a chord?"

Milon crossed his arms over his chest and raised a brow. "Don't tell me you heard of Doran's tale about finding some carving out in the woods?...He's been telling that tale to everyone....though frankly I'm not sure...all I can think about is the dwarven monastery ruin...most folks don't go there...say its haunted and all that rubbish."

While Catrin bumbles about, a sudden thought flares in her mind. "Pardon me," she speaks out after the holy man speaks. She taps on her lip as she tries to recall all that Laurel told her. "Would you happen to know anything about the 'oldest tree in the forest'? We're looking for elderwood moss, which apparently grows off of that. Just thought that you might know cause... you work with trees."

She smiles and starts to bounce again. "And maybe you know something about rat's tail or ironbloom mushrooms, cause that's what we have to find too."

"What are ya looking for them things for?" He asked looking at Catrin strangely.

2013-06-18, 11:47 PM
Catrin blinks, surprised that the man didn't just answer the question instead of inquiring about her motives. "I need them for alchemy," she answers, telling the truth but leaving much of it out. Her reasoning is to not draw attention to their journey.

2013-06-19, 06:39 AM
Catrin blinks, surprised that the man didn't just answer the question instead of inquiring about her motives. "I need them for alchemy," she answers, telling the truth but leaving much of it out. Her reasoning is to not draw attention to their journey.

Milon looked at Catrin with a slight tired eye roll and shrugged as he sighed. "Alchemy eh?...Meh...whatever you say.." He cradled his drink and then took a long swig. "Get me a piece of paper..parchment...whatever...I'll draw ya a map.."

2013-06-19, 12:52 PM
Dagall didn't typically carry quill or parchment, so he watched the discussion, glancing around the room periodically.

Sense motive on our drunken 'host : [roll0]
Perception check for anything of interest: [roll1]

2013-06-19, 01:13 PM
To Dagall, the haggard and drunk lumberjack seemed trustworthy if just slightly cranky, during Dagall's own time here he'd never heard or seen Milon do anything of questionable morale.

He then sees some poster large parchment posting hanging on the walls reading 'Have axe? Will cut! Lumber Consortium Needs You!' it seemed like a propaganda poster and likely not a suitable means for the party's purpose without creating butt hurt from someone somewhere somehow. He also spies some random employee trying to flirt with a lady lumberjack who was playing an equivalent game of Quarters (but with Coppers) with a small surrounding group.

2013-06-21, 04:20 PM
Catrin nods and searches her backpack for paper. Alas, it turns out that she had completely forgotten to pack or get any! "Would any of you happen to have any parchment?" she asks the rest of the group. She takes out her scrivener's kit and places it on the table. "You can use this."

The girl's eyes shift towards the poster. "If you don't mind, we could use the poster? Most people who see it are already recruited," she suggests quietly, hoping that her words did not offend.

2013-06-21, 07:23 PM
Milon casually shrugged about the poster thing. "I don't care...poster is creepy anyway..." He said as he reached for her scriver's kit tools to use.

2013-06-21, 08:23 PM
Catrin nods and briskly walks to the poster, taking it down gently to prevent any tearing. She then hustles on back to Milon and lays out the poster for use. "Thank you, by the way," she states.

2013-06-21, 08:41 PM
Tarn raised an eyebrow as Catrin tore down the poster, a sly smile of amusement and satisfaction playing across his features. "They probably won't be happy with that. Good." He thinks to himself.

2013-06-21, 09:05 PM
A few of the lumberjack employees watched the poster being torn down but none seemed to care too much and resumed their business. It was a creepy poster anyway.

Milon tiredly shrugged and dabbed a quill pen in ink and grabbed the poster and on the other side sketched them a rough map of the forest, marking the location of where he believed rumors of a witch's hut for rat tails was at, the oldest tree in the forest, and where he thought there to be iron bloom mushrooms

"I may be wrong about the iron bloom mushrooms...but its a good educated guess as any from what I know about those mushrooms," He finally said after a few minutes of sketching out and thinking.

2013-06-22, 01:54 AM
"There's a witch's hut?" Catrin asks, rather shocked. "Have any of you ever dealt with witches? Maybe she's just the hermit type."

2013-06-22, 02:05 AM
"Well I'm sure its a witch's hut...I could just call it a Hermit's Hut if that will make ya feel better...I didn't explore it for too long...the place reeked of bad juju and last thing I needed was a hex placed on me..." Milon commented as cradled his drink.

2013-06-22, 02:37 AM
Dagall sat silently, watching them use the poster for paper and discuss witches vs hermits. Once again, he didn't care (about the poster OR who lived in he hut) - he was just looking for something to do that didn't leave him feeling like he had stained his hands ... for once.

When Milon finished up, he waved to the server. "Next rounds on me, Milon ... fer yer help.". He might be making things worse, but the man had chosen his own path long before Dagall arrived.

2013-06-22, 06:21 AM
"Witch or hermit, if there's someone living there still it's probably worth looking into. They might've already done all of our work for us not just the rat tails." Tarn smiled as he leaned over to look at the map. "Bad juju or not, I think that should be our first destination. Best place to dig up something about Gus' carved...stuff too."

2013-06-22, 09:11 AM
So... Gus thinks. I ask about strange, possibly magic, goings-on, and he skips the witch's hut in favor of mentioning a dwarven monastery... Interesting

2013-06-22, 03:22 PM
"Well, we have to go to that hut anyways, so there's is no use discussing who is there," she states, mainly to herself. "You have been very helpful, sir."

2013-06-22, 05:48 PM
Maybe Milon had a little too much too drink. Or maybe he didn't like dwarves that much, its a mystery!

The drunken Milon grumbled and shrugged and drank some more until it was evident he was likely going to be close to passing out. He then licked his lips and rested his head on the table.

"Hey..." His tone quieting a little. "Heard any word on the plague in town....has Laurel been able to do anything?....Haven't gotten any word from my sister ever since...nevermind....anyways...yes, laurel....plague...that stuff."

2013-06-22, 07:19 PM
"Another person's sister." Tarn thought, again feeling distinct conflict between his natural suspicion and knowledge that this sort of thing was happening and would continue to happen. "Laurel is...working on it. We don't know how close she is though, if at all." It was the truth, of course, this remedy of Laurel's might not even work despite their extra efforts.

"Thank you for your help."

Tarn's done here - ready to move on towards the "Witch's/Hermit's Hut" when everyone else is :smallwink:

2013-06-23, 12:15 AM
There was a small look of disappointment as he mulled about the fate of his ill nephew, he hoped the money he sent was able to help, but alas, no word from his sister.

"Good luck on your alchemy thing I guess," He half mumbled and took to a bout of depression.

When they did exit, they would luckily not be hassled about the poster, word would not have reached whathisface of this vandalism (;P).

2013-06-23, 01:22 AM
Dagall shook his head at the question, not knowing much about the plague other than what he heard rumors about. As the drunken man fell deeper into depression, he turned and left to stand outside, not wanting to hover over Milon anymore.

Outside, he grunted towards the others, "So, where will be yer next visit? Gotta be better'n hangin' round these parts ..."

2013-06-23, 04:08 PM
Catrin wasn't sure who Milon was referring to; there were so many patients to look after. Tarn had already informed him on Laurel's work so she decided to stay silent as she left.

"Maybe we should start going to that Hut on the map," she suggested once outside, not sure if there was any other place they needed to go to.

2013-06-24, 03:34 PM
Looking at the sketch, the witch's hut seemed to be just a bit north of a small river that fed into the River Foam.

2013-06-25, 02:45 AM
Assuming that nobody had no objects, Catrin would start walking off towards the Witch Hut.

2013-06-25, 12:24 PM
Dagall glanced at the others with a look of "Well?" then started after the girl with a snort. Best they get moving, since it would take at least three hours to get to the river.

Settling into a steady stride, he followed the others, not making any extra effort to catch up to longer strides ... if they decided to leave him behind, so be it!

2013-06-25, 04:28 PM
The travel from the lumber camp to the far off edge of the forest was uneventful though the sight of all the cut down to their trunks trees could be saddening to anyone who appreciated nature. Anyways, the group managed to stay on route, it was slightly made easier due to all the equipment left around marking the Consortium's continuing progress against the forest.

You all venture deeper into the forest, the ethereal beauty of the old woods becoming apparent. The old dark wood trees loomed tall and over creating a canopy of leaves and beams of light were numerous. There was a sense of First World beauty. One tree in particularly seemed to have a streak of multi-colored...something. There were stories of fairies having rainbow blood, but who really knew?

Suddenly you hear the sounds of an animal-like yelping and yipping of some creature in pain. Not far from the edge of the forest-shrouded river, a fox with large ears and bright orange fur lies bleeding, its hindquarters caught fully in the jaws of a crude iron trap. It yelps louder upon sensing you lot and then tries to chew around the trap to no avail.

2013-06-25, 06:07 PM
Dagall had showed no emotion as they passed by the worked areas of the woods. Most folks that complained about the work of loggers rarely complained about the benefits of progress ... and fewer still offered to live without the warmth of a fire, or the shelter of a roof, or the amenities of a town. Of course, there should be a balance, and the Consortium was fond of squeezing an area dry, the consequences be damned.

As they continued to travel deeper into the woods, the oread began to feel a little uncomfortable, more used to the semi-open clearings he worked ... or at least the complete enclosures of his life underground. This felt closed in and unnaturally ... natural.

The sudden yipping and crying from an animal startled the introspective dwarf, who immediately pulled forth his axe. "Should we be puttin' it outta its misery?" he started to advance, not wanting the animal to suffer longer ...

Okay, someone step in before I do something I'm sure we'll ALL regret :smallbiggrin: I'm just playin' the character ...

2013-06-25, 06:50 PM
Catrin both admired and feared all that she saw on their path. It was marvelous to behold but it was unknown to her and therefore could be dangerous. She looked upon the tree with the strange coloring and wondered what could have made it so.

However, the yelping distracted her from her thoughts. When her companion suggested they kill it, she spoke out, "Maybe there's a hunter around," she remarked, believing that the trap would belong to such a person. "I might be able to tend to it if we get it out of there."

Her gaze shifts back to the tree with the strange color. "I feel like we shouldn't hurt the creature, at least. I'm more inclined to treat the nature kindly."

2013-06-26, 06:03 PM
"I think I might have a solution. Please don't be alarmed." With this, Tarn begins the short ritual to summon his Eidolon (which takes one minute). The incantations and the hand gestures generate the magic which flows through him as if blood through his veins. A rush of delicious power if ever there was one. At the end of it, a flash of light occurs and a tall, snake-like creature but with arms - not entirely unlike a Yuan-Ti - appears before the group.

"This is Sizth. He's my Eidolon. I suppose you might call him a guardian of sorts. Normally he's not needed and he tends to scare most folk, however he's harmless, really. He also has quite deft hands." Tarn begins to channel another spell and gently lays his hand upon Sizth, before mumbling instructions to him. The great serpentine creature then approaches the fox, intending to disable the trap.

Tarn casts Guidance on Sizth.

Sizth attempts a Disable Device check: [roll0].

I'm not sure if he can take 20 on it or not, but if he can then I'll opt to take 20. We're not in any particular hurry, I don't think.

I apologise for not posting earlier. I got distracted by those damnable video games :P

2013-06-27, 02:02 PM
(Well there is a hurry, since, plague, taking names and lives, there is a time frame for getting them ingredients :smalltongue:)

The trap is very rusty and worn and looking at it would make feel like they need a tetanus shot, but the strange summoned creature was able to deftly disable the trap in a matter of minutes.

The fox creature appreciatively limps out of the trap and licks at its bleeding hind quarters with small pitiful yips. It then shook its head, and yipped at you lot warningly.

2013-06-27, 06:33 PM
Gus moves to within 30 feet of the wounded creature, then channels energy.


2013-06-28, 10:04 AM
Dagall watched the others, shaking his head at their desires to help the fox, thinking Probably wouldn't be so worried if they was hungry and the fox were already roasted ... But he didn't say anything just yet, letting them assuage their consciouses. Once the fox was free, he felt a wave of energy from the holy man, and watched the fox's wounds disappear.

Dagall snorted, muttering "Hope ye dinnae need that later ... and turned to continue towards the hut.

2013-06-28, 11:17 AM
"Rumour has it there's powerful fey spirits that live in the forest." Tarn mumbles. "Probably best not to do anything to anger them if we can help it. Foxes are linked with trickery and deception in some cultures and myths. For all we know it could be a fey spirit in disguise trying to test us."

2013-06-28, 07:53 PM
Gus replies to Tarn, though his eyes move to Dagall's.

"let's hope you're right, Tarn. Could be we just made a friend."

2013-06-28, 08:01 PM
The fox's injuries begin to magically heal as flesh repairs itself, the fox, who resembles a Fennec fox with a reddish coat, mewed in confusion and fear at what was going on.

But that soon passed as the fox was healed and scratched at its huge ears with its hind leg and stared at Gus as it then started to approach him in a curious manner.

Meanwhile, Catrin would come to hear a stirring forty feet away in the treetops.

2013-06-28, 08:07 PM
As Gus notes the fox approaching, he slowly bends to one knee, and breaks off a bit of ration from his pack. He holds the food in his open palm, arm extended to the creature.

2013-06-28, 08:38 PM
Dagall snorted. "So them ingredients ... they be 'shrooms o' sorts, aye?"

2013-06-30, 02:42 AM
Cattiness smiles when she realizes that the fox seems to be in better condition. When Dagall asks his question, she responds, "Yes, those would be part of the list."

Suddenly, the girl would draw out her pistol and look about at the trees. "You guys hear that? Hello, anyone out there?" She starts to load her pistol based on intuition. At the same time she wonders why she didn't load her gun earlier.

2013-06-30, 04:59 PM
Tarn mumbles a small incantation and begins peering around, possibly hoping to catch a glimpse of what Catrin meant.

Activating Detect Magic, scanning surrounding area. Also Sizth gets his own Perception checks (+12 Modifier)

2013-07-01, 03:25 PM
Catrin doesn't get a response back of course. Tarn's spell would reveal faint magic all around him, as if the forest itself was touched in magic. Sizth would receive knowledge of singular movement from the tree tops and as if to confirm something was out there, a single arrow whooshed through the trees for Tarn, though fortunately an errant small branch off a larger branch disturbed the path of the arrow as it fell into the ground next to Tarn's feet. The arrow was of crude make.

2013-07-01, 04:01 PM
Dagall was going to respond to Catrin when the arrow hid the ground. Swearing, the dwarf-born warrior pulled free his huge, two-handed axe and took a defensive stance, his eyes scanning the woods. "What the ...! Show and explain yerselves, or ye'll be tastin' me axe soon enough ..."

Perception: [roll0] - can't do much until there's a target; so Dagall will huff, and he'll puff ...

2013-07-01, 04:36 PM
Gus drops the ration at the sound of the commotion, rises and scans the area near his compatriots.

Perception check:

2013-07-01, 04:48 PM
"Can you understand me?" Catrin calls out into the tree tops. She keeps her eyes in the tree line, as she assumed that their attacker would stay up there.


Perception Check!

2013-07-01, 05:27 PM
The firefox quickly attaches itself to the fallen piece of ration, dried jerky likely and hungarily its at it.

The..whatever that is trying to hide in the treetops doesn't respond to any of the questions or comments, as if though its trying to stay hidden. However, Dagall and Gus soon catch sight of misshapen humanoid creature, like some sort of hobgoblin creature or something. It does not seem to have noticed that those two saw it just yet, preoccupied with trying to stay covered, obviously that failed, like its attack.

2013-07-01, 06:05 PM
Dagall frowned, giving a bit of a growl. "Ah see ye there, lumpy! Git yer hide where we kin see it, or Ah'll be choppin' ye outta th'tree ..."

Perhaps not the best choice of words, but it's the only threat he has!

2013-07-01, 07:35 PM
Tarn lets out a small gasp at the arrow clattering to his feet. "Sizth! Find out what that is." Tarn tugs the crossbow from his bag and draws a bolt. "And hurt it." He adds, almost as an afterthought.

Assuming we're still not in Initiative, Tarn will take a moment to buff himself with Guidance.

Sizth Perception: [roll0] If Sizth finds something, he'll move towards it with the express intent of biting its face off.

2013-07-01, 11:45 PM
Gus backs away from both fox and humanoid, muttering a prayer as he fumbles to bring his shield around and up

2013-07-02, 05:58 AM
"You're only making it worse for yourself!" Catrin shouts into the trees. She sighs and keeps her eyes on Sizth, hoping that it will lead her to their assailant.

2013-07-02, 01:52 PM
"Lumpy??! Me not lumpy! It just skin condition!" The creature shouted all frazzled up from Dagall's words as then the sight of Sizth up close startled him that he fell out of the tree, his bow and arrow falling right next to him as he grabbed for it. Before you stands a grayskinned hobgoblin with a prodigious cleft palate, looking angry at you.

"You ruin my trap but I gonna hunt me some foodstuffs anyway!" It shouted in its gravelly hobgoblin voice.


2013-07-02, 02:58 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Dagall stood, gripping his axe. At the hobgoblin's declaration, he snorted. "Well ... go ahead then. Git on and hunt ..."

2013-07-02, 04:45 PM
"So you could understand me! How rude!" Catrin shouts at the creature.

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-07-02, 04:50 PM
Gus scans his surroundings for any other creatures.



2013-07-02, 07:29 PM
Tarn grips his crossbow tighter as the Hobgoblin falls into view. He remains silent, his eyes locked on the grey-skinned creature, his palms sweaty at the tension.

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-07-03, 03:08 PM
The extra deformed hobgoblin let out a warcry as he stumbled to notch an arrow.

Gus would come to notice a pair of razorcrows fluttering down and resting on some branches above the group, looking at them with their beady eyes, their talons scraping against the branches. One loudly cawed, the other ruffled their feathers.

Go Dagall, Catrin, Tarn in any order!

2013-07-03, 06:03 PM
Dagall growled. "If'n ye pull back that bow, you'll be dead before ye realize ..."

Readied action to charge the hapless hobby, if he shoots.

2013-07-03, 08:46 PM
Tarn points at the Hobgoblin. "Attack it Sizth, don't let it take us." Tarn doesn't wait for his allies to join in. That last arrow had been a touch too close for comfort. He also begins performing a few motions with the same hand, his crossbow hanging freely in his other. With a few choice twists of his fingers, a surge of magic flows out from him and materialises in the form of an glowing gold-furred dog, which charges in to attack the Hobgoblin also.

Sizth: Move Action- Move into range of Bite (10' Reach)
Standard Action- Bite: [roll0][roll1]

Tarn: Standard Action- Summon Monster I SLA. Summon Celestial Dog (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/summon-monster/summon-monster-1-statblocks)

Celestial Dog: Move Action- Move into melee range. Will attempt to get into good flank position if possible for other party members. Will not risk an AoO to do so.
Swift Action- Smite Evil on the Hobgoblin. Gain +1 damage against him.
Standard Action- Bite: [roll2][roll3]

While I'm here, could I get a clarification as to whether the Augment Summoning feat applies to my Summon Monster SLA? Just for future reference once I hit level 2 :P

2013-07-04, 12:52 AM
Catrin holds her fire, not wishing to deal with the difficulty of having to aim around Szith. Instead, she prepares herself to shoot any hostile newcomers.

Ready Action to Shoot Incoming Target:

Add one to both rolls for Point Blank Shot if applicable.

2013-07-06, 03:26 AM
I'm not sure if I did it wrong or if you can't edit in rolls but... yeah, gonna double post.

Ready Action to Shoot Incoming Target:

Add one to both rolls for Point Blank Shot if applicable.

2013-07-06, 07:41 AM
Assuming the hobbo is still around when Gus can act:

Gus shouts to the pitiful creature, "Throw down your weapon, answer our questions, and no further harm shall come to you!"

Diplo Roll:


Gus pulls his mace, and looks about for more hostiles while approaching Catrin

2013-07-08, 03:02 PM
While Tarn took to summoning his creatures as a magical aura surrounding him, runes finding themselves magically conjured against the ground around him, Sizth moved in for a bite as the eidolon snapped its jaws, the hobgoblin shrieked and threw itself out of the way of the bite as his arrow let's loose from its nocked position, look more than likely like a hostile action. The arrow itself flies harmlessly passed Sizth getting stuck in a tree branch.

The goblin quickly notches another arrow and screeches aloud. "Helps me Screechy and Clawface!" The hob then rolled and twisted its self releasing an arrow that would strike Sizth <for 8 pts of damage>

Dagall would then charge with all his bodily strength as his long axe came down against the ground, inches away from where the now probably scared poopless hob dodged. Dagall cleaved the earth, sending chunks into the air.

The razor claws in the trees raised their wings and screeched as one rose and flew towards Catrin and Gus. Catrin pulled the trigger as her bullet flew and penetrated the wing of one of the razor crows as it staggered towards the ground.

Gus' diplomacy attempt would fall to deaf ears as the hob without a doubt now saw these folks to cause him harm, though he would come to easily see that there were hostile creatures seeking to well, be hostile towards Catrin.

Beginning of Initiative

2013-07-08, 03:13 PM
"Guessin' ye want ta do this the hard way, ya git!" Stepping to the side to flank the hobgoblin with the snake creature, Dagall found his feet and balance, and swung again, face screwed up in an angry frown.

Attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1]
Using reach weapon, so 10ft away

EDIT: Um ... 41 w/crit

2013-07-08, 03:31 PM
The hobgoblin died. Yep. It never saw it coming, its death, like that. Of course. Naturally.

Dagall's fury addled strike severedthe poor hobgoblin's head as it rolled away as Dagall's long axe came down like the fist of Rovagug. It totally passed gas as its body crumpled down to the ground. Dead.

The crows, heedless of their master's fate, continued on with Gus and Catrin.

2013-07-08, 04:51 PM
Catrin blinks at the gratuitous blow dealt to the hobgoblin. She reloads her pistol and fires at the same crow she shot at earlier.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Subtract 1 to both if not PBS (I'm not sure how far they are)

2013-07-08, 06:40 PM
"Good job, Dagall!" Tarn encouraged, before directing his summoned creatures towards the fliers with a shot of his crossbow. "Now let's finish them off."

Standard Action: Fire crossbow at the crow that Catrin didn't shoot at.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move Action: Move to attack the same target as Tarn.
Standard Action: Bite (10' Reach)
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Celestial Dog
Move Action: Move to attack the same target as Tarn.
Standard Action: Bite.
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2013-07-09, 09:30 AM
Shaking his head at the senseless suicide of the hobgoblin, Dagall stomped forward to get within reach of one of the birds ... whichever one was closer.

"Git, birds! Or find yerselves on th'menu!"

Move action to close with nearest bird. Standard action to attack: [roll0] (add +2 if flanking); damage: [roll1]

2013-07-09, 02:22 PM
The two razor crows moved and struck Catrin though the injured wing crow's attack was buffeted by its own injury causing only cosmetic damage to Catrin's face. The other simply managed to pull at her hair as Catrin finished off the already injured crow with a quick trigger pull as it dropped dead.

Tarn's crossbow flew passed the other fluttering crow while Sizth and the Celestia Dog both cornered the razor crow who was trying to move out of reach and brought the filthy bird down dead in a puff of feathers. It was dead too.

<catrin gets two pts of non lethal damage>

2013-07-09, 03:31 PM
Dagall shook his head, stomping over to wipe his axe off on the hobgoblin. Glancing in the direction of the empty trap, he shook his head, muttering, "Ah knew no good came from messin' wit that dog ..."

Once done, he searched the dead body for anything of interest or use - pragmatic as usual. After he finished, he glanced at the others. "Ready ta go?"

2013-07-09, 04:25 PM
Gus looks around, pondering the sequence of events that just flashed before him. He glances towards his compatriots.

"How is everyone? Anybody injured?"

As he awaits a reply, he joins Dagall at the dead hobgoblin. "Let's see if I can be of any assistance..."

Gus casts Detect Magic.

2013-07-09, 05:03 PM
Gus would not detect anything particularly magical in regards to the dead headless hobgoblin, honestly the headless look was much nicer than that cleft lip thing it had going on. The surrounding forest of course however would have a weak resonance of magic, but that was a given considering how old this forest was.

They would however find the medium bow and ten crudely made arrows, along with some moldy patchy leather armor. The hobgoblin also had three copper pieces and a swatch of glow mold, and other various small worthless trinkets and some rusted hunting tools. It seemed the hobgoblin was a hunter and was possibly using the fire foot fox as bait to call forth larger prey.

2013-07-09, 05:41 PM
Dagall looked at the various items they found, snorting in disgust. Tossing the items back on the decapitated body, he turned back to the others. "Let's git our arses movin' ... least any o' his friends come a-huntin' ..."

Ready to continue the journey to the witch's hermit's socially-challenged person of solitary preference's hut.

2013-07-09, 06:34 PM
"We got a good warm up out of it. Can't complain too much." Tarn picks through the Hobgoblin's possessions. "Shame he wasn't carrying anything of worth though."

Ready to move on!

2013-07-09, 09:07 PM
"My face got scratched a little bit but it isn't too bad. It'll heal with just a little time I bet," Catrin informs the rest of the group. She reloads her pistol and takes one last look at the hobgoblin before being sickened by the sight.

2013-07-10, 02:11 PM
The lot of you continue on, finding nothing of value here, Another half hour you lot walk as Gus would find himself being trailed by that little big eared firefoot fox, after all Gus proved himself a human with food. The small creature would keep twenty feet away from the work and dashing off their path whenever someone turned to look at it, only to resume following as the group continued forth. Along the way you come across an old rickety bridge across the river, it proves stronger surprisingly as you are able to cross it relatively fine.

The sounds of the forest become suddenly distant as the trees part, opening into a small, almost perfectly circular glade. The nearest stands of pine, eyln, and darkwood—all typically sturdy woods—twist away from the clearing, as if bent by some impossibly strong wind or seemingly in an attempt to flee despite their paralyzed roots. At the glade’s center squats an ugly cottage, little more than a pile of twigs, shoots, and ivy stacked upon mud walls. From the thatched roof dangle bundles of gnarled roots, old dried beast carcasses, and knucklebone bangles, all clattering together like gruesome wind chimes. A dozen small thatched fetishes—each shaped like a tiny man, imp, or rearing serpent—stand propped in the yard, keeping guard before a rickety plank door.

2013-07-10, 03:17 PM
Glancing around, Dagall blinked at the superstitious garbage surrounding the hut. After his time with his distant dwarven cousins, he had learned that such nonsense was powered by belief ... and he had see too little miracles to believe that superstition was going to rule his life.

Stomping forward, axe across his back, he waited for the others at the door - this was their mission, and he was just a guest.

2013-07-10, 05:25 PM
Tarn and Sizth follow in Dagall's footsteps, soon reaching him at the door. With a lack of anything better to do, Tarn raps his knuckles against the door, knocking three times, and waiting.

Unfortunately this is the last opportunity I'll have to post since I'm off to Sweden for two weeks. Zoom! I *might* be able to post while I'm there but no promises.

Once again, I apologise for the inconvenience, and would be more than happy to rejoin the campaign (if you'll allow me) once I get back.

2013-07-11, 03:39 AM
Catrin, as they approach the hut, stays behind Dagall timidly. Unlike the dwarf, she was outright terrified by anything superstitious. When Tarn knocks on the door, she is relieved, hoping that he will continue to take the initiative.

2013-07-11, 01:29 PM
Those close enough to the door can see that its moldering door has rotted off its hinges but still blocks the way within. Anyways, there is no response from the other side as it suddenly becomes eerily quiet, the squeaking rotted planks beneath your feet sounding louder than usual. The silence is then broken by the ribbit of a frog that minding its own business hops along the clearing, ignoring the adventurers here.

2013-07-11, 02:42 PM
Dagall waits a moment, then knocks again, calling out, "'Ere now, witch, are ye there?"

2013-07-11, 03:14 PM
Dagall is met with silence.

Suddenly, a mouse quickly darts along the porch, ignoring the adventurers, the fennoc firefox chasing after it. It escapes into a small hole in the wall at the bottom much to the fox's disappointment.

Silence again. Until a brief loud heavy thump is heard, and then another thump, a clank, and then silence again.

2013-07-11, 03:16 PM
Dagall watched the mouse with only minor interest; the sound from inside was much more interesting. Glancing at the others, he knocked again. "Hallo! Are ye there? We have some questiosn for ye!"

2013-07-11, 05:29 PM
Silence again, annoying silence he was met with again.

2013-07-11, 06:01 PM
Dagall looked back at the group, then stomped of a distance, finding a good tree to lean against. "Bah, Ah dinnae have time fer this crap ... where else d'ye need ta go?"

2013-07-11, 09:22 PM
As the group travels, and he notices the fox following, Gus drops another chunk of ration.

Approaching the house, Gus considers the "decorations" around him

Knowledge (Religion) - [roll0]

2013-07-12, 05:20 PM
None of the 'decorations' seem to be of any particular god, rather they are just generic fetishes, the sort that some people of a superstitious nature would use in attempts to ward off evil and spirits.

The fox immediately springs for the jerky and begins nibbling on it.

2013-07-13, 01:13 AM
Catrin watches the mouse walk into the hole. She decides to take a peek inside to see if anything is there.

Percsption? [roll0]

2013-07-13, 11:37 PM
Nothing is there from what Catrin is able to see from the small mouse sized hole. Not a creak, not a whisper, not a sound at as a whole.

A nose full of dust, a nose full of mold, it was clear that this hut was venerable-y old.

2013-07-15, 09:52 AM
Dagall rolled his eyes at the situation. With a harumph, he spoke loudly to others. "Well, ye kin either bust open th'door, or we start lookin' fer yer roots and 'shrooms an' such ..."

2013-07-17, 02:08 AM
"I think it would be wise not to barge on in," Catrin replies. She rises from the ground disappointed that her little peek resulted in nothing. "Oh we don't have time for this... but we need to find everything!"

2013-07-17, 03:26 PM
One significant thing you lot notice is the caked dust and dirt on the small porch, undisturbed except for where you lot stepped and left boot prints, and where the rodent scuffled along towards the hole, and the paw prints of the fire fox.

2013-07-18, 05:59 AM
Gus surveys the porch, noting the dust and the footprints.

"Well, it looks like this place is either abandoned, or someone has been using another means of ingress. What do you think, should we have a look, make sure no one's home?"

Gus sidles a bit closer to the house

2013-07-18, 07:59 AM
Dagall nodded, waving to the man from his leaning spot. "Go fer it, lad."

2013-07-19, 04:29 PM
Gus ponders if he is indeed the right man for this particular job. Pushing those doubts aside, he strides to the door.

"Hello? Blessings of my Lady Desna upon this house. We seek information concerning these woods. Is anyone here?"

2013-07-19, 04:38 PM
Catrin crosses her arms and stares at the hut. "Maybe there's some sort of magical illusion thing that makes us think this place is abandoned," she suggests skeptically. She wasn't sure if her superstition was warranted right now.

2013-07-25, 11:16 AM
Again there is no answer, only silence, perhaps there really isn't anyone in there after all.

2013-07-25, 02:05 PM
Dagall groaned. "Like ah said, either bust open th'door or let's leave and git ta gatherin'!". The stocky axeman was done with this silliness.

2013-07-27, 10:54 AM
"Well I'm not going to break down that door," Catrin states. "You can though, if you're willing to." Truth be told, she wasn't sure if it was wise to. Regardless, she didn't want to be the one responsible for breaking the door.

2013-07-30, 03:25 PM
Dagall shrugged his shoulders. "This be yer mission, lassie. Ah dinnae care one way o' the other. If'n we need ta speak with this woman, then let's knock harder. If'n we don't, then let's be on our way ..."

So - if the group decides we should speak with the 'witch' then Dagall will call out to the witch, knock on the door (with his axe as necessary), and enter.

If the group is ambivalent about talking with the witch, he'll motion for the group to move along.

2013-07-31, 04:58 PM
Tarn watches with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, before finally sighing. "This is getting us nowhere. Dagall, if you'd be so kind, would you mind taking the lead? If there's anything there it's refusing to answer us. I, for one, would like to see what's inside. If something takes offense we can deal with it, but I really think we've given them enough warnings and requests by now."

Pushing Dagall to open the door. Let's see what we've got. :P

2013-07-31, 05:43 PM
Dagall shrugged. "Aye, doing sumthin' is better than doing nuthin' ..." He stomps up to the door and knocks loudly. "Heyo, witch, open yer door and talk ... otherwise we'll be comin' in ta check on ye!"

Dagall paused for a few moments, studying the door, then it was time to get physical.

Call and wait a count of five, listening carefully. Then open the door.

- First, try the knob and push :smallsmile:
- If it opens in, he'll use his shoulder to drive it open.
- If it opens outward, he'll use his axe to attack at the lock

Game on!

2013-08-01, 03:07 AM
The old rusty lock falls off without much trouble with a thump as a small cloud of dust from the dust laden ground bellows after Dagall put his all in removing the lock.

Inside, the cottage is dank, reeking, and filled with shadows. Haphazardly hung shelves line the walls, covered in all manner of clay jugs, clouded bottles, strangely cut rocks, rotted bunches of herbs, and a museum of other crude curios and remnants of a bone grinder’s artifice. A rusted iron cauldron, with a mouth nearly 5 feet wide and a depth of at least 3 feet, dominates the hut’s single room, its ash-covered surface shaped with a relief of capering fiends and leering devils.

Across from the door, against the far walls, stands a highbacked chair made of wicker, the gigantic curved tusks of some monstrous beast, and
thousands of human teeth. In the chair sits what looks like a corpse wrapped in filthy burial linens, its form padded with pungent herbs and sprouting patches of thick white mold.

The firefoot fox stays close to Gus following in the cleric's foot steps. It lets out an uncertain quiet yip as it glances about the creepy place.

2013-08-01, 08:17 AM
Tarn pokes his head round the door, and claps Dagall's shoulder in a congratulatory manner. "Well, it looks like the prior occupant is now...prior." Tarn says, the grim tone matching the grim scene. "Still, it might be enchanted - undead. Should probably keep an eye on it. Let's check it out." With a motion, Sizth slips past Dagall into the hut, followed quickly by Tarn.

If nothing occurs, they'll begin searching the room for anything of particular interest, including around the body (though without touching it).

Tarn Perception: [roll0]
Sizth Perception: [roll1]

2013-08-01, 11:32 AM
Gus stands just inside the door. He casts Detect Magic and scans the hut, wondering if the corpse requires a proper burial, or some other means of disposal

2013-08-01, 01:23 PM
"The body seems to have been wrapped already. I don't know a lot of people who wrap themselves when they die. Besides, it might not even be the occupant," Catrin points out. She keeps her pistol aimed at the corpse. "If we can confirm that it won't come back up I'll try to figure out how it died."

The girl also decides to peruse the room, first looking at the herbs to see if they resemble any of the ones they are searching for. Then she would start looking for books that could prove useful to their quest.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-08-01, 01:46 PM
Seeing everyone move forward now that he had opened the door, Dagall snorted and followed them in, keeping his axe handy. Maybe things were what they seemed ...

... and maybe they weren't.

Perception check: [roll0]

2013-08-01, 03:22 PM
Gus would spy faint traces of magick on the hut outside, faint greens but nothing that marks it as particularly special.

Inside the hut, due to the clutter and volume of stuff in here, their search goes for ten minutes, during that time they become more acquainted with the old linen wrapped thing. That ominous shape turned out to be actually only a bundle of branches, mud, and linen, put together in a faintly humanoid shape, but what reason, who knows.

The gang are able to find a bundle of dry rat's tail tied together with thick hemp string, along with finding tiny odds and ends, like some statuettes, small gemstones and a shrunken head on a thick cord. Catrin would spy some old tomes on a bookshelf all nicely lined up, collecting dust.

2013-08-01, 04:24 PM
Sighing, Dagall stomped back outside, fed up with the craziness of all this. He waited outside, determined to be on their way soon.

2013-08-01, 08:27 PM
"Rat tails, shrunken heads and a whole lot of dust. Not exactly what I was hoping for." Tarn remarks as he flips one of the gemstones around in his hand before pocketing it. "Might make a nice gift." He considers absentmindedly. "Well, it seems this was a bust. Shall we move on?"

Bet those books have somethin' in 'em.

2013-08-02, 03:32 AM
Catrin shrugs as she watches her companions disregarding the root. She approaches the rat's tail and inspects it, wondering if the rope is booby-trapped or something of the sort. "I wonder if this will be suitable," she thinks out loud. Assuming that she sees nothing wrong with it, she'd take it and pocket it.

Then she approaches the books and dusts off them off with her hand, skimming for any titles that might pertain to herbs and such.

Percetion: [roll0]

2013-08-02, 08:19 AM
"Hold a moment. This room may have some interest yet..." Gus calls to those eager to be off. "Let me do a little checking..."

Knowledge (Religion) to see if the wrappings or other items ring any bells


Perception check to notice anything else remarkable


2013-08-02, 11:23 AM
Dagall gazed around the clearing, biting off one of his nails and spitting it to the side. He leaned against a tree, one hand on the haft of his axe.

2013-08-03, 01:25 AM
The moment Tarn touched/disturbed the gemstone and pocketed it there was a loud hut shattering rumble as the rusted and large cauldron in the middle of the single room hut suddenly grew a gummy maw as it suddenly and quickly lumbered after Tarn where he stood.

It's maw opened large and would swallow him whole.

(Tarn actually gets an attack of opportunity before ultimately getting swallowed)

Before the cauldron swallowed Tarn, Catrin would spy in the corner of her eye a book's spine with images that indicated something related to herbology. As for Gus, the wrappings would not have come off as religion related...more like...it was a giant home made fetish of some sort.

Initiative Order!

2013-08-05, 07:47 PM
"Arh-!" Tarn exclaims as he's suddenly engulfed. He - foolishly - hadn't kept his dagger in hand ready for this. His crossbow wasn't exactly useful when he was inside whatever it was that had grabbed him. He tries to go for his dagger, and slash at the creature's maw. Sizth, meanwhile, acting on instinct jumps to his master's aid.


So Tarn doesn't have much in the way of options. Can do anything that doesn't take two hands though...Pretty sure this is all kosher:

Free Action: Drop Crossbow.
Move Action: Draw Dagger.
Standard Action: Attack thing. [roll0] (including the -2 from the Grapple), [roll1].

Move Action (if necessary) to get within Bite Range (10' reach).
Standard Action: Bite the thing. [roll2][roll3]

Welp, that was awful >_>;

2013-08-05, 11:53 PM
Tarn totally whiffed when it came to striking the large cauldron with his puny dagger. Well, whiff in the sense that he struck that cauldron like a limp wristed wizard or a little kitten batting a tassle. Sizth's reason for not being able to inflict damage on the hard surfaced cauldron, probably distracted with his master's little girl like hit that his own bite lacked the focus with snerks and bounced off. (;P just teasing)

Anyways, inside the cauldron, it would become apparent to Tarn that it was bigger on the inside than the outside, with a sort of a fleshy pink lining, thankfully there were no teeth, though it was a little moist in there. The ground beneath him also had a fleshy surface. It was gross. Up above he could see the teeth lacking maw closing and opening and then closing as if content with its snack. On the bright side, it didn't look like he was going to be digested.

(Go Tarn again!

...and Gus, Dagall and Catrin!)

2013-08-06, 09:22 PM
Lacking any options beyond "keep stabbing"...Tarn elects to do exactly that. Hoping for a little bit more luck than last time, he lashes out with his dinky dagger once more, silently cursing that he hadn't thought to invest more time in learning how to stab things properly, rather than all that time spent boozing, shmoozing and brothering.

Outside the inside, Sizth attempts another attack, this time bringing his tail to bear also.

Move Action: :smallfrown:
Standard Action: Attack with Dagger. [roll0] (including -2 from grapple), [roll1]

5' Step to become adjacent to creature/cauldron/thing.
Full Attack Action.
Bite: [roll2][roll3]
Tail Slap: [roll4][roll5]

Edit: Well, the dice are apparently against me in force today.

2013-08-07, 12:21 AM
Tarn managed to tickle its lining, if the cauldron could laugh, it probably would be. At the very least there was a shaking and throaty sounding gurgle. Again Sizth's strike would find itself lost of its force as his bite would barely scratch the surface.

Go Gus! (yer still expected to post even if I did roll your attack) Go Dagall! Go Catrin! Any post order, I'll adjust according in my post!

2013-08-07, 02:24 AM
The girl's mouth drops wide open as she watches Tarn sudden engulfment. "Oh I knew we shouldn't have come in here!" Catrin shouts, grabbing the herb book from the shelf. She fires a shot off at the cauldron, not even sure if attacking it would even work.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 01:30 PM
By sheer reflex, Gus strikes at the cauldron as it engulfs Tarn. To his amazement, he makes contact!

Emboldened by this minor success, Gus rears back for another strike.

Attack: 1d20+1
Damage: 1d8+1

2013-08-07, 01:33 PM
Fudge. Let's try that again
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-07, 01:43 PM
Hearing the cries of alarm, Dagall rushed forward with his axe, bursting into the hut looking around. He paused, nonplussed for a moment, as he found the others engaged with a large .... cauldron?! Shaking his head, he moved forward and swung his axe, uncertain what else to do but attack.

Move and attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

2013-08-08, 10:35 PM
Catrin's bullet strikes the large cauldron with a loud bang leaving a large dent in the cauldron, the bullet wedged in it. And then Gus reflexively swung with his heavy mace like a bat striking at a huge baseball. Hole in One! Err wait..wrong sport....Home Run! The cauldron found itself with more impression leaving dents but it still kept on even as it spun a bit backwards as Dagall unleashed his hybrid fury with his axe as the cauldron split from the edge to a little ways down.

But it still kept going! However, with its dents and big ginormous slash, its moved a little off balance as it magically lunged itself forward to bite Catrin only to fall short off to the side.

As for Tarn, where the gash was from inside, he would see a bright nearly jagged blinding light. He would also find himself smacking against the ground from the wild movements of the cauldron.

<Tarn gets 1 pt of non lethal damage from the wild movements inside the cauldron>

Go Tarn! Sizth! Catrin! Gu--kidding, Dagall!

2013-08-08, 10:45 PM
Momentarily dazed from both the blinding light and the wild movements, Tarn lashes out wildly, his arms working on auto-pilot with his mind having officially given up on "aim" or "proper stabbing procedure".

Sizth still frantically attempts to free his master from the inside of the Cauldron.

Standard Action: Attack- [roll0][roll1]

Full Attack: Bite- [roll2][roll3]
Tail Slap- [roll4][roll5]

Edit: Okay, maybe one attack hits, finally? Still not from Tarn though. And Sizth also managed to roll a zero. GG! :P

2013-08-09, 03:06 AM
Catrin gasps when the cauldron creature stops short of biting her. There's no time to run though as she reloads her gun. "Just die alrea-or just stop moving!" she shouts at the thing before pulling the trigger.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-12, 09:29 AM
Sliding to the side in an attempt to flank the strange foe with Gus, Dagall reared back again, striking the thing once more with his mighty axe.

Five foot step to get a flank (if possible) ... then ATTACK! [roll0], damage: [roll1]

Ah well, if he gets a +2 for flank, he might managed to tickle the thing with a 12!

2013-08-12, 01:26 PM
While Tarn harmlessly struck at the squishy fleshy lining, Sizth managed to bite deep into the hard cauldron before quickly removing itself as the cauldron wildly shook. Being a cauldron, it was difficult to determine just how much damage the attacks were doing, but it seemed...more erratic now? Sizth then slapped the air in front of the cauldron, but boy did he slap that air hard that a nice breeze could be felt.

and then bang! Thank goodness for guns and their touch attacks. And then Gus whiffed, but it wasn't his fault, it was a very loud bang, could have startled anyone. Even as Dagall's axe missed by an inch as the cauldron wobbled backwards from Catrin's attack, the bullet striking the head of the image of the devil on the cauldron. The cracks around the lodged bullet widen...and widen...merging with the slash from Dagall's earlier mighty strike...

.....suddenly from the cracks Tarn emerges in a way that could only be described as 80s special effects mixed in with cartoon physics. His body emerging out, body looking like it was being thrown by a bouncer. He'd likely run into a table, clattering the objects as right behind him the caudron kinda exploded in a burst of grey light and splintered into tiny harmless pieces. The whole hut seemed to shudder and then nothing, just silence.

<Tarn takes [roll0] of non lethal damage>

2013-08-12, 01:33 PM
Gus wipes away any cauldron fragments that may be on him, and screws the pinky of his mace hand into his ear, wincing a bit at Catrin.

Thereafter, he approaches Tarn. "Are you quite alright? Is anything broken?"

2013-08-12, 05:12 PM
Catrin shields herself from the shattering, even if it didn't end up hurting her. She slowly reloads her pistol but keeps it drawn in case of any other trouble. Then her attention turns to Tarn, though Gus seems to be taking care of him. "Do you think there's any other trouble in here?" she asks no one in particular.

She opens up the tome she grabbed earlier in an awkward fashion as her gun is still out. Fortunately, she has good trigger discipline and the barrel is pointed at the ground. It's bad to play with firearms! Anyhow, she skims the pages for any mention of the herbs they are looking for.

2013-08-12, 05:34 PM
Dagall spat on the ground, the strangeness of it all obviously bothering him. Pulling out a whetstone, he started to sharpen his weapon, grumbling about "stupid pots" and "crazy witch huts" and other such things.

Looking back as the others as he cared for his weapon, the dwarf-like man grunted, "Whad'ya do in there? Pi$$ off th'witch? Or worse, pi$$ on 'er?"

2013-08-12, 08:46 PM
Catrin shields herself from the shattering, even if it didn't end up hurting her. She slowly reloads her pistol but keeps it drawn in case of any other trouble. Then her attention turns to Tarn, though Gus seems to be taking care of him. "Do you think there's any other trouble in here?" she asks no one in particular.

She opens up the tome she grabbed earlier in an awkward fashion as her gun is still out. Fortunately, she has good trigger discipline and the barrel is pointed at the ground. It's bad to play with firearms! Anyhow, she skims the pages for any mention of the herbs they are looking for.

The group already found the rat tails, Tarn has them but okay. The tome does have information on the roots in question and share the appearance of the rat tail roots Tarn has in his possession according to the sketch in there. If anyone decided to look for them, they would not find the roots because Tarn already took them.

2013-08-13, 09:41 AM
Not getting an answer from anyone, he sighed to himself. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to Catrin. "So. Ye need anythin else from here? Or kin we go, before the privvy takes a likin' to one o' ye?"

2013-08-13, 07:37 PM
"Well that was unexpected." Tarn replies, trying to hide his frustration with a humourous tone. "I seem to be all right, a little bit of bruising but nothing I'm not already used to." Idly he retrieves the gem he pocketed and inspects its facets. If the gem itself was enchanted, it might be worth more than he thought. His eyes glazing over as they stare deep into the gem, he continues. "But we got what we came for. Or rather, part of it. The roots here are what we needed so there's a good start. I'd say that's worth a few bruises."

Inspection of the gem done, Tarn pockets it once more regardless of the results, sheathes his dagger and retrieves his crossbow. "I think we should move on before any more enchanted brewing supplies attack us. I'd rather not get fall victim to floating ladles or firewood."

Apologies for not being on top of this. There were no posts and then suddenly there was lots :P

Tarn will Detect Magic on the gem he pocketed, but isn't too fussed by the results.

2013-08-14, 02:09 AM
The gemstone doesn't seem to emit any sort of magical aura, it was more likely used as some sort of spell component, or maybe the former resident just liked the shinies.

Additional information on the tome through skimming and looking at pictures and diaphragms on Catrin's part showed a sketchy image of a large fetish similar in appearance to the odd moldy linen humanoid shaped thing made with mud and sticks that was found in the hut earlier. On a random note, the time itself could be of interest to certain parties who dabble in alchemy and herbology.

2013-08-14, 03:44 PM
"I suppose I could take this book for our troubles," Catrin remarks skeptically. "Although after seeing that cauldron, it could be a bad idea. Could someone more... magically inclined check it out?" She holds the book out for one of her party members to analyze it.

Her attention turns towards the strange humanoid figure. "There's a drawing in here that resembles that thing we thought was a corpse. By the way, does anyone know the time? I'm not sure how late we want to be walking about." She takes a quick glance around the room for a clock. Then she looks back inside the tome and wonders if there's a time when the other herbs tend to appear.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for in regards to time buuuuut I tried!

2013-08-14, 04:02 PM
Dagall shrugged as his newfound companions continued to d(*k around with the hut. "If'n ye don't need anythin' else, let's go. Ah dinnae care if you want ta take th'book, but we're just wastin' daylight now.

O' course, Ah kin see in th'dark, so ..."

The dwarf (?) looks ready to leave.

2013-08-14, 05:32 PM
After assuring that Tarn needs no assistance, Gus holsters his mace, keeping his shield attached. He scans the area one last time.


If he sees nothing:

Gus shrugs, indicating he has no further business, then steps toward the exit, fishing out another bit of ration for his furry friend.

2013-08-14, 09:55 PM
"Time? Not sure. Don't think we've been traveling too long, or at least it doesn't feel like it. Where's the sun in the sky?" Tarn gives the book a once-over with Detect Magic, to satisfy Catrin's misgivings.

2013-08-16, 01:25 AM
Gus would find the coast clear and Tarn would find nothing magical about the book in particular. As for time, it looked to be midday or so, maybe a few hours after midday-ish-ness. The sun was still out, slightly high in the sky.

Now, where is the group going to next?

2013-08-17, 01:23 PM
Catrin shrugs and stuffs the tome away into her backpack. "Well then, which place should we tackle next?" she inquires, preferring not to make the decision.

2013-08-17, 02:04 PM
Gus shrugs, and motions to the effigy. "I don't really care. I need flesh and blood to answer my questions"