View Full Version : Magic Item Making "Kohort"

2013-05-15, 12:16 PM
File this one away under "The players never do what you expect them to do."

My group volunteered to rescue a strange halfling priest who was kidnapped by kobolds under mysterious circumstances. Turns out, the 'halfling' was actually a kobold who was using a magic item (Either Softhands Gloves or a Hat of Disguise most likely) to disguise himself as a halfling and avoid starting conflicts due to prejudice while he tries being one of the good guys.

Phase 1: Rescue the kobold. He's a kobold. Make disparaging remarks about the kobold, massacring the tribe holding him, and kobold-kind in general. Figures, his rescuers are precisely the sort of people he was hoping to avoid.

Phase 2: Find out by chance remark that the kobold made the magic item he used to disguise himself. Suddenly my entire low-level, magic-item-light party wants to be BFFs.

Since this party likely has a whole lot of traveling in their future, if they do a lot of groveling, apologizing and maybe a succesful diplomacy check or two, I'm inclined to add him as a party cohort/hireling.

A 3.5e kobold cohort who can make the widest possible range of magic stuff, possibly under less than ideal circumstances, ideally with below-average costs.

Ideally, but not required, have at least 1 level of cleric.

Ability to defend himself in combat is entirely optional.

Same 32 point buy, 2 flaws, any book available as the rest of the party.

About level 6, give or take a few.

So far, I'm looking at Dragonwrought (for +3 stat cheese and Loredrake) and Heretic of the Faith (for adding Spell Domain and Anyspell) feats, plus Draconic Reservoir to get the Greater Draconic Rite and Identify SLA 3x/day. As a kobold, that will let me go Sorcerer 1 and *effectively* have Sorcerer 4.

Cloistered Cleric 3/Sorc 1/Mystic Theurge 2 results in Cleric spellcasting 5, Sorcerer spellcasting 6, and I can grab both Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item at 3rd and 6th.

Edit1: It looks like there's a Domain Access ACF for sorcerers that will get me Spell Domain and Anyspell in exchange for a few sorcerer spells. That frees up one additional feat at level 1.

Edit2: Oooh, and it looks like if I give up Turn/Rebuke as a cleric, I can get the Scribe Cleric ACF from Dragon 353, which gives me the Scribe Scroll feat and a 25% XP cost reduction!

2013-05-15, 12:50 PM
Artificers (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=2829) are pretty much the best magic item crafters. Here (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1000.0) is a handbook for reducing the cost of crafting magic items. You could do something like Cloistered Cleric 1/ Artificer X. Go with the Magic Domain so then you could use both Cleric and Wizard wands without having to roll a UMD check.

2013-05-15, 06:03 PM
Artificers (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=2829) are pretty much the best magic item crafters. Here (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1000.0) is a handbook for reducing the cost of crafting magic items. You could do something like Cloistered Cleric 1/ Artificer X. Go with the Magic Domain so then you could use both Cleric and Wizard wands without having to roll a UMD check.

Whoa, good idea on the Magic Domain! I just sat down and took a detailed look at Artificer class for the first time, and since I can plug a point buy into getting a 21 INT, I think that does it.