View Full Version : Does Protection from Spells work against Conjuration (Creation) spells?

2013-05-15, 03:12 PM
Hello there, Playgrounders, I come here with a rather simple question, that might be a bit more complex than it first appears.

As the title states; Does "Protection from Spells", and similar effects, grant its protection against spells that force skill checks and saves due to secondary circumstances?

Protection from Spells states simply: Creatures get a +8 bonus to saves against spells and spell-like abilities. This is simple, clean-cut and easy to understand. If a Spell forces a creature to roll a saving throw, they get a +8 Bonus to the save.

Freezing fog, however, is listed with Saving Throw: None, Spell Resistance: No. This is also easy to understand, as the main compartment of the spell is the Solid Fog effect, hampering movement. Given that the spell is a Conjuration (Creation) effect, it creates an actual environmental effect, and is not simply magical energy affecting a creature.

Then however, comes the secondary effect. It coats the affected surfaces (Ground, etc) with an icy rime, that forces the target to make a reflex save each round they are inside the area of the fog.

This makes the question a bit more problematic.

The spell states that there is Saving Throw: None, so does that mean that it is not the spell itself that forces the saving throw, but that the Environmental effect does, which is entirely separate from the spell? This would lead to Protection from Spells not working, as it was not the spell that forced the Save, but a secondary effect.

On the other hand, the spell states "each creature in the area of the fog must make a reflex save or fall", implying that it uses the Spell's normal save DC, and that the effect only lasts for as long as the fog also exists, which means that it -does- stem from the spell, and not an entirely unrelated effect, which in turn means that the Protection from spells -would- work against it, and add +8 to the save.

So, Playgrounders, do any of you have a definite answer to this?

2013-05-15, 03:20 PM
A creation spell manipulates matter to create an object or creature in the place the spellcaster designates (subject to the limits noted above). If the spell has a duration other than instantaneous, magic holds the creation together, and when the spell ends, the conjured creature or object vanishes without a trace. If the spell has an instantaneous duration, the created object or creature is merely assembled through magic. It lasts indefinitely and does not depend on magic for its existence. I would rule that since Freezing Fog has a non-instantaneous duration, the Reflex save is against the spell effect. So I would give the bonus.

For contrast, Stone Shape has an Instantaneous duration, and a Reflex save against a pit trap created with the help of Stone Shape would not gain the bonus.