View Full Version : Pathfinder:Cohort Ideas Needed

2013-05-16, 04:51 AM
I've recently made a backup character for a mid level campaign I'm currently playing in. However I'm having trouble creating a suitable cohort. I guess before I can ask for suggestions I should quickly describe my character.
Keep in mind this is for Pathfinder and no 3.5 is allowed.

My Main Character Build
So simply put, my character is a Half Dragon Blink Dog with all but one class level in Fighter and 1 in Sorcerer. The original idea was a blink dog fighter type but the 1 bite attack and no hands (no iterative attacks) greatly limited the build so I added Half Dragon for the claws. The main feats are the Dimensional Agility tree so he can get off his Full attack ever round and still keep his distance.

Role play wise, he is a famous knight in the major human kingdom. Abandoned as a pup and adopted by a minor noble family. At first was regarded as a pet but once he started speaking he quickly became an actual member of the house. So the character does have quite a few social skills and such.

My Cohort Requirements
So for my cohort I'm mainly looking for a character that will primarily function as a Squire. So help don my characters Adamantine Full Plate, open doors and such. However there are some restriction for this cohort and they are as followed:

The race most be something that would fit in a human kingdom. My character needs someone to represent him to the scared common folk. So probably a Human or Halfling with the Child like feat.
Because I'm not a prick to my GM the cohort can't be awesome. I will not going to use full casters useless I make sure they suck.
I wish to make the cohort as simple as possible so that combat isn't slowed down too much.

So I was thinking of making some sort of support character that has only a minor impact on combat. I'm conflicted between many ideas from A Ranged Cavalier with the Herald Squire Archetype, a Bard to a Oracle or Sorcerer with bad spells. Note I'm having trouble with the general idea for my cohort. Once I have the general idea I'll have no problem making it.

So if someone has any general ideas for my cohort I would greatly appreciate it.

2013-05-16, 07:27 AM
Halfling cavalier to ride you? Maybe luring archetype to take advantage of the way you are skirmishing? Or a ranged halfling paladin, same concept.

2013-05-16, 05:24 PM
I was thinking the same thing.

A Halfling with the Child like Feat riding a Half Dragon Dog would look amazing. Imagine seeing a small human child changing on such a creature.

Is there any why to make the Halfling mounting the blink dog come alone with the Dim Door? If not I could either ask my GM if we could make a custom feat or I could just hold the Dimensional Dervish feat ability as a trump card.

2013-05-16, 06:35 PM
make an elan stlye bard?