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2013-05-16, 03:36 PM
Amy and Danielle, one week before

The evening after the incident at the warehouse, Amy borrows five dollars from the Nosferatu fund and dons her mask to get to the nearest phone boot.

She dials her old apartment number - it's still a strange sensation to be dialling a number that was her own till two weeks before. She had wanted to call her yesterday evening, but when her and Mike had finished talking, it had been an ungodly hour in the morning.

She listens to the dialling tone, hoping that Danielle is home to pick it up.

2013-05-16, 03:59 PM

She had been out earlier trying to do some leg work hunting Desmund, visited the scene where Steven had died - to see is she could find something, but nothing turned up.

She had asked some questions on missing persons but nothing solid had appeared, and on top of everything else she had hunger pangs despite having drunk well from some cow blood earlier - they were minor enough to be nothing more than an annoyance every now and then.

She was looking over old papers now in a vain hope of inspiration when the phone rang. It reached the third ring before she remembered that her mother was not here to answer it - and she moved over to get it.

She could have no idea who it was if Flat Face knew where she lived chances were every damn vampire in town knew, or could find out.

"Hello?" her voice was noncommittal if this was a cold caller selling something she would likely simple hang up.

2013-05-16, 04:09 PM
"Hi, Danielle, it's Amy." The tone is slightly relieved - she sounds alright, thank God - Amy had been worried about her after yesterday, and the off-hand comment about the other fledglings having to deal with Flat Face and some other ugly business... if her night had gone down the way it had, she can imagine a night with Flat Face being way worse. "Uhm... I just wanted to check if you were alright."

2013-05-16, 04:52 PM
She smiled a bit at Amy's voice, one of the few people that she didn't really worry around - well not as much as some others at any rate.

"Hi Amy" she thought about the question "if I am right I will be targeted for destruction soon enough - and by more than just the Jackal" she didn't sound to pushed about it.
"Don't know if Flat Face - or Mike" there was an edge to the second name "told you - but I am now likely the most respectable trash in town", it was a bitter joke, Felix was an anarch and Flat Face had said they feel below her even if she didn't see it that way. "Desmund has gone nuts - like Billy before him", so she was likely next - Amy deserved the heads up that associating with her could get even worse than it was tonight. Hell Jean was likely getting questions on an extermination of them even now - Rogan must be choffed with how this had turning out.
"And just when you though associating with me had enough perks already", this joke was lighter, Amy didn't need her grief.

Changing the subject away from it "heard from your sire" she went with a more neutral term this time but there term still had heat in it - it could easily be read as murderer, she calmed herself no need for heat, "that you were out with Al last night dealing with something else, you ok?".

2013-05-16, 05:22 PM
Not really, no. But Danielle doesn't need to hear that. "Yeah, more or less. Nobody died, at least." Which, now that she thinks about it, was kinda a success - she had just been too angry to realise it, yesterday.

"Er...no, Mike hadn't told me" but then again, he had been slightly preoccupied with her shouting at him. "Friggin' hell, Danielle, you ARE alright, aren't you? Listen, do you want me to come by? We can talk in person, if you want." Also, less chances to be overheard, that way.

2013-05-16, 05:43 PM
"Nobody died" she repeated "thats nice" she thought back to the dead body of Steven.

"Yea I'm peachy Amy, I think I have this whole thing figured out" what she had told Felix and Marshall was accurate Jean likely had his bases covered - and that cover was likely her hide on this, but if you accepted that other people had everything figured out than you could avoid nasty insidious things like hope.

She shrugged, "still your place to my mind - just squatting here until you want it back, come over when ever you like".

If she fled town her mother would likely pay for it, Joey would likely die, Amy might be in trouble, Rick might suffer some too ... and if she stayed she was waiting for any number of people to drop a foot on her. In a way she supposed it should be liberating knowing that you had no good options.

2013-05-16, 06:17 PM
"Danielle, you're paying rent there, it's YOUR place, I don't even have the money to afford a taxi right now." She passes an hand through her hair "Alright, stay where you are, I'm definitely coming over." That's someone else that needs to be set straight on a couple of things, it seems, at least judging by Danielle's tone. "Give me half an hour." She hangs up without giving her time to reply.

A bit less than twenty minutes later she is ringing the doorbell to her old place - definitely a neighbourhood that she doesn't miss, and it had been kind of nice knowing that she was probably the most dangerous thing on the streets for once. She had misjudged the distance between her old place and the flats, it seems - that, or I walk quicker now. She is stronger as well, it may make a certain kind of sense.

2013-05-16, 07:10 PM
After getting off the phone, she got a glass of sheeps blood - diversity of diet didn't help much but it was something at least, and heated it up in the microwave.

She had lived in her mothers house all her life, it was where she sisters room was, where most of her happy memories were - this might be where she existed but it wasn't hers.

But she still had to pay for it, she got back to translating a confession from Spanish, case was on a murder - evidence didn't seem to stack up to her but that was not supposed to be her concern, a confession was a confession.
Her job was to copy it into English and leave it at that, and while she previously considered this sleazy and wrong, she needed the cash. She just needed to figure out how to phrase things now - she might allow for easy parole maybe - the guy might be innocent after all, but if he was guilty then his next crime when he got out was on her.

She heard the knock at the door turned the pages over to avoid them being read on habit in theory they were not supposed to leave the court house, and also in theory the damn thing should have been written in English in the first place as it would be the one used going forward - after they got the guy to sign it.

She opened it and allowed Amy in, "Hi" she paused after closing the door, "not sure on the protocol, I have some cow blood, sheep, and rabbit - even some bull" shrugging "but I also hear that accepting blood is a bad idea - so your call" she waved to the fridge.

2013-05-17, 12:35 AM
"I'm okay, thanks... Not that I don't trust you, but I have had some already". More often than not, she had find some ready for her when she had woken up, just like the first evening... Mike's doing, obviously, and he had dismissed her concerns on the matter telling her that she could start getting her own when she felt ready to - which Amy supposes she should probably do soon.

She steps inside, noting the changes Danielle has made to the apartment: small things, but enough to identify it as belonging to someone else: a cover on the bed she has never seen, different coloured curtains, the microwave - she certainly could never have afforded something as fancy as a microwave. "Hey. So.. What happened yesterday? Do you want to talk about it? And oh, do you mind if I... " gesturing towards her face, which at the moment still looks like her old human self.

2013-05-17, 02:25 AM
"What" she looked confused for a second as Amy waved at her face "oh yea sure" it didn't bother her "wait sorry ... you can put it back on in a hurry if someone comes to the door right?" assuming Amy was confident of that she was happy enough.

Yesterday she thought "brief overview, I was involved in a murder, a kidnapping, had my life threatened, meet one of the other things that inhabits our world, failed at all expected tasks, and can now luck forward to going crazy if past caitiff indication is anything to go on. Any particular bit you want to hear more about?", the smile was bitter, "what about you?" this was asked with genuine concern.

2013-05-17, 04:50 AM
She shrugs, shifting back to her natural face as she does so. "Yeah, but I'll just hide in the bathroom... Who's going to open the door on a lady in the toilet anyway?"

"I told the Sheriff to shove it, I antagonised half the other fledglings, I think I made a fool of myself and I ended the evening shouting at Mike. But that doesn't really matter. A murder, Danielle? " Flat Face was involved, she thinks spitefully, of course there has been a murder." What happened? "

2013-05-17, 05:06 AM
"Wait ... you got mad at Al?" she liked Al, likely owed her her miserable life - but she wouldn't hold that against the woman, she would have thought that her and Amy might have gotten along, they both seemed reasonable enough.

She waved a hand "fine I will start but I want the full story after this".

Sitting down she closed her eyes, remembering details - "Flat Face picked me up, and we met up with Rick - the Tremere, seems a decent guy if a bit to ... " she wasn't sure how to say rigid for the way he spoke to the anarchs "authoritative?" the word was almost a question.

"Flat Face told us that Desmund had went nuts - army of vampires kind of nuts", she looked at Amy to make sure she understood the seriousness of the idea, "we went into an area where we though he might be" she paused she didn't want to really remember it "and long and the short of it, I ended up at gun point from some guy - Steven it turned out - and Rick and Flat Face 'saved' me, in the most obvious manner", she took a drink.

"Well that was the start of it anyway", giving a weak smile "your turn".

2013-05-17, 07:20 AM
Oh. It had been in self defence, then. It could have been much worse. "That's... Well, it was to save you. That's not murder, exactly". That's manslaughter at worst. "And army of vampires, really? Friggin'hell, I wasn't told a thing. Did he. ... Did you... " manage to kill him sounds quite wrong to her own ears, so she doesn't say it.

"Yeah, I got mad at Al. I got mad at everyone there. It kinda started when I was asked to pick up a gun and kill a bunch of people because it was a test " She still can't believe that those had been the ACTUAL words Iris and Al had used. "That's... Well, that's when I sent everyone to hell. Oh, they were Russian mob, by the way. Stay clear of the Russians, Danielle, they are nasty people. "

2013-05-17, 08:19 AM
She looked at the other woman not buying the murder self-defense distinction, "if it goes to court that might matter more. No he is alive, undead - whichever you prefer and I have no clue where he is" she sighed.

Listening to the story "What was the test for, are you ... " she didn't really want to suggest it but it sounded plausible "are you sure the real test wasn't to say 'no I have no experience with that' in a polite way?".

She shrugged at the mention of the mob, "no worse than some other groups in the city".

2013-05-17, 09:43 AM
"Danielle, I was a clerk. If they needed me to tell them I don't have any experience in killing people, they are even more idiots than what I told them they are". She shakes her head in frustration "Whatever it was, I failed it. I think my exact words were that I didn't friggin care what the elders want, I'm not going to kill anyone. And if Al was here in front of me now, I'll say exactly the same, honestly. "

2013-05-17, 11:32 AM
She smiled at Amy's frustration - she understood it, "Not the point I was making", she gestured to a chair and took a different one herself, "you didn't bow to peer pressure, cool. But the test might have been about how you say no".

"What was the full deal and point of the test anyway?" she queried, she still had more of her own story to tell but this test seemed very weird.

2013-05-17, 03:04 PM
And what kind of an idiot test would THAT be? She snorts "You should have a chat with Mike, he told me exactly the same thing. Alright, how was I supposed to say it according to you two? 'Excuse me, miss Rowe, I'm so very awfully sorry about the inconvenience, but I don't really feel up to the task?' Hell, no." As far as Amy's concerned, everybody asking her to kill seven people deserves to be ripped a new one. She accepts Danielle's offer of a chair and sits down "Yeah, long story short, guys' boss broke an agreement with us and pissed off the prince, this was supposed to be retaliation... blow up the place and 'deal' with the people there." And when they show you a trunk full of weapons it's kinda obvious how the 'dealing' should be conducted in their mind.

2013-05-17, 03:37 PM
Her eyes snapped angrily focused on Amy when she compared her to Mike, her imagination of him pouncing on Amy and killing her sprang to mind, thought of Billy grabbing and abducting her and killing her overlaid with them, then the more recent thought of Desmund binding Joey, killing this Mercy girl setting up Steven to die ... and killing all his friends so he could hide and kill more in a battle he couldn't win. The potential of this being her own final fate as she went mad as well settled on her and Amy's comparison become a near taunt in her mind "I do not like that comparison" her voice very calm even as her fingers dug painfully into her knee unnoticed.

She tried to calm herself with some placebo long breaths, "I would say no, and see about coming up with a plan or suggesting one, did you at least ask Al how she would handle it if she wanted to keep the guys alive - learn from experience and all that?".

She thought about it "I also don't believe it actually" she raised her hands to ward of a response "not that I don't believe i, but centuries old monsters of legend engaging in simple tit-for-tat attacks" she cocked an eyebrow "does that sound right to you?".

"How did it go down after you walked do you know?" Amy might be making a distinction she realised, she hadn't killed anyone or been involved in deaths because she walked away it was a fair enough rationalisation, but the people might still be dead.

2013-05-17, 05:07 PM
She raises an eyebrow, confused "...all right." she says in a slightly questioning tone that clearly implies What's the big deal anyway?, but doesn't press the matter further if Danielle doesn't. Danielle doesn't particularly like Mike, she's made that quire clear, but Amy doesn't for the life of her understand why.

"Hah, no, it didn't really seem like she would have particularly wanted to keep them alive...and I was seriously pissed off anyway, I really didn't think about asking... And, really, have you SEEN the people at the party the night we were Embraced? Yeah, honestly, it DOES sound right to me" Centuries old doesn't really imply 'capable to act like grown-ups', from what she's seen.

"And I didn't walk away." She had been about to, weren't it not for Andy. I'll have to remind to thank him. And probably apologise - she seems to remember she may have shouted at him as well, as some point. "We called the police, we got them arrested...uhm... Erica Dominated them, told them to testify in court against their boss, so...you know" A little shrug at the end.

2013-05-17, 05:37 PM
She wanted to ask about Amy's take on the elders but that would be a potentially long conversation - so she would focus the more confusing element. No she would focus on that in a second.

"Sorry Amy, I don't like Mike - he took someone killed them and turned them into a monster. I equate him with Billy - justified or not I do they did the same thing ultimately. Now with Desmund doing it on mass - as he note he is only trying apparently one one success so far, I should have mentioned that, the rest have all just been left dead apparently" the just was almost spat.

"Anyway history repeats itself and I am next into the crazy pile. And I equate Mike with all that cause of what he did to you", she finished.

"Anyway skipping past that" she offered a weak smile as apology "if you called the cops and had them deal with it why in the hell did Erica introduce herself to them?" it made no damn sense to her "to help a conviction of people that might break free of it or ring alarm bells to the police of other interested parties". She stood and started pacing around the room "I mean there is a crazy hunter on the loose - and while he might be after me stories like - 'a dozen Russian mob men turned over a new leaf today and dropped their boss in it, when asked why they said they felt they had to' - might sound like a crisis of conscience to some, but it sounds suspicious as hell to me", did these people think the hunter would not notice a story like that, or did they just consider it her problem and not think about it.

She let out a long breath, "Why not do it without introducing yourselves and let the cops handle it?", actually why didn't Al do that "they might be corrupt" she thought of her translation work "but they would be corrupt either way" she had to be missing something here.

2013-05-17, 06:05 PM
She thought about what Danielle said about the hunter for a second, before dismissing it - she is NOT going to feel guilty about the one good thing she may have accomplished yesterday. "I wanted friggin' Yuri in prison, that's why, and that had nothing whatsoever to do with the hunter, people make deals with the police all the time not to go to prison, you know, no need to suspect vampires may be involved. And Erica made them forget we were there anyway, so that's not a problem... but you hold on just a second." She replays what Danielle had just said in her mind - where the hell is that coming from, anyway? - and looks at Danielle with an expression between the confused and the astonished. "Let me get this straight: I am a monster and you are going to go crazy? Danielle, what the hell did you put in that sheep's blood? Because you are making no sense at all, you know?"

2013-05-17, 06:27 PM
"The fact that you have to ask what I put in the blood that I drink, doesn't answer itself on the monster front?", she said pointedly "and normally I slip in a little bull for a little kick to it if you must know" it still tasted somewhat stale though.

"Billy went crazy, Desmund went crazy. You heard Rogan - we all do. What you might not know is that there have been about a dozen of us over the last decade - now you are looking at a third of the population - and that will likely be half soon. How many Nosfertu have there been in that time?" she shrugged "Rogan might be wrong about us, but merely wanted him to be doesn't mean he is".

"Who is Yuri", the name meant nothing to her, maybe she should learn Russian she considered briefly "and it is the same anyway, the cops come up and arrest them and they can turn them themselves - but making people that might have done jail time or be known for there loyalty turn on there boss seems like it might trigger alarms. Maybe dominate" it sounded like a vile power "is perfect but I don't know that, maybe Erica does and I am underestimating the scope of the ability" part of her hoped she was for Amy's and she supposed Erica's sake but a second part would prefer if she didn't have to worry about looking people in the eyes all the time.

She missed Amy's pushing back guilt not noting that the other woman was uncomfortable about the line "and now the families of the mobsters might very well be used to make an example to others that might turn" that she had encounter before both in missing children and court cases translations.

The thought of missing children reminded her of Katrina and Joey two girls whose families missed them and the second she had been involved in the kidnap of.
"I suppose I am not being very good company tonight" there was bitterness in her voice but it wasn't directed at Amy "am I".

2013-05-18, 04:05 AM
Amy snorts. "Yeah, we drink blood, I had noticed." Big whoop. "Did you torture someone for days to get a kick out of it and brag about it afterwards? No? Guess what, Yuri still beats you in the 'monster' department, and he is human. Oh, Yuri's the mob boss by the way. And Rogan's full of ****, as far as I'm concerned.... you really want to base your actions over what Rogan says? Come on, Danielle."

And what's with you tonight? Are you trying to make me feel bad? "And yeah, but that would still be on Yuri's plate...and if I manage to stick him behind bars that's something we won't have to worry about anymore. Look, Danielle, I don't want to argue with you tonight. I argued with a bunch of people yesterday, my sire included, that fills up my quota for the week." She makes a little lopsided smile at her. "I had come to see if you were alright and I end up telling you about my problems - let's forget it, I'll find a way around it" She's actually pretty sure of that.

2013-05-18, 05:33 AM
"Well we did kidnap a girl, beat her, drug her and than drop her with people that she didn't know - and that we don't really know for" she actually used air-quotes with her fingers "safe-keeping", she shrugged "and did have to try and negotiate with the person that left Al's predecessor in pieces about favours. And made a conscious decision to allow Desmund to roam free cause I didn't want to inconvenience myself", people would die because she hadn't given Harry what he needed for an agreement. Dammit I shouldn't have mentioned that last to Amy, it puts her in a difficult position - or a fairly straight forward one, reporting her.

"I don't like Rogan, Amy" she shuffled her feet and put the cup back into the microwave for something to to letting it heat for 20 seconds "but he is old and likely knows things - dismissing his claim because I don't like it is not logically sound".

She turned on the radio to allow some light classical music to calm her and ease the scene - they were likely both on edge a bit.

"Here is a question Amy, on consideration what do you make of the society we are in and the roles we play - from the first night to tonight - how has your perception changed?", this was something that had taken her a while to wrap her head around - and she wasn't sure she had done it yet, but it would hopefully be a nicer conversation - and allowed Amy to skip over the horror she had dropped on her regarding Joey.

You take the music to be something along these lines.

2013-05-18, 12:47 PM
She looks at Danielle, mouth open. "Alright, I think I need to know the full story. What the hell happened yesterday, Danielle?" She thought she had had it bad... apparently, her first guess had been right: if Flat Face was involved, it was bound to have been worse.

"And yeah, Rogan's old. So is my auntie Sally. Doesn't mean they know what they are saying". Hell, if you want to talk old, the Prince had warned Amy about Danielle, too, and she thinks he doesn't know what he's saying. And that's basically what prompts the answer to the next question as well "I thought the whole thing was seriously ****ed up the first night, and I still think it is. I haven't seen much to make me change my mind, honestly."

2013-05-18, 04:06 PM
She looked at her feet, reminiscing "I thought it was some crazy cult, kidnapping people, indoctrinating them - separating them from friends and family until all they have it the cult and it's rules".

"I told you about the death, well that guy wasn't alone - there was a second person - Joey - my age, maybe a bit older" she shrugged being unsure "so I ran her down after she fled, we couldn't get her to talk - she was blood bound to Desmund though we didn't know - we wanted to save her life so we tried old fashioned pain" she stopped "I tried old fashioned pain" it was not the first time she hurt someone - far from it - but it was different them hitting someone in school for annoying you and breaking their nose the morning of prom, or was it? maybe she was always like this and being dead just made her honest.

"Flat Face knew better, he cut her and watched her heal - knowing she was a ghoul our attempts wouldn't work - so he drugged her got the info he needed and left her fate to us", she stopped "actually a quarter of the caitiff population, there is a new one" correcting herself from earlier "she probably won't last long".

She stopped as the song changed "and that was Flat Face's deal for the night", she knew Amy didn't like the guy "and we can't blame him - he had a task but he listened and accepted mine and Rick's suggestions" her eyes met Amy's and there was a strength in them she might be moping but it wasn't from weakness "every decision sits solely with me and Rick - and as I was part of the lot - every one is my fault for now things turn out. I can accept that but I can't like it", she did feel that Amy could do with taking some responsibility as well rather then blaming Al for doing her job - and apparently had listened to them.

She downed the blood, "we took the Joey to the anarchs - and got info on Desmund from them - decent enough guys from what I can tell. I will collect her tomorrow if I can't deal with this Desmund thing" and that was looking unlikely all her work had been dead ends tonight.

"Desmund was a medical student and promising -think he was engaged in a company as well, had his whole life in front of him. That was six months ago, then he died and became one of us - and worked hard to show himself to be a star - and was cast down for it. He went insane killed everyone he knew, and started to try and create an army - I don't understand why - me I would go with explosives just a heads up", it was a joke - a very bad taste one - and something she had considered more then once fleetingly. "He probably just wants to be looked up to and respected - and the blood allows him that" but those might just be her motivations in the same situation.

"The anarchs pointed us to the university - with a warning to watch out for Harry", she stopped and looked at Amy. "Amy I want to be clear, stay away from the university, hospital and the main street market. They belong to Harry and then old prince agreed with that - whether or not Jean keeps the deal you don't want to mess with Harry" a shiver went through her.

"Anyway we met Harry and had a conversation - he would help me with Desmund if I was willing to pay a toll - I said no" Amy likely didn't need to know the details "and that was that we left and finished the night".

She sat again "I turned down Harry's help and let Desmund run loose because I was arrogant and thought it would only take me a day to find him - any lives he ruins now or on me".

She poured herself a small glass of wine just for the smell of it - she couldn't drink the stuff, would I be able to mix it with the blood, maybe heat it? it would help her take the edge of existence, she would have to look into that.

"I was wrong Amy, it isn't a creepy cult", she stopped she had spoken enough if Amy wanted to know what she thought about it now she could ask.

"Do you have any preference for music actually, I should have asked earlier?" considering "and to you want to have a glass of wine - the smell can be ok".

2013-05-19, 05:04 AM
"Yeah, just doing his job, sure." How old is Flat Face, again? Sixty, seventy? Why are we being thrust out to deal with this stuff, again? "It's like the Russian thing was, Danielle, they're playing games with us." It's plain enough for Amy to see. And it still makes her furious. "They didn't need us dealing with the Russians and they didn't need you for the other thing... somebody just thinks it's amusing." And if Amy had met that somebody, yesterday, she would have quite happily tried to claw their eyes out. Elder or not. She sighs. "You saved the girl at the very least... I assure you, Flat Face would have just got rid of her. That's how the friggin' man thinks." If he ever thinks at all, which Amy's not exactly sure of.

She shakes her head at the offer of the wine - she really can't see the point in smelling something that you can't drink. "Music's fine, I don't mind. I don't usually listen to the classical station... we had a radio in the shop always tuned on KIXZ-FM. I like the new Mariah Carey one. But this is nice, it's relaxing, anyway."

She makes a little smile to Danielle and gets up from the chair, going to lean on the kitchen counter. She distractedly wonders if Danielle had kept that ice cream with marshmallow she had bought on offer at Walmart... she was saving that as a special treat. She passes an hand through her hair and shakes her head to avoid her thoughts taking even more ridiculous directions "Alright, so, it's not a creepy cult. Well, it's creepy, but it's not a cult... even if.... er... I don't know if someone's already told about that end of the world superstition thing." Mike had told her, on request, and had shrugged when she had asked if he believed it. Which she took to mean 'Not really, but you can never be sure, can you?' "So...what do you think about it now?"

2013-05-19, 07:09 AM
"Well credit to her for following her dream at her age", she had little doubt that she wouldn't be releasing anything at twenty "but she wouldn't really appeal to me", she shrugged "don't know if the music will stand the test of time", leaning back "now Cooper, Meat Loaf, both Sinatras, that is good music" smiling "when a break is wanted from this" her voice indicating that that break would be infrequent for her. She was much more at ease talking about this than perhaps Amy had seen her, her fingers drumming out the cords along with the radio.

They stopped as her face clouded again with the reality of the situation "yea we let kept her alive, not sure that Flat Faces method isn't more honest and kinder, she will never be free - someone will always have to watch over her in case she snaps, and that means that one way or another she will have to be controlled - what we have done is place everyone that might ever care about her in danger. It is possible that only did what we did because we were to cowardly to make the right call".

She returned to the music "Nancy is often overlooked for her father. I have to wonder if that is a blessing or a curse to her" she considered for a second.

Smiling "Ah yes - I am going to destroy the world - so at least I have that in my favour", she leaned back into the chair "I mean maybe they are right, a month ago the whole walking dead thing seemed unbelievable - I mean if you are going to discriminate against someone the apocalypse girl sounds like the good choice"she smirked.

She gathered her thoughts, "It is a business, ignore all the vampire crap and just think of it as a regular business". "Night of the embrace?, new hires being introduced by their hiring managers to the company. Ghouls? temp workers and consultants. The tongue incident? a severe reprimand - the alternative being an immediate firing. Caitiff? People who were hired by people without the authority to do so - and now have sensitive information - brought on probation, or fired. Your test? To see how the new lot do under pressure, after all some of you might really love exercising power now that you have some - other might not, management have to know the difference. Jean? chairman of the board, primogen? The board. Henry? Head of security, Clan? business divisions etc, etc" she looked at Amy to make sure she understood "and as with all businesses the core goal is to maintain or expand the businesses power-base - and no one regardless of who they are will be allowed to compromise that without being fired".

"Thinking on it this way I don't need to know what a centuries old creature powered by the stolen blood of the living thinks, I can read the business section of the paper and see how all businesses operate - so far very little in it has steered me wrong", she hoped Amy understood, having someone to talk to about things dispassionately would be a boon to her to find out how they might react to certain actions.

2013-05-19, 07:54 AM
Lingering understanding will have to wait, I'm afraid. This is AMY: she doesn't do 'coldly logical'...if this were Star Trek, she'd be McCoy. :smalltongue:

"A business? You're taking the piss, aren't you?" She definitely must be: Amy can't think of any other explanation. "A friggin' madhouse, you mean. Those guys kill people, Danielle. And if that bunch of clowns we saw is a board, it must be the worst board in the history of enterprises." She laughs. The entire situation is just too surreal not to laugh about it. "Although now that I think about it, I told Al to tell the Elders to put a note on my résumé" And how lucky she is that she had bitten her tongue before adding 'and then roll that resume up very very tightly and shove it up their... ' like she had been sorely tempted to? "So, by your analogy that probably makes me...what, the trouble employee? The union representative?"

2013-05-19, 08:26 AM
"Pharmaceutical companies withhold drugs to increase profit, defense contractors engage in mass murder as a business, car companies use poor quality items to save a percentage not caring about the road fatalities that occur ... it is all in the paper, no one cares or even bats an eye most of the time", Amy didn't get it she thought people were good, Danielle knew better - or at least was convinced she did.

"It could put you in a number of places - away from combat maybe, after all you can't be trusted to follow lethal orders if the Sabbat attack" assuming that the Sabbat even exist and were not just stories to maintain control. "Front lines as expendable an annoyance to the powers that decide these things. In need of career guidance, maybe. Respected for raising the exact points that the management wanted considered and flagged for promotion. I wasn't and I have not read the performance evaluations or recommendations", she cracked her knuckles as she stretched, or tried to the sound was not present "but I am fully comfortable believing that there were performance evaluations and recommendations".

"Give me one illogical decision that was made Amy, just one?", she looked at the woman waiting for an answer, this might be a long conversation but she wanted Amy to get the gist of it - it could make life easier for the other woman "and nothing based on personalities please, all businesses would have that".

2013-05-19, 02:05 PM
She gives her an incredulous look. She clearly doesn't get where the other woman is coming from. "How about all of them, Danielle?" Starting to count on her fingers "The fact that if I mess up, I put Mike in trouble, and vice versa. Friggin' Henry, that wanted to hide our heads under the sand and forget all about the hunter. The Prince, goddammit, sending you to stay with us the evening before and changing his mind 24 hours later. Asking me to turn into a friggin' marine. Why do I even need to go on?"

2013-05-20, 01:34 PM
She smiled at the woman, she could understand the frustration - and knew she was about to make it worse - the smile turned apologetic.

Raising a finger to indicate one, "Mike hired you, if you were invited to be a computer wiz" she had mentioned that she was good with them hadn't she "for a international company - and you swiped millions from them during your probation period - don't you think the hiring guy would get it in the neck?", sighing "but it is more then that, it means that you have protection - Mick suffers your mistakes yes - but his sire suffers his up and up, and down again. Your entire clan is on the hook for you" it was something she had considered the first night - she had even mentioned it as a reason to kill her as she was outside it, "it is a way of ensuring that the clans police themselves".

She raised a second finger "if you were trained to remain hidden - and so were the other fledglings hiding in the sand might work - ten years ago it might very well have been the plan. The Jackal is in theory human - Henry can simply outlive him but taking the offense allows for a chaotic situation where the Jackal might very well get a chance to take down an elder or cause enough grief to attract other enemies", pausing "and despite that the society saw things differently and decided that the problem needed to be dealt with".

A third finger, "He didn't change his mind, staying with you was my choice - the other being in a storage unit. His only information on me at the time was that Al said I wasn't a complete moron, he needed to make sure she wasn't setting him up to make a bad decision. I have very little doubt that Flat Face was under strict orders to kill me if he deemed me a high risk - thankfully or not he didn't. But the prince could not risk me being associated to his clan overly - in case I do something stupid and he needs to spread the blame. Also he likely does not want the Jackal to know where his people live - and you can bet that if the Jackal knows where I am the only reason I am not so much dust is he wants to find more" she shrugged.

The full flat of her hand now shown "finally giving you a gun and saying kill a heap of guys - only for you to say no. Well good for you - I am happy to hear that" she was too "but they don't know you - maybe you have a lot of frustration and are just looking for an excuse to demonstrate your power over mortals. Allow me to ask you - was anyone willing to grab a gun and slaughter people after only two weeks dead? Did anyone seem to revel in it?" she held Amy's gaze for a second "even if the answer is no - don't you think that that information is something that the elders might need to know one way are another?".

She looked at her and and immediately felt embarrassed "wow, sorry that was a really jerkish way of making my points" she used to explain to people who harassed her in a similar patronising way why it was a bad idea.

Smiling sheepishly "But yea you might want to go on - I am still unconvinced".

2013-05-20, 03:05 PM
OOC Er... she may have mentioned that she knows a bit about computers, but she would have seriously downplayed her skills, and certainly wouldn't have mentioned that's the reason why the Nosferatu decided to Embrace her. Just letting you know... Amy trusts Danielle, but her being an hacker is the one thing that she has always considered her secret. And secrets are important for her. :smallwink:

"Yeah, except it wasn't Mike that 'hired' me." Dammit, I probably shouldn't have said that. "And I'm actually 23, if I mess up, it should be on me, not him."

She takes a breath "Danielle, look, you're not going to convince me that the Elders aren't a bunch of clowns in friggin' hundred dollar suits. Have you seen Rogan? Or Sean? And if you get to it, how is a good idea to ask YOU to deal with a hunter they are all afraid of? What are you going to do that they couldn't themselves?" She realises too late what she's just said. She passes her hands through what's left of her hair and makes a little choking sound "****, Danielle, I didn't mean to say that." Not that it isn't true, but Danielle doesn't need to know about that.

2013-05-20, 03:51 PM
OOC:I was tempted to go "computer wiz or accountant or lawyer or whatever", but thought it would detract by rambling and would have caused confusion if I just went with accountant.
Thinking about it I probably should have went with researcher as Amy offered her help with that.
But meh ... now Amy can worry about Danielle's mysterious insight (or random choice as the case may be) :smallsmile:.

"What?" no screw it Danielle if the Nosfertu are playing games with who sired who it is not my business considering that they were in theory the head clan emphatically not my business, thought had she then wrongly blamed Mike for the crime ... this was exactly the kind of creepy politics she didn't want to know about "actually forget I asked not my business" it was obvious the girl was uncomfortable.

"Point is that it is the fault of the department - and in my analogy Clan Nosfertu are the department, they suffer for your actions - all of them to an extent likely" including the prince if only by losing face.

"I have seen Rogan?" it was a question and a suspicious one at that, she wondered what Amy was getting at she met him once and he tried to argue she should die, but some of his points were valid - the thought that it might be a racial comment crossed her mind Amy didn't seem the type, but than it was unlikely she would ware a sign or ware a white hood, her tone guarded "he made some points about how I should die - he might have been right, based on other caitiff".

Sean did Amy need to know her thought on him, did she want to say them - they get to the wrong ears and she could be called on playing politics "I ... I think I will avoid Sean" there was obviously something on her mind that was troubling her about him.

She waved off the comment on her dealing with the hunter yes everyone expects me to die, I get it already "yes chances are that he will butcher me without issue and then someone can sweep me up and dump me in a trash can" she remembered Billy and Brett "I have seen him in action and yea I am pretty screwed", she looked at the ceiling.

"But that is not the point, this is a game of bait. He likely wants to find more of us to kill ... so he probably won't make a move as soon as he sees me, on the other hand Al and co know that he will be hunting me so they also likely have an eye on me ... whoever slips up first dies. And well we can assume an immortal can learn to be fairly patient", she shrugged, she considered Amy did need to know the rest of it "and if by some miracle I survive ... well I will be scapegoated as needed the next time something happens", she looked at Amy to make her point "you wont be, because Mike and your clan are responsible for your actions - so punishing you implies they did something wrong and are therefore weak. You think it is unfair? You should see it as a benefit" she finished.

2013-05-20, 04:57 PM
She shakes her head... now that she's said it, may as well tell it as it is, instead of leaving her to wonder. "Mike sired me, but he didn't choose me, he was told to." And that's it, she doesn't need to go into any more detail than that, and thankfully it doesn't seem that Danielle is going to probe further.

"Come on, Danielle, Rogan. Remember him? Mister 'I'm so manly my house toilet doesn't even have a seat cover'? How ridiculous was he?" And he was, she had thought he was even that night, she had just been too angry with him for suggesting Danielle was weak to properly appreciate that. "And those weren't good point, by the way, those were crap points." And the sooner she realises that, the better off she'll be, in Amy's view. "And yeah, I think I'll avoid Sean as well". Hell, she'll avoid all of them if given the choice.

She sighs. "I had a twenty percent discount on groceries and booze. That was a friggin' benefit. Messing up somebody's else life if I screw up is not, believe me." Then she thinks of something else and smirks "The health plan is way better here, though, I have to admit."

Passing her hands through her hair again when Danielle speaks of the hunter. "And no, that is not what it's going to happen, because we'll have a plan, dammit." She's not going to rely on Al to keep Danielle safe. As far as she knows, Al doesn't give a rat's arse if Danielle lives or dies. "I don't know which one yet, but we'll deal with that." She had promised, after all.

2013-05-20, 05:29 PM
She really didn't want to know the internal politics of the Nosfertu, but it implied that someone else in the group was also involved - so two of them kidnapping and murdering a woman rather than one, somehow it made it worse - she somehow doubted it was Flat Face he seemed more honest that than that kind of sick game.

She smiles "I'm not stupid Amy, I have a plan. Namely I will get on with my life. Which possibly if I can ever figure out how - involves setting up a multipurpose charity, and once I have the backing and the funding I am going to get a warehouse in the middle on nowhere where the Jackal can attack me in comfort without having to worry about bystanders - and after putting in a but of work I will hopefully have it converted into a death trap for the fight and manage to take him out" she had to be honest with herself "kill him", it was a poor plan - but she could work with it, it wasn't like she expected to get the initial plan off let alone survive the follow through.

"And if all that works and I prove to everyone how cunning and dangerous I can be ... well they will kill me as a potential hazard anyway, before I go crazy like all my kind apparently do" it was a likely outcome, she was already feeling like she was living in a mad house.

"But lets backup, which of his points were poor. Other caitiff have went crazy, I am apparently weaker than the rest of you, or them - for example you have that face thing down, Erica - was that her name? - apparently has mind control as a party trick. Me I have knowing how to mix rabbit with sheep to provide just a hint of taste outside the blandness of dead animal blood", she shrugged, after the things she had seen and felt over the last few weeks she wasn't sure that she wasn't already quite mad.

"Your clan - all clans from my reading of my trial - are about shared responsibility Amy, it protects you while it allows them to speak on your behalf and keep things inhouse - keeps everything nice and polite", she smiled "of course you could likely petition for caitiff status if it is really that bad?".

2013-05-21, 04:12 AM
She scoffs. "The face thing? That's not being strong, that's a creepy party trick. " Danielle has that right, at the very least. She throws her hands up in defeat. She isn't going to convince Danielle, apparently, and she really doesn't want to argue with her further "Alright, Rogan's right, Al was right, EVERYBODY's right, and I'm the idiot." It's clear from her tone that she doesn't believe it for a second.

She sighs when Danielle asks if she'd rather swap. "No, of course I don't, I know I have it better than you. It's just... " a frustrated shake of her head "I can't believe you don't see how messed up everything is."

"Alright, your plan then. You want to tell me about it? "

2013-05-21, 07:42 AM
Dammit she had messed up, Amy had legitimate reason to take offense at a comment about her face being regarded as a power - she didn't seem to but still thinking before she spoke should be done - she had let herself slip.

"You're not an idiot Amy", she considered for a second "your finding yourself in this new situation ... and your seeing elements you don't like, for good reason, and you are rebelling against them - that is fine and normal - good even. You have a family unit to protect you while you do that. Me - I have to assume that all the elders know what they are doing - even when I don't like it - actually especially when I don't like it - because if I don't I am likely dead, the people I care about are likely dead, and hell people that I might have cried my sorrows to are likely dead just to be sure. I won't have that Amy not just so that I can call someone out on treating me badly" she didn't want to say that Amy had the luxury of being difficult and she didn't but she was thinking it - she was thinking it hard, "hmm ... do me a favour Amy if you can and want to - speak to Jean or his second in command" she forgot the name for a second "Donovan?, ask them to explain why things happened and happen the way they did, don't just assume you know". It was entirely possible that Amy had already done exactly that and knew damn well that her own ideas or hopes for logical thought were not right - but if not hopefully she would "it might make everything clearer and easier".

"But we can let it drop" she shrugged neither benefited from this prolonged discussion.

"The plan" she was reluctant to tell anyone but then again she had told Harry - and she could hopefully trust Amy as much as him "I am involved in the club music scene, missing person groups and know a guy involved in court records - and my mother works in the university", shrugging "I want to make use of those connections to start up a charity - all I need is the commitment, the money, the legal matters sorted and a host of other issue - all while being effectively an SAT completed high-school drop out. Once I make all that magically come together for me - by hoping really hard - I will get a warehouse where it is easy to isolate and attack me as a base of operations and rig it up as a death traps, spikes, explosives, etc and when the Jackal attacks me I will" she paused "kill him. Then use that base and the backing to setup needle exchange programs, blood donations, helpdesks for people in trouble who need a friendly ear that kind of thing. This should reduce crime in the city long term making it less likely the Sabbat will attack as security can be enhanced, allow easier access to blood for vampires in a tight spot - all making me a useful member of society without having to step on anyone's toes - and making Havensworth a more attractive place for investment and thereby vampiric life easier and me left alone to help people", she was smiling at the fantasy, and then it faded away "unfortunately there is something standing between me and this vision and it is called reality", but hey she was going to die shortly she should be allowed her pleasant dreams at least, "there Amy that is the" she used her fingers for air-quotes "plan".

2013-05-21, 02:32 PM
I'm not speaking to Jean if I can avoid it, I don't LIKE the friggin' guy she is about to answer, but she stops herself just in time. That's another argument she really doesn't want to have. Plus, Jean is the Prince AND of her own clan...may be actually be worth it being discreet for once.

When Danielle explains the plan, she just replies with an "Aaalright..." But the tone isn't sarcastic, is actually thoughtful. "That's actually..." not the way she would deal with the hunter, but that's not the part she is thinking about. "That may actually even work. Er..." She debates with herself for a moment, but what the hell. You had promised to help, hadn't you? "I may know someone that could be a bit of help on some of that stuff." Namely, set up a false identity and maybe even some of the legal matters.

OOC: You're welcome. :smalltongue: Stupid high humanity Nosferatu. :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-21, 03:09 PM
She looked at the woman as if she had gone made might actually work she could have fallen off her seat - what was she thinking?

Ah, she wanted to help that made a bit of sense she supposed, "Hmm ... Amy I appreciate it I do, but the point of this - more then anything else - is to create a standing good that I can dedicate to my sister" had she mentioned to Amy that story - she could not remember at the moment and didn't want to cover it now. "That kindof means I don't want ... well do anything that might tarnish it in my mind" like for example murdering a man in the building, grow up her hypocrisy not entirely lost on her but that was different - he was starting it what are you five her inner voice screamed at her.

But than after she bit it Amy might be able to co-opt it the way she had mentioned to Harry - the idea might still do some good that way.

She was biting her lower lip as she asked "ah what exactly are you thinking?" she had to ask at least.

2013-05-21, 03:38 PM
Amy had showed a lot of emotions during the chat, which have been plain to see even on her monstrous face. Confusion, frustration, concern...not anger, not till Danielle speaks about 'tarnishing' her project... but at that, there is a clear flash of anger on her face. "What do you think I'm going to do, Danielle?" Her voice has got several degrees colder "Use your charity to set up a clandestine hobo slaughterhouse? Who the hell do you take me for?"

She takes a deep breath Stop it, Amy, that's probably not what she was implying. "Forget it. I know a guy, that's all."

2013-05-21, 05:11 PM
She looked at the woman about to snap at her, and it was clear but she froze her hands gripping the chair - in school you would have trashed her for this.
It was the only thing she had thought of that might make this vampiric existence worthwhile and her new 'friend' had just called her on setting up her own plans to kill someone to christen it in - her stomach should have been doing flops her emotions should have been driving her. The arm of the poor quality wooden chair was pushed out of its socket with a popping sound as she exerted force she didn't know she was using.
She was on her feet to prevent falling out of the chair.

She walked to the blackened window to look out at the street for a few long seconds - she should have been taking breaths to calm herself but they were not there and she didn't even consider the absence - she allowed her mind to turn completely calm.

Her voice was not harsh when she spoke but it was very cold "you are of course correct Amy. I have no right to shun your offer of assistance on anything as petty as concerns on the nature of assistance, given that I have shown myself willing to pledge murder on the lands already. I apologize" she considered turning to face the woman, but didn't yet.

"I believed that the individuals you may know would be your compatriots in your clan, or that you may need to show them direct benefit by including them in this - your sire is involved in procurement and city planning is he not?" she paused "I hope you take no offense as I inform you that I would prefer not to have to deal with the Kindred community if I can avoid it - particularly prior to when the work is established".
Now she looked at Amy her face passive and tightly controlled "as for mortal connections I have concerns that any such action involving an illegal beginning would tarnish my reputation with community members in the event that any corruption is indicated and would remove the charity status potentially with a historic penalty attached for fraud", she finished the section.

"Again please accept my apologies for any offense given, I assure you it was not my intention", Amy had mentioned she was low on funds and the woman had come to her as such she should make the offer "if it would please you I can arrange for a taxi as a way to make amends".

Throughout it all her hand was balled into a tight fist, where her anger currently resided.

2013-05-21, 05:43 PM
Alright, I'm pretty sure my post was clear enough and it's all in Danielle head, but just in case, I'll clarify: Amy was getting angry because Danielle assumed that her offer of help would 'tarnish' her project in some way, as if she had less than wholesome intentions: she never wanted to call her out on the murder. Just in case it changes your response somehow.

Right. "Forget it, I don't want a friggin' taxi, I'll walk." She angrily shakes her head, trying to get her mask back on so she can leave, but she doesn't seem to find the right level of concentration. Screw it, I'm just gonna hide in the shadows. "For your information, I wasn't going to involve any kindred, it was going to stay between you and me. That was me actually trying to help" Serves her right for worrying so much about the other girl, she supposes. "But fine, I'll get out. You want to do it all yourself, be my friggin GUEST. You want to talk to me again, you have my number. Be well, Danielle. "

I guess I'll roll and see if she is so upset that she can't Obfuscate properly [roll0] Edit hey, she can't. Editing my post accordingly.

2013-05-21, 06:24 PM
I got it but Danielle is wrestling with killing the jackal, and so the whole I'm not going to make it a slaughter house, hit her hard. :smallsmile:

"Amy" no not like this her voice softened "Amy" she said again more normally.

"We aren't equals ... not at all, you could kill me here and no-one, no one would likely every punish you for it, that was the solution with Demund just kill him - no concern if he was being contolled, no need for that grief. Flip that around - you die when you walk home and I will be thought a vicious lesson" she sounded sure about this.

"I want to trust you - and whether you know it or not I have tried to show it. But I have to be on edge I have to be, I have to read every action as if I might offend someone - or offend someone they know" she was almost pleading for the other woman to understand "you saw Billy's people strung up - that could be my mother and class mates".
Pacing momentarily "imagine that the Harpies find out that I disrespected you and use it to make Jean look slightly bad as a light joke? that could be a tipping scale for my mother being bond to someone to keep me in check - a slap on the wrist as it were!", the girl was terrified for what they might do to her family and it was showing through.

"I will leave - you can have the place, reconnecting with my mother might do me good - remind me why I bother to get up at night you know" she offer the other woman a half smile.

She liked Amy - but Amy just didn't get it, she didn't seem to understand the fear.

2013-05-22, 01:58 AM
"Friggin hell, Danielle, I'm not two! I'm not going to run to my clan or to the harpies if we argue and you say something against me! The friggin harpies of all people, how can you even think something like that?" Amy strongly suspects that her first conversation with one of the harpies is going to involve her telling the other party to piss the hell off.

She takes a deep breath "Look Danielle, you have to calm down. This is me, alright? Amy. I told you the first night, what you say to me stays between us." She sounds more concerned than angry, now. "And I don't want you to leave the friggin' flat. I don't have a copy of the keys, I 'm not paying rent and I took everything I wanted to take. It's YOUR friggin place. " She doesn't even address the claim that she could kill the other girl. That's too ridiculous to even contemplate. "Look, I went to stay on my own when I was your age. I remember how lost I was. " And she didn't have someone who wanted her dead, either. "I wanted to help you, but if you don't want it, that's fine, I won't hold it against you. I' ll just go now, alright? "

2013-05-22, 02:48 AM
She tried to collect herself, "Sorry Amy that came out wrong - I didn't mean you would do it deliberately. But if you show up at the Flats in a bad mood and one of the others decides that is is my fault - well them might decide I need a lesson taught to me", hell if Al was watching her or had people watching her this entire conversation would be reported back and if her suspicions were in any way right that might be serious grief for the prince - although those suspicions even to her seemed paranoid.

"It not that I don't want help" I probably do need it "it is that I don't want to need help. Does that make sense? I want to try and achieve something by myself without worrying that I am just being a pawn in a game of chess" she left unsaid that Amy may very well be a rook in the same game moved to control that pawn without even knowing it - if they had a background on Amy before the embrace this might have been planned even without the other woman's awareness once they heard of a caitiff. A shiver ran through her.

"Ok Amy, sorry I haven't been better company tonight - or I suppose ever", hopefully talk to you soon, "be safe".

2013-05-22, 11:55 AM
Amy makes a little humourless laugh. "Believe me, whatever mood I go back home in, it's never going to top the scene I pulled yesterday evening." That had almost been a proper tantrum. Amy must admit she's a bit ashamed of it... but boy, did shouting help.

She shakes her head "I was like you when I left home" I was a little conceited idiot, actually. "But you know what I DID realise? Everybody needs help. I needed friggin' help to get my job, otherwise I would probably have ended up starving." Not that she hadn't been close in the first times, when the bills kept piling up... there had been weeks where she had survived on a diet of canned beans and tomato soup. And she would ever be grateful to the acquaintance that got her the interview at the grocery store.

"Yeah, you too. Be safe" She takes a couple of breaths and tries to change her face again, now that she's calmer. This time, she manages, eerily shifting to her human appearance. She doesn't bother with anything fancy, actually looking a bit uglier than when she came in. "Goodnight, Danielle. You want to talk to me, you know how to contact me."

Let's see if the face thing works now. [roll0] EDIT: yup.

2013-05-23, 12:40 PM
You've driven away one of the only two vampire you actually liked, she closed the door as Amy left "probably did her a favour" she muttered to herself. Amy was a good person the less she cared when they dropped the other foot the better she would take it. It was depressing - but than a lot of things were.

She didn't have want to do anything now she simply didn't have the energy, putting away the legal documents slowly she climbed into bed - everything could wait until the next day - and almost immediately feel asleep.

2013-05-23, 05:28 PM
As soon as she is back down in the street, Amy looks for a comfortable shadow and hides in it, using her discipline to start walking unseen towards home. Last thing she needs, she figures, is someone approaching to ask her if she has some change, or, God forbid, someone actually deciding to attack her. State of mind she's in, she'd probably punch them in the face. Calm down now she tells herself Offer made, offer refused, no need to get angry.

Like hell another part counteracts she's going to get herself killed because she is a stupid friggin idiot. First Mike, then Danielle. What's wrong with people I care about, really? Amy growls in frustration to herself before deciding she doesn't want to think about it anymore, at least for tonight. I'll go home, play card with Slick, play about with my computer a little. She still hasn't managed to set up the connection the way she wants to, at the Flats.

2013-05-24, 06:06 AM
Three days had passed since she spoke to Amy - they had been rough, she was hungry all the time, and was gorging herself on animal blood to take the edge off - which was costing her a fortune.

Joey and the anarchs had disappeared, she had not found anything on Desmund or the hunter, and she couldn't look at her mother looking at the woman's neck and thinking how easy it would be to have a taste late at night - which was just extra special creepy.

And she had realised that if she kept this up it would be a give away for anyone who knew what to ask for - anyone buying blood recently? was about all they needed to say and the answer would be oh yes there is a pale teenage girl is comes in every now and again.
Ask enough butchers and her retinue would be figured out.

Any man of the correct build was starting to look like the Jackal to her.

She could ask Jack - but she wasn't sure how he fed normally, and it was possible that his method would not work for her anyway.

That left Amy who she had alienated or asking for favours from others - but picking up people in pubs and clubs for a light snack might be the best option for non-fatal dining, and she had no idea how to do that.

She had came close to asking her mother about how to start 'dating' but had balked when she realised that the conversation would be roughly 'how do I pick up three or more guys a week without getting a bad reputation' that was not a conversation she was going to have with her mother ever - and not one she really wanted to have with Jack either.

She found herself wondering in the park - there were some parents out late with children but it was clearing quickly, she would use the swing set and zone out later - right now the voices were bothering her.

Finally making a decision she swallowing her pride she called Amy from a payphone, if she didn't answer the phone she would apologies for any inconvenience and ask if it was ok to speak with her.

If Amy was able to get to the phone "Amy" the girl's voice was unsure "I owe you an apology ... can we meet at the park again?".

2013-05-24, 11:44 AM
Amy lets the phone ring a couple of times before getting off her desk and going to answer. The biggest part of it was curiosity about who might be calling. Usually when the phone rings, there's always someone of the others to pick it up.

"Danielle... Hello. " The tone is surprised. She hadn't been expecting Danielle to call her there." Uhm, yeah. " Forget it she wants to say, I don't need an apology, then she realises that she might have called because she actually needed to talk about something. That's the kind of social thing Amy has always struggled with. " Yeah, alright. I can be there in an hour. Er... Well, you know how I'm going to look".

She concentrates a bit to get exactly her old human face down, then grabs her purse and leaves the block of flats.

She gets to the park in forty minutes - I have to learn how long it takes me to get to places again and starts looking for Danielle, finally spotting her near the playground.

"Danielle... Hi." She calls out to her. "Are you all right?"

2013-05-24, 01:01 PM
"Thanks Amy" she said as she put the phone down, and moved back to the swings Amy probable had other things to do tonight - hopefully could but the previous discussion behind her.

She was fortunate that the park was not heavily populated at night and not the most common hotspot for teenagers out late.

She took the swing amusing herself thinking about about the pure horror of the scene, a blood drinking monster in the form of a pale girl sitting on a creaky swing where children normally played.
The fact that she sound it amusing worried her, was her sense humour growing darker to compensate - or was the fact that simply a rationalisation.

"Hi Amy" I'm just peachy she stopped herself "I don't know really ... I am spending a fortune on animal blood and still find myself looking at everyone I meet as a snack - children use this park, these swings, they feel safe here" she smiled sadly "and yet here I sit and wonder about breaking and entering for my dinner as animals are not working", she met Amy's eyes "and that is the positive version - the negative is that it is a purely caitiff thing and nothing to do with the blood I have been drinking".

She waved to a seat if Amy wanted it.

"I said I owed you an apology - but it is more of one by way of explanation. You said you have taken care of yourself since you were my age - I have had my mother but she throw herself into work - I got a job playing piano by myself when I was fifteen, I applied for translation work on my own and got it, I did volunteering by myself ... and babysitting back in the day - in my weaker moments I have realised it might be the easiest method of feeding again", she paused she likely didn't make much sense "so anything normal I want to try to handle on my own such as a charity - and it helps me to know that I can try. It is some good I can do in my sisters name by myself - hopefully before I go mad again", she hadn't meant to mention the again to Amy but the thoughts of the junkie slipped out.

"So sorry I reacted - well like a bitch the last day" she finally got to it.

She wouldn't be surprised of if Amy left now she had done her a courtesy by coming, she wouldn't ask her for the help she actually needed prior to explaining her behavior - or at least the somewhat muddled logic her hunger was having her work under.

2013-05-24, 05:17 PM
She sits down on the swing next to Danielle, shrugging off her apology. "It's fine, doesn't matter." She starts swinging slowly back and forward, thinking about what else can she say. "When I went on my own I knew only I wanted to go" she finally says. "I had no idea how difficult it was to get a job and keep the bills paid, no idea how most of the stuff worked... the first time I was sick I was in bed with a fever in the middle of the night and felt so awful that I didn't even manage to get up to get myself a glass of water...and you've seen how small the house is." She shrugs "I wanted to do everything by myself as well... so I understand, don't think I don't." She doesn't say anything else, giving Danielle time to talk if she wants.

2013-05-24, 06:01 PM
She was grateful for the other woman not pushing her, "Thanks Amy" she swung back and forth a bit.

"I was attacked a while ago - nearly two weeks now by a junkie wielding a knife" she paused "I don't really remember the fight - or the feeding - but by the end he was in hospital and I felt my mind as my own again ... I nearly ...." she stopped Amy didn't need to hear that she nearly walked into the the sun "I nearly killed a guy" it would be obvious to anyone capable of reading people that as bad as her admission was there was more.

"I can handle the bills, I can handle my mother, and I can setup the charity - I might actually get involved in a different one first and expand out", she paused "I can handle all that ... I think", she sounded sure enough in her self.

"But the blood Amy ... I need ideas on dealing with that" she paused for a second before bringing the swing to a stop and looking at Amy.

"I thought about being a prostitute and feeding on creeps ... but I don't want that getting back to ... well anyone, and I would have no idea how to start anyway" a tone of disgust in her voice "and I would likely have to .... you know".

"I might be able to pick up people in a club or something ... but I would need to maybe three times a week?" that didn't sit well with her either "I don't want that reputation either ... I work in those places, and I would likely have to ... do things there also to avoid suspicions of weird behavior", this was obviously uncomfortable for her "and I have no idea how to pickup someone anyway".

"You would have it easier I suppose ... you could be a different person every night, just passing through town" or that was her suspicion, Amy would also be able to maintain long term contact with her family by 'aging' she hoped it was a comfort to the other her.

"I could lift people off the streets, but that isn't safe" not that the two above options weren't risky.

"Or ... well as mentioned I could babysit and feed of children" that might be the most logical option but the idea creeped her out.

"The hospital is right out due to Harry", that was more to drive home to Amy the message she gave her the last day, but bore repeating.

"I thought I had it figured with the animal blood - but I think it needs to be human" or at least needed to be human frequently enough that it might be the way to focus.

"Any ideas you have would be appreciated I think I might be out of ideas", she shoulders slumped as she looked at her feet.

2013-05-25, 01:50 AM
"Sh-t" she whispers quietly half to herself and half to Danielle when she mentions the junkie. She doesn't know exactly what to do or say, so she simply opts to put an hand on Danielle's arm, hoping somehow the physical contact may help.

"I... I think it has to be human, too" she says quietly. She hadn't really though about that Face it, Amy, you've AVOIDED thinking about that. "I don't know, Danielle, I think you have all the options down, but... could you really be a prostitute? I mean, really? Or feed on children?" She shudders a bit - a conscious semi-conscious reaction, as her body doesn't really react like that automatically any more.

"I asked Mike a while ago... That's pretty much what he said too: nightclubs, bars, or take a little from homeless people. It's different for us, though, I suppose, we can hide in the shadows. And... Yeah, change our face however we want to. Speaking of creepy" She had made some experiments in front of the sink mirror. Creepy doesn't even begin to describe it. "The best thing, he said, is mixing things up, not stick to a single method" [I] And I know you don't want to hear that, but it was actually good advice

"I think the clubs are still your best bet... I mean, if the guy is drunk enough, you don't have to do anything you don't want to... not like he could force you" Or 'she' she supposes, but she's definitely not going to ask Danielle her personal preferences on that front. "And who you go home with should be your business anyway... But, uhm, maybe don't pick up guys in the places where you plan to work?"

2013-05-25, 03:55 AM
Mixing it up sounded good, she couldn't invalidate the information simply by virtue of its source - mick might be a monster, but that didn't make him wrong. Same with all the older vampires.

She did find Amy's arm comforting - and there was a half smile for a second - Amy has blood to ... the thought was ruthlessly stamped out, she wasn't going to bind herself or turn criminal.

"Could I do them?" she muttered "girl has to do what it takes to survive ... or make a moral choice not too", and unfortunately for everyone possible even herself she had not taken the moral choice.

"It a reputation thing Amy, all these clubs talk to one another - helps keep trouble makers out, maintains the price of drink as consistent, stops drug sellers" at least those that would bring gang or police trouble to the pub "and the patrons move around also. Work gets back to mom ... well I don't want that. Would you want your family thinking that you were doing that?" she wasn't sure - maybe Amy would tell them to leave her alone it was her life - but she didn't want to hurt her mom. "I'm also not legally allowed in to drink" despite the work.

She bit her lip and her voice became embarrassed "I also have no idea how to pick up anyone", other then in a literal sense where it became a center of balance thing "the joke lines I have thought up are well ... bad".

She braced herself "could ... could you tell me how it is done?", on the embarrassment scale this was maybe a new low, she caught herself "not that I am saying you would have experience picking up multiple guys a week" had she been alive her skin would be red, she caught herself again "not that you couldn't if you wanted to", her face hit her hands she would have thought this was rock bottom, but she knew there was more space to fall - there always was.

2013-05-27, 03:35 AM
She stares at Danielle, suppressing the urge to start laughing: that probably wouldn't be taken so well, but it's pretty much the only reaction that feels appropriate. "Picking up guys... I'm really not the best person to ask that to." Amy has never done clubs, not even when she was alive. The three times she had tried, she ended up having to pay her drink for herself and going home feeling miserable. "The last guy I picked up was Mike, and look at how well that went." She makes a little smile to show that she doesn't really mind.

"Er... I could help with ID, though." And now that she thinks about it, Mary had started going out clubs when she was 15. She never seemed to have the same problems Amy had. "And, uhm, my... well, my sis says that all you have to do is just stand to the bar and smile at the guy. Never worked out for me, really." But it may be worth a try.

2013-05-27, 05:03 AM
Oh God, she was mortified ... the idea of standing at a bar and smiling at some idiot in the hopes the he would provide her with a free meal was offensive on so many levels - her mother for all her faults had raised two kids while working in a high pressure career and being successful at it - without needing her father - who ever that was - around or supporting her.
And yet Danielle couldn't even feed herself.

"Thanks Amy - but I don't think its needed, drinking age is 21 but serving age is 18 - and if you aren't drinking you can be in there anyway, assuming that the management doesn't object" she said absently trapped in her own thoughts.

"A fake id can also cause problems if it is noted - which could get me in trouble with the cops and make me lose my playing gigs" she was in fact mulling it over but there was a part of her that didn't like the idea of going criminal - it wasn't something she would have done alive and it would be one more barrier to thinking like she was.

She turned to Amy with a smile, "I guess I am looking, and sounding fairly pathetic right about now", doing a mocking version of her own voice "oh Amy please tell me now to meet men - because however else could I get dinner?" she moved the back of her hand to her forehead as if about to faint for the difficult. She would figure this out - or die - neither of which was fair to lay at Amy's feet.

Turning serious "I am a crummy friend - please how are things with you?, I will try not to give justification opinion for events that I wasn't there for this time" what did the girls as school say, failing the slang she defaulted "any gossip".

2013-05-27, 07:45 AM
I'm an idiot. :smallannoyed: I should have gone back and reread that particular conversation I was referring to instead of counting on my memory... oh, well, I can fix that now. :smallwink:

From what Amy had gathered from Mary, the entire 'meeting guys in clubs' thing heavily involved alcohol, but... "I guess if you go for people who are already drunk enough, you could get away with not ordering any alcohol for yourself. And....oh." She suddenly remembers something else. Danielle isn't probably going to like that either, but it could be really useful. "And, er... I don't know how that works, exactly, but something else Mike said is that people, well... kinda get high on, uhm... the whole being bitten thing, so some vampires use that to put together a small group of people to feed from. So, er, you know, if you are worried about your mum thinking you're sleeping around..." And she'd better stop right there, before embarrassing herself and the other girl further.

She shrugs at Danielle's question "I'm alright. I don't have to worry about rent anymore, which is nice, and Mike and Slick are alright." Flat Face is really not, but she doesn't bother him and he doesn't bother her. "It still takes getting some getting used to, I guess." Yesterday she had woken up thinking that she would really love to go at the park and buy one of that giant pretzels that the stand sold there, before remembering that she really couldn't anymore.

2013-05-27, 12:49 PM
She looked at Amy incredulous as she explained the effects of the kiss, "Oh god" she wanted to feel sick - but the reaction didn't materialise "I want to be sick" it was more of a grumble than a statement made in shock.

"Wouldn't it breach the masqu ..." she stopped and looked at Amy "Amy ... does Mike do this?" she could just picture him with a whole gang of drug addled victims stored in a basement somewhere where he could pick one out and feed before throwing the 'lucky' one back to the pack ... lacing there food with blood to keep them servile and bound.
Was Amy offering her access to a group of them ... was she suggesting that Danielle create her own.

Calm down think rationally, her brain was telling her ... but she couldn't get the image of whoever had taken Katrina wearing Mikes face as he help her in some hole.

She was being to emotional she knew - she needed to think logically. It could - if she stretched - could be interpreted at as Amy telling her to make some friends - and be subtle, but that was not what it sounded like to her.

2013-05-27, 05:08 PM
"Yeah, it is kinda creepy... but I can sorta see people getting a rush from it, you know..." Even with the mess her Embrace had been, Amy remembers the sensation in itself as quite pleasant. Never mind that she had been scared half out her wits. Surely Danielle... oh, wait. Danielle had been drugged, hadn't she? She wouldn't remember "Er, I mean, you wouldn't know, but it doesn't really hurt. It is quite nice, actually."

She frowns at Danielle's question. "Mike? Uhm... I don't know. I don't think so." She shrugs, oblivious to what Danielle is thinking. "He mixes things up, or so he told me."

2013-05-27, 05:56 PM
She looked at the other woman when she mentioned getting a rush from it, her fetishes her issue none of my business, she didn't need to hear them but she could let it go none of my business, she had heard of girls in school getting and giving hickies and while it seemed unhygienic other peoples kinks were there issue.
It was creepy thought - especially how easy the woman mentioned it.

"Ok ... well not my business" she paused "am ... thanks for the info?" it sounded like a question. Amy was trying to help her and the information while creepy might be useful she tried again "thank for the info, it might be useful".

Now to get the the really creepy part, "Amy, don't take this the wrong way please. But Mike and mixing it up ... well what I am thinking is collecting runaways, the homeless and the like off the street, addicting them to his blood and being fed from and storing them in a basement somewhere to be used for parties and quick blood by him and his friends ... it is what I suspect that Desmund did to maintain a low profile", if you didn't believe that people were more than cattle it made sense or if you were stockpiling for a private war ... if you wanted to claim to be a good person you could even regard them as pets you had taken in to care for, "I ... I can understand the logic" the sickening thing was that she could "but I don't think I will be including that in my system anything soon ... and I don't think you should either ... your a better person than that" at least I hope you are, she hoped she had not overstepped herself, Mike was her sire - a bond that meant something apparently and she had just told Amy not to follow him down his perfectly rational path.

2013-05-28, 12:50 AM
"What?" Amy stares at Danielle with a befuddled expression for a couple of seconds... then starts to snigger, and before she knows it, she is laughing. Oh, God, I hope she doesn't take that the wrong way, but that is just... She tries to imagine Mike in the situation she described. Too ridiculous to even contemplate. "Sorry, Danielle, but... really, you are so far off. Mike's not that sort of vampire, trust me." And she has seen one of Mike's ghouls, which was as far from the definition of 'helpless slave' as it could possibly get. Duke seemed the kind that would smack HIM over the head, if he didn't behave. Another giggle, then she tries very hard to return serious. "No, he doesn't have a secret stash of slaves, I don't have one either and I wasn't telling you to get one." And she supposes she should probably take offense to the idea that Danielle had considered her willing to, but the thought was so absurd that it's impossible to take it seriously enough to get offended.

2013-05-28, 07:24 AM
Danielle was unsure it would make sense for Mike to drop the hint that it might be doable before guiding Amy down the path to show her the full scope - otherwise she might - rightly - bolt.

"I believe that you don't and weren't suggesting it", this was pushing it "but how well can you know him - really two months ago would you have found his current life absurd?" holding up her hands "but not my business ... just, well think about it Amy".

The looked at the illusion - should she mention it - yes, did she have the guts? yes as well, "Amy tell me to wrack off if you like, or trade secret or whatever ... but any chance you could teach me the trick with your face" there is was said ... it was creepy as hell, but would answer her problems on feeding well one of the problems ... it would also allow her a partial mortal life rather then agelessness. Still it was an easily open to abuse ... but all Amy could say is 'no', well that and tell on her and have her killed ... but 'no' seemed more likely.

2013-05-28, 10:11 AM
Oh, I see what you did here... . :smalltongue: How are you with Obfuscate dots?

I'm going to have her sit down with Mike sometime and have them talk that out, seriously. But at the moment there is really no point in arguing with her about that, so she just shrugs as if to say that she would consider it.

She bites her lower lip when Danielle asks about the face trick. "Uhm... I'm not sure if I can teach that" Mike said that it had to be in the blood. But she figures she can try, at least. "It's kinda done in stages. Er... That's how I was taught. Do you want me to try talking you through it?"

2013-05-28, 12:50 PM
Maybe :smallbiggrin: But I intend to develop the disciplines slowly.

She hadn't been sure about asking and now that Amy had accepted she was less sure ... would Amy get in trouble for this, she might so she needed to be sure that she was clear on what might happen.

"Amy, thanks I appreciate this ... but I need you to be sure" considering her words "Desmund knows obfuscate, it will make him more difficult to come to grips with ... a month ago he was regarded as the Caitiff to emulate, months before that he was regarded as a decent sort. If I go insane well it might be on you ... and if I do go crazy I probably won't care", she stopped "I just need you to be sure before you start giving the lessons that could get you in trouble".

2013-05-28, 02:10 PM
Not that nonsense again. "For frig's sake, Danielle, I don't even want to hear that." She sighs "Look, when I say I don't know if I can, I just mean that I'm not sure if it has to be already in your blood. The...blood thing is kinda a big part of it." According to Mike, at least.

She tries to remember how Mike had taught her. She's sure it didn't seem natural at the time, and she remembers telling him that -has it only been two weeks, really?- but looking back, she almost can't remember being a vampire and not being able to do it. "Alright, er... the first bit is just hiding in the shadows." How had Mike put it? "You find a shadow and, well... you disappear in it. Er... it helps to focus on the blood in your veins... and it helps if you don't breathe. It's weird, but it is sort of...something that just happens." She doesn't know how to explain it better, honestly. "Here, I'll show you."

She gets up, takes two steps back to a spot where the lamppost light casts the shadow of the overgrown bushes at the side on the road, half-hidden so that Danielle has to concentrate to spot her between the shadows of the branches that move in the breeze. She takes a breath, exhales and doesn't inhale again... and suddenly she's not there anymore.

2013-05-28, 03:19 PM
In the blood, she didn't get it maybe it was a clan thing she felt hunger but not really much else from the blood.

Still if she could learn something here maybe it would be beneficial to her down the line. She tracked Amy's movement all the way into the bush and then nothing - she vanished. She strained her eyes to see if she could spot anything her until spots appeared in them.

Obfuscate was creepy considering all of these powers were creepy, Amy could have left and she wouldn't notice, or sneak up on her or whatever, it put her on edge as she tried to listen out for movement.

I understand that Obfuscate is only visual in VTM Revised, but I think Amy probably isn't making any noise to get heard by anyway.

2013-05-28, 03:59 PM
Your guess is correct: she's not moving, she just went there and disappeared. She's trying to take it one step at a time. :smallwink:

Amy waits standing still where she is for half a minute, just the time for Danielle to have a good look and realise that she really can't see her "So, uhm... yeah" she says, feeling herself reappear again. "That's how I do it. You want to give it a try?"

2013-05-28, 04:47 PM
"Am ... alright" she says seeing Amy reemerge.

Stepping into the shadows she felt a fool - which was better than the next feeling of being a creep hiding in the bushes, she tried to internalise the feeling of blood - nothing, then darkness again nothing, and finally stillness again she felt nothing.
How did you even know if it worked? - she thought she felt something at that thought - but it was gone immediately, so it was probably nothing.

Rolling to see how well she hids in the darkened bushes (and to see how naturally proficient she might be), but it was not ultimately successful.

Dexterity+Stealth: [roll0]

2013-05-29, 12:50 AM
Amy shakes her head to signify that it isn't working and she can still see Danielle. "Uhm, no, you're still there. Try... try to concentrate more on what you are. It should come from inside you. " She remembers that strange feeling, the first time, of something that hadn't been there the evening before.

2013-05-29, 12:23 PM
She hadn't judged the bush correctly as she moved through it, as Amy spoke and she began to move out and jabbed her eye on a twig ... she was fortunate to pull her head to the side in time or she would have lost it instead of merely taking a nasty cut - "dammit" she hissed clutching at it - before realising that the blood was not flowing and the the cut didn't even hurt or impair her - it was merely uncomfortably and frankly odd.

2013-05-29, 01:57 PM
"Crap, are you okay?" She instinctively moves to assist the other girl before she realises that she's not bleeding -vampire, you idiot, of course she's not. "Er... That didn't work so well. Sorry, that's the way I was shown" - and it had been instinctual for her. "Perhaps you don't come from a clan that can Obfuscate at all?"

2013-05-30, 01:52 AM
Bringing her fingers to her lips instinctively she tasted the blood - even her own was better than stale animals - much better she noted as a odd trill ran through her, disgusting she spat the taste out.

Collecting herself "thanks for trying Amy" she might continue in her own time in front of a mirror, "don't actually think the originating clan matters for caitiff, if it did we would just be weak members of the clan", unless the idea of weak members was offensive to the clans, entirely possible.

2013-05-30, 05:13 AM
"I'm not sure how the Caitiff thing works, honestly." She has asked, but she still can't wrap her head around it - the Clan's curses are not passed down... just because the blood's diluted, really? Then what's the difference between a Caitiff and a Nosferatu of fourteen generation? There's got to be something more than that, Amy's sure of it.

"For Obfuscate... that was the first step, then you try and move while staying hidden - I'm not sure how to explain that, I could do both together at the same time - and then, uhm...then there's the face thing. I'm not very good at it, I mostly just use the one.... er, this is what I looked like before. " Which may have had something to do with not being able to pick up guys in clubs, actually. "If you really concentrate, you can become whoever you want, I'm told. But if you can't do the hiding bit, the face thing is pretty much out, I'm afraid. Sorry, Danielle. "

2013-05-31, 05:43 AM
"I think it is mystical ... well it is all mystical I suppose, but more along the lines of ownership and claim, during your embrace and after your sire wanted you ... where with first generation caitiff the inherent claim is missing and without it the link back along the line is not in place", shrugging "then with further generations of Caitiff the elder is not powerful enough themselves to maintain it", Jack had explained bloodlines and how caitiff were not the same - but she suspected that a powerful caitiff with a few legitimate childer would likely be able to claim to be a bloodline - assuming they had a theme that others could recognise for themselves.
The thought was somewhat sickening - and possible part of Desmund's plan, if he was sane enough to have a get out clause for his madness.

"No worries I might practice a bit, see if anything shakes loose" she hoped the cut on her head would heal like hair come the following night, otherwise this could be annoying - would the unfilling bland animal blood do the job she wondered - if time didn't heal it she would have to hope it would.

"So what are your own plans at the moment, anything I might be able to help you with" she suspected not but Amy tried to help her so she could at least return the favour.

2013-05-31, 07:54 AM
"I guess... but... how friggin' weird is that?" Ownership and claim. Sounds like a bad movie. She thinks about it for a moment. "So, you guess that's something Mike did, and if he hadn't, I wouldn't be a Nosferatu?" Weird, actually, might be putting it mildly. "Friggin' hell, that IS creepy as hell." Yeah, face it, that, and half the things in your life now. She thinks, passing an hand through her hair - the very fact that she can feel the hair under her fingers, while she knows that it isn't there, is a whole other category of 'creepy' all by itself, she guesses.

"Er... not much, and you've got a lot of stuff on your plate, anyway" she says carefully when Danielle asks if she can help with something. "There's that bit" that you aren't going to like. "Well, there's that bit I told you about. The Yuri bit. I'm kinda trying to figure out a way to deal with him."

2013-05-31, 08:33 AM
"Well I don't think it is so much something that he did" other then the whole murder thing, "but he wanted you, you were not a mistake and he knew what he was doing" it was said somewhat harshly "but I am unsure if I have the idea right right", she shrugged, "the more of that kind of thing missing the more likely that the blood won't enforce the connection kind of deal", she offered a smile "but what do I know".
"And it is all creepy as hell" but unfortunately getting less so, it was just becoming life which was the creepiest part.

She moved back to a swing, "Ok, Yuri ... so how do you want to deal with him, ideal world scenario, redeem him?, kill him?, imprison him?, control him?, ally with him? what do you want to do in an ideal world ... well an ideal world where you still have to deal with him at least", thinking about how to phrase the next bit "and what it your bottom line for dealing with him, what line won't you cross, what could he threaten that would make you back off and leave him alone that kind of thing?".

2013-05-31, 08:58 AM
"Hah, no, definitely not a mistake." It's almost a chuckle to herself. Hell, he had even gone through all the trouble of actually dating her. Not really sure about the whole 'knowing what he was doing' bit, though.

And about the Yuri bit... "Ideal world or not, I want the damn frigger behind bars." She says with a vehemence that surprises even herself. She thinks a bit about Danielle's other question Treathen...not that many things I care about anymore, not really. "I dunno....my family, I guess? But he would never know I even have a family, he's never seen my face...well, he's seen my face, just not my human one. Er... Mike and Slick, I suppose... but I mean, they're vampires. They're not that helpless." I hope, at least.

2013-05-31, 09:21 AM
"Wait he knows about vampires" she really hoped that Amy hadn't broken the masquerade - that would make things complex.

2013-05-31, 09:41 AM
"Oh, yeah, that. Yeah, he knows." She shrugs. She's gone over that with Mike, and has already got angry about it. She doesn't want to repeat the whole procedure with Danielle "He tortured and killed a vampire in Russia, he knows something of what we are and what hurts us...and apparently we don't kill him because he's 'useful'. Yeah, I know."

2013-05-31, 10:47 AM
"Ok" that was a problem "ok, Amy he can't go to jail with that info - all we need is for him to be born again and begin preaching about the demons in our midst,. Ok give me a minute", she shut her eyes and thinks.

"I don't like this Amy but here goes" there was a long pause "He likely has to die or be controlled" she said finally, "if he is locked up he can blab and anyone he speaks to might need to die aswell, spiraling out" dozens could be in the firing line, "if you are saying dead I would say use an explosive, it will look mundane with the kind of friends and enemies he likely has".

She looked at the other woman her eyes cold "really though your best option from a logical perspective is control", Amy wouldn't like this, "if you know his habits you can stake out his favourite restaurant - and the favourite restaurants of his top people, poison his food with your blood and bind him, and his top guys in case he has a way out of it".

"I know you likely don't like it, but it allows you to avoid a gang war, it secures your own protection from the elders - and the protection of the people you actually care about as well, and you might be able to use the organisation for some good" considering "you can even than potentially have some jail time for Yuri if the symbolism matters to you" she could see the appeal of winning "but I think the elders would just have him dead regardless" she sighed, "it isn't nice Amy, but if you can't rock the boat with the elders - and you shouldn't - than you can stabilise it and gain what you want anyway".

"Ultimately you clean up the masquarade breach, remove a future breach - don't tell his people about your nature - find out his protection measures to drop us in it, gain a powerful bargaining tool with anyone giving you grief and help clean up the city", she shrugged "or those or the pros ignoring that they are people", would she follow the plan herself - she didn't know.

2013-05-31, 02:00 PM
"Oh, come on, world's full of lunatics that say the strangest crap, and nobody believes them." Seriously, he's a mob boss. Who the hell is going to believe him?

She just stares when Danielle tells her the "options", speechless for a second. She's my little sister's age - wait, she's YOUNGER than my little sis. She shouldn't be telling me something so... so... 'callous' is the word that she's looking for, but unfortunately, it isn't in Amy's vocabulary. "Danielle... really... could you do something like that? I don't want a ghoul...and I especially don't want YURI as a ghoul. Can you even begin to imagine what would be like?" She shudders. Creepy on a whole other level, seriously.

2013-05-31, 05:51 PM
"True, but if he has documents for someone to investigate, if he knows where someone lives so he can prove his case ... well he might be able to prove it" she stated.

"Amy it is cold, but taking him out might start a gang war ... and depending on his scope it might not just be here. Dismantling his organisation might take you years during which he can get about his business and still only leave him perfectly well if he leaves the country when he sees the writing on the wall", she stopped "do you know what he is involved in?, drugs?, corruption? ... trafficking?. Think about it Amy girls our age picked off the street injected with heroin, shipped like meat to customers that hold them in basements. You say might doesn't do it, but some perfectly normal humans do I have seen the results", missing person cases got dark on occasion when the truth emerged ... some of them would have it lucky to have her unlife, "if Yuri is involved in that you could stop it and shut down the network even, if he goes to jail someone else will take the operation over".

"So could I do it, I don't know. Weak caitiff blood might not work, if it could work would I be able to go through with it ... I think I could justify it to myself, also I am not talking about a ghoul I am talking about the bond small doses of blood no real power given - he would notice that possibly", she started swinging on the seat to distract herself, "but it is your call. What is your plan for him, if you want we can start picking holes in it so that whatever you decide is solid - I might be poor at being diplomatic about it but I am ok at spotting holes".

2013-06-01, 05:25 AM
Amy sighs. "I don't know, Danielle, but I don't think I would be able to. And anyway... I thought all the humans that drink our blood become ghouls...don't they?" Why does everything need to be so friggin' confusing? "I mean... I think I could have a ghoul, if they were someone, er.. that I was friend with from before. You know..." Someone like Duke, she can see. Mutual trust, I think that's the words I'm looking for. "But not somebody I hate. I couldn't do that. And I couldn't do that to them." Probably killing them would even be more merciful, at that point.

"Anyway, I don't have a plan. Yet. Mostly...aw, forget it, Danielle, it's mostly because I was friggin' angry the other night... and I swore to myself that I would solve this. I even dragged Mike into that, as well." She chuckles. I think I scared him, actually. "I'll figure something out. Something a bit less creepy."

2013-06-01, 05:47 AM
"Well vampires can be bound" the prince had said as much during her first night "I think that just a taste does that, where a ghoul needs commitment" she shrugged "but you would know better then me".

"Amy that girl I mentioned" missing now "Joey, she was a ghoul. The bond tears into you, makes you a devoted obsessed slave, maybe people can hid it but Flat Face explained it to us, the persons own thoughts and feelings matter less they are still there but secondary ... all that really matters of the person they are boned to. It is not something to do to a friend", or that was her take anyway.

She hesitated "hmm ... ah maybe Mike and Yuri can be happy together?" they likely deserved one another. Mike could own him - hell since the masquerade involving Amy was on him also he could clean it up.
Still using a supernatural evil abusing murderer to control a purely natural human fighting against monsters ... maybe she was on the wrong side. "Or any of the others" she would trust Flat Face more with that kind of power - even if he would be pragmatic about any benefit.

2013-06-01, 06:17 AM
"Three times....you need to drink three times to be bound" she answers almost distractedly, and then: "Yeah, no, of course you don't do it to friends, I meant, if I had no choice... er, I meant something else, anyway." She shakes her head. It's difficult to explain. I meant, if I had no choice, I'd want to do that to someone that trusts me not to abuse the power. But she doesn't want to get into that conversation with Danielle.

She snickers to her second sentence. Oh, yes, a match made in heaven. Poor Mike. "I couldn't do that to him, either. Danielle, I know you don't like Mike, but... seriously, he's alright. I told you before. He drives me mad, sometimes, but he's kinda sweet, actually." Well, in a I really want to smack him over the head, sometimes way. "And Slick... well, Slick is really not the kind of person that would do well with Yuri." She doesn't even take Flat Face into consideration. Now that would be just a recipe for disaster.

2013-06-01, 06:48 AM
"Yea I got the three times thing, but all you need to do is stake out a few of them and do it gradually" she shrugged "or not your call Amy, but ran a cost benefit against whatever you decide ok".

"Mike took you and killed you, stole your life from you and turned you into a walking corpse who cannot never interact honestly with your family and friends again. I think a little hostility against someone willing to do that is fair", baring whatever internal politics that Amy had mentioned the last day ... which she chose to ignore.

2013-06-01, 09:59 AM
Alright, this definitely needs sorted once and for all. "Danielle, look..." She hesitates. Hell, better say it as it is. "Er, look, my Embrace was a bit of a mess, alright? And I'm not saying that it wasn't Mike's fault at all, because it was, a bit." In part, at least. "But you have to realise something about me. I.... well, I wasn't like you, alright? You had... loads of stuff you could do in your life. I had getting up and getting to standing behind a frigging counter for ten hours, and worrying about the bills. I don't speak with my family that much. I didn't have friends"

She takes a breath For frig sake, this is turning into a 'woe is me' thing. Which is not what Amy had meant at all. "What I'm trying to say here is that yeah, he made a bit of a mess... But you know what, if he had asked, I probably would have said yes. So no, I really don't blame him for having killed me. Wasn't that much of a life, really." There, she's said it. And she knows Danielle isn't going to take it well, but Amy has just decided to make a point to be honest with her friends.

2013-06-01, 10:52 AM
"Hmph" was the only sound she made for a while "classic indoctrination. Your life before was horrible, but we offer you a way out, sure we kidnapped you but it was for your own good, don't you see" she voice sounding as sleezy as possible, then taking on a sound of awe "why yes I see it now, oh thank you for your kindness". She folded her arms bringing the swing to a stop.

"Your bright, personable, and hard working and passionate - you would have went as far as you wanted in life" she got the impression that Amy might now have been well off so it might have taken her a while, but she doubted it would have mattered in the long run, "and I won't buy into anything you have been spoon fed - directly or not - to the contrary".

"They choose you for a reason and I am willing to bet that reason either is or would be marketable" Jean ran the city and while Mike might have been the goon to do it all Nosferatu embraces would be ultimately sanctioned by Jean
so maybe you should blame Jean, but she couldn't Jean was like Al, Flat Face, Gregor and even Jack - seemingly honest about what they were and how they acted.

"And seriously Amy if I came to you a month ago and said - eternal life, but inhuman urges, and a society where death is casual do you honestly believe you would have signed on?", maybe she would have, but it had not been the impression she had gotten.

But then Amy might be controlled at least partially to accept things, to make them easier - it was a though she had before as well.

2013-06-01, 11:30 AM
Amy sighs "Nobody kidnapped me, I was..." out on a date. "er... something went wrong. I don't know how it was supposed to go, but obviously not how it went. And nobody ever said any part of that speech to me even, you know?" That's something I had already figured out by myself, no indoctrination needed.

"And yeah, as far as I wanted. Maybe even become store manager in my fifties" she snorts. "I'd been on my own for six years, I was still just a minimum wage store clerk. No education and no money, you see? Trust me, you don't go far in life without one or the other. Both, if you can, is even better." She makes a little bitter laugh. "I didn't really have all the world opportunities knocking at my door. I don't expect you to understand." When she was seventeen, she had been absolutely sure that she would have made it. Oh, it's going to be a couple years working, just till I put enough money aside, then I'm gonna enrol in college, see if I don't. Right. The couple years had become six, and she hadn't been any closer to put money aside for college than she was when she had started.

"And seriously? I'm not sure. I sure as hell would have asked what inhuman urges means. But I would have considered it, you know what I mean?"

2013-06-01, 12:06 PM
She didn't look convinced, but it was likely good for Amy to vent, other than the blood drinking there wasn't a lot of urges at all she supposed.

"College isn't that important as competence, if you commited yourself you could likely get good at something, and get the foot in the door of a small company that doesn't want to pay college grad wages. Once you have a few years the experience could be used to make up the lack of college - hell you could even possible do college part time with the right job", shrugging "but I get the impression I am not going to convince you", that was how indoctrination worked after all, she cracked a smile at the insane concept of getting Amy to go through a de-indoctrination regime - her clan would love that, hell Amy deserved the offer "I might know some people that might be able to undo any control that you might be under if you are interested, couldn't hurt right?", she was thinking counseling might help and the missing persons groups had a few she might be able to talk to.
Of course you haven't talk to them yourself she considered so it was a little hypocritical.

2013-06-01, 12:46 PM
"For frig's sake Danielle, nobody's controlling me!" Seriously, now, that's just insane. Then she realises something else and starts to laugh. "And that's exactly what you'd expect me to say if I was, right? Really, Danielle, I'm alright. I don't know what to tell you to convince you, but I am. Nobody's imprisoning me, nobody's controlling me, and nobody's making me do anything that I don't want to." A slight pause. That's not exactly true, is it? "Well, they are trying to, but I sent them all to hell, remember? It's fine, really. I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

2013-06-01, 02:05 PM
"Well you don't seem that bad off for it, so maybe it helps you deal. I suppose" maybe this was natural.

"Lets change topic I suppose" she thought for a second and broke into a grin "is there anything you miss about life ... not the obvious sun, food kind of thing, but something odd thing that you would never have thought you would miss - maybe even something you didn't notice when you were alive", she had a couple herself.

2013-06-01, 02:29 PM
She thinks about it for a second. There are a couple of things...well, one in particular, but... "Yeah, but it's weird, and you're going to laugh at me." she answers, slightly uncomfortable.

2013-06-01, 02:52 PM
"Oh come on no need to be embarrassed" she grinned, she she go first having suggested the game "want me to go first?"

2013-06-01, 03:07 PM
"No, it's alright". She's a big girl, she can deal. "Well... it's that, when I was... er... reading or stuff" Programming and hacking, actually, but that would be probably giving too much away - and she's not sure why she doesn't want Danielle to know what she does with computers, but it's a fact that she doesn't "Well, I used to...kinda do this, you know?" She takes a lock of hair between her fingers and twists it, to demonstrate. "Helped me concentrate. Now... well, you've seen how I really look, and I... I don't have my mask on when I'm alone, that would be weird." Majorly weird, actually. She still doesn't get why Mike does it. "But I keep bringing my hand up and there's no hair there, and well, it's so frustrating, you know?" She can't blush, but she's embarrassed all the same. "It's stupid, I know. Er... okay, you, now."

2013-06-01, 03:18 PM
She smiled warmly "Amy that's not bad at all, its a tic an habit, having it shows that your still the same person ... it is a good thing", now mine.

Now that it was her turn she was unsure about continuing "well cleaning ... without hair shedding or nails growing, food or a lot of things the knock on is that the flat is normally identically day to day - I haven't had to clean the toilet since I moved in" she blurted "well once since" she remembered her ill-fated party. "And without cleaning the flat I feel that it is dirty even when it isn't. Never thought I would miss cleaning" she laughed lightly, "your go".

2013-06-02, 02:04 AM
"Well, I still clean a bit and do the laundry... I shower every night, too, don't know if that counts." Now getting up and not showering would be really weird for her, but of course she never thought about the fact that she doesn't really sweat now. "I mean, there's still the dust and all the smog and that awful deep-fried smell from the burger shop that stays on the clothes for ages..." she chuckles. That's her mum talking, she knows. I had to become a vampire to start talking like my mum. Speaking of weird.

"Alright, another thing... well, uhm... things like sneezing, coughing, does it happen to you? Let's say you sniff pepper by mistake" and she really doesn't want to go into why she was sniffing pepper in the first place "And there's this weird thing when you know you should be sneezing but you don't... is it just me?"

2013-06-02, 05:14 AM
"Yea I get that ... I have been testing my senses sniffing all sorts of stuff" Amy had already seen her with wine "your mind is saying sneeze and your body doesn't care, actually that might be a way of spotting ourselves" she offered with a smile, useful info for the hunter if he wanted to hit a room with sneezing powder and observe the results, "I might have to learn to fake it".

A hunger pang went through her at the thought of a group of people, she might have to move on soon and let Amy get on with whatever she had planned for tonight.

2013-06-03, 01:09 AM
Amy smiles "Speaking of weird." She swings for another bit without a word. "Listen, Danielle, do you want company... " She stops abruptly as if realising how ridiculous what she was going to say is. "I was about to ask if you wanted me to walk home with you. Because, you know, Rowen street is not safe at this hour of the night" She laughs to herself "I'm losing my mind"

2013-06-03, 11:59 AM
"Ha", she had used to get grief from people for making the same offer - though
their problems were mostly people bullying them or occasionally the odd pusher.

People didn't like being thought of as helpless.

Actually that was a point, "hmm ... do you actually know how to defend yourself?", Nosferatu had unnatural strength she believed but without knowing how to use it that was mostly useless.

2013-06-03, 12:38 PM
She laughs: "On Rowen street? Sure I do, I lived there for six years. Kick them in the balls and run." She's stronger now, she had noticed that the evening before, should be even more effective. "Or spray them with pepper spray straight in the eyes. Hell, I suppose now, find a shadow and leave them to wonder where I've gone." Yeah, if they're not human, I'm screwed, that's what I'm trying to say. But there's no point in actually saying it, is there? "And all else fail, drop the mask and smile at them. THAT should be enough to have them piss off." By the tone, it should be clear that the last bit is a joke.

2013-06-03, 12:57 PM
Not exactly elegant - though she could appreciate the pain point approach.

"Hmm well two of those jeopardise the masquerade" she got that the second was a joke, but was unsure if the first was ... vanishing might cause alarm, and alarm was dangerous.

She was not sure about offering this next bit - "want to spar - practice" she corrected herself "test out reaction times, accuracy, philosophy?", now that Amy had mentioned it she was unsure about letting her safety, if a group of guys tried to mug her she might decide that vampires didn't have to put up with this and fight, it could get messy quickly.

2013-06-03, 05:00 PM
"What?" She looks confused for a moment "Er...look, Danielle, I really don't go any further than 'kick them in the balls'...and that's only when they try to grab me. I don't even know where to begin for...accuracy and stuff." Really, find a shadow and vanish is still going to be my best bet, probably.

2013-06-03, 05:16 PM
"Ah, ok" she stated, "if you want to learn just ask ... er, well I suppose you probably have better sources of instruction than me" Flat Face sprang to mind, "just a suggestion though - kicking someone can be troublesome, my and large if someone is after money it is probably better to just let them have it - not worth getting stabbed over" even if the body was dead.

"Also finding a shadow might work, but if you have some junkie - or worse a semi-professional mugger - mouthing off about people simply vanishing down an alley you might attract the wrong sorry of attention", should she clarify given Amy could change her appearance "and mean that you might not be able to use that appearance again", Amy might not like using it but never being able to interact with her family without concern that they might be targeted would be worse even if they were estranged.

"Anyway I better let you go - you likely have better things to do. Sorry again about the last day".

2013-06-04, 05:23 PM
She smirks to herself "I've got two dollars in my wallet, and they're not even mine, I've took them from Slick. If somebody tries to mug me, they're out of luck." Well, unless it's not money they're after. In which case, Masquerade be damned, Amy would be more than ready to drop her mask and haunt the bastards' dreams till the end of their life.

"Honestly? I may just end up taking a walk by the sea." It's likely though that Danielle has other stuff to do with her evening. "Or perhaps play rummy with Slick. Slick is... well, Slick's sweet." Danielle hadn't talked with him much at all, from what she can remember. I should introduce them again, she'd probably like him. "Don't worry about last night, Danielle, it's fine. When... well, if you need something, or just want to talk, you have my number, okay?"

2013-06-04, 05:33 PM
She shrugged she did have some stuff to do - namely try to figure her own stuff out, talking with Amy had been distracting but the cravings were coming back.

"You need to borrow a twenty to get you home?" she offered, if it protected the masquerade it was well spent - loaned - she corrected herself. She shrugged she remembered Slick "the drug guy right" Flat Face had sent him to get the stuff for Joey. "Well Flat Face has good time for him so he's probably ok".

She began to reach into her pocket to get some money for Amy.

2013-06-05, 05:59 AM
The drug guy? But she doesn't pursue that. And she's definitely not going to take any money from Danielle. "I've walked to places all my life, you know." Hah. Literally. "I can walk back home." She'll be hidden anyway, so that nobody can bother her. Forget living forever, that is the top perk of her new condition, in Amy's view .

"Take care, Danielle, alright?" On impulse, she hugs the other girl briefly. "You know how to find me".

She takes three steps back, smiles, takes another step into the shadows and disappears from view.

2013-06-05, 12:56 PM
She returned Amy's unexpected hug - the other woman didn't really know what she was experiencing with the blood it seemed as she inhaled the smell of her. She is right there, and doesn't know how to defend - this is the type of situation I am meant to take advantage of right, no it wasn't she reminded herself. But only because Amy had been kind to her - and frankly was lukewarm - that was she able to retain in control, she retained the hug a fraction longer than Amy as she retracted her teeth.

Her mind was spinning someone should tell new clan vampires not to meet strange caitiff late at night and all alone, "Sorry Amy, yea I know where to find you ... take care" it she stood for a few second still after Amy vanished, then returned to the swing moving back and forth slowly as she gathered her thoughts "I am more messed up than I thought, she is safer alone invisibility or not" she muttered as the realisation of what her body had urged hit her. She had to get this eating thing sorted.

2013-06-10, 06:24 PM
Amy doesn't seem to notice anything strange in Danielle's hug, addressing her one last smile before vanishing in the shadows. She's still a bit concerned, but slightly less now that she's talked to the girl and has seen that she's more or less alright. Well, as alright as one in her situation can be.

She starts walking back towards the Flats, but changes her mind after a couple of blocks and heads towards the docks instead. She's hidden and nobody can bother her, that's a perfect time to have a walk by the sea at night without worrying about someone mugging her, or worse. As she walks, she thinks about her conversation with Danielle. Screw everything, I'm not ghouling YURI.She's not ghouling anyone, actually, not if she can help it, but the thought of Danielle's suggestion is another level of 'disturbing' all by itself. I didn't need the picture in my head, Danielle. She sighs to herself.

Once near the shore, she finds a nice quiet spot where she can sit and look at the waves for a while. The night is clear and a bit chilly, that would have bothered her if she were still made uncomfortable by changes in temperature. As it is, it's quite nice to be out. Noone seems to be around that she can see. Not even the junkies or the prostitutes.

Speaking of... you know you have to sort out the eating thing for YOURSELF, don't you? The nagging, no-nonsense voice in the back of her head sounds more and more like her sister's. And she does know, but she has tried not to think about that too closely. For all the advice she's given Danielle about clubs being her best bet, she is still the girl that had gone home alone every time she had tried that when she was alive. For God's sake, I can look like Sharon Stone now, if I want. How difficult is it going to be? Very, she suspects, regardless. But she would just have to deal with that. To distract herself, she brings her thought back on Danielle. I hope she'll be alright. But really, she's seventeen. Amy knows what ton of crap you have to deal with when you go living on your own at seventeen. Plus, an hunter wants her dead.

She sighs to herself. She needs to make good on her promise of helping with the hunter. Which means get ahold of that video, somehow. Erica may be my best bet. Even if she doesn't like asking for favours. Or, I could think of something else. She slowly gets up, patting the bottom of her jeans clean, and starts walking towards home. The hunter and Yuri. Too many people to sort, and no idea how to do it.

2013-06-12, 04:56 PM
She sat on the swing for a long time, thinking about things. Blood mostly, need free blood, without stepping on toes, it was almost a mantra.

The Yuri had blood, and troops, and he was an enemy of the Kindred community ... but other than that he was a also someone who she had no dealings with an no desire to step on the toes of those that did.

She got up listening to the sounds of the park wondering if she could perhaps eat a live animal.

It was only now that she remembered the cut on her forehead just go home and work.

It was good advice, she could concentrate on German for a bit as she stood and moved off.

Amy will be ok considering she might want to be a bit colder she was going to get herself hurt if she kept the attitude she has taken care if herself for a long time stopping that might be the problem actually, to much independence not enough willingness to accept doing it the bosses way, Danielle could relate.