View Full Version : Looking for some spell advice

2013-05-16, 10:59 PM
Hello all,

I plan on playing an ambush drake dragon slayer starting in the next week or two. After my 7 racial hit die levels (using the savage progression) I plan to dip wizard before entering the prestige class so that I can actually benefit from the increased casting class.

Now the class is 5/10 casting so at level 18 I will have casting as a 6th level wizard.

Basically what Im looking for are some good suggestions for spells that are primarily utility, and don't require saves or anything as my int is likely to go no higher than 14 unless I just happen to come across some free int items.

I plan to play the character primarily as a tank/melee combatant, and will be wearing a mithril chain shirt, so I will have arcane spell failure of 10% unless I can get a twilight enchant on it.

Looking primarily for combat spells like Displacement, Dimension Hop, Benign Transposition, as well as good utility spells for out of combat use such as leomuds tiny hut, and alarm. (3rd level and lower please, suppose you could toss in a 4th level or too in case I ever get them)

ATM looking to ban necromancy and enchatnment and specialize in either illusion or conjuration.

Spells with no somatic components are even better as I won't have to worry about spell failure % ever.

Thanks for the help :smallsmile:

2013-05-16, 11:42 PM
3rd lvl spells have some great options, haste is a must have, and combining that with fly can give you a great advantage.

Lets never forget the basics though, you'll also want the always reliale protection from evil, expeditious retreat, enlarge person....

Well, basicaly every buff that boosts melee capability or is good for anyone (aka haste) will also be good for you. You cant go wrong even if you stick with core.