View Full Version : [3.5] Conjurer Optimization - No presteige, All spells/feats

2013-05-17, 09:33 AM
I'm off a long hiatus and getting into a campaign where the DM will allow all spells and feats, but no prestiege classes.

Any help optimizing a build like this would be appreciated.

Race: Halfling
Class: Wizard
Character Level: 5

Point Buy
STR: 6 = 8 -2
DEX: 16 = 14 + 2
CON: 14
INT: 19 = 18 + 1
WIS: 8
CHA: 10

Bonus: Toughness
Spell Focus (conjuration)
Combat Casting
Spell Mastery

Spell Ideas: If anyone has any to add or what ones are no good I would appreciate it.
Neverskitter, Blockade, Power Word Pain, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Benign Transposition
Invisibility,Pyrotechnics, Mirror Image, Web, Glitterdust, Fog Cloud, Cloud of Bewilderment
major image, Dimension Step, Greater Mage Armor, Flashburst, Haste, Shivering Touch, Curse of the Putrid Husk, Deep Slumber

Thanks for any advice. I'm just getting back into the game and I'm sure I boned something up somewhere.

2013-05-17, 09:57 AM
Hmm... let's see...

Transfer some of your Con into Wis. You don't want to drop your Will save too much.

Switch out your feats. Toughness and Combat Casting are rather bad. I'd suggest:
1- Faerie Mysteries Initiate
3- (something)
Bonus- Rashemi Elemental Summoning

Also, how do you have four feats?

2013-05-17, 10:06 AM
Hmm... let's see...

Transfer some of your Con into Wis. You don't want to drop your Will save too much.

Switch out your feats. Toughness and Combat Casting are rather bad. I'd suggest:
1- Faerie Mysteries Initiate
3- (something)
Bonus- Rashemi Elemental Summoning

Also, how do you have four feats?

Thanks. Switching the con and Wis makes too much sense.

Toughness is a feat that the DM is giving to everyone just for survivability, but I like where you're going with the feats!

2013-05-17, 10:19 AM
I disagree with moving any amount of con into wis. 14 is basically the minimum amount of con I think is ok to give a wizard, and wisdom seems like a pretty clear cut dump stat. Also, rashemi elemental summoning isn't really as good on a wizard as it is on a druid, and it's certainly not good at level 5. I'd advise taking cloudy conjuration. It gives every conjuration you cast extra value in the form of a sickening cloud. I might be missing something, but faerie mysteries initiate seems to only be available through dragon magazine, and isn't included in the dragon magazine compendium. Another good thing to try might be switching out halfling for strongheart halfling for the bonus feat. Also, you should get rid of toughness. I know you're getting it for free, but it's the principle of the thing, ya'know?

Edit: If you don't want a negative wisdom score, is there some reason that you can't tank charisma? Swapping those two would probably be a good move.

2013-05-17, 10:46 AM
I disagree with moving any amount of con into wis.

I think he said this due to taking Faerie mysteries initiate which means you will use your Intel bonus to determin your HP.

2013-05-17, 10:49 AM
Don't switch Con and Wis; that would be a terrible idea. Like eggynack says, 14 is the minimum acceptable con for somebody with d4 hit dice. Wizards have high will saves anyway, so Wis is pretty pointless. Now I see Faerie Mysteries Initiate there.

Is halfling set in stone? Gnomes make better wizards.

Toughness is one of the worst feats in the game (3 hp is already irrelevant by level 5) I see that one's for free, never mind. So is Combat Casting (even if you want to waste a feat on a skill bonus, Skill Focus (concentration) is better). Spell Focus is pretty bad unless you're using it to qualify for something else (like Augment Summoning).

Elemental summoning is a reasonable track to go down; if you do, then SF (conjuration) and Augment Summoning are also good feats for you.

Are you allowed ACF's? If so, the conjurer's version of Immediate Magic (from Complete Mage) is one of the best early game defensive abilities there is. Take it. Then consider re-acquiring a familiar via Obtain Familiar, and maybe Improved Familiar after that.