View Full Version : Literature suggestions for this years time capsule.

2013-05-17, 08:58 PM
I am taking Literature suggestions for this years time capsule. This years model is a small plastic crate that I acquired so i have a fair bit of room in it. So far it has

*print outs from pauls online math notes
*the lord of the rings series
*a few books on American and euro folk lore.
*A playboy from 1992
*a newspaper
*A tabloid
*A copy of an aspergar dictionary of everyday expressions.
*several world atlases from different years.
*some of the highlights of failblog and darwin awards
*one shoe box worth of comic books
*hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy.

2013-05-17, 10:20 PM
Is this a personal time capsule?

2013-05-17, 10:27 PM
My own project yes. It is a hobby of mine. But for this one I am doing it by taking literature suggestions from people,
I have access to a location where they are putting in a large cement foundation. So I want to get something together before they pour

2013-05-17, 10:45 PM
How deep is it going to be? Wouldn't the weight of the cement crush the container?

That aside, perhaps a small biography of yourself? It's your project, after all.

A few other ideas:

the Twilight saga
manga (strongly suggesting Fullmetal Alchemist)
printouts of conspiracy theories (refer to Wikipedia for the more famous ones)
more newspapers

I hesitate to suggest a modernized religious text. While religion is an important part of our cultural heritage, it doesn't seem to be your thing, guessing from your list.

2013-05-17, 11:08 PM
Mostly i am taking single suggestions from people (or picking one from their list) as for the reasons people make their choices. Or how it would be received long after we are dead I do not know. I do have a few with some of my info in them.

As for the weight of the cement. They will be under the dirt quite a bit. So if it survives the earth moving equipment it should do ok. Although this box will fit in a 55 gallon drum so that should do it...hopefully

Myself and religion is an odd relationship. A positive one in its own way. But an odd one by the stands of western culture.