View Full Version : Evil Sandbox IC

2013-05-18, 03:03 AM
Darkness settles across the kingdom of Corderia. A mundane darkness, brought on by the setting sun. It is not caused by a prophesied eclipse, nor created by fell magics.

And yet those who will remember, will speak of this simple nightfall as the beginning of it all. For in the lengthening shadows, figures move, steadily advancing towards the sleeping town ahead of them...

2013-05-18, 11:22 AM
"Why must walk everywhere? I'm sure if we pooled our money we could buy a teleport spell, and if we felt particulary crafty we could probably pull off one of those bigger teleports." Jack activates his doppleganger form and stretches himself out. "Lets make a stop in the nearby inn gather some information... Jack shrinks down to a dwarf size, his clothing warping from a bright red and white striped suit and straw porkpie hat to a bronze looking chainmail. His delicately cleaned fingers becoming fat and dirty. His groomed chin turning brown right before a beard explodes out running all the way down to his knees. He runs a hand through his long, thick, coarse hair just once before it all fades away into a shiny bald spot. "Maybe we can drink a dwarf under the table. But I think we should definitely head inside one by one. No point letting the folks think we're a group."