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View Full Version : How much GP is HD worth?

2013-05-19, 04:12 PM
In a current game I am running, my player (it's a solo) has acquired an intelligent war construct. Rather than having it level up in the traditional manner, or using the fairly limited Construction point system, I'm planning on having the PC spend money to have craftsmen upgrade the construct. What I'm trying to figure out is how to price how much it should cost to upgrade it per HD. This would increase the BAB, skills, and everything else adding HD normally does.

Mando Knight
2013-05-19, 04:47 PM
Super-rough estimate: Desired level squared * 1000 gp.

2013-05-19, 04:50 PM
Assuming 3.5/PF many constructs seem to go for around 2000gp per HD, plus a seperate charge for the body and any equipment.

2013-05-19, 06:15 PM
I think I need more wealth if that construct doesn't level up on its own. Also, it better have special abilities. I still don't know what that shield does...

Edge of Dreams
2013-05-19, 07:23 PM
In 3.5 D&D, at least, I believe there's a generally accepted conversion rate of 5 GP for 1 XP, though how accurate that valuation will be depends a TON on how much you follow wealth by level, what kinds of foes and treasures appear in your game, etc. etc. etc.

So, I'd say treat the construct as a creature that does not gain XP normally, but gains 1 XP for every 5 GP spent on construction labor and materials. Use its HD as its character level (+/- Level Adjustment if it has substantial inherent abilities or whatever), and calculate the XP needed to gain another level as you would for a player.

To me, that'd be the most "by the book" way to do it. Honestly, though, in a solo game, "balance" is not nearly as important as in a group game. You can set the price at whatever the hell you want so long as it keeps the game fun for both the GM and the player.

2013-05-20, 02:34 PM
How much GP does the player earn per level?
How much of that do you want the PC to spend on the construct?
How far behind the PC in HD do you want the construct to be (can be a negative number)?
How much does the other stuff the PC spend GP on cost?
Is the HD of the construct more usefull than another +1 on the PCs weapon/tool of choice, then it should probably cost more than that etc...
Which system are you using? I assume D&D 3.5 but it is hard to tell from over here :smallwink:

2013-05-20, 08:53 PM
We're using PF. Gold is pretty ad-hoc, and I've been fairly item and gold starved thus far (we haven't been using WBL guidelines at all although he just gave my character a moderate sum of gold). I've been surviving partly cuz of my max HP every HD rule in this solo campaign, and I've got a crap ton of allies. On the other hand, equipping all my allies with nonexistent gold has been difficult.

Edge of Dreams
2013-05-20, 09:25 PM
On the other hand, equipping all my allies with nonexistent gold has been difficult.

This might be worth bringing up with your GM - if you're running around with more than one character, who all need gold to upgrade their gear, then the GM should be providing you with more than one character's wealth by level. A party of 5 characters should, in general, be finding 5 characters worth of loot, no matter how many actual players are behind them (special cases do exist, such as NPC allies who are far more or far less powerful than the PC(s)).

2013-05-21, 01:31 PM
We're using PF. Gold is pretty ad-hoc, and I've been fairly item and gold starved thus far (we haven't been using WBL guidelines at all although he just gave my character a moderate sum of gold). I've been surviving partly cuz of my max HP every HD rule in this solo campaign, and I've got a crap ton of allies. On the other hand, equipping all my allies with nonexistent gold has been difficult.

Depending on how much downtime your character gets, you could make some extra cash the honest way.

Aka: [Your character should] Get a job. :smalltongue:

(Profession, for the record, same goes for your allies).

Not every coin in the world is in a lost tomb after all.

2013-05-23, 12:26 AM
We're using PF. Gold is pretty ad-hoc, and I've been fairly item and gold starved thus far (we haven't been using WBL guidelines at all although he just gave my character a moderate sum of gold). I've been surviving partly cuz of my max HP every HD rule in this solo campaign, and I've got a crap ton of allies. On the other hand, equipping all my allies with nonexistent gold has been difficult.

Your allies are supposed to be getting stuff from their own WBL pools, not yours.

2013-05-24, 11:12 PM
Depending on how much downtime your character gets, you could make some extra cash the honest way.

Aka: [Your character should] Get a job. :smalltongue:

(Profession, for the record, same goes for your allies).

Not every coin in the world is in a lost tomb after all.Too busy saving the world (literally).

Your allies are supposed to be getting stuff from their own WBL pools, not yours.I know, but we've been getting gear as a group, and I, as the only PC, get to assign the gear to whomever I think will benefit most from it.