View Full Version : Evil Wizard build (domain wizard)

2013-05-20, 01:43 AM
Ok guys,

Been playing 3.5 for about 12 months and am about to participate in an new campaign with evil characters. We are starting at level 4 and most books ( not Dragon magazine) are ok. I am wanting to give wizard a go and have some ideas but not exactly sure of my build but here are my wants/thoughts:

Domain Wizard (conjuration) I want to summon a bit but also want to control where possible.

Can I be a Elven generalist wizard ( are their evil elves I can choose for this option)
Also mentioned to the DM that I would like the whole Dragonborn of Bahamut combo with whatever race I end up being and he said I could just make him a Dragonborn of Tiamat....

So firstly should I go for this, if so what evil race would you recommend?

Second, what feats should I go for?

Any other advice since we are going down the evil path and this is my first spell casting character?

2013-05-20, 01:49 AM
Oh, and no flaws or traits allowed. LA ok and I also think buy back is possible but not really want I wanted unless you can convince me the LA is better than the ranks (and spells)

2013-05-20, 02:04 AM
Well, most any of the Player's Handbook races have the obvious "evil" options. Drow, or Lesser Drow if you want less of a ding to your LA. But going for a wizard you're not really going to want a lot of LA, no matter how much is allowed. Those sweet caster levels are your real power, not things like natural armor or a natural attack.

For Evil race, as in a race that is wholly evil to the core and not just "You could CHOOSE an evil alignment"? I'd probably pick Vashar from Book of Vile Darkness. But that's kinda boring and bland I admit. Rules wise? They're humans. Humans who are always evil. And their Human Bonus feat is instead a Bonus Vile Feat.

Which could be handy if you wanted to end up taking a Vile PrC as then some of the crappier feats some of them require like "Thrall to a Demon" or the like aren't quite as painful.

Fluff wise they're slightly more interesting. The Vashar were the first mortal race. Entirely mentally unbalanced and unbelievably violent. The first Vashar tried to kill the Gods, and the Gods were forced to kill them. A demon squirrels away the bodies and revives them. The whole race is still pretty wholly focused on killing Gods. They're kinda twisted. Looks human, can pass for human. Lacks human emotions and such, other than Anger and other such "evil" emotions.

And of course, for almost any Evil character I suggest grabbing up Dark Speech. It's a swiss army knife of a Feat, with easily dealt with penalties for using it, that can do an insane number of useful things, ranging from destroying objects to creating hivemind thralls or protecting undead from Cleric Jerks.

2013-05-20, 07:07 PM
Thanks- any more advice guys?