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The Vorpal Tribble
2006-11-28, 04:38 PM
Demi-god (Neutral Good)

There are those that attempt to enslave others. Shackling their bodies, binding them, torturing, but despite this their soul and spirit are untouched. Though they lie broken and bleeding, no one can tell them what to think or feel! Or so they would like to believe. Many know otherwise. Few know when this last untouched freedom is taken away, they are lead to believe it is otherwise.

Marble was born to the mindflayer slave pits, one of the few to have parents useful enough to be witheld from being chosen as food long enough to give birth. Seemingly catatonic of mind, he was never chosen to be eaten or expiremented upon, simply left in the dark to die. This all was merely a ploy taught him by his parents, and for some reason his mind was an undetectable void to his tentacled slavers. Barely six years of age he watched as his mother, finally worn down by the unceasing labor, was called up by a mental command, one which she was unable to fight against. She never returned. He watched as the others were taken and new ones brought within, and the indignation and fury built within him with each passing day. In the mire of the slave's wastes he sat, the only light he ever saw were the flashes of his own brilliance.

He finally began to speak to those around him, freeing them for moments at a time from the enthralling power of the mindflayers just long enough to train them bits at a time. It was unknown to the mindflayers how the rebellion came to be, but when several of them went to feed they were unprepared for their prey to strike them with sharpened bones, taken from the bodies of the deceased. While the dying illithids sent out mental calls for help, those within the pit formed a human ladder, allowing their comrades within to escape. It was a fierce but short battle that followed, leaving few alive or uncaptured. Unfound however was the strange man with the mind of stone, named Marble by the sodden, stinking masses with which he had lived his entire life.

Free for the first time in his life, he wasted little time enjoying it. The pits scattered for miles were raided, slaves freed and captors killed, but never could the source be found. Slowly was formed a starving army, hiding within the outreaches of the mindflayer society. Marble taught these men to shield their minds and rebell against all that would take away their very right to think. The few that possessed the innate talents of the mind were given special attention. None survived to tell the tale, but it is said that all those that formed his special group disapeared one day and managed to destroy the elder brain in its hidden pool. The colony was scattered forthwith and the hordes of slaves able to pick off most of their masters.

Though his body was destroyed, it is said that his mind was finally freed forever from the clutches of the illithids and now whispers encouragement and knowledge to all those whoes very will has been enslaved. A beacon of hope spread through the darkness and his tale told from pit to pit, and this propelled him into the spiritual ranks.

Marble appears as a starved, naked man encrusted with dirt and waste. He holds himself proud and straight, despite being covered with a sheen of dripping illithid slime. From the neck up however is another story. His gaunt, albino face and head are spotlessly clean and completely shaven, deep with the lines of suffering. His cranium literally shines with an ambient aura of health and serenity. His skin possesses great pallor as one would see from someone who has lived their life underground. His blind eyes are blood-red, though with a look of iron control tempered with mercy and an expression of furious concentration.

Marble's favorite weapon is the improvised weapon. His symbol is a dark abyss with a twinkling spark at the bottom.

Portfolio: Free will, illithid slaves

Domains: Liberation, Mind, Protection, Sanctum

Cleric Training: Marble's followers are often found within the illithid pits. Just their mere survival and strength of will to remain free minded is sufficient. Those who come into Marble's servies elsewhere are often treated to a barage of mental intrusions that force the trainee to defend himself.

Quests: Followers of Marble strive mightily against the intrusion of illithids. Rescue missions and scouting into the unsavory dark are common. Many however have never met a mindflayer, but are a member of a town or city overseen by one who rules his people through submission to his will.

Prayers: Prayers to Marble are silently uttered and tend to be requests to involve in partial their desire to be kept free to make their own choices.

Temples: The cramped darkness of a rough crevice, the huddled masses of those trying to keep warm. These are the gathering places of Marble's people.

Rites: Marble's worshippers have few rites, though often an initiate is subtly tested to show their dedication to the sanctity of one's thoughts.

Relics: <in progress>

Herald and Allies: A 15th level unbodied is Marble's favorite herald. His planar allies are sibyllic guardians.


Sanctum Domain
Granted Powers: Gain a +2 bonus on Will saves against mind-affecting spells and effects.

1. Protection From Evil
2. *Moment of Clarity
3. *Heart's Ease
4. Spell Immunity
5. Mind of Marble (see below)
6. Dispel Magic, Greater
7. Spell Turning
8. Mind Blank
9. Mage’s Disjunction

* From The Book of Exalted Deeds.

Mind of Marble
Level: Clr 5, Mind 5, Sanctum 5
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 min./level

You surround your skull with an invisible, quasi-solid force of mental energy. This spell functions like Mind Blank except as noted.

Your physical cerebrum is also protected from all harm. You gain immunity to such attacks as the beheading from a vorpal weapon, a mindflayer's extract ability, the Cranial Deluge psionic power, and similiar.


Mind's Sanctity Mantle

Granted Ability: You may take any feat that would normally be prohibited by your possessing a power point pool, such as Closed Mind and Mental Resistance. All other prerequisites must still be met.

1 Conceal Thoughts
1 Empty Mind
2 Thought Shield
3 Escape Detection
3 Mind Trap
4 Intellect Fortress
5 Tower of Iron Will
7 Mind Blank, Personal
8 Mind Blank, Psionic


Vow of Mind's Sanctity [Exalted, Psionic]
You have taken a sacred vow to refrain from influencing or reading a sentient creature's thoughts against their will.
Prerequisites: Iron Will, Sacred Vow
Benefit: You gain a +4 perfection bonus on Will saves against all mind-affecting powers, spells, and affects. Such is your conviction that your mind reaches out to all creatures within 10 feet of you, whom gain the benefits of the Hostile Mind feat even if they do not meet the prerequisites or would normally be restricted. If any do not wish to be thus protected they are unaffected until such a time as they accept the defense.
Special: To fullfil your vow, you must abstain from using mind-affecting powers, abilities, or items that forces one's will over the other's, such as Telempathic Projection, Cloud Mind, and Dominate. You also may not use powers, abilities, or items that violate the privacy of one's mind such as Empathy and Probe Thoughts unless given permission by their own choice, including telepathic communication.
Mind-affecting powers that do not violate the privacy of one's mind, such as Mindthrust and Psionic Blast are allowed. You may use the Diplomacy skill, and such abilities as Wild Empathy, but not Intimidation.
This Vow only applies to sentient beings with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher.

2006-11-28, 04:53 PM
You, my good sir, are the God of Creative Homebrewing.


Lord Iames Osari
2006-11-28, 04:59 PM
Pokes VT to look at his PMs.

Oh, and I agree with Khantalas.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-11-28, 09:22 PM
Pokes VT to look at his PMs.
Gah, I never noticed when I had messages on Wizards because they have the same forum style. Now I never see it on GItP.

And your prestige class... the abomination must die.

2006-11-29, 01:34 AM
I love this demigod, just great all around.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-01-19, 05:09 PM
I love this demigod, just great all around.
Thank ye :smallcool:

Fax Celestis
2007-01-19, 05:19 PM
Gah, I never noticed when I had messages on Wizards because they have the same forum style. Now I never see it on GItP.

And your prestige class... the abomination must die.

You can set a switch in your profile that'll notify you via popup window when you have new messages, you know.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-01-19, 05:20 PM
You can set a switch in your profile that'll notify you via popup window when you have new messages, you know.
Yeah, I know, found it about a month ago (this is an oldish thread) :smallwink:

Winged One
2007-01-19, 05:47 PM

Free will is really more of a Chaotic Good ideal than a Neutral Good ideal, IMO at least.

2007-01-19, 05:52 PM
Winged One: VT can answer this better than I can, no doubt, but he might be NG god because while he champions free will, he does it in a way that also rewards and even requires self-discipline. The VoMind's Sanctity epitomizes this, but the prerequisites on his clerics at least suggest it. If course, this is only my opinion and may be all wrong.

Winged One
2007-01-19, 06:14 PM
Hm...anyway, isn't Mind of Marble more powerful than Mind Blank? Why is it a 5th level spell instead of a 9th level spell?

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-01-19, 06:23 PM
Winged One: VT can answer this better than I can, no doubt, but he might be NG god because while he champions free will, he does it in a way that also rewards and even requires self-discipline. The VoMind's Sanctity epitomizes this, but the prerequisites on his clerics at least suggest it. If course, this is only my opinion and may be all wrong.
Nope, thats right on.

Hm...anyway, isn't Mind of Marble more powerful than Mind Blank? Why is it a 5th level spell instead of a 9th level spell?Mind of Marble is 1/min per level. Mind Blank lasts 24 hours. You also can't cast Mind of Marble on someone else. Its a purely personal power.

Winged One
2007-01-19, 06:42 PM
Hm...well, I guess those balance it as a 5th level spell...

Why is mages disjunction the 9th level spell for the Sanctum domain? What does that have to do with the sanctity of the mind that, say, reaving dispel or some other 9th level dispeling spell doesn't fit better? Perhaps make a mind of Marble, greater spell that lasts as long as mind blank and isn't Personal range?