View Full Version : Shifter / Druid Help Please!

Warren Peace
2013-05-20, 09:56 PM
Hey War here once again begging for help from those way more knowledgeable than me.

So I'm playing in a new campaign and my DM has allowed me to be a Shifter race Druid for 3.5 edition. And I have read so much my eyes are killing me and I'm still confused so here are a few questions for a level 1 Druid Shifter.

#1 What am I "shifting" into? Is it an actual animal like Wild Shape? Or am I just gaining the stat bonuses and extra attacks from Razor Claw?

#2 If I take the substitute level 1 and gain beast spirit can I have a animal companion at a later level? Because I want the Fleshraker at level 4.

#3 I read somewhere that the shifter gets a healing ability is this true?

#4 The racial feats have me confused do I gain them at every third level along with the normal feats I'd get or do I have to choose either racial feats or normal feats? I hope that made sense :P

#5 Is there an actual book I can get to read up on the entire Shifter race? Is it in a MM? I'd really like to read it instead of multiple websites giving brief descriptions.

If anyone knows what a level 1 Druid / Shifter with the first substitution level would be please tell me or link me to a place that explains the shifter a little more clearly

Thanks for your time I'm a noob and I hope someone can help me make this character work correctly!

2013-05-20, 10:25 PM
#1 What am I "shifting" into? Is it an actual animal like Wild Shape? Or am I just gaining the stat bonuses and extra attacks from Razor Claw?
Shifting is basically taking on a slightly more bestial appearance. You might gain more pronounced fangs, enlarged claws, more fur/scales or whatever. Think of yourself as looking like Sabertooth or an old-school Wolfman.

#2 If I take the substitute level 1 and gain beast spirit can I have a animal companion at a later level? Because I want the Fleshraker at level 4.
You lose access to an animal companion, but you can gain a new one if you take levels in a class with one, like Ranger. Alternatively you might look at the Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) to gain something similar.

#3 I read somewhere that the shifter gets a healing ability is this true?
Healing Factor feat from the Eberron Campaign Setting or Monster Manual III. Not really that impressive.

#4 The racial feats have me confused do I gain them at every third level along with the normal feats I'd get or do I have to choose either racial feats or normal feats? I hope that made sense :P
Racial feats function exactly like normal feats but they are restricted to members of that race. You can take them any time you would gain access to a feat.

#5 Is there an actual book I can get to read up on the entire Shifter race? Is it in a MM? I'd really like to read it instead of multiple websites giving brief descriptions.
Eberron Campaign Setting, Monster Manual III and Races of Eberron.

If anyone knows what a level 1 Druid / Shifter with the first substitution level would be please tell me or link me to a place that explains the shifter a little more clearly
Is there any particular thing that needed further explanation?