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2013-05-21, 03:14 PM
It's another day in Westcrown. The once great city that was shore to do well when Aroden finally returned to honour the people of Cheliax and Golorian. But then the unthinkable happened. Aroden never returned. A god died. The whole world was shaken, none more than Westcrown which was almost destroyed. All the work to welcome the god of humanity back was wasted and nothing was left. House Thrune rose with the help of devils and conquered to nation of Cheliax, forcing it into diabolism. Westcrown was crushed and oppressed until the only thing that prowled the streets at nights were shadow devils.

Everyone has been oppressed, but none more so that you. The new Thrune rule has destroyed you and your family. You find a note in your house. As you open it, you recognise a chance for change with Westcrown. A hope for better.

I can help you. We have seen how Westcrown treats it's Tieflings and I can help stop it. Iomedae can rule not Asmodeus if you would help us. Meet me a Vizio's Tavern at 4 o'clock and I will help you.

I can help get your uncle back. The pathfinder society is a tool of House Thrune and if you would help us, I can help find him. Meet me at Vizio's Tavern at 4 o'clock.

We know how you feel about the treatment of Tieflings and other half bloods in Cheliax. This oppression of house Thrune must stop and we need you to help us. Meet me at Vizio's Tavern at 4 o'clock and we will discuss this matter further.

I know that you are curious about Westcrown and the rule of devils. I can show you what is happening if you would help us stop it. If you knew about it then you would be shocked beyond words and we need your help. Meet me at Vizio's Tavern at 4 o'clock.

I know how you must feel about your lost siblings and it is only right that you want to kill the people who took them. I can help you find them and take down house Thrune is you would help us. Meet me at Vizio's Tavern at 4 o'clock

We know how you feel about Cheliax. This once great country deserves to be restored to it's previous status and Westcrown is the greatest part. We believe this too. This diabolist regime is destroying our great country and its true capitol is being pushed aside. Meet me in Vizio's Tavern at 4 o'clock where we can discuss this further.

2013-05-21, 03:49 PM
Arthur Beronius

Well, that's not right. House Thrune is powerful, may even have some local Pathfinders in their control, though the local lodge has been closed. Indeed, there shouldn't BE any pathfinders here, not openly anyhow.

The whole society as a tool? No. But this is my best lead. The young pathfinder checks the hour. I suppose it will have to do.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-05-21, 03:56 PM

Zosimus discreetly tears up the letter to dispose of it. Throwing it away meant someone could find it, and correspondence like this was the kind you didn't want found. Especially since they somehow found the abandoned gondolier shack he'd been squatting in since he arrived in the city. He gets himself cleaned up, braiding his long black hair into a rope-like braid, and gets dressed in the white robes of the Upper Reach. Most Iomedeans preferred gold trim for their raiment, but Zosimus felt he didn't deserve such luxury. He completes the morning in meditation and prayer before venturing out into the city. A tiefling in spotless white robes was easily recognized, so he kept to the shadows and alleys, like he'd done as a child. He makes his way towards this Vizio's Tavern, to observe the place before he's expected there. He didn't think this was likely to be a trap. Palaveen had never been scrupulous enough to consider Iomedae a deity worthy of his service. But it never hurt to be sure...

2013-05-21, 05:17 PM

"So, it was house Thrune that took them." Malfic muttered as he tossed the bit of paper into the fireplace in front of him. "By Calistra's sting I will make them pay!"

He began to gather what he needed. Malfic had heard of Cheliax using these type of meetings as traps to pick up rebels and other malcontents. He'd make sure to go prepared to this meeting. Well armed with his sword and his spells he'd give any ambushers a fight they'd remember!

2013-05-21, 05:42 PM

She looks at the letter again, just to make sure. The town crier called 3 o'clock. Gathering her things she left her room.

Westcrown was a dangerous place, she knew. She had been lucky so far. Her inquiries hadn't lead to much violence and a few leads. This one seemed to be the best.

She knew of the tavern and decided best to get there early and watch who might be showing up.

2013-05-22, 10:08 PM
Rima Pluck read the note one last time then placed it in a nearby brazier, making sure the entire thing was eaten by the flames.
I must go.
Finding a note addressed to you in a room you have been renting for only one day prior wasn't a good thing, despite its contents.
If their messengers could find my room, their blades can find my throat, to be certain.
Rima strapped on her saber belt and fastened her hip quiver to it before grabbing a town map and finding the tavern.
Vizio's it is. I may be walking to my doom, but at least I'll put up a fight.
The suli unsheathed her scimitar and ran her whetstone across its edge, smoothing out a few nicks. She grabbed her yew longbow, eying it carefully and testing the string tension. After much calibration and fussing, her equipment was battle-ready and she set out for the cantina just after paying the inn attendant. At her current pace she ought to arrive a quarter till four, she reckoned. Enough time to investigate the grounds of this tavern.

2013-05-23, 10:32 AM

She looks at the letter again, just to make sure. The town crier called 3 o'clock. Gathering her things she left her room.

Westcrown was a dangerous place, she knew. She had been lucky so far. Her inquiries hadn't lead to much violence and a few leads. This one seemed to be the best.

She knew of the tavern and decided best to get there early and watch who might be showing up.

When you enter the tavern you see a young, attractive woman wearing a small black leather jacket and black leather trousers, she has a sword on her belt that looks pretty lethal. She's currently cooking a meal, she looks up and smiles, saying, "Oh, hi. What are you doing here?"

Rima Pluck read the note one last time then placed it in a nearby brazier, making sure the entire thing was eaten by the flames.
I must go.
Finding a note addressed to you in a room you have been renting for only one day prior wasn't a good thing, despite its contents.
If their messengers could find my room, their blades can find my throat, to be certain.
Rima strapped on her saber belt and fastened her hip quiver to it before grabbing a town map and finding the tavern.
Vizio's it is. I may be walking to my doom, but at least I'll put up a fight.
The suli unsheathed her scimitar and ran her whetstone across its edge, smoothing out a few nicks. She grabbed her yew longbow, eying it carefully and testing the string tension. After much calibration and fussing, her equipment was battle-ready and she set out for the cantina just after paying the inn attendant. At her current pace she ought to arrive a quarter till four, she reckoned. Enough time to investigate the grounds of this tavern.

You look around and ask, people say that it was owned by a family who catered to sellswords and mercenaries. Vizio left Westcrown a few months ago to live with his family in Corentyn.

2013-05-23, 10:38 AM
Arthur head to the tavern at the appointed hour, awkwardly trying to appear inconspicuous.

2013-05-23, 10:48 AM
Nicander Varreus

Nicander sat on his bed, staring at the note he held in his hand. He had no idea where it had come from, or how the Hells its deliverer had found him. Granted, it was no secret that the House of Roses had beds available for down-on-their-luck performers, but Nicander was sure no one but the Ol' Jayson, the gatekeeper, had seen him sneak in before nightfall. Stagemaster Corrin was still cross with him after he had flirted with that flame-haired girl during the performance Dulceo the Hapless Paladin and the Mystery of the Nunnery. How was he supposed to know the girl was an Inquisitor's daughter?

But such concerns were beside the point at the moment. The note was incendiary material to say the least, and Corrin still feared an inquisitorial audit. For a moment Nicander considered burning the note, but no. If the diabolists decided to be thorough, they could employ magic to rebuild burnt scraps of paper. No, he needed a more permanent solution.

Oh Hells, I hope the ink was of decent quality, the young bard thought to himself before he crumpled up the tiny note, shoved it in his mouth - and swallowed. The little note tasted vile, but that could be helped with a glass of good wine and a soothing tonic. Those would be of no use against an Inquisitor and a hot poker up his rear-end.

After his stomach had settled, Nicander pulled on his robe and picked up his gear. This could prove troublesome, and he would not allow himself to be caught with his proverbial pants down. Strapping on his weapons - rapier, daggers, bow, whip, lute - and straightening his hat he set out for Vizio's. If anything, he could at least hope for a decent excuse to be there. Any tavern worth its salt needed a good entertainer...

2013-05-23, 12:11 PM
Malfic moves slowly through the city trying to keep to the back alleys and the less traveled roads. He has had a couple of run ins with the city's guard since his siblings kidnapping and doesn't want to attract their attention today.

Before long he reaches the inn. He finds an acceptable alley mouth to hide in as watches the the inn, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Perception Check = [roll0]

Should he notice nothing he will enter the inn.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-05-23, 12:31 PM

Upon seeing someone enter the tavern, Zosimus follows. It couldn't be a trap if he wasn't the only one that was invited.

2013-05-25, 12:36 PM
Nicander Varreus

Stopping outside Vizio's, Nicander pondered his approach while he observed the place. Drawing attention to himself might prove dangerous, especially if the mysterious person inviting him was some would-be liberator of the common man, like those poor, stupid sods who thought to attack Egorian, only to find out that one of the men leading them was a devil in human guise. Nicander shivered at the memory; he had not been there himself, of course, but the way the town criers and travellers had described the ensuing massacre and punishments doled out by the church, the Thrunes and the Hellknights... well, those made the bloodiest of Dies Irae games sound like a picnic.

Then again, considering his reputation in town, not trying to draw attention to himself would be deemed suspicious as well, if there was an informant hiding inside. After all, his father's fate was well-known, and he himself had done his best to milk that reputation. People expected a certain flair of the dramatic and a touch of debauchery from him, and trying to mute his presence would be like a peacock trying to pretend he was a chicken. Oh, decisions, decisions...

Perception for anything suspicious [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) to figure out what kind of an establishment Vizio's is [roll1]

2013-05-27, 11:46 PM

When you enter the tavern you see a young, attractive woman wearing a small black leather jacket and black leather trousers, she has a sword on her belt that looks pretty lethal. She's currently cooking a meal, she looks up and smiles, saying, "Oh, hi. What are you doing here?"

"Hi, I came in for a drink. I'd take a stein of mead if you have any," she says as she takes a seat.

Upon seeing someone enter the tavern, Zosimus follows. It couldn't be a trap if he wasn't the only one that was invited.

She spots another enter the tavern and wonders if her is here for the same reason. If it is a trap and those two are in on it she hopes she can talk her way out of here quickly.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-05-28, 12:03 AM

"I'm expected," Zosimus says. He didn't want the woman drawing that sword. He was now convinced this wasn't a trap. The presence of this other woman confirmed that. But he didn't want to set their host on edge. The large horns emerging from his forehead tended to do that.

2013-05-28, 01:02 AM
After checking the place out, Rima enters the tavern to figure out what this is all about.

2013-06-06, 03:59 PM
Once you all arrive she smiles at you and lays out dinner for you all. "I have everything you might want. My name's Janiven by the way. We'll discuss the message after we've eaten. She checks out the window occasionally, obviously looking for something as it gets darker and darker. Dinner is delicious, well made with good spices and washed down with fine ale. She seems to grow steadily more nervous over time, looking out the window more and more often. "Sorry it's taking so long, but I have something to ask you: I have chosen each of you for a singular reason—everyone here, myself included, has suffered, whether we realize it or not. I have lived in Westcrown my whole life, and although I love this city, I must admit, as must you, that despite our peace and prosperity, we continue to suffer. Fear should not be an expected part of life, and yet each night brings fear to our doorsteps. Yes, Westcrown has been safe from war and famine for nearly seventy years, and yes, our businesses has prospered—but this safety and prosperity has been bought in the coinage of fear and prayers to Hell. Other lands live free from tyranny. Other cities do not fear the night. Other governments do not cede the streets to monsters of the infernal shadows. Westcrown was once such a place, and she wants to be such a place again. Westcrown is not only her buildings and canals and docks and history—she is also her people. Westcrown is our friends and neighbors, our mothers and fathers, our siblings and cousins, our sons and daughters! With but a small group of supporters and dedicated brothers and sisters, we can earn the trust and admiration of those people. A Westcrown free of these shadowy beasts that stalk our streets is one step closer to a Westcrown free of the devil that is the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune!” She finishes with a shout, getting quite excited about her whole speech.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-06, 05:01 PM

Zosimus blinks.

"I see now why you were so circumspect in summoning us here. What you propose is treason. Inheritor help me, count me in."

2013-06-06, 09:08 PM

She had known things here were different but the woman's words suggest something of a conspiracy, which made her skeptical... but then again...
"So... what have us do about it?" she asked.

2013-06-07, 02:17 AM
Nicander Varreus

"So you're looking to jump off a cliff and ask if we'd like to be tied to you while doing that?" the young bard asked with no small amount of sarcasm in his voice, even if he fearfully looked around. If there was a Hellknight informant or a dottari sleuth sitting in the inn, Janiven's outburst would not have gone unheard.

Perception [roll0]

"Look, you want to go around calling for revolution, that's your funeral, friend. I'll be sure to bring flowers to your grave. But if you need help trying to rebuild Westcrown - or at least figure out what the hell it is that's haunting the streets... well, that I can help with."

2013-06-07, 07:00 AM
Haunting in the streets, so it is true. Interesting. Likely connected to my uncle's disappearance, one way or another. Arthur leans in, stroking his goatee. "I'm no friend of Thrune. Always up for a good mystery too. make great stories."

2013-06-07, 10:31 AM
The prospect seemed too good to be true. We could be waiting for armored guardsmen to take us away. It was best to be honest, 'You have my attention. However, If I even hear Westcrown guards knocking, an arrow will be through your eye before you can answer the door.' Rima takes two arrows from her clutch and drove the points into her chair's arm, having them ready to grab at a moment's notice.

2013-06-07, 02:59 PM
Janiven checks out the window once more before she addresses you all, "Thank you." She says with a huge sigh, "I was really worried about what might happen if you told the Hellknights especially the Order of the Rack. This won't take more than an hour to tell you what needs to be said."

2013-06-07, 03:02 PM
Arthur nods, relaxing in his chair. He's always ready for a good story.

2013-06-07, 04:27 PM
"Then by all means, regale us with your tale."

2013-06-08, 08:51 AM
Malfic watched the procedings in silence. So long as he remained quite if things went pear shaped at least say he was gathering information for the authorities. It galled him that he might have to bow before those that protect his siblings kidnappers but he could nothing to help them if he was dead. So he sat back and watched and waited to see what might come of this meeting.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-09, 12:57 AM

Zosimus nods his head. While his priority was finding and dealing with Palaveen, after that he wasn't sure what to do next. His pilgrimage would be done, and this cause seemed a good one to join.

2013-06-09, 08:21 PM

An hour seem like a long time to explain something but she kept quiet and waited.

2013-06-11, 11:12 AM
Before Janiven can respond, a boy runs through the door, panting. Janiven instinctively grabs for her sword but sees who it is. The boy doubles over, panting that makes his speech barely audible, "Th-they g-got Ar-ael!" Janiven moves to comfort him but her expression turns grim before the boy spurts out, “The dottari nabbed Arael, and the Hellknights of the Rack are trying to get custody of him! There’s a bunch of Hellknights on their way here now! I only just
made it in here; they’ve already surrounded us!” The clanking is obvious around and Janiven panics, she ducks behind the bar and shouts for you, "Get in here. I know the way to safety!"

2013-06-11, 11:24 AM
Bloody hells, Nicander cursed inwardly but stood up nonetheless. Between the choice of following a would-be revolutionary or dealing with a bunch of pissed-off Hellknights... he preferred the former over the latter. Hell, he would have preferred a staring contest with a medusa for the latter. Not wasting any time, he followed Janiven to gods know where.

2013-06-11, 11:46 AM
Rima stands without hesitation, still holding her bow. She yanks the two arrows out of her chairs arm and puts them back into her hip quiver. Glancing out the window confirms Janiven isn't lying, and Rima follows the lady and the boy behind the bar.

What am I getting myself into?

2013-06-11, 12:30 PM
An auspicious start. Arthur stands and follows quickly after carefully drawing his morningstar.

2013-06-11, 12:50 PM

It just seemed too much of a coincidence that the Hellknights would show up now... but if they were to, now would be it. She gets up and follows quickly. Keeping an eye on their 'benefactor' Janiven.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-11, 04:54 PM
Zosimus leaps to his feet and follows Janiven behind the bar. He was a sword in Iomedae's hand, but the Hellknights weren't something that sword could be turned at.

This fight is one we can't win, but I hope this Janiven's for real...

2013-06-12, 09:12 AM
"Well that's rather convenient." Malfic mutters as he stands. He draws his sword as he waits for everyone else to leave before him. As the last of the others had left he smashed some the bottles behind the bar with his sword. He went to the enterence, turned and splayed his hands before him saying, "Fait lux."

He uses burning hands on the alcohol.

"That should slow them down." He quickly follows the others.

2013-06-14, 05:26 PM
Behind the counter is a trap door, the child is already down there and Janiven waits for all of you to get down before jumping down and locking it behind her. The sound of angry Hellknights above is evident. It's pitch black underneath the floor until Janiven lights a torch about a hundred metres in front of you. ""Quiet." She whispers, We're in the sewers below Westcrown, follow me." She starts to walk forwards, into the darkness.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-15, 12:31 AM

Zosimus strides forward, keeping pace with Janiven. Darkness meant nothing to a tiefling like him. His eyes reflect the light from Janiven's torch like a cat.

2013-06-15, 08:43 PM
Malfic jumped down through the trap door. With the sound of the trapdoor closing he was engulfed by darkness. "I wish I had memorized light this morning" He muttered to himself as he listen to the sound of, what he assumed to be, a torch being lit. He had never been one for relying on others.

As the torch finally lights his surroundings he draws his sword and begins to follow their one time host.

2013-06-16, 05:19 AM
"Then allow me to lend a helping hand", Nicander offered to Malfic's grumbling. The young bard snapped his fingers, and a quartet of ghostly lanterns casting a green-tinged light appeared around him, hanging in the air - one behind him, one in front of him and one on either side of him, at about ten feet away.

"So... anyone here besides me who is not so impressed at our host, the suicide candidate... erm, I mean freedom fighter?" he asked with a somewhat forced smile, trying not to step into anything... unsavoury as he followed the group.

Casting dancing lights.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-16, 11:39 AM
"Silence. Had you not been impressed with her to begin with, you'd never have come to the meeting in the first place," Zosimus replies. His face is solemn, as if what's going on is nothing new, something to be expected.

2013-06-16, 12:20 PM
"Hey, I thought this was about making the city a better place to live. There was no mention of treason in the letter", Nicander muttered.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-16, 12:23 PM
Zosimus chuckles. "And you didn't think making the city a better place constituted treason? Those in power want this city to fester. It's a dumping ground for all the uncomfortable relics of their past. Cleaning it up would only expose their secrets, and that's treason enough for them."

2013-06-16, 12:26 PM
"Are you always this optimistic? Or are we just getting treated to a rare ray of sunshine out of your arse?" Nicander asked, looking at the white-garbed man with no small amount of wonder. Was this guy for real?

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-16, 04:52 PM
"Are you always this optimistic? Or are we just getting treated to a rare ray of sunshine out of your arse?" Nicander asked, looking at the white-garbed man with no small amount of wonder. Was this guy for real?

"I'm a tiefling who worships The Sword of Light. I need optimism just to stay sane and survive. I have to believe that the goddess I worship actually does favor me and accepts me despite the hellish pollution in my blood. Otherwise I'd have been better off killing myself and going straight to Hell where I'd belong."

2013-06-16, 05:46 PM
"I'm a tiefling who worships The Sword of Light. I need optimism just to stay sane and survive. I have to believe that the goddess I worship actually does favor me and accepts me despite the hellish pollution in my blood. Otherwise I'd have been better off killing myself and going straight to Hell where I'd belong."

"That's still an option," Malfic quipped before turning to the bard. "As for you if you are having issues trusting our...host then might I suggest we have a parting of the ways here and you can go wonder off and be eating by whatever fiendish horrors you beloved demonic rulers have abandoned down here. Now can the two please give it a rest? Our host is the one source of information I have on what happened to my brother and sister and if she gets eaten before she can tell me what she knows because of the two of you I will be having words with you."

With that done Malfic picked up his pace to catch up their host muttering dark things about petty children quietly under his breath.

2013-06-16, 08:51 PM
As the conversation continues, Rima listens.

It seems this is a personal matter to many of us.

The suli looks at Nicander, 'It's too risky following this lady without any information. If this is a trap, the six people who give a damn about this city will die silently.'

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-16, 11:12 PM
"If it were a trap, then why are we running through the sewers here instead of being rounded up by the Hellknights up there?"

2013-06-16, 11:31 PM
Rima looks the teifling over, 'Mayhaps you're right. The soldiers outside looked like Hellknights, but I didn't get a close enough look to be sure. Also, I don't know a single one of you, and we're not in a place that makes it easy to get away.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-16, 11:47 PM
"Shall we make the formal introductions as we walk, then, or would you prefer to wait?"

2013-06-17, 10:07 AM

"Fine I'll start, I'm Wynie. You can call me Wyn. I am a spell caster of sorts, what about the rest of you?"

2013-06-17, 10:43 AM
'Now's as good a time as any, I s'pose. The name's Rima Pluck, and I'm set on making this a better place to live for thems of us that's got outsider's blood.'

2013-06-17, 11:59 AM
The bard looked at his "companions" and grumbled a little. "Nicander", he said finally, withholding his name for now. Let them wait a little longer to hear the scandalous surname... and if things went belly up, well, there was plenty of Nicanders in town. "And I came because I was promised a chance to turn Westcrown around. To be the crown jewel of the western Inner Sea again instead of the piss pot of Egorian."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-17, 04:39 PM
"And I am Zosimus. I am a Child of the Upper Reach, trained in the melekatha fighting style and devotee of Iomedae. I returned to Westcrown to settle an unpaid debt and strive to prove myself to those who would spit on me for my tainted nature."

2013-06-17, 06:56 PM
"Magus Malfic Burns BoM, MoM, DoM, graduate of Quails University in Quantium. Both magic and might are my forte. I'm simply here to rescue my siblings. After that your tainted country can burn for all I care."

2013-06-17, 07:20 PM
"Arthur Beronius. I have been gifted with great knowledge as well as some healing ability. My purpose here is to find something missing. More than that will have to wait. Though I must agree, if they merely sought to catch us in treason a simpler plan would have sufficed. I am inclined to trust out guide for a time." As he speaks a white light bursts from his weapon, casting sharp shadows across his face.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-17, 11:54 PM
Zosimus winces as the light bursts into view.

"One of the problems of growing up among my own kind. Sometimes I forget not everyone can see in the dark like I can."

He turns back to their guide.

"So...Janiven, right? Perhaps we could continue our discussion from the tavern?"

2013-06-19, 02:01 PM
Janiven listens to your conversation, "You're welcome to go up there if you want, talk it out with the Hellknights of the Rack. Or you can come with me and save Westcrown." She walks into the darkness. "We can discuss what we were talking about once we're safe and I'm sure of everyone's loyalty."

2013-06-19, 03:48 PM
"Well, we've been trodding along a good while now. Any idea when we can get out of this dank hole?"

2013-06-19, 07:33 PM
"I don't mind staying for a spell if its all the same. The farther away we come out the harder to find us."

2013-06-19, 11:24 PM

"How will you be sure of our loyalty," she asks with skepticism.

2013-06-27, 12:04 PM
Janiven carries on, lighting the way. You get to a small area where Janiven kicks over a rock and underneath is a bag. “Good,” she says, “They’re still here.” She opens them up and inside is six bottles of cure light wounds, she distributes them evenly between you. "The Hellknights will find us and we have to keep moving to avoid a very painful death. We've now all committed treason and you don't want to know what happens to people who commit treason." She continues along, following small markings on the wall and floor, “Arael and I madethese marks a few months ago when we explored the sewers. We marked all the intersections so our people could find their way through the sewers to our hideout.” The sound of Hellknights ceases but Janiven know that they are still here somewhere, “They might take a few minutes to search in the tavern, but some are going to follow us down here after they grab a lantern or make torches. They might even try to infiltrate the sewers ahead of us if they can guess our route. We need to keep moving.” Time goes on and you start to tire, but Janiven will not rest but will let you rest if you need to and she'll carry on and find you with a larger group once she's found the hideout.

2013-06-27, 04:30 PM

She considers asking the following questions:
What did they do that was so treasonous just now?
Who is Arael?
but decides to hold her tongue until later and follows.

Once at the hideout she wonders who all these people are but waits for an explanation from their host.

2013-06-27, 05:01 PM
Nicander Varreus

"What? You mean to say that we're branded traitors simply because we listened to your prattling?!" Nicander asked with a tone of desperation after accepting the curative. "No no no no, this... this is not right. You asked us to come here to help our city, our relatives... and others, I guess... and you get us mixed up in some jumped-up pipe dream?! You, dear lady, can go and f---"

Or at least, that was how the exchange would have went had Nicander wished for the Hellknights to hear him. With his luck, that shield-polisher Dovin was with them, just hankering for a chance to put a sword through his guts. All in the name of the law.

"And I was supposed to play in the House of Roses tonight", the young man sighed to himself. He was now seriously, well and truly screwed. All because of this damn revolutionary wannabe and his apparently-now-comrades-in-arms, half of whom seemed to be just as intent on getting themselves killed as the girl was. There would be no point in talking to Firmin now; the dottari stepped aside when Hellknights were on the hunt. Perhaps Lord Basale could help him get the hell out of Westcrown, maybe on a ship bound for Absalom or - gods help him - Korvosa.

Korvosa. Oh gods, he was seriously thinking of running to Korvosa.

2013-06-27, 09:45 PM
Arthur keeps following to the hideout after carefully stowing his potion.

2013-06-27, 09:53 PM
A dark tunnel, an unknown threat, a surprise incrimination and an unlabeled potion. I'm just asking to get killed, Rima Pluck muses as she puts away her bow. A bow will be of no use where I can't see.

The sound of steel scraping against steel heralds the appearance of Rima's blade. 'In case there are any surprises,' she explains.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-06-27, 11:55 PM

"Well, at least I have an aim after settling my scores here in the city. Revolutionary seems just as good a path as any. I don't have many other options anyway. Humans will look down on me because of what I am and my own kind will loathe me as a traitor to my blood."

Zosimus bows a little in thanks to Janiven before accepting his potion and stowing it.

"Janiven, suppose we tried to seek the safehouse on our own after a rest, while you go on ahead. How would we find the way? I know caution dictates you can't spill secrets, but I don't think any of us here will squeal to the Hellknights should we be found. After all, we don't even know who your friends are, right?"

2013-07-09, 12:20 PM
The group happened upon a dry room with a somewhat level ground. Rima took the chance to speak up, 'I don't know about everyone else, but I could use some rest. This room seems fit enough. I will stand guard first, if it please ya'.'

2013-07-09, 12:37 PM

"That sounds fine. I don't here anyone chasing us right now."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-09, 03:10 PM

Zosimus nods.

"We still need to know how to get to this hideaway, though."

2013-07-09, 05:13 PM
"Look, is this wise?" Nicander complained. "I know we're up to our knees in crap already - both literally and figuratively - but at the very least we should follow this girl to her hideout. Frankly, I don't relish the prospect of staying in these sewers any longer than absolutely necessary."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-09, 05:26 PM

"...This room is dry, Nicander. The only thing around your knees right now is air and solid ground under your feet..."

2013-07-09, 05:28 PM

"I'm more worried about the lack of a thick door and a sturdy lock between yours truly and the sewers. Do you even know what could be living down here?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-09, 05:34 PM

"Goblins and otyughs, mostly. I used to run down here as a kid. Those are easy to avoid. Goblins you hear singing a mile away, and otyughs generally leave you alone if you toss some crap their way. They're not picky about their food. What you really gotta watch out for is when a shadow creature gets down here. Those are rare, though."

2013-07-09, 05:42 PM

"I'd still feel better with a door", Nicander muttered and started looking for a relatively clean and dry spot to sit on.

2013-07-10, 11:25 AM
Arthur shrugs. "I am in fine shape to continue, but will wait if others need to."

2013-07-10, 12:32 PM
"Finally, someone with a lick of sense!"

2013-07-14, 03:08 AM
Janiven sits down on a rock nearby and sighs, then speaks to you. "You guys look like you need some sleep, you should rest, I'll take watch over night." This invitation is well received and you all fall soundly asleep almost immediately. When you wake, Janiven is no longer there and she has left a small note. Sorry to leave you, but I have to go back to find out what has happened to everyone else and to free Arael, I'll come back once I have enough information, until then, just carry on by yourself. As you carry on the tunnel seem darker with the only light from the occasional grating above. Then you get to a larger area, with a huge river of waste, crossing another with only a few wooden planks to cross over. There are three ways of getting out, across the wooden planks, over the river of to the right. But the worst thing in the room is not the pool of waste, of the rotting wood you may have to cross, but three hellknights stood waiting for you.

Roll initiative: [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-14, 08:57 AM
Seeing the Hellknights stark in the gloom thanks to his infernal eyes, Zosimus jumps into a fighting stance, hand extended and his tail swaying subtly behind him, silently daring the Hellknights to approach him.

Initative time!


2013-07-14, 09:00 AM
Rolling initiative while waiting for that answer [roll0]

EDIT: Well whaddoyaknow... a natural 20. Neat :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-14, 09:09 AM
Nicander Varreus

First we get dumped by our contact like a moldy piece of cabbage - and now there's Hellknights? Nicander cursed to himself. With his luck, one of the Hellknights was probably that bastard Dovin. Taking a quick look at the armored men he tried to see if one of them was wearing the proud Hellknight aspirant's armor - one adorned with a sword-wielding erinyes on the breastplate.

He was about to suggest they fall back and find another passage, but seeing the eagerness of the others - particularly the white-clad tiefling - he sighed deeply. Oh f*** it, he thought to himself as he started chanting a small spell, targetting the closely-gathered group of Hellknights. Before they knew it, the ground underneath their armored feet started exhuding a glistening coating of grease, making their footing incredibly precarious.

Casting sleep on one of the Hellknights, dropping him to visit the Sandman for 1 minute. DC 13 Will save negates.

Had a better idea. Cast grease under the Hellknights' feet. 10x10 feet area, anyone in that area must succeed on a DC 13 Reflex save or fall on their armored asses :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-14, 09:49 AM

She saw the hellknights and was ready to you diplomacy when she saw her companions who looked like they rather use the sword. She sighed and started to cast a spell.

Casting Bless
[roll0] init

2013-07-14, 11:28 AM
Rima looks across at the armored knights and puts her scimitar up at the ready.


2013-07-15, 11:16 AM
Arthur keeps up a cheery enough tone as the travel, freely sharing the lore and tales he hoards. He is stopped mid-sentence by the sight of the armored men.init [roll0]

2013-07-21, 03:31 AM
The Hellknights charge. One slips and falls into the sewage, shouting in rage, but the other two run forwards straight at you. One goes for Nicander, the other is forced to wait behind him due to the narrowness of the sewer.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2013-07-21, 03:34 AM
Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-21, 10:51 AM
Nicander Varreus

Luckily for Nicander, the Hellknight's swing went wide, allowing the bard to retreat safely out of harm's way while the heavily armored opponent cursed.

"May I ask for some back-up over here?" the flamboyant young man called out to his comrades before he started to sing, the magic of his craft flowing with each operatic note.

Retreat 20ft., start bardic performance: inspire courage (round 1/13). Nicander's allies get a +1 boost to their attack and damage rolls as well as to their save rolls against fear and charm effects.

2013-07-21, 07:25 PM
Arthur points to the nearest knight. "Lookout behind you! Get him!"

murderous command on the charging hellknight, will dc 15 or attack nearest ally

2013-07-21, 07:50 PM
Rima grins as the first knight falls into the sewage. Her scimitar cracks with electricity as she charges at the nearest foe.

elemental assault (electricity) + charge + attack with scimitar
Swift action to add 1d6 electrical damage to next scimitar attack
Full round action to charge and attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-22, 11:17 AM

She moves in and summons the eerie power of death.

Channel Neg energy (W/ selective channel)

[roll0] damage DC 15

2013-07-26, 07:11 AM
Will saves: For murderous command [roll0]
Against negative channeling [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2013-07-26, 07:15 AM
When Nicander moves backwards, the Hellknight takes the oppurtunity to attack him. The Hellknight who attacked Nicander then spins around and sends a blow to his friend, when both of them are hit by the negative energy. The one who fell in the sewer, gets up and runs through the sewage to get behind the party.

AoO on Nicander: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Muderous command attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-26, 11:18 AM
Zosimus notices the one in the sewer and makes a leaping kick to try and intercept him.


Zosimus attacks the Hellknight in the sewers.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-27, 01:36 PM
Arthur gives a grim half smile as the knight obeys his command. He repeats it to the one attempting to flank them. "Your so called allies have turned against each other, you have been betrayed!"murderous command will 15

2013-07-29, 12:32 PM
Nicander Varreus

Even though battle had been joined, Nicander couldn't help but marvel at the acoustics of the sewers. Ruefully he couldn't help but chuckle in the middle of his song, contemplating whether or not the great opera houses of Egorian had similar conditions as this smelly, overflowing corridor.

Noticing the two Hellknights exchange blows, he took his chances with the one that Rima wasn't hacking at. Pulling out his shortbow and arrow, he took aim and fired, hoping to catch a chink in the fanatic's armor.

Continue bardic performance (round 2/13). Shortbow attack! [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-29, 12:58 PM
Will save against murderous command: [roll0]

2013-07-29, 01:54 PM
Rima concentrates and her scimitar lights up with a green glow. She strikes the hell night a second time.

Move action to enhance with Arcane Pool + standard action to attack
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-29, 02:29 PM
Kydell slices on of the Hellknight, electrocuting their armour in the process, it's body drops to the ground, no life left. Zosimus makes a deadly blow on the one in the sewer who manages to stay alive long enough to reach his friend.

Attack on Hellknight: [roll0] [roll1]

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-29, 02:55 PM
Zosimus lands on his feet in the slime of the sewer and leaps back up to the floor to rejoin the battle.

2013-07-30, 11:20 AM
Arthur closes with the remaining foes, swinging his morningstar with more vim than skill.[roll0]
damage [roll1]

rolls include bardsong

2013-07-30, 02:51 PM
Nicander Varreus

Seeing one of the Hellknights drop, Nicander let out a celebratory whoop and continued firing.

Continue bardic performance (round 3/13), and fire shortbow (-4 for shooting into melee) [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-30, 09:09 PM

She moves so that both remaining hellknights are caught in her area before she again calls forth the power of death.

DC 15

2013-07-30, 09:43 PM
Rima steps forward and attacks the next hellknight.

move + attack
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-04, 03:17 AM
Will save against negative energy. [roll0] [roll1]

2013-08-07, 02:45 PM
Nicander Varreus

"Come on, people, you're making me look bad!" Nicander yelled in the midst of his performance and pulled out a scroll from the narrow, yellowed scroll case on his belt. Starting to read from the scroll's incantation, he focused his borrowed magic on the most fit-looking Hellknight still standing.

Continue bardic performance (round 4/13), along with read magic and cast Sleep on the Hellknight with least wounds. If the other Hellknight is within 10ft. from him, he's affected too. DC 14 Will to overcome.

2013-08-07, 04:09 PM
One of the Hellknights drops dead from the negative energy, the other manages to stay on his feet long enough to fall into a deep sleep, tripping over into the sewage.

Well done you guys, you managed to defeat your first encounter. I promise the next ones will go a lot quicker. :smallsmile:

2013-08-07, 08:49 PM

She moves to each dead body and hovers over it giving the deceased a small prayer. Then begins to rummage through their belongings to find anything useful.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-08, 12:13 AM
Zosimus approaches the slumbering Hellknight.

"Shall I execute this one, or shall we let him live? I would rather show mercy, but we should be careful that we are not followed."

2013-08-08, 12:29 AM
'Let them drown in the waste of the city they corrupt. It is a just death.' Rima mutters as she sheathes her sword, 'What we ought to worry about is how to proceed from here.'

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-08, 12:38 AM
"Did Janiven leave any note or something?"

2013-08-08, 08:11 PM
Arthur rests his morningstar across his shoulder, looking down questioningly at the fallen knight. "Seems a bit...hard, just killing him like that. Not that he wouldn't have done for us. Still hard to track in these sewers, I would guess. Could strip him down and tie him up. By the time he got to his friends we'd be long gone and he'd not soon live it down. Or wash off the stink."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-09, 12:04 AM
"Does anybody have any rope?"

2013-08-09, 09:58 AM
"I have", Nicander answered with a grumble and pulled a coil of silk rope from his backpack. "But I expect you to buy me the length you use up. This isn't cheap, you know", he muttered, nonetheless handing in the rope.

"Also, you might want to strip him and tie him quickly. The spell I cast only lasts about a minute or so. Or just kill him, for all I care. We're already on the 'To Be Tortured' list for the Hellknights, might as well go all the way."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-09, 01:13 PM
Zosimus works quickly, attempting to peel the man out of his armor.

2013-08-09, 01:20 PM
Reluctant though he is, Nicander sets out to help Zosimus in peeling the slumbering Hellknight from his weapons and armor. If they had to deal with an enraged Hellknight, better it be a bound and naked enraged Hellknight.

2013-08-27, 01:54 PM
You continue along, the steady drip drip of the sewer and the faint sounds of Hellknights leading you on until you reach an intersection. Four different paths lead off each one darker and smellier than the other. You have to make a decision quick, before the Hellknights catch you.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-27, 07:38 PM
Zosimus observes the walls, looking for some clue.

Perception check: [roll0]

2013-08-27, 07:56 PM
Arthur's eyes glaze over, unfocused, as his lips move slowly. In his minds eye, he is surrounded by a tornado of books and scrolls on an infinite plane of shelves. He runs along the endless stacks, looking for a map. Where is that orangutan? know local w/ focused trance, taking [roll0] rnds, [roll1] to find the best route to where we are going

Discworld reference. Lore Oracles are fun.

2013-08-29, 03:53 PM
Down to of the passageways are dead ends, Arthur finds out, while the other two merge together and lead on to the hideout. One passage has a group of goblins hiding in it, the other has a hidden treasure chest in it.

2013-08-29, 05:08 PM

She looks a bit confused as Arthur goes into a trance. "Which way?" she asks hoping the others know what they are doing.

2013-08-29, 07:57 PM
He shakes his head, coming back to the present. Pointing down the tunnels in turn, "Goblins, treasure, those to merge back together and go on."

He holds his head for a second. "Also, ow."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-29, 11:19 PM
"How did you do that? What did you even do?" Zosimus is suddenly quite curious about Arthur. It seemed there was more to him than met the eye.

2013-08-30, 11:20 AM
He blushes, looking down. Seeing sewer floor, he decides its better to look up. Small improvement. "I...sometimes...I know things. There is a map of the sewer somewhere, must have seen it. Yeah." Well, technically there was, or will be, a map and I did see it, just not in the way they expect.

2013-08-30, 12:02 PM
Rima Pluck

'There's no time for this! Let's go on to the hideout.' Rima snaps as she steps up to the entrance Arthur suggested 'went on'.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-30, 11:54 PM
"Right, so... goblins or no goblins?"

2013-09-03, 11:15 AM
"Well, leave the goblins for the hellknights to find. The treasure though...could be something worth bringing to the hideout. I think its worth a shot, since ewe are right here."

2013-09-03, 10:45 PM

"Then let's go," she says impatiently.

2013-09-04, 02:24 PM
You take the leftern most passage which leads deeper into the sewer. As Arthur said you are not harassed by goblins, hellknights or anything else. You look out constantly for the treasure that may be down here.

Perception checks

2013-09-04, 09:22 PM

She is pulled along my the momentum of the group. Her eyes wide with expectation.

[roll0] perception

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-09-04, 11:44 PM
Zosimus can see easily in the dark, constantly searching for the treasure.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-09-05, 08:00 AM
Arthur stumbles along, still foggy from his vision.[roll0]

2013-09-11, 02:24 PM
Wynie notices something out of the corner of her eye. The aforementioned cache. As you open it you find two potions of CLW one CMW and one Cat's Grace.

2013-09-11, 03:03 PM

She turns to what she thought she saw and says, "Guys, I thought I saw something that away."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-09-11, 11:39 PM
"What do you see?"

2013-09-12, 11:05 AM
Arthur looks in the indicated direction, checking for magic. He excitedly recovers the potions. "These will certainly be helpful, if nothing else we can get some cash for them."

He hands them out, then points the way on. "Probably should keep going though, since I don't think we're concerned about the goblin problem at the moment."

2013-09-12, 11:10 AM

"I'm not sure but there was something," she answers.

2013-09-25, 07:11 PM

"Let's just go," she said.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-09-25, 11:22 PM
"Takin' point!" Zosimus cheerfully says, making his way to the front.