View Full Version : Quick DM question

2013-05-21, 07:12 PM
Can I use a 3rd edition pre-made adventure without changing much? If I need to change things what would they be?

2013-05-21, 07:18 PM
The biggest change is for any encounters utilizing arcane casters capable of casting 3rd level spells or better.

They're pretty much all built around being able to cast multiple spells per round via 3.0 Haste mechanics so generally might need a couple mooks added to give the caster a round or 2 before the party descends on him/her like a pack of wild dogs.

Another note my group noticed while running CotSQ, 3.0 Blasphemy was nowhere near the TPK-fest that it now is on the tougher demons/devils in the monster manual.

2013-05-21, 07:25 PM
What Diarmuid said, specifically. Generally, go over the mechanics any encounter works with a few times in your head before running them through it; you should be able to pick out any of the obvious, TPKing flaws before hand and everything else should be a wash. For instance, you might run across an encounter that has some 3.0 crit cheese, utilizing Keen and Improved Criticals feat (they stacked in 3.0.) if you think your party can handle an encounter that crits half the time, fine; if not, fix the encounter first.

2013-05-21, 07:38 PM
Also make sure to at least update the DR of any monsters the players will encounter.

2013-05-21, 08:33 PM
So really the only thing that needs doing is monster adjustments?

2013-05-21, 09:03 PM
So really the only thing that needs doing is monster adjustments?

Well you probably don't need to change the maps or the story, eh? :smallwink:

Traps should be fine, but maybe double check any that are based on spells. Maybe double check magic items given as loot (or used by NPCs). Other than that? Yeah, just monsters and enemy character stats.