View Full Version : [IC] An Omen of Black Butterflies

2013-05-22, 08:48 AM
The caravan trudged on its slow pace through the main road. They were at last on the final part of their journey, having just exited the forests of Kalubyan. It was almost midnight, and the slow, rhythmic click clack of horse hooves on stone and the mating calls of nocturnal insects were all that could be heard in the background for the last hour, with most of the people asleep.

Without anyone to talk to, you sat down beside the wagon driver, chatting to pass the time. Sleep would have been good, but here in these parts, the humidity was too much for your liking, making the inside of the wagon too stuffy. You talk about anything at all, and you find out a lot of the driver's personal life, how he loved and hated his wife with equal passion, how he looked forward to going home and playing with his kids, and all that stuff. At first it seemed endearing, but when it got on too long, you just wished you chose to sleep it through.

Thankfully, as you rounded the bend, you finally see your destination: the city of Sapaduwa. The city was situated on a piece of land between to rivers, and was called home to a menagerie of races and culture, but mostly dominated by different anthropomorphic races. You had heard it was a beautiful city, and even under the moonlight, it was really a sight to behold. Buildings of different architectural styles lit up by lanterns and moonlight surrounded by the dark blue rivers made it look like a reflection of the starry sky.

But you did not come here for the sights, not primarily anyway. A couple of years ago some strange buildings started sprouting out of the earth. Called dungeons, they supposedly were considered dangerous, as none that ever tried to explore them came back alive. Not until Hadros, anyway. From then on, countless explorers and adventurers seeked these dungeons for the treasures and powerful artifacts they held inside. You were among the many who were inticed by the promise of power and the gold. You heard that there was one of these dungeons near the city of Sapaduwa, and so you decided to pack up and make your way here.

"Well, we're here, miss. What do you plan on doing here?" the husky voice of the wagon driver cut in on your thoughts.

OOC Link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=284135)

2013-05-22, 11:31 PM
Zetaya glanced up, hearing the sound of his voice. "Nothing much... look for more work..." she replied, blinking. Looking again at the city before her, she smiled. She couldn't wait to get started on learning about these powers... expanding them... or just going on a dungeon exploration! That would be neat too!

2013-05-27, 02:08 AM
"Work, eh? Well, Sapaduwa is a large city. Plenty of work to be done, if you ask me. Depends on what you want to do, really. More importantly, what you can do," the driver nodded at his own words.

"Yup, wanted to be an adventurer when I was younger, and those dungeons really called out to me, beckoning me to explore what they held inside them. But, as it turned out, I wasn't fit for that kind of job." He grabbed his tunic's hem and raised it, showing you his lower torso, a prominent scar is what he probably wanted you to see.

"Bandits. Almost lost me life," he laughed as he let go of his shirt. "That's why I'm a wagon driver. You might say it's equally dangerous, yeah it is. Only I don't have to do the fighting," he grinned.

"But 'nuff 'bout that. How 'bout you, miss? What do you want to do? And what can you do?"

2013-06-06, 05:32 AM
Zetaya nodded. "That's the way it seems... I do wonder what sorts of exciting things that adventuring holds..." she mused, looking thoughtful as she thought on it. When asked what she could do, she thought on how to word it. "I'm not exactly sure on how to put it into words... I have an... affinity, I guess I should say... for magic." she stated, finally answering that question. "Adventuring seems to be the best course of action... I'd really like to expand on what I know, learning new things as I went along..."

2013-06-06, 11:32 AM
The driver's eyes widened, as well as his smile. "I knew it! I knew there was something about you! A magician, eh? That's fantastic! Why, if I knew how to use magic, who knows, maybe I'd have gone on to become one of those who conquered the dungeons! Ah, the treasure! The fame! The..." he stopped abruptly then looked at you, a bit embarrassed.

"Heh heh, sorry 'bout that. Well then, you should go ahead and check out the local Adventurer's Guild! I heard they're recruiting for their next attempt at the nearby dungeon!" He looked at you appraisingly before nodding.

"Mhmm. I know you'll take the position no sweat!" he beamed. Suddenly the driver pulled on the reigns and the wagon stopped. "But first, you need to rest. Here we are. Sapaduwa. Our stop is here. You might want to stay at the Two-Headed Catfish for the night. That's the bright building right there," he pointed at a rather-brightly lit three-story wooden building a distance down the street.

"Nice beds for a good price. You'd want to try their grilled catfish. You can't not have a bite of their grilled catfish," his eyes gleamed like he was reliving the experience.

"Well, then, a pleasure to have been your acquaintance, Miss Magician," he said with a wide smile that showed his yellow teeth as he grabbed your hands and shook them vigorously. "If ever you decide to leave for somewhere, just go here and look for me, Ol' Benny. I'll give you a discount! Hah hah hah! Good luck! Oh, just ask the innkeeper for directions to the Adventurer's Guild. Heck, just ask anybody, you won't miss it."

Ol' Benny smiled again before going down and headed towards the back of the wagon. You heard his heavy footsteps and after a few seconds, "Oi, oi, wake up. We're here!"

2013-06-08, 02:41 AM
Zetaya chuckled at the driver's ramblings. "Something along those lines, yes..." she said. Once the driver stopped the carriage, she jumped down and stretched a bit, waking her legs up as she did so.

She blinked as the driver went around the carriage... to wake someone up? She briefly wondered who it was that he was talking to, but paid it little mind. It wasn't for her to stick her nose into business that wasn't her own, unless she was involved.

2013-06-11, 11:50 AM
You looked back at the driver, but it seemed he was too busy taking care of the other passengers and supervising the hauling of the goods, and so you decided to proceed on your way. You felt you had it for the day, and the dazzling lights coming from the two-story building up ahead and the promise of warm food and bed inside enticed you, and so you walked towards it almost mechanically.

Before you even open the sliding door, you could hear the ruckus coming from inside. Different voices shouting, singing, or just plain talking. As you stepped inside, different aromas immediately assaulted your olfactory nerves, and the warmth came as a comforting blanket from the chilly wind outside.

"Hey, one more round for table two! And a follow up on their extra grilled catfish! Oh, yes good evening, ma'am! Are you here to stay for the night?!" a rather pretty human girl greeted you.

2013-06-16, 09:44 PM
She was a bit surprised at the sudden change in tone from the girl in front of her... Zetaya nodded. "I am. Might I ask how much it is to room here for the night?" she asked. Better to make extra sure of that... and perhaps a drink or two would calm her frazzled nerves.

Sense Motive 1d20+1

2013-06-16, 09:46 PM
(Let's try that again... )

Sense Motive [roll0]

2013-06-17, 03:47 AM
"Very wise choice, ma'am!" She beamed as she moved in closer, placing her hand over your shoulder blade. "Here at the Two-Headed Catfish, you get every copper piece's worth you pay in quality and more! Our standard rooms are at a very affordable one gold coin rate. That's half the usual rates of similar quality rooms others offer! And you get the best view of the sunrise over the river! And breakfast is included! We also have our economy rooms, for half the price. Simlper, but without sacrificing comfort, and rates do not include any meals, however."

As you looked at her, it seemed her smile got wider by the minute, and her gesticulation got more animated as she spoke. You wondered if there was something behind the sudden change in her demeanor, but the way she spoke was just common of proprietors trying to sweet talk potential customers.

" Though looking at you, for a fine lady such as yourself, I would recommend one of our luxury rooms. The rates are triple the standard, but you also get rooms twice the size, beds of the finest materials designed to give you the best sleeping experience! And the room has a private bath! Rates also inclusive of all day meals, made by the finest cooks in the region!"

After that, she paused and looked at you, trying to let the words sink in.

"So, what'll it be for you, ma'am?"

2013-06-17, 04:22 AM
That luxury room sounded very, VERY nice. It would be an excellent idea to stay the night in one of those. Perhaps she could catch up on some sleep before she went off to try to find this... Adventurer's Guild the driver had mentioned to her. "I think I will take up your offer on the luxury room... It's been a long journey to get here, after all." Zetaya spoke, nodding a bit as she moved to pay for the room.

2013-06-17, 11:22 AM
"Splendid choice, ma'am! Right this way please!" The girl moved towards the front desk and went behind it. He opened a drawer underneath and produced from it one ornate-looking key, which she placed atop the desk.

"That would be 3 gold pieces please," she said with a smile that made her face even prettier. "Would like to have your dinner in your room or would you prefer to have it at our Catfish Whiskers? Luxury room patrons get reserved seats at the Whisker's veranda. With colorful lighting and decor that very much captures the heart of Sapaduwa, you will be dining underneath the stars overlooking the river."

2013-06-18, 09:42 PM
"In the room, please. As I've stated, it's been quite the long journey to get here, so some relaxation will definitely be needed." Zetaya spoke, pulling the three gold pieces out and handing them to the girl. She definitely seemed quite the friendly one, if not overly energetic. Perhaps they could be friends. "Oh, yes. Before I forget, I am Zetaya. Might I ask your name?" Introductions were always short with her, for some reason, but better than none at all.

2013-06-19, 12:06 AM
"But of course, ma'am," she received the coins graciously with both hands. "Lao, please escort lady Zetaya up to her room, please!" she called out. Turning back to you, she continued. "One of our personnel will be assisting you to you room, and with your luggage. Dinner will be sent to your room shortly after. And yes, my name is Maia. It is a pleasure to have you with us, lady Zetaya!" she bowed and smiled.

After a few seconds, a portly, middle-aged man came and introduced himself as Lao, after which he carried your belongings and got the key from Maia, then led you up to your room.

After handing over a small tip, Lao bade his farewell and you are left alone in the room. It was indeed luxurious as advertised, large fluffy bed, the works. Before you could fully explore every little nook and cranny, a knock came from the door. When you opened it, a cart full of food, both exotic-looking and some familiar ones, all looking very sumptuous, was pushed inside by another young man. After the food was set on the table, the man excused himself and you are again left to yourself to partake your dinner, and however you wished to spend the rest of the evening.

2013-06-19, 08:10 PM
Zetaya, having had a little time to settle into the room, even if it was just for the night, felt rather comfortable in the room. It was almost like a home for her, if she had to think of it that way...

Granted, it was most likely a short time for her to be there.

After this train of thought wandered elsewhere, she decided it was a good idea to start eating... especially at the sound of her grumbling stomach. She hadn't eaten anything since dinner the previous night.

After eating what she could, she stretched a bit and glanced around, looking for a window.

Search [roll0]

2013-06-20, 01:58 AM
After having partaken a sumptuous feast, you lean back and stretch your limbs. You look around to find some window, and it did not take you long enough. Perhaps you didn't have to look, as it occupied almost the whole of one of the walls of the room.

2013-06-30, 04:15 PM
Zetaya stood and walked over to the window, hoping to have at least a glance at the city where she would be staying for a while. After smiling a little, she stretched, making her way to the bed. Finally, a real bed. One that she could actually sleep on.

She undressed, then put on a nightgown, and laid down on the very, VERY soft and comfortable bed. After a moment, her eyes slipped shut, to dream away until it was time to get up.

2013-06-30, 10:57 PM
The night passed by very fast, with you having the best sleep for a while. When morning came, the sun peaked in to the room from the windows, its rays filling the room with warmth and light.

Another day, another start of an adventure. What will you do?

2013-07-05, 01:59 AM
Zetaya stirred, opening her eyes to the brightness of the morning light, only to shut them again. She didn't want to get up, but it was what she had to do. If she were to find the Adventurer's Guild, that is...

She rubbed the sleep away from her eyes, yawning as she did so. She didn't think that she had slept that well before... perhaps it was because of the rather... exquisite feel of the bed itself. That probably had something to do with it.

After a moment, she stood up and stretched, glancing around for her belongings. She dressed, rather quickly might I add, and hurried down to get some breakfast, if it was still being served.

2013-07-05, 02:20 AM
"Lady Zetaya, a pleasant morning! I trust you had a very energizing rest?" Maia greeted you as you walked down the stairs.

"Right this way please," she led you to the Catfish Whiskers and to a reserved table on the veranda.

"Please wait as our waiters prepare your breakfast," she smiled. One of the perks of availing of the suites was you were served your meals whenever you felt like having them.

"So, any plans you have for today, ma'am?"

2013-07-08, 06:27 AM
"I did, thank you. I have to say, I have never slept in a bed so comfortable before!" Zetaya answered, following Maia to... her own reserved table. When she was told that the food would be out as soon as possible, Zetaya nodded, then pondered the next question for a moment. "I was actually looking to visit the Adventurer's Guild, after I'm done eating of course." she answered, a smile on her face.

She took a moment to look at the veranda itself. It was best to familiarize herself with the area, after all, since she felt she would be here for a long while.

2013-07-09, 04:30 AM
The young woman's eyes widened at the mention of the Adventurer's Guild and she just stared at you for a few seconds before replying.

"My, my, the Adventurer's Guild? To think that a fine lady such as yourself would be an adventurer," Maia smiled in awe. "Well, if you're looking for the Guild, everyone here in the city knows where it is, so you won't get lost. But I will give you the exact details and a sketch after you finish with your breakfast."

As if on queue, three waiters approached the table carrying trays full of food that looked delicious even just with the sight of them, and when the aroma reached your nose, it only made you hungrier.

"Enjoy your meal, ma'am. I shall be at the counter awaiting to give you your directions when you are all ready," Maia curtsied before turning around to leave, shouting orders to the other staff on her way out.