View Full Version : Steampunk Pirates (Pathfinder IC)

2013-05-22, 12:01 PM
OOC: I wrote some for your characters, but this will be the only time it happens. If what I wrote doesn't fit let me know and I'll change it.
Here are the players
Hamste|Grippli|Pyrom Juror (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=567583)|Bogborn Alchemist|see the Myth-Weaver sheet
Hawkflight|Tibbit|Baxter Watson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=572478)|Dragonfire Adept|
Regalus|Human|Ruhiel Firebrand (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=569448)|Machinist|
RFLS|Human|Jason Whitlocke (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=572152)|Artificer|see the Myth-Weaver sheet
Yanisa|Half-Elf|Sílachwen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=572561) Seifeler (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=572593) Rilynarn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=572596)|Summoner (Synthesist)|Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15260436&postcount=113)
Assurau|Human|Davros Windstrider (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=567549)|Freerunner|
Mangles|Tiefling|Baru Samdi (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=572962)|Witch|Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15259507&postcount=111)
darklink_shadow|Gnome|Hewitt Flinn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=576316)|Tinker|

The sun rises over the city of Te'a'dron, light catching series of golden towers the like of which are seen almost no where else in the world. The city has the standard background noises of many cities, but with a faint mechanical clank that permeates everything else. Steam rises in harmless clouds, as the force creating it is magic instead of coal. Every street is crowded with countless species, countless professions, and countless constructs. The streets are clean, and magical gyros rotate constantly on top of the giant magical academies and libraries.

But no town can avoid its dark side, and all the gleaming in the world does not erase mortals proclivity for evil.

Pyrom Juror
Pyrom wandered through the gleaming towers that made up the legendary city Te'a'dron. The city was incredibly overwhelming, and he had no money at all. About ready to give up hope something caught his eyes. It was a poster with a picture of a gnome wearing goggles on it and a top hat. The gnome was pointing right at Pyrom, and the words “We Will Hire YOU!” appeared in massive letters in common. Under that, in much smaller writing the poster said “The Gnomish guild of investigators, purveyors of clockwork and policy-men are looking to hire freelance specialists for assistance in various cases part time.”

“Sherlock Cat”
The cat has recently gotten wind of a small band of pirates who have moved into a small coastal bay. He has decided to find out the actual location of the band, and put in to gain some backup from the Gnomish guild, which he is a part of. The cat has learned of a couple of small-time businesses that are unexpectedly flourishing despite the recent trade problems. This smelled suspicious.

Ruhiel Firebrand
Ruhiel had just been to the Dockyards to track down some parts he had ordered awhile ago. When he reached the yard, though, it was explained to him that the parts had been confiscated by a group of men claiming to be part of Ru'be'rix, the Temple of Nathys set up at the heart of the city. Only later had they learned that the men where imposters, and most of the warehouses stock had been cleaned out. Ruhiel, frustrated by this, decided to head back home when he overheard something. He heard women voices from behind a stack of boxes that were sitting adjacent to the warehouse.
Jason Whitlocke
Jason knew immediately where to look for answers in the search for his stores missing goods. One of the “Bottomless Basket”s chief competitors “The Handy Haberdashery” has been far more successful than normal, considering its poor service, and has remained untouched by the current shipping problems. This was more than enough reason to expect them of dirty dealings. As Jason saw it he had two choices, he could go to the policy-men and report his fact-less suspicions or he could find out if they were actually up to something.

Sílachwen Seifeler Rilynarnith
Silachwen was tired after traveling all the ways from her home in the Elderwood. She was positively beat and decided, before searching for anyone that she should find an inn and rest. She traveled, amazed at the city, but not particularly overwhelmed as the Elderwoods where just as large, and crowded; just with different occupants.

After awhile Silachwen found a nice inn. Booking a room she noticed a board next to the door. It was a collection of bounty's and notices left up for casual perusal. One caught her attention. It was a perfect representation of her father, stunningly realistic. Under it was written “Wanted Dead or Alive - Elwer the Ripper for murder, larceny, and piracy on the high seas.”

Baru Samdi
There were two questions on Baru Samdi's mind. How did a bunch of lizardfolk destroy a tribe that had spent centuries surviving the dangers of the Dreamweave so easily, and how would he gain the power necessary to avenge their deaths.

The answer to the second question lied in a horde of waylaid goods that could give him an edge on his future journey. He had heard from one of his new contacts that a shop called the “Bottomless Basket” had recently had a shipment stolen, and that one of their competitors “the Handy Haberdashery” might have information on it they wouldn't part with willingly.

Davros Windstrider
Davros had been a courier for a little while now, and he was used to speeding through the city as the crow flies. The couriers were an esteemed group, and the best were rumored to deliver packages and messages faster than a spellcaster, and more discreetly. That was just a surface operation, though. As Davros was going through the Dockyards, a district at the edge of the city that looked on the mountain and ocean far below he overheard something that made him pause.

Two women were talking in low voices, an elf and a stranger who appeared to be wearing seaweed in her hair.

Hewitt Flinn
Hewitt Flinn was still having some trouble and needed more money than his brother could spare him, but his brother met him half way. His brother, now chief engineer for the Dwarven Consortium for delving far too Deep, or DCD, turned him onto a job. Some shady people had been seen sniffing around some of the DCD's stores kept in Te'a'dron, and it was making them nervous. Hewitt's brother, Hadran, asked him to check around the area and see if he could find anything. As Hewitt was exploring the area he saw, by some boxes adjacent to the storehouse, a young human standing around as if listening to something.

2013-05-22, 01:03 PM
Jason considered his options, and came to the obvious conclusion. He headed over to the Handy Haberdashery, and began looking around, first checking out the back of the building to see if any deliveries or shipments might come in, and then wandering into the store itself when it opened.


Not looking in particular for anything, but just to notice if something seems stranged, Perception: [roll0]


Is there an OOC thread we'll be using?

And completely off topic, isn't a haberdashery a hat shop?

2013-05-22, 02:00 PM
Sílachwen stared at the board for a couple of moments, not expecting searching to be so simple or so surprising, before tearing down the wanted poster. Then she turned her attention to the innkeeper and asks: "Hello, do you know where I can find more information about these picture-posters?" She smiles polite.

Diplomacy to gather information: [roll0]

OOC: P.S: OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=284773) for those who missed it.

2013-05-22, 04:01 PM
“Sherlock Cat”
The cat has recently gotten wind of a small band of pirates who have moved into a small coastal bay. He has decided to find out the actual location of the band, and put in to gain some backup from the Gnomish guild, which he is a part of. The cat has learned of a couple of small-time businesses that are unexpectedly flourishing despite the recent trade problems. This smelled suspicious.

That does sound suspicious. Baxter found himself at one of these businesses, using his status as a cat to pass unnoticed. He didn't attempt to hide, as it was he was hidden in plain sight. He walked around the building, scoping it out and deciding the best place to gather information while passing unnoticed.

Should I roll Diplomacy to gather information, or Bluff to pretend I'm a real cat while listening in? Or maybe Knowledge (Local)?

2013-05-22, 04:06 PM
That sign looked quite promising and if he was lucky his gnomish appearance would be a boon in whatever task the gnomes assigned him to. Firstly though he would need to find out where the Gnomish Guild of Investigators, Purveyors of Clockwork and Policy-men were set up at. Assumedly, it was a well known place or that in itself could be a tough task.

Action: Ask random people on the street until someone knows where the guild is.

2013-05-23, 02:00 PM
Jason Whitlocke

The back of the store seems fairly normal, but Jason notices something suspicious. He tries to go in for a closer look, but before he can Jason notices a group of street rats eyeing him suspiciously. A couple of them silently interpose themselves between him and the door.

Jason moves to the front and enters the store. The teller is absent from the register, but he appears to be talking to someone in the back of the place. Out of the corner of his eye Jason noticed a feral cat wandering around the store, but didn't give it much attention. Cats were everywhere in the city.

Baxter Watson

You can use Knowledge (local) to gather info on the Haberdashery, you can use perception to gain info. You don't need to roll Bluff unless you do something remarkably un-catlike, or the things around you have some reason to suspect a cat detective. You will see some stuff without rolling.

Baxter approaches the Handy Haberdashery circumspectly, and without drawing attention to himself. He does notice a strange human walking around the store. The man went behind the store, then moved back around into the store itself.

Sílachwen Seifeler Rilynarnith

It seems as if Silachwen might have come across too bluntly for a second, but then the innkeeper smiles at her.

"As I told the other young elf, you can find out more about those bounties at the Gnomish Guild Policy-men quarters." He gives Silachwen directions to the nearest one, then goes back to gathering up mugs and placing them in a rectangular brass box.

Pyrom Juror

Pyrom turns into the crowd in an attempt to find out information, but manages to run right into a hard metal surface. He looks up to see an entire man made out of metal and gears. The head shaped part turns down towards him and reveals two circles that could be mistaken for eyes. One turns, and a set of apertures inside closes slightly, as if the machine was focusing on him. He feels something cool run down his spine, then the machine speaks in a tinny voice.

"Hello, young Grippli, and welcome to our city. May I be of assistance to you today, perhaps to provide directions or give a list of restaurants that provide your home cuisine. As long as your total number of registered crimes equals 0 I will be glad to assist you."

It's clear that the machine was somehow able to see through Pyrom's disguise.

2013-05-23, 03:14 PM
Sílachwen thanks the innkeeper with an extra drink and a extra tip. She looked at the wanted-poster again and wondered about what the innkeeper said about another elf. She rolled up the poster and put it in her backpack, there was only one place she knew off where she could get answers: The Gnomish Guild Policy-men quarters, because that was just told to her. She waved goodbye and set off towards said guild-quarters.

2013-05-23, 03:59 PM
In that case, rolling for both:

Percep: [roll0]
Local: [roll1]

2013-05-23, 04:10 PM
Jason waits for the teller to finish his conversation. While he's waiting, he wanders around the store, looking at any merchandise that's on display, checking to see if any of it matches the missing shipment or seems out of place.

When the teller finishes his conversation, Jason approaches him.

"Hey, buddy. I work over at the Bottomless Basket, and we've been having trouble with our shipments. Banditry or some-such nonsense. Anyway, we'd heard that yours got through all of the recent raids, and...well, the boss wanted to ask if you'd consider joint shipments. More security, and the shipping'd probably cost less.


Perception: [roll0]
Bluff (I wasn't sent here for that): [roll1]
Sense Motive (Paying attention to how he reacts to my question): [roll2]

2013-05-23, 05:15 PM
Davros loved cutting through the dockyard. The scent of the sea and nearby landscape were revitalizing after a job well done. As he made his way back to home base, he caught sight the two women. They didn't seem to be waiting for someone or something. He had seen plenty of elves, so nothing new there. However the seaweed seemed to be an odd choice of hair accessory, unless that was the new fashion. Still it peeked his interest enough to see if he had met them before. He discreetly tried to listen to see when it would be appropriate to make himself known.

2013-05-23, 07:39 PM
I would like to know how to get to the Gnomish Guild of Investigators, Purveyors of Clockwork, please. Also if you don't mind me asking, does that suit some sort of magical identification system in it or is it entirely mechanical? Also can you please refer to me as a gnome? People might act oddly to me if they realized that I am not normal. Also not that young anymore, if I was actually a gnome I would be well on my way to my 150th birthday. Pyrom said looking at the machine thing. It seemed to be quite interesting particularly the fact it could see through illusions but it didn't seem to be able to read minds which was a bit disappointing. The ability to read minds would have made it's job so much easier.

2013-05-24, 02:40 AM
Baru hums to himself as he tries to find himself somewhere quiet to change. The transformation begins at the hat and works its way down. Soon their is a youngish human with a beaten cap on his head where Baru and his top hat once stood. He heads down to the Bottomless Basket. Best he get a lead before he tried to sell the whole deal, or his efforts might be for nothing. Either way, aligning himself with a magiks shop surely could only further his plans. The young man that certainly wasn't Baru hums a tune as he walks to the Basket.

2013-05-24, 11:33 AM
Sílachwen Seifeler Rilynarnith

Silachwen makes it to the nearest head quarters without incident. As she approaches the building the door lets out a burst of steam and opens by itself. Inside a man that looks like a human, but with shimmering silver hair, appears to be fiddling with something metallic. He is wearing a pair of large goggles, and looks up at Silachwen when she enters.

"Hello and welcome to the Gnomish Guild of....A screw it, its too long of a bloody name. What d'ya need?"

Baxter Watson

Baxter notice the young man enter the building. Behind the building itself you notice a group of street rats huddled around the back door, and their are a couple windows in the store. Baxter is too far away to notice anything else about it, though. The front door is wide open, as the weather at this time is very warm.

Baxter know that this store is named the "Handy Haberdashery" and it has a bit of an unsavory reputation. The owners are not considered particularly bright, but their shipments are still making it through for some reason. He overheard one man say once that the Claxtons, the owners of the store, got some of the goods meant for his shop on their shelves. This store is the direct competitor to the "Bottomless Basket," which is consequently being hit very hard by the recent troubles. He is able to get close enough to over hear the conversation between the clerk and the young man; but not close enough in time to hear the conversation at the back of the store.

Jason Whitlocke

Jason sees a few items that don't fit the Haberdashery's standard selection, which is normally small inconsequential trinkets and magic items. A few are expensive items held in visible wards, and their are even magitech items. You recognize one that could have been made by your employer.

You overheard one bit of conversation. "Not here..."

When you talk to the man he sneers at your lie. "They would not offer, and we would not accept. Go be their errand boy elsewhere." Even to you its clear he doesn't believe you, mostly because he essentially stated it.

You suffered a -5 to Bluff for the lie being unlikely. Your employers don't like the Claxtons and the animosity is public knowledge.

Davros Windstrider

He overhears this.

"Your sure?"

"Positive, they are at the Old Town Bay, theirs no mistaking it." The voice of the second woman sounds musical, and alluring, despite the situation.

"Its too obvious a place. That doesn't make sense."

"They haven't been found yet."

"I should tell them how..."

"Someone's listening."

Pyrom Juror

The robotic man stops for a long time, its eyes dim slightly. Then it motions in a direction, and on its chest an illusion appears that looks like a map. "Here are the directions to the Gnomish Guild of investigators, purveyors of clockwork, and policy-men. It is the nearest headquarters." It doesn't seem to understand the rest of your statements. Pyrom realizes that the thing isn't a suit.

He arrives at the headquarters in time to see a young half-elf woman enter the building, and begin talking to someone inside. Then the door steams shut.

Baru Samdi

"Hello! And welcome to the Bottomless Basket! Unfortunately our stock is a bit low right now, but we will do what we can to make sure your a satisfied customer!" The speaker is a rotund man who carries his weight well. He gestures welcomingly to Baru. Since he pointed it out Baru can see the low level of stock on the shelves. Even what looks like an area for displays is fairly low on stock.

2013-05-24, 12:36 PM
"Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was on my way back from a delivery, when I noticed you two. I apologize for my intrusion." said the young man, while showing the signature courier bag.

2013-05-24, 01:50 PM
Sílachwen would have stared at the door for hours if not the words "screw" and "bloody" interrupted her thoughts. "Bloody screw, teehee." She giggled. Then she realized the man was talking to her and she turned her head to him and quickly composed herself. "Well, hello. I was looking for... Wait! She suddenly realized the wanted-poster was still in her backpack. She dropped her bag, searched in it's pockets and pulled out the poster. "This person in the picture!" She shouted excitedly and showed the picture. "I was looking for the person in this poster-picture and was told people here knew more."

Another diplomacy roll: [roll0]

2013-05-24, 02:01 PM
Pyrom stared at the door in awe. Instead of heading towards it he went off to the side to check the mechanisms to see if he could figure out how this thing could possibly work. He was careful not to touch anything, who knew what delicate mechanisms and spells were woven into this machine. What an odd and wondrous place this is. That done he headed to the door to see if it would open up and let him in or not.

seeing if I can see anything interesting in the door (perception) [roll0] and if I would be able to disable it if need be (Am I allowed to make a disable device check to get a bonus if I ever actually have to do it?) [roll1]

2013-05-24, 02:54 PM
Jason pauses for a minute, staring at the man, and then turns to leave the shop, idly scratching the cat on the head as he leaves. He wanders up and down the street a little, pausing to buy a steaming meatroll from a nearby vendor. Occasionally, he stops to stand and look in a shop, or enjoy his food.

As he wanders, though, he makes sure to keep the Haberdashery in sight at all times. He keeps an eye on the street rats that stopped him from going in the back, and looks for other ways back there. He also keeps an eye on all of the exits and entrances he can see, watching for suspicious people coming or going from the shop.


If anyone's watching him, Bluff that he's really just window shopping: [roll0]

Watch the street rats (count how many, see if they block others: [roll1]

Checks to see other ways to get around back: [roll2]

Watching for suspicious/interesting people coming/going: [roll3]

2013-05-24, 04:12 PM
Overhearing the women, Ruhiel cautiously approaches the boxes; trying not to disturb the ladies as he tried to listen in, at least until there was an opening in the conversation. It was a long shot, but maybe someone in the area had seen something.

2013-05-24, 11:44 PM
Hewitt eyes the man carefully, then pats his automation. Although it is unlikely things will come to violence, Hewitt keeps his club handy. He walks right up to the boy, and orders his automation to attack if the man attempts to flee. "What are you doing? Don't try to run, I'm just here to talk. But if you run, that proves guilt, and guilty or not, I'll crack your head and bring you to the bounty board."

2013-05-25, 03:10 AM
Baru questions the man who greeted him.
"Such little stock, Is business that bad that you can't fill your shelves. Perhaps you know of another store I can spend my masters gold at? He has an interest in interesting items."

2013-05-26, 12:32 PM
Sílachwen Seifeler Rilynarnith and Pyrom Juror

Silachwen's behavior serves to both endear and delight the man at the desk. He finds himself eager to help this strange young half-elf. He takes the poster from her and examines it for a second. Then he looks back at her. "Unfortunately we don't know very much about him. Hold on for a moment." He gets up and digs around a file cabinet behind him, then comes back with a sheath of paper. "These are all for the same man, just different aliases. We don't know where he actually is, and he only surfaces once in a great while." He frowns for a moment, desperately searching his mind for any bit of helpful information, then he turns to a box-like machine and starts pushing random buttons on it. "I'm not supposed to do this, but I can tell you that a young elf woman came through here with the same questions awhile ago. Her name was...Marawyn. She left for a place called the Old Town Bay, where a few possible associates of this man came from.

The door opens and Pyrom Juror walks through the door, amazed that it would simply open for him. The man at the desk looks at the Grippli, but does not break through the disguise. "Hello sir. I'll be with you in a moment." Silachwen seems to have put him in a far better mood.

Davros Windstrider, Ruhiel Firebrand, and Hewitt Flinn

Davros's voice trails off when he realizes that the women are darting away, not even waiting for him to finish announcing himself. He is about to follow when he hears a voice behind him. Turning around he sees a gnome with a club at hand and a clockwork machine next to him. The gnome has just said " What are you doing? Don't try to run, I'm just here to talk. But if you run, that proves guilt, and guilty or not, I'll crack your head and bring you to the bounty board."

Hewitt has not been in the city long, and as such has only heard the smallest bit about the cities prized Couriers, but this man looks like what he imagined one of them would be.

As Ruhiel approaches he sees one of the couriers, what looks like a junior member, approach the boxes and try to speak to one of the ladies. Both of them flee as soon as he does. Then he sees a gnome with a roughly humanoid machine at his side approach the courier. When he gets close enough he hears what Hewitt tells the courier.

Jason Whitlocke, and Baxter Watson

Jason pets the cat on the head. Then he attempts to blend into the crowd. He believes that the owner is keeping an eye on him, so he does his best to stay out of the sight of the front of the building. He is able to fool casual shoppers that he is just window shopping, and is able to keep the street rats from suspecting him. They're an outside group who doesn't care about the shop-owners own petty grievances.

He can see five of the street rats, and notices that they force everyone, including a deranged homeless man, from coming near the back of the store. Why is unclear. There doesn't seem to be any way around back.

But he does notice that one man is allowed through, he looks at something at the door, talks to the street rats for a second, then darts away. The stranger moves fairly quickly and starts walking down a series of dark alleys.

Baxter notices this, and he also notices that the rats are guarding what looks like a coded itinerary, along with what looks like a small door in the side of the store. He notices the stranger move away, and he also notices the young man, who had patted him on the head, keeping track of the stranger's movements.

Baru Samdi

The clerk spreads his hands. "We are a healthy business, sir, and I pray that you just bear with us. Whatever we cannot provide now we can fabricate, or take an order. Our last shipment, along with a few before that, have been waylaid along their travels. Don't worry, though. We have someone on the case, and we are confident our shelves will be restocked soon!"

He smiles at Baru, though it seems a little forced.

2013-05-27, 04:26 PM
Jason moves in quick pursuit of the man, doing his best to remain unnoticed while keeping him in sight.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2013-05-27, 08:30 PM
Jason Whitlocke, and Baxter Watson

Jason pets the cat on the head. Then he attempts to blend into the crowd. He believes that the owner is keeping an eye on him, so he does his best to stay out of the sight of the front of the building. He is able to fool casual shoppers that he is just window shopping, and is able to keep the street rats from suspecting him. They're an outside group who doesn't care about the shop-owners own petty grievances.

He can see five of the street rats, and notices that they force everyone, including a deranged homeless man, from coming near the back of the store. Why is unclear. There doesn't seem to be any way around back.

But he does notice that one man is allowed through, he looks at something at the door, talks to the street rats for a second, then darts away. The stranger moves fairly quickly and starts walking down a series of dark alleys.

Baxter notices this, and he also notices that the rats are guarding what looks like a coded itinerary, along with what looks like a small door in the side of the store. He notices the stranger move away, and he also notices the young man, who had patted him on the head, keeping track of the stranger's movements.

Baxter purred as the man pat him on the head, watching him for a moment and making a point of, well, being a cat. He looked around the shop, taking note of their stock and keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity.

He uses his Scent ability to see if any of these items are out of place, or stolen from someplace else.
After a while, he stepped out of the store, and noticed the man do his business behind the store. He then ran away, and had to choose between chasing the man down and investigating the back of the store. He chose to slink behind the store, and observe what he could. Maybe he could even get a look at that itinerary they were guarding. After all, he was just a cat.

Bluff to read the itinerary while remaining inconspicuous: [roll0]

Linguistics to decipher it: [roll1]

2013-05-28, 10:59 AM
Davros Windstrider, Ruhiel Firebrand, and Hewitt Flinn

Davros's voice trails off when he realizes that the women are darting away, not even waiting for him to finish announcing himself. He is about to follow when he hears a voice behind him. Turning around he sees a gnome with a club at hand and a clockwork machine next to him. The gnome has just said " What are you doing? Don't try to run, I'm just here to talk. But if you run, that proves guilt, and guilty or not, I'll crack your head and bring you to the bounty board."

Hewitt has not been in the city long, and as such has only heard the smallest bit about the cities prized Couriers, but this man looks like what he imagined one of them would be.

As Ruhiel approaches he sees one of the couriers, what looks like a junior member, approach the boxes and try to speak to one of the ladies. Both of them flee as soon as he does. Then he sees a gnome with a roughly humanoid machine at his side approach the courier. When he gets close enough he hears what Hewitt tells the courier.

"Why would I run? As far as i can see, I have done nothing wrong except maybe be late returning back to the guild house. Second, who do you think you are that you find the need to resort to threat in order to get something?" said the young runner to the gnome.

2013-05-28, 12:12 PM
Sílachwen Seifeler Rilynarnith and Pyrom Juror

Silachwen's behavior serves to both endear and delight the man at the desk. He finds himself eager to help this strange young half-elf. He takes the poster from her and examines it for a second. Then he looks back at her. "Unfortunately we don't know very much about him. Hold on for a moment." He gets up and digs around a file cabinet behind him, then comes back with a sheath of paper. "These are all for the same man, just different aliases. We don't know where he actually is, and he only surfaces once in a great while." He frowns for a moment, desperately searching his mind for any bit of helpful information, then he turns to a box-like machine and starts pushing random buttons on it. "I'm not supposed to do this, but I can tell you that a young elf woman came through here with the same questions awhile ago. Her name was...Marawyn. She left for a place called the Old Town Bay, where a few possible associates of this man came from.

The door opens and Pyrom Juror walks through the door, amazed that it would simply open for him. The man at the desk looks at the Grippli, but does not break through the disguise. "Hello sir. I'll be with you in a moment." Silachwen seems to have put him in a far better mood.

Silachwen follows the nice man closely, peering over his shoulder and suppressing the urge to ask questions about everything. The latter being the hardest because there were so many shiny and buttony thing she never had seen in her life. Her excitement froze when she heard the name Marawyn. "So she was here too...?" She mumbled to herself. She thanks the man. "I don't got a lot with me but I swear I will return to repay the favor, just not today." She shakes him the answers and then storm out the building, only to trip over a poor gnome that was marveling over the automatic door.

"Owh my! I'm sorry!" She offers hand to help the poor little dude to get up.

OOC: Rolling against the disguise thingy, if either Haste or the GM disagrees with my method, just ignore this. I just see my character going nuts over a Grippli and I found it a nice meta reason to form a party connection.

Perception: [roll0]
Will: [roll1]

2013-05-28, 04:38 PM
The little gnome looked at his robot then back at the man. "You... uh... looked suspicious. Clearly eavesdropping on someone. Or something."

Nervous about being rude to an innocent person, the gnome paused for a moment. "I thought you were a thief, sorry. I'm looking for a thief. Have you seen any thieves? Maybe someone who looks a lot like you? Maybe stealing things or eavesdropping on people? Or smoking? I don't know, but I think thieves like to smoke."

Putting away his club, he continued "Or maybe you are also looking for thieves, and are trying to look like one! That's a good idea! I should do that. Where do they sell pipes?"

2013-05-28, 05:31 PM
It's ok; I don't get noticed a lot. It comes with the territory of being so short. If you don't mind me asking though, why were you rushing off so quickly? Life may be short but there is no reason to be hurrying around everywhere trying to get there faster. Pyrom said smiling as he pushed himself up. He was very careful to avoid touching the lady's hand. Not only was the illusion ineffective at covering how he felt but when nervous he sometimes had a nasty tendency to release poison from his hands and that could only end horribly. He brushed himself off careful to wipe his hands well while doing so to clear any poison that may or may not have been secreted.

Just to be clear, he did not actually secrete any poison he is just somewhat nervous. That seems like a reasonable way to get your will safe though that definitely failed. I am not sure if perception will actually help you with finding that he is grippli, you might spot oddities in speech and actions but who knows what that actually means

2013-05-28, 07:35 PM
Davros Windstrider

"Umm... I only was like that because the seaweed was an odd choice for a hair accessory. I'm just a normal courier, returning home from a delivery. If you have no other buisness with me, then I must be on my way. Chances are the boss may have another run ready."

2013-05-28, 07:47 PM
"Oh." Was Hewitt's only response before dropping his shoulders and walk away. "Good luck with that..." He mutters a few steps later, and went back to looking for thieves.

2013-05-29, 02:16 PM
Sílachwen Seifeler Rilynarnith and Pyrom Juror

Silachwen doesn't see through the illusion, but she does know enough about Gnomes to realize that the way he moves is different. Instead of the nervous collection of small motions he has a more furtive, liquid grace. His Common accent is also different than a standard gnome or fey accent.

The man at the counter clears his throat. "Excuse me, but their is an investigator for the case. His name is Baxter Watson, and he was looking into the Old Town Bay incident. I believe he is trying to find its location right now, and he did apply for backup. I can give you the location. I send it to all the freelancers we advertise for."

Davros WIndstrider and Hewitt Flinn

Before Davros can leave it occurs to Hewitt Flinn that he might have seen something suspicious, which was why Hewitt was here to begin with. It might be a good idea for Hewitt to ask him for some more in-depth analysis before he departs. Even if Hewitt is embarrassed from threatening him.

Jason Whitlocke

Through some amazing miracle Jason is able to successfully stay hidden among the crowd while following the man. He ducks around corners, he hides in crowds, and he makes use of the noisy steamworks to mask the fall of his footsteps.

Unfortunately he gets too into the whole sneaking thing, and finds out that he lost sight of the strange man. Jason is alone in a bad part of town, that is strangely dark and almost absent. The only clockwork guard in the area appears to have had its eyes ripped out and a sign hung on it reading "Effective Counter measure." It is also spray painted with profanities.

Baxter Watson

Baxter cannot tell for sure if any of the items are stolen, but can make a good enough guess based on conjecture. He smells that some of the gear smells of other places. He also notices that the young man smelled a bit like them. He over heard a bit of the conversation and can assume that the young man was searching for missing goods, instead of following the appropriate channels.

The small cat that is secretly an investigator gets almost completely ignored by the street rats. One does eye him hungrily, though, and Baxter is reminded that not every person is terribly picky about their food sources. He is able to get close to the itinerary, and realizes that it is in code. The paper is also fairly dirty, and someone clearly attempted to make it look very unimportant, hence its location. The street rats might also be holding the proprietors information for blackmail. The code isn't very clever, though, and while pretending to be a cat Baxter has amble enough time to actually decipher the code.

There are various names and locations disguised as service appointments, but are actually secret meetings, a few of which coincide with the store, and its reasonable to assume they are lists of dead drops or correspondence. A few of which appear to come from the "High Seas Relic Hunters." While this would not seem to strange, Baxter has heard of a gang in the city using the name. One appointment with them is labeled central station in Dwarven.

2013-05-29, 02:54 PM
Hewitt perks up. "WAIT A MINUTE!" He yelled and spins on his heel. "YOU'RE STILL SUSPICIOUS!" He storms over to the man. "Seaweed isn't weird, you're weird! You don't just sit and listen to conversations of women putting things in their hair!" Giving a similar order to his robot as before, scowls. Lowering his voice he continues. "Even if you thought it was strange, why would you listen in on their conversation?! And why would they flee from discovering you as an eavesdropper? Either they were telling secrets or you're a serial murderer!"

"Maybe you're not even a courier! You could have serial murdered a seaweed wearing couriererer! And stolen her clothes!"

2013-05-29, 04:39 PM
Baru smiles at the nervous man. "Perhaps you need some help with your shipments. My employer actually specialises in security concerns if that is what you need. I'm sure we could come to an arrangement." Baru waves away the question for now."In any case she is after trinkets that can help make her life easier during her day without being intrusive."

2013-05-29, 05:10 PM
Jason looks around at his surroundings, and starts hurrying towards better parts of town, more than a little worried.

2013-05-29, 06:14 PM
Baxter Watson

Baxter cannot tell for sure if any of the items are stolen, but can make a good enough guess based on conjecture. He smells that some of the gear smells of other places. He also notices that the young man smelled a bit like them. He over heard a bit of the conversation and can assume that the young man was searching for missing goods, instead of following the appropriate channels.

The small cat that is secretly an investigator gets almost completely ignored by the street rats. One does eye him hungrily, though, and Baxter is reminded that not every person is terribly picky about their food sources. He is able to get close to the itinerary, and realizes that it is in code. The paper is also fairly dirty, and someone clearly attempted to make it look very unimportant, hence its location. The street rats might also be holding the proprietors information for blackmail. The code isn't very clever, though, and while pretending to be a cat Baxter has amble enough time to actually decipher the code.

There are various names and locations disguised as service appointments, but are actually secret meetings, a few of which coincide with the store, and its reasonable to assume they are lists of dead drops or correspondence. A few of which appear to come from the "High Seas Relic Hunters." While this would not seem to strange, Baxter has heard of a gang in the city using the name. One appointment with them is labeled central station in Dwarven.

Baxter pondered this information for a moment, before hopping down and booking it out of there. He didn't like the way that one street rat was looking at him, and he had all the information he could glean from the document for now. His next course of action, he decided, was to find the young man from earlier. Emerging from the alleyway, he started tracking him down by scent.

2013-05-29, 07:35 PM
I would indeed like that location, please. I just got here and need a job. Do you happen to know if the pay is good or not? The poster did not give much information about the job other than they needed specialists. Pyrom said smiling at the gnome.

2013-05-29, 08:38 PM
Davros Windstrider

Sighing deeply, Davros just looked at the gnome.

"I thought i recognized one of them, but turned out i was wrong. Besides why is it even your business? You have yet to show me any proof of authority or identity, so for all I know they could have bee running from you."

2013-05-29, 08:47 PM
"Your story is changing! You are lying! " Hewitt advanced closer. "You are lying! What reason have you? Thievery? Treachery? Lechery? MURDER?!" drawing his club, Hewitt pointed it at him. "I'm bringing you into the authorities!"

2013-05-29, 11:55 PM
Having seen enough, Ruhiel sighs deeply before stepping forward between Davros and Hewitt, "Easy there fella; the boy's not the one you're looking for," he states confidently while keeping his posture as nonthreatening as possible.

2013-05-30, 12:08 AM
Wheeling around a bit, Hewitt sizes the new man up. "He is someone, and I am looking for someone! And he is suspicious. Coming to his aid is equally suspicious! But, I didn't expect to find a strong lead this quickly, so he is probably not really a thief. But he knows something about it. My gut tells me so! Yes, yes, he knows something. Maybe you know something too. You might be on my side. You should convince the fellow to share his knowledge!"

2013-05-30, 12:06 PM
Sílachwen started at the gnome (Pyrom Juror) for a moment, realizing sometime was off but she couldn't put her finger on it. Then she realized staring was rude and stopped. Then she heard the man at the counter talk and mumbled to herself: "Geeh, I am getting way to hasty..." She takes a deep breath and tries to relax. She heard the gnome talk about payment. "Wait, if you want to help, and there is a reward, you can have part of my share. I'm not really in for the money..." Also she was curious about what the gnome was hiding, but that was rude to ask or say.

2013-05-30, 05:53 PM
"You're Damn right the boy isn't your thief! If he was you'd be out of breath and trying to chase him three blocks down by now," Ruhiel joked boisterously attempting to diffusethe situation and calm down the paranoid little gnome. "Only thieves I know are the jokers that stole my new shipment; seems they cleared out a whole warehouse pretending to be acolytes," he added with a frustrated huff.

"That said, ya wouldn't have happened to spot anything peculiar during runs that might point us in the right direction didya?" he asks Davros amiably, it was a long shot but couriers were known for hearring and seeing all kinds of things in their line of work.

2013-05-31, 12:04 AM
Hewitt Flinn, Ruhiel Firebrand, and Davros Windstrider

The three men have gotten into a conversation. They are beginning to attract some attention, but only by the otherwise bored workers.

Baru Samdi

The man thinks for a moment then says "I can offer you 500 gold, and a small magic item. Along with a bonus if you bring back the majority of the missing items, and help my apprentice Jason."

Jason Whitlock

Before he can do more than take a few steps two men seem to split away from the shadows of the alleyway Jason was facing, and as Jason turns around to see if there is another way out another two men appear.

"Well look what we have here." Says one of the men as he approaches.
"Looks like a wee lost lamb." Says another.
"Pretty deep in our neck of the woods, I should say."
"Suspiciously deep."
"What should we do about that?" The third man asks.
"Maybe drub him a bit?" Says the fourth, now revealed to be a woman.
"Me thinks we need to detain him a bit."
"In case he knows more than he's letting on." Says the second.
"Me thinks your right." Says the third.
"Might as well rob him too," Says the forth.

So, how do you feel about initiative?

Baxter Watson

Thankfully the young man approached Baxter and gave him enough time to register his scent. Even in the city Baxter is able to follow the man's scent without much effort.

As he darts off one of the street rats gets up as if to chase him, but his heart isn't in it.

At first the young man follows a fairly simple path, though a little circuitious. But as he continues the path becomes more and more convoluted, at a certain point it becomes clear that the young man had lost his way.

Baxter started following Jason fairly quickly, so he's about 200 feet behind Jason. Roll Initiative also, and on his turn he'll have to travel that distance before getting on the board, so to speak.

Pyrom Juror and Sílachwen

"That's very generous of you, as I would expect from such an obviously stand up and wonderful young girl as yourself, but we have a standard freelancer matrix pay rate that determines what we pay and the same amount must go to any freelancer we hire. Tax purposes, you understand." He takes a breath, fiddles with his box, then says "This job was marked as life-threatening, handled by a junior investigator, and largely unknown. All of which increase the pay offered, which comes in at 600 gold pieces if you survive. Otherwise we can pay 300 to any next of kin if you managed to do something verifiably useful before passing onto the afterlife. If you accept I'll contact our investigator and give you his current whereabouts, which was the location I was talking about earlier, in case that wasn't clear."

2013-05-31, 01:17 AM
Baxter continued to follow the young man.

Baxter is running at his maximum speed to reach Jason.

Initiative: [roll0]

Should I roll a Perception check too?

2013-05-31, 07:28 AM
"And what would we be helping your apprentice do? I'm not a blacksmith or artisan. I can't teach him to create or build, and my master would be loathe to apply more men to the task in order to teach." Baru thinks on it. "Still I think this could be a mutually beneficial arrangement. Tell me what you know of the thefts and I'll see to it that whatever can be recovered is."

2013-05-31, 11:14 AM
"Waitwaitwaitwait....I don't know anything! You don't want to hurt me!"

Bluff to not know anything: [roll0]
Diplo to not get hurt: [roll1] (minus whatever for rushed diplo)
Initiative: [roll2]

2013-05-31, 07:54 PM
That sounds like very good wages. Do I need to fill out some forms and waivers before I accept or will I be able to get the information on what exactly the job is before I accept it? Pyrom said smiling. Hopefully the job's difficulty had been over estimated. The next of kin thingy would be somewhat difficult. He either had to sign up his tribe and reveal who he was or he had to risk his tribe getting nothing if he died.

2013-06-01, 01:55 AM
"Life-threatening..." She worried for a moment but then felt the reassuring swirl of magic around and realized it was her dad, probably, they were talking about. He would stop threatening her life when he realizes who she was. She really want to find her father, and so far this day has been providing clear trail and she needed to follow. "I accept!"

2013-06-02, 08:14 PM
"Great, another one!", said the young courier. Why the hell had he allowed his curiosity to get the better of him. Now he was stuck here with a deranged gnome and this other guy, who seems to be on his side for now. The mention of a theft sparked his memory. Earlier in the week, Davros had seen a lot of people behaving in more clandestine manners than normal. If he could only remember that insignia he saw.

Perception Roll for Insignia

2013-06-03, 11:45 AM
Hewitt Flinn, Ruhiel Firebrand, and Davros Windstrider

Davros remembers clearly that all he ever saw of the insignia was a whitish blotch. Unfortunately he couldn't get a clear look because getting that close to the people would have involved being discovered.

The only information he has for the deranged gnome is the mentioning of an Old Town Bay.

Baru Samdi

"Sorry I'm getting ahead of myself. That's what I would like you to help my apprentice do. He's trying to track down our missing goods. He was investigating our rivals "The Handy Haberdashery." Here's their location, and good luck!"

Jason Whitlocke and Baxter Watson

Initiative Order:
Jason Whitlocke
Baxter Watson
Lady Thug
Thug 3
Thug 2
Thug 1

"But we do want to hurt you. It doesn't really matter if you know anything." The lady thug is approaching you, swinging what looks like a sap.

I'll allow Jason to make actual actions for his initiative, since all you did was try to convince them and that failed spectacularly. Baxter has already gone, and Lady Thug is next.

As Baxter is running he hears his message bee chime. This is a device that the Guild uses to communicate with their operatives on the field.

"Hey, we located some people for your backup. Give me your location and I'll send them your way."

Pyrom Juror and Sílachwen

"Excellent, let me notify the agent in question, and get his location." He picks up what is essentially a bronze microphone and dials something before talking into it.

"Hey, we located some people for your backup. Give me your location and I'll send them your way."

2013-06-04, 07:34 PM
Jason steps away from the thugs, yanking one of the scrolls hanging from his belt as he does so, and reading it aloud. As soon as he finishes speaking, he disappears from sight.

Free: 5-foot step away.
Move: Retrieve scroll from belt.
Standard: Activate scroll of invisibility.

2013-06-05, 01:24 PM
Baxter let out a low hiss as he spotted the thugs. He dashed towards them, hearing the message from his bee chime.

"I'm at the Built Overs," he replied. "Send backup ASAP."

Then he turned his attention to the thugs. "Halt!" he shouted at them. "By order of the Gnomish Guild of Investigators, you are under arrest!"

2013-06-05, 02:14 PM
For Hewitt, Davros, and Ruhlius

As your group is talking they notice a strange absense of workers around them. They also notice that the area of the dockyards they are in seems to be more secluded than it was, and that the people surrounding them now have a shared insignia. It looks like a Jolly Roger with a Crown sitting on it catecorner.

One man seems to be in charge of the group, about five people large, and approaches the three of you.

"So," He says. "What are you doing here?" There is a level of implied menace in the question that makes it clear that the man wants the right answer only.

For everyone else

The lady thug made a move to run at Jason, but is now standing off guard, not sure what to do. At Baxter's cry the other thugs look around, suddenly nervous, but seeing no humanoid they appear very confused about what caused the sound. None of them think to look at the cat running down the alleyway Jason came down.

Baxter has heard of the Built Overs. They first appeared when the city had riched the edges of the giant platform it's foundation was built on. Running out of room for development the engineers decided to build up, and to support these new types of buildings they connected them to each other Unfortunately this created spaces on the ground that were shrouded in dark. These sections were largely abandoned or inhabited by people desiring secrecy. They are largely ignored by most citizens, as they tend to be dangerous.

Pyrom and Sílachwen here the reply when it comes through, and after some typing the man at the desk is able to figure out where he is most likely located at. He tells them, and adds "He's a little irregular, so don't be too alarmed when you see him. His name is Baxter Watson. Thankfully your close by." He hands you a hastily marked map with a path drawn for both of you to follow.

Jason and Watson, the thugs have no idea who to attack, since one of you is invisible and the other a cat. You can catch both of them flat-footed next round, and since they aren't going to make a move, that round is now. Pyrom and Silachwen, roll initiative and you guys can enter on round three. Just to clarify we are now on round 2. Also, feel free to roleplay running to their aid. You have enough info to get there.

2013-06-05, 02:27 PM
Roll for initiative: [roll0]

"Did I hear him say as soon as possible?" Sílachwen glances over the map she got handed out. "Then there is no time to lose!" She grabs Pyrom by the hand (OOC: unless he is faster, or just declines) and sprints outside and follows the map.

2013-06-05, 02:36 PM
Thankfully, the thugs were confused as to what to do when the young man turned invisible. He continued to dash towards them, repeating himself.

"By order of the Gnomish Guild of Investigators, you are under arrest for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Surrender peacefully, and you will not be harmed."

Can we get a map of the battlefield, as of the start of the turn?

2013-06-05, 02:41 PM
Well, let's a go. Thank you, sir for being so quick and kindly finding the job for us. We better not be late for the job. Pyrom said letting himself be lead by the lady he just met. He was initially off balance but quickly sped up to keep time with her.

[roll0] Bonus points for those who read the first line in Mario's voice. I am not sure if you get another will save (I don't think so but it is kind of unclear on if you get repeat will saves or not) though you should probably make a perception check to note that a "Gnome" appears to be moving at the same speed as you without any difficulty, which is a bit weird but not impossible.

2013-06-05, 02:49 PM
"Aha!" Hewitt bellows! "That must be them! On your guard, other people! They must be the serial killer thief acrobats!'

2013-06-05, 03:21 PM
"Just loitering for the moment; who's asking?" inquires Ruhiel with narrowed eyes, as his hand comes to rest slowly at his hip; just a few inches from his armaments.

2013-06-05, 05:47 PM
Baru heads to the Handy Haberdashery. The new job has put a spring in his step. A chance for new magiks and some cash. Who could pass that up.

2013-06-05, 06:54 PM
Dravos was trying to see what else he could dredge up from his memories. The sooner he gave the deranged gnome and this new guy anything remotely sounding like a clue, the sooner he'd be on his way. That is when he noticed the gang approaching him. He chastised himself for not getting out of there sooner.

"Look mate, I'm just a courier, cutting through the dock to get back home. I don't want any problems.", said the young lad. Though given the tone and attitude of the leader, it was more than likely going to be come a brawl.

2013-06-05, 11:39 PM
Gotta host it online. Try something like imageshack or tinypic.

2013-06-05, 11:49 PM

OOC: And Houston we have a crappy map. Thanks darklink_shadows. Also Jason is back five feet, but I forgot about that and am not changing it now.

2013-06-06, 01:15 AM
(Assuming the thugs resist.)

"Then you leave me no choice," said Baxter. He took a deep breath, and unleashed a torrent of fire on the nearest thugs. The finre persisted, entangling and trapping the hapless foes.

Roll a Reflex save, DC 14, for half.

Initial damage: [roll0] fire damage

Duration of entanglement: [roll1] rounds.

Damage at the start of the thugs' turns: [roll2] fire damage.

Rolls have been deleted due to them actually not being required.

2013-06-07, 10:04 AM
Group A (Silachwen, Baxter, Jason, and Pyrom)

The two thugs hit by the fire breath take the full brunt of the attack, and find themselves entangled. The lady thug moves in between the other two and attacks the cat with her sap. The third thug is severely burned as the energy of the fire envelopes him and covers him. He manages to move forward one, though, and attack the cat that breathed fire. The second one looks as if he is going to do something, but before he can the fire sears into his flesh and he falls over.

Thug 1 has just seen a talking cat that ran out of the alleyway and breathed Fire at his comrades. He is freaked out, and decides to make a run for it.

Lady thug: Attack: [roll0]
Damage: nonlethal [roll1]
T3 attack: [roll2]
Damage: nonlethal [roll3]

T1 runs his full speed away from Baxter, moving 150ft away.

As Silachwen grabs Pyrom's arm she notices that it is slightly slick, and very smooth, just like a cute little frog. She immediately takes a quick look at Pyrom and notices his illusion fall away. He is very clearly a frog person, though she would have to know something about nature to recognize more than that. She might have commented on it, but a man runs past them as if he has seen a ghost, and they enter the alleyway to a fight already in progress.

Jason remains hidden, but knows about the Guild and knows that the talking cat is probably a friend.

Group 1 (Hewitt, Davros, and Ruhiel)

The man ignores Hewitt, but studies the other two. After a few seconds pass he says "I believe you. You are probably just bystanders caught in a large mess that you were not prepared for. Unfortunately you were seen in some form of contact with two specific women here and that means we have to take you with us. Come peacefully and you won't be harmed. Otherwise we are going to harm all of you thoroughly."

The man says this with the same barely concealed malice, but their something about him that says he is telling the truth. He waits for your group to answer.


Mangles finds the Haberdashery without effort, and notices that it is a far more successful shop. This would fit with the story told by the fat man. He notices a somewhat shady figure sneaking in through the front door, a bad idea all around, and start talking to the teller. The shady man does not appear to be keeping a careful watch of his surroundings.

2013-06-07, 11:40 AM
"Who? Two women?" Hewitt blinks dumbly. "We've been talking to each other. I think we are all male. You must be confused. I'm just trying to interrogate this courier to see if he knows about anything interesting, and this man is trying to get me be nicer to the courier. I'm not from around here... Who are you? Is that some kind of military badge?"

2013-06-07, 12:35 PM
OOC: I spend my move actions to walk until I am within 10 feet of the closest thug.

Sílachwen slowly walks towards the fight. "Errrm, guys...? Maybe it is better to stop fighting and stop hurting the poor kitty..." she says doubtfully.

2013-06-07, 03:21 PM
Put down the saps and step away from the kitty cat. Pyrom said as he drew his crossbow and hoped the people would step down now that they were there. He wasn't quite sure what the lady's plan was but hopefully it didn't involve getting herself beat down with saps.

Drawing my crossbow, if someone goes to attack me I will shoot them with a crossbow

2013-06-07, 09:31 PM
Group A (Silachwen, Baxter, Jason, and Pyrom)

The two thugs hit by the fire breath take the full brunt of the attack, and find themselves entangled. The lady thug moves in between the other two and attacks the cat with her sap. The third thug is severely burned as the energy of the fire envelopes him and covers him. He manages to move forward one, though, and attack the cat that breathed fire. The second one looks as if he is going to do something, but before he can the fire sears into his flesh and he falls over.

Thug 1 has just seen a talking cat that ran out of the alleyway and breathed Fire at his comrades. He is freaked out, and decides to make a run for it.

Lady thug: Attack: [roll0]
Damage: nonlethal [roll1]
T3 attack: [roll2]
Damage: nonlethal [roll3]

T1 runs his full speed away from Baxter, moving 150ft away.

As Silachwen grabs Pyrom's arm she notices that it is slightly slick, and very smooth, just like a cute little frog. She immediately takes a quick look at Pyrom and notices his illusion fall away. He is very clearly a frog person, though she would have to know something about nature to recognize more than that. She might have commented on it, but a man runs past them as if he has seen a ghost, and they enter the alleyway to a fight already in progress.

Jason remains hidden, but knows about the Guild and knows that the talking cat is probably a friend.

Baxter hissed as he was hit, but recovered enough to stay in the fight. He hopped back, breathing fire at the thugs again before dashing just out of their reach.

Breathing fire, then moving 25 feet away, which should be just out of their range unless shenanigans happen.

Initial damage: [roll0].
Subsequent damage: [roll1] per turn.
Duration: [roll2] rounds.

Save for half, and be entangled.

2013-06-09, 02:28 PM
Group A

The man looks vaguely bored by this talking. "One of your comrades was seen approaching and possibly talking with two women. Under suspection of you all knowing too much we have to question you. Now you have six seconds to comply, drop your weapons, and deactivate your robots. Or, we're going to drub you all unconcious, and possibly murder you.

Group 1

As Silachwen and Pyrom are telling the thugs to stop their animal abuse violations, the woman turns back and shouts at them "Are you damn fools? This thing breathed fire at us!"

Before the pair can decide whether or not the thugs are lying or high on dreamweave water, the cat decides to make a repeat performance.

Baxter opens his mouth, and lets out an impossibly large volume of fire that burns the two thugs, and remains entangling them. The man falls to the ground from the attack, while the woman remains standing. On her turn she remains on her feet, though barely, and charges the cat.

Jason remains hidden in his invisibility.

The lady thug can just make it to baxter, so she gets the charge. Bonus just cancels out the entangled effect, though.
Charge, then sap. [roll0]
Damage, nonlethal. [roll1]

Silachwen and Pyrom can both roll Sense Motive DC 10, or an intelligence check with the same DC to see if they understand the situation.

Order is Jason, then Baxter, Silachwen, the last thug, and Pyrom at the end.

2013-06-09, 08:39 PM
Hewitt shook his head. "You're mistaken. I don't have any comrades. But now I see that you're the people I am looking for. Drop your weapons! You can't murder innocents for walking to each other near where women may or may not have been previously!"

2013-06-09, 08:49 PM
Jason dodges out of the way as the magical cat continues toasting his aggressors.

Moves for a full round past Baxter.

2013-06-11, 11:20 AM
Intellect and wisdom are both are +3, so here is a Sense Intellect... Intellect Motive?

I edit the rest in based on the roll.

Sílachwen blinks and then confirms. "Yeah, that is a fire breathing kitty."
She does seem to understand that these guys were up to no good, nice people don't attack animals, even if they breath fire. She storms towards the last one standing, the female that is still attacking the cat, and kicks her against the shins.

2013-06-11, 04:11 PM
Think that cat is our boss? They did warn us that they were odd. Maybe they are a spell caster and they like changing into that shape. Anyways, put down the sap and don't attempt to run...you are outnumbered and out weaponed. You will have to come with us for questioning. Pyrom said as he raised his crossbow in a threatening manner.

Ready action crossbow. Attempting to intimidate them (hopefully with a bonus from how insane this entire scenario is) to back down [roll0]

2013-06-11, 06:28 PM
Baxter would have loved to respond, but unfortunately the last thing he saw before being knocked out cold was a sap to the face.

2013-06-12, 10:19 AM
Group A

The only response Hewitt receives for his generous offer, is a nod from the leader and the rushing forward of his cohorts.

Going right ahead and starting combat. Roll Initiative. If the others don't respond then I'm going to roll initiative for them.

Group 1

Both Silachwen and Pyrom see the female thug hit the cat solidly with her sap, knocking the thing unconcious. As Pyrom raises his crossbow Silachwen darts across the field with deceptive speed, and slams into the thug, knocking her unconcious.

Two of the thugs have been killed by use of force, and the third is ready to be tied up and questioned. The cat is breathing, and will regain consciousness if helped.

Jason sees the last thug taken care of, the magical cat knocked unconcious, and the two new comers, clearly friendly and non-bloodthirsty people, come in to the scene.

For various role playing, combat, and the desire to keep everyone at the same level, everyone gains 300 experience.

2013-06-12, 10:35 AM
Jason appears out of thin air before the newcomers, and immediately goes to help the cat.

Heal (if needed): [roll0]

2013-06-12, 11:18 AM
Seeing a random stranger appear out of nothing, Sílachwen frowns deeply. then seeing him help the kitty she decided he is probably a good guy.

"No, no, not like that. It's a kitty, try this." She says and pushes the new guy out of the way to show how to treat a wounded cat.

Heal check:[roll0]

Then she turns towards the newly appeared man and says: "Hi, I'm Sílachwen and this is..." she points to the gnome, Pyrom "... My crossbow holding back-up?"

2013-06-12, 01:22 PM
"I'm uhm...I'm Jason. Pleased to meet you. I think. WHo exactly uhm...who are you? Should we maybe uh...call someone? Or something?"

2013-06-12, 03:45 PM
Baxter's eyes flutter open, as he regains conciousness under the ministrations of both Silachwen and Jason.

He still has 5 points of nonlethal damage.

2013-06-12, 04:05 PM
Pyrom put away the crossbow and walked up to the unconscious person. He wished that he had his rope on him but he had left it on his mule. So anyone have some rope to tie them up with? We wouldn't want them waking up and trying to run before one of the metal things I have seen around comes around and inquires what is going on. Out of curiosity where were you when the thugs were here? Also is the cat a familiar of yours or is it something else? Pyrom said as he got down and started checking the body for either rope or something else that would be useful.

Searching the body for items that could either tie them up, seems like a clue or is valuable

2013-06-12, 04:20 PM
"Haha, no, I was uhm...I was sorta following someone, but he...doesn't seem to be hear anymore. I think. And I've never seen this cat before. Did you uhm...did you see it breathe fire? " Jason asks nervously "I'm not crazy, right?"

2013-06-13, 02:44 AM
Sílachwen picks up the cat as she says"Yes it breathed fire... But after all the weird doors and buildings I just thought it was normal for city kitties to spit fire!" Sílachwen falls silent for a moment, pondering how normal fire breathing cats are.

Roll: Knowledge Nature:[roll0]

"By the way we are to help someone named Baxter Watson... I think he was in danger and the gnome that is not the gnome there told us that he was here." She frowns. "Geeh I really should ask for people's names!" Then she steps towards one of the male thugs and pokes him. "Maybe one of them is Baxter, but they don't see like nice people." When she notes Pyrom searching for ropes she starts searching in her backpack and pulls out a rope, which is pretty hard when you are also carrying a cat. As she walks towards him to hand over the rope she says: "I don't think we properly met and calling you that gnome sounds kinda insulting. Hi, I'm Sílachwen and what is your name?"

2013-06-13, 11:13 AM
Group A

Initiative for Ruhiel and Davros
Ruhiel: [roll0]
Davros: [roll1]

Hewitt, roll now for your position.

Group 1

Pyrom searches the bodies, and finds four sets of leather, and four saps. He also finds 100 gp between them. Along with that he finds a rough map leading to a different part of the city. He needs a good local knowledge, though, to tell from this map where it leads.

Silachwen knows that the only type of cat that can breathe fire that would also be inside the city. It would be a type of cat that can learn magic, which allows it to breath fire. It would be a Tibbit, a sentient werecat that happens to be in a cat form at the moment. She is holding a person.

2013-06-13, 12:36 PM
Baxter's eyes flutter open, as he regains conciousness under the ministrations of both Silachwen and Jason.

He still has 5 points of nonlethal damage.

Baxter woke up and rubbed his head with a paw, before being abruptly picked up by the girl.

Sílachwen picks up the cat as she says"Yes it breathed fire... But after all the weird doors and buildings I just thought it was normal for city kitties to spit fire!" Sílachwen falls silent for a moment, pondering how normal fire breathing cats are.

Roll: Knowledge Nature:[roll0]

"By the way we are to help someone named Baxter Watson... I think he was in danger and the gnome that is not the gnome there told us that he was here." She frowns. "Geeh I really should ask for people's names!" Then she steps towards one of the male thugs and pokes him. "Maybe one of them is Baxter, but they don't see like nice people." When she notes Pyrom searching for ropes she starts searching in her backpack and pulls out a rope, which is pretty hard when you are also carrying a cat. As she walks towards him to hand over the rope she says: "I don't think we properly met and calling you that gnome sounds kinda insulting. Hi, I'm Sílachwen and what is your name?"

"Actually, that would be me," said the cat. "Baxter Watson, member of the Gnomish Guild of Investigators. Um ... could you please put me down?"

2013-06-13, 01:01 PM
"Owh pardon me! I didn't realized you were... people." Sílachwen quickly, and carefully, puts Baxter down. "So you called for back-up... And what now?"

2013-06-13, 03:05 PM
That is convenient, we were looking for you. We were just hired for a job and pointed this way. These thugs were quite well off... they have month’s worth of wages on them and had workable leather armor. Out of curiosity do the gnomes run the guard as well? Also does anyone happen to know where this map leads? Pyrom said as he hands the map to the first person who wants it. He puts the money into a pocket and smiles. The money would be helpful for making potions or as a starting fund for his Alchemy schooling. That done he got down to trying to tie up the person unconscious on the ground.

2013-06-13, 03:27 PM
[roll0] Combat Initiative

2013-06-13, 05:30 PM
"Owh pardon me! I didn't realized you were... people." Sílachwen quickly, and carefully, puts Baxter down. "So you called for back-up... And what now?"

That is convenient, we were looking for you. We were just hired for a job and pointed this way. These thugs were quite well off... they have month’s worth of wages on them and had workable leather armor. Out of curiosity do the gnomes run the guard as well? Also does anyone happen to know where this map leads? Pyrom said as he hands the map to the first person who wants it. He puts the money into a pocket and smiles. The money would be helpful for making potions or as a starting fund for his Alchemy schooling. That done he got down to trying to tie up the person unconscious on the ground.

The first thing Baxter did was press a gem on his collar, summoning a faint image of a humanoid creature. It was hard to make out what it was, but it was a simple Unseen Servant, so it didn't matter very much. He directed the servant to tie up and detain the still-living thugs. He then hopped up to take a look at the map. As he was reading it, he gave a rundown of the current situation.

"There's a band of pirates that have moved into the coastal bay. I recently heard of a couple of businesses that have been flourishing despite the recent shipping problems, presumably due to the pirates. I investigated one of them, namely the Handy Haberdashery, and noted that some of their goods smell of other places. Which is where you come in."

Here, he turned his words toward the young man that had pet him on the head. "I presume from my observations, that you are looking for some stolen goods, correct? I do believe some of the items in that store were the ones you were looking for, but I would have to visit your store to be certain. In any case, they had thugs protecting a coded itinerary, but it wasn't very well coded. I was able to decipher that the store owners have a meeting with a gang called the High Seas Relic Hunters at Central Station."

Summoning Unseen Servant to take care of the unconscious thugs.

Knowledge Local: [roll0]

2013-06-14, 08:22 AM
"What...what exactly is going on here? Why were you following me?"

2013-06-14, 01:43 PM
Group A

Initiative Order:
Ruhiel, Leader, Hewitt, Half-orc, Full Orc, Elf, Davros, Dwarf

Hewitt, Ruhiel and Davros find themselves surrounded by the human leader, a half-orc and elf in cloth without visible weapons, a full blooded orc that howls as he raises a wicked looking double-axe, and a surly looking dwarf.

The leader, who had done all the talking, backs away from the fight, letting his cohorts deal with the fight.

Map coming later, will post for Ruhiel tonight if he doesn't post by then.

Group 1

The cost of living here is a lot higher, and the quality of life is higher than a typical Pathfinder world. 100gp spread among four people would not be unusual and months wages often equal around 300gp for unskilled workers. Pyrom wouldn't know this though, so his remarks make sense.

Baxter knows that the map doesn't make any sense. It leads to an open park in the middle of the upscale part of town. Obviously it has been put in some sort of code. He can assume that the thugs might be able to read the map.

While their are stations for a form of travel that uses a new invention referred to as a aletric rail, they are named after various members of the community, not locations.

Jason, being part of the magitech industry has heard of the High Seas Relic Hunters before, and knows that they disbanded after an earthquake swallowed most of their base, along with the original location for the Old Town. Both the ruins and the group have been gone for ten years.

As he is musing this the bee chimes again and his contact, Maximus, says "Hey, someone reported a strange group at the dockyards. They're hanging around a warehouse that was recently stolen from, might have something to do with all this.

2013-06-14, 10:58 PM
Ruhiel throws his tesseract at the half-orc woman.

Attack, ranged: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The half-orc woman crumples after being struck by the tesseract, falling to the ground immediately.

Now only the Orc, the dwarf, the elf, and the leader are left.

The leader steps back, and does nothing on his turn, as if he's waiting to see how the fight turns out.

It's now Hewitt's turn.

2013-06-17, 01:22 AM
Baxter frowned, attempting to decrypt the map.

Linguistics to decypher the code: [roll0]

"What...what exactly is going on here? Why were you following me?"

Baxter was about to reply, when ...

As he is musing this the bee chimes again and his contact, Maximus, says "Hey, someone reported a strange group at the dockyards. They're hanging around a warehouse that was recently stolen from, might have something to do with all this.

"....I'll tell you as we walk. We need to get to the dockyards, there's suspicious activity going on."

2013-06-17, 03:04 AM
Hewitt orders his automation to attack the elf, just as he gets in flanking position.


2013-06-17, 07:24 AM
Baxter was about to reply, when ...

"....I'll tell you as we walk. We need to get to the dockyards, there's suspicious activity going on."

"I...what? Okay. I guess. I'll follow. But uh...what is going on?"

2013-06-17, 09:43 AM
Sílachwen was overwhelmed with the unfamiliar terms. She just stands there nodding and saying 'uhu' in response to what Baxter exposed. Until she realized Baxter was going off. "Well I wouldn't mind to help... But I didn't like the kicking... I was like one kick and she was down! I know they are bad people but... I was just looking for a person, not a fight." She stutters while following.

2013-06-17, 11:38 AM
Group 1

The automaton tries to lunge at the elf, but a gear catches and it freezes while making the attack. The elf steps around it as if it wasn't there.

The Orc yells in rage bellowing "You killed my daughter!" He loses himself in the rage and attacks Ruhiel.

Charge, attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

The Orc cleaves into Ruhiel, but only manages to glance off his armor and heavy belt despite the effort the Orc puts into it.

The elf begins to chant, waving her hand's then throwing her hands out in front of her.
Sleep: Will Save 13, on Davros, Ruhiel, and Hewitt

It's Davros's turn

Group A

Baxter thinks its possible that the shape of the path, and the turns hold the clue to the actual path. Unfortunately he would need someone who knows the code, or more time than he has.

It only takes a minute to get back to the populated area, and only a second then to jump on one of the Alumantic rails. Half-way towards the dock, Baxter gets another message, "Something even more suspicious is going on, we're sending in some tin cans."

2013-06-17, 08:52 PM
Attack of Opportunity

Mage needs to make a conc check or lose his spell

2013-06-17, 08:55 PM
critical confirmation

2013-06-18, 05:09 PM
Concentration Check
It was only 1 point of damage, since the confirm failed. [roll0]But that is a fail.

The mage while attempting to cast gets punched and in surprise stops her chanting. The spell vanishes and no one feels the pull of sleep.