View Full Version : Black Crusade: Empire from the Ashes

2013-05-22, 12:10 PM
It is the 41s Millennium...

For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a
rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the Daemon-infested miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomicon, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor’s will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defense forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition an the Tech-Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus, to name but a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to
hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants—and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget, the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no
peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of the thirsting gods.

Yet there are those who rise above the teeming masses, rejecting the conformity and servility of mankind. The ignorant call them traitors, heretics, lost, and damned—but they know themselves as the Disciples of the Dark Gods.

You are some of those; beings who have been ground under the heel of the Imperium, those who have fought against it all their lives, and those who never saw the darkness of the Emperor's touch. Your previous lives, be what they were, are lost to you, as are the kindness of a family, the helps of your friends, and the surety of Imperium's hammer protecting you from the outside world.

Your paths are all your own, gifts of the dark gods. But as much freedom as this gives you, there are only two fates ahead of you now. Failure and eternal torment or apotheosis, becoming a daemon prince of the dark gods.

Your paths have brought you to the planet Karllanman, a great Hive world in the Periphery subsector of Peligras, in the Segmentum Obscuras. A world covered entirely in water, save for a few small island chains, it serves as the biggest producer of promethium in Peligras. Two rival hive cities have been built on the bottom of the ocean, mining the fuel. A population of 26 billion individuals is supported on imports from two nearby agri-worlds and the bounties of the ocean itself, which is carefully monitored to prevent over-use. It's defense are legion, from the Imperial Navy to orbital stations and planet-based missile silos and defense lasers. It has never fallen to enemy occupation in the past; or even had the enemy reach the surface. Your cell's commander, one Lord Semotus, has ordered you there to bring the god's unholy light to the servile fools, to prepare the way for invasion. Gird yourselves in unholy servitude, as all the forces the Imperium can muster shall be brought to bring you low...

2013-05-22, 02:20 PM
The dingy hull of the ship leaves much to be desired from the Imperium's finest. You know it is space-worthy though, as you have survived numerous warp transitions without trouble from the children of the gods. Your fellow passengers are not the most desirable of company though, people on their way to the hive for various reasons, whether for work or prospecting. There are others of course, who are not headed to the planet this time.

The ship is a converted cargo-hauler, the great external containers that once carried massive amounts of promethium and raw materials transformed into layers of rooms and recreation halls. There is a central cafeteria taking up an entire layer by itself, a few square miles in area. The areas are policed by paid enforcers, mercenaries essentially, and passengers and crew rarely mix.

Your gear was sent on ahead by Lord Semotus' agents, sure that the customs of the planet would prevent your arrival with anything heavier than a toothbrush. The plan is to meet with your fellow agents on the ferry before it arrives. You are all currently at the large cafeteria that serves the passenger population. Standard decorations and equipment, hard-bitten by years of warp-transitions and use.

OOC: ^.^ Shall we then?

2013-05-22, 02:40 PM
Wearing his daper custom made uniform (one of the many advantages of having made up his job description was that he had been able to design himself his uniform, and he was pretty sure he had conveyed the idea that he was a very important person through the golden buttons and the flashy shoulderpads), Karl Flamstein was sulking on the lack of amenities provided by this ferry.

He would have liked something a bit more luxurious but he was ready not to judge his new boss on his choice for transportation, as he had received a letter promising him that his accommodations on Kallarman would be up to his usual standards.

Nevertheless, he had been told that his new colleagues were on the ship, and he hoped they were going to be a lively bunch. Semotus seemed pretty determined to have them causing as much mayhem as possible and as long as the mayhem was funny mayhem, he sure as hell was up to it.

Now, looking around, he decided to make himself visible to anyone who would be looking for him. Considering how he was dressed, that did not seem to be an impossible challenge.

2013-05-22, 04:21 PM
Cord was giddy with getting on with the mission. He despised all these corpse-god worshipers milling about around him, Though he was tempered enough to refrain from doing anything overtly rash. He was dressed in what most would think as being a Smithworker/foreman. Perhaps he was a repairman or a foreman for a promethium extracter.

He'd been sitting up at the cantina lounge for most of the travel, giving off a brooding yet calm aura, and to be frank, he looked simply bored out of his mind. And this mission he'd been given, sheesh, that was a new one for him. Assassination-jobs where more his thing, but as his lord commands him.... For now...

2013-05-22, 07:17 PM
Tearing the message into tiny pieces Darko just stared blankly at the entrance to the cafeteria, “Quite mysterious our benefactors are being, not like I’m complaining anyway.” He turns around to see a shabby looking woman and an even shabbier looking calligraphus servitor. The woman had subtle scars across her face and was wearing a shoddy looking adept robe that looked to be recently cleaned. The servitor was wrapped with wires and various manipulator implements for writing though the arms were curiously out of sight hidden behind a heavy coat.

Looking at his current retinue it was difficult to hide his disappointment, “We’re almost there, stay close, shut up, don’t look at anyone.” Walking in the three looked rather conspicuous considering that adepts do not usually wander around at this part of the ship.

Upon entering the woman clasped her hand on her nose, “Gods even the cantina smells like a promethium mine.”

Darko turned his head quickly, “What the hell did I just say?”

She gasps immediately covering her mouth. She looks down embarrassed still walking.

Darko then looks toward the crowd scanning the environment for his comrades, “Now where could they be? Can’t be too hard to find them, wolves tend to sense each other amongst a crowd of sheep.”

2013-05-22, 07:48 PM
Being without his armor for so long had put Abraxas on edge. Still, the reasonable choice was to ship it ahead of him.

He looked like a grox herder. He'd told anyone who asked that he was a farm boy from a nearby agri-world, going to Karllanman to pursue his dreams in the pit fights the nobles loved to pass the time with. He looked the part - just under 7 feet tall and incredibly muscular. Anyone with the tiniest knowledge of Astartes might have been suspicious, and a cursory inspection under his clothing would have revealed the Black Carapace and several other telltale modifications, but the Corpse-Emperor's rulers loved to keep things compartmentalized. Few of these people had probably seen a Space Marine in person, loyalist or traitor. None of them had likely seen one out of armor. For added effect, he had acted simple, as though nature had taken intellect from him to compensate for his stature, as people expected.

He simply walked into the cafeteria, greeting people as he passed them in a slurring, slow agri-world drawl, and sat down. The heretics that his comrades had told him about would be here - surely they wouldn't fall for the act.

2013-05-22, 09:45 PM
Caitlin entered the cafeteria, mulling over her recent dream. It was straight forward and took her through the best part of any hive. She smiled grimly to herself though, she rather disliked the idea of anyone looking into her mind no matter how brief a period it was. Scanning the crowd for any notable individuals, her eyes drifted towards three figures; a richly dressed man, a tall and broad farmhand and what appeared to be a techpriest and his unusual retinue. Well, she thought to herself, if none of them turn out to be my new associates the least I can do is try to find an interesting conversation. Smoothing her simple but well tailored crimson suit she approached the richly dressed man and bowed theatrically, "You seem to be a man of great importance Mr..."

2013-05-23, 12:15 AM
Scanning the crowd, Karl thought that it seemed possible that at least the techpriest was one of his future associates. He was debating whether or not he should take the chance and go and speak to him. There was no major risk if he was mistaken, except for the fact that conversations with members of the Mechanicus could get very boring very fast.

Thankfully, he was saved from this conundrum by a lovely girl with whom he would be glad to have a conversation with even if she was not dedicated to the destruction of the Imperium.

"Flamstein, Karl Flamstein. And even though I might be a man of some importance when I'm discharging my duties for the Emperor's Administratum, on this sorry excuse for a ship, I'm just another passenger, only distinguished by the pleasure of speaking to you. May I ask for your name, miss ?"

2013-05-23, 02:16 AM
Morrtis allowed himself another smile. The cramped confines of the ship, the press of humanity, one stray microbe and the whole place would be a monument to Grandfather. Coming out of his brief reverie the Doctor looked at himself again. It had been a while since he had worn the white of a proper physician and he had to admit he missed the deference and trust placed in this position. Trust that he would abuse to no end. He let out a throaty chuckle as he entered the cantina, the bright red Medikit still held firmly in his hand. He missed his scythe but it would have been more of a hindrance than asset. His beady eyes scan the cantina, and fall upon the motley group. He moves through the press of the crowd smiling as he hears a cough or two. He clears his throat and speaks in a low gravely voice.

"Greetings do you mind of I join you?"

2013-05-23, 11:11 AM
Smiling, Caitlin replied, "Caitlin Sokolov, pleased to meet you Mr. Flamstein. If I may ask, my employer told me to expect company, though he declined to tell me who I would be meeting. You wouldn't happen to be expecting anyone would you?"

2013-05-23, 12:59 PM
Flamstein smiled as he heard the girl explain their common situation with an expression that meant she was pretty sure they were both working on the same team.

"Well, you could not be more right, miss Sokolov. Your manners are so fine that I'm tempted to say Dame Sokolov, if I may say so. I would not want to commit a mistake as my employer has insisted on the confidentiality of his affairs, but I think we can safely assume that we're gonna be working together in the near future."

He was taking a minor risk if he was wrong, but really, it did not seem likely. This girl was just having too much pleasure in dancing around the subject to be an Emperor worshipper.

2013-05-23, 01:38 PM
Cord Stretched his limps out in a bored manner, He couldn't wait for something to happen, even if it was just a plain conversation. His eyes then caught the odd grouping of people, his deep, sharp eyes staring their way, an ear peaked for any odd wordings or subtle hints at the chance of them being whom he was to work along side. He paid for his bland amasec and he two packs of lhos he'd ordered and went for a strol through the tight packing of little insect-drones mulling about in their useless service to the corpse-god they all loved and revered so much.

He positoned himself within a few feet of the rather welldressed woman with his body turned sideways so he wouldn't seem too suspicious, and lighted a lho-stick and took a long drag before exhaling the cloud of smoke.

Hell.... Why would someone dress up in more than useful and general clothing for an infiltration? He thought to himself, shaking his had at the woman... Caitlin was it? Well anyways, he remained there, silent and smoking away, while listening in on the conversations around him, the small grouping more than any others.

2013-05-24, 06:10 PM
Darko’s eyes stopped on a fully covered man sitting alone, the man was so large it was actually surprising how little attention anyone was paying to him. The longer Darko looked the more suspicious he became. He has never seen a human that large before, no one, no human, not human, that build, he, he is, but he can't possibly be, but he has to, that, that's an Astartes isn't it, “Oh spite, oh hell.”

The woman peeked from Darko’s shoulder, “What? What is i-“

Out of reflex Darko smacks her in the back of the head, “Kasiya, I swear if you- Never mind I think I found one of our allies, follow along and try to stay quiet.”

To avert suspicion the group took a meandering path to Abraxas until they arrived standing only two meters from him. Upon arrival Darko snatches a scroll from the servitor pretending to read it, then he rolls it up and hits the servitor with it, “Incompetent little lobotomite, you recorded this wrong! The compartments we inspected were six, seven, eight and nine! Are you listening, they were compartments six, seven, eight and nine! Argh you can’t do anything right.” Ending his tirade he sits next to the man covering his own face in false disappointment.

2013-05-24, 07:21 PM
Abraxas' affected dumb grin sharpened. A little lacking in subtlety, perhaps, but he could teach him subtlety.

"Them's unlucky numbers, where I come from..."

As he forced out the words in that simple drawl, he looked around for those who might listen in. He lowered his voice to a whisper, his farmboy accent replaced with a cool, measured cadence.

"But I prefer twenty, myself. On your way to correct the little problem that calls itself Karllanman?"

2013-05-24, 08:20 PM
Darko gazed dead ahead speaking in a low voice, “You can say that, my instructions were rather simple. I have to say I never thought this mission was important enough to warrant one of your kind my lord. This is going to be far more interesting than I would have thought it to be.”

He looked around casually, sneering, they all looked so complacent and yet so fearful. His eyes then went back looking ahead, “We can’t really discuss our business in detail here; I think we should find the rest of our ilk before we conspire.”

2013-05-24, 08:30 PM
"I must agree," Caitlin replied, "though flattery doesn't suit you, as much as I enjoy it. Would you prefer we left each other until after we arrive, or should we perhaps find our new colleagues?"

2013-05-25, 02:29 AM
"Well, I think I'll call you Caitlin, as it seems we are going to be working together. I'm not sure who our new colleagues are, but, if I had to choose someone from this crowd, I would say this muscular fellow would be a nice addition to any group that wishes to accomplish anything worthwile in this galaxy of ours. Plus, he is talking with someone who would have been a colleague of mine even without our current circumstances, so you could say I'm intrigued."

As he says this, Karl starts moving through the crowd towards the people he just singled out.

2013-05-25, 06:07 PM
Following Karl, Caitlin debated weather she should try to contact the farmhand psychically. If he was as simple as he looked, she thought, no one is likely to pay him any mind if he were to start raving about voices, and if he was an ally, then no harm will come of this. As a precaution, she decided to avoid eye contact.

[roll0] vs 67 (WP(+47)+ Psy-focus(+10)+psy-rating 3(fettered, +10)

(Imitating Karl's voice) I am Karl Flamstein, the man you may see approaching you now, and it is an honor to meet you. Would you happen to be expecting someone? Regretably, I can not yet read minds, so you will have to provide a verbal response when I arrive. I would also ask that you do not tell my companion, Caitlin about my gift.

2013-05-25, 07:04 PM
Abraxas turned to his newfound ally, and whispered:

"I've been contacted by means of warp-sorcery. A man by the name of Karl approaches us. He, too, is with us in this endeavor. As is, I would suppose, the woman with him. Either that, or she belongs to him. Doesn't really matter, I suppose. She's not to know about the telepathy."

He leaned back, arms folded, as the others approached.

2013-05-25, 07:36 PM
“Hm?” Darko looked around from his seat for the people his ally described. His eyes stopped on a group of two fast approaching them, “That must be them, looks like a young woman and a…” He was hard pressed to pinpoint what exactly the man was supposed to be. Gold and shoulder pads, the man looked like a noble, and then Darko saw the ‘a’, “Oh spite, Oh hell.” He then turned to his ally making a slightly bemused look,”That has to be the most insultingly transparent disguise I have ever seen. You don’t dress like that unless you’re a division head or something, he’d better have a good story or we’ll be screwed before we get planetside.”

2013-05-26, 02:07 AM
You didn't need to be a psychic to realize that the big guy and the adept were now waiting for them to introduce themselves. He didn't like the way they looked at him, as if he were crazy and wearing a tutu.

"Greeting, fellow travelers. May I introduce you to Dame Caitlin Sokolov? We were conversing pleasantly when we realized we actually were colleagues in a new great project, one in which I'm sure two gentlemen like yourselves are also implicated."

Waiting for their reaction, he realized he had forgotten the most important part of any such conversation.

"As for myself, I'm Karl Flamstein. I'm part of a new investigative initiative established by the Administratum in order to evaluate the redundancies and other inefficiencies in critical facilities of the Imperium. My mission in Karllanman will relate to promethium production."

He liked small talk just as much as the next brothel owner, but at some point, one had to get down to business.

2013-05-26, 09:57 AM
Cord was beginning to loosen up a little about it all. He was fairly sure he'd found the others: the hodgepodge group of misfits. No one seemed to actually fit together with eachother. one was a big brute of a guy, another looks... noble? and then there was the rest, oh gods... Oh well time to poke the monster in the shadows and check if it was hostile or friendly.

He slowly approached the group and exhaled a huff of smoke on his way.

''Excuse me fellas, and ladies, Does anyone of you know where the 01 .sv 9-8-7-6 grouping was supposed to assemble when we land at the spaceport?'' He asked.
He seemed to be just your average milling peon asking fore direction. but for some reason, his leather overalls and padded shirt and gloves seemed more cared for, extra padded and a little bit thicker than one would expect. Not that it was EXTEMELY odd, but it stood out a little bit.

His accent also had an odd touch to it. was it drilled military training that was hinting in the outer layers of his speech patterns? Well anyway, he seemed like a wellmannered enough fella.
''oh and anyone care for a Lho? I've got about 8 sticks left in this spare pack, so go on ahead.'' He offered them all, caring nothing about the Lhos. if he wanted to, he could get more, and it wasn't like he really wanted to smoke at all. a bad habit because of warwrecked nerves from his time at a guardsman and he still hadn't been able to quit the smoking yet, urgh, he so detested the taste of them, but he'd become so used to smoking that he just couldn't convince himself to leave them alone whenever he had access to them.

I hope my hinting isn't OVERTLY obvious X3
was trying to think of an awesome way to hint about who he was without anyone not in the loop about the mission, would get a nickles worth out of what he'd said.:smallbiggrin:

2013-05-26, 11:01 AM
Abraxas looked at Darko for a second, then looked back at the latest arrival, taking a lho from the pack and requesting a light.


He took a drag from the lho and sighed, constantly darting his eyes around to look for eavesdroppers.

"Would anyone else like to repeat the sacred numbers? Perhaps carve a symbol of your favored God into a passerby while they thrash about and scream? We're going to be planetside soon - we can't afford to fail before we even get there. I can't allow it. So..."

He needed to start coordinating. To take charge. And to do that, he needed to know where they were useful, if at all.

He looked each heretic in the eyes. Hopefully they'd catch the meaning of what he was about to ask - otherwise they might as well be reduced to gibbering Spawn right now for all the good they would do.

"What brings you to Karllanman?"

2013-05-26, 11:10 AM
In the back of his mind, Karl had known since he had seen this man that he was more than a man. He had not dared think it, but now, hearing the authority that came naturally to his voice, he knew his hopes and fears to be true. The man had to be a fallen Astartes, and, as such, he was to be their commander.

"I am to use my Administratum credentials to build connections in the promethium industry of the planet. I suppose these connections might become useful when visitors will come to Karllanman."

Simple and to the point. Flattery would get him nowhere with this character.

2013-05-26, 05:46 PM
A burst of static comes from the voxspeakers built into the ceiling of the ceiling, before a crescendo of cherubim voices blares through, singing praises to the Corpse-Emperor. The cherubim continue for some seconds before the sound of the ship's bell tolls the new hour. Crowds of passengers start trailing in through the doors, swelling to a tide as they arrive for dinner. The murmur of conversation, before an idle tick at the back of your minds, swells to a roar within minutes. Several enforcers, ship's police come into the room and start making patrols of the room, sweeping ever closer to your group.

Hemnon/TheAnnoyingNoob IC information
You notice one of the enforcers in particular is stopping an questioning passengers. While he doesn't seem to be making any kind of direct path to your group, he will reach you soon.

2013-05-26, 05:56 PM
"Well, Caitlin said, sounding somewhat nervous, looks like its time to split up. Should we reconvene here after dinner?"

2013-05-26, 09:30 PM
When offered a lho stick Darko takes one, “Thanks, I haven’t slept in a while and I need something to take the edge off. I guess we all have business in Karllanman then don’t we.” He gives the group standing before him a wry smile, “Don’t be so nervous we’re all friends here. I’m Darko, this one’s Kasiya, the other one’s 21.” He motions towards the two sitting next to him who looked up with glazed eyes staring right through their new allies, “They don’t talk mu-“

The ringing of the bells made him immediately stand up and reorient himself. His eyes narrowed as the enforcers and an innumerable amount of people trail into the room. Darko then turned his attention to Caitlin, “That sounds like a good idea, Sokolov was it? Anyways do you have any place in particular for where we can meet since this place is not exactly the best for our kind of business.”

2013-05-27, 02:31 AM
"Our sleeping arrangements provide little privacy. I suggest we simply meet here again later. For now, we'll eat."

He took a drag on the lho, looking around as he slowly blew out the smoke.

"Also, I was told there would be one more of you. If you see him or her, let them know to be here. If anyone asks..."

He got up from where he sat against the bulkhead, his frame towering above all aboard.

"... I was tellin' you fine folks a story 'bout the biggest grox I eva wrangled, yes sir."

And with that, he began to walk away.

2013-05-27, 05:46 AM
Flamstein was not really looking forward to the meal provided by the cafeteria, and he was a bit peeved about having been the only one to reveal his mission to the others, but it made sense for them to eat separately. They would attract attention if they stayed together for too long.

"Fine by me. I look forward to hearing about what brings my fellow companions to our common destination."

2013-05-27, 09:51 AM
Cord wasn't feeling that hungry for whatever the cafeteria would be serving, but he got up and took a final long drag of his lho before extinguishing the bud and threw it out. He left the others without a second glance and headed to the foodline and awaited his turn to eat that horrible stuff they would dare to call food.

2013-05-27, 05:56 PM
The dinner hour(s) pass uneventfully, the enforcer passing your group by as you break up for....."dinner." After passing over the ship special and ordering the soup(which is just as slimy and unidentifiable), your group disperses into the bowels of the dormitories.

The dinginess of the hallways increases as you head toward your various dormitories. The overhead lights, strung along the ceiling on hooks, flicker and sway with the rumbling of the ship's enginarium, kilometers away. A small observation room, facing out on the vastness of the expanse, is lit by the great fire of the plasma drives powering and moving the behemoth that is the ship.

The dormitories are small compared to the cafeteria, housing upwards of a thousand souls within their confines. A hundred dormitories are found on each of the six converted ore containers, each filled to beyond capacity. Petty crime is rampant, while more violent acts are contained by the brutality of the enforcers.

As you reach your bunks, a strident klaxon resounds throughout the ship. The reorientation of the ship complete, the captain is preparing for the warp-transition. In a few hours, you will be at the mercy of the ship's navigators, in a few days, you will arrive at Karllanman. A few days trapped among your fellow passengers....


For better or for worse, the journey is completely uneventful. You were all confined to the dormitories on strict watches, minimizing the need for the enforcers to patrol, and allowing them to focus on keeping people from panicking from stress...or other mental influences.

The captain sounds the all-clear, and the watches are lifted. IT will be several hours in on the plasma drives, but sufficient time for a last meal aboard the ship.

2013-05-28, 07:31 AM
Coming back to the location that only deserved the name of "the place where food is consumed", Flamstein couldn't wait to get planetside. It would still be a few hours, but that was the occasion for a meeting with his associates.

Standing at the beginning of the line for receiving the "plat du jour" while he expected the rest of the party, he was looking at the sorry lot that was arriving to this last meal with faces that seemed to express both the suffering that this travel had been and the relief at seeing it over.

2013-05-29, 06:26 PM
Caitlin returned to the cafeteria in an emerald blue dress. Clearly stressed by the journey she took her place at the end of the line, smiling at Karl as she noticed him. "It's nice to see you again Mr. Flamstein, how was your journey?"

2013-05-30, 12:27 AM
Flamstein decided to vent his frustration, even though he knew he was going to sound whiny.

"I am having a hard time deciding what was the best part of this journey. Was it sleeping between a vomiting child and an crazy insomniac? Or being served food that might just be a by-product of the ship engines? Or being treated as if I was a prisonner by men that were too dumb to become Arbites? Anyway, all this is now behind us, and our master has guaranteed that the boarding house in which we are to stay will not be slum. I would ask you how your trip was, but I don't wish to force you to think too much about what has been for all of us a traumatic experience. Let us look towards the future: do you have any plans for your stay in Karllanman?"

Well, now he felt better

2013-05-30, 08:00 AM
Morrtis quite enjoed the journey, the people cropped together in a seething mass of humanity, the temptation to unleash one of his Father's works upon them and watch the fall out was tempting but he stayed his hand. Father had a job for him to do, it would be no good to falter in that enterprise before it even began. So he lay low, and treated the dozens of minor injuries and sniffles that the passangers brought to him.

He returns to the caffeteria and the cheer leaves him, he never thought he would miss the corpse rations of the Guard, but the vile substance they served for food on this ship managed to make even those seem appetising. With a sigh he joins the queue of people and managed to meander his way over to Caitlin and Flamstein.

2013-05-30, 08:23 AM
Abraxas wished he could afford to skip meals, but alas, he needed to remain healthy in service of his masters. He arrived in line relatively late (the best position to receive the large servings required to keep up his frame) and proceeded as his associates had, the dull experience matching the dull food, waiting to be served so he could meet with his cell.

The journey had been relatively uneventful. Aside from occasional talks with the heretics, when available, and a side project involving the unsuccessful (at least, so far) conversion of the ship's chaplain to Tzeentch, he slept and ate and passed the time.

2013-05-30, 11:43 AM
Cord yawned loudly, looking rather bored as he returned to the same place they met before dinner. He was itching to kill and devour something... ANYTHING. But he knew that THAT would have to wait. no need to stir up the hornet's nest while confined in a giant metal bucket.

''Am i the only one going restless here? i'm itching to get some work done. All these damn people here are so boring and bland...'' He mumbled as she lit up a new lho-stick, puffing out a breath of smoke into the face of anying bystanders who isn't invited to the conversation they where having.

2013-05-30, 08:28 PM
And I believe that confirms our suspicions. Caitlin said, eyeing Cord before turning back to Karl. "As for my business on Karllanman, it appears I'll be acquainting myself with the rich and powerfull, hence the dress. I don't think I've ever seen a proper noblewoman wear a suit and its been quite some time since I last wore a dress. There rather uncomfortable to get used to again."

2013-05-31, 12:37 AM
Darko glided along the crowd not stopping towards the meeting place with his retinue not far behind they looked even more ghastly and humourless than the previous day. After sitting down in one swift motion he looked around feigning interest before looking at the table, “I hate this ship and everyone in it. However many hours are left it’s too many. It is an absolute miracle I have not slit the throat of my bunkmate, the bastard snores like a damned ogryn. So how do the rest of you fare.” He finishes in a rather jarringly droll tone looking up with eyes so heavy and dark that one can tell that he is finding it difficult to pay attention to what he himself was even saying.

Suddenly Darko snaps his fingers, “Kasiya, recaf or whatever they have just get it. Anyone in line, punch their lights out I don’t even care anymore.”

Kasiya came back shortly with two cups uttering a small scared, “I’m sorry they didn’t have any-“ before Darko snatched the cup right out of her hand. After drinking the contents of the cup whole with an invariably glazed expression on his eyes he appeared to be in marginally higher spirits, boredly spinning his cup while his assistant silently sipped her drink next to him.

2013-05-31, 01:23 AM
"Well, your discomfort is wearing such a nice garment is just another one of our sacrifices for the service of our master."

Seeing Morrtis as he approached them, Flamstein added towards him: "My dear fellow, we were just talking about what we were planning to do once we're planetside. Would you mind sharing the reason of your trip with us? I feel that this will be beneficial for all of us. For example, our friend Caitlin here was just telling me how she was planning on calling on some aristocrats when we land, and I was thinking that the acquaintances she will gather might be useful for my own dealings."

2013-05-31, 03:27 AM
Abraxas, loaded down by a fair portion of... whatever it was, sat down at the table as Flamstein finished his question.

"Ah. Excellent. While loyal Astartes still live, my place is among the underhives, where mutants and hereteks and gangers will ignore, and even serve, the enemies of an Imperium that has already ignored them. Along with coordinating things in general."

2013-05-31, 04:11 AM
Morrtis pokes the, what he can only catergorise as stuff on his plate as he sits down and focuses on Famstien.

"I'm setting up a Medicae Clinic, to service the mining population, and possibly the poor residents in the underhive that often get overlooked." He smiles pleasently as he talks about his planned work "All in aid of ensuring that they are in adequate condition for the coming months and even years, any aid that can granted from those in the spire could prove extremley useful to my work."

2013-05-31, 04:17 AM
"I may have no psychic powers, but I see your future doctor, and it looks like a lavish fundraiser for your clinic might be our small contribution to it."

2013-05-31, 01:58 PM
Hearing all the others talk about their missions so thoughtlessly made Cord sigh deeply.

''Well, if anyone of you care at all, I'm going to build up a... 'Workforce' for our lord. They are to be nothing but an expendable resource mith minimum training and knowledge, just enough to be frontline troops in the service of 'Commander Lavitus'. So it would seem some of us have similar jobs and goals. I had been thinking about going for the gangers and similar low-hive fleshbags and it seems that our big and brawny friend here is of a similar quest.'' He spoke under his breath, though not giving a rat's backside if they listened or not. I just wanted to get off this corpse god-loving ship as fast as possible... As long as that quick exit wasn't through an airlock.

2013-06-01, 09:29 PM
Darko just sat there patiently listening to the plans of his cohorts. He felt the need to divulge his own plans as well as to not look like he was keeping secrets from them. Though he spoke in an undertone it did not take much effort to detect his mocking sarcasm, “As an inspector from subsector headquarters I am supposed to look into the operations of the planet’s Administratum departments, check for staff numbers, infrastructure, efficiency, and other such things of that sort. Any inadequacies in the departments I see I am to ‘correct’ post-haste The Adminstratum is the beating heart of this great Imperium, abnormalities no matter how minor are unacceptable. It is my obligation you see.”

2013-06-03, 01:49 PM
"Well, it looks like we're gonna have a lovely time on Karllanman, if all goes according to plan. We just have to get there in one piece. Also, I forgot to tell you, but I'm gonna be based in a boarding house near the Underworks of Circulleus Hive. I'm told it should be comfortable enough, so I will be glad to have any of you call on me if you're in the neighborhood. There may even be some room for you to stay there."

With that, Flamstein thought he had done all he could to achieve a civil atmosphere between them. They sure were tense, and they were starting to make him feel inadequate for not being as worried as them. How mean of them.

2013-06-10, 07:37 PM
Hehe, looks like the dice gods like you.

Not 10 meters away, an enforcer resolves himself out of the crows, heading toward your motley group. He doesn't have his weapons out, but he is obviously heading for your party. You hear some complaints as passsengers are removed from his path forcefully.

2013-06-10, 07:48 PM
Darko took one glance at the enforcer and looked down at the table, "Pigs incoming." He then started pretending to drink from his empty cup. The girl did the same while the servitor sat perfectly still. Even when trying to look inconspicuous they looked rather strange together.

2013-06-11, 12:01 AM
Watching the man who had been dumb enough to fail the arbites entrance exam and had been forced to become muscle on this ship move towards them, Flamstein was not overly worried.

He checked his identification in his inside pocket, and put on his most relaxed face. He was not going to get scared for so little.

"Come on folks, let's not look as if an inquisitor and his squad have surrounded us. It's probably routine," he whispered to them all.

2013-06-11, 02:46 AM
Morrtis pushes his plate away from him and sighs speaking loud enough to be heard Corpse rations where better than this he then lifts up his medicae kit and places it on the table, the insignia of his old Guard Regiment faded but still visible and opens it to begin doing a final check of his supplies.

2013-06-11, 02:59 AM
If only they had been better trained. Oh well, time to act the fool again.

"And that, my friends, was the first time we found Artho face-down in the grox pen. But it wouldn't be the last, no sir, not by a damn sight."

He continued the crude story in that awful drawl as the enforcer passed.

2013-06-11, 08:25 AM
Stretched out, feeling ever more bored. He didn't care one bit about the approaching arbitrator wanna-be. ''Well i know for a fact that ration bars taste a lot better than what they call food here...'' He threw out casually for everyone to know.

2013-06-11, 01:31 PM
Glancing at the approaching enforcer, Caitlin couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous. This could go very badly, but in the event he did stop and things got out of controll she resolved to simply slip away while he questioned someone else.