View Full Version : [SW Saga] Winds of Rebellion

2013-05-22, 09:49 PM
The cold steel grates echoed through the small Imperial base as the next group of the captured transport were walked through the halls. Since the capture of the public transport SR-017, Imperial forces have taken all the passengers as captives until they come across the rumoured Jedi travelling on it.

The newest group of ten, a male Kel Dor, a large male Wookiee, a cowering male Rodian, a female Twi'lek, a battle-worn male Human, a young female Zabrak, and four young human females now stand in the middle of the base's cell block, surrounded by four armed Stormtroopers and the current officer looking over the cell blocks. Every one in the group has been disarmed and had their equipment confiscated before being transferred to the outpost.

One of the Stormtroopers walks forward, past the group to the officer and sets down a large crate at his feet. "This is all their equipment Sir. A few weapons and odd items, but all the licenses check out." The Stormtrooper then pulls his gun over his shoulder and back to his hands as the officer nods. "Very good. I want this group looked over and inspected for anything you may have missed before I get back. I should only be a moment, so make it fast soldier, and be careful of the beast. If he even raises his arms without your say so, shoot him down. Nobody would care if a beast dies."

With that, the officer turns and walks down into the cell blocks as two of the Stormtroopers begin to frisk and inspect a few of the other captives, slowly working their way to you.

All weapons and gear has been confiscated and packed into the large box.
All concealed holsters have not been found.
All of the captives have been cuffed, adding a -2 to all checks that use the Str and Dex ability.
The main layout of the room you stand in is a small 20 metre diameter circle with a large terminal in the centre. One hallway leads back the way you came, and three hallway branch out on the other side of the room, holding all the cell blocks.
Two Stormtroopers have their rifles over their shoulder as they search the captives and the two others have their rifles in hand by the terminal and the crate.

2013-05-23, 01:10 AM
Oden remains outwardly stolid as the stormtroopers slowly make their way towards him, but inwardly, his mind is racing.

Well this is quite a situation I've gotten myself into... OK. Stay calm, and be mindful of the living force. That's what master Kuro would have said.

He patiently waits, and observes everything going on around him, waiting for the right moment to act. After all, they still haven't found his lightsaber, and have no evidence that he is a Jedi. He has no need to panic... at least, not yet.

How far away is the box with all of our gear?
Perception check to notice any security cameras, and any light (under 5 kg) unattended objects I might be able to move with the force if I get desperate:

2013-05-23, 03:14 AM
Brashe assessed the situation carefully. He was too smart to start a fight against armed opponents while his hands were bound. However, that did not mean he wouldn't fight if that was what the situation would boil down to. Brashe looked over the rest of the ragtag group of captives, and decided that the wookiee was the only valuable combat member if things degraded into a fight.

If he is able, Brashe positions himself next to the wookiee.

Also- are we bound with our hands in front or behind us?

2013-05-23, 07:42 AM
The beast stood among the crowd obviously sticking out like a sore thumb. Clearly because he was a wookiee, but also due to his multiple injuries, and the two huge cyborg arms he had in place of real ones. They appeared to be a Wookiee's true arms analogous to the way Anakin's new arm looked like a human one at the beginning of the Clone Wars. They were thick and muscular to match Jowkazza's intimidating size. His robotic eye rotated around the room just watching and waiting for a moment of weakness while tugging against his restraints- testing them.

He tried to position himself close to the front of the line to be searched and let out one long bellow as a challenge. Most of you couldn't understand it but for those of you that could it could be translated as one word.


2013-05-23, 08:52 AM
Blue Talon watches the officer leave and scans her fellow captives. She then turns toward the Stormtrooper who just moments ago spoke with the officer.

"Want some advice?" She asks politely. "It's not the Wookie you should worry about, it's the Rodian." She motions toward the cowering Rodian.

Deception: [roll0]

2013-05-24, 10:24 AM
At closer inspection, Brashe realized the wookiee wasn't just a normal wookiee. He pictured the beast ripping a stormtrooper apart with his mechanical claws, and shivered.

At the Twi'lek's comment about the rodian, Brashe found himself shifting his attention to the shady creature.

I sure hope that alien doesn't try anything dangerous...

2013-05-24, 03:18 PM
As the two Stormtroopers finish searching the first two humans, one steps in between the group and starts inspecting the Rodian, while the other walks over to start inspecting the Wookie with the two armed troopers standing behind him, blasters pointed at the Wookiee.

2013-05-24, 04:41 PM
Blue Talon keeps her eyes on the Stormtrooper inspecting the Rodian.

"I wouldn't get too close to him if I were you." She starts. "He's known as the 'Neck-Snapper', and from what I've heard he's quite adept at grabbing and choking people while wearing cuffs."

Deception: [roll0] (Rerolled in next post)

2013-05-24, 04:43 PM
Deception Reroll: [roll0]

2013-05-26, 04:40 PM
Oden waits with trepidation to see what will happen when the guards approach the Wookiee, and the Rodian.

I must not intervene unless it is absolutely necessary, he thinks to himself.

2013-05-29, 09:30 PM
"<Face me!>"

The wookiee roars in a rage and gives breaking his chains a try fearlessly.

Strength Check: [roll0]