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Space Lawyer
2013-05-22, 10:42 PM

Titania finds herself slithering around the souks. This last week had been hard on her. There wasn't much work to be found, at least not any that could make decent use of her skills or pay her what she deserved. Maybe it would have been easier to just stay in the corporate environment. Even if the work for them wasn't always the most fun, or the most fulfilling, it was something. Everything out here in Olympus was just...plain uninteresting. Even the stuff at the souk wasn't much fun. Just beaten down trinkets and some wannabe-toughs surrounding and making fun of some pod.


Marco draws a number of stares from the crowds. They aren't used to seeing such an exotic morph as a hazer. Let them stare though, and know that Marco is a proud Titanian. He reviews the orders once again, feeling a bit of regret that he just couldn't entirely let go of his military training and refuse an order, though his patriotism no doubt had something to do with it. They had said this mission would seriously annoy some hypercorps and the junta, so it had sounded like a good thing, and the microcorp provided a good cover for a reason to be on Mars at all. They could have given a bit more inofrmaion to go on though. All he had was a name and a directive. "Find Isolda Faire, and return her to Titan."


This latest bunch of jerks was no different from the rest. A bunch of low-lives sleeved into some cheap synthmorph thought they'd make themselves feel better by kicking around some even worse-off ego forced into a pod. These souks were just full of people like that., and Shihong simply didn't have time for it today. She'd gotten a bounty a few hour ago. Not her usual style, but the pay was good. Some cred and a promised rep boost if she could locate someone named Isolda Faire and put the current morph's picture up on one of the more shadowy @-rep forums. So far, she hadn't had much luck, and it didn't seem to be getting any better.


Firewall communiques were always so damned cryptic. Apparently, chatter had been about some crazy scheme some of the more active elements on Titan had dreamed up. The message of course didn't say what the Titanian mission was, or why they would send Damien and not someone better qualified, but the tone didn't imply that it was a request. They had covered for him after that exo-planet incident, and weren't going to let that particular favor go un-repaid. All it said was "Look for the Titanian. You'll know him when you see him. Observe and report." This souk was the obvious place to start looking.


A bounty was a good thing, even if it wasn't up to Damien's usual challenge level. No explosions, no shooting, no hand-to-hand combat, nothing was really expected for this job. All he had to do was find someone named Isolda Faire, upload a picture of the current morph to some shadow site, and he'd get some credits dropped down. Good thing he was in this synthmorph, or the air out here would be hard to breathe. The souks of Olympus were never a pleasant place.

2013-05-23, 12:40 AM

It's a damn good thing that Eli had been on Mars anyway. If Firewall had just said, "Go to Mars, look for the Titanian," Eli...well, ****. He probably would have. But he wouldn't have been at all happy about it!

Perhaps it's a good thing this came up. Since the rumors of trade in alien artifacts in Olympus seemed to have been a complete bust, this stupid assignment might hopefully keep the trip from being a complete bust. But probably not.

"Find the Titanian." Which Titanian? How would he know him when he saw him? Eli walks around the Souk, doing his best to stay out of the way of the various customers and venders.

[Alright Lia, we're looking for a guy, who I guess is obviously Titanian. I just need you to keep me on task here. You know how easily I can get distracted sometimes.]
[Of course, Eli. If you wish, I could put a filter in your entoptics to mask out any shiny objects.]
[I find that comment offensive and speciesist.]
[And yet you are still working very hard not to laugh.]

I actually had to look up what a souk was. Anyway, Eli is making a Perception check to see if he can see someone who is obviously the Titanian (Marco?). His muse Lia is going to help him for a +10 to the roll, and he's going to take his time for another +10. So...

[roll0] vs 50
Edit: Ah ha! Success! So Eli will see SOMETHING! Hopefully.

2013-05-23, 06:06 AM
Titania sighed and looked to the poor trinkets in the stalls. What a miserable place, she thought to herself as she crossed her arms under her well endowed chest and slithered slowly to another stall to sigh at its stuff. She needed work... appreciation, these things she had none of at the moment. Being idle, was not a thing she liked, being idle lead to her mind drifting to the nightmares and the voice. And while such a thing was common and disjointed it just distracted her too much from reality. Something would have to present itself, and soon, or it would be another day buffing her black metallic scale-plates while mentally designing some weapon or another.

Titania brushes aside strands of life-like metallic strands of red hair from her bare and light mocha colored shoulders narrowing her green eyes as she looks away to give the souk a greater look around. It would have been nice to have some fancy jewelry to go with her not so formal outfit. The black and deep red halter top, and her black gloves really needed some sprucing up.

[Ryzeria, isn't there anything for me... other than one poor luck Pod?] She asked her Muse with a hint of frustration.

[I have conducted several scans, love. I have yet to find anything that your skills will be useful.]

Titania shoots a glare down that way and sighs to herself. Fine... Maybe the Pod will have something for her to do after she has things to say to the meanies. Making her way over that way, her eyes glancing around for other threats than simple thugs. Getting close but not too close she stops and calls out to them granting them a bored sigh afterwards. "Boys, boys~," though they might be girls, "Do you want to rough that poor Pod or pay me a few for a dance~?"

Tornado Justice
2013-05-23, 09:04 PM
It wasn't his usual routine. Nothing needed bullet holes, but he needed the cred to patch up some recent ones in his apartment. Some wild artificial had busted out some buzzers on an OIA patrol nearby, and they went all overkill on its poor metal rump. The request was just hanging in the mesh, and Damien figured he could go for a walk. It was pretty convenient having his target in the same city for once, all Nadia kept giving him were out of towners, mostly down with B. Besides, he was slightly shaken up having bullets wiz by his head while he was napping.

[Azrael, would you kindly search the name Isolda Faire, find out whatever you can. I would like to know where they work, where they live, and anything related to their social network. Oh, and keep a glowing red eye out for any recent activity within the city related to this person. If they throw out a banana peel, I want to know what sort of breakfast they had the day before based off of the DNA on that peel, comprende muchacho?]

[If the Deep One wills it, so shall it be done.]

Damien never really understood why his muse was such a demented AI. Maybe it had to do with countering his relatively carefree and jovial attitude, though it had an odd way of doing so. He figured he could hit up some more avenues of information while he was walking. He sent an email out to his drinking buddy, King of Rags, requesting some slightly more detailed information on his target; possible departure times from the spaceport or maglev, personal business in the city, recent purchases, any other aliases, and if he managed to see Isolda, then a link to her picture. Not long after he sent the e-mail, Damien figured he might as well wait in a high traffic area and wait for a reply while sipping on a delicious strawberry shake. The new taste receptors he had installed were well worth the cred.

Azrael rolling for Research 30+10


Damien rolling for Networking: Criminals 50+20
Azrael will be getting a +10 modifier using tracking software
Damien will be getting a +20 modifier bcause he is using information tracking level 3 for private information.
EDIT: Yo, for some reason my first roll wont go through, regardless of all my editing. Could the dear GM roll that one for me, pweeze?

2013-05-24, 01:10 PM
Marco strides through the souk, doesn't quite cut his normal imposing figure without his officers uniform or armor, both of which he has left at the room he is renting. He was bloody lucky he got his armor and weapons through customs, the fake ID helped, a member of Medusan Shield can get away with just about anything.

He is wearing black dress pants and a navy blue collared shirt, an old style, but it suited him well, contrasting nicely with his long blonde hair. His fine boned morph was taller than most of the martians, Titanian gravity at work. He carried a large pistol at his hip, along with two extra clips of ammunition, hollow point rounds for all of them.

Marco is quite close to being at ease. He is poking around the souk, looking for one of those Martian beers he has heard so much about.

"Alright Lucas" he says, addressing his muse in his native dialect of Scandavidska, spotted with bits of Norwegian "Lets see what we can find about Isolda. I want a big general trawl; social networks, rep networks, the big forums, everything... and find me a good bar.

Will do. Lucas replies, cheery and efficient as always. He probably started the search before Marco even asked.

I have a 50 in reaserch, i am assuming that Interfacing and InfoSec are complimentary to this check. My Muse is also assisting the check.

50+20(infosec)+20(interfacing)+10(Muse assisting)+10(muses inferfacing skill)+10(Muses reaserch skill)= 120

Its been a long time since i did this, im not certain that i get complimentary skill bonuses to my muses assist.

Roll for Isolda: [roll0]
Roll for Beer: [roll1]

Shunka Warakin
2013-05-25, 12:14 AM
Shihong glances irritably past the leader of the thugs at the little stall behind him with its worried-looking salvage vendor, scanning reflexively for the marks of the local Triad protection racket. Somebody has to be taking a cut off even this pathetic business.

Investigation: 56 + 20 for Complementary Skill (Interest: Triad Economics 44) + 10 for Oracles + 10 Teamwork bonus from Muse for just looking up appropriate relevant symbols, etc. = 96 before any negative modifiers.
[roll0] Well, that's nice, even if somehow there were a maximum negative modifier.

[Little venerable grandfather, that look like Shui Fong sign to you?]

[Your slightly decreased pulse and overall reduced tension suggests that you are certain of it, but yes, it is. Grand-daughter, is there some reason you feel it...]

[Hush, there's no time.]

"Wǒ rènshi nǐ ma? Nǐ zhīdào ma? Do I know you? Do you know me?"

It's reflex that makes Shihong irritably flip the left lapel of her long coat open as she chats with her Muse, but the law enforcement star she used to wear there was taken away a few weeks ago...A matter which, despite how it weighs on her mind, is still something her reflexes haven't yet learned.

The action does show the butt of the heavy pistol in her crossdraw holster rather nicely, though only for a moment before she shrugs her coat closed again. Her fingertips move at eye level as she faces the apparent leader of the synths, hand-jiving an old Triad pass...Older than the Martian colonies themselves, palm up, fingers just crooked, thumb tucked in across her palm...And a quick flicker of fingers that suggests business to be done.

"Nǐ yéye zhīdào nǐ shì zěnme duìdài kèrén de ma? Does your grandfather know how you treat guests?"

"Friends of the family want to know if someone's in town, yes? It is paying, but only if nobody knows about it, and only on delivery." She smiles warmly, then shakes her head. "It is a surprise, yes? It would be shameful if they were to hear about it, of course. Very embarrassing for all involved. Terribly." She shrugs and smiles almost apologetically.

...and yet that same shrug drops her shoulder enough that the left lapel of her coat slides to the side again, revealing just a hint of the weapon beneath her arm.

Two things going on:
She's trying to pass as a visiting ally/guest of the local Triad...Which is not necessarily out of the question with her rep, but she hasn't arranged it or received an invitation, strictly speaking.
Deception 55 + 30 for Complementary Skill (Academics: Psychology 61) + 30 for Emotional Dampers = 115 before any negative modifiers.
[roll1] ...And that's not bad at all.

And (if they're proper crooks rather than just idiots who are surprised they might be dealing with the real thing):
Networking (Criminals) 56 +10 for rep exceeding favor level, +10 for paying extra, -20 for keeping it quiet) = 56 before any negative modifiers.

...And that's nearly a full-speed mag-lev train-wreck, but at least it isn't a critical failure. And here's hoping they're just confused thugs now. Although I suppose a non-critical failure on a networking roll is more 'request denied' than anything else.

Shunka Warakin
2013-05-25, 12:31 AM
I have a 50 in reaserch, i am assuming that Interfacing and InfoSec are complimentary to this check. My Muse is also assisting the check.

50+20(infosec)+20(interfacing)+10(Muse assisting)+10(muses inferfacing skill)+10(Muses reaserch skill)= 120

Its been a long time since i did this, im not certain that i get complimentary skill bonuses to my muses assist.

Roll for Isolda: [roll0]
Roll for Beer: [roll1]

Your muse's assist only grants you +10 for Teamwork, you don't get any bonus based on its skills. Also, you can only claim one complementary skill in a roll to the main skill, and the most you can ever have as a bonus set is +60, just as the highest negative arrayed against you is +60...And being able to 'theoretically' claim +70 doesn't mean you'd have 10 left over when facing a -60 modifier. ;)

Infosec is for hacking and cracking, intrusion and counter-intrusion. Interfacing is for using systems you aren't familiar with or for deliberately fiddling up files, etc. For what you are doing, you want either Investigation or Research. :) Since you are using Research, you probably would want Investigation, or if you had some relevant Interests skills re: Titanians, that'd be good. Infosec would come up if you wanted to try and go after anything not in the public networks about him (Hack your way into Mars Immigration, for instance), and Interfacing would come up if you wanted to change his records. The skill defs on pp. 177-185 are useful to keep on hand until you get used to what to roll for what...It isn't always intuitive. :)

Space Lawyer
2013-05-25, 06:48 AM

The Titanian is almost absurdly easy to spot. He isn't dressed in anything conspicuous, but that blonde hair is perched on one of those exotic morphs they like, and he is at least a head taller than everyone else in the crowd. He just seems to be walking around, checking out the wares.

Titania and Shihong

The synths are easily convinced that they've just stepped on the wrong person's toes. Shihong's gun and Titania's sudden appearance further convince them that they would much rather be somewhere else entirely. The leader, being the one in the least decrepit looking morph, says "Hmph, fine we'll be off then. Gonna let 'em know that one of their own is kicking around in some pod though." They try their best to saunter off, but they move a bit to quickly to look nonchalant about it.


Azrael comes back quickly. "I could find no record of anyone named "Isolda Faire" ever having come to or lived in Olympus. I suspect it may be a pseudonym."

King of Rags comes back with pretty much the same. "Sorry, I don't know anything about anyone with a name like that. My employees are a bit busy at the moment too, so I'm giving you one to be your errand boy."


Lucas returns to you after an unusually long time with the answer. "I found Isolda Faire, or more specifically, found where she is not. I've found a few mentions of her on social networks, but they're all of the sort "I wish Isolda would join so we could talk to her" or "Isolda would probably enjoy this if she would ever join anything." The comments are mostly clustered in this area." A map superimposes itself on Marco's vision, an outlined area just south of the space elevator flashing green.

Tornado Justice
2013-05-25, 09:24 PM
Frustration was not uncommon to Damien, and he was letting it sink in. King of Rags must really have his hands full, having to send someone in his place. Whoever the kid was, he was probably some new initiate the vets used for the brunt of jokes. Whetever the case, Damien would simply send him around Olympus as a second set of eyes. Usually the information regarding a target would be sent to his muse, and he would simply have to figure out the plan of attack. Not having any information at all besides a name was making things interesting, and not entirely in a good way. After finishing the shake, Damien began to wander around.

[Okay Az, I'm gonna start this party off old school. I'm gonna start sifting through the crowd, looking for anybody that looks out of place. Anxious tendencies, actions out of context, strange behavior, exotic morphs or equipment, you know the drill. I want you to pick out everything I mark and put it on file under Boogeyman; Mars; Freelance; 84. While I'm reading the crowd I also want you to back me up. Reference faces and gestures to all public profiles, and report to me any anomolies you find.]

[As the shadows compell you.]

As Damien walked around the crowd, he slowed everything down with his mental speed implants, and once again reached outside to third party sources. He put up questions on barsoomian blogs regarding the identity of Isolda Faire. He never really was one for sutblety.

Damien is going to roll for Perception with a complementary skill bonus from Psychology, and a teamwork bonus from Azrael. He will also be taking his time. As for the penalty for not knowing exactly what he is loooking for? Well...probably massive. However, this does increase the likelyhood of interaction with the other pc's. So 50+20+10+10, -whatever the gm feels appropriate.
1d100 EDIT: for the love of all that is sacred, the stupid dice roller doesn't want to friggin work for me in a consistent manner. GM, please roll this one for me too.
Damien is also going to use his networking Anarchists 40, no bonus or penalty to find information on the target.

2013-05-25, 09:46 PM

[And...that must be our guy. Okay, I guess I can get what they were saying, that Hazer is does stand out in this crowd.]
[As, may I point out, do you. Shall I send a ping that we found him?]
[Yes, please. And I'm supposed to observe, so...well, I guess I'll do that.]

Eli continues moving through the Souk, occasionally stopping to browse. But the entire time he tries to keep the Titanian in his sight, making sure he doesn't miss anything the man does.

It would be infiltration to attempt to do this unnoticed...but I only have it at base COO. So this should be interesting.

[roll0] vs 20 Edit: Well...it's not a critical failure at least. Still should be suitably hilarious though.

Also, Lia is going to send a quick message to whoever my Firewall contact is that the Titanian has been located.

2013-05-26, 06:46 AM
Well that was interesting. Titania thought with a frown. Another thug? Moving in on these guys? What was she to do now, this one was packing, and she dared not reveal her hidden weapon. She was here to gain employment not simulspace prisons. Glancing to the Pod then the other guy she sighed.

"I suppose it would be rude to not thank you for driving those guys away," she told the new... thug, with a raised eyebrow. Ah to be the robot type looking more like flesh types.

She then turned her attention to the Pod. "Are you okay now? Need any help... perhaps?"

Space Lawyer
2013-05-27, 02:27 PM

Eli, being quite a bit shorter than most of the others in the souk, is continuously overlooked...and continuously stepped on. He can't keep his surrounding well-observed while following the Titanian, and several people bump into him, eliciting loud squawks. After only a few seconds, Eli is positively shaking and hopping.

On a brighter note, a response from Firewall comes back quickly. "Continue to follow and report."


Damien flawlessly spots everyone in the market, and notices every shifty habit and out-of-place character. The problem is, that applies to just about everyone here. The really weird ones are some guy in one of those Titanian morphs, an uplifted raven with either some sort of neurological disorder or a lot of interesting drugs in his system, and what looks to be a scuffle that just broke up.

An answer filters back from the blogs after not too long. Someone recalls having met an individual by the name of Isolda at one of the bars in Olympus, not far south of the space elevator. No picture though, and she seemed pretty weird. She would start listening in to the barsoomians talk, then suddenly walk away quickly, doing it multiple times.

Tornado Justice
2013-05-27, 09:54 PM
[A pseudonym huh?]

[Some things are not always what they seem.]

[That's a cop out and you know it Az. We're heading towards...this area.] Damien circled an area on his ectopic map of Olympus. [That was where the bulk of the barsoomians said they saw this chick. We will first track all of the public monitoring systems we can within a 250 meter radius of the epicenter of this area of probability, while at the same time keeping track of the local blogs and forums. Now that we have a small tidbit of info on our target, I want you to start a psych profile under the recent file dash Isolda F. The plan is to zig-zag our way around the perimeter, spiralling towards the center until we can locate her. This might take a while, so hook me up with a 20 percent sound overlay of that new Europan singer. We also want to look casual, all I need is one glance, so I'm gonna be enjoying my taste sensors on the vendors. Catch all that?]

[I grasp your words with a cold, pale hand.]

Damien proceeded towards the supposed area at a brisk pace, only slowing down once he made it to the edge of his destination. Once there, he pinged the kid King of Rags sent to him, and told him to go on an errand to fix some bullet holes up in a building in the Fuxing Men disrrict.

Mmkay, so Damien is going to continue monitoring the barsoomian blogs and forums with his networking: autonomists over the period of an hour or so of sauntering. He will take his time with each attempt at a factor of 1:4, so every five minutes (allowing for refresh rates) for a total of twelve attempts. Or ya know, just hook me up with a massive bonus. :p either way I leave the dice rolling to you on this one dear GM.
In addition, Damien is also going to be actively pursuing the target visually with his perception. I just read that my visual enhancements give a +20 bonus to any visual tests too, which is nice. He will be taking his time as well as searching for the particular habit mentioned by the barsoomians. Azrael will not be assisting with this task. Total bonus is +40.
[roll0] EDIT: MOS of 30 AND a critical? Did I mention he was a professional or what?
Azrael will be using his Interfacing skill (40) to be actively checking the public mesh cameras and audio recorders, and will be receiving a +10 teamwork bonus from Damien, and a +10 situational bonus for looking for the specific behavior of the target.
[roll1] EDIT: apparently his muse hates him lol.

2013-05-28, 01:00 PM
Marco consults his mapping software, it still seemed bizzare that he had to pay for it on mars, someone should have open sourced it years ago. He begins making his way towards the area that Lucas pointed out. He takes a circuitous route, you can never be too careful.

If its important enough to send me after her, you can bet there are other people looking for her as well. Keep an eye out in the mesh for other people making similar inquiries to ours.

On it, i would advise keeping your head down in reality as well.

Another research check, looking for people looking for Isolda Faire: [roll0]

an Perception [55] roll to check if anyone is taking an interest in him [roll1]

Space Lawyer
2013-05-31, 07:14 AM

The barsoomian forums, blogs, and chat rooms simply let it be known that this Isolda person is rarely seen before sundown. There isn't much more about her though, and she doesn't seem to have particularly strong social presence.

The sun is still glimmering weakly through the thin Martian atmosphere, and this section of town is even more deserted than most. It looks like a bit of a dust storm just blew through here though, one of those strange wind patterns that can drop a light dusting on one part of town but leave the others untouched. A few drones, accompanied by an even smaller group of what seem to be overseers, are cleaning the streets. A few lonely souls wander the street, while some vendors push carts into prime location for tonight. The sweet sounds of Europa's newest hit single "Cold Liquid Love" on overlay cheer up what would otherwise be a very dismal scene.

Without a picture to reference, Azrael has nothing to go on, and the public devices are simply masses of data. Looking for any odd behavior isn't helpful either. This is a nightlife district, and bizarre actions are more the rule than the exception.


The local mesh has lit up with people looking for Isolda Faire. She seems to have become almost memetic in the last few minutes, and it is difficult to pinpoint exactly who started the conversations. They all point to the nightlife area Marco is already heading to though.

A quick glance around lets the Titanian know he is being followed. There is someone in a Tengu morph trying to stealthily tail Marco...and doing a terrible job at it. The poor bird-man looks positively disheveled after the crush of the crowd.

2013-05-31, 09:25 AM

"Oh, sorry..."
"Excuse me..."
"Oww! Hey, the hell was that!"

[What is wrong with these people!]
[We are losing track of our target, Eli.]
[Yes! Thank you, I know!]
[May I suggest an alternative to attempting to fight through the crowd?]
[What? Oh, yah. Okay.]

And with that, Eli leaps straight up, wings beating to get himself above the crowd. As soon as he can, he's going to try to land somewhere elevated so he can get a bird's eye view and try to get eyes on the Titanian once again. If he can get out of sight up there, all the better.

Wings give a Flight Speed (8/40), so unless you say otherwise I don't think I need to roll a flight check to fly.

And then Eli is going to attempt to find Marcus again, as well as once again trying (and likely failing) to slip into the shadows.

Perception: 30 + 10 (Muse) + 10 (Taking time)
[roll0] vs 50 Edit the second: This was moxied to a 23 in the OOC.
Infiltration: 20 (Dunno if you can really Take time on this, but if you can +10)
[roll1] vs 20
Edit: Hey, what do you know! I might have infiltrated. I think I'm going to moxie to re-roll that Perception check though.

2013-06-01, 08:48 PM
OOC: changing Lucas's speech to red cause his and Marco's speech looked to similar.

We are not alone. States Lucas ominously. Everyone and their swarm cat is looking for Isolda, its safe to assume that they all have the knowledge that we do.

Well, that's unfortunate. I wish we had someone backing us up. Ah well, wishes pay no dividends. Marco moves through the crowd, taking a circuitous route and keeping his eyes peeled.

Space Lawyer
2013-06-02, 12:28 PM

With a hop and skip, Eli manages to perch himself on pipe below a large balcony on a nearby building. The pipe is warm, obviously carrying steam or something of the sort into the building. It gives Eli an excellent vantage point to continue to observe the crowd, and the Titanian who continues to stick out like a pine tree out in the Martian deserts. He is heading south, but given the route he is taking, his ultimate destination could be anywhere.

OOC: For short flights like this, I won't require Fly tests. Extended flight will require a test though, due to Martian gravity and human-sized bird not mixing well.


Marco looks forward, then back over his shoulder. The tengu is gone. It was probably looking for someone else.

After a short walk, made longer by the odd route, Marco comes to the area south of the elevator. The last rays of the dying sun are stretching across the horizon, and the nightlife is starting. The neon advertisements and the VR overlays have brightened up. A cleaning crew is just departing, and the late-comers of the staff of the various establishments are arriving.

Tornado Justice
2013-06-02, 03:04 PM
[Well this has been a fruitful endeavor. I’m starting to think that this Isolda is some sort of enigma, something fictional. How can a bar full of barsoomians have seen this chick, noted her behaviour, and not have any idea what she looked like if they managed to see her ? How can somebody be that oblivious? And this not coming out until after dark thing? What is that all about? This isn’t the kind of gig I sign up for man, I’m tellin’ ya.]

[The path is covered in shadows, which envelope your mind. Drain them away.]

[Yeah man, I need a drink. This is stupid.] Damien sits down on a bench near the center-point on his map with a cold pilsner in hand, keeping an eye out for anything more unusual that what’s going on. Draping himself over the bench, he looks relaxed and at ease. [Can’t give up though. Let’s try something out of the box here. Az, I’m going to put up some false information over the mesh stating that Isolda is at this current location. I am sure there are already other people looking for her, considering how open the ad was. I might be able to coerce some information out of them worst case scenario, and best case this Isolda chick might show up here wondering what the fuss was all about. See that passed out ruster on that bench just across from us? That is now Isolda. When I finish this beer, we are going to post the falsified documents, and then look for a better hiding spot. There is a reflective surface behind us, so we are going stand behind that bench, just inside that restaurant there, looking out the window. We will easily be able to see who shows up without being noticed. Track every single person you see and cross-reference with any of the previously recorded information, understood? If any anomalies show up, let me know.]

Damien is going to make an Infiltration (hiding) check to move into his safe and secure location behind the bench, having a clear line of sight to the target while at the same time avoiding detection himself.
Situational bonus for being well hidden +10
1d100 vs. 60
Damien is also going to use his deception skill to post falsified information over the mesh.
Complimentary skill bonus from Interfacing, +10 and teamwork bonus from Azrael’s social engineering skill +10
1d100 vs. 70
Lastly, Damien is going to use his perception to see who comes to have a sit down.
Gear modifier +20, Situational penalty -10 (possible interference from traffic)
1d100 vs. 60

this is really starting to make me angry. cgrela, please roll these for me too.

Shunka Warakin
2013-06-02, 06:28 PM
Shihong turns her attention to the curiously re-skinned slitheroid. Not something one sees every day. She resettles her heavy outback duster, the motion almost masking what is a more deliberate shrug of puzzlement directed at Titania.

"Always sad to see young fools starting down the wrong path. They'll be more than upset if they rough up an actual Shui Fong customer, however." The young, Arab-Asiatic-looking woman smiles slightly. "I hope you did not truly desire a dancing partner?"

The ex-magistrate turns, studying the busy souk intently and frowning. "As to helping me, that would depend. I have not been in Olympus long, but then neither has the fellow I'm seeking...And I don't know what he's wearing today."

Like most people in the Souk, her current AR identification isn't being broadcast, but in its place there is something... The gold-on-red chop of the al-Maqqari nomad tribe...One of the larger and more successful independent nomad groups...And as independents, not convicted of smuggling or illegal technology trade, despite it being an open secret.

2013-06-03, 08:06 PM
Titania shook her head, "No, no I did not really. Besides I kinda suspected they would be bad at it." Best to leave that alone, she hadn't expected another person to come around, and besides her weapon should not be shown off causally.

She nods at him though. "So looking for a person. Tricky business without more than the most basic information. So... who is this person you seek? I might be able to help, assuming of course the identity of the person is not a secret for the non-working to know."

[You still need employment, love,] Ryzeria remarks a little urgently. Titania sighs to herself but looks around regardless, if this didn't pan out she'd have to find something else to do.

Space Lawyer
2013-06-04, 02:56 PM

Damien feels that he is secure in his new spot. Azrael collates the images of the ruster, draws up a few documents, then shotguns the whole thing into the mesh. It wasn't a very thorough job, but easily enough to get the notice of anyone who is searching for her and can manage to penetrate the increased traffic already surrounding the name.

2013-06-06, 12:19 AM

[Keep tracking him Lia, I need to concentrate.]
[Carefully, the last thing you need is a bunch of broken bones.]
[Your confidence in me is overwhelming.]

And then Eli leaps, attempting to fly after the Titanian.

Eli has Flight at 50. I'm hoping this roll will be more, "Do you keep up" rather than "Are you able to fly at all." Because if it's the second, I just KNOW I'd fail it.
Flight: [roll0] vs 50
Edit: ....I might moxie this, depending on how deadly failing at it would be.

Space Lawyer
2013-06-08, 09:56 AM

The Martian gravity proves too much for Eli, especially after being crouched under that balcony. He gives a few strong flaps, but feels the planet pulling him down with an irresistible force. He lands on a rooftop after about a kilometer, the Titanian still in view.

2013-06-09, 02:20 AM
Marco smooths down the front of his shirt and begins making his way through the district, looking for any place where sightings of Isolda were unusually concentrated.

He stops along the way to find a beer. Preferably a Titanian import but failing that he will spring for a pint of the local stuff.

So help me Marco, if you start bar crawling ill... begins Lucas. Have no fear of that Lucas, its no fun getting hammered if you have to do it with hop flavored water. says Marco as he sips his decidedly sub par pint.

Space Lawyer
2013-06-12, 12:46 PM

The beer from the street-vendor's cart is truly terrible. It is probably made for synthmorphs with no tastebuds, or biomorphs with radically altered flavor desires.

Lucas chimes in. "It seems there has been a sighting of Isolda Faire." A picture of a ruster passed out on a bench flashes up, along with a geotag of the location the photo was taken. "It would seem she is just down the street from here."


The Titanian is stopping for a beer, and does not seem please by what he has received. He has led you into the nightlife district.

2013-06-12, 04:49 PM
Marco eyes the picture That looks promising Not for her mental or physical well being replies Lucas She looks like she drinks more than you, and i doubt she has your fullerene liver. Marco laughs Poison resistance is no good if you don't use it for something. he says as he moves towards the location marked by the geotag. He gives the crowd a once over, looking for anyone out of place.