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2013-05-24, 05:22 PM
International Space Station II
Earth Orbit

As the world's more prominent superheroes, both Captain Nova and Argus are often called upon by the world's governments and international agencies to investigate matters of importance.

Which is why they are currently strapped into a Skytech Orbiter Vehicle, the ISCS Excelsior, with the indomitable Commander Carlos "Camisa Roja" Rodriguez at the controls, bringing the Excelsior in to dock with the International Space Station II. Below them, the blue and green and white jewel that is the Earth yawns in every direction.

Commander Rodriguez is unaware of your mission; his orders are simply to bring a pair of superheroes to the ISS2 and stay on board the Excelsior until you two are done, then bring you all home.

He's also unaware that for the last three weeks, the ISS2 crew have been operating seemingly normally - but have been sneaking carefully hidden messages in the databit stream amidst all the chatter. That message?


Your mission from International Space Command is to respond to that SOS, and determine what exactly is going on aboard the space station.

You're still strapped into the Excelsior, beginning to approach the ISS2. Intro posts and anything you want to prep for, go ahead. We'll be using a 2d6 plotting roll as well.

Captain Nova, roll 2d6.

On a 7-9, pick one: you helped launch the ISS2 and know some details about it; a member of the ISS2 crew is a buddy of yours. On a 10+, choose both. On a 6 or less, Commander Rodriguez is NOT a fan of yours.

Argus for logistical reasons you have a Spacesuit: Immunity 10 (Life support) as Equipment. Don't break it. Roll 2d6.

On a 7-9, pick one: PSYCHO activity you've been monitoring before this indicates they are probably involved; your senses indicate weird telekinetic impressions from the station. On a 10+, pick one and you get a +2 circumstance bonus on your next check to identify the threat. On a 6 or less... don't roll 6 or less.

2013-05-24, 05:29 PM
Captain Nova

Captain Nova stared at the Earth below her in wonder; even as a highly experienced flier (both inside and outside the cockpit) the sight of the continents from the edge of space was a beauty to behold and something she was sincerely glad to experience.

Besides looking in that direction meant not having to look at Commander Rodriguez and after their hate at first sight meeting that was a bonus. If it wasn't for the fact that she was working with another hero Nova might have almost enjoyed another argument with that glorified space taxi driver. As it was she was in the rear kicking her heels in frustration and wondering if she would be back planetside before awards season; she'd planning to make a splash on the red carpet.

The super-strong blonde glanced over at her companion. She knew of Argus of course but they hadn't worked together before. "What are you thinking?"


2013-05-24, 10:26 PM

Argus barely twitched at the sound of Captain Nova's voice, but could feel a slight pressure across her body -- a clear sensation of his attention.

"That PSYCHO has its fingers in this," said the mysterious telekinetic, his eyes locked onto the approaching station, "and I would like to break those fingers."

2013-05-25, 02:39 PM
Commander Rodriguez doesn't turn around from the controls as he says,

"We're going to be within range of the station shortly to initiate docking sequence. This is scheduled as a routine supply run, so if something fishy is going on up here, I don't know how they are gonna react when Space Command suddenly tells them a bunch of supes are here to investigate."

He does turn to look Captain Nova directly in the eyes.

"Try not to break anything, this stuff is very expensive and highly sensitive."

Preparations? Plans?

2013-05-25, 03:00 PM
Captain Nova

Captain Nova rolled her green eyes at Rodriguez. "Gee, I never had to deal with anything like that in the Air Force."

The blonde herione stretched easily and turned to Argus. "I don't think they'll start shooting at us but can you sense anything with that... 'brain' thing you have going for you?"

2013-05-25, 05:38 PM
"I recommend simply not mentioning we're here until we've docked," says Argus, "I'm reaching out with my senses but it's difficult to detect much of anything at this distance."

Perception[roll0] minus whatever distance and other penalties

2013-05-25, 05:48 PM
Perception Check with Tactile Sense: It would technically be impossible for you to detect anything through the sealed shuttle shell (without Penetrates Concealment) but since I brought up the possibility of it with that plotting roll AND your check was so damn high, I'll throw you a bone just this once. Curse me and my poor attempt at mix-and-matching RPG mechanics! :smallbiggrin:

Oddly enough, you detect no movement you could attribute to the crew on the station; considering there should be at least 10 crewmembers, something is up.

2013-05-25, 07:52 PM
"Excelsior, this is ISS control..." buzzes the comm, a female voice. "Initiating docking sequence on Port 3, over. Just in time too, we ran out of strawberry jam, haha....

"Thats Commander Evelyn Reynolds," Rodriguez says to Captain Nova and Argus, not yet responding on the comm.

"Well, unless you two have other plans, I'm going to respond and initiate docking..."

2013-05-26, 01:48 AM
"Do it, but be on your guard," says Argus, "I can't feel any motion inside the station. Something is definitely awry."

2013-05-26, 04:57 AM
Captain Nova

Captain Nova glanced at the other super, then smirked and nodded. "Okay then; maybe I should go first in case we get a welcoming comittee - benefits of being nigh indestructable."

She tapped her finger against her chest as she said so.

2013-05-26, 03:54 PM
Rodriguez quirks a brow at that. "What do you mean, no movement? There are 10 astronauts on the ISS right now..." He then activates the comm and a flurry of docking communications jargon flies between him and Commander Reynolds.

The Excelsior slowly draws up next to the ISS2, the largest satellite ever built at four times the size of the first International Space Station, and holding the record as the most expensive single thing humanity has ever constructed. Fifteen tense minutes pass as the Excelsior is coupled to the station.

Hard seal engaged. Docking sequence complete, chirps the computer.

"After you guys," Rodriquez brusquely says. "I got my orders, I'm staying right here."

International Space Station 2

Unlike the ISS1, the ISS2 has been outfitted with Skytech artificial gravity generators, so as you leave the Excelsior you leave zero-G. Stepping through the coupling compartment into the station itself, nobody greets you.

In fact, it appears that nobody is on the station at all. You are completely alone.

2013-05-27, 06:29 AM
Captain Nova

A frown crossed Captain Nova's pretty face. Though the artificial gravity was on she rose into the air a few inches and after floating there a few seconds, zipped off towards the airlock at incredble speed.

Slowing down an instant before she hit, the blonde heroine peered through the window. "Hello, anyone home?"

2013-05-28, 12:46 PM
Argus decides to let the invulnerable blonde take point -- and play bait -- slowly following her while sweeping out with his tactile senses.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-05-28, 03:55 PM
Little confused, have you guys entered the ISS2 yet or are you still in the coupling unit between the Excelsior and the station?

Argus: Now that you are closer to the ISS2, you can feel some movement... its strange. Its all along the walls, in every direction, little "bumps" of movement that swim along the surface of structural supports before disappearing into them. You can't sense whats going on inside the walls though.

2013-05-29, 02:12 PM
It seems like Captain Nova flew up to the airlock but not through it, so we're presumably still in the coupling?

"I feel... something," says Argus, "Movement along the walls. I don't think we're dealing with anything human, here."

2013-05-29, 02:52 PM
As you peer through the viewing panel of the airlock, looking for signs of the crew, Rodriguez's voice comes over your earbud commlink.

"I lost communication with the station," Rodriguez reports. "Something totally fishy is going on here..."

And thats when they appear - ghostly shapes, translucent and wisplike and vaguely humanoid - begin emerging from the walls of the space station. Their mouths are wide open and their grotesquely mishapen faces are twisted in apparent torment. Despite the artificial gravity, they float toward the airlock from the other side, phasing through objects in their way.

And there are ten of them.

2013-05-29, 06:07 PM
"Rodriguez, decouple and keep your distance," commands Argus, "fast as you can! We've got some sort of ghostlike infestation!"

Argus swiftly sweeps an arm forward, as if grasping something in midair. Force reaches for the nearest... thing, and push it back.

Telekinetic Grab: [roll0]

2013-05-29, 06:14 PM
They seem to be completely insubstantial - there is nothing for you to telekinetically grab a hold of. They stop at the airlock and crowd about the porthole... their faces look like distorted human faces.

Rodriguez: "Whoa whoa, what? What's going on? You're still in the coupling unit, do you want me to abandon you?"

And of course, thats when a warning klaxxon goes off from within the Space Station and a digitized voice says, "Danger: Code 332. Proximity alert."

Captain Nova, you know a Code 332 is when a piece of space debris, asteroid, or other bulk material is about to slam into a vehicle, which is verified when Rodriguez shouts into your comm: "Holy ----, we got an asteroid heading straight for us!"

C. Nova and Argus both get a HP for the Complication: Asteroid Incoming.

2013-05-29, 06:30 PM
Captain Nova

Captain Nova grins. "Of course there's an asteroid."

Turning to Argus the blonde smiles. "Try to hold on while I deal with this - and keep wearing that helmet."

Shouting into her comm she's say: "Rodriguez go now! I need to get outside to deal with the rock streaking towards us!"

2013-05-30, 02:31 AM
Rodriguez might have a chip on his shoulder, but when Captain Nova begins barking orders, he listens. "Decoupling now, hold on to your butts!"

As the Excelsior breaks away, the coupling unit explosively decompresses through the Excelsior-side hatch. Thankfully, with your superpowers you two aren't blown out into the black void.

Captain Nova, as you head out the hatch you can see the Excelsior pulling away from the ISS2 as quickly as safely allows... and you see in the distance a monstrous space rock perhaps the size of a semi, hurtling your way. If it hits the ISS2, the gleaming symbol of international cooperation and technological progress will be destroyed.

The asteroid will hit at the end of two rounds. It will require a DC25 Strength/Move Object check to deflect.

Argus, the insubstantial wraith-things are still clustered about the viewing window. They are making strange moaning noises... until one manages to croak out "Help us...." Then the wraith-things turn away fearfully, as if something else in the station is threatening them, and disappear into the walls.

Argus, you are beginning to detect actual movement within the ISS2, and you know why you couldn't before (other than the fact these wraith-things are insubstantial and only moving the air they passing through): PSYCHO telekinetic inhibitor modules! PSYCHO developed the modules specifically to counter your senses, though they are imperfect. There are definitely PSYCHO agents on board.

2013-05-30, 01:47 PM
Captain Nova

Taking a deep breath before leaving the hatch (and wishing her invunerability extended to being in a vacumn Captain Nova streaked out of the ISS2 and straight towards the asteroid.

Her first instinct was to try to smash it but she was pilot enough to know that at their speeds a direct hit would split it into three or more pieces that would still hit the ISS2.

I'll have to use her head, she thought to herself as she zoomed in.

The Blonde of Steel struck the asteroid headfirst near its westernmost axis, literally trying to knock it spinning off course like a trick shot in a pool game.

Strength Check: [rol]]1d20+12[/roll]

2013-05-30, 01:48 PM
Edit: sorry, let me try that again...

Strength Check: [roll0]

2013-05-30, 03:58 PM
Seeing Captain Nova impact the asteroid and fail to move it, Argus puts thoughts of PSYCHO aside and forces his will against the space rock, hoping their combined efforts can deflect it.

Taking a move action to concentrated and up my rank by one. Telekinesis [roll0][

2013-05-30, 04:37 PM
With Captain Nova pushing and Argus' telekinesis redirecting, the asteroid is deflected the few precious degrees sufficient to keep it from colliding with the Space Station; it'll be a close shave, but enough.

Think fast, comes a familiar mocking voice in Captain Nova's head. Whirling about in space, she spies another asteroid hurtling toward the Space Station from a different angle.

This asteroid is smaller, so DC23 Strength to deflect. It will hit in two rounds.

PM to Captain Nova.

Argus, you hear ghostly screams of pain coming from within the Space Station, as well as a familiar crackling laughter: it is Digital Demon, the experimental military AI that PSYCHO "liberated" and turned insane.

h3lL0 4RGU5, Ph4Ncy m337in' u h3r3 a readout flashes within your suit, before a warning indicates an O2 and pressure failure from your spacesuit's systems.

2013-05-30, 06:40 PM
"Damn it," grumbles Argus. He rushes to the airlock -- hopefully he can telekinetically trigger the mechanisms and get inside safely.

"Captain, PSYCHO is definitely involved here. I'm going to try and secure the station -- you keep those asteroids away!"

Argus will try to get inside the normal way, and assuming that fails, telekinetically trigger the airlock mechanisms so he can get in without venting the place. Making the rolls I think I need: Perception [roll0] Telekinesis [roll1].

2013-05-30, 07:29 PM
Captain Nova

Captain Nova winced and gripped the sides of her helmet as Shadow Hawk mocked her.

"Ugh, get out of my head creepazoid!"

Without time to anything else she streaked off towards the new asteroid, trying to knock it aside.

Strength Check: [roll0]

2013-05-30, 07:53 PM
Argus manages to telekinetically open the hatch from the inside and push his way into the Space Station against the atmosphere rushing past him to pressurize the vacuum in the coupling unit. Loose tools and other things that haven't been tied down rush past him but he manages to get inside and slam the hatch behind him right as his suit depressurizes.

The wraith-things have disappeared, probably hiding in the walls. The fairly extensive, hall-like units of the Station extend in every direction away from you - the PSYCHO agents could be anywhere, doing who knows what.

A screen in the wall flickers on... it is Digital Demon's avatar.

"You can't stop us, Argus. Don't even try," comes the Demon's synth voice over the intercom.

~ ~ ~

Outside, Captain Nova manages to deflect the second asteroid, sending it hurtling past the Space Station. And thats where she sees him - Shadow Hawk, hovering in space hundreds of yards out, the dark quantum energy bands he inherited from Quasar's genetic material suspended from his back like a pair of wings. He is floating near another gigantic asteroid, this one the size of a truck - and he looks ready to throw it your way.


"Hello Erin," comes his telepathic voice. "Did you ever predict you'd end up dying up here, in the cold loneliness of space? Aren't you glad I'm here to warm you up a bit?"

2013-05-30, 08:00 PM
Captain Nova

"Well you'd know all about lonliness right Shadowy? I don't think you got a single date all those months at the academy." Captain Nova said to... well herself, but she had a feeling the other guy was listening in.

The Blonde of Steel calculated the odds and streaked towards the ex-pilot, determined to get there before he had another shot.

2013-05-31, 03:05 PM
"You say that, but my track record says otherwise," taunts Argus. He continues to float into the station, sweeping regularly to try and find a sign of... something.

Roll roll roll the dice, hope some things occur! Perception [roll0], Investigation [roll1]

2013-05-31, 05:36 PM
As Captain Nova streaks toward her old nemesis, Shadow Hawk grabs the massive asteroid in his gloved hands and pitches it directly at her like a football - a football with the kinetic energy of an ICBM.

The asteroid is so big it counts as an area attack: make a DC20 Dodge check; if you succeed, DC20 Toughness check. If you fail, DC25 Toughness check.

You can act after that.

In the ISS, Argus sends out his telekinetic feelers, this time compensating for the tactile static the PSYCHO disruption units. There, in a central location, presumably the control center of the station, several PSYCHO Drones doing.... something.

As you speed through the ISS corridors, various monitors flicker to life as you pass, only to switch off as you speed past. On each is Digital Demon's face.

"I can't let you do that, Argus," Digital Demon says in his crackling voice. You ignore him, heading toward the PYSCHO agents... and are nearly clothes-lined by the movement of a robotic arm.

You are in a large chamber in the Space Station, presumably the stations robotic drone storage unit. And it looks like each of them has been possessed by Digital Demon. Argus, there are about a dozen robotic drones - mostly just hydraulic Waldos and manipulator arms, though some are equipped with plasma cutting torches. You'll need to incapacitate/destroy/remove as as a threat at least half of them to make space for you get through.
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTi0Va_jtWbO_MfCO0O2yAnmKDKAOkt7 OhcIEU8UFX6JZlvOz_h5g

You guys are sort of in your own scenes, so no real initiative needed.

They are minions, Defense DC18, Toughness 5, but since several of them are mounted to the Space Station itself, TOO much damage (if they fail a Toughness save by 3 Degrees of Failure) can result in structural damage to the station.

You act first.

2013-05-31, 05:50 PM
Captain Nova

The Blonde of Steel saw the massive rock heading towards her and tried to swing away to avoid a direct collision.

Dodge Check: [roll0]

2013-05-31, 05:58 PM
Captain Nova

...Unfortunately she could not react fast enough and the next thing she knew Captain Nova took a rock the size of a truck straight between the eyes.

Toughness Check: [roll0]

2013-05-31, 07:49 PM
Argus assesses the situation, and then heads into the midst of the robot limbs. Spinning waves of telekinetic force our around him, he attempts to send any machine that strikes at him into another machine, especially angling to use the plasma cutters against the others.

Using Telekinetic Sphere to wreak havoc. Not sure if I should be doing it as a readied action or what -- I'll leave the rolling to you, boss!

2013-06-03, 03:00 PM
Captain Nova is unharmed, but you knew that. You can still act.

Argus wades right into the thick of the flailing robotic manipulator arms and sends out a blast of telekinetic force to hold them back. Servos and motors whine as the drone arms fight the telekinesis and single-mindedly attempt to dismember you. More than half of the drones are caught by Argus' powers and held in place, while the remainder scramble to block his passage.

For my sanity, if you can resolve things on your own please do so, and at least include the DC's of your attacks, but it was your birthday so I'll do it for you gladly. I'm assuming you're basically doing an Area Grab with your Telekinetic sphere, so thats how I'm resolving it.

Rolled IRL because there were so dang many... long story short, there were 12 robotic drones. Ultimately, 7 are grabbed, which is more than half and enough for Argus to move past them. The 5 that remain all missed on their attacks.

DC25 Dodge rolls for half area effect - 6 fail, 6 halve the effect. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4074443/)

First 6 are DC20 Strength checks, last 6 are DC15 Strength checks - 5 succeed, 7 are Grabbed. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4074448/)

Argus clears the room full of robotic drones and continues hurrying through the Space Station hall-units, Digital Demon plaguing him at every screen.

"Nothing can stop it now, Argus. Things are going to get a little PSYCHO down below!"
He finally enters the command unit of the station, where a squad of PSYCHO Drones - genetically modified blank slate operatives - are busy assembling some sort of jury-rigged device installed into the command array of the Station. They seem to be almost done calibrating the thing, but lift their vacuous, empty gazes to you as you enter.

5 PSYCHO Drones - minions, Defense DC 16, Toughness 4, but these Drones have a short range teleport defensive ability, meaning you still have a 50% chance of missing them with any attack unless you can come up with some way around it.

You may act first.

2013-06-03, 03:30 PM
Captain Nova

The Blonde of Steel's forehead proved harder than the asteroid. Blinking, she took hold of the craggy surface of the huge rock, braced herself and then hurled it towards Shadow Hawk.

"Hey Shadow - catch!"

Ranged Combat: Throwing [roll0]

2013-06-03, 11:20 PM
The rock hurtles at ridiculous speeds through the vacuum of space - no friction does that - and try as Shadow Hawk might he can't get out of the asteroids way. It shatters on impact, and he disappears in a cloud of dust and debris.

That's a hit. Secret Toughness check, DC27 (your Strength): he fails and is Bruised.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, NOVA!" Shadow Hawk shrieks in your mind.

A blur of motion rockets out of the debris cloud, the faint glow of the quantum energy hovering from Shadow Hawk's back trailing ghosts in your vision. Taking the direct approach, Shadow Hawk is trying to ram directly into Captain Nova!

Not actually a Slam attack, he's simply Power Attacking you.
[roll0] Freaking forum, ok just rolling IRL: 21, he hits you. Roll DC29 Toughness, then you can act.

Argus can still act as well.


2013-06-04, 05:58 AM
Captain Nova

Captain Nova's green eyes widened as her opponent collided with her before she could take evasive action.


2013-06-04, 06:21 AM
Captain Nova

The invunerable Blonde of the Steel blinked as Shadow Hawk cannoned off her, her Nova radiation alterted body more than powerful enough to absorb the blow.

She retaliated with an uppercut to her ex-classmate's jaw. "Consider this my payment Shadow."

Fighting Check: [roll0]

2013-06-04, 11:13 AM
"Drones," Argus deadpans, "really? Clearly this project wasn't top priority."

Dashing into the midst of the mindless constructs on a wave of telekinetic force, Argus snatches up as many of them as he can grab, flinging them against the bulkheads to disable them.

Moving to get as many of the drones as possible in his Telekinetic Sphere, and then throwing them into walls, floor, ceiling, etc. Hard. Sure some will teleport out of the way but it's better than trying to take them one at a time. Attacks and miss chances, we'll say 2s on the latter is a hit: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

2013-06-04, 07:06 PM
Shadow Hawk manages to twist in the vacuum as Captain Nova's blow goes slightly wide. You buzz and fly about each other, jockeying for position for a few moments before he breaks off to get some distance.

"Your check bounced, Nova!" he replies, before generating a pulsating ball of quantum energy in his palms and firing it directly at you. Twisting, Nova dodges and the shot goes wide, heading off into the vast expanse of space.

Your attack misses. He Power Attacks again, this time with an quantum energy blast, but also misses. Your action.

Argus telekinetically reaches out, attempting to grab all the Drones, but three blink out of existence only to reappear out of reach. The two at the console, however, aren't as quick - you have them completely immobilized and hovering in the artificial gravity with your telekinetic grip.

The remainder chitter in the bizarre non-language of Drones and pull blasters from their belts, trying to peg you, but your forcefield deflects the shots easily.

The console they were working on boots up, and a programmed voice says, "Graviton reactor activated, awaiting Etheron Particle Field."

Remember, you don't roll attack checks with Area attacks. Since only two drones didn't teleport out of your grasp (the ones that rolled 2's) I'll use that roll, but with their Dodge modifier of +6 against your Area Grab of DC20... both fail. Strength Checks against DC20 in the off chance they'll actually make it:[roll0], [roll1]

Double fail. Consider them taken out of the scene even though Move Object isn't really an attack; they are minions though so any failure should result in them no longer being a threat. You can fluff knocking their heads into objects or something.

They all attack and guess what I rolled awesome, they all missed. Your action.

2013-06-04, 08:31 PM
Captain Nova

The Blonde of Steel tried to hide her surprise - she couldn't generate energy like that - and swung around in the vacumn to try and deliver a kick with both feet to her opponent's solar plexus.

Fighting Check: [roll0]

2013-06-05, 12:33 PM
With two drones knocked cold, Argus dashes to the console, hoping to safely disable whatever it is PSYCHO is doing.

Technology [roll0]

2013-06-06, 03:23 PM
Captain Nova hits.

Secret Shadow Hawk Toughness check (1 bruise): He fails again, takes another Bruise and is Dazed. He's at -2 Toughness and can only take one Standard Action next turn.

Captain Nova's kick hits Shadow Hawk square in the sternum. His quantum energy forcefield absorbs some of the brunt of the kick - a kick that could easily puncture battleship armor - but it still knocks the wind out of the villain. Staying close to Nova, Shadow Hawk lashes out and tries to grab her arm to pull her around and expose her back.

Shadow Hawk is attempting to Grab Nova; he Accurate Attacks for +2 to hit and latches on. Make a DC22 Strength check or be Grabbed.

Meanwhile, in the command center of the ISS2, Argus attempts to make sense of what the Drones had installed. The technology is beyond him, however; all he can make out is that some sort of device has been installed on the outside of the ISS2 and is going to activate. Before he can get any further, Digital Demon's mocking face appears on the console, locking him out. "Uh uh uh, you didn't say the magic word!"

The remaining Drones level their blasters at Argus, but before they can fire, the wraith-things from before swarm out of the walls and begin flapping and fluttering in between you. They seem to have gained enough substantiality to disrupt the Drones attacks, so most of the blaster fire goes wide, and the Drones begin blinking frenetically all over the place to avoid them. One stray shot manages to hit Argus, however.

"Don't send a drone to do an AI's job," comes Digital Demon's voice from the command center entrance, and as you turn to look, you see that one of DD's heavy combat robots has stomped into the room.

Only one Drone hits; make a DC21 Toughness check.

The Drones are currently occupied and can't really act, but could pose a Complication if you roll a 1 on a check if they are still around.

You can act before DD.

2013-06-06, 04:32 PM
Toughness: [roll0]

2013-06-06, 04:42 PM
Dazed by the drone's blast, Argus manages to keep himself between Digital Demon and the console.

"And never send an insane program with delusions of grandeur to deal with a man," says the Telekinetic Truthseeker, lashing out at the robot with telekinetic force.

Telekinetic Thrust: Attack [roll0] DC 25 toughness.

2013-06-06, 06:27 PM
Captain Nova

The Blonde of Steel winced at Shadow Hawk's touch and grabbed his wrist in turn, trying to tear him off.

Strength Check: [roll0]

2013-06-06, 08:54 PM
"Nova," Argus shouts into his comms, "PSYCHO's attached a device to the outside of the station! We need to remove it before it activates!"

2013-06-06, 09:19 PM
Captain Nova

"I can't." Captain Nova calls back. "I'm busy."

Unable to break Shadow Hawks grip she sends a kick to his kneecap instead.

Fighting Check: [roll0]

2013-06-09, 04:34 PM
Shadow Hawk's strength rivals your own, and he knows enough about grappling and jujutsu to maintain his grip and maneuver your arm into a rough joint-lock. Your superpowered kick catches him off-guard, however, and you drive your foot into his knee: had you been standing, and the leg weight-bearing, you would have snapped it in two. But fighting in space, your kick blasts his leg away and the two of you are sent into a crazy spin. Grunting in pain, Shadow Hawk wrenches at your arm, trying to dislocate it.

Shadow Hawk grabs you - you are both Hindered and Vulnerable.

Captain Nova's attack hits, natch - he fails his Toughness check by 2 DoF and takes another -1 Toughness and is still Dazed. He's at -3 Toughness total.

Because Shadow Hawk has grabbed you, he can automatically apply his Strength Damage without an attack check: make a Toughness check, DC27.

Meanwhile, in the ISS2 command center, Argus battles one of Digital Demon's combat endoskeletons as the Drones continue batting away at the moaning, insubstantial wraith creatures. He drives a telekinetic spear clear through the robots torso with a satisfying crunch, but the droid doesn't appear too badly hampered by its new access port.

A screen with Digital Demon's face pops up near Argus's face.

"Nice hit," the insane AI sings. "Allow me to respond in kind."

The combat robot lifts a massive paw, which clanks and transforms into a heavy laser that it levels right at you.

Almost a crit! You hit DD, and it fails its Toughness check -> its at -1 Toughness.

It attacks straightforwardly and hits you, make a Toughness check, DC25.

A commchannel within the command center buzzes to life, and a heavily accented, staticky voice can be heard.
"CapaZitors .ZZ.. 30%, Etheron partZcle genZZZtion commencing!"

2013-06-09, 04:52 PM
Captain Nova

Captain Nova gasped in shock as Shadow Hawk tried to wrench her arm out of it's socket.

Toughness Check: [roll0]

2013-06-09, 04:59 PM
Captain Nova

Crying out in pain and with her right arm useless Captain Nova tried to summon all her reserves of strength to take out her opponent by slamming her forehead into his face.

Fighting Check: [roll0]

2013-06-09, 08:09 PM
While spinning in space, Captain Nova's perspective goes dizzily out of control - the Earth, the Sun, the ISS2 constantly whiz in and out of your vision, though its no worse than fighter jet aerobatics. Shadow Hawk twists out of the way of your headbutt and pulls himself to further take your back.

"I'll choke the life from you, Nova!"

Nova is at -1 Toughness and is Dazed.

Your headbutt misses. Shadow Hawk is applying his Strength again, make a Toughness check DC27. Remember you can attempt to break free of a Grab as a Move Action.

2013-06-09, 08:19 PM
Captain Nova

The Blonde of Steel gave a gasp of pain and gritted her teeth, trying to resist further injury.

Toughness Check: [roll0]

2013-06-09, 08:21 PM
Captain Nova

In agony Captain Nova tried to wriggle free of Shadow Hawk's death grasp, putting her fading strength to the task.

Athletics Check: [roll0]

2013-06-17, 08:00 PM
Captain Nova, as you continue grappling with Shadow Hawk in the blackness of space, Commander Rodriguez chatters onto your commlink in panic:

"Nova, I've lost contact with Argus... damnit, my sensors are going haywire, something like a solar flare is--_Z__CCCHCHCH"

Your comm drowns in static, and suddenly something, a tremendous force, rocks you and Shadow Hawk apart and sends you hurtling off. You cannot tell if you've blacked out or not, but when you regain control, what appears to be a gigantic stream of multi-colored energy is being projected from the Earth hundreds of kilometers below you and past you into the vast infinity of space. The particle pressure of the energy stream had knocked you and your enemy apart, and you can see Shadow Hawk spinning out of control nearby.

In the corner of your eye, you can see the ISS2 beginning to reorient itself, facing the beam of energy.

2013-06-18, 05:12 PM
Captain Nova

Shocked and dazzled but instinctively realising this was not a good thing the Blonde of Steel flew back towards the ISS2. She doubted she could knock it out of orbit in one blow but she might be able to push it back out of alignment.