View Full Version : Homestuck: Just another day. [IC]

2013-05-25, 12:19 PM
Note on spoilers:
The spoilers are just to stop text taking up so much space, and so that you can skip over bits that don't concern you. You may open other people's spoilers, if you like.

A GIANT SNAKE looks out over the world from SOMEWHERE OF LITTLE IMPORTANCE. All GIANT ANIMALS need some form of NAME. Now, what shall this young gentleserpent's name be?


Your name is JORMUNGANDR LOKISSON. You aren't quite sure why a DEMIGOD like you had to get involved, but apparently, you are RUNNING this game of the SBURB BETA. You can't PLAY, because it requires ARMS, which are neither on your PERSON nor in any RANDOM LOCATION FROM WHICH THEY CAN BE RETRIEVED. It also requires that you be VAGUELY HUMANOID IN FORM, which you are NOT. Also, a DEMIGOD such as yourself would be BLOODY WELL OP, and you know it.

Your INTERESTS include SCREWING AROUND WITH MORTALS WHO HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO and KILLING THOR. Your fetch modus is currently set to DEIFIC. You can captchaloge ANY ITEM, even a HUMAN, a WORLD, or yourself, and you have an INFINITE NUMBER OF CAPTCHALOGUE CARDS. Also, you can RETRIEVE ANY ITEM and PUT IT ANYWHERE, even if you don't actually have it captchalogued.

Your STRIFE SPECIBUS is set to FOURTHWALLKIND, for maximum hilarity. You own EVERYTHING, and your CHUMHANDLE is worldSerpent, due to the fact that you ARE IN FACT THE WORLD SERPENT. You have a tendency to make a point. Then add another. And tack a third on. In a way which is not technically gramatically correct. But you don't really care. Because it's a chat program. You also make IMPORTANT POINTS by putting them in CAPITAL LETTERS. In a manner suspiciously similar to that of the NARRATOR.

==> Jormungandr: Spy on douchebag

Your name is NOMENI FICTUS and you resent being called a douchebag while in your own hive. Speaking of which, you are currently standing in the center of your respiteblock for NO APPARENT REASON.

You have a variety of INTERESTS, though perhaps less than some members of your species, including MUSIC and the QUASI-SPIRITUAL, though you are aware that the latter is NOT VERY LIKELY to actually exist you still hold out some hope. Your interests in music mostly only include CALMING RHYTHMS which are devoid of lyrics, you like to think they possess a certain quality that other artforms cannot match but not many agree with you.

Your blood colour is TEAL, just a step or two above normal greenbloods, as such you are a mite closer to being a Prince than a lowly Pauper although no-one, including you, really cares what end of the hemospectrum you fall on. Your blood affords you one of the best, in your opinion anyway, kind of Lusii ever, a Drake which is essentially a dragon but without wings. In contrast to your AWESOME LUSUS, or perhaps to balance it out, you have No Psychic Abilities to speak of, this is normal for those of your blood but you still feel a little bit peeved about it nontheless.

You are currently waiting to play a game of SOME IMPORT with a few friends. You are soooooo ready for this, it isn't even a thing.

What do you do?

==> Jormungandr: Turn your attention to an innocent girl.

Your name is AMY MALONEY. It's just one more day until you get the SBURB BETA you were going to get. You have many INTERESTING ITEMS around your room, but you haven't captchalogued any of them yet, largely due to the explosive tendencies of your BINDER MODUS. You have, however, set your STRIFE SPECIBUS to WRENCHKIND, just in case you wanted to fix anything.

Your INTERESTS include VIDEO GAMES (At which you are not very good), ARTISTRY (at which ABE swears blind you are amazing, but no-one else seems to appreciate), ROLE PLAYING, READING CLASSICS, ASTROLOGY, COMICONS and BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Your pestertag is jangelaphobicsAnonymous and ya kinda talk like this, suckers!

==> Jormungandr: Pester someone.

The fourth wall of your house shakes. But who are you, anyway?

==> Enter name

Your name is ABE DRESDEN. Tomorrow, you're going to get a copy of the SBURB BETA that your girlfriend was so excited about. Somehow, trying to convince a demigod to run your game for you seemed like a far better idea at the time than it does now.

Your interests include EVERY TYPE OF GAME UNDER THE SUN, SCI-FI, FANTASY and BEING RELIGIOUS. Your TREE MODUS is currently empty, but your STRIFE SPECIBUS is set to WANDKIND. You'd probably be better off with it empty. You have tonnes of items, not least your DESKTOP COMPUTER, which is currently running the PESTERCHUM APPLICATION.

Your chumtag is DUNGEONMASTERY, and it looks like someone's trying to pester you. What do you do?

==>Jormungandr: Look at someone else.

Who is this, now, eh?

==>Enter Name
Fish Biscuits

You should totally throw heavy things at whoever entered that ridiculous names but you are far to BUSY

You have a number of TOTALLY AWESOME hobbies such as D&D, VIDEO GAMES, and READING FANTASY NOVELS which totally need more attention then whatever ASSHAT is behind the damn typewriter. Your name is KYLE KROSIS and you are a TIMELORD. Or at least that is what you are currently playing in your RPG. None of your friends know your REAL NAME and you like it that way. It seems one of Your CHUMS is pestering you. Perhaps you should answer. You quickly pull up your sylladex and once again remember how awesome your PUZZLE MODUS is. You can get any item from it once you figure out the puzzle and you grab your GAMING DICE from them to decide if your going to answer your chum. You roll a 20 so you guess you have to answer him.

Show pesterlog:
[05:18] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] began Trolling astroInnovator [AI] at 17:18 --
[05:18] FP: hey you!
[05:18] AI: You again I see. I had been of the impression that I had blocked you!
[05:19] FP: Well, yeah, but I got better.
[05:20] AI: Well then let us move forward to the part where you tell me what it is that you wish to converse with me about.
[05:20] FP: Well...you still haven't told me how to keep the meteors from happening.
[05:21] FP: You guys disappear pretty quickly in your session, so I'm hoping you have hints.
[05:21] AI: The simple answer to your query is that it can not be done
[05:21] FP: ...why not? I mean...
[05:21] FP: Okay, what causes them?
[05:22] AI: They are paradox spaces tool of assuring that time plays out as it is meant.
[05:23] FP: =/
[05:23] FP: That doesn't really help.
[05:23] AI: I was unaware that I was supposed to be "helping"
[05:24] FP: ...well, with all the...and the...
[05:24] FP: ...
[05:24] AI: let me see if I can discern a more full explanation then
[05:26] AI: You seem to still be under the assumption that there is in fact choice regarding your fate whereas I have seen at least insofar as fate is concerned we have a fixed course (except when we dont. But that is far too complex for this moment). The meteors will come irregardless of what you do. The question that should concern you is wether you will be there when they make their grand arrival
[05:26] FP: a more full explanation?
[05:27] FP: Right...the prototyping and stuff...
[05:28] AI: Yes... Though I would advise against prototyping with what you originally intended to prototype with. Needless to say it would have .... a negative side effect
[05:29] FP: You mean the giant skeleton...? I mean, my ancestor rode it and had no problems.
[05:30] AI: Yes, let us just postulate that your ancestor rode said beast for a very good reason however this reason, when added to the kernalsprite will lead to very bad things for your session.
[05:31] FP: ...(are the kernels evil?)
[05:31] FP: ...('cause that would suck.)
[05:32] AI: No, they are very friendly and helpful but... Well sadly you must trust me. There is much that would be innapropriate to inform you of at this moment that you will soon discover... just don't do it.
[05:33] FP: Right...
[05:33] FP: ...well, I've also been wondering something else.
[05:33] AI: Ask away though I must warn you. I have limited time
[05:34] FP: Oh. Well...what're you like?
[05:34] AI: In which regards?
[05:35] FP: In regards of who you are. As a person.
[05:35] FP: I always talk to someone on the other end of a screen...
[05:36] FP: Sometimes, it's good to think about what they look like.
[05:37] AI: I'm kinda short for a sixteen year old and I wear dark red sunglasses which match the red spikes in my otherwise white hair.
[05:37] FP: ...wow...white hair...
[05:37] FP: =o
[05:38] AI: Yes... My hair lost all of it's color a few years ago when I was dunked into a vat of chemicals
[05:38] FP: Oh.
[05:39] FP: Well, mine is black. And I've got big horns.
[05:39] AI: Kids have a negative reaction to those who do not match their perception of reality.
[05:39] FP: You're only...what, eight sweeps, about?
[05:40] AI: Eight sweeps is I believe the correct analogue for 16 human years.
[05:40] FP: So you're still a "kid".
[05:41] AI: I am in fact still a minor by the standards of my culture
[05:42] FP: So you think it's odd that I have big horns?
[05:42] AI: Well, as engrossing as this conversation has been I must now be leaving, you know Doom and all. I'm not sure if this timeline will remain stable for much longer. And no I think your horns probably fit you quite well.
[05:43] FP: They make me so unbalanced. X<
[05:43] FP: But, uh...
[05:43] FP: Good luck!
[05:43] AI: er excuse me DOOM
[05:43] FP: DOOM
[05:43] AI: Fare thee well
[05:43] FP: Wow, that's ominous.
[05:43] FP: Bye...
[05:43] -- astroInnovator [AI] ceased pestering foureyedPhilosopher [FP] at 17:43 --

Well that was a waste of time. What do you do?

==>Jormungandr: be meta enough to troll the trolls.

Your name is CELIA BELLUS, which may or may not fall in perfectly with your PERSONAL THEME of The SKY. You stand here today in your respiteblock for reasons that escape you at the moment...oh, yeah! You were going out for grub-fries.

You are a BROWNBLOOD, the second-lowest rank available to all creatures on the hemospectrum, and your ANCESTRAL SYMBOL resembles the tail of a monkey. Accordingly you have had a CHIMPANZEE LUSUS for as long as you can remember whom often makes for a good conversation when the internet goes out, as it has done once or twice. Also tied in to your blood-status is your possession of what is possibly a PSYCHIC ABILITY, you are able to learn and retain information very well, especially languages such as those of Your Lusus.

You have INTERESTS, a quality you share with all known life in the universe, and ADVOCATE them to those whom you speak with on a regular basis, although they dissmiss them rather flippantly. Your aforementioned interests mostly include the ALTERNIAN SKY and the large fluffy white clouds which you have been told float inside it, although you enjoy constructing things out of metal and wood, as well as collecting UNIQUE WEAPONS from FLARPing. SKYWATCHING is, unfortunately, a hobby you are only capable of persuing At Night due to your wish to retain the gift of BEING ABLE TO SEE. You have vague memories of a sky which you could stare into openly without fear of OCULAR DISTRESS but cannot recall where they are from. You also wish to Unite the Cultures and often find yourself playing PEACEMAKER between the more Vitrolic of your friends, this doesn't always work right as you are somewhat Socially Awkward when it comes to other trolls.

Your Trolltag is foureyedPhilosopher [FP], and you tend to end your sentences hesitantly...although you also match the quirks of who you're speaking with.

Your STRIFE SPECIBUS is set to MORNINGSTARKIND which acts as a reliable deterrent to those who would Do You Harm, allowing you to retain your status as someone who is Not a BLOODTHIRSTY KILLER. Despite your aforementioned status you do enjoy the game known as FLARP and make sure to keep as many weapons as you can handy, though Morningstarkind will always hold a SPECIAL PLACE IN YOUR HEART.

Your Fetch Modus is the CLOUDY DAY MODUS and can lead to quite some confusion about which item you are even attempting to retrieve. All of the objects that you captchalogue are stored within your modus as is standard however there is an ARBITARY COMPLICATION in that all of the objects are rendered as clouds and therefore become difficult to identify.

You have many weapons in your room, and wish that you could CAPTCHALOGUE THEM ALL. Unfortunately, you don't have nearly that many cards. Instead, you turn to Trollian and start trolling one of your friends.

Show Pesterlog:
[05:18] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] began Trolling astroInnovator [AI] at 17:18 --
[05:18] FP: hey you!
[05:18] AI: You again I see. I had been of the impression that I had blocked you!
[05:19] FP: Well, yeah, but I got better.
[05:20] AI: Well then let us move forward to the part where you tell me what it is that you wish to converse with me about.
[05:20] FP: Well...you still haven't told me how to keep the meteors from happening.
[05:21] FP: You guys disappear pretty quickly in your session, so I'm hoping you have hints.
[05:21] AI: The simple answer to your query is that it can not be done
[05:21] FP: ...why not? I mean...
[05:21] FP: Okay, what causes them?
[05:22] AI: They are paradox spaces tool of assuring that time plays out as it is meant.
[05:23] FP: =/
[05:23] FP: That doesn't really help.
[05:23] AI: I was unaware that I was supposed to be "helping"
[05:24] FP: ...well, with all the...and the...
[05:24] FP: ...
[05:24] AI: let me see if I can discern a more full explanation then
[05:26] AI: You seem to still be under the assumption that there is in fact choice regarding your fate whereas I have seen at least insofar as fate is concerned we have a fixed course (except when we dont. But that is far too complex for this moment). The meteors will come irregardless of what you do. The question that should concern you is wether you will be there when they make their grand arrival
[05:26] FP: a more full explanation?
[05:27] FP: Right...the prototyping and stuff...
[05:28] AI: Yes... Though I would advise against prototyping with what you originally intended to prototype with. Needless to say it would have .... a negative side effect
[05:29] FP: You mean the giant skeleton...? I mean, my ancestor rode it and had no problems.
[05:30] AI: Yes, let us just postulate that your ancestor rode said beast for a very good reason however this reason, when added to the kernalsprite will lead to very bad things for your session.
[05:31] FP: ...(are the kernels evil?)
[05:31] FP: ...('cause that would suck.)
[05:32] AI: No, they are very friendly and helpful but... Well sadly you must trust me. There is much that would be innapropriate to inform you of at this moment that you will soon discover... just don't do it.
[05:33] FP: Right...
[05:33] FP: ...well, I've also been wondering something else.
[05:33] AI: Ask away though I must warn you. I have limited time
[05:34] FP: Oh. Well...what're you like?
[05:34] AI: In which regards?
[05:35] FP: In regards of who you are. As a person.
[05:35] FP: I always talk to someone on the other end of a screen...
[05:36] FP: Sometimes, it's good to think about what they look like.
[05:37] AI: I'm kinda short for a sixteen year old and I wear dark red sunglasses which match the red spikes in my otherwise white hair.
[05:37] FP: ...wow...white hair...
[05:37] FP: =o
[05:38] AI: Yes... My hair lost all of it's color a few years ago when I was dunked into a vat of chemicals
[05:38] FP: Oh.
[05:39] FP: Well, mine is black. And I've got big horns.
[05:39] AI: Kids have a negative reaction to those who do not match their perception of reality.
[05:39] FP: You're only...what, eight sweeps, about?
[05:40] AI: Eight sweeps is I believe the correct analogue for 16 human years.
[05:40] FP: So you're still a "kid".
[05:41] AI: I am in fact still a minor by the standards of my culture
[05:42] FP: So you think it's odd that I have big horns?
[05:42] AI: Well, as engrossing as this conversation has been I must now be leaving, you know Doom and all. I'm not sure if this timeline will remain stable for much longer. And no I think your horns probably fit you quite well.
[05:43] FP: They make me so unbalanced. X<
[05:43] FP: But, uh...
[05:43] FP: Good luck!
[05:43] AI: er excuse me DOOM
[05:43] FP: DOOM
[05:43] AI: Fare thee well
[05:43] FP: Wow, that's ominous.
[05:43] FP: Bye...
[05:43] -- astroInnovator [AI] ceased pestering foureyedPhilosopher [FP] at 17:43 --

Scary. What do you do?

==> Jormungandr: Look at the final character.

Your name is EVAN ROBERTS.

Let's be honest, you're an UNABASHED, FLAMBOYANT DORK. In particular, you're an INDISCRIMINATE HISTORY DORK. Your room is filled with all sorts of historical artifacts, ranging from museum gift shop finds to books on topics of an antiquated persuasion. You've even got a closet filled with PERIOD PIECES and ASSORTED ACCESSORIES - something you might be embarrassed to admit, if you had any sense of awkwardness whatsoever. You've also got a certain PASSION FOR HEROICS: ROLEPLAYING GAMES, HEAVY METAL and FANTASY NOVELS have a place in your interests, driven by a love of heroic escapades.

The fact that you have any friends whatsoever lends itself to the fact that you're a SUCKER FOR ATTENTION. In your eyes, you're the greatest thing since sliced bread - however, you also possess a similarly high opinion of PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE YOU KNOW. For you, everything is JUST AMAZING, and you really like to talk about it.

Even better, you're going to get the SBURB BETA tomorrow. But for now, what do you do?

2013-05-25, 12:51 PM
> Abe: answer mysterious pesterer.

Read pesterlog:
[11:32] -- worldSerpent [WS] began pestering dungeonMastery [DM] at 11:32 --

[11:33] WS: Good day. The GAME has STARTED.
[11:33] DM: Um, I'm sorry, which game is this?
[11:34] DM: Actually, have we spoken before?
[11:34] WS: Ah, now that would be TELLING
[11:35] DM: Um, alright...
[11:35] DM: So, what do you expect me to do?
[11:36] WS: Don't you remember? You asked me to run your GAME for you?
[11:37] WS: Being a DEMIGOD, I am of course unable to PLAY.
[11:37] DM: This is a joke, right?
[11:37] DM: Surely you must be trolling.
[11:37] -- worldSerpent [WS] sighs --
[11:37] WS: Have you got the SBURB BETA yet?
[11:37] DM: No, I'm still waiting.
[11:37] DM: It's supposed to arrive tomorrow.
[11:38] DM: But then, the mail service around here is absolute ****.
[11:38] WS: I told those stupid nibelungen to get it by Friday.
[11:38] DM: Um, okay...
[11:38] WS: Probably your human postmen
[11:38] DM: Must be.
[11:38] WS: Don't ask
[11:38] DM: I wasn't going to.
[11:38] WS: I get a lot of people asking
[11:38] DM: Really.
[11:39] WS: Yeah.
[11:39] WS: Anyway, I'm running the game of SBURB
[11:39] WS: So get used to mne
[11:39] DM: Alright...
[11:39] DM: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now and assume you're not trolling.
[11:39] WS: That's a good idea
[11:40] WS: You might even get bonuses.
[11:40] DM: So, if you're "running" my game, what exactly does that entail?
[11:40] WS: It means I decide what heppens
[11:40] WS: so for example
[11:40] DM: I was under the impression it was a two-player game, and I'd already made arrangements to play it with a friend.
[11:40] DM: But go on.
[11:40] WS: Only two?
[11:40] WS: Oh well
[11:40] DM: Well, the preview articles haven't exactly been clear.
[11:40] WS: I can make enemies and stuff appear
[11:41] WS: Yeah, they're not meant to be
[11:41] WS: You end up playing with people you didn't set out to play with
[11:41] DM: What do you mean? Is it an MMO in some capacity then?
[11:41] WS: Sort of
[11:41] WS: You only have a set number of people in each game
[11:42] WS: It's like a matchmade game
[11:42] DM: Alright.
[11:42] WS: Of course, it's not a normal game in any regard
[11:42] WS: As you may be able to tell
[11:42] DM: And what exactly do you mean by that?
[11:42] WS: Well... I can't say exactly.
[11:43] WS: But
[11:43] WS: I can tell you
[11:43] WS: That it is very hard
[11:43] WS: And not at all predictable
[11:43] DM: Dark Souls is hard. And unpredictable. I doubt it's as simple as that.
[11:44] WS: True enough.
[11:44] WS: You'll find out tomorrow
[11:44] DM: Of course, all this is based on my continued trust that you're not just some troll.
[11:44] DM: Which, I might add, is eroding rapidly.
[11:44] WS: So long as that trust remains.
[11:44] WS: Okay, you seem a bit perturbed.
[11:44] WS: I'll tell you what
[11:45] WS: I'm going to go for now
[11:45] WS: But
[11:45] WS: You should take what little I've said into account
[11:45] WS: Think D&D
[11:45] WS: I'm the DM
[11:45] WS: And I can make anything happen
[11:45] DM: Okay...
[11:45] DM: I'll keep that in mind.
[11:46] WS: Which may prove fatal for your character if you piss me off now
[11:46] DM: Well, it's just a game, after all.
[11:46] WS: Yes, Abe. Just a game. Say hello to Amy from me.

[11:46] -- worldSerpent [WS] ceased pestering dungeonMastery [DM] at 11:46 --

2013-05-25, 01:01 PM
You cease pestering him. Maybe you'll see if the trolls know anything later.

Well, that was creepy. You feel sure that you don't know that guy, but he was apparently RUNNING the game. He seemed SURPRISED that you weren't playing yet. He was probably waiting for you to log on.

Enough about him. What next?

2013-05-25, 01:49 PM
>Amy: Explore room.

2013-05-25, 01:57 PM
You aren't in your room!
Instead, you're in the basement--which might as well BE your room, as you do EVERYTHING down here. Writing, artistry, flailing your WRENCH around like some kind of lunatic and even the occasional bout of SEWING.

But today, your interests are focused mostly on the arrival of your copy of SBURB BETA, the hot new game everyone's buzzing about these days. You've heard it's SUPER IMMERSIVE, and SWEET BRO AND HELLA JEFF (aka the best webcomic on the face of the planet) even had an entire strip devoted to it!
You're SUPER PUMPED about it, but there's a NAGGING UNEASE at the back of your mind.

ABE seems super serious about your BUDDING RELATIONSHIP, and you've been getting a little ANTSY... You feel like your heart's JUST NOT IN IT, but you don't want to hurt him.
If you let this go on longer, it'll only get worse, but you have a nasty habit of AVOIDING PROBLEMS until they go CRITICAL MASS.

Someone's pestering you, but it's not abe. Wierd. What do you do?

2013-05-25, 02:04 PM
>Amy: Converse with stranger.

2013-05-25, 02:52 PM
Show pesterlog:-- worldSerpent [WS] began pestering jangelaphobicsAnonymous [JA] at 19:57 --
[07:57] WS: Hi there
[07:58] JA: yo who dis
[07:58] WS: My name is NOT IMPORTANT, and you would likely not BELIEVE me if I told you
[07:58] JA: ok but fo realsies
[07:58] JA: who dis
[07:59] WS: also, there are MORE IMPORTANT things to talk about.
[07:59] JA: ok
[07:59] JA: if you say so pal
[07:59] WS: Have you aquired the SBURB beta yet?
[07:59] JA: uh no
[07:59] JA: maybe
[07:59] JA: sorta?
[07:59] JA: i think its upstairs
[07:59] WS: Abe said he was getting his tomorrow
[07:59] JA: why
[08:00] WS: I'm running the game
[08:00] JA: oh are you one of his buddies
[08:00] WS: Sort of
[08:00] JA: so youre the server
[08:00] JA: for like
[08:00] JA: all of us?
[08:01] JA: evan and abe and me?
[08:01] WS: Well, not really a server. A server is a peice of computer hardware
[08:01] WS: I'm liek a DM
[08:01] WS: Like, I mean
[08:01] JA: liek totes
[08:01] JA: for realsies
[08:01] WS: Indeed.
[08:01] JA: hm ok
[08:01] JA: sounds p cool to me
[08:01] WS: All right.
[08:01] JA: i guess i should get that beta then
[08:02] WS: Yes.
[08:02] JA: aright
[08:02] WS: It should arrive tomorrow, if you don't have it already
[08:02] JA: i look forward to playing with a fellow serpent enthusiast
[08:02] JA: *dances in chair*
[08:02] WS: Uh, yes
[08:02] JA: snakes are the coolest oh man
[08:03] WS: I get to be Jormungandr, the norse demigod, in the game
[08:03] JA: wow! the world serpent???
[08:03] JA: so
[08:03] JA: coooooooool
[08:03] JA: brb lol
[08:03] WS: All right
-- jangelaphobicsAnonymous [JA] ceased pestering [COLOR="Cyan"]worldSerpent [WS]
-- jangelaphobicsAnonymous [JA] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
-- jangelaphobicsAnonymous [JA] changed their mood to CHUMMY --
-- jangelaphobicsAnonymous [JA] began pestering worldSerpent [WS] at 20:10 --
[08:10] JA: aight im back
[08:10] JA: beta in hand
[08:10] JA: look at this house logo
[08:10] WS: That was quick
[08:10] JA: mmmmmmmmmmmmm
[08:10] WS: Oh well.
[08:10] JA: dat
[08:10] JA: house
[08:10] JA: shes a brick
[08:10] JA: house
[08:10] WS: Yup. Definitely a house
[08:10] JA: that pristine packaging
[08:11] JA: oh dis gun b gud
[08:11] WS: Yeah.
[08:11] WS: Abe's not got his yet, so you're on your own for a while.
[08:11] JA: i just had to rummage through the piles upon piles of paper in the kitchen
[08:11] JA: ok!
[08:11] JA: (dont tell him i said this but)
[08:11] JA: (i think it might be good for me to retreat for a while)
[08:12] WS: That's fair
[08:12] JA: (i dont know how to relationship)
[08:12] JA: (and frankly im a little scared and i just kinda)
[08:12] JA: (whatever)
[08:12] JA: (you dont need to hear about me and my problems all the time)
[08:12] WS: True, but maybe I can sort them out. It loaded yet?
[08:13] JA: damn it
[08:13] JA: im lagging
[08:13] WS: Oh.
[08:13] WS: Yeah, it's a bit CPU-intensive
[08:13] JA: probably shouldve closed some browser tabs before plugging this sucker in
[08:13] JA: or at least closed my music
[08:13] WS: Nah, it'll pul through
[08:13] WS: *pull
[08:14] JA: ok
[08:14] JA: aw heck its playin some funky tunes of its own
[08:14] JA: wowza
[08:14] JA: a+ 100% quality loading here
[08:14] WS: Since it takes so long, the developers figured it may as well look cool
[08:15] JA: neato dorito
[08:15] JA: closed photoshop too
[08:15] JA: that oughta help it get loading
[08:16] WS: If it's your connection, closing photoshop won't help
[08:16] JA: nah i think i just need more available computing power
[08:16] WS: Fair enough
[08:16] JA: my connections gr8
[08:17] -- worldSerpent [WS] nods --
[08:17] JA: *dances along to catchy opening tune*
[08:17] JA: oh i think its almost loaded!
[08:17] WS: You know you can put /me rather than **s
[08:17] WS: so if you write /me explains:
[08:17] -- worldSerpent [WS] explains --
[08:17] JA: i like my **
[08:17] WS: Fair enough
[08:17] JA: *Roleplays aggressively.*
[08:18] -- worldSerpent [WS] DMs defensively --
[08:18] JA: *it's super effective!*
[08:18] WS: Hehe.
[08:18] WS: I'll be right back, it should have loaded by then
[08:18] JA: fast times here on pester chum dot blog
[08:18] JA: kk
[08:18] JA: ill be here
[08:19] WS: Back
[08:19] WS: Loaded?
[08:19] JA: yup
[08:19] JA: i got a screen thing with "sburb" in big block letters
[08:20] WS: Right. Welcome to the Sburb beta
[08:20] JA: so from what i read in game bro (aka the best vidya magazine ever) i need a server if im a client and a client if im a server
[08:21] JA: i think i have the client copy
[08:21] WS: Right. I have the server copy
[08:21] WS: And a spare client copy
[08:21] JA: so that makes you my server!
[08:21] WS: Sorta
[08:21] JA: swiggity swame WE GON PLAY THIS GAME
[08:21] JA: hell ya
[08:22] JA: so um
[08:22] JA: what do i have to do now
[08:22] WS: Okay, you see that panel at the top of the screen
[08:22] JA: yeah
[08:22] JA: what's that all about
[08:22] WS: You see the move arrow?
[08:22] WS: Try it
[08:22] JA: ok
[08:23] WS: See that you can pick things up?
[08:23] JA: oh hey!
[08:23] JA: fun
[08:23] JA: im moving things WITH MY MIIIIIIIIND
[08:23] WS: Now, turn to look at the object in real life
[08:23] JA: 2sp00ky
[08:23] JA: waIT WHA T
[08:24] JA: this is unnerving
[08:24] WS: Sburb is like an expansion pack to real life
[08:24] JA: jfc
[08:24] JA: like actually
[08:24] JA: wait hold on gonna pick myself up
[08:25] WS: Yeah
[08:25] JA: ok ok im cool
[08:25] JA: its cool
[08:25] JA: im back in the chair
[08:25] WS: Good
[08:25] JA: all is well with the universe
[08:25] JA: so uh
[08:25] JA: what does the rest of this do
[08:25] JA: all the stuff along the top
[08:25] WS: Many things. Oh, first you may want to find yourself a portable internet device so you can do this anywhere
[08:26] JA: iphone?
[08:26] JA: iphone
[08:26] WS: That'll do
[08:26] JA: ok good
[08:26] WS: Right, the other buttons
[08:26] JA: those might be important
[08:26] WS: Revise allows you to change things in the world.
[08:26] JA: dude
[08:27] JA: that is some delerious biznasty right there
[08:27] JA: so i can just play around with reality like some sorta ****ty sims clone
[08:27] JA: best
[08:27] JA: game
[08:27] JA: ever
[08:27] WS: Yes. Deploy allows you to put stuff in your inventory down. However, nothing is in it yet
[08:27] JA: ok
[08:28] JA: when do i get stuff
[08:28] JA: can i use this stuff i have
[08:28] WS: You have to pick it up using move and drag it into the inventory
[08:28] JA: i think i can do that
[08:28] JA: wow i just picked up this whole pile of stuff and put it in there
[08:28] JA: like
[08:29] JA: that stack of papers and journals and sewing needles
[08:29] JA: even the plastic dinosaurs
[08:29] JA: all in the inventory
[08:29] WS: The other things you should know about are grist and alchemy
[08:29] JA: alchemy???????
[08:29] JA: like lead into gold or what
[08:29] JA: am i gonna be bitchin rich
[08:30] WS: Not entirely. Grist is earned primarily through defeating enemies, and can be used through alchemy to create or upgrade objects
[08:30] JA: enemies?!
[08:30] JA: aw **** son
[08:30] JA: betta get my wrench on
[08:30] WS: For a safer example, I'll give you some grist and stick an upgrading machine in your inventory.
[08:31] WS: But first, the wrench
[08:31] JA: i have one
[08:31] JA: its big
[08:31] JA: and heavy
[08:31] JA: and its a wrench
[08:31] JA: imma bash some sKULLS IN HELL YEAH
[08:31] WS: To get it equipped, you need to captchalogue it. Which sounds wierd, but it's like an inventory for little things
[08:31] JA: ok i think i can do that
[08:32] WS: Then, you need to equip it to your strife specibus, which is like your active weapon. I should warn you, you can't reassign strife so you're stuck with the wrench
[08:32] JA: w/e dude
[08:32] JA: wrenches are great
[08:32] JA: i love wrences
[08:33] JA: *wrenches lol
[08:33] WS: Okay. all equipped?
[08:33] JA: wenches
[08:33] JA: winches
[08:33] WS: :p
[08:33] JA: whatever yeah i got it
[08:33] JA: wrenchkind
[08:33] WS: You love wenches, eh? Don't hear that every day.
[08:33] JA: when do i get to snap some necks
[08:33] WS: Not yet.
[08:33] JA: oh
[08:33] JA: dangit
[08:33] JA: foiled again
[08:33] WS: First, that wrench looks awesome but it's not the world's best weapon
[08:34] WS: About alchemy
[08:34] WS: I've given you some grist, and stuck an upgrading machine in your inventory.
[08:34] WS: Deploy the machine
[08:34] JA: deploying machine
[08:34] JA: uh
[08:34] JA: jeez this thing is massive
[08:34] WS: Oh, yeah.
[08:34] JA: ill just put it over in the tv room
[08:35] JA: not enough free space in here
[08:35] JA: move the couches outta the way and bam
[08:35] JA: there we go
[08:35] JA: one alchimithingy
[08:35] JA: now what do i do with it
[08:35] WS: That'll do. Take your I-phone and load sburb on that; you need to go to the alchemiser personally
[08:36] JA: **** dude
[08:36] JA: my dad just got home
[08:36] JA: jfc ill be back later
[08:36] -- jangelaphobicsAnonymous [JA] has become an idle chum! --
[08:36] WS: Uh, okay. Stick the thing back in your inventory
[08:36] WS: ...You begin to CONVERSE with the STRANGER. It appears that he is RUNNING the game of SBURB. He also seems to be a fellow SNAKE-LOVER. And boy, you do love snakes. You're just getting into the MAGIC of the SBURB BETA when your dad turns up. What do you do?

2013-05-25, 03:55 PM
==> Cielia: Continue trying to find out all you can about this impending DOOM.

2013-05-25, 04:00 PM
You try to find out about this DOOM, but you are interrupted by your trollian going off. Someone's trying to pester you. What do you do?

2013-05-25, 04:03 PM
==> Cielia: Answer.

(Also, it's Cielia, not Celia. Six letters.)

2013-05-25, 06:11 PM
==> Nomeni: Begin gaming preparations. Muse on the idea of actually getting to murder something other than the stray aquatic lusii which occasionally wash up on your beach.

2013-05-25, 06:47 PM
==>Stop being future kyle. It's too early in the alpha timeline for all that nonsense just yet.

2013-05-26, 03:34 AM
4(+1 skill)

You begin DANCING for joy and humming some tunes as you prepare by......

Come to think of it you DON'T REALLY KNOW what you're meant to be doing. It'd be best if you actually had SOME IDEA what you were meant to do so that you didn't inevitably KILL YOUR CO-PLAYER, speaking of which you should probably get her attention.


[12:39] -- erroneousApellation [EA] began trolling foureyedPhilosopher [FP] at 00:39 --
[12:39] EA: Hey~
[12:40] FP: Hey, Douchebag.
[12:40] FP: Nomeni. Sorry...
[12:40] EA: Tis fine, its not like you haven't made the same mistake before~
[12:41] FP: Yeah...~
[12:41] FP: So, ready to go on this game?~
[12:41] EA: It's why I started trolling you.~
[12:42] FP: Right!~
[12:42] EA: I'm practically all set up, you find out anything new?~
[12:42] FP: Well...~
[12:42] FP: Let's see.~
[12:42] FP: Whatever you do, don't prototype anything before entering the Medium.~
[12:43] EA: I'll keep that in mind.~
[12:43] FP: After you get in, though, go crazy.~
[12:43] FP: We get hints and such from our sprites.~
[12:43] FP: And they even help in fighting.~
[12:43] EA: Note to self: Prototype something really big/strong~
[12:44] FP: I've already got my Ancestor's Lusus in mind for it. The skeleton, at least.~
[12:44] FP: Kong.~
[12:44] EA: Jegus, isn't that a little overboard?~
[12:44] EA: You want to do some fighting yourself right?~
[12:44] FP: Well, it's the two of us against, and with, the four humans.~
[12:45] EA: Point taken.~
[12:45] FP: From what I can tell, we have to be the villains.~
[12:45] FP: Or...antiheroes.~
[12:45] FP: In fact, we're just antagonists in general.~
[12:45] FP: Which is pretty racist.~
[12:45] EA: Let's just crush them & get it overwith.~
[12:45] EA: Racism notwithst&ing.~
[12:46] FP: Maybe.
[12:46] EA: You're worried?~
[12:46] FP: They've got a hero of Space and a hero of Time.
[12:46] FP: Which means that we need them to finish.
[12:47] EA: It's too bad I can't use Void for mind control, it would be a lot easier that way. ~
[12:47] FP: At the same time, their session goes dark pretty early...
[12:47] EA: And that is a bad thing right?~
[12:47] FP: Wait.~
[12:47] FP: Void!~
[12:47] FP: That's you.~
[12:47] EA: Mhmm, tis what I said.~
[12:47] FP: It means that we make contact early on.~
[12:48] FP: If we can't see what's going on, it's because you're Voiding the **** out of them.~
[12:48] EA: I was under the impression that that would involve violence, hence my being a 'prince'~
[12:48] FP: Right.~
[12:48] FP: Using Void as a weapon. Destroying through use of Void.~
[12:49] EA: One day I will take the time to memorise this stuff....~
[12:49] FP: As Witch of Light, I'm supposed to dramatically screw around with its natural laws.~
[12:49] FP: And that's okay! I do a lot of roleplaying & such.~
[12:49] FP: So this is easy for me.~
[12:50] EA: I'm glad, you have some talent for it at least.~
[12:50] FP: Yeah. How's your bat treating you?~
[12:50] EA: Well enough, it hasn't broken yet.~
[12:51] FP: It shouldn't! I put a metal bar in that thing.~
[12:51] EA: True, true.~
[12:51] EA: The lusii that wash up around here ARE pretty tough though.~
[12:51] FP: It'll only get better once we start combining items.~
[12:51] FP: And yeah, I don't have that problem.~
[12:52] EA: Congrats, mainl& scum.~
[12:52] FP: I live in the woods, & I can scream like Kong.~
[12:52] FP: Besides, you're going to outlive me, jerk.~
[12:52] EA: Woah, woah. ~
[12:52] EA: Where did that come from. ~
[12:52] EA: You never mentioned this.~
[12:53] FP: ...~
[12:53] FP: I'm lucky if I hit fourty sweeps, dude.~
[12:53] FP: You're over the hundred territory.~
[12:53] EA: Oh right, I thought you meant gamewiise~
[12:53] EA: Pfft, just hit godtier. It'll be fine.~
[12:54] FP: XD. True.~
[12:54] FP: Means that we both have to commit ritual suicide.~
[12:54] EA: I might be able to empathise with all those fishy lusus-bastards once I've been on the receiving end.~
[12:54] EA: Its no big deal though.~
[12:55] FP: Yeah.~
[12:55] FP: Derse is going to suck, though, from what I hear.~
[12:55] EA: ....~
[12:55] EA: You've got me there.~
[12:55] EA: Have fun in glowy-dreaml&~
[12:56] FP: Psssh. Prospit?~
[12:56] EA: Yeah~
[12:56] FP: They're supposed to be a bunch of complacent...~
[12:56] FP: Well, pawns.~
[12:56] FP: There's a reason the Dersites always kick their asses.~
[12:56] EA: At least you'll be away from the afrementioned dersites trying to hunt your ass down~
[12:57] EA: I sleep in their damn neighbourhood.~
[01:00] EA: So. Who gets to install first?~
[01:00] FP: Hmm. I'd rather get you in first.~
[01:00] FP: But we can probably do this simultaneously.~
[01:00] FP: Just deploy the machines, & run around to make the special thing.~
[01:01] FP: Then get in the game, &...poof!~
[01:01] FP: Might need to ask WS for grist though.~
[01:01] EA: ...~
[01:01] EA: Damnit.~
[01:02] EA: That guy has way too much fun messing with us, why would he help?~
[01:03] FP: He already captchalogued meteors.~
[01:03] EA: Seriously!?~
[01:03] EA: Huh.~
[01:03] FP: Although I think I insulted his mother.~
[01:03] EA: How would you even....~
[01:03] FP: She only has three kids.~
[01:05] EA: You realise I haven't spent any time researching his biology right?~
[01:05] EA: I have no idea how that even works. And don't tell me.~
[01:08] EA: Girl, you suck at continuing conversations.~
[01:08] EA: Whatever.~
[01:09] FP: Sorry...~
[01:09] FP: I got distracted. There was a cloud going by.~
[01:09] EA: ...~
[01:09] EA: I will never underst& your fascination.~
[01:10] EA: Just be ready to install both copies & try not to kill me, I'll do you the same courtesy, alright?~
[01:10] FP: I like to captchalogue stuff so that I can watch them float around. <3~
[01:10] FP: Erp. That doesn't really work with the quirk...~
[01:10] EA: ¬.¬ ~
[01:10] EA: No, I see that now.~
[01:12] EA: SNAP OUT OF IT!~
[01:12] -- erroneousApellation [EA] is going. Try to be lucid when he enters. --
[01:12] FP: What?~
[01:13] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] sighs. Okay. --
[01:13] EA: Good luck.~
[01:13] -- erroneousApellation [EA] gave up trolling foureyedPhilosopher [FP] at 01:13 --

Surprisingly, she was more awake during that conversation than most of your previous ones. Best get to INSTALLING THE BETA. You begin running the aforementioned WORLD ENDING PROGRAM and hope that death does not come knocking too soo-
She's pestering you now. What is it.

[01:13] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] began trolling erroneousApellation [EA] at 01:13 --
[01:13] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] begins installing the...game... --
[01:13] -- erroneousApellation [EA] is installing the client copy now --
[01:13] FP: NOMENI~
[01:14] EA: ?~
[01:14] FP: IT'S...~
[01:14] EA: It has clouds doesn't it?~
[01:14] FP: It's got clouds & this cool swirly thing & ohmygod.~
[01:14] EA: It's not that impressive.~
[01:15] FP: And there's music.~
[01:15] EA: :| ~
[01:15] EA: Ok yeah, those are pretty sweet tunes~
[01:15] FP: Doo doo doo, de doo doo de deedle doo~~
[01:15] EA: Deedle?~
[01:15] FP: Yes, deedle.~
[01:16] FP: It should be doo de-eeeeedle doo, really.~
[01:16] FP: It's hard to type sounds sometimes.~
[01:16] EA: Well you could've mentioned that it was an extended note ¬.¬ ~
[01:17] -- erroneousApellation [EA] wonders how long this thing is gunna take. --
[01:17] FP: Maybe.~
[01:17] FP: Oh, it's up!~
[01:17] EA: Nice ~
[01:17] EA: Mines crescendo-ing now~
[01:17] FP: ...so this is what your place looks like.~
[01:17] EA: Shut up. Its awesome~
[01:17] EA: Oh mines done.~
[01:18] EA: Better get going.~
[01:18] FP: ...er.~
[01:18] FP: Right.~
[01:18] EA: Deploy the shiz. I'll install my server copy while I do stuff.~
[01:18] -- erroneousApellation [EA] is AFK --
[01:18] -- erroneousApellation [EA] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
[01:18] -- foureyedPhilosopher's [FP'S] internet borks, sending something crashing through the wall. --
[01:18] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] gave up trolling erroneousApellation [EA] at 01:18 --
Well that went well, awkward coversation aside. You begin installing the SERVER COPY and get to looking for the various objects that Cielia is supposed to be deploying. And you definitely make sure t- HOLY CHIRST WHAT JUST HAPPENED, THAT WAS YOUR WALL!


You successfully REVERT to the current time zone WITHOUT INCIDENT. This may be a good thing. You are in ROUGHLY THE SAME SITUATION AS BEFORE. What do you do?

Show pesterlog:
[10:00] -- worldSerpent [WS] began pestering foureyedPhilosopher [FP] at 22:00 --
[10:00] WS: Hello there
[10:00] FP: ...oh, hi.
[10:01] FP: I was just...yh...
[10:01] WS: You were just?
[10:01] FP: Uh...
[10:01] FP: Blogging?
[10:01] WS: I see
[10:01] WS: How progresses the game, if at all?
[10:01] FP: ...bah. The game.
[10:02] FP: >.>
[10:02] FP: I've been trying to find out what I can, if you want the truth.
[10:02] WS: You mean about the DOOM?
[10:03] FP: The DOOM.
[10:03] WS: Meteors, was it?
[10:03] FP: Meteors.
[10:03] FP: And we can't stop them, apparently.
[10:04] WS: Oh, I can just captchalogue them. Then I can put them somewhere else for the funnies
[10:04] FP: ...wait, what?
[10:05] FP: That's possible?
[10:05] WS: Defic fetch modus
[10:05] WS: I can captchalogue anything
[10:05] WS: *Deific
[10:05] FP: ...
[10:05] FP: From what I understand, that'd cause a paradox. Or something.
[10:06] WS: Really?
[10:06] WS: Oh, I can just put something in the way
[10:06] FP: Well, they're supposed to happen no matter what.
[10:06] FP: And I read something about armageddon being the purpose of the game...
[10:07] FP: Which I've apparently unleashed just by getting a copy of the thing.
[10:07] WS: I can retrieve any item, even if I don't have it captchalogued. I can just stick something in the way. You may also be forgetting that I'm running this game. I decide its purpose
[10:07] FP: ...okay, then.
[10:08] FP: So what do I do?
[10:08] WS: You're supposed to be in direct confrontation with the humans. And that would be no fun if you got destroyed. Carry on as normal for now; most of them don't even have the game
[10:08] WS: I'll deal with the meteors.
[10:09] FP: Direct conflict...oh, humans!
[10:09] WS: Yup
[10:09] FP: Yeah, they go dark for some reason. I guess that's by design.
[10:09] FP: But we're literally going to have to fight them?
[10:10] WS: No.
[10:10] WS: You will just work to each others' detriment
[10:10] FP: So...a competition.
[10:10] FP: To see who can finish first...
[10:11] WS: First, you need to work out what you're finishing
[10:11] WS: And why
[10:11] FP: Well, if the game unleashes armageddon...
[10:11] FP: Then playing it would probably set everything to normal.
[10:11] WS: It won't. That's just the basic game package, I forgot to change it.
[10:12] FP: But if there's no world-destroying thingerbob, then we're just playing for the hell of it?
[10:12] WS: No. It's still important
[10:12] FP: To whom?
[10:12] WS: Everyone. And there may still be a world-destroying thingerbob, just a thingerbob of a different nature
[10:13] FP: ...so DOOM, but with an alternate flavor.
[10:13] WS: Hmm.
[10:13] WS: In a sense
[10:13] WS: As well as working against the humans, you may also have to work with them
[10:13] FP: ...uh-huh...
[10:14] WS: In the face of a GREATER THREAT
[10:14] FP: How many?
[10:14] WS: Humans? Only one is connected to the game at present.
[10:14] FP: But how many are there going to play?
[10:14] WS: Three
[10:15] WS: No, four
[10:15] FP: ...I guess I could get Douchebag to play, but I'm not sure if I can get any others...
[10:15] FP: Er. Nomeni.
[10:16] FP: Force of habit.
[10:16] WS: One of them is determined to hide himself from me. In any case, I believe that you two are the only trolls
[10:16] WS: You will have to work with superior tactics
[10:16] WS: And your KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME
[10:17] FP: Yeah, they have a hero of Time and a hero of Space.
[10:17] FP: From what I understand.
[10:17] WS: Indeedy. This is why you may need to work with them.
[10:17] WS: Among other reasons
[10:17] FP: In a sense, we're a part of their session.
[10:17] WS: Yes
[10:18] FP: Or we're just in one of the failing ones if we don't play along.
[10:18] WS: Like the villains, who turn out to be on the same side
[10:18] FP: Antiheroes~!
[10:18] WS: Maybe
[10:18] FP: ...I'm not doing any angsty stuff, though.
[10:19] WS: You'd do well not to.
[10:19] FP: Yeah, it's like...
[10:19] FP: I'm eight and a half sweeps old.
[10:19] -- worldSerpent [WS] ceased pestering foureyedPhilosopher [FP] at 22:19 --
[10:19] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] began pestering worldSerpent [WS] at 22:19 --
[10:19] FP: Son of a bitch.
[10:19] WS: ?
[10:20] FP: GAH
[10:20] FP: Uh.
[10:20] WS: ?
[10:20] FP: ...thought you disappeared or something.
[10:20] WS: No, it just screwed up
[10:21] WS: And then you insulted my mother
[10:21] FP: Bad net? I get that sometimes.
[10:21] FP: Sign...er.
[10:21] FP: Your grubmother?
[10:21] WS: No
[10:21] WS: Never mind
[10:21] WS: Anyway
[10:21] FP: I'm sorry! I'm sure the weight from all six thousand of her kids looks...very flattering...!
[10:22] WS: Six thousand? She only has three
[10:22] FP: ...wow, she's pretty underproductive.
[10:22] WS: Yeah, we gods only reproduce as fast as humans
[10:23] FP: ...wow.
[10:23] FP: You all must be endangered or something.
[10:23] WS: Yeah, gods are a dying breed
[10:23] FP: ...would you like a hug?
[10:24] WS: I can't really hug. I've always thought of hugging as being one of those things that required arms
[10:24] FP: How do you type, then?
[10:24] WS: Teeth. It's a fine art.
[10:25] FP: Ouch.
[10:25] WS: Not really
[10:25] FP: ...anyway, I was about to say that this would be really complicated if we had, like...
[10:25] FP: Twelve seven-sweepers around.
[10:25] WS: Hmm.
[10:25] FP: Just the two of us seems like a lot less trouble.
[10:26] WS: Yeah, but none of the other buggars will play
[10:26] FP: ...that's a good thing.
[10:26] WS: Fair enough
[10:26] FP: I mean, kinda.
[10:27] WS: The first time it was run through, 4 humans went against 12 trolls
[10:27] FP: There's this really psychotic girl that I like, but she doesn't like games at ALL, and...
[10:27] FP: 8o
[10:27] WS: The trolls kept on fighting each other rather than the humans
[10:27] WS: Maybe it's better with just two
[10:28] FP: Maybe!
[10:28] FP: And Douchebag is pretty calm.
[10:28] FP: NOMENI
[10:28] WS: This is true.
[10:29] FP: So. There's tiers, there's some sort of battle, there's the devices needed to enter the gameworld...
[10:29] WS: Essentially
[10:29] FP: I've been trying to work out why prototyping is a bad thing.
[10:30] WS: And what did you come up with
[10:30] WS: ?
[10:30] FP: A dodging of the question, and a "Trust me, don't ****ing prototype your giant skeleton-thing."
[10:31] FP: So prototyping before entering seems a bad idea for some reason.
[10:31] FP: But I do know prototyping is a required thing.
[10:31] WS: Required and yet bad?
[10:31] FP: Which means I have to wait until after entering.
[10:32] WS: Fair enough
[10:32] FP: Because there's also hints and help that come from your sprite.
[10:32] WS: Correct.
[10:33] WS: In any case, I'd better get rid of these meteors before I forget.
[10:33] -- worldSerpent [WS] captchalogues the meteors --
[10:33] FP: ...
[10:33] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] looks outside. --
[10:33] FP: Well.
[10:34] WS: Yup. All gone
[10:34] WS: I can also captchalogue you, if I so choose
[10:35] WS: In any case, there are matters which require my attendance. Good day.
[10:35] -- worldSerpent [WS] ceased pestering foureyedPhilosopher [FP] at 22:35 --

Well, you've certainly solved your DOOM problem. What do you do?

2013-05-26, 04:54 AM
==>Check my CD tray for my copy of the SBURB BETA.

2013-05-26, 06:01 AM
==> Cielia: Get your partner ready.

2013-05-26, 08:56 AM

What luck! A copy of the SBURB BETA. It even has a little set of INSTRUCTIONS next to it, but they don't seem to match up to what you were expecting. (You can captchalogue the instructions and start using them whenever you're in SBURB, but even if you read them successfully, there's only a 2/3 chance they'll tell you what you want. There's a 1/6 chance of telling you something ERRONEOUS, and a 1/6 chance of telling you NOTHING AT ALL.)

What do you do?

You begin Trolling DOUCHEBAG(Nomeni!).

[12:39] -- erroneousApellation [EA] began trolling foureyedPhilosopher [FP] at 00:39 --
[12:39] EA: Hey~
[12:40] FP: Hey, Douchebag.
[12:40] FP: Nomeni. Sorry...
[12:40] EA: Tis fine, its not like you haven't made the same mistake before~
[12:41] FP: Yeah...~
[12:41] FP: So, ready to go on this game?~
[12:41] EA: It's why I started trolling you.~
[12:42] FP: Right!~
[12:42] EA: I'm practically all set up, you find out anything new?~
[12:42] FP: Well...~
[12:42] FP: Let's see.~
[12:42] FP: Whatever you do, don't prototype anything before entering the Medium.~
[12:43] EA: I'll keep that in mind.~
[12:43] FP: After you get in, though, go crazy.~
[12:43] FP: We get hints and such from our sprites.~
[12:43] FP: And they even help in fighting.~
[12:43] EA: Note to self: Prototype something really big/strong~
[12:44] FP: I've already got my Ancestor's Lusus in mind for it. The skeleton, at least.~
[12:44] FP: Kong.~
[12:44] EA: Jegus, isn't that a little overboard?~
[12:44] EA: You want to do some fighting yourself right?~
[12:44] FP: Well, it's the two of us against, and with, the four humans.~
[12:45] EA: Point taken.~
[12:45] FP: From what I can tell, we have to be the villains.~
[12:45] FP: Or...antiheroes.~
[12:45] FP: In fact, we're just antagonists in general.~
[12:45] FP: Which is pretty racist.~
[12:45] EA: Let's just crush them & get it overwith.~
[12:45] EA: Racism notwithst&ing.~
[12:46] FP: Maybe.
[12:46] EA: You're worried?~
[12:46] FP: They've got a hero of Space and a hero of Time.
[12:46] FP: Which means that we need them to finish.
[12:47] EA: It's too bad I can't use Void for mind control, it would be a lot easier that way. ~
[12:47] FP: At the same time, their session goes dark pretty early...
[12:47] EA: And that is a bad thing right?~
[12:47] FP: Wait.~
[12:47] FP: Void!~
[12:47] FP: That's you.~
[12:47] EA: Mhmm, tis what I said.~
[12:47] FP: It means that we make contact early on.~
[12:48] FP: If we can't see what's going on, it's because you're Voiding the **** out of them.~
[12:48] EA: I was under the impression that that would involve violence, hence my being a 'prince'~
[12:48] FP: Right.~
[12:48] FP: Using Void as a weapon. Destroying through use of Void.~
[12:49] EA: One day I will take the time to memorise this stuff....~
[12:49] FP: As Witch of Light, I'm supposed to dramatically screw around with its natural laws.~
[12:49] FP: And that's okay! I do a lot of roleplaying & such.~
[12:49] FP: So this is easy for me.~
[12:50] EA: I'm glad, you have some talent for it at least.~
[12:50] FP: Yeah. How's your bat treating you?~
[12:50] EA: Well enough, it hasn't broken yet.~
[12:51] FP: It shouldn't! I put a metal bar in that thing.~
[12:51] EA: True, true.~
[12:51] EA: The lusii that wash up around here ARE pretty tough though.~
[12:51] FP: It'll only get better once we start combining items.~
[12:51] FP: And yeah, I don't have that problem.~
[12:52] EA: Congrats, mainl& scum.~
[12:52] FP: I live in the woods, & I can scream like Kong.~
[12:52] FP: Besides, you're going to outlive me, jerk.~
[12:52] EA: Woah, woah. ~
[12:52] EA: Where did that come from. ~
[12:52] EA: You never mentioned this.~
[12:53] FP: ...~
[12:53] FP: I'm lucky if I hit fourty sweeps, dude.~
[12:53] FP: You're over the hundred territory.~
[12:53] EA: Oh right, I thought you meant gamewiise~
[12:53] EA: Pfft, just hit godtier. It'll be fine.~
[12:54] FP: XD. True.~
[12:54] FP: Means that we both have to commit ritual suicide.~
[12:54] EA: I might be able to empathise with all those fishy lusus-bastards once I've been on the receiving end.~
[12:54] EA: Its no big deal though.~
[12:55] FP: Yeah.~
[12:55] FP: Derse is going to suck, though, from what I hear.~
[12:55] EA: ....~
[12:55] EA: You've got me there.~
[12:55] EA: Have fun in glowy-dreaml&~
[12:56] FP: Psssh. Prospit?~
[12:56] EA: Yeah~
[12:56] FP: They're supposed to be a bunch of complacent...~
[12:56] FP: Well, pawns.~
[12:56] FP: There's a reason the Dersites always kick their asses.~
[12:56] EA: At least you'll be away from the afrementioned dersites trying to hunt your ass down~
[12:57] EA: I sleep in their damn neighbourhood.~
[01:00] EA: So. Who gets to install first?~
[01:00] FP: Hmm. I'd rather get you in first.~
[01:00] FP: But we can probably do this simultaneously.~
[01:00] FP: Just deploy the machines, & run around to make the special thing.~
[01:01] FP: Then get in the game, &...poof!~
[01:01] FP: Might need to ask WS for grist though.~
[01:01] EA: ...~
[01:01] EA: Damnit.~
[01:02] EA: That guy has way too much fun messing with us, why would he help?~
[01:03] FP: He already captchalogued meteors.~
[01:03] EA: Seriously!?~
[01:03] EA: Huh.~
[01:03] FP: Although I think I insulted his mother.~
[01:03] EA: How would you even....~
[01:03] FP: She only has three kids.~
[01:05] EA: You realise I haven't spent any time researching his biology right?~
[01:05] EA: I have no idea how that even works. And don't tell me.~
[01:08] EA: Girl, you suck at continuing conversations.~
[01:08] EA: Whatever.~
[01:09] FP: Sorry...~
[01:09] FP: I got distracted. There was a cloud going by.~
[01:09] EA: ...~
[01:09] EA: I will never underst& your fascination.~
[01:10] EA: Just be ready to install both copies & try not to kill me, I'll do you the same courtesy, alright?~
[01:10] FP: I like to captchalogue stuff so that I can watch them float around. <3~
[01:10] FP: Erp. That doesn't really work with the quirk...~
[01:10] EA: ¬.¬ ~
[01:10] EA: No, I see that now.~
[01:12] EA: SNAP OUT OF IT!~
[01:12] -- erroneousApellation [EA] is going. Try to be lucid when he enters. --
[01:12] FP: What?~
[01:13] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] sighs. Okay. --
[01:13] EA: Good luck.~
[01:13] -- erroneousApellation [EA] gave up trolling foureyedPhilosopher [FP] at 01:13 --
[01:13] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] begins installing the...game... --

You start the disc, and...oh. Oh god. It's beautiful. There's clouds and colors and a swirly thinger and you're starting to drool a little bit.

[01:13] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] began trolling erroneousApellation [EA] at 01:13 --
[01:13] -- erroneousApellation [EA] is installing the client copy now --
[01:13] FP: NOMENI~
[01:14] EA: ?~
[01:14] FP: IT'S...~
[01:14] EA: It has clouds doesn't it?~
[01:14] FP: It's got clouds & this cool swirly thing & ohmygod.~
[01:14] EA: It's not that impressive.~
[01:15] FP: And there's music.~
[01:15] EA: :| ~
[01:15] EA: Ok yeah, those are pretty sweet tunes~
[01:15] FP: Doo doo doo, de doo doo de deedle doo~~
[01:15] EA: Deedle?~
[01:15] FP: Yes, deedle.~
[01:16] FP: It should be doo de-eeeeedle doo, really.~
[01:16] FP: It's hard to type sounds sometimes.~
[01:16] EA: Well you could've mentioned that it was an extended note ¬.¬ ~
[01:17] -- erroneousApellation [EA] wonders how long this thing is gunna take. --
[01:17] FP: Maybe.~
[01:17] FP: Oh, it's up!~
[01:17] EA: Nice ~
[01:17] EA: Mines crescendo-ing now~
[01:17] FP: ...so this is what your place looks like.~
[01:17] EA: Shut up. Its awesome~
[01:17] EA: Oh mines done.~
[01:18] EA: Better get going.~
[01:18] FP: ...er.~
[01:18] FP: Right.~
[01:18] EA: Deploy the shiz. I'll install my server copy while I do stuff.~
[01:18] -- erroneousApellation [EA] is AFK --
[01:18] -- foureyedPhilosopher's [FP'S] internet borks, sending something crashing through the wall. --
[01:18] -- foureyedPhilosopher [FP] gave up trolling erroneousApellation [EA] at 01:18 --

****!! You stare moodily up at your Lusus, who's now perched on top of the computer. And blocking your signal. She chitters happily, holding up a bag of grub-fries. Oh, right! She's so smart! <3

You love grub-fries with a passion. You share with her as you wait for your connection to come back, installing your Player copy. Staring together at the colors and flying clouds.

It actually installs pretty quickly, but it's a little laggy. You can start using SBURB now, and deal with the lag, or wait for it to stop.

2013-05-26, 12:15 PM

2013-05-26, 12:43 PM
You successfully captchalogue the INSTRUCTIONS. You're not exactly sure how you could have failed to do so.

What do you do?

2013-05-26, 02:18 PM
==> Play back the recording of the fancy intro image while you let your connection get back up to snuff. Don't want to play SGRUB and screw up!

2013-05-26, 02:48 PM

Yeah, that's pretty. Mmmm....

Several minutes later, you stop staring blankly at your screen and find that the lag is gone. Yay!


2013-05-26, 02:51 PM
==> Nomeni: Collect your wits. Begin looking for various game-related machines.

2013-05-26, 03:07 PM

You begin your SEARCH. It will be a while before you FIND anything.

2013-05-26, 03:36 PM
=> Evan: Finally get into this and message your chums.

2013-05-26, 03:44 PM

Yo're about to start messageing your friends, when it looks as though someone else is trying to pester you. You decide that this is probably important.

2013-05-26, 04:21 PM
=> Evan: Answer Important-looking message.

2013-05-26, 04:25 PM
Show pesterlog
[10:12] -- worldSerpent [WS] began pestering apotheosisCatalyst [AC] at 22:12 --
[10:12] WS: Good day
[10:12] AC: Hello there, my good man! It is indeed an excellent day, if I do say so myself.
[10:12] AC: How are you doing?
[10:12] WS: I am well
[10:12] WS: Now, to BUSINESS
[10:13] AC: Business, yes! Good stuff there.
[10:13] WS: Have you aquired your copy of the SBURB BETA yet?
[10:13] AC: Indeed. Haven't gotten around to installing it, but it'll happen.
[10:13] AC: All in good time, friend.
[10:14] WS: Now is an exceptionally good time, don't you think?
[10:14] AC: Well, if you are so inclined... I'll see about installing it now.
[10:14] WS: Good
[10:14] AC: Wouldn't want to let such excellent folk down, now would I?
[10:14] WS: Not at all
[10:15] AC: Remind me again... what exactly is the nature of this SBURB?
[10:16] WS: It's a matchmade multiplayer game. To aid in your understanding of what exactly it entails, I shall leave it until the end of its installation to explain further
[10:17] AC: Oh, fair enough. I eagerly await your instructions, then!
[10:17] -- apotheosisCatalyst [AC] ceased pestering worldSerpent [WS] at 22:17 --

Just as you're done, the SBURB BETA finishes loading. You should start pestering worldSerpent again.

2013-05-26, 11:33 PM
==> Cielia: Deploy the Alchemiter, Cruxtruder, Punch Designix and Punched Card, and Totem Lathe. Move **** GENTLY around to make room while you do this.

2013-05-27, 05:59 AM
You move REALLY quietly around the room, and you're about to deploy everything when you discover that you don't havce them. What's up with that, then? It looks like you don't start with them in this EDITION of the game, and you have to convince the DM to give them to you. Or, the DM's just BEING A JERK.

What do you do?

You find out that you don't have any of these GAME-RELATED MACHINES. Wierd, huh?

2013-05-27, 10:17 AM
==> Cielia: Facepalm.

2013-05-27, 10:24 AM
==> Nomeni: Go back to computer and check on server copy installation. If its done attempt to deploy the cruxtruder, alchemitre, punch designix, punched card and totem lathe.

2013-05-28, 09:37 PM
===> Download SBURB Beta