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2006-12-03, 05:50 AM
That would be correct. I still think I'm close with the sword thing though. Somehow I get the feeling El J is going to end up lynched today, even though I don't think it was him. I suppose we'll find out soon enough. Destro takes a break from digging to munch on a kumquat.

2006-12-03, 06:48 AM
"Oh, gods more deaths! You'd think they were following some predetermined game pattern or something... no that's way too weird.
I don't think we will get any good information out of the obvious clues, as they are too obvious, but maybe we should look deeper.... hmmmm..."

2006-12-03, 08:27 AM
*DLD appears to be thinking about the message and the amulet*

Well, the easiest way to find out El J's true nature would be to lynch him. I am tempted to point, but I am unsure if it would be the best course of action to take. All the suggestions put forth seem very wolf-like, and this confusing me.

*DLD looks over at Dispozition*

Found anything interesting so far?

2006-12-03, 08:38 AM
Silkenfist takes a preak from applying the thick lotion to the corpses to talk to the Dragon:

"Well, my suggestion to lynch El J (or whoever else the obvious evidence would point to) might be cruel and it might be wrong but it is not wolf-like. Think about what would be the best scenario for the wolves. The wolves would want to cause confusion that last as long as possible. My suggestion, even if it causes the death of poor El J, prevents that. After the lynch, we would definitely know whether to trust any evidence.

The best alternative, I can think of, would be to decide now to discard all evidence altogether. It might be a good strategy for the wolves to bring up this vague evidence in later rounds, where it can confuse better plans. That is a scenario I want to prevent at all costs."

2006-12-03, 08:43 AM
((Silkenfist, I just noticed that your avatar's boots are of different sizes... It's pretty funny!))

2006-12-03, 09:50 AM
Korith? Is that you? Oh my. Well, how do you like the statue?

He gestures at the statue, waiting for a reply.

"The craftsmanship is excellent, and it's very pleasing to the eye. You certainly have a talent for your art!"

((@Korith: Bad ghost! Stay dead! Please? Unless it has something to do with the amulet...In which case I'm all ears...))

((I thought ghosts were allowed to comment - just not in any game-altering fashion))

Korith opens his mouth, raising a finger with an illusory imitation of his amulet, just as a wave of purple and black energy strikes him temporarily mute.



Fualkner Asiniti
2006-12-03, 10:24 AM
Drat. It seems that you cannot say anything about your death to the living. Seems that we cannot get help from you. But stay, at least until the circus show. It is 2 days away.

2006-12-03, 10:37 AM
*DLD sighs and shakes her head*

I suppose a circus show could help morale... but other than that, I'm not sure why you'd want to hold one while the werewolves are about.

2006-12-03, 10:48 AM
We could set a trap, like in that show with the dog, that guy, that other guy, and the two girls. Dooby Scoo? Nah, that's not it.

2006-12-03, 11:09 AM
Raven comes out of her house. What's going on? then she notices the bodies. Oh, gods. not another two. why would the wolves kill in pairs? none of this makes any sense.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2006-12-03, 11:33 AM

Fullbladder, in his infinite goblinoid wisdom, says through his scarf after scrambling out of his house via the chimney.

"Why in Iggy's name would they kill two? It just doesn't make sense."

He ponders for a moment. Then he shakes his head and starts poking the air in front of his face, collecting his thoughts. This not working either, he grunts something unintellejable and puts his knuckles to his forehead, blocking out the noise around him.

"'Tis a mystery to me," he says finally. "And what if the wolves are just.... sadistic, to kill in pairs? All we have to do is wring a werewolf for information. And to do that, all we need do is flush one out."

2006-12-03, 11:37 AM
((Perhaps Korith and Bookman were the lovers?))

2006-12-03, 11:51 AM
(( Or there's a Vigilante ))

2006-12-03, 11:59 AM
This is certainly odd...Two deaths in one night. An obvious clue and the obvious that it's too obvious to taken as obviously true without the possibility of it being a trap. Possibly either way...If anyone has an idea of who's to blame, well, I'd love to hear it since I've no idea personally...

2006-12-03, 12:56 PM
Well I certainly have no idea bout what's going on here. Because some evidence leads to El J and no one else, if by mid day we have no better reason, we should lynch him tust so we know what's going on. But why those two? Any Ideas on why the wolves chose them?

2006-12-03, 01:07 PM
what do you mean that 2 bodies dont make sense? did everyone already forget alarras fate? i would expect to see another pair of bodies tomarrow if i were any of you. as of yet i cant offer any determinable patern, they seem to be going on a completely random selection.

the logic of the wolves clue left at joosbawxs bedside is impossible to determine. all one must do is look at who it points at and decide if you will follow it or not. also remember who else was trying to hawk skewers of meat yesterday morning before jumping on el j. id like to give koriths amulet a good examination and a while to contemplate over it. i believe it holds the secret to the wolves.

2006-12-03, 01:34 PM
"Well I think the evidence is quite clear about the deaths....we're dealing with two packs of wolves" Taking a deep puff on his seemingly endless cigar, "They probably didn't even know that they both chose our town for destruction but now they do. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out....I think our chances for surviving have somewhat declined."

2006-12-03, 01:55 PM
Then that means are chances of finding a wolf doubles!... Wait, how do you know that there are two packs, any number of other things could be going on...

He scrutinizes TheChris.

2006-12-03, 02:46 PM
(( Or there's a Vigilante ))

Possible...but vigilante-killing someone Night 1 is incredibly stupid, since it will most likely hit a villager and help the wolves. Vigilante, if you are there and can here me: Don't kill us before you have more clues. Thank you, vigilante.

2006-12-03, 03:02 PM
Actually, rather than two wolf packs... I suggest two alternate hypothises.

1) A hunter. The hunter role allows the slaying of your killer.

2) A vigilante. A single minded killer, who kills solo, (rather than waiting for mob justice).

Since there were multiple roles in the last game, there is are probably other-that-wolves here too. I think the second option is most likely. The wolves got bookman, and the vigilante got the Baner, Korith.

Thats enough of checking the rule book (and rampant speculation)... time to start a bandwagon. Eldritch Knight, I still dont like you!

2006-12-03, 03:34 PM
As Raistlin stumbles out of his house he casts the spell revealing the museum. He sees Bookman and Korith dead, sighs, and quickly paints pictures of them. He then walks into the musuem and hangs the paintings.

Inside are paintings of Allara, Atreyu, Mal, Bookman, and Korith. Above, in evlen are the words "Noble friends, one and all"

Raistlin then begins looking at the gathered.

2006-12-03, 03:35 PM
Kyrian is still rather suspicious. No one should have hair that blonde. Besides, it looks like a Joe Dirt whig.

Fualkner Asiniti
2006-12-03, 03:43 PM
Fualkner rasies his voice:

I have found evidence! These brown hairs were found at bookman's house. they can not be from Bookman, and no one has entered his house, so they must be the werewolves! Now who has brown hair?

2006-12-03, 03:45 PM
I thought I had just imagined that! Ms E says, shocked when she sees the two bodies. Last night in the Clocktower I thought I saw two groups of people around Korith and Bookman's house. You don't suppose that the Werewolves are divided in their strikes? Perhaps two groups of Werewolves?

2006-12-03, 03:50 PM
Fualkner rasies his voice:

I have found evidence! These brown hairs were found at bookman's house. they can not be from Bookman, and no one has entered his house, so they must be the werewolves! Now who has brown hair?

My hair is raven, blackish. Couldn't have been me then.

(( Picture in my sig. ))

2006-12-03, 04:16 PM
Um.... I'm a hippopotamus. We don't really have hair like that.

Fualkner Asiniti
2006-12-03, 04:24 PM
This evidence points at TheChris, and El Jaspero. Of course, This could be planted evidence. It might even be Bookman's fur, but that is unlikely. I am going to search Korith's house for evidence. By the way, perhaps everyone should clean their houses daily. It would make it easier to find evidence.

He goes into Korith's house to search for clues.

2006-12-03, 04:25 PM
We get houses? How come I never heard of this! I was sleeping in your shrubbery!

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-03, 05:54 PM
El Jaspero shakes his head sadly.

"It is clear that I'm being set up, but worst of all is that you're all falling for this half-baked charade. I assure you, upon my word as a musician I had nothing to do with any of the deaths in this town."

He touches Moon_Called's arm softly. "I hope you will come to forgive me...I too feel the death of a friend and comrade closely, and I apologize for my ealier callousness. I'm sorry."

((Edit: Duh. *El Jaspero stops pointing at Moon_Called*))

2006-12-03, 06:07 PM
The message has got to be an obvious set up. As for the hair, Silkenfist's hair is brown, evnafets' hair is kinda brown, and I'm not quite sure what color Dispozition's is. My question is, Faulkner, why did you only point at El Jaspero and TheChris with the brown hair evidence?

2006-12-03, 06:11 PM
*Dis swoops down from the top of the belltower at eh mention of his name and his hair*

{Ye Old English}"Red, old bean. Rather red, not at all brown...So don't go looking at me wat, wat!"

Tharj TreeSmiter
2006-12-03, 06:13 PM
Given the trend of the past werewolf games I actually think the note makes it more likely that El J is a villager. In all the past games the wolves have left notes that clearly or not so clearly point to someone who turns out to be a villager. And in virtually every case the mob has jumped on them at some point in the game and lynched them.

So yes it's possible that the wolves are trying to do a reverse reverse pyschology but given that the villagers have taken the bait virtually ever time I find it far more likely that he is a villager.

I really hope that we as a village can break out of the trends of the past games (because I want to get those damn wolves this time).

So in the past games they split up their strategies they had usually had one wolf actively posting and posing as a villager and the others in the background.

I think that the actively posting werewolf might be Destro Yersul or Silkenfest... this time I'll point at Silkenfest

2006-12-03, 06:32 PM
hair thing: Well...as soon as I get my ordered avy, I will have black hair ;) But as of now, I'm one of the brown-haired suspects.

Tharj: Well, I have to confess that I didn't look at the other threads before interpreting the situation. My belief that the notes, pointing towards a certain person, are actually true is based on the possibility that they are not controlled by the wolves. If we can safely assume that the wolves control the notes, that are left behind, we should ignore them right away.

The question is: Can we assume that?

2006-12-03, 07:01 PM
Yes. You can assume that. The narrators will not be trying to push suspicions toward any particular person.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-03, 07:16 PM
awwwwww. You said I could earlier :smalltongue:

2006-12-03, 07:41 PM
This evidence points at TheChris, and El Jaspero. Of course, This could be planted evidence. It might even be Bookman's fur, but that is unlikely. I am going to search Korith's house for evidence. By the way, perhaps everyone should clean their houses daily. It would make it easier to find evidence.

He goes into Korith's house to search for clues.

Why yes my good man. You have stumbled upon my clever plot to eat villagers and rip out my hair at the scene of the crime!

2006-12-03, 07:57 PM
So, when do we get to lynch this Mayor for incompetence? It didn't take long for me to have fingers pointed at me...

Also... couldn't the hair just be dropped by a werewolf? We don't know what colour hair werewolves have... they could all have brown hair when they're transformed.

2006-12-03, 07:58 PM
There's the other brown haired person I forgot. Lucky. I'm still waiting for our Mayor to answer why he only points out Jaspero and TheChris.

2006-12-03, 07:59 PM
I clearly don't have brown hair. See? Destro's hair is grey. He pulls his hood down to show this, and promptly puts it back up again.

2006-12-03, 08:03 PM
It's not brown! It's... uh... dark beige!

2006-12-03, 08:15 PM
I think that it's very possible that all werewolves have the same color fur. but as it's pretty much the only evidence besides voting trends... there's not much we can do without it.

2006-12-03, 08:22 PM
Yes. You can assume that. The narrators will not be trying to push suspicions toward any particular person.

Uhhmm...OK, then so much for that. Please ignore my further suggestions of testlynching someone - we have it cleared, right now.

Which still leaves conclusion 2 of my argumentation: I suggest to ignore evidence lying around the site of crime altogether - in either direction. Now that we know, the wolves spread the evidence, we must make sure that they can't influence us in either direction.
Notes around the dead should not be used as proof for the guilt of someone but it should neither be an alibi for anyone. Which means: El J starts from zero in my suspicion book.

For anyone who wonders why I discard my plan so quickly: The only purpose of it was to falsify the theory that the evidence was dropped without control by the wolves. Since Alarra falsified it for us already, we have no need to stick to it.

To our mayor: The hairs are a good lead, but I am wondering which sources you used to find them. Can you tell us a bit more about how you aquired them? I would hate to see us lynch brown-haired guys (me, for example) just because we followed a red hering.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-03, 08:28 PM
I still say it's Kyrian. I mean, come on. Anyone who's watched Dragonball or Dragonball Z knows that saiyans turn into evil werebeasts.

Iames points at Kyrian.

2006-12-03, 08:30 PM
Then they spend an hour fighting the giant monster before Goku does some Deus Ex Machina BS and kills it with a punch. But I will withhold my finger, for now.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2006-12-03, 08:57 PM
"All good points. All good points. But your all forgetting something important: Our 'Honourable Mayor' is trying to narrow down everyone! It might even be his OWN Hair!"

Fullbladder, both disgusted and disgusting as a goblin can often be, points at Faulkner.

2006-12-03, 09:21 PM
((just a reminder, I am still playing Trog in throughout this game so no hair whatsoever, despite my Clovis avatar.))
Trog wanders out from the bar where he spent the night, another drink in his hand.

So more villagers died last night eh? Well crud. I was hoping to spend the day drinking but it seems I'll get a chance to do that gravedigging workout afterall. *sigh*

*stretches to warm up. Then proceeds to dig one of the two graves, not wanting to rob the grave digger of his trade*

There. Hows' that? *whew* That's harder than it looks. No way after digging one of these could a gravediger overpower anyone. Trog is pooped. And perhaps needs to reconsider his accusation.

*lights a Coffin Nail brand cigarette*

So. A note pointing toward El J eh? Hmmm... seems disingenuous to Trog. The amulet thingy is confusing. Trog's not gonna concentrate on inventing some other killer at the moment. Trog knows we have werewolves in our midst. They seem the most likely suspects in all of this. They also seem the most likely to concoct some zany plot about another killer on the loose if you ask Trog.

Fualkner Asiniti
2006-12-03, 10:16 PM
To our mayor: The hairs are a good lead, but I am wondering which sources you used to find them. Can you tell us a bit more about how you aquired them? I would hate to see us lynch brown-haired guys (me, for example) just because we followed a red hering.

(Narrator told me in a PM.)
Sorry, Kyrian, my mind was wandering. I was only giving a few examples. I'm sorry if I didn't point out everyone. Brown is a common hair color. And I did say that this could be planted, or false, or it could just be Bookman's. A mayor can't be perfect. And Fullbladder, my hair is a lovely shade of teal. Thank you very much. Flabbicus, you may move into my tent if you want.

2006-12-03, 10:36 PM
Hey guys, don't forget poor Malmagor. He found hairs as well.

Mal stands
I immediately recolected and isolate it, there where all over my armor: hair, two different kind of colors, which leads me to confirm that we have more of one of those psychos...I got out while you all wee not looking, and matches the traces with the bodies: Brown wolf hair around Alarra; and grey hair around the Llamas body...
Malmagor opens the lid of the box, revealing several pieces of hair tied in two groups: a gray one, and a brown one. He then closes the box, holding it firmly

Its not brown hair, its gray as well. Assuming that the hair is from the same source as this one. What did we do with Mal's box? Can we compare his samples with this new one?
You got this one from Bookman's house? I'll bet you 10 to 1 that we find gray hairs somewhere in Korith's place.
The dual werewolf pack theory sounds pretty good to me.

I also think looking at the hair on people's avatars is a red herring. From my understanding the metamorphosis into a werewolf could change a whole lot of things, including hair colour.

2006-12-03, 10:45 PM
*DLD appears to be quite amused with the conversation*

Well, the amulet was definitely magical in nature. And it probably had a link to Korith somehow. This might give us a clue as to why two people were killed last night instead of one...

*DLD holds the amulet up close and examines it intently*

Fualkner Asiniti
2006-12-03, 10:47 PM
Yes, I totally agree. But we shouldn't completely stop getting this kind of evidence. If the hairs are different colors, then they are different wolves. If we track the werewolves like that, then we can start to predict who the wereperson is. If we know who kills who, we have some power over this situation.

2006-12-04, 12:16 AM
Um, has anyone though of using a cleric? You know Speak with Dead isn't a very high levelled spell. And I've been a Cleric for ((In character of course)) over 900 years. Living forever is fun.

Krursk goes to Korith's house and casts Speak with Dead to try and get an idea of what happened

2006-12-04, 02:46 AM
veecher points at faulkner.

i still dont think anyone is more suspicious than faulkner. im not getting anywhere with this amulet either. maybe we need to look at things from another angle.

2006-12-04, 03:06 AM
Joosbawx sees the crowds around Korith and Bookman's homes and sighs heavily. Moving intgo the garden, he prepares a spray of herbs and flowers for both of them, taking special care in the arrangement. After tehe excitement has settled down a little bit, he takes them out to where their bodies are placed and then walks across the town square, raising a finger.

"My suspicions have not changed at all. Lord Iames Osari, Vael, and TheChris all seem very suspicious to me. Was I the only one that noticed they didn't say anything to defend themselves and just clammed up, letting the Village take poor Mal to the gallows...despite his innocence. Don't be fooled again. "

*Joosbawx raising an accusing finger at Lord Iames Osari.

2006-12-04, 03:32 AM
I still think you're suspicious, Veecher.

*DLD points at Veecher*

Jontom Xire
2006-12-04, 03:40 AM
Jontom Xire steps forward from the back of the crowd where, having woken up late, he has been standing trying to make sense of everything being said.

I agree with Evnafets. My bet is that there is not one but two groups of werewolves and they don't know who the other is. That or there is a group of werewolves and one solo werewolf acting on his own. I wonder what happens if one group attacks one of the other group? Anyway I also believe that the colour of hair in daytime has nothing to do with the colour of hair in werewolf form. The difference in hair colour only indicates which pack a werewolf belongs to.

This has several implications. First that they will be killing us faster than we can lynch them, but also that they may end up killing each other!

I regret that I started the Malmagor bandwagon. However it is interesting to look at who voted for him and when. Some changed their votes, presumably to bring the matter to a conclusion, while some jumped on it once they were sure it was travelling the right way.

2006-12-04, 04:52 AM
I still think you're suspicious, Veecher.

why? im trying to do my best to save a town from crisis here. if your only evidence against me is my eagerness to point yesterday morning, then i cant offer you a defense. if theres anything i can offer you to placate your suspicions id be more than happy to entertain any suggestions.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-04, 04:59 AM
I'm not a werewolf, and I don't see what evidence there is against me.

2006-12-04, 05:15 AM
((I think it was that Vael, you and TheChris voted very closely together))

Krursk, when he gets back, also with holds from any finger pointing

2006-12-04, 05:33 AM
why? im trying to do my best to save a town from crisis here. if your only evidence against me is my eagerness to point yesterday morning, then i cant offer you a defense. if theres anything i can offer you to placate your suspicions id be more than happy to entertain any suggestions. I haven't seen you say much about your pointing, other than "let's lynch the mayor, he's suspicious!". Why is he suspicious? Is there something you've noticed?

2006-12-04, 08:28 AM
Weebl looks at TheChris scutinizingly. How would you know that there are 2 packs of werewolves? I certainly never thought of it. I think only a wolf would know. A wolf would probaly know how many he or she killed. So this means all the evidence I make sense of points to you!

* Weebl poits at TheChris and Bob glares at him *

2006-12-04, 08:47 AM
((Can we have a list of points so far?))

Jontom Xire
2006-12-04, 09:13 AM

Rabid Walnut->Eldritch Knight

2006-12-04, 10:00 AM
Ceika looks around, still feeling the pain of Mal's undeserved death, and sees the turmoil around her. She thinks back over the events so far.

I won't make the same mistake again... Evidence is pointing to El Jaspero.. the brown hair, the bloody message... But if the wolves left it, then it is not to be trusted. No, it can't be El J. He would never be so obvious about things. Unless he knew we would think it was a misdirection... then he may use that tactic to throw suspicion off of himself. Remove the blame by placing it on himself? That would be clever indeed. Two victims, though? Hungry wolves... One kill per pack? Two packs, or just two hungry wolves? Would a wolf's hair be the came color as the person's hair? If so, I'm glad I don't have brown hair... But if not... hmmm. Are we even sure it's werewolf hair? I mean... did they have pets?

She walks through the town, glancing at different people, trying to measure their reaction to the events, hoping to get a better feel for the situation.

2006-12-04, 10:01 AM
Vael looks around shiftily.
I have changed my mind. Kyrian is decidedly not guilty, the blonde hair is a blessing, not a curse.
Vael points at Iames.
It was him! He did it! And I wasn't bribed to say that.
Vael attempts to hide a buster sword behind his back.

2006-12-04, 10:29 AM
Since I want to actually see us hopefully catch a werewolf before Christmas, I'm going to go with one of those already accused...
Veecher - Accused the mayor on day one of being a poor figurehead and found DLD's finger raied at him back.
Iames - Lack of defending himself
Silkenfist - The only evidence I can see against him is the hair and a vague theory of active/inactive wolves. And the hair may possibly be planted or even be the colour these wolves change to.
Eldritch Knight - I can't see anything in evidence other than :

time to start a bandwagon.
Fualkner - Most of what I've seen accusing our Mayor is a desire of anarchy or disappointment it hasn't all been figured out in the time it takes to watch an episode of Diagnosis Murder...
TheChris - Pointed at over voicing a theory it's two wolf packs, though people may be able to think of several alternatives. Perhaps it's a large number of wolves who need more to eat?
Kyrian - Intereting theory, but it's not backed up by much that we know of here...((That and it's based purely on who ExRev/Kyrian chooses to play in town...At least Fenric's not here, he'd be lynched in seconds...))

Soo...The most reasonable accuation so far seems to be...Actually none of them seem startlingly brilliant in my opinion...but since I'd like to see this day end before Christmas...

Kantur points at Iames Since I'm curious as to why you didn't defend yourself and still don't...

2006-12-04, 11:59 AM
Kantur points at Iames Since I'm curious as to why you didn't defend yourself and still don't...

Unfortunately, we don't have much to work with right now. I agree with your analysis - we don't have a clear suspect but I want Iames to reveal more about his points of view. His posts until now were not really satisfying that interest:

I'm not a werewolf, and I don't see what evidence there is against me.

I still say it's Kyrian. I mean, come on. Anyone who's watched Dragonball or Dragonball Z knows that saiyans turn into evil werebeasts.

2006-12-04, 12:51 PM
As for why I'm pointing at Eldritch Knight. I had as good a reason as any on the first day, and I'm sticking to it on the second day.

*my hands are clean of anyone's blood*

2006-12-04, 01:13 PM
Oh, I completely forgot: I point at Iames, too

2006-12-04, 01:14 PM
I agree with those who say that Iames is supicious. His behavior seems very wolfy to me. I think I shall withhold my vote for now, though. it is still early in the day for finger pointing.

2006-12-04, 02:02 PM
*Points at Iames

I voted for him before, and I'll vote for him again. Vael pointing at him only adds to my conclusion.

Eldritch Knight
2006-12-04, 03:32 PM
As for why I'm pointing at Eldritch Knight. I had as good a reason as any on the first day, and I'm sticking to it on the second day.

*my hands are clean of anyone's blood*

So, I'm being accused because I stated an obvious conclusion that anyone else could have recognized? Other than my previous statement, have I done anything that could remotely be considered suspicious? I have tried to remain above reproach, as according to one of my calling. (OOC: I remind all of you that I called dibs on the role of town priest.) I direct your attention to the deceased named Korith. He was my elder brother, whom I loved. so what motivation would I have to off him? For me, blood is the one thing I will not betray. I remember the many times that he would warn me away from dangerous behaviour, and the many entertaining discussions we had. I will find his killers, and bring them down myself, as is my right as his last living kin! As to the other deceased, Bookman, he and I were friends, and not a friend I would betray lightly. I mourn both of them, as they could have been a great aid to our people as we hunt down and purge the werewolves. If there are indeed two tribes, I pray that they do not band together to wipe out all of us.

I, for one, desire to see Iames defend himself, before an innocent man is lynched.

2006-12-04, 04:02 PM
Deckmaster comes out of his hut with an exaggerated yawn, looks at the scene, and for a second shows a bit of what could be genuine surprise. He holds up two fingers and looks exaggeratedly confused. He looks to see who everyone else is pointing at and decides to point along.

*Deckmaster points at Iames

Fualkner Asiniti
2006-12-04, 04:30 PM
Where is there evidence against Iames? I haven't seen any suspicious behaivior against him. I'm not going to vote quite yet. Anyway, gray wolf killed Korith. Thank you, Kantur, for defending me. I shall return the favor sometime.

2006-12-04, 04:31 PM
Current Vote Tally:

Lord Iames: 8 votes
Eldritch Knight

Faulkner Asiniti: 2 votes
Lord Fullbladder

TheChris: 2 votes

Veecher: 1 vote

Kyrian:1 vote
Lord Iames

Silkenfist: 1 vote
Tharj Treesmiter

Eldritch Knight: 1 vote
The Rabid Walnut

Has Not Voted: 24
Cult of the Raven
Destro Yersul
El Jaspero
Faulkner Asiniti
Gnome Barbarian
Jontom Xire
Moon Called
Ms Elaneous

2006-12-04, 04:50 PM
Where is there evidence against Iames? I haven't seen any suspicious behaivior against him. I'm not going to vote quite yet. Anyway, gray wolf killed Korith. Thank you, Kantur, for defending me. I shall return the favor sometime.

I hope you never need to, personally.

The evidence against him is his own lack of defense in the face of a previous accusation. A defense which he continues to stand by, despite it becoming more serious by the hour...
A villager would defend himself to save the village and to hopefully hang a wolf in their place. A wolf would either try to save their own skin, or would trust in their pack to get revenge...

2006-12-04, 05:17 PM
B-Man raises his head from his prayer.

Why is everyone pointing at Iames? The Chris seems more suscipious. Why are you suggesting that there are two packs?! No sane person would suggest that!

* B-Man points at The Chris.

2006-12-04, 05:28 PM
The reasoning behind the suggestion of two packs, is
There have been two victims per night. Normally we would only expect one.
- Different colour hair was found at each murder scene - brown at one, gray at the other.

It is by no means conclusive at this point, but there is evidence to support the theory. For what reason would you discount it?

I also don't see any pressing motiviation to point at Iames. People are pointing because "He hasn't defended himself"
His defense so far (post #307)has been "There is no evidence to point at me".
Seems a bit chicken and egg to me.
What is it that you find suspicious about TheChris?

2006-12-04, 05:31 PM
Well, maybe it's a rather large pack and they divided into two groups. But I discount it because it's unheard of to think of two packs attacking one village.

((Didn't see you edit your post...))

I find it suspicious that The Chris would suggest that there are indeed two packs. There is no solid evidence that there are two packs. I think that he's a werewolf trying to promote fear among us villagers.

2006-12-04, 05:39 PM
I also don't see any pressing motiviation to point at Iames. People are pointing because "He hasn't defended himself"
His defense so far (post #307)has been "There is no evidence to point at me".

I make no secret that I voted purely to try and move us as a village towards hopefully lynching a wolf and not having the longest day in history...For that, I felt it best to tart with those already accused for one reasson or another and Iame had the only half-decent accuation against him. From there, people seem to have flocked towards lynching him...

2006-12-04, 05:58 PM
Raistlin walks out of the museum and sighs. Again lack of substantial evidence. With no better course of action I will simply guess Iames.

Points at Iames

Eldritch Knight
2006-12-04, 06:00 PM

May I be forgiven if you are truly as innocent as I believe. For the sake of the villiage, you must die.

points at Iames

2006-12-04, 06:00 PM
I, for one, desire to see Iames defend himself, before an innocent man is lynched.

Well, thats fun too. (Actually, both those options you list are fun). But I'd like to see Eldritch Knight dance the hemp fandango.

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-04, 06:01 PM
El J stands in his doorway smoking his pipe.

"Jontom Xire...you seem to know an awful lot about werewolves. And you yourself admit that you got an innocent villager killed. Interesting."

2006-12-04, 06:10 PM
Why is everyone pointing at Iames? The Chris seems more suscipious. Why are you suggesting that there are two packs?! No sane person would suggest that!

OK, now I have a clear suspect:

- We have no proof whether there are one or two packs. However, two different colors of hair found is evidence that can easily be interpreted towards two existing packs - as well as the simple fact that two victims had been found

- Maybe there is no precedence of two packs being used. But this alone is not enough reason to discard a viable theory

- The Chris had a theory that might or might not help us. But even if his theory is wrong, it will bring us forward and lead to further thoughts. I fail to see how bringing forward that theory would help the wolves

- In your post, you attack Chris twice. Firstly, you attack his credibility with the sanity statement. Secondly, you accuse him of being a wolf. Neither attack is justified.

- Effectively, you try to disencourage townspeople to brainstorm, bring forward their theories and add to the common knowledge. With your behaviour, you hinder a neutral and thoughtful evaluation of the evidence we have.

- I don't know whether you are a wolf or not, but your attack is harmful to the townspeople. In order to express my discomfort with that and to explicitly encourage brainstorming among the townspeople, there is just one possible action:

I withdraw my finger from Iames and point it at B-Man

That said, I would still like to hear a bit more from Iames. But right now, this is more important to me.

2006-12-04, 06:11 PM
End the madness!

*Flabbicus Points at Iames

Eldritch Knight
2006-12-04, 06:26 PM
Well, thats fun too. (Actually, both those options you list are fun). But I'd like to see Eldritch Knight dance the hemp fandango.

Let me get this straight, you're only evidence against me is what? One post? One post that states the obvious? Look, if the werewolves waited to vote until a bandwagon began to form, they'd be able to mask themselves very easily. Stating reasonably obvious conclusions does not a werewolf make. You're accusation of me, WITHOUT reasonable evidence, makes you look very suspicious. I encourage everyone to take note of the fact that I have not spoken against my accuser. I have not done anything to draw suspicion to myself, except, perhaps the post he cites. However, one post is not enough evidence to condemn someone. I encourage you, RabidWalnut, to look elsewhere to slake your bloodthirst. Hunt the guilty, not the innocent.

2006-12-04, 06:32 PM
For your convenience, the current vote tally has been added to the end of the first post.

2006-12-04, 06:53 PM
B-Man raises his head from his prayer.

Why is everyone pointing at Iames? The Chris seems more suscipious. Why are you suggesting that there are two packs?! No sane person would suggest that!

* B-Man points at The Chris.

No sane person, b-man? Well maybe I am insane....insane for killing wolves and saving our village! Only a werewolf would discount theories with such little thought.

*TheChris points at B-Man

Perhaps you'll feel differently when both packs are fighting over what's left of you....

The Valiant Turtle
2006-12-04, 06:57 PM
Raldor's head is spinning as he tries to figure out why 2 people were killed. Apparently he had a bit too much to drink last night, and the way things are going, he'll be having more tonight.

((Until I have time to really analyze votes-if that ever happens I'm going to...))

Raldor Points at TheChris because I don't want to totally jump on the bandwagon this time.

2006-12-04, 07:06 PM
Raldor Points at TheChris because I don't want to totally jump on the bandwagon this time.
Sounds like a really lame excuse to vote for someone, especially since the evidence against him is weak at best. Consider yourself suspected. But for now:

*Lucky points at B-man

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2006-12-04, 08:39 PM
"Can't you see this fighting is tearing us apart?" Fullbladder mumbles quietly from a corner. He had been sitting there for some time, gnawing on the knuckle of his free index finger in thought. He then resumes doing so.

"What if TheChris is right, but there's more than two packs? Maybe one pack tried to kill a 'baned' person. Iggy knows, there could be four packs...."

2006-12-04, 08:53 PM
Just letting you all know....day ends in 7 minutes....and you are still 2 votes from having enough votes to lynch someone.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-04, 08:59 PM
I'm not a werewolf! I may have pointed at Kyrian, but he's a pretty suspicious character. I mean, what is he trying to hide behind those shades, anyway? Is he afraid to look us in the eye because of what he knows we'll find there?

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2006-12-04, 09:06 PM
To help out the lynching process, I, Fullbladder, withdraw my accusation from Faulkner and point at Iames.

2006-12-04, 09:07 PM
I was heading this way before, but I wanted to see what B-Man's response was to my earlier post. And then I got busy at work (damn it, I can barely keep track of all the posts I so snowed under)
evnafets points at B-Man

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-04, 09:08 PM
But I'm innocent! And what about that cleric? What did his spell find out?

2006-12-04, 09:23 PM
I'm sorry, Iames. but we have no choice. You speak up now, but only because you are in danger of death.
Raven points a quavering finger at Iames

2006-12-04, 09:29 PM
You still have a choice - B-Man is also a likely candidate. At this stage I would say more so than Iames for whom we have no evidence whatsoever. Don't feel that you have to follow like a sheep.
Think for yourself!

2006-12-04, 09:31 PM
Agreed, the case against B-man is much than there is against Iames... We have brown hair and a joke about Kyrian being a sayain? Not enough for me.

2006-12-04, 09:32 PM
There are 4 for B-man and 10 for Iames, if you vote for B-man you're basically throwing your vote away this round and will accomplish little or nothing. Don't be a fool, stay in school vote for against Iames!

2006-12-04, 09:35 PM
I'm rather paranoid, that's my only reason for pointing the way that I have. B-Man keeps his now trembling finger pointed.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-04, 09:36 PM
With visible effort, Iames calms himself. The reason I haven't been accusing others is because I have no idea who the werewolves are. And there really isn't any evidence pointing to me. All there are, are baseless accusations. I mean, Vael suddenly has Kyrian's sword, and tries to say he wasn't bribed? And some of the rest of you, accusing me simply because TheChris, Vael, and I all happened to be in agreement yesterday? Iames shakes his head. I say we examine the evidence, especially what Krursk found out with his magic, and see if any of it points to me. Iames withdraws his vote for Kyrian.

2006-12-04, 09:36 PM
The day will be ending a bit late today....in about an hour, so feel free to continue voting, change votes, until then.

2006-12-04, 09:38 PM
((b-man is very suspicious, yes. however, like other people in this game, I wish to catch a werewolf before christmas. the way to do that, I think, is to finish the day on time.))
Evnafets and Lucky, You will not get me to change my vote. That would only prove I had a weak mind. I stand firm.

2006-12-04, 09:42 PM
T.S. looks at his watch. "Who could it be, who could it be! Two packs of werewolves you say! Oh no! What're we going to do? I ask you, what?" After calming himself down, T.S. looks at where all the fingers are pointing. "If you all believe Iames is the culprit, I'll vote against him as I did last round." *crosses fingers hoping the town gets this choice correctly.

Tormsskull points at Iames.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-12-04, 09:46 PM
Iames hesitates, trying to marshal some reasonabe response. He fails, and panic takes over. He shouts, You can't kill me, I'm innocent, by the gods above! He runs from the town out into the woods.

2006-12-04, 09:49 PM
Whoa...Looks like there's lots of evidence going around right now...I think the evidence Iames is more substantial, and the fact that we must lynch someone...I suppose I should make it easier...Whe did we have to be isited by these foul creatures...

*Dis drops his his and raises his finger*

* Dis points at Iames

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2006-12-04, 09:49 PM
"By all that I declare to be Iggy's realm, boy, whether your innocent or not has never seemed to me to be a good shield agaisnt a guillotine or a noose," Fullbladder says calmly, not missing a beat.

2006-12-04, 09:50 PM
Evnafets and Lucky, You will not get me to change my vote. That would only prove I had a weak mind. I stand firm.
I'm sorry but that is by no means what it means. Let's look at it this way, you are pointing at someone who has much less evidence against them because people were pointing at him first. That is more of a demonstration of a "weak mind." I do not feel Iames is a wolf. Believe me or not, but I'll be here to remind you when you're done hanging the villager that is Iames.

Whoa...Looks like there's lots of evidence going around right now...I think the evidence Iames is more substantial,

* Dis points at Iames
Evidence? There's evidence against him? Would someone mind pointing out how it outweighs the evidence for B-man.

Plus, here's another, two hairs were found, one gray. Take another look at B-man. Particularily at his hair. Now take another, then another until you find out what I'm trying to show you.

2006-12-04, 09:57 PM
How about this for an argument.

If Iames is a wolf, wouldn't someone else have tried to defend him before now? And I mean quite a bit earlier in the day, before this got out of hand.
It is more likely that Iames is a villager, and the wolves are just laughing at us following like sheep, and merging into the flock of votes that will send him into oblivion.

However, contrast that to a suggestion that B-Man is a werewolf, and immediately he gets supporters defending him. Why so eager?

Maybe B-Man isn't a wolf either, but I think he is more likely than Iames.
It is not just from his latest statement. Korith seemed to think B-Man was suspicious yesterday as well - pushing Malmagor towards the gallows by being second to vote for him.
A werewolf doesn't start trends. He/she follows them.

Maybe it will convince you, maybe it won't.
Think about it.

2006-12-04, 10:00 PM
And yet another thing, look at the number of votes for everyone, if Iames was a wolf I would be sure there would be less votes for him, because we know the wolves would want to save him. 12 votes for a "wolf" out of about 25, with no other person having more than 4 would suggest that most of the wolves have voted for Iames.

Think about it.

2006-12-04, 10:01 PM
Evidence? There's evidence against him? Would someone mind pointing out how it outweighs the evidence for B-man.

Plus, here's another, two hairs were found, one gray. Take another look at B-man. Particularily at his hair. Now take another, then another until you find out what I'm trying to show you.

((I'm not playing with my current avatar, silly. I'm using my original.

I think it unfair that you assume that I'm playing as Hitsugaya Toushiro in the village. My RP-style would be much different.))

Mr. Moon
2006-12-04, 10:01 PM
Moon Called sighs. "Why do we turn upon each other? Are we better then the wolves in the way we claw each other, hungering for blood of those who may be guilty? All the same, our would-be mayor has triggered my suspicions." She ponts at Faulkiner.

2006-12-04, 10:02 PM
you make some dang good points. but one question. how do I know you arent wolves? both of you - lucky and evnafets. you seem to be eager to change my vote. trying to bribe a villager? see if she follows you? good luck. I'll change my vote - to you.
Raven withdraws her vote for Iames and points at Lucky

2006-12-04, 10:06 PM
you make some dang good points. but one question. how do I know you arent wolves? both of you - lucky and evnafets. you seem to be eager to change votes.
How do you know? If the wolves were so eager to save Iames, I can assure you there would be more than 4 votes against, as I doubt in a village this large there is only 4 wolves. But more likely, we are too eager to change votes. If he was a wolf, and got lynched despite our efforts, it could be quite clear that we are wolves ourselves. Why would we want to do this?

Now of course I only speak for myself, I cannot tell you for sure that evnafets isn't a wolf. If he is, he is making the better case regardless, and I sure as heck don't think he is.

((Naturally as I'm posting this I get the finger pointed at myself... but the arguement stands.))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-04, 10:10 PM
*the mob begins to gather*
(voting is now closed)

*The mob runs into the woods and returns minutes later with Iames wrapped in a duct taped coccoon.
*He hollers out "I'm not a wolf. I'm a God. Beware my Godly wrath. Any minute now. I'm gonna go all god all over this place. Then you'll see. They've been bribed. They've bought my blood with bribery. NOOOOOO." *The mob slaps a lot of duct tape over his mouth, as they hoist him on the gallows. He continues to rant and scream his innocence even as the chair is pulled away. Then he stops and all is silent as the crowd waits for his transformation into a werewolf. The time passes, but still the limp body of a common human hangs on the gallows.*

"Hey look." *Shouts some one from the crowd. Panning to the left, shows a second person has been strung up in the chaos of the lynching. Fenir has accidently been hung as well. His body twists in the breeze, but it doesn't change either.*

*the full moon rises as night time falls on the village*

2006-12-04, 10:16 PM
you make some dang good points. but one question. how do I know you arent wolves?

You don't for sure. You can't.
I can promise you I'm not a wolf, but a wolf would say that anyway to gain your trust.

So lets look at it this way.

If we were wolves, and Iames was a villager, we wouldn't be speaking up, we'd be pushing him to the gallows.
If we were wolves, and Iames is also a wolf, then we wouldn't be protecting him at the 11th hour so openly. Wolves who do that don't live long. If we did try to defend him we would have done it much earlier in the day, and not quite so openly.
My argument is that it is much more likely we are villagers trying to stop the herd mentality from lynching one Iames, when we think another is much more likely that B-Man is a wolf.

Am I certain? No. I can't be.
I present my evidence. It is up to you to agree/disagree with me.
On the whole I think it points more to B-Man than Iames. To my mind, most of the votes for Iames have just been sheep following a bandwagon, because they didn't want to strike new ground.
You don't have to agree with me. I just ask you to consider my arguments.

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-04, 10:35 PM
El Jaspero winces at the grisly display. "This bodes ill. Yet more of our innocent blood shed, and the wolves are laughing at us." He returns to his house, giving Jontom Xire a careful look as he departs.

2006-12-04, 10:36 PM
Lucky looks away as Iames is hung, but also stays around for confirmation that he was indeed a villager. ... Another false hanging... Will the madness ever end?

2006-12-04, 10:38 PM
Flabbicus camps outside by a lone elm tree, sharpening his blade.

2006-12-04, 10:45 PM
Raven looks sadly up at the hanging corpses. then she finds a member of the previous night's guard. May I join the gaurd tonight? I don't feel like sleep just now.

2006-12-04, 10:47 PM
Raven looks sadly up at the hanging corpses. then she finds a member of the previous night's guard. May I join the gaurd tonight? I don't feel like sleep just now.
Only if you don't get them lynched because they smell funny.

2006-12-04, 10:50 PM
*Dis shakes his head and sighs*

This is why I try not to point...We're hardly ever able to get a wolf...Ah well...another day maybe...

*Dis walks back to his house, hoping that the wolves don't visit him in the night*

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2006-12-04, 10:52 PM
Fullbladder strokes his chin.

"Double feedings; doubling lynchings. I can't believe I fail to see a pattern here." With these strange words to consider, he leaves the throng of villagers for his own shack again, and repeats the process started the previous night of getting drunk.

2006-12-04, 11:01 PM
Only if you don't get them lynched because they smell funny.
Thanks, lucky. I appreciate the compliment. I'll be patrolling the perimeter until someone needs me. Raven stalks off towards the edge of town, almost out of earshot. then she leans against a tree and starts sobbing gently.
Was it really my fault? In the end my vote was not for Iames, but it does not make it hurt less to know a fellow villager has died. gods, why?

((she'll gaurd whatever she's told to tonight. otherwise she watches the trees. I gotta get to bed. see you in the morning.:smallsmile: ))

2006-12-04, 11:14 PM
Destro hides in one of his dug but unfilled graves and watches the town square. Wish I knew who the wolves were...

Eldritch Knight
2006-12-04, 11:30 PM
Alas, two more innocents slain.... When will this carnage end?

2006-12-05, 12:07 AM
Faulkner. Please can you stop posting in lime green, please, please, please. Against the white background it seriously hurts my eyes. I hate having to read your posts and may end up voting for you to be lynched just on that general principle, even though I suspect you probably are a villager. :smallannoyed:

2006-12-05, 12:15 AM
Thanks, lucky. I appreciate the compliment.
Anytime. Lucky begins to wander the streets, unable to sleep tonight.

2006-12-05, 12:24 AM
Why?! Why must it be the innocents?!

*DLD mutters darkly to herself and enters her house to sleep for the night*

2006-12-05, 02:55 AM
youre giving up on the guard tonight dld? i was going to offer to patroll with you tonight so you could see my innocence first hand. as it is now though i think we should watch b-mans house tonight, and ill do it alone if no one else wants to help.

Jontom Xire
2006-12-05, 03:04 AM
What the!! I thought it was 48 hours per day. I've just been told off for inactivity! When I left work last night there were only 9 votes cast and for 8 people. I thought I'd have loads of time to vote.

This sucks.

2006-12-05, 03:08 AM
yesterday was 24 hours and today made 48. if it makes you feel any better i was warned last game even though i was typing my vote when the polls closed and i ended up being a few minutes late.

V actualy, it has. remember this game is being run on american time, so your sleeping through half the day.

Jontom Xire
2006-12-05, 03:14 AM
Umm that doesn't make sense. When I got in to work yesterday morning we had just had the werewolves kill. Now, approximately 24 hours later is 24 hours later. Yesterday was 24 hours, you're right, but as we haven't had today yet that doesn't make 48 hours.

2006-12-05, 04:12 AM
Okay... Watchmen. Pick a person to watch, lets see if we get luckier this time.

2006-12-05, 04:42 AM
Weebl glares at TheChris. I'm gonna keep my eye on you.

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-05, 07:09 AM
El Jaspero considers this new evidence carefully.

"Busted for inactivity? Then it seems unlikely that Jontom Xire is a wolf, unless he's playing some amazingly clever game with us. Wolves would tend to be more active, strring up trouble while pretending to help us. Someone like..."

*El Jaspero points his banjo at Lucky*

2006-12-05, 07:15 AM
I'm off to find a drink. So far, I think this village is down 1 hunter, 1 baner, 3 villagers, a moderator and a llama. There is a pack of werewolves running around and a vigilante who stalks in the night.

And I still haven't managed to get Eldritch Knight hung! That sorrow needs drowning most of all.

Ah, a thought, Iames and Fenrir could have been lovers? Although, I dont think a lover's death would be described in such a fashion.

Sleep well Eldritch, maybe I'll get you lynched tomorrow.

Jontom Xire
2006-12-05, 07:41 AM
El J, we are still in night and waiting for werewolf kills, unless I'm mistaken. Save your pointing for the day.

I think Fenir was killed for inactivity.

I don't think we've lost a baner or hunter. I think everyone dead so far is a villager.

2006-12-05, 08:11 AM
((I'm with Jontom... I thought today was still part of the day... This is my first round, though, and I'm not sure if I'm doing any of this right. So, if it's not day anymore, I guess I missed my chance to vote completely... Hm... I don't want to be culled for lack of activity...)

Ceika holes up in her hut, keeping a torch nearby, and a dagger in her hand, trying to be prepared for anything. Sadly, the stresses of the day catch up with her and she drifts off to sleep anyway.

2006-12-05, 08:34 AM
*points out that yes, fenir was lynched for inactivity, and it says so in the first post*
*Also points out that the time that the current segment ends is also in the first post*

2006-12-05, 09:15 AM
Great. :smallannoyed: More villagers. This does not bode well. Ms E is somewhat happy she didn't participate in this mob lynching today. Although, it is a grim happiness. She climbs to the top of her Clocktower.

2006-12-05, 09:27 AM
Lynched for inactivity? What kind of thrice damned plague be this?

Scratch us losing a hunter then. Although I still think we have lost the baner.

(Its very confusing not knowing what roles were shared out. And as for checking the first post... quit living in the past people!)

Jontom Xire
2006-12-05, 10:02 AM
Ummm, the first post is the game summary? That's why it's a useful place to look for info. And Alarra is not "people"! She is a mod and also the person running this game, so I think telling her not to live in the past is a little inappropriate - she'll do as she pleases and you'll like it.

2006-12-05, 10:20 AM
To JomTom... this is my first time in the village of the walking chew toys... so the first post being kept up to date was new information to me.

"Quit living in the past" - a joke that obviously fell flat. Sorry!

And as for Alarra being "people". You are right. I should make no more assumptions on Alarra's species.

2006-12-05, 11:48 AM
As for the hunter and baner, it's possible that the hunter is dead, but I don't think the baner would be stupid enough to leave themselves vulnerable to attack.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-05, 12:01 PM
And as for Alarra being "people". You are right. I should make no more assumptions on Alarra's species.

Yeah, some of us take offense to that. :smile:

Don't worry, Walnut. If/when a baner/seer/hunter/devil/dealer/traveler/ is killed, we'll let you all know.

2006-12-05, 12:35 PM
so i guess im takeing b-man, weebl is on thechriss portch, raven is patrolling outside of town. is this all the watchme we have?

2006-12-05, 01:47 PM
T.S. looks around. "I'll volunteer to be a watchmen. I know those wolves have to be hiding out--AHHH!!! A werewolf. Oh wait, thats a raccoon." *Sniffle* "I think I'm catching a cold. Perhaps I should stay inside."

2006-12-05, 02:13 PM
Deckmaster goes back into his little hut, worried about what may befall him during the night, although to anyone watching it may seem as if he's a little too scared to be believed.

2006-12-05, 02:24 PM
EDIT: Realizes this post can be resolved by PM's instead

Tharj TreeSmiter
2006-12-05, 02:35 PM
ZZzzzz Zzzzz (hey it's night time right?)

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-05, 05:19 PM
((Hmm, yes I see...it must have all been a dream then...))

2006-12-05, 05:56 PM
Raistlin paints two new pictures of Iames and Fenrir and hangs them in the museum. He then goes off to sleep.

2006-12-05, 09:36 PM
As you wake you head into the town square and perform the requisite head count. And once again, two are missing.

You head into TheChris's house and find his mutilated body and a message scrawled in blood. Mmmmmmmm TheDelicious.

The other person missing is the illustrious mayor, Faulkner Asinit, who you also find mutilated in his home.

"In the center of the town a note written in the highest form of calligraphy"
I must say that there is indeed two wolf packs. Mal was given this information before he passed from our life to the great beyond.
I hope you will see further ahead in the future.
The guardian.
"There is a squiggle at the end witch may be a signature, you sure have never seen the symbols before. "

Day begins! Ends Thursday, 10pm.

2006-12-05, 09:44 PM
Flabbicus wakes up to find Faulkner dead by the tree and says,

Crap, maybe I should have remembered to guard him...

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-05, 09:54 PM

Well, I think it's time to do what in this profession is known as a Bookman.

*Death stands up*

I first up would like to say that I will/am willing to risk my life. When you first wanted to kill me on day one, you will have lost a good help.I for one have already checked up the legitimacy of my powers, and I do know my third sight to be true.

I am willing to go openly to the gallows tomorrow if what I have seen is untrue.

B-man is both a lover and a werewolf. He has been rather open, but his actions mirror those that come before me. Combine this with the third sight I can say he is a wolf.

I know not if the wolves have a witch or even if there is an illusionist, but when the night comes and you find a dead wolf/lover where B-man once was I urge the baner to PM me and protect me at night so that I may help this game come to a complete eradication of the wolves.

All those who later wish me to check on people can send me a pm.

As I have said

B-man is a wolf and a lover, all who stand with him will be issued as being suspicious.

I know this to be a fact. I am willing to be lynched tomorrow if this is not true. Mix this with the fact that if I die you shall see my innocence I solemnly beg you to listen to my plea.

*Death points to the condemned Romeo/wolf/hybrid/coffee beast


2006-12-05, 09:59 PM
Man, it would really be bad if there wasn't a baner. Do we have a baner? Anyways, I hope Death is right. *Points at B-man

2006-12-05, 10:00 PM

[FONT=Book Antiqua]Well, I think it's time to do what in this profession is known as a Bookman.

((cool I have a move named after me :biggrin:))

2006-12-05, 10:00 PM
See? I told you all so. Maybe you should listen to the leprechaun for once, our minds are much superior to our height.

I shouldn't need to make any more arguements.

*Lucky points to B-man

The Valiant Turtle
2006-12-05, 10:05 PM
Raldor emerges from his shop / house munching on a breakfast Gyro. He reads the note left by this guardian person and mumbles something.

We're doomed... Unless maybe these two packs start killing each other.

He then sees the commotion around Death and finds out whats going on.

That might help too!

*Raldor points at B-Man

So, B-Man, what would you like for your last meal? I don't believe I've ever tried to work coffee into a sandwich before.

2006-12-05, 10:06 PM
B-Man comes out of house and is startled to see so many fingers pointed at him already and drops his coffee, yet again. He neverously glances at Death.

So... I'm never going to enjoy a cup of coffee... am I?

He turns back and heads into his house. Well, when you need me, come and get me, you won't receive any resistance.

2006-12-05, 10:07 PM
Two contrary visions in the night? I've never heard of such a thing from a village seer before, but, the evidence is in-surmounting.

*Flabbicus Points at B-man

2006-12-05, 10:13 PM
Death, I will trust you in this, I hope you're right.

*Kyrian points at B-Man

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-05, 10:13 PM
B-Man comes out of house and is startled to see so many fingers pointed at him already and drops his coffee, yet again. He neverously glances at Death.

So... I'm never going to enjoy a cup of coffee... am I?

He turns back and heads into his house. Well, when you need me, come and get me, you won't receive any resistance.

*Death bows his head*

Hopefully your Death will be one of honour. I have no grudge against giving even wolves a last wish. You may wish to tend to your lover as well B-man.

2006-12-05, 10:19 PM
Raven walks back from her post, surprised by the overwhelming evidence for B-man that she dismissed so lightly the day before. Gods, that is a shocker. I admit, Lucky, that you were right.
*Raven points at B-man*

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2006-12-05, 10:30 PM
"Fascinating. A 'Guardian'."

This comment is of course followed by the predictable appearance of the goblin.

"Hmmm... Death is the Seer? We cannot truly know that. He might be the Devil in disguise. Never look a gift scythe in the blade, as my grandpappy used to say. But, let's follow him, Bookman Maneuver following of course, stating by no unreasonable terms that if he is wrong, we lynch him the following day. Fascinating."

Fullbladder continues to discuss such things, often ending paragraphs with 'Fascinating'. Eventually he grows tired and points his thumb at B-Man.

2006-12-05, 10:35 PM
Ms E appears at the doorway of her clocktower. Perhaps someone actually has a tangeable lead this time. At least it makes more sense than the usual accusations.

*Points at B-man*

2006-12-05, 10:41 PM
Ceika seems more and more distraught with every new death. Remembering Mal, she seems hesitant to point out someone, though she examines the evidence that they know of, and comes to a solid conclusion.

I think you *Points at B-Man* have had something to do with this all along... And the heavens have mercy upon my soul if I'm wrong...

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-05, 10:53 PM
"TheDelicious? That's far too clever for B-Man. Only someone of clever and sparkling wit could come up with that little gem."

*El Jaspero points at Trog*

2006-12-05, 11:14 PM
*El Jaspero points at Trog*

Now citizens, I give you yet another suspect. In the face of clear evidence, El J still won't vote for the one who is clearly a werewolf. Why? Because he, himself, is one of B-man's kind? I wouldn't toss out that possibility.
I would suggest that B-man be hung tonight, but I also suggest El J be watched, very closely.

Now, El J, I will point out that wolves do not work independently, and it is perfectly possible for B-man to be a wolf, and simply have one of his brethren write the message. Trog is not the only person of wit within the village, so accusations towards him are mostly unbased. I would suggest pointing at B-man now, so we can go to bed early tonight, we all need some rest.

Eldritch Knight
2006-12-05, 11:17 PM
Alas, if Death truly is the seer, he will likely be targeted by both packs. Even if our baner still lives, I do not know if he is powerful enough to fend off two packs of wolves....

We must do as our seer says..

"B-man, go with honour. You may be a werewolf, but you still possess some shred of humanity. For that, I salute you"

EK points at B-man.

Fualkner Asiniti
2006-12-05, 11:26 PM
Wow. I drop off and no one mourns? What kind of death is that?

Asiniti materializes in the square suddenly, and looks at the statue of the victims.

And no carving of me. Well this sucks.

2006-12-05, 11:29 PM
((OOC: *Starts carving on Asiniti's corpse and makes some skewers. "mayor kebans anyone?"

Ok...Just kidding...But seriously...Good joke! And that was totally Out Of Character, and was not actually done in game...Ok?))

2006-12-06, 12:22 AM
Vael nods in agreement.
I think I'm going to put my trust in Death.
He blinks at his own statement and then shakes his head at the ill-omen it holds.
*points at B-Man.*

2006-12-06, 12:23 AM
"TheDelicious? That's far too clever for B-Man. Only someone of clever and sparkling wit could come up with that little gem."

*El Jaspero points at Trog*

:smallannoyed: Oh good lord. "TheDelicious" is "sparkling wit?!" Fah. Trog is insulted. And tired of digging big graves for innocent Townsfolk. We need someone suspicious next. A wolf preferably. So we can just burn the body instead. To cleanse it. Trog's pooped.

*points at B-Man*

2006-12-06, 01:39 AM
Oh my god! I never thought that TheChris was a villager! The wolves are trying to frame me! This must be your doing!
*Weebl points his sword at B-Man*

2006-12-06, 02:08 AM
*DLD runs out of her house and sees the two bodies*

Another two. This is going to be difficult...

*DLD hears Death's speech and becomes nervous*

For your sake, Death, you had better be telling the truth...

*DLD points at B-Man*

2006-12-06, 02:22 AM
Joosbawx listens to Death and considers his words carefully before standing with his houseguest and raising a finger as well.

*Joosbawx points to B-Man

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-06, 03:21 AM
For your sake, Death, you had better be telling the truth...

*DLD points at B-Man*

*Death gives a sad smile.*

Indeed, I have no need for fear of your wrath, you will find it to be true. B-man's resignation is a sign for one.

I must say i feel sorry for his lover though. There may still be innocent blood spilt today...

((As a side note I am leaving to celebrate my smart brother's successful completion of first year in medicine. I would like to urge the baner, when b-man and his lover dies to send me a pm immediately. It is vital I can verify your position and construct a list of those who I have cleared, which is sadly only one at the moment.))

Jontom Xire
2006-12-06, 03:34 AM
Jontom emerges looking somewhat tired.

I was to vote for B-man anyway. I found his behaviour very suspicious yesterday.

Jontom points at B-man

Death, I think you should have scryed another last night. B-man was surely headed for the gallows anyway. In fact I still find Death a little suspicious. B-man was highly likely to be hung today anyway. This could be a trick by the wolves. I urge the baner to protect Death tonight just in case, but not contact him until it has been proven that B-man is not just a wolf but a lover too.

2006-12-06, 04:01 AM
I urge the baner to protect Death tonight just in case, but not contact him until it has been proven that B-man is not just a wolf but a lover too.

Good idea. It minimizes the risk for us without disrupting our likely seer. Baner, don't idenitfy yourself early.

And also: *points at B-Man*

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-06, 04:11 AM
I did mention JX for the baner to contact me after the night had begun. Combined with the fact that why should we point on suspicions if we can verify it? There was no other real lead pointing out, it is best to be sure.

Some people just tend to make themselves obvious targets and wolves can use bandwagons to distract us from things which may seem simple JX.

Indeed, since he is a lover his love will most likely have tried to steer us away and the rest of his wolf pack would have joined in.

As I said I am willing to wait for your trust JX.

((On a side note, 5 star diner reservations are annoying I am not sure what exact time I am leaving))

2006-12-06, 04:21 AM
*DLD glances quickly at everyone*

I would also like to let the baner know to be careful, and to wait for night if they choose to reveal themselves. And you, Death, have gained my trust for now, which is not an easy thing to do.

V: ((*grin*))

2006-12-06, 05:01 AM
^you dont say.

anyway, as the saying goes, death and taxes.

veecher points at b-man.

Jontom Xire
2006-12-06, 05:43 AM
I did mention JX for the baner to contact me after the night had begun. Combined with the fact that why should we point on suspicions if we can verify it? There was no other real lead pointing out, it is best to be sure.

Oh yes, so you did. My apologies, Death and you have my trust.

2006-12-06, 05:50 AM
*points at B-Man so I don't get lynched for inactivity*

2006-12-06, 06:32 AM
T.S. joins the mob. "Hurray for the villagers. We finally got one."

Tormsskull points at B-man.

Jontom Xire
2006-12-06, 06:35 AM
Jontom speaks up again. I think all members of both the day and night patrols should form a ring around Death's house, to help guard him from harm. I will guard from the roof.

2006-12-06, 06:52 AM
Hell, Jontom, I'll join the patrol. I'll guard the front door

2006-12-06, 08:15 AM
TheRabidWalnut watches the activity around Death with the greatest of interest. The lets rip with the battle cry of the beleaguered analyst...


* TheRabidWalnut points at B-Man *

I feel your death can only be a good thing B-Man. At the very least, it will allow us some insight into Death, and at most, the discovery of a block of voters.

Jontom Xire
2006-12-06, 08:31 AM
I currently make the voting stand at 22 votes for B-Man, 1 for Trog (come on El J, be serious) and 11 abstainees - haven't voted yet.

Hey, Alarra, with a 64.7 % majority, how about an early evening, but don't count today as one of inactivity for those who haven't voted as it was so short.

2006-12-06, 08:37 AM
I second that, Jontom

2006-12-06, 08:49 AM
The villagers walk to B-Man's house, armed with all assortments of silver weapons. B-Man steps out, dragging several sacks of coffee beans, that are coated in a red film, and allows them to lead him to the gallows. A label falls off the sack and an NPC picks it up. It reads:

Blood-coated Coffee Beans
#1 Recommended Brand for Lycanthropes.
Caution: Do not show this bag to commoners, do not drink coffee at night, do not add milk or sugar (it ruins the flavour), do not share with others, do not add other's blood into the mix.

B-Man walks in circles around the gallows, dropping coffee beans around it. He then walks up to the chair and allows the noose to be fitted around his neck.

You villagers said that you wanted to find a werewolf, eh? Well, I'll show you one. B-Man reveals his lycanthrope form, covered in brown hair for all to see. The excutioner goes to kick the chair from beneath B-Man's feet when he says: Not yet, allow me to say my final words. The excutioner grunts, but slowly walks away, afraid of the wolf that's in front of him. Well, I guess that it's too late to deny that I'm a wolf, and my time is nearly up, so I'll make this quick. B-Man coughs and continues My pack will avenge me! No of you shall live to see the light of day! B-Man begins to laugh hysterically. Death, ol' chap, I salute you! Well played! Check and mate! In your favour, of course. He makes a full salute in Death's direction. Death nods and B-Man bursts out laughing again.

The excutioner recovers and bit and goes to kick the chair, when B-Man lights a match and says: Come die with me, my love! The world will be a cold place without me in it. Come die with me!

At this sight, Kantur cannot help himself. He lets out an audible gasp as a single tear leaks from his eye. He walks towards the gallows, towards B-Man.
He says sadly, softly
There’s only one thing left for us here, and that’s death. There’s nothing else for me anymore, you all have ensured that. But I shall not be torn apart in the night alone and defenseless. I shall not be delivered to my maker by the hand of the mob. I take my own way, my own, much more bearable way now…May God forgive you, for I may not.
With that, he stands behind B-Man, takes out a dagger from his boot and ends his own life with it, the hilt telling the full story in itself with their names engraved together upon it’s surface. In his death, he does not change into a wolf, for he was naught but a simple villager, seduced by the lycanthrope's charms.

Seeing his love end his life, B-Man tosses the match into the circle of coffee beans. The gallows are engulfed quickly and the excutioner jumps out of the way. Screams are heard from within the fire. Seek the wolf in thyself! HA HA HA! The fire burns for awhile, the remains of B-Man and Kantur are found, unrecognizably charred.

((And yes, yes Jontom...I'm well aware that we are at 64% and also that I should give people another day....I just had to wake up before I could end the day. =) ))

The day is ending early because you're well over the required number of votes for a quick lynching. I will give those of you that were on notice of needing to vote or be kicked for inactivity another day due to the short duration of this one. Night will be ending when day would have....that is...tomorrow, 9pm. Night Begins

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-06, 09:13 AM
*Death bows his head*

They always were childhood sweet hearts.

*Death lays a black rose at the charred remains.*

It was a honourable death, to say the least.

I hope this can convince you good citizens. I do now openly implore the baner to contact me, I can then verify you in tonights scrying. After then I shall reveal the name of the other I can trust, and we can work as a team, and we all want to rid this town of the menace. Besides a few...

*Death glares at a few*

As of now the masons can or can not contact me. It will hinder the search not knowing them, but I will continue to prove myself to you all.

*Death turns to wait for Joosbawx to go back to his house*

2006-12-06, 09:18 AM
*DLD stares at the two burnt bodies near the gallows, then at Death, then back at the bodies*

We got one! And it was thanks to you, Death. I don't really know what to say to all of this.

*DLD approaches Death and holds out her hand, offering a handshake*

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-06, 09:37 AM
*Death shakes the hand, hoping the feeling of eternal despair dosen't set in, which is the norm when he shakes hands*

It is good to see at least a non villager die. Pity about the circumstances.

*Death stares at the coffee and suddenly feels like tea for a unknown reason*

2006-12-06, 09:49 AM
*DLD doesn't seem to be affected by the handshake*

I've never liked coffee. Or tea. But a hot chocolate is always good when the weather gets cold. Similar to normal chocolate, but liquid and warm. I wonder what happens when you freeze it? Does it turn to a block of chocolatey ice? Does it turn to normal chocolate? That would be amusing.

*DLD gives a chuckle as thoughts about freezing hot chocolate form in her head*

Jontom Xire
2006-12-06, 09:50 AM
Jontom flies up to the roof of Death's house, and hunkers down, preparing for the night's vigil guarding the seer.

2006-12-06, 09:54 AM
Ceika heads over to Death's house, taking up post outside one of the windows, determined not to let anyone or anything slip past her guard.

Well, that's one less we need to worry about... and who knows how many more left...

2006-12-06, 10:02 AM
T.S. cheers with Death. "Good job. Too bad about Kantur though, he seemed so nice. Ok, who's next?"

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-06, 10:14 AM
*Death is slightly embarrassed at the guard, but hopes Joosbawx dosen't mind all the guests*

Well Tormsskull, for now it is night. I must retire to Joosbawx's house.

The baner has contacted me via a thing called Emm Ess Mmm. It is a wonderful physic link. Tomorrow I shall add another to the list of those I trust.

*Death takes his spot by the fireside and sips his tea, glad for all company he can get*

2006-12-06, 10:35 AM
The Ghost of Korith awakens from a brief slumber

Wait..I was right on the first day?

In your face, wolves!

The ghost of Korith returns to slumber.

2006-12-06, 10:36 AM
Ceika takes a moment to reflect on the idea that she's trying to keep Death from being killed. After all, if any of them were safe from death... wouldn't it be Death himself? After a few minutes, she dismisses the thought and stands her guard.

2006-12-06, 10:42 AM
Joosbawx walks thoughtfuly after Death and his entourage back to his home, making certain they all feel welcome. Making a large pot of tea for those statinoed outside and a huge plat eof sandwiches, he leaves them available for Death's Minions. Retreating back inside his home, he stokes the fire before retiring to his small, comfortable library and shutting the door behind him. The candles and lamps burn and wane through the night as a beacon of hope for the Villagers.

2006-12-06, 10:43 AM
((One of my older brother's friends is singing the "I Think I'm Turning Japanese" song...


*DLD gives a sigh and begins hovering above the ground*

I'll keep a lookout from the air. Multiple angles of surveillance is an advantage.

*She flies a few metres above the roof of Death's house and begins circling*

Gnome Barbarian
2006-12-06, 11:08 AM
Walks out of his house the day going by so fast he barely had time to do anything... he hears about what happened during the day and returns to his home.

((Sorry I had a few days off of work and thats where i usually play... and this day ended so fast.))

2006-12-06, 11:54 AM
Ms E tears up a little at that last loving goodbye of the lovers. But then she remembers that they did succeed in lynching a wolf for once. Thanks, Death! Maybe there's hope for the village after all. She sighs happily (*^_^*) before running up the many flights of stairs to the top of her clocktower.

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-06, 12:17 PM
El Jaspero hmpfs. "Well, I guess I stand corrected."

*El J stops pointing at Trog*

Tharj TreeSmiter
2006-12-06, 01:44 PM
Good job Death, hopefully we have a baner and he wasn't eaten already.

I would have thrown my vote in on B-man too but WOW this day went quick. I checked last night and then when I got to work and poof a wolf is dead! Horray for the good team, lets get another one.

2006-12-06, 01:45 PM
Well done Death, shame about Katur too.

2006-12-06, 01:58 PM
Deckmaster, having slept all day, is surprised to learn about the day's events as he hears it from others. He decides to stand guard tonight as he is fully rested, and patrols as only a mime can; in an exaggerated goosestep.

2006-12-06, 02:06 PM
Flabbicus stands guard at Death's house.

2006-12-06, 02:31 PM
Maybe I'm being paranoid, and its probably too late, but I urge caution in trusting Death fully JUST yet.
The baner can protect him without revealing himself.
The Masons could nominate one of their number to talk to him.

Yes, he has spoken the truth about B-man being both werewolf and lover.
He could still be a werewolf though.
B-Man could be a sacrifice on the part of the wolf team. After yesterday's actions, he would have been high on the suspect list anyway (as Jontom pointed out). By sacrificing B-man, they get us to trust Death, reveal our roles as masons/baners etc etc. Meanwhile Death could "clear" his fellow wolves in the role of seer. The wolves could then go to town on the information we freely give them.

I am speaking in the best interests of the village. Please don't take this as an accusation on Death, I merely point out the possibility.
I am not saying Death is NOT the seer, merely that we don't need to throw ourselves at his feet just because he says he is.
I recommend caution.

2006-12-06, 02:32 PM
oh what the hell, ill cover the back door. great work death. i owe ya a brew.

2006-12-06, 03:09 PM
((goddamn, one day off the computer, and death has already saved us all!))

Altharis wakes up and congratulates Death on his keen powers of perception, and challenges him to a game of chess to while away the time. And makes hot choccy for all!!!!

2006-12-06, 04:32 PM
Raistlin runs out his door, sees b-man as a wolf and collapses.

This eye...this eye of mine was...wrong. Death! I must speak to you right away. Preferably in private.

(Death, send me a pm when you're ready to meet.)

Tharj TreeSmiter
2006-12-06, 04:36 PM
Maybe I'm being paranoid, and its probably too late, but I urge caution in trusting Death fully JUST yet.
The baner can protect him without revealing himself.
The Masons could nominate one of their number to talk to him.

Yes, he has spoken the truth about B-man being both werewolf and lover.
He could still be a werewolf though.
B-Man could be a sacrifice on the part of the wolf team. After yesterday's actions, he would have been high on the suspect list anyway (as Jontom pointed out). By sacrificing B-man, they get us to trust Death, reveal our roles as masons/baners etc etc. Meanwhile Death could "clear" his fellow wolves in the role of seer. The wolves could then go to town on the information we freely give them.

I am speaking in the best interests of the village. Please don't take this as an accusation on Death, I merely point out the possibility.
I am not saying Death is NOT the seer, merely that we don't need to throw ourselves at his feet just because he says he is.
I recommend caution.

It's a possibility but if he were a wolf we'd know it soon when he tells us somebody is a wolf but isn't actually (as we find out when we lynch them) So while it's possible it seems doubtfull, but I agree in general we shouldn't be to hasty.

2006-12-06, 05:42 PM
(death , I know you're online. Drop me a pm visit, we have much to talk about)

2006-12-06, 05:45 PM
((For future reference, you could send him a PM saying you want to talk, it makes just a tad less obvious, and actually gets his attention... occasionally.))

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2006-12-06, 05:46 PM
Fullbladder ponders a moment or two.

"And so begins the Rise of the Villagers. Who knew all it would take was the Angel of Death savin' lives."

He shrugs rather tiredly, but walks to Death's shack, to sit comfortably against a wall.

"I'm joinin' the Watch. You need more Ethnic Minorities and I need to stop drinkin' all the whiskey. So's here I be."

2006-12-06, 05:47 PM
(Ahh but that's what makes it mysterious. Who knows what we need to speak of?)

2006-12-06, 05:52 PM

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-06, 05:53 PM
((...You sure confuse me, but I sent a pm....))

*Death slumbers, pretty boring to watch actually, you are sure he snores as well.*

2006-12-06, 05:56 PM
(Ahh but that's what makes it mysterious. Who knows what we need to speak of?)

((Actually, I thought it was a sign to the wolves to have them kill you, thus revealing you as the fool, thus validating Death as the for-sure seer. The martyrs way of going out, but then again, maybe I'm wrong.))

2006-12-06, 07:11 PM
Or it could be a werewolf claiming that he is the fool, to ingratiate himself with the werewolf who is claiming to be the seer.

Paranoid? Me?

Eldritch Knight
2006-12-06, 07:20 PM
Here's the question on my mind.... Who will be mayor in the wake of this tragic murder? Are we going to pick one of the previous candidates, or are we going to have a brand new vote?

2006-12-06, 08:54 PM
I think a vote would be best. raven says, walking up to take her post on the guard line. that way we can vote someone who would be best in light of current events.

2006-12-06, 09:19 PM

Lucky walks up in front of the crowd. Good thing I kept this handy... Lucky pulls out his "Vote Lucky" sign and hammers it into the ground. Vote Lucky!

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2006-12-06, 10:07 PM
"Not so fast, Lucky," Fullbladder calls quietly from Death's lawn. "I nominate the Dwarven Lumberjack o'er there."

2006-12-06, 10:14 PM
(( we're doing politics at night? well, I suppose it's fitting. politicians have always been the type to sneak around during the dark.

sorry, could not help myself.))

Eldritch Knight
2006-12-06, 11:56 PM
I nominate Death. It's worked quite well previously. When the mayor is the Seer, the villagers normally win.

2006-12-07, 12:16 AM
Hey, flying backwards is fun! WHEEEEEEEEE!

Oh, we're voting for a new mayor?

2006-12-07, 12:51 AM
((Death, why don't you post the list of those you've cleared? It'd save time, if we all decided to lynch one and you had to step in at the last minute to clear their name))

Tharj TreeSmiter
2006-12-07, 01:53 AM
Me? I don't know look what happened to the last mayor!

"Not so fast, Lucky," Fullbladder calls quietly from Death's lawn. "I nominate the Dwarven Lumberjack o'er there."

2006-12-07, 02:03 AM
I second the nomination for Death

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-12-07, 04:14 AM
*While Death snores you could swear you could hear punctuation and noise coming from his mouth*

I must decline the position of mayor. No mayor has survived, neither have any seers. They mostly end up dying. I know that this is most likely my ultimate fate, to meet the wonderful and handsome, or so I have heard, Reaper, but I feel there may be one more suited to lead ((and he has been trying for this position for the whole game))

*Death sleep-looks around at the willing candidates. Double checks the room, looks around the corner for more.*

In this case, I would cast my vote for Lucky.

((Why Kurusk, doing something like that will benefit the wolves far more than it will benefit the villagers, and the doomed trusted. I hardly are going to reveal who I know I can trust for the whole town to see. Also I want my job back, being a lumberjack isn't all it turned out to be))

2006-12-07, 04:14 AM
((Death, why don't you post the list of those you've cleared? It'd save time, if we all decided to lynch one and you had to step in at the last minute to clear their name))

bad idea. itd be like a shopping list for the wolves. no, the best way to do this is for death to send the list to the people hes cleared via pm and they can all organize and share their suspicions away from prying eyes.

that said id like to throw my name into the mayoral vote. i fear no wolf and im not afraid to risk myself for the good of the town.

2006-12-07, 04:30 AM
*DLD sighs*

I am not sure who to nominate. Therefore, I shall not nominate anyone.

*DLD spots Joosbawx's sandwiches and moves to hover above them*

Hey, what kind are these?

Jontom Xire
2006-12-07, 11:40 AM
Slow night. Maybe we've got all the werewolves? (joking)

Tharj TreeSmiter
2006-12-07, 01:28 PM
Or it could be a werewolf claiming that he is the fool, to ingratiate himself with the werewolf who is claiming to be the seer.

Paranoid? Me?

Why would one wolf need to trick another? Unless they were from the two different packs?

Anyway, Tharj sleeps in nervous fits with his trusty (not rusty) axe nearby

2006-12-07, 01:36 PM
Slow night. Maybe we've got all the werewolves? (joking)

i wish it were true, but ive got a bad feeling for what we find inside tomarrow.

2006-12-07, 07:18 PM
Well, since all my competition has declined, I lead everyone by 1 vote!

Lucky for Mayor!

Tharj TreeSmiter
2006-12-07, 07:54 PM
What if we're just an anarco-sydicalist commune and we take it in turns to be a sort of executive officer for the week...

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-07, 08:04 PM
((El Jaspero for Secretary of the Interior! He has very neat handwriting and makes good coffee.))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2006-12-07, 09:00 PM
*The rooster caws, announcing the break of dawn. All those villagers who are still alive wake up to its loud irritating cries. Those brave enough to leave their homes trot into Town Square and learn that the election was in vain. Bits of Lucky are splattered all over the ground. In his blood the message "That four-leaf clover really IS lucky," mocks you all. A dog comes trotting by, Lucky's left arm triumphantly in his mouth. A shiny bracelet is still attached to his wrist.

Another body is discovered. Last night Raistlin passed out in front of his door. He will never awaken. Bite marks riddle his body and large chunks are missing from his flesh. Closer examination reveals that he did have a third eye, even closer examination will show that it has been glued on and was from a joke store that closed down a few years ago. Only a fool would believe it granted power.

It is now morning. You have another to find a werewolf and lynch them. Will you avenge your newly elected and newly deceased mayor?


El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2006-12-07, 09:07 PM
El Jaspero shakes his head sadly. "Alas, his reign was brief but eventful."

He chases down the dog and retrieves Lucky's arm; he gently places it with the rest of the former Mayor, but takes off the bracelet and examines it closely. "Fascinating."

Mr. Moon
2006-12-07, 09:10 PM
Moon Called returns from a day of hunting ((to explain my lack of posts)), a large bag of game flung over her shoulder. The elf is on the way to her shack, when she almost stepped on a body. Pulling her foot back before stepping in a large puddle of blood, she manages to make the connection between the body and Lucky. "What a wellcome message." She mutters, and sighs. At lest she would still have a chance to avenge Atreyu.

2006-12-07, 09:12 PM
Lucky's ghost appears. Wow, I guess that position is cursed. Who knew? He disappears into the night.

2006-12-07, 09:21 PM
Lucky's ghost appears. Wow, I guess that position is cursed. Who knew? He disappears into the night.

Welcome to the afterlife. It's to die for...