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2013-05-25, 05:01 PM
Stolen Lands

The Stolen Lands have long resisted attempts at colonization. Wedged between the River Kingdoms and Brevoy, the approximately 35,000-square-mile swath of wilderness has a long history of being regarded as
“stolen”—from and by whom depending on the point of view.

In Brevoy, the lands are considered stolen from that nation’s southern expanse by bandits and barbarians variously from Numeria, Iobaria, or the
River Kingdoms themselves.

In the River Kingdoms, the general impression is that Brevoy allowed the lands to fall into the hands of monsters and worse in order to rob the lords of the River Kingdoms of more lands to rule.

Even within the wildlands themselves, lands are stolen and conquered in constant struggles between
bickering tribes of centaurs, kobolds, fey, trolls, bandits, lizardfolk, boggards, barbarians, and more, all constantly skirmishing to expand their holdings while not ceding their own lands to the enemy.

In truth, the Stolen Lands belong to no one, and are stolen from no one. Many have tried to claim them, but the abandoned ruins that dot the swath of wilderness stand as testaments to the difficulty of ruling these savage
lands. They have remained wild with a fierce tenacity, a haven for monsters and criminals and dangerous secrets, and as such have posed a menace to their neighboring nations as long as anyone can remember.

And still, amidst the different power groups and the remains of a darker, sinister past, there has been a strange sort of equilibrium that has kept the wildlands from erupting into all-out war for decades.

Yet these times of relative calm in the Stolen Lands are coming to an end. Spurred to action in part by an increase in aggression among the bandits
and barbarians of the Stolen Lands and by building political tensions to the north, the swordlords of Restov have sent agents and colonists into the disputed region to explore and settle and, if need be, conquer.

You are one of these groups. For some reason or other, you all have taken the offer of riches and glory that the Restovian charter of exploration offers .

Chuck Adams: For you, it was a chance at starting a new life and getting away from what was becoming an ever-more dangerous way of living. Here was a way for you to maybe become something more than a criminal, maybe something important.

Amyryllis: If ever a place needed taming and the harsher touch of the Law then it was the River Kingdoms. Lawless, uncontrolled, full of bandits, monsters and worse...the moment you heard about the charter being offered, you were filled with a truly inspired zeal. What better place to show that your infernal Lord was not to be feared but could help bring civilization and law to the dark parts of the world?

Alexander Yokai: You are still not wholly comfortable with your new position. After all, you are used to the comforts of civilized living and who knows what will happen out there? But then again...what could be more exciting than going out there and experiencing adventure rather than hearing about it all the time?

Jack Whack: This could be it for you. After so many years of drifting around, maybe you could find a home somewhere. Or, at the very least, provide enough for you to live comfortably ever after. Not to mention the fact that, with all the bandits running around in the wilderness, there's got to be a few bounties to collect!

Mark Whaelson: What better way to hone your skills and sharpen your blades! Given the infatuation of Restovians with bladework, it's a miracle there are not more pursuers of your mystic art around. With no one to truly test your mettle against, the idea of fighting monsters and whole bandit gangs had an appeal you could not resist.

The charter you all received reads like this:

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel
within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt.

Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of
this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful
behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry
remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this
24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov
and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of
the Dragonscale Throne.

You all arrive at a small, rugged trading post north of the lands you are chosen to explore and settle. Oleg's Trading Post consists of four wooden buildings with a generous space between and a strong palisade around them.
Even as you make your way towards the open gates, you hear a loud hammering nois and see a man on one of the buildings, repearing the roof.

2013-05-25, 06:04 PM
Mark strolls into town, confident in his abilities and ready to fulfill his charter. Once through the gate, he asks the first person he sees where he can find lodging, drink, and news; preferably all in the same place.

Sleepy Shade
2013-05-26, 01:38 AM
Wearing his simple traveling clothes Alex is dressed mostly in green and brown with a hat on his head covering his ears the best he can.
Alexander walks into the outpost while watching the man on the roof.
A bit shaken from his long journey from the city he looks forward to a nice bath but at the site of the outposts simple quarters and repair work going on he can only be disappointed. Two Minuets and already their were problems. A leaky roof, bandits, stranded in the middle of nowhere, what in the world where they thinking when they sent me here he thought
Alex walks over to the nearest person that doesn't seem to busy.

"Umm..excuse me I'm looking for the the umm person in charge who would that be or if there unavailable the 2nd in command?"

2013-05-26, 02:04 AM
The first person that approaches you is a middle-aged woman, smiling widely as she steps out of the main building, wiping her hands.
" Finally! Gods be praised, I cannot tell you how happy we are that you have come! Please, please, come on in! I've made some hearty stew and fresh bread for you. And a bottle of the finest wine! OLEG, COME DOWN THERE AND GREET OUR HEROES!"

Grumbling something, the man on the roof climbs down, using an old cloth to wipe the sweat off his brow. " I'm Oleg Leveton and you have already met my wife Svetlana. Is it true that you have come to help us out?"

2013-05-26, 02:31 AM
Its the story of a halfling bounty hunter and his trusty dog Rex that drifted around looking for the next big score. Now, they've reached the trading post for the next job. As always he took a quick glance around when he stepped in to get an idea of its layout especially, the best spots to be when things go wrong. They normally do.

The first sign of it was the woman shouting about "heroes". Something the halfling wasn't at all. "Help?" the halfling asked suspiciously before showing the charter he was given. "Maybe, depends. What do you need help with?" the halfling asked raising an eyebrow. Repairing the roof was definitely not part of his job here but it would probably be a lot less dangerous than whatever they needed heroes for.

2013-05-26, 02:50 AM
" You don't know?" Svetlana asks, frowning. Oleg, on the other hand, throws his arms up in obvious frustration. " Blood and Ashes! These thrice-damned bureaucrats! Sure, they want a secure trading post on their border! Sure, they want my taxes! But can they lift a finger to help out?!"

Svetlana sighs. " We've had bandit troubles these last few weeks. My husband sent a request for help, but we are still waiting for a response. And when you arrived, we thought..."

2013-05-26, 03:29 AM
"No I don't" the halfling told the woman before sparing a glance at her husband's outburst.

But now he knew. "The charter says we're supposed to explore..." the halfling begins to say before pausing to see the couple's reaction. Following that he continues to explain "however it also says that we're supposed to take care of banditry" with execution. That simplifies things a lot for the halfling.

"Just tell me about these bandits, but I can't make any promises" the halfling said. Since its not his priority he cannot go out looking for them, but if he finds them during the exploration that should work.

2013-05-26, 03:45 AM
" They've come here a few times to collect 'taxes' as they say", Oleg chimes in. " It was 3 months ago that they first arrived, led by a woman carrying two axes and some hooded low-life. Of course, I didn't want to pay, but they said they'd burn everything down and take my wife...what was I supposed to do?"
He is visibly agitated, riven with impotent rage.

" They've come two more times, always at the start of a month and they're supposed to come again very soon. And I don't know how long I can keep paying them. Trade's been going badly these last few months."

2013-05-26, 03:55 AM
Amyryllis walks up beside the halfling, smiling a bit at the two middle aged people. While she wasn't exactly pleased by the man ranting against the government wanting taxes, she understood a bit. The Stolen Lands were a dangerous place, after all.

Amy smiled at the couple, her eyes looking more towards Svetlana than Oleg. "These bandits sound like such a bothersome group. It always saddens me that people can't seem to just follow the law." She sighed, the motion making the sunlight glint off of the Holy Symbol of Asmodeus latched to her neck. "I suppose it's a good thing we have been charged with bringing the law back to this area then, so that way you good people don't have to be afraid for your lives." Amy finished, her eyes gleaming.

2013-05-26, 04:11 AM
Svetlana's eyes widen at the sight of the holy symbol, turning to her husband.
" She's a devil-worshipper!"
But Oleg just grumbles. " Right now, I'd take almost any help to make this place safe again. If you don't harm anyone except the bandits, you're all welcome here."
Turning to his wife, he mutters, " Sveta, what choice do we have? I don't want to give in to them anymore...and I'd rather die before letting anything happen to you. This is OUR life! And no one is going to take it away from us."

2013-05-26, 04:37 AM
He was expecting something more relevant like "where are they I meant?" but the time of very soon seemed to work too. "How soon?" he continued asking the pair. Maybe the halfling could catch them in the act...and get a reward without wasting too much time. He was a bounty hunter after all and bounties are what motivated him.

Which was why he only shrugged at the revelation of the devil worshiper and said "people breaking the law gives me a job" and worshiping a devil wasn't against the law apparently or he'd have went straight into action. Right now he was only interested in two people. "I assume the axe and the hood are the leaders?"

2013-05-26, 05:20 AM
Amy grimaced slightly at Svetlana's reaction to her symbol, but her good mood was restored when Oleg told his wife he didn't care.

"Thank you for not caring, Master Oleg, about who my patron is. It is a refreshing change from all the dirty glances and mistrust I have received outside of Cheliax. I do, however, wish to clear the air, Goodlady Oleg: Asmodeus is not just 'some' devil, nor am I something so simple as a mere devil worshiper. I am an ordained Priestess of Asmodeus, and I take great pride in that fact. Rest assured, nothing causes hatred in the Church of the Dark Prince than unlawfulness. These bandits might as well have signed their own death warrants when they stood against the law." Amy gave the duo a sweet smile, to offset the slight rant she had given. " Rest easy in the fact that Amyryllis Orlovsky, Priestess of Asmodeus is among those that will stomp out these bandits with prejudice."

That Amy wasn't adverse to letting a couple bandits live to work for her was best left unmentioned, she supposed.

2013-05-26, 05:37 AM
Svetlana seems at least slightly mollified but steals another furtitve glance at the symbol anyway. " We do not know where they come from. The south, I guess, but it's way too dangerous for anyone to go there on their own. The woman with the axes was only there the first time. After that, there was only that man with the bow and the four others."

Oleg grunts his confirmation. " They should be arriving tomorrow morning. So you'll have time to put up an ambush for them if you really want to help."

Sleepy Shade
2013-05-26, 09:50 AM
Alexander looks at the priest what did she say her name was Amy? She seemed strange an Asmodian was a rare thing to be proud of let alone boast of it in front of strangers outside of Cheliax.
She would be interesting to watch.
He looked over at the others the hafling and his dog immediately caught his attention very organized those two he thought.
"Tomorrow you say? That's good lets us get settled in and acquainted with the place. But umm do you have running water and a large tub? I would like a bath if its not umm to much trouble."

2013-05-26, 09:59 AM
" But of course!" Svetlana exclaims, motioning towards the largest building. " Please, come on in! Stew, freshly baked bread, wine and, of course, a bathtub...I'll do my best to make you all comfortable here."

2013-05-26, 11:23 AM
(you lot sure do jump on things quickly :smallbiggrin: )

A rather large, hairy man carrying an even larger pack made his way up to the rest of the group. He had been a ways behind them since Restov, and liked it that way. It'd been a long while since he had conversed with other people, and trying to come up with what to say was enough for the savage to avoid the group as they journeyed to the trading post. he knew he would have to lead once they began exploring the wilderness, but at least for now he could safely avoid socializing.

The wildman was just close enough to hear the tail end of Svetlana's welcoming. He moves a bit faster, nudging past some of the group to get close to Svetlana. When he is close - uncomfortably so for most people - He stares at the woman for a moment, twisting his lips trying to decide how to phrase his question.

"Bath. Where?" Chuck asks, about a half a tone louder than what's required for normal conversation, let alone uncomfortably close conversation. Chuck then turns his head and looks through the doorway, waiting for the woman to point him in the right direction.

2013-05-26, 12:43 PM
An ambush? An idea the halfling felt uncomfortable with since he "don't like ambushes. Takes too much planning and things go wrong when the situation changes. Besides, the target needs to know why I'm after them." There was nothing the bounty hunter liked more than kicking down a door and forcing a bounty to surrender at gunpoint, or have a good shootout failing that.

However that didn't mean that he would simply do that especially with "five people you say?" Good to know that the axe woman might not be around and the other in command has a bow and the hood but what about the others?

Accepting the offer, the halfling preparing to follow the group into the building asked "can we continue the conversation inside?" The conversation will of course be getting as much information as possible to make a good plan of action. "Tell us what they have and what they do when they're here based on their previous visits. Don't miss out on anything."

"Oh, and Rex is going to need some food and water if you can spare it" the halfing requested gesturing at his dog.

2013-05-26, 04:41 PM
Mark, who'd remained silent up until this point, piped up.

"I'm more than willing to deal with these bandits. What's the plan? What time of day do they come, and how do they approach?

2013-05-26, 04:57 PM
" The bathtub is this way...I have heated some water but I'm not sure it's ready yet", Svetlana says, motioning the hairy man to follow her into the back room.

Meanwhile, Oleg fills the plates on the table with stew and bread and sits down.
" The others have rather ill-kept weapons. Short blades, perfect for gutting their victims but for little else. I've seen bows on a few of them as well."
He points out in the general direction of the gate. " They always arrive from the south. Through the hills there. And they come at dawn. Always at dawn."

2013-05-26, 05:15 PM
Chuck simply nods and follows Svetlana. After a few paces, he begins to leave a trail of clothing, starting with the oversized backpack that lands with an audible thud, then shirt, boots, and so on. By the time he reaches the bath, he is barely covered at all, and doesn't wait to check the temperature before plopping himself in the water.

"Ah..." Chuck sighed loudly, "Warm." A ring of dirt was already beginning to form around the waterline, only moments after Chuck had stepped in.

2013-05-26, 05:17 PM
Svetlana makes sure only to turn after he is safely in the water. If she finds the obvious layer of dirth on him offensive, she does not say. Instead, she smiles and says, " If you need anything, just holler. Remember, there is food and drink for you in the commons." With that, she walks out, but not before grabbing his clothes and arranging them in a neat pile near the tub.

2013-05-26, 09:49 PM
Amy frowned at the halfling. "I understand your dislike of ambushes, but I'm rather in favor of one simply because it might stop one of them from running off and gathering more of their fellows than we might be able to handle at once." Then, unexpectedly, Amy let a smirk cross her face. "That being said, all we have to do is cut off their retreat. If you are willing, we could hide until they are inside the complex and then surround them, and give them the offer of surrendering and dying painlessly, or resisting and dying painfully."

Amy takes a small sip of the stew, and then, looking surprised, takes a larger one. "Master Oleg, this stew is marvelous. I must thank you for sharing a meal with us of this quality." It tasted like stew, admittedly, but after days on the road it was a delicious meal.

2013-05-27, 02:58 AM
" Hmm", Oleg makes, nodding. " thank my wife. It was her idea. I am a miserable cook..."
" And thus banned from the kitchen", Svetlana chimes in, just coming in from the back. " Your other friend will be taking a bath...and it might take a while. In the meantime, please, have some wine." She places a flask on the table.

" You could hide in the guest building on the other side. They always come in here to get their...tribute. You know, hides, furs, food. When they put it onto their horses, they'll be most vulnerable, I guess", Oleg says, getting back to the matter at hand.

2013-05-27, 03:36 AM
"Hmmmmm...." the halfling thought to himself about an ambush and cutting off the bandit's retreat while he poured out the wine. "On the plus side, if we get them alove we can interrogate them" about their camp and boss lady. A very promising idea.

But he didn't want any of those bandits near their horses. Agreeing with the cleric of Amodeus, Jack said "we can just wait for them in here. Only need one person to block off the door, bows wouldn't be effective either." Not when anyone can just run up after them.

2013-05-27, 03:41 AM
" They do not enter the buildings, though", Oleg says, " they pack the things onto their horses in the market yard. As for your horses...I would put them behind the guest house. That way they won't be seen."

2013-05-27, 08:55 AM
"I thought you said they come in here to take their tribute?" the halfling asked confused. He must have been mistaken but "how do they take the goods then? Or do you take it out for them?" he continued before taking a look past the windows or door out of the building to make a guess on where the bandit's horses would be based on Oleg's information.

Sadly Jack is a failure of a cavalier. He has no horse :(

2013-05-27, 10:29 AM
Then Jack will ride on Chuck's shoulder's till he gets one!

Humming could be heard coming from the bathroom. The tune was something no one could identify, signaling either to Chuck's terrible ability to hum songs, or that he made up his own song to hum in the long years he was alone in the wilderness. Either way, the sound isn't all that pleasant.

(Can Chuck hear anything being said by the rest of the group?)

2013-05-27, 11:29 AM
" They ride in and then load their horses in the market yard", Oleg explains. " Of course, they have us bring everything out beforehand."

The market yard is in the middle of the trading post, between the buildings. And yes, Chuck can hear at least snippets, no one is trying to be that quiet

Sleepy Shade
2013-05-27, 01:32 PM
So an any ambush or fight will happen on the grounds not inside. As Alexander waited for Chuck to be done in the bath he so needed. He started thinking about what sort of tactics they would need his spells were limited but they would help. The color spell his mother had taught him regularly helped him. But it would hardly be sufficient for disabling all of the bandits, but if he got close enough...
"The gates can close right?"
Do you have a map or something we can look at to get a sense of how the buildings are laid out?

2013-05-27, 01:37 PM
" Yes, the gates can be closed. It's not usually done and it takes a bit, but it can be done."


The building in the upper right corner is where you are. The left building is the guest building. The small building between the two larger buildings is a storage shack.

2013-05-27, 03:23 PM
The question remains about the meaning of "A bit? How long does it take to close?" as well as how to close it but Jack can probably ask for a demonstration of that later.

It was then that Jack spied on something very interesting. "Those catapults up the towers. Is there anyone here that can use them?" If the bandits were really going to just load up out there, then using those would be pretty easy without the risk of any damage to the buildings.

What are those checker thingies on the top left, and the buildings on the left look more like stables :P

2013-05-27, 03:48 PM
Oleg shakes his head. " They were brought here back when this was supposed to be a garrison. But they haven't been used ever and by now, they are probably too rotten to work properly anyway. And the gates...I'd say in the time it takes for you to count to 20 if two or three work on it."

Oh damn, yes. The one on the left is the stables. The guest rooms are the building in the lower right. The checker-like things are small holes in the ground to store wares that can survive exposure to the elements.

2013-05-27, 06:14 PM
Amy nodded to Svetlana, "Then it it you who I must thank for this meal. Thank you goodlady." Listening to all the battle plans, Amy frowned. "Would it be remiss of us to hold this discussion until our large friend gets out of the bath?" Amy asked, continuing to eat as if all the talks of fighting and killing were just common table-talk.

Alas, Amy as well is short one horse. Good thing our hapless bandits have some then. Also, I'm assuming we all know each others names? Just so we don'thave to have an awkward "By the way, my name is-" right before we fight to the death?

Sleepy Shade
2013-05-27, 07:59 PM
Alexander just sits nearby and contemplates a bit.
The wagon outside he could hide under or somebody else could and their seemed to be blind spots they could hide until the bandits came all the way in.
And would the bandits be expecting resistance? For all they knew the could sit at the table in the court yard in disguise without raising to much suspicion.
As Chuck walks out Alexander goes in and quickly washes before returning outside to the common room. He always felt so much better after a bath.

"They don't get much resistance do they? I think we can take them if we surprise them."

2013-05-27, 10:43 PM
(oh I walked out did I? Le's refrain from forcing other character's actions in the future please. :smallsmile:)

Chuck walks back into the dining room sans shirt, socks, and boots. His hair was still wild despite the washing, though now it was wet and gave off a faint but still noticeable stench akin to that of a wet dog. Plopping himself down in a chair, he snatches a bowl of stew and begins drinking it from the bowl, both elbows on the table. After downing half the meal in just a few large gulps, Chuck removes the bowl from his lips long enough to speak.

"Bandits... Easy to scare. Easy to kill. Run quickly. Come back with more. Best to kill all. Then they don't run." Chuck takes another long drink of his stew, swallowing a large chunk of potato with it before resuming, "I hide behind gate. Close after they enter. Trap like scared rabbits." Chuck grins wide at the anticipation of knocking some bandits senseless.

2013-05-28, 01:48 AM
Not being a big fan of waiting, Jack said "we can just fill him in later" while taking a piece of meat from his stew and feeding it to his dog. Business of course was always best made on the table preferably with a drink. He was not some barbarian to do otherwise.

But, he was liking this particular barbaric and ill mannered human already. "if its all the same to you, I'd rather meet them when they arrive. I could be a good enough distraction to get their attention while he closes the gate" although Oleg said it'll take at least 20 with at least two people. That could be hard.

Thinking a little, he asked "maybe we should check the gate and post after this just to be sure about what we can do. Do you have anything to make closing the gate easier? Like oil?"

2013-05-28, 01:54 AM
" Usually, it's only me and Svetlana and we can't fight against four or more. So, no, they do not expect resistance", Oleg says.

He frowns a little, scratching his chin. " A bit of lamp oil...but I think we have some fat and grease...maybe that should help. Sveta can show you the barrel later. And I sure hope they all end up dead. Because I am going to hang their worthless corpses from the palisade. I hope that's going to send a message."

At these words, Svetlana gives him a sharp look but does not press the matter.

Sleepy Shade
2013-05-28, 08:36 PM
@pyrocide Sorry about that :smallredface:
Alexander grimaces slightly at the last remark it must be true. Out here manners and mercy are the first to go. He hoped that he would be able to fix that.
"So they don't expect many people at the fort. Hmm " Alexander ponders for a moment before continuing "If we hide inside we should be able to surprise them. Though I'm dubious about closing the gate while we fight as soon as we start closing them they'll try to flee. We'll need to make sure they cant run during that time."
After that Alex gets up. "I'm gonna go look around a bit." and leaves the room to go looking around the fort.

Can you give me some descriptions for that wagon and the barn on the map I want to check those out first.

2013-05-29, 11:27 AM
Chuck watches Alex as he goes, thinking of what he had said. He was right; If Chuck couldn't close the gate quickly, some of the bandits might escape, which is the last thing the barbarian wants. He knows bandits all too well to know if even one of them manages to escape, they'll gather a large enough force to overwhelm the tiny trading post.

"You got grease? Oil? Chuck will try getting gate to close." Chuck said with a mouth half-full of meat and carrot from the last of the stew. He leans back, running his hand across his full belly, his fingers running through the coarse, brown hair on his stomach. Chuck figured he should make sure he can slam the gate fast enough so that the bandits won't have time to react.

2013-05-29, 04:40 PM
Jack watched the half-elf leave. His pessimism on the matter was annoying but still true only "we fight only after the gate is closed. Keep the bandits attention on us instead of the gate until its time." It shouldn't be too hard if they were able to act on the bandit's pride as Jack knew. They'd waste the whole time arguing for the most trivial of things.

"Maybe we should test the gate now Chuck. If anything the grease might keep it quiet" and they might be able to get an idea of how effective trying to close the gate will be. "Madam, if you'd show us the stuff after we're done here?" the halfling asked.

2013-05-29, 05:02 PM
" Of course", Svetlana says to you, hurrying out to grab a small barrel folled with grease, handing it to the large man.

The gate is quite heavy and closes only after some protest. However, with some grease being applied, it all goes much more smoothly and you should be able to close it within a much shorter time.

Meaning it takes about 1 full round to close with a DC 10 STR check

The wagon Alexander examines is just that - a small cart, usually drawn by one horse, currently empty, with only an old, somewhat ragged sheet covering it.

Which building are you referring to with "barn"?

Sleepy Shade
2013-05-29, 09:10 PM
Alex smiles a bit the wagon would make a good hiding spot. He looks under the tarp to make sure no vermin are milling about underneath it.

When I say Barn I meant the building immediately to the Left of the wagon the back looks like pens for holding horses and it looks like it has big barn doors on it. And what are those 3 net covered objects or buildings at the back of the fort are those the supplies?

2013-05-30, 02:10 AM
The stables are exactly that, a sizable building that can hold up to five horses, or more, in a pinch. There are a few bales of hay lying around the place. Currently, only one portion of the stables is occupied, by an older horse that looks nervously at anyone entering.

The net-covered things in the back are small holes in the ground for holding suipplies that can survive exposure to the outside air

2013-05-30, 12:37 PM
"This should work, although the problem would be to make sure they don't realize what we are doing..." the halfling commented looking at the gate close before wondering "would we have to put the grease again tomorrow morning?"

Which only left the problem of ambushing them. "I suppose we can find hiding places which suit us best" Jack said before saying "it looks like the half elf found his already" in case anyone wanted to share the cart.

"I'll look for mine on my own" Jack said before leaving the group for their own devices. "Just tell me if there are any changes to the plan."
Jack is going to look at the towers with the catapults and the small building in the middle. If he was going to get on top is there any ladders or stairs or does he have to climb them before the bandits come? If its the latter what would the climb dc be?

2013-05-30, 01:52 PM
Chuck makes his way outside, and upon reaching the door he applies a gob of grease to the hinges. Stepping behind it, he then tenses and pushes the gate as hard as he can. The gate flies around and clangs into position. Chuck grins.

After resetting the gate, Chuck grabs a crate big enough to stand on and places it behind the gate. This way, by standing on the crate he is completely covered by the gate, which should hide him completely from any wandering bandit eyes.

Satisfied with his work, Chuck wandered back into the dining room, grabbing a roll off the table while still standing.

"Gate ready. Bandits die tomorrow." Chuck said between bites of the roll, "Sleep now. Where's bed?"

Sleepy Shade
2013-05-30, 04:09 PM
Alexander take a few steps towards the horse looks at for a bit and exits the barn. He decides to seek out the bed rooms and take a final look at one last building.

The last building I want to see is the one between the "barn" and the building where we where discussing plans.

2013-05-30, 05:57 PM
Mark follows along, quietly observing everything that happens. His eyes often fall on each person present, though he makes no comment on the proceedings. When bed is mentioned, he quietly asks where he can sleep.

2013-05-30, 07:14 PM
Jack's observation reveals to him a small, rackety ladder on the eastern side of the outpost leading onto the walkway that connects the towers. It has a twin on the lower western corner.

" The beds are over here", Svetlana says, motioning towards a smaller building in the south eastern corner. " Please, make yourselves feel at home."

Alexander, the building you are looking at is a Storage Pen: This fenced area has a wooden roof to keep off most of the rain and snow—trade goods like furs and other goods are stored here until enough build up to warrant a trip to the city to sell them off. The pen is currently empty.

2013-05-30, 09:43 PM
Amy frowned at everyone. "Admittedly, I am not a strategist in warfare, so I will leave it up to you lot where I will be of the most help."

2013-05-31, 12:36 AM
After he was done scouting Jack also turned in for the night thinking he has prepared the best as he could. The next day was going to be rather interesting.
Ready to jump into the action!

2013-05-31, 01:27 AM
You all spend the evening planning and preparing for the fight ahead. The beds in the guest room prove comfortable, if a bit simple - something a weary traveller would give his right arm for, but nothing a king would desire.

The next morning, the bandits arrive about an hour after sunset, riding in from the south, just as Oleg had mentioned. There are four men in total, all of them with the look of thugs about them.

They ride into the trading post with the arrogance of people who do not expect anyone to resist. Oleg stands in the market square, awaiting them, having mentioned that it would seem strange if he did not await her.

" He, good man", the bandit's leader, a crude man in a patched-up leather armor says, a gleeful smile on his face, " do you have something for us this month?"

It is very obvious from his tone just what kind of answer he expects...

2013-05-31, 04:41 PM
Mark stands at Oleg's shoulder, hand on his sword hilt.

"No, he doesn't. You should probably leave, while you can."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2013-05-31, 05:05 PM
For a moment, precious little happens, the man in front meeting Mark's eyes. However, there is a slight change in his posture as he recognizes that, unlike him and his toadies, the stranger is a real warrior, not a thug.

" Uhm...maybe we really should leave", one of said toadies says and for a brief moment, it appears as if their leader is about to order a retreat.
But then, one of the other two protests, " But Kressle will have our hides if we come back empty-handed! Come on, there's only one of them..."

" That's true, actually", the bandit leader says. " How about you step aside and let us finish here before you or anyone else gets hurt?"

There is substantially less steel in his voice now, despite his attempt to act tough.

They will be shaken in the first round of combat due to your intimidate.

2013-05-31, 06:57 PM
"Too late for that!!!" yells the barbarian from behind the gate. With a flex and a shove, Chuck slams the gate closed. The gate clangs loudly into position, causing a small flock of birds on a nearby rooftop to take flight.

Chuck steps down from his crate, flexing and breathing heavily. It almost looks like smoke is coming from his nostrils. After breathing in one long breath, Chuck screams at the top of his lungs, though not a deep scream - instead, the scream of a wild man.

take 10 to close gate

will be raging next turn.

Sleepy Shade
2013-05-31, 07:38 PM
As soon as he had heard the bandits were coming Alexander had hidden underneath the tarp in the wagon. He hoped they had entered close enough to his hiding spot.
By the sound of it Chuck had started the fight. With a flourish Alexander throws the tarp back and runs as close the the bandits as he can without coming in range of their swords.
"Sorry but we don't negotiate." He casts his spell at the bandits and hopes they drop.

I cast color spray (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/color-spray)
Save Dc 15
Range 15 ft.
Area cone-shaped burst
Duration instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

2013-06-01, 12:39 AM
Mark draws his sword, knowing that blooshed was inevitable at this point. He swings for the leader, focusing all of his ability into one (hopefully) decisive strike.

In Punishing Stance for a -2 to AC, +1d6 damage.
Activate Steely Strike for +4 attack. Opponents other than the leader get a +4 to hit me next turn.

Crit confirmation (if necessary): [roll1]
Damage: [roll]2d4+6+1d6

2013-06-01, 12:40 AM
Reroll of the damage because I'm bad at the forum roller.... [roll0]+[roll1]+6

Total of 16 damage.

2013-06-01, 01:14 AM
Knowing when the bandits will come made things easier for Jack. Before they were going to arrive, he got on top of the wall along with Rex and waited. The sooner they arrived, the better since Jack was not keen on waiting all exposed to the sun.

When the bandits did arrive, Jack immediately went prone in wait for the signal from Chuck. The halfling did not jump the gun when Mark was intimidating the bandits since he did not want to let them escape instead telling Rex to wait...you'll get to bite some bandits soon enough.

As soon as Chuck roared and worked on the gate, Jack immediately pulled the trigger at the head bandit and hoped in the commotion no one would notice him yet so he can try again later.
Attack roll: [roll0] (Taking a -4 penalty to deal non lethal damage)
damage: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

2013-06-01, 01:33 AM
Everything seems to happen at once. As the door slams shut, the bandits turn around, drawing their weapons, their expressions turning quickly from smug sureness to surprise and then horror.

Happs Byden (bandit leader) [roll0]

Before they can even react, the sorcerer leaves his hiding place and unleashes his arcane might upon them! The blinding, flashing lights overwhelm all the men, knocking them out cold...

Before the leader can even drop down, Mark strikes, the blade slashing towards the man in a deadly arc of steel, sending the bandit flying backwards in a spray of blood!

That takes out the leader who is now at -5 HP
I now assume that Jack, who aimed at the leader goes for one of the thugs instead.

Jack's attack strikes one of the other thugs on the way to the ground.

That man is at 2 HP. Alright, folks, they are all unconscious due to the colour spray. The leader is dying. No initiative necessary, just let me know what you will be doing next.

Could it be that the dice roller does not recognize D4? Rolled on my own since it doesn't work on the boards, they will be unconscious for the next 3 rounds.

2013-06-01, 01:57 AM
That was fast..." Jack said when he got down to the ground although only as fast as his short legs would let him. Although this is a good result since they only need to "tie them up and pile up their stuff at the side," the leader was dying and that was a bad thing because "we needed him alive dammit. How are we going to find their camp and get information on their boss?" While saying this he shot an accusing glare at Mark.

"Can anyone stop him from bleeding out?" he asked the rest of the group. If they wouldn't he'd remind them that underlings like the ones not dying have a high likelihood of not knowing anything compared to the one trusted to lead them.

2013-06-01, 02:47 AM
Stepping out from behind a building, Amy smirked at the dying bandit. "My, you boys do seem to know how to fight this kind of thing out quickly. It's nice to see competence this far from the city." She murmured.

Amy frowned at the question about healing him, but shrugged and knelled down beside him, and began to dress his wounds. "Scum such as this do not deserve my magic, but I will at least attempt to stabilize him. If one of you wouldn't mind clean up the riffraff lying in the streets in a more... permanent manner, I'd appreciate it. trying to save the life of a bandit, what would my peers think of me now." She muttered the last part.

[roll0] Heal check to stabilize.

2013-06-01, 03:24 AM
Amy tries to dress the wound, but the diagonal cut Mark had made is just too deep and bleeds profusely. The man keeps on bleeding out, his breath ragged and shallow.

Sorry, need a 15 to stabilize him

" Gladly", Oleg says, forcing himself out of the shocked stupor the sudden outbreak of violence had cast him into. Grabbing a piece of wood, he knocks it across the back of the skull of the first thug - not killing him but at least making sure the magically-induced unconsciousness turns into a real one.

The two other thugs began to stir slowly...

2013-06-01, 08:19 AM
Jack frowned at the cleric half hearted efforts. "If he dies, we won't get information to stop all the bandits. Being the leader's right hand man he would know the important things like the camp's layout, secret handshakes, timetables and such. If its all the same to you I'd rather go in as prepared as possible" he explained to try and persuade the cleric to use her magic. If not, "just keep trying whatever it is you are doing as long as you can."

And the bounty hunter in him knew "besides, these men might have bounties on their heads if they turn up important for some reason. Best to keep them alive until we're sure. In any case they'll properly pay society back like Oleg here for their crimes" he said trying to dissuade the rest from more permanent actions like Oleg is so keen for.

Noting the man's enthusiasm. Jack offered "I'll take care of this" before asking "If you can get us some ropes?" and proceeded to knock out the rest of the bandits with the butt of his musket.

2013-06-01, 02:43 PM
Chuck was visibly disappointed. He had just warmed up for a good long raging battle against some meatsacks ripe for a pummeling. Chuck shuffled up to the rest of the group, grumbling as entire way.

"Ugh... Weaklings." Chuck looks around at the bandits twitching on the ground. As Oleg and Jack took to making sure the bandits didn't wake up anytime soon. It wasn't a challenge, or even all that fun, but Chuck took the consolation prize of knocking out one with his bare hands, coming down on top of the bandits head in a clasped hammer-fist motion.

Chuck then stood nearby, waiting for the leader to awaken, if he doesn't bleed out first.

2013-06-01, 05:59 PM
Mark shrugs. "I don't mess around in a fight. Trying to be nice is a good way to die."

As he says this, he bends down and gives Amy a hand in her attempt to save the bandit.

Can I aid another to help her with it?

2013-06-01, 06:16 PM
Yes, you can, although it would only give her a +2 bonus. Better try your own roll if you have any ranks in heal.

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-01, 11:44 PM
Alexander was a bit astonished by how effective the spell turned out. He had expected to get one or two bandits not the whole lot minus the leader. He smiled a bit and whispered too himself.
"Got to thank mum for that."
With Mark and Amy arguing about the bandits he walked off to find some rope. Whatever they where going to do with the bandits he hoped they won't be killed, he hated killing needlessly.

2013-06-02, 02:35 AM
You manage to find some rope and tie up the bandits. Oleg seems relieved and at the same time a bit disgruntled. " Wouldn't it be easier to just let their leader live? By Restovian law the punishment for banditry is death. They know that. They deserve it."

It is pretty obvious, however, that it is not a thirst for blood that makes him say this but rather simple and pure anger at having been a victim of these people.

2013-06-02, 09:17 AM
"Oleg right." Chuck agrees, his beady brown eyes scanning the group, sensing hesitation.

"Chuck will do it. You are not ready to kill. Chuck is. Soon you will all have to kill. Many Bandits. Not enough rope." Chuck moves to grab two of the bandits, ready to take them to a convenient execution location.

(If no one stops chuck, he will drag the four random bandits behind the barn and coup de grace each of them with his greatsword, leaving only the leader with the group to be questioned.)

2013-06-02, 11:13 AM
Mark hesitates. "Perhaps....a little indentured servitude, instead?"

2013-06-02, 02:02 PM
After he was done with making sure the bandits would be out for next hour, Jack proceeded to separate them from any weapons or tools they could use to stir up trouble with a considerable distance. Then he rejoined the conversation by first trying to stop the barbarian from taking any of the men with a hand to the shoulder.

"These men are no longer a threat or able defend themselves. I cannot allow you to murder them like this" and then adding with a glance to Oleg "the punishment should not be delivered by us now that they have been neutralized. It shall be decided by proper Restovian authorities."

Perception to find escapey stuff: [roll0] (1d20+9)[24]
I don't think the cavalier order will allow Jack to allow this to happen :P
Also Jack will be putting the loot in a neat pile so if its possible to tell us what is there?

2013-06-02, 02:36 PM
"We are the law." Chuck responds, his expression of stone seriousness. "Read paper they gave us. We are the law." Chuck is obviously referring to the charter that was given to the group, specifically the part that mentions any banditry should be met with the sword or hanging.

2013-06-02, 02:53 PM
Jack furrowed his brow while he took a look at the charter. How the barbarian could get one over him he didn't know but if he did not find a way soon enough, then he wouldn't be able to stop anyone. Taking a few seconds to check the charter again he found something that might help him and gave a smile.

"It says here," the halfling said before pausing to make sure he got Chuck's attention "the punishment is for unrepentant banditry. Why don't we ask them when they wake up if they have repented? If not then you may do what you want but otherwise, they're under my protection." That was as far as Jack felt he could or should go for these men and hopefully it was enough.

2013-06-02, 05:04 PM
Jack easily manages to remove every item that could be used as a weapon or help with an escape, thereby also shifting through the things the bandits were carrying.

Which would be...
3 longbows
1 composite longbow (+2 STR bonus allowance)
1 dagger
3 short swords
6 days of trail rations
4 sets of leather armor
80 arrows
2 flasks of alchemist's fire
A silver amulet worn by the leader depicting a stag
65 gold pieces

2013-06-03, 12:57 AM
After glaring after the halfling when he told her to keep trying to stabilize the bandit. While she wanted the man to die for his crimes, she knew the man had a point. "Very well then, but when we come to needing my spells, and I have nothing left to cast because I was too busy saving the lives of criminals on your behest, I will remind you of this."

After saying that, Amy focused and held her hand above the fallen bandit. "Mark, should he wake up I will need you to knock him unconscious again."[/red]

Casting Cure Light Wounds
Heals [roll0]

After casting the spell, Amy tunes back into the conversation right about the time Jack says his final piece. [color=darkred]"Oh no, we're not going this route. We give these men quarter just because they say they're sorry for being thieves and killers and we'll wake up one night to these men killing us and the two civilians here. Anyone who makes a life out of killing and stealing from others is not 'repentant', Jack, no matter how much anyone would like them to be." Her tone softens a bit. "Wanting to give people chances is good and all in civilized lands, Jack, but if we don't come down hard on the bandits in this area they will kill us all. And even if none of you feel the same, I have a duty to My Lord Asmodeus to see all laws upheld, and the penalty for banditry is death. Unless there is some concrete way that these men living promotes the laws, I must do my duty, Jack."

2013-06-03, 03:46 AM
"I obviously didn't mean releasing them" Jack said a little frustrated about how bloodthirsty and blind these people can be. Even if the bandits were sorry or repentant "they are still criminals and will receive punishment but that punishment will be up to the Restovian authorities when we hand them over because we will follow the law" as according to the charter they were given like he pointed out earlier "which says we can only unrepentant banditry."

"You're not the only one who wants to uphold the law." Jack asserted "although my sense of duty comes from loyalty to my order instead of some devil like you" he added with a scorn since judging from Svetlana's reaction earlier, Asmodeus would be worse than any bandit. "However I will do it right and according to what the law has afforded us" which was the charter he was holding now "and whatever our decision will have to wait until we can question them."

2013-06-03, 04:06 AM
Groaning, the bandit leader begins to blink and then open his eyes. " What in the hells is going on? Kressle? Is that...oh, blood and ashes!" Now that his vision and his mind have cleared, he looks around, grasping the situation quickly and being less than happy about it.
" Ehm...can we still negotiate?"

2013-06-03, 05:48 PM
"Well...we seem to be negotiating. I don't know that you particularly want to open your mouth right now." Mark addresses the bandit in an offhand manner, his attention still on the conversation-bordering-argument in front of him.

"Have they actually done anything that warrants execution? That's to anyone, by the way. Except you." Mark addresses the room, directing the last part at the group of bandits.

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-04, 08:23 PM
Alexander has heard enough and speaks up.
They have terrorized these people taken goods and money from them and tried to attack us. Pretty bad I say.
But I don't want to kill them. Or to say I don't want to kill them needlessly. People can be reformed its just a matter of determining how bad they want to reform."
Feeling a bit unnerved he continues in a less sure tone.

"Were the law aren't we?. Don't that mean we can dictate the law as we see fit? I mean what I mean is well...Lets deal with the main group no big bandit group means they have nowhere to go right so they either work for us or we execute them right?"
Alexander shuts up feeling like he has said to much without thinking it through. He finishes looking off into the woods feeling foolish.

2013-06-04, 11:16 PM
Mark shrugs. "Let's leave them here. Oleg and Svetlana will put them to use. If we find anything warranting execution...we know where to find them."

He checks around the room to gauge the opinion.

Mark hunkers down, bringing his eyes level with the bandit leader's."Either way, we'll need the location of your camp. If you want me to stay on your side.... I'd suggest talking quickly."

Intimidate: [roll0] + any appropriate circumstance modifier for nearly cutting him in half and now threatening him with execution.

2013-06-04, 11:53 PM
The leader swallows hard, very much remembering the blow that nearly ended him.

" Alright...it's down south...near the Thorn River crossing. Actually pretty hard to miss...though you folks won't survive against all of us...", he mutters.

2013-06-05, 12:31 AM
Jack makes a show of taking out his gun and leaning on it in front of the bandit. "You can do better than that buddy. Tell us exactly how many of you are there at a time, when they patrol and raid, what are they equipped with and if there is any specific way to enter camp. Better yet tell us everything you think we'd need to know or I'm not going to stop my friend from doing whatever he wants to you. Leave anything out or lie and you'll be sorry."

Intimidate: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]
I wonder if I can use a profession check to see if Jack's reputation is known even to the bandits as bonuses? :P

2013-06-05, 01:25 AM
" We're...maybe 9 more in total...8 more guys and Kressle. And besides this here...we don't have regular raids. We go about whenever Kressle feels like it...uhm....if you give me something to draw, I can give you the layout...", the man says, showing that a spine never really was amongst his loot...

2013-06-05, 07:29 AM
Mark grabs a stick of charcoal and a scrap of paper, shoving them at the bandit. "Here. Start drawing."

He turns to the group "We'll leave when this jackass is done drawing. Sound good? We've got the entire day to get there."

Turning back to the bandit leader, he gets down to eye level once more. "If you harm these people, or you run off, or they have anything bad to say about you, we will find you. Understood?"

Intimidate: [roll0]

2013-06-05, 08:44 AM
" Alright, alright", the man mutters quickly, " good gods..."
He quickly begins to draw, showing at least some dexterity, producing a map of the bandit hideout, which seems to consist mostly of a central camp surrounded by wooden platforms serving as watchposts.

2013-06-06, 10:31 AM
After their captive was done with the plain looking map, Jack asked "is this all? No secret traps or anything that will let them know we are coming?" besides the watchtowers of course. "Who goes up there and how do they alert the others?" the halfling asked pointing at the wooden platforms. "Is it ever empty?"

Assuming there are no other questions about the camp, Jack agreed that "we should go as soon as we can in case this sniveling worm not returning will make them suspicious" but rushing there will only make things turn out badly. "Is everyone prepared? Nothing else to ask him or nothing you think we'd need to take with us?"

If not, Jack has some suggestions like "someone could take his bow. It seems pretty strong. I'll take the flasks if no one else wants them. We can discuss the rest later" except that amulet over there. Grabbing it, Jack asked the bandit "what is this then?" in case it was something of significance.

Also just as important, "do we have a plan?" or are they just going to cowboy up.

2013-06-06, 02:33 PM
Amy stood there in mild shock. She knew she shouldn't be shocked, since it seemed no one but Cheliaxians liked Asmodeus, but she just couldn't believe that after she had explained Asmodeus to Svetlana last night, the fool halfling would call Asmodeus 'some devil'.

Stalking over to stand near the halfling, she glared down at him. "Asmodeus is not 'some' devil, you fool. He is the one who bound Rovagug in his prison, and it was Asmodeus who wrote the Contract of Creation, giving ALL the other gods the right to form the material plains and everything in them. There are few gods as dedicated to the law as Lord Asmodeus, and it would behoove you to remember that while I have found myself best serving my Lord as a healer, not all my compatriots do so, and I have the same training they do. Do not ever again act as if your 'Order', is ever on the same importance as a God." She took a deep breath. "But since I am willing to try and work with, or rather, around, your foolishness, I am fine with sending these curs to the city as they will still uphold the law."

"Bandit. Is there anyone in the employ of Kressel's little band of misfits that can cast spells?" Amy asks. "It would... behoove you to answer truthfully." She hisses, her Asmodean pendent hanging in front of his face.


Sleepy Shade
2013-06-06, 04:34 PM
Alex gave a bit of a smile. At least the bandits would have a fair trial before punishment. But he knew it was only a temporary solution. As much as he hated to admit it. He knew eventually they would have to execute some bandits if they caught them. He hoped he would have the stomach for it.
Amy's outburst was unexpected he had often heard people speaking bad of the devils. This priest's ferocity in defending them made him curious after she calmed down he would have to talk to her about them.

Sense motive to detect if at any point he is trying to deceive us with false info.
Sense motive:[roll0]

2013-06-06, 05:44 PM
" No traps...and no magic either. We don't expect to be attacked there. There is one man per platform and we rotate...that is, if Kressle is there and the guys are not too drunk", the man says grumpily. Faced with his amulet, he shrugs and says, " an old family heirloom, nothing more..."

Alex: He was honest up to the question about the amulet. That was a lie.

2013-06-07, 02:36 PM
For the halfling there were things far more important than the cleric's lecture on her god like "you didn't answer the question. How do the men on the platform alert the others? Shouting? Signal horns? Whistles? Going down themselves?" although Jack would have some words about the importance of his order. The last point highly unlikely but any would give an idea of how long they got to get to the camp and into an attack position before the bandits can react.

And continuing with on the rest "when are your pals normally drunk? If you answer nicely maybe you'll get your heirloom back" Jack offered, dangling the amulet in front of the bandit.

After thinking about how likely the bandits will be drunk and the platforms unmanned, Jack asked the rest of the group "maybe instead of storming into the camp we can strip these guys and go in as them? Take the rest of them by surprise again." Obviously since Jack is not the same size he might have to think of something else for himself.
Opps forgot to sense motive earlier, oh well these questions are more important :P
Sense Motive: [roll0]

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-07, 04:30 PM
"I would rather not go traipsing around in their clothes if possible Jack. However I do want to see that amulet it no heirloom."

I cast detect magic to see if the amulet has any powers. Also a appraise and Knowledge checks to see if I recognize it.
Knowledge (Nature):[roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana):[roll1]
Appraise: [roll2] +2 with my Merchant's Scale.

2013-06-07, 05:18 PM
" We use whistles that sound like thrush calls", the bandit says. " And whether or not we're drunk depends on whether or not Kressle is there. If she is, the guys are usually sober."

He is telling the truth. Alexander, the heirloom is worth about 20 gp.

2013-06-08, 08:07 AM
"It was only a suggestion so we don't have to fight through the nine bandits" Jack said "and there is no way we would be able to stop them from whistling" unless someone has some magic to do it. Not that the cavalier would know how it works anyway.

And then the realization that the bandit was not really telling the truth the halfling asked while raising his voice obviously to their captive "then what is the amulet then? And I hope you haven't been lying about everything!" With the bandit's lie, the halfling felt the amulet was something important which might need further exploration.

2013-06-08, 08:49 AM
" I did not lie about anything", the bandit says, " and I really hope you run into Kressle so she can hack you to pieces" He grumbles, clearly not willing to say any more.

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-09, 04:57 PM
Alexander was puzzled nothing about the medallion seemed special. It was worth some gold but it was neither enchanted or had any arcane significance he could tell and yet he was sure it was important.
The man was hiding something he was sure but it looked like he had said all he was going too. Deciding that he would study it later Alexander put the amulet in his pocket.
"We better get going. We haven't got time to keep interrogating him about everything."

2013-06-10, 10:21 AM
Mark readies his gear and heads for the gate; waiting on his companions before leaving for the bandit encampment.

2013-06-10, 11:26 AM
Alright, now begins the exploration part of the adventure path. The map here is separated into hexes. You are supposed to explore the area up to Hex 4504 to the west, Hex 5504 to the east and Hex 4808 to the south. Oleg's is situated in Hex 5304, the bandit camp, according to the bandit's info, is in Hex 5105. Please, let me know which area you decide to move into and whether you explore it or just pass through.


2013-06-10, 11:28 AM
"Yes we're wasting time here. Lets just go now" Jack said taking the two flasks of alchemist fire as no one has protested and two portions of trail rations just in case he needed it. Seeing that no one has taken his suggestion he acted on his own, taking the composite longbow and offering it to the barbarian "just in case we shouldn't get close. Kressle sounds dangerous" and one longbow for himself in case he needed a fallback weapon.

With the preparations done Jack told Oleg "hope you can take care of things here. If the bandits start acting up feel free to protect yourself however you can" eyeing the pile of weapons to give the man the idea "and hold those things for us" so they can better allocate them later. Given his vocation, Jack wasn't going to work for free and would take his share as payment.

"And I hope you don't mind if we use their horses?" Jack asked wanting to get to their destination as soon as possible without losing daylight. "Which way to the Thorn River?" he asked heading towards a horse.
Jack is taking from the pile of loot:
2x Alchemist fire
2x trail rations
1x longbow
10x arrows

Also Oleg said the bandits will have horses during the planning stages although you didn't confirm any after that so here's hoping that there is enough. Otherwise, I'll just edit removing any mention of them.

2013-06-10, 12:11 PM
" Go ahead", Oleg says, motioning towards the horses the bandits brought, 3 in all, looking sturdy and accustomed to the outdoors life.

2013-06-10, 12:13 PM
Amy nodded and began to follow Jack after deciding nothing in the pile interested her. "Yes, let's get going. It's time to get this over with."

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-10, 08:04 PM
Alexander after leaving the building. Goes over to one of the horses.
"Hey buddy you alright?" He tries to take the horse's reins and lead it over to the wagon

Handle Animal[roll0]

2013-06-10, 10:29 PM
Chuck looks at the bow given to him with puzzlement, followed by displeasure. The barbarian grips the end of the bow with both hands and makes a few throwing motions, as though he were practicing chucking the entire bow, rather than firing arrows from it.

"Too light." Chuck decides, before dropping back on the pile and walking toward the horses with the rest of the group.

2013-06-11, 01:52 AM
The horses seem friendly enough, more curious than actually agitated. For all these bandits have done, they at least have not mistreated their animals, it seems.

2013-06-11, 07:27 AM
"Alright, let's mount up and go."

Mark swings up onto one of the horses.

2013-06-11, 09:50 AM
Amy makes sure to secure her pack to a horse's saddle, and then gets on it too. "I would like to ask that we go kind of slow... I've never been very comfortable on horseback." She asked politely.

2013-06-11, 12:45 PM
You make your way through the plains on this, a sunny and clear day, perfect for exploration. The going is easy, as there are numerous small trails through the grass. After 4 hours of travel, you can see the forest's border, glowing closer with every further mile you travel.
You move closer and travel along the forest's border for another hour, but then, you decide to go in, since the way is much quicker than trying to avoid the forest any longer.

It is late in the afternoon when you come upon a small clearing in the forest, filled with a kind of large-leafed growth, possibly some kind of wild radish.

Perception check, please

2013-06-12, 01:37 AM
Those with a perception check of 10 and higher

You hear a strange sound from within the radish field. It sounds like pained moaning in high-pitched, rasping voices, definitely not human.

2013-06-12, 01:38 PM
After riding for a while towards the bandit camp, Jack could have sworn that he heard something. Something very strange but doubting it he asked the rest of the group softly "did you hear something? It sounds like it is coming from there" and pointed towards its direction before taking out his musket and dismounting just in case the not human sounds are also not friendly.

2013-06-12, 03:01 PM
Amy peered suspiciously at the radishes and 'hmm'd in agreement. "If you mean the moaning, then yes." She did not, however, get off her horse.

2013-06-12, 04:07 PM
Do you approach stealthily? If so, please roll for stealth.

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-12, 07:40 PM
I'm Assuming we got the cart off screen. If not I'll edit it later.
Alexander got out of the cart a little hesitant. He was not sure what was making the sound so he kept closely along with the others and started feeling a little tense afraid of what they might find.

Stealth to creep close and Knowledge check on the radish things.
Stealth: [roll0]
Knowledge (Nature):[roll1]

2013-06-12, 10:41 PM
After getting confirmation on the sounds Jack started moving towards the noise hoping that he would not get detected before they find out what is making that moaning.

Stealth: [roll0]

2013-06-17, 05:32 PM
Alexander recognizes the plants as moon radishes, large, nourishing radishes that have an interesting spicy-sweet taste.

As the two heroes approach the middle of the patch and the source of the moaning, they see...three kobolds! All three of them are lying on their backs, holding their bellies. Around them are half-eaten radishes and three baskets also filled with radishes.

The small humanoids have apparently been overeating...

2013-06-17, 06:10 PM
"What the...? What the hell happened to you three?"

2013-06-18, 04:57 PM
The three kobolds yelp in surprise, but manage to catch themselves quickly. As fast as their stuffed bellies allow, they jump back to their feet, grabbing their old short swords and snarling something in their pidgin draconic.

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-18, 08:27 PM
After the little creatures pick up their weapons, Alexander takes a step back from the startled kobolds and quickly speaks.
Draconic<"Whoa we aren't here to hurt you. We were passing by and heard you groaning are you alright?">

2013-06-19, 04:35 AM
Seeing the kobolds taking their weapons, Jack pointed his gun at the one closest to the group.

"Go ahead and try it." he told the kobolds, not that he would expect them to take his advice.

Intimidate in case they understand: [roll0]
Won't be firing unless they go on the offensive or if someone goes trigger happy here :P Bullets are expensive :)

2013-06-19, 01:36 PM
Reluctantly following behind the group, Chuck spots the kobolds a bit later than the rest. Not knowing draconic, he runs over to a rather large rock about half the size of his torso, and lifts it with both hands above his head.

"Little monsters! Must kill, or they will kill us. Do not let go. They come back with many more. Worse than Bandits," Chuck states, moving closer with the rock to get in range, but not yet making his move. As such was last time, he knew the party might have something to say about killing, even if it is a group of monsters.

2013-06-19, 06:58 PM
Seeing the situation begin to deteriorate quickly, Amy quickly speaks up. "Wait, they're just trying to defend their food! Don't attack them!" She called to the party, riding her horse closer to the kobolds.

Turning to the Kobolds, she smiled and began to speak draconic. {Draconic}"Hullo there, mighty Kobold warriors. Have no fear, we aren't after your food source. We are actually in search of a group of bandits in the area who we need to get rid of." Amy's eyes gleamed as a clever idea popped into her head. {Draconic} "Actually, you look like you are pretty good warriors, easily our match if needed... What would you good folks say to a working arrangement? Here, I will pay you for your help in slaying these bandits, as well as a share of the treasure. What say you?" She asked, jingling her coin purse slightly, letting them hear the coins.

Diplomacy attempt to convince the Kobolds to help us fight the bandits.

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-19, 08:26 PM
Alexander looks at Chuck astonished at how ferociously he acted all of a sudden. With Jack drawing his weapon Alex got the got the feeling no one was interested in negotiation. But he decided to give a try before things got out of hand.
Thankfully Amy seemed to be a more level head. Her suggestion of hiring them however baffled him. Kobolds he had always heard were a cowardly if clever lot. He doubted they would help. Their gluttonous feast of radishes didn't inspire confidence either.
"I think we should move on. Three kobolds aren't exactly going to inspire fear in the bandits".
<Draconic>("If you won't help we'll leave. You don't attack and we won't attack. We'll leave")

2013-06-20, 03:44 AM
For a moment, the kobolds put on an almost comically impression of heavy thinking as they consider your offer. Then, a squabble breaks out between them. Those who can understand draconic hear that at least one of them wants to accept while one is undecided and the third - the largest - favours attack.
Finally and unfortunately for you, the argument ends with him smacking his two comrades upside the head and snarling, " We kill you, we take treasure anyway! ATTACK!"

Sorry, no cigar there...you'd have needed a 15...Initiative, please. And kudos for trying to solve this peacefully.
Kobold Initiative is: [roll0]

2013-06-21, 02:47 AM
Jack: 17
Kobolds: 14
Alexander: 13
Mark: 10
Amy: 8
Chuck: 6
Chuck had the right idea of how to deal with the kobolds given their nefarious reputation. If Jack understood Amy's offer, he would have shot right away because he did not want to give them any resources to build more of their wicked traps.

But Jack didn't have to wait long because his answer to the kobolds decision was a loud BANG! especially when they when they already decided to attack without any provocation.
Jack fires at the boss/largest kobold.
Attack roll: [roll0]
damage roll: [roll1]
Free action to drop the musket, move action to draw the bow.
does the guard dog get to attack too? I'm more used to using mounts and am not sure about an "item" sorry.

2013-06-21, 03:53 PM
There is a loud BANG as the kobold in front takes a bullet to the chest, which knocks him over, leaving a smoking, bloody crater in his body. He lets out a rasping gasp, then lies still.

The other two kobolds screech in both horror and rage and attack!
One of them goes straight for Chuck, the other attacks Jack.

Attacking Chuck: [roll0] If it hits, [roll1]
And Attacking Jack: [roll2] If it hits, [roll3]

Now, everyone else.

2013-06-21, 06:25 PM
"Flithy Mongrel!" Chuck staggers back to avoid the blow, nearly dropping his payload on accident. After a quick second, he regains his footing and stares down the kobold with eyes of hatred.

"Eat Rock!" Chuck shouts as he flings both hands forward and down, aiming to crush the little lizard with a well-aimed rock hurl.

Mechanically, I take a five foot step back, then throw the two-handed improvised weapon at the kobold as a full-round action. I have not activated rage.

Ranged attack roll: [roll0] and if it hits: [roll1]

and since I go last, there is a very good chance the kobolds will all be dispatched before I go. In this case, Everything remains the same. Chuck will flatten the unconscious or dead body with the rock.

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-21, 10:14 PM
With the creatures sudden attack and jack retaliation Alexander decides to fire off a simple spell. No need to waste his time trying to take them alive or wasting his more powerful spells on them.
With a few gestures he hurls a small orb of acid at the kobold attacking Jack. He then backs away from the remaining kobolds.

Acid Splash (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/acid-splash)
Ranged touch attack [roll0]
After the spell I move 15ft away from the kobolds.

2013-06-21, 11:46 PM
Mark charges at the nearest one, swinging as hard as he can.

Full round: Charge
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Crit Conf (18-20 range): [roll3]
Crit Damage: Damage: [roll4]

2013-06-22, 04:18 AM
The kobold attacking Chuck nimbly dodges the rock slamming down, snarling in response.

The other kobold also dodges the acid splash, letting out a barking laugh - a split second before he is neatly sliced in two by Mark's descending blade!

That leaves only the kobold in combat with Chuck.

2013-06-22, 10:41 AM
Amy sighed as the Kobolds let their greed drive them to what looked very much so like a suicide now. 'Oh well', she thought, 'At least I won't have to pay them now.'

2013-06-22, 11:39 AM
With only one kobold left, Jack took his shot with the longbow hoping that the fight will end quickly before anyone in the group gets hurt. That would make meeting the bandits even harder.

Wow you aren't attacking? o.0

Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2013-06-22, 02:17 PM
Chuck, disappointed in the chunk of stone's inability to connect, steps forward into a very low stance and attempts to connect a right-handed uppercut with the Kobold's jaw.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

I have Improved Unarmed Strike, so I choose to deal lethal damage, and this doesn't provoke an Attack of Opportunity.

Still haven't used any rage.

2013-06-23, 03:08 AM
The kobold manages to dodge the next attacks, but then realizes that he is pretty much alone and his comrades have died quick and messy deaths.
Throwing his arms up, he sinks to his knees and snarls in common, " Me surrender!"

2013-06-23, 09:06 AM
Mark levels his sword at the kobold, making eye contact with it. "Good call. Now...what do you want to do with your friends' bodies?"

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-23, 03:13 PM
<Draconic> "Interesting choice for someone who was crying for our blood a moment before." <Common> "What should we do with him? and before anyone asks I'm not taking him back to the post for trial. Or killing him." He eyes Chuck as he says the last part.

Which kobold surrendered the one that wanted to take the deal or the undecided one?

2013-06-24, 12:53 AM
Amy blinks at Alexander. "Why would we take him back to the outpost for a trial? There are no judges there to judge him." She finished with a giggle, showing that not only was she joking, but that she wasn't effected by the killing at all. "If you don't want him to go on trial for trying to kill us, and you don't want to kill him, we only really have one option; we'll have to release him and hope he doesn't just run to get help and kill us later on."

Amy turned a critical eye on the Kobold, and then a small smile crossed her lips. "Then again, I suppose I could use a manservant to carry some of my things, since often my pack is heavier than I can really handle..." She trailed off, letting the idea sit there in front of everyone.

2013-06-24, 12:50 PM
The undecided one. Seems he thought being killed was a rather bad idea after all.

2013-06-24, 01:30 PM
With the kobold surrendering, Jack put away his bow and started reloading his gun, slowly hoping that the view of the weapon that took down the kobold's leader might help with what he was about to say. "Its just a kobold. A stupid monster. I say we kill it unless it has something it can offer us to just kick it away and be on our way."

Like a suggestion for their mission "some information to help us with our exploration, or" for the current task they have undertaken "something about the bandits."
Intimidate: [roll0]

2013-06-24, 02:53 PM
Amy turned a scathing glare towards Jack. "Oh, so we have to save the lives of bandits that have been attacking people and extorting them, but a Kobold has no worth so it must be a simple, useless monster that needs to die for just exsisting? Tell me, halfling, is this shortsighted and narrow minded view the reason your people have no cultural home? I say we keep rhe kobold alive and use him in some way, until he can be trusted enough to be let out of our sight."

2013-06-24, 02:58 PM
Pointing at the kobold with his sword, Mark snaps. "Alright, this is how this is going to go: You want to live, right? Good. You're coming with us. You'll be under watch 24/7. You try anything, and we'll execute you. You will gather our firewood, keep watch, and do what you're told. Got it?"

With this, Mark pulls some rope out of his bag and secures it around the kobold's tiny wrists, and then ties the other end around his own waist.

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-24, 07:44 PM
Alexander just sighs and heads back to the cart.
This was going to be an interesting day.
Looking back at the frightened kobold he decided to take a bit of pity on the creature.
"Get in the cart you two I'll help watch him for awhile."

2013-06-25, 10:23 AM
" Alright, alright", the Kobold agrees, visibly relieved that his life is not about to end within the next few heartbeats. " Me will help you..."

2013-06-25, 11:24 AM
"Are you serious?" Jack asked the rest of the group in disbelief. "These things love nothing more than to set up traps to kill people like us and you are trusting it like this? I'd rather we get what we need out of it and have nothing with it again."

So the kobold knows nothing?

2013-06-25, 12:21 PM
We are going to get literally nowhere if this keeps up. Just sayin'.

2013-06-25, 12:27 PM
Just a suggestion, not that i'm saying kill it. I'm more concerned with getting information :P

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-26, 01:55 PM
Alexander looks at Jack and says to him. "Trust him? No I don't trust him. What I do know is arguing about him will take all day. Argue and bicker as much as you want but lets do it in the cart and get somewhere. Time is money and were losing it by sticking around here."
He then walks over to the cart.

2013-06-27, 07:01 PM
The kobold might know something but you have not asked him a proper question yet. In the meantime, take a look at the map and let me know what hex you will head to next.

2013-06-28, 11:47 AM
Hmmmm guess it wasn't clear enough and wasted a nice intimidate roll :( lets try that again.
"Yes you're right" Jack said in agreement but not removing the gun from the kobolds face, yet. Not until he was done making sure the kobold understood "and on the way, you can make yourself useful. Tell us everything you know about those bandits and the lands around here."

After that the kobold got himself on his horse and tried to ride as close to the cart as possible to hear what their captive had to say.
Intimidate: [roll0]

Woot, got it back :)

2013-06-28, 05:43 PM
Spurred on by the implicit and explicit threats of violence, the kobold begins to jabber on, although he talks much more about the surrounding lands than the bandits, perhaps because he is not exactly knowledgeable about them.
What you do learn, however, is that there is an old ruined temple just west of the bandit camp and that, south of said camp, a rather nasty-seeming wild boar lairs.
Of the bandits themselves, the kobold can only tell you that there are usually about 4 present, with the total of the group being 8. Also, there is a "scary" woman with them usually carrying two axes.
It appears, however, that the bandits are not the only ones...regularly, they send what they found and raided down the river...

Sleepy Shade
2013-06-30, 10:48 PM
Alexander sat in the back listening to the Kobold's tales. That temple especially seemed important their could be old relics. He made a mental note to go exploring their after dealing with the bandits.
So what were you and your comrades doing when we encountered you? Were you suppose to to be gathering food?
After that Alexander keeps quite for most of the trip.

2013-07-01, 02:56 PM
The kobold nods. " Yes, yes...gather food for the tribe...take it back to the king."

2013-07-02, 09:59 AM
Four or eight. Jack would have preferred if the kobold knew which but he doubted it would be able to. He could only hope they will find less of and then there is the downriver point. Looks like there might be more interrogating in order if they are able to catch any bandits alive.

Then another problem might be the kobold tribe and king but Jack decided to wait on that for later. One problem at a time.

2013-07-03, 03:11 PM
You make your way towards the camp and arrive at the supposed location after another few hours of quick travel. In the distance, you can make out a fast-flowing river and a small clearing.

Perception and/or Stealth if you wish to approach

2013-07-03, 03:44 PM
Seeing the camp in front of them, Jack tried to guess the layout and where the other bandits might be from the information given by the bandits and kobold they captured. After that he asked the rest of the group "any ideas on how we proceed from here?"
Perception: [roll0]
Also as an option if we want to approach stealthy Jack has both Tactician and Stealth Synergy. It could help.

2013-07-03, 05:22 PM
"We kill bandits now." Says Chuck, a flat serious expression on his face. He has put up with a lot recently, the most infuriating to him being that not only did the group spare the life of a little mongrel of a monster, but they were sitting there conversing with it like it was going to be helpful, and not try to stab them all in the back first chance it got.

But Chuck doesn't say anything. He is their guide. He could point out things the city-bred members couldn't. He isn't the leader. The leader decides. If the leader gets everyone killed, well, then Chuck might have a problem. Chuck doesn't realize at that point it would be too late to really do anything about it though.

"You take them around. Get behind them. I get in front. No place for them to go." Chuck presents his plan while hopping down off the cart. He takes out a sack, ties it to his belt, and starts gathering large sticks and limbs - all around the size that if it were to be slung and connect with someone, it would really hurt. The sticks once gathered go into Chuck's now tied on sack.

"Ready? We must move soon. Before they see us."

Remember - Chuck's aggravation is just the character. Please don't think I'm mad or anything! :smallbiggrin: I'm actually surprised we got this much info out of the kobold. Good job team!

Also, I'm essentially having chuck gather up about a dozen or so improvised clubs, for mechanics' sake. When we confront the bandits, I'm going to start humming them at their heads. Ha.

Sleepy Shade
2013-07-03, 05:31 PM
Alexander climbed out the wagon and walked over to were he could see the clearing. According to the Kobold their was usually 8-4 people their. With the bandits sending supplies further down the river to a unknown group. He took out the amulet he had gotten from the bandits and looked at it again. He had a feeling this bandit infestation went deeper than it appeared. With the 4 bandits they captured at the outpost Alexander guessed that their was only 4 left at the camp if the Leader had been telling the truth.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-07-05, 11:21 AM
Still waiting on the results of the perception check but I'll just continue with the planning just so the game's momentum doesn't slow down
Listening to Chuck, Jack was at a lost for words because it sounded like a suicide mission. It was so risky and so many things could go wrong so he asked the barbarian "are you sure you don't want to bring someone else with you? I'm sure someone would want to follow you" he suggested before looking at the group for any volunteers. This sort of roles cannot be chosen for.

As for why Jack did not volunteer himself, it was because "I'll go with the other team. I have some...experience in helping to get a group undetected until its too late" from his days as a bandit ambushing so many different types on the road.

Sleepy Shade
2013-07-05, 01:25 PM
Putting the amulet away Alexander turns to the others.
"I'll go with him. I can at least keep anyone from getting to close. But not for long. Be ready."
He pulls out a scythe he had been carrying. If any of them got close he would at least be able to defend himself.
Alexander grimaces at the thought.

2013-07-05, 04:54 PM

Ahead, up in the trees, you see a small wooden platform on which a lonely sentry stands guard. He's dressed in badly-kept leathers and armed with a bow. Somewhere up ahead, the trees withdraw to form a small clearing. You hear faint voices further ahead. Also, on the other side of the clearing, there is another platform with a sentry. From what you gather, there are about 5 people in the camp, including the sentries.

2013-07-05, 09:11 PM
"Wait a moment..." Jack said after noticing something about the bandit camp. The bandit they interrogated was not lying that "there is a manned platform right in front of us and another on the other end. And..." he said trying to listen "there are at least another three people in the camp."

As a suggestion "If you can, keep out of range of the towers. They are armed with bows. We can go in through the other side and catch them by surprise" which is about as far as planning can go.
When we set out Jack will use tactician for the stealth team so everyone will have stealth synergy. Just declaring it first for when we go in

2013-07-07, 10:35 AM
Amy blinked at Chuck and Alexander, then looked at Jack. "I think I will go with Chuck and Alexander so I can heal them is any enemies get close to them. Unless you wish for me o be elsewhere?"

2013-07-10, 02:40 PM
Jack looked at the growing number of people that wanted to be the distraction. The stealth team was going to have problems at this rate. "If this is going to be the case all of us might as well go with Chuck!" and then the bandits will get to escape. That is definitely not the outcome they would want.

"Chuck just pick one, I suggest the healer in case anything goes wrong. The rest of us will go in and hit them fast and hard. Have anymore of that knockout magic in you Alex?" Jack asked before leading the stealth team towards the hideout. Luckily from what he was able to see earlier he might just be able to chart a safe route to avoid the bandits until it was time to attack.
Lets get on with it! Weapons at ready gentlemen!
Jack will use tactician when nearing the camp to give the whole stealth party the stealth synergy teamwork feat (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/stealth-synergy-teamwork). We all roll but the highest roll is the one used among us I think. So one of us better roll high :P
Stealth: [roll0] +7 after

Yeah, someone better roll high :P

2013-07-10, 06:51 PM
Chuck gave a bit of a grunt to signify he understood, and motioned the healer to follow behind him. With that, he slowly made is way forward. He wasn't moving fast because he wanted to give the rest of the group time to circle around behind the enemy.

"Stay behind tree. Arrow no go through tree." Said Chuck, motioning to the woods. It seemed he was certain of a ranged battle. As they approach the bandits, the barbarian picks up another pair of heavy but tossable limbs and holds one in each hand, ready to be flung at a moment's notice.

(my character is going to simply walk right out in front of the bandits as soon as the group is in position. It's up to them to decide how to handle a guy walking through the woods with a sack of large sticks :smallbiggrin: )

2013-07-11, 02:20 AM
As soon as the first bandit spots Chuck, who seems to make no effort to stay quiet, he rises, not certain whether or not Chuck is one of them. he certainly looks wild enough. " Password or death!" he calls down, thereby also alerting the rest of the camp.

If the others are approaching stealthily, give me a stealth check.

Sleepy Shade
2013-07-12, 04:04 PM
Alexander had gone with the others deciding that Chuck would take care of himself. He had briefly spoken to the kobold telling him stay put before joining the others.

As they made their way around the camp Alex kept quit not wanting to draw attention to the group.

Stealth: [roll0] +1

2013-07-12, 05:46 PM
"Firewood." Replies Chuck, looking up at the man. Chuck moves closer to the stand, looking for a tree to get close to in case the bandit decides to start shooting arrows at him.

"You want? I trade," Chuck says, holding a stick up towards the man. "Good wood. Dry. Burn easy. Trade for cloth or fur. Good?"

I have no ranks in bluff, and a minus to Cha I believe without looking at my character sheet. I do not expect this to fool them. I simply am buying time for the rest of the group to get around back. If I'm the only target, all eyes should be on me.

2013-07-14, 02:40 AM
The bandit shakes his head, a gap-toothed grin appearing on his unkempt face. " Wrong password", he says, nocking an arrow and shooting at Chuck.

Attack against Chuck: [roll0]
If that hits, [roll1] damage

If the others want to sneak, please give me a stealth check from everyone and then use the highest, as per Jack's feat.

2013-07-15, 01:43 PM
Despite the best efforts of the other group to stay silent, the snapping of branches quickly betrays them. " There are more! Gorum's steely balls, we are under attack! Move your asses, you filthy, motherless pieces of offal!" The voice is, despite the rampant use of profanity and roughness, female.
A moment later, amidst much cursing, the three other bandits appear, running right towards the group. A bit behind them walks a tall woman with two axes in her hands, twirling them idly as she watches her bandits charge at you.

Initiative, please.

2013-07-20, 01:47 PM
"Free Sample!" shouts Chuck, trying to get as much attention as possible, despite the failed sneaking action by the rest of the group. He winds his throwing arm back, and flings it forward, letting a large stick sail through the air at the bandit who asked for a password.

After letting the first stick fly, Chuck steps behind a large tree trunk, getting into cover from any ranged retaliation.

Ranged Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-21, 02:14 AM
"Tch..." Jack told himself. The plan failed and there was nothing more to it. Taking aim with his musket he set his sights on the female with the two axes. He already had enough information from all those interrogations to know who he should be hitting.

After taking his shot, Jack went and hid behind cover at the back of the group to prepare for his next attack.
Attack roll: [roll0] (a -4 penalty to deal non lethal damage)
damage: [roll1]
And then a move action after that to go behind the rest of the group and hide behind cover. I assume that we went through trees and stuff to hide from the bandits so it might be possible?

So unlucky :(

2013-07-22, 02:21 PM
The stick hits the bandit square in the chest, makiong him stagger back with a surprised and pained gasp. Jack's shot, however, went wide and startled a squirrel a few trees southwards.

Amy's turn

2013-07-22, 06:32 PM
Amy quickly ducked behind a tree, and pulled out her mace and shield.

Hiding behind the trees and drawing her equipment

Sleepy Shade
2013-07-23, 08:00 PM
As Alex runs towards the trees for cover all he can think is "why in the world did he sign me up for this?"
Stopping behind a unoccupied tree he looks out to the nearest bandit and calls up some power from above. A small rain of flaming rocks zip down at the bandit.

Minute Meteors (Sp): a 5-foot column, 30 feet high, with a range of 30 feet
A Reflex save negates this damage.
Save DC 13

2013-07-24, 01:16 PM
The bandit who'd been hit by the stick takes aim and lets an arrow fly at Chuck, together with a few creative insults regarding the hero's maternal heritage.

Attack with a bow against Chuck[roll0] If that hits, [roll1] damage

The other three charge at the other heroes....

One intercepts Alex with a swipe of his short sword...

Attack against Alex[roll2] If that hits, [roll3] damage

The other two attack Amy and Jack.

Sorry, you can't hide in plain sight...
Against Amy:[roll4] If that hits, [roll5] damage
Against Jack:[roll6] If that hits, [roll7] damage
Mark's turn

2013-08-05, 02:15 PM
The bandit leader mutters a few curses regarding the obvious incompetence of her lackeys but, true to form, does not charge in herself. Instead, she draws a small flask and hurls it right at Amy, not caring one whiff about her own people being in the crossfire.

Throwing a flask of alchemist's fire at Amy. Ranged Touch: [roll0]. If that hits, [roll1] fire damage. Alexander's turn.

Sleepy Shade
2013-08-09, 02:47 PM
Alex tries to dodge the blade but is to slow. cursing the fresh wound.
Alex Immediately strikes back with his sickle.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-08-11, 06:49 AM
The blade hits its mark, digging a deep furrow in the bandit's shoulder. Cursing, the man reels back slightly.

Chuck's turn.

2013-08-11, 09:53 AM
Leaning around the tall tree he was taking cover with, Chuck reached into his sack and immediately flung another sizable stick at the same bandit he had before.

Move action to grab a stick from the bag
Standard to range attack

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-11, 01:11 PM
Curling back at the tree he has chosen to take cover from the bandits earlier, Jack takes out a bullet and tries to reload his firearm as fast as possible so that he can resume his role in the battle.
Well since I won't actually be doing much to effect the combat on my round except a full round to reload, I'll do my turn to quicken the pace

2013-08-14, 04:18 AM
The stick cracks against the bandit's skull and with a strangled gasp the man slumps to the ground, twitching before finally lying still.

He's done for. Amy's turn