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2013-05-26, 02:05 PM
A hero's journey is a life-changing experience, regardless of where the beginning, end or middle takes place. For those heroes, it symbolizes an awakening, finding who they truly are as they accomplish the amazing. For the rest of us, relying on random vigilantes to save us from the threats of the world just means our security is garbage.
~ A cranky barkeep, as he cleans up the mess of this adventure.

Merely a day's march from a nearby city, four people each on their own path and traveling in solitude, make their way through the forest. The journey was peaceful, but eventually the scratching noise of squirrels climbing trees was no more, and the songs of the birds faded away. The sound of their own movement as the only sign that they had not gone deaf, each lone wanderer continued on.

Toward the evening, just as the sun threatened to graze a horizon they could not see, a distant glow became visible within the trees. It was a glow that sent a chill down their spines, whether or not it was familiar to them. Drawn to the glow, this is where our heroes first meet, finding each other overtaken by curiosity of what was going on in the woods.

The dwarf, teifling, human and a peculiar fey find each other, 300 feet from the source of the glow. From this distance, it is easy to tell that it's a large clearing, with magic of some sort in practice by at least one of the several figures seen silhouetted by the light. What do they do?

Sort out your first time meeting, and you're free to roll skill checks to identify the magic or see if there's more that's worth noting.

2013-05-26, 03:56 PM
Kevfire looks to the display in the clearing, noting the others at its edge, presumably curious as he to the nature of these lights. It was clear that something strange was going on, and this was not simply his occasional "message." He really needed a guidebook of some kind to help him out in the forest. He walked to the fey, looking to him with a grin and whispered, "how are you today, seems we've run into a group of casters. I don't know about you, but hopefully I can take an ally with me. The name's Kevfire." He looked to the casters, trying to figure out what it is they're doing.

Hopefully one of these is applicable/succeeds.

Knowledge: Arcana
Knowledge: Religion
Knowledge: The Planes

2013-05-26, 08:29 PM

Looking at the tiefling, Camellia can't stop the muscle just above his lip from twitching, barely stopping the lip from curling up in disgust. The tiefling, this "Kevfire" apparently had no experience with embracing beauty. Glancing around, only the human seemed to show any promise in that regard, though, being human, Camellia didn't expect much...

"Seen I naught such as this prior. Best perhaps were I to myself with you ally. Seems it though as things could become otherwise... tricksy."

He manages a genuine smile after realizing that having allies would mean not getting his clothes dirty.


2013-05-27, 12:07 AM
Glandin stood back for the time being. Without prior knowledge of what was occuring, he wasn't exactly sure how he should proceed. Two of the strangers approaching seemed to be working together, but Glandin was too far off to discern their speech. Instead, the dwarf turned his focus towards the light emerging from the trees. Perhaps somewhere in his understanding of magic, he could find the answer as to what was happening.

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]

2013-05-27, 01:44 AM
Aodhan took a while to examine the company he'd run into, of four lone wanderers all called here by some coincidence or destiny, or simply by the light in the clearing he'd found himself in. A dwarf, a human of no particular distinctive appearance, and some winged thing with a breastplate - he'd have believed human in that case if they didn't also have so much white, especially the hair, and if it was dye then he had no hope of identifying them. Not one wore a sun symbol, which was reassuring, and two already had got closer together and started talking; he moved towards that group, and part of him hoped the dwarf would get the idea before anything went wrong. Still, absent any disposable skeletons, rather the dwarf than himself.

2013-05-27, 01:54 AM
Camellia turns to the approaching human.

"Greetings and salutations to you, manling. Drawn here too toward the light, were you? Think I as such that exploration is necessary. Are you with us complicit?"

2013-05-27, 01:21 PM
You determine that the magic is at least some part necromancy, but from here and missing the initial casting you can't really determine anything else about it.

Your initial examination doesn't indicate any extraplanar properties of the spell being cast.

This is necromancy, but you're not sure what is specifically is. The scale of the effect does tell you that this is not usual necromancy and likely extremely dangerous. It's hard to tell from where you're standing, but there appears to be some kind of round object in the center of the glow, about the size of a halfling.

As first introductions proceed, the glow suddenly intensifies and a small wave of magical energy washes over the forest, leaving everyone uneasy. From the glow you barely hear shouting. "I told you to control it! Everyone sweep the forest to make sure nobody saw that!" And then you hear someone else yell "Clear this portion first! I got a feeling we're being watched!"

Battle Start!
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0)
Everyone roll initiative in the OOC so I can determine which block goes first (you can still post your first action in the IC unless you somehow have the means to reach them at 400 feet away).
Everyone is still undetected by the enemy.

2013-05-27, 02:10 PM
"...Come again?" Aodhan answered, confused at the words used and the strange syntax. By the tone, and the few words he did understand, it sounded like a greeting and acknowledgement in the spirit of friendship, but that didn't actually make the actual words any more comprehensible. "Good day, ser. If you said what I think you said, then yes, we need to..."

His speech was interrupted by a wave of unmistakeable magical energy, and yelling about controlling something and clearing a place because the yelling people were being watched.

"...explore," he continued once the yelling was done, "starting with what the hell those people want." He opened his cloak a little, getting a clearer shot at the belt quiver inside, then drew a composite longbow from it, and nocked an arrow ready for whatever came. "Some of you might wanna duck!"

Move action - Draw longbow, don't move despite having BaB +2.
Standard action - Ready standard action: Shoot the first person to act in an unquestionably hostile manner, i.e. either attacking any member of the party, successfully or not, with any weapon or spell, or else clearly and unequivocally stating their intention to do so.))

2013-05-27, 04:02 PM
A low growl escaped from Glandin's throat as he realized what he was dealing with. Necromancy. While there were rare exceptions to the general rule(after all, there were some Dwarven necromancers who communed with the ancestral spirits in a non-toxic way), necromancy usually corrupted the soul and tampered with the natural order. As a manifester of soul energy, Glandin was against it. Especially when it was performed in a secret glade during the wee hours of the morning. Shield and hammer at the ready, Glandin began slowly approaching the clearing. Whatever these strangers were up to, he wasn't going to let it happen.

Double move towards glowy lights. The expression, I believe, is "it's hammer time".

2013-05-27, 06:58 PM
Kevfire looked to the glowing and decided that it was indeed best to try and figure out what happened, though he had a differing idea from straight ahead, "Listen, if we go to the side of where the voice was, we're likely to encounter the edge of their group." He then took off at a diagonal.

Double Move: J14, Move to Intercept Patrol 1

2013-05-27, 07:06 PM
Camellia hesitates a moment before flying 120 feet straight up to get a better view of the area, drawing his battleaxe in the process.

2013-05-28, 03:23 PM
As most of your group mobilizes, you hear the other people start running, "We've got guests! Don't let them screw ya!" one of them yells to the others. In the distance the figures scurry forward, using the trees as cover.

Camellia can't see much better than down below due to the treetops, though the glow does look much more ominous from this height. At the very least the fey can make himself hard to be spotted by people below.

You and the enemy get concealment against each other, and it will be much harder for them to spot you at this altitude.


I'd recommend that Aodhan try moving forward, as with this range and the cover of the trees you will have trouble shooting anyone.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0)

2013-05-28, 03:29 PM
Kevfire looks to the human, saying, "Come, on Pale-face. This way." and then heads off as close as he can without letting his guard down.

Double Move to E25

2013-05-28, 05:08 PM
Camellia wordlessly flies to S21 and settles down into the branches of the treetop, trying to conceal himself out of sight from the enemy until they draw closer.

2013-05-29, 12:49 AM
Glandin continued to make a beeline for the strange glow, aware that enemy combatants were doing the same. But he was a dwarf, and a dwarf does not hide from combat. Let them try to strike him. His ancestors would keep him safe.

2013-05-29, 01:41 PM
Aodhan blinks in disbelief that these strangers are so eager to engage, then moves forward more out of a belief in safety in numbers than any great plan.

Double move to T12

2013-05-30, 04:57 PM
The tension rises in the forest as both yourselves and your foes approach, now close enough to identify each other by race. Towards your left you see a lightly-armored orc with a bow take cover next to a spellscale in robes, and on your right a human in heavy armor and a tower shield shares cover with a drow with various armaments. You hear the drow shout to the other two, "There's only three of them, keep the pressure on and they won't be able to put up a fight!"

Map Updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0), the enemies are now identified by race.

2013-05-30, 04:59 PM
Map Updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0), the enemies are now identified by race.
Camellia is actually in Column S, one square to the right in the red box.

Going to wait to see what my allies do before leaping out to assist.

2013-05-31, 02:43 AM
Aodhan advanced, carefully, trying not to take his eye off the last known location of the nearest enemies.
Double move 80' to S27.

2013-06-02, 05:47 AM
Moving so that the branches of the intervening trees obscure him from the enemies, Camellia moves to X33, hovering on the east side of the tree as close to the branches as he can get to stay out of sight.

2013-06-02, 12:47 PM
Glandin continued his forward charge, the space between him and his targets slowly decreasing.

N30 is the square, I believe.

2013-06-04, 05:44 PM
Kevfire moves back behind a tree, ready to begin the fight.

Sorry guys, Double move to E37.

2013-06-05, 02:44 AM
As you finally get in range for a proper fight, the drow and human move forward to the next tree, the human drawing a surprisingly large bastard sword and the drow with a warhammer and longsword. The spellscale and orc remain at their tree, the orc firing two arrows at Glandin, one of them hitting for [roll0] damage. The spellscale casts and you can barely see a faded tail begin to idly move around behind him. Everyone is too intent on the people on the ground to notice the fey in the trees.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0) Rizban will need to roll a Hide check for Camellia if he intends for her to remain hidden for following rounds.

2013-06-05, 10:50 AM
Battle was on, it seemed. Aodhan moved forward, out of cover, making himself more of a target - he could recover with unnatural speed given the chance. He murmured what must have sounded like a terrible, guttural supplication as he advanced, his eyes locked on the orc archer.

Move action: Moving 30' to P32
Standard action: Casting Doom on the orc archer, range 140', Will DC 14.

Not An Action: Spellcraft to work out what the spellscale cast [roll0]

2013-06-05, 10:59 AM
Before the battle could get underway, Kevfire Decided it would be best to find someone who could help him in a way. He rushed Over to put a tree betwixt him and his nearest opponents, reciting words of power.

Move to K(?)37 the one on 37 just in line with the left side of the tree from topside perspective.
Charm Person on the Human, DC17 Will Save Negates, by rules text does not qualify for the +5 combat antagonist bonus.

2013-06-05, 02:04 PM
Glandin winced as the orc's arrow pierced his arnor, grazing the skin underneath. A low curse under his breath, Glandin continued his stomping charge, moving into position to strike against the human and drow hiding behind the closer of the two trees.

The square is L36. Next turn, I strike!

2013-06-05, 10:14 PM
Camellia, still unsure whether or not these people need to be incapacitated or killed, waits in the trees to evaluate the situation.


2013-06-06, 02:21 AM
The human's glare at Kevfire suddenly changes, and when he sees the archivist move between him and Glandin he moves toward them and shouts, "Hey, you need to move or you might get caught in between me and that dwarf!" The drow seems bewildered by the human's reaction, "What the hell are you doing? We're supposed to be killing them, not making friends with them!". The human responds to his comrade, "Of course, just not our teifling friend." The drow suddenly changes his expression to one of shock and takes at shot at Kevfire with the crossbow, but the bolt just sticks into the tree.

Meanwhile the orc loses composure as the spell affects him, but he sees the commotion with his other two allies and fires two shots at Kevfire, but both arrows miss. The spellscale suddenly sees Camellia out of the corner of his eye, yelling, "There's someone flying in the trees!" He pulls out his own crossbow and fires, but misses by a large margin.

Aodhan fails to identify the spell cast by the spellscale. Both of Aodhan's and Kevfire's spells succeed (better start making use of your new fighter buddy, as while he's your friend right now he's not a friend of the rest of the party). Camellia is spotted by the enemy. No one in your party takes damage (the rolls were sad).

Map Updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-06, 02:55 AM
Aodhan continued advancing, initially simply moving towards the orc, then breaking into a spring when he realised he couldn't get another spell off as fast as hoped. Even as he moved, something about the air around him changed, becoming subtly wrong even as he struck.

Full-Round Action: Charge 75' to P47, the nearest square from which I can attack the orc with Charnel Touch.

Charnel Touch to-hit [roll0] inc. +2 from charge; damage [roll1]

Free Action: Turn on 5' fear aura. DC 15 to not be shaken.... and since the orc's already shaken it'll instead be frightened and thus exit pursued by a bear.

2013-06-06, 04:57 AM
Launching over the top of the tree, Camellia charges the spellscale. Midway through the charge, Camellia begins singing a song in High Sylan, the tongue of the Faerie Court. Even those who do not share the language understand that it is a song about glorious death in combat, the glorious deaths of one's enemies!

Masterwork Scimitar – [roll0] – [roll1]
Crit Confirm – [roll2] – [roll3]

Activating Snowflake Wardance and charging into battle!
Power Attack for 4.

2013-06-06, 11:58 PM
Glandin smiled as the human drew closer. Barrelling past the tiefling, he brought his hammer to bear against his enemy. "For the glory of Moradin!" he shouted, his hammer swinging viciously towards the unbearded man.

Well, I can't charge him, because Kevfire is in the way, but I can still reach him.
Moving to square K39, attacking. No power attack yet. Need to zero in on this guy's AC.

To Hit-[roll0]

2013-06-08, 09:37 PM
As the arrows fly past him, Kevfire tries to look distraught as he calls out to his well armored friend, "Help! They're trying to kill me, and I'd hate to kill your friends." When the dwarf tries to hit the human he steps over, trying to bop him on the head with his crossbow, "How dare you attack my friend, you armored heathen!" He is more angry that the dwarf would try and break his charm, but he still looks angry, but knows he has next to no chance of hitting, and added the word armored to try and get that across.

Move, draw crossbow, 5ft step to K38, improvised club on Glandin, I still don't threaten, so there is no flanking.
To Hit:

2013-06-09, 02:03 AM
While Aodhan's attack misses, his presence does scare the orc who immediately turns to flee. The spellscale emits a squeal of fear as Camellia charges, but manages to get enough draconic out of his mouth so that a ghostly dragon wing slaps the axe off course before it fades. He then steps back from the tree and shoots a blast of color into both Camellia and Aodhan.

Glandin's attack harmlessly bounces off the human's armor, shortly followed by the far less effective clang of Kevfire's feeble strike with the crossbow on his own armor. The man shouts to Kevfire "Don't worry, this ain't the first time I've smashed a dwarf!" before swinging his sword so widely off course that he almost loses his balance. The drow is still watching the exchange in bewilderment, but then starts swearing in undercommon before he swaps the crossbow back for the warhammer and runs toward Kevfire and miss with his longsword.


So the enemy can't roll when they need to, which is reducing this fight to brawl you'd see in the Three Stooges.

Attacks of Opportunity:
Aodhan gets to attack the orc. READ YOUR OWN HOMEBREW, AL!
Camellia gets to attack the spellscale, though it's movement-provoked instead of casting provoked, so his spell goes through unless you crit REALLY hard.
Glandin gets to attack the drow.

Camellia and Aodhan need to roll DC 15 will saves or be blinded and stunned for [roll0] rounds and stunned for 1 extra round (saves are resolved after both of your attacks of opportunity). Aodhan's save will only prevent the stunning if his Mental Bastion bonus is what kicks his will save into success. Camellia gets that +4 save bonus vs mind affecting stuff.

Map Updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-09, 02:39 AM
Aodhan smirks as the orc turns, before a spray of colours suddenly strikes him; his bow clatters to the floor as he stumbles in amazement.

2013-06-10, 11:08 AM
*grumble* a 25 on the attack roll, and I don't even get to hit him...

[roll0] +4 if it's mind-affecting
Immune if it's EnchantmentIs Camellia isn't stunned, he attacks the spellscale again.

Masterwork Scimitar – [roll1] – [roll2]

2013-06-10, 11:09 AM
Oops, missed that I got an AoO.Masterwork Scimitar – [roll0] – [roll1]

2013-06-10, 11:50 PM
Glandin wheeled about as assaults came from all directions. None, however, managed to pierce his armored shell. He had seen the tiefling approach from a distance, and it seemed the demon-touched did not want him to strike the human. It occured to Glandin that he had seen the tiefling wave his hands in the direction of the human-perhaps a spell?

No matter. Now the drow closed in, and Glandin interuptted his approached with a swipe of his hammer, which was swiftly followed by another. Glandin did not like being surrounded, but he had nothing to fear. Moradin's grace would keep him safe, as always.

Attack of Opportunity
To Hit-[roll0]

Standard Action to Attack Drow
To Hit-[roll2]

To elaborate, Glandin struck the human because A)The human threatened him, B)He has no way of knowing what Kev did to the human, and C)He doesn't know Kev.

2013-06-12, 09:09 AM
Kevfire was faced with a predicament. He had to keep his charm and survive, so there were only a few things to do. He stepped back and loaded his crossbow, aiming it at the drow, calling to his human friend, "I'm sorry, my friend, I'll try not to kill her, I should have plenty of healing if she goes unconscious." He then loosed the bolt at the drow.

5ft step to L37 and fire crossbow at the drow.
To Hit:

2013-06-13, 02:13 AM
Both of Camellia's attacks hit, and though the tail flicks at him it barely misses. The spellscale's frail form seems close to giving out now, though he suddenly gains a look of desperation in his eyes. He runs toward Aodhan while pulling out a dagger, the spectral wings deflecting Camellia's reactionary strike, and he conjures a patch of grease with Aodhan on the bottom edge of it.

The orc continues to run and disappears back by the glow, and moments later he emits a blood-chilling scream that is cut short.

The drow manages to avoid the attacks except for Glandin's second blow, which makes its mark but doesn't bring him down. "Friggin' hell! I'm not a woman!" He hisses at Kevfire before moving in and swinging both weapons, landing the longsword into the archivist for [roll0] damage. The human in the armor becomes thoroughly confused, and tries to remedy the confusion by moving in to trip Glandin but fumbles his reach.


Attacks of Opportunity:
Camellia on the spellscale, but denied because I'm not gonna kid myself he's close to death and you're not gonna hit him until he runs out of those spell slots.
Glandin on the human for making a trip attempt and not even landing the touch attack.

Aodhan must make a DC 15 reflex save or fall prone. Being stunned and blinded doesn't cover the effect on saves but I'm incurring a -2 penalty to account for lost dexterity bonus.

The orc has found an unknown fate at the glow (he was totally teleported to a paradise with orcish women of his dreams, no need to feel bad). Also Kevfire is terrible at identifying gender.

Map updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-13, 03:18 AM
Aodhan stands motionless, his eyes still glazed over. This would normally not be impressive, but given the ground beneath him is now coated in grease, it's above expectations.

2013-06-14, 12:07 AM
Glandin ignored the human's attempts to trip him, instead striking the drow once more, his hammer glowing a cold, sapphire blue. With the energy of Incarnum aiding his strike, the drow would crumble, and then Glandin could try to make sense of the tiefling and human.

Using a Smite attempt. So long as the drow is not Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Lawful Neutral, I add +1 to hit, +2 to damage, and roll an extra 1d6. If the drow is of one of those alignments, the attempt is used, but no effect.

To Hit-[roll0]
Smite Damage-[roll2]

2013-06-14, 07:39 PM
Kevfire Responds to his wound by stepping back and while reloading says, "Brother, please cool your temper. Drow tend to be matriarchal and most of the famous warriors are female. And it's kinda hard to tell under armor that isn't built for the breasts of a mother of five. Sorry, but this is self defense." He regrettably has to aim and fire once more at the drow.

5ft step L36, Load and fire Crossbow
To Hit:

2013-06-21, 01:41 AM
Kevfire and Glandin both miss their attacks, as do their opponents once again. The drow is looking especially pissed off and the human begins stuttering partial sentences trying to make sense of the situation.

Camellia pursues the spellscale and strikes again, and once again lands the blow on summoned wings. Fortunately, the spellscale panics and attempts to launch another color spray, and the fey cuts him down mid-casting just as Aodhan recovers.


Saves: Aodhan must once again make a DC 15 reflex save to remain standing, and if successful make a DC 10 balance check to be able to move (failure by 5 or more means you go prone).

Half of the battle is won, maybe the other half can actually get past the starting line with the incoming assistance.

Map Updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0)

2013-06-21, 08:55 AM
Aodhan's eyes regain their focus, and he witnesses the spellscale fall to the floor in front of him. He turns to the remaining adversaries, but soon notices his footing is too shaky to risk going after them.

Thinking through his options, and the fact that he can't close the distance without risking a quite nasty fall, he curses and lines up an arrow, hoping for an opening in the duel between his ally and the one enemy he can see.

Attacking the Drow with composite longbow. As the rules don't imply anything along the lines of friendly fire, I'm assuming a miss is exactly that if it's triggered by the -4 for shooting into melee.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-06-22, 12:01 AM
Gladin watched the drow move to engage the Tiefling. A scowl crossed his face, and he shook his head. "And where do you think you're going?" Gladin hopped behind the dark elf, and swung his hammer once more.

Moving to L38, accepting AoO from the human. Then gonna smack the drow.

To Hit-[roll0]

2013-06-22, 04:53 PM
Kevfire almost regarded this battle with a sort of hilarity, as while two were dead on the other side, barely any blows had been landed here. Before the others could attack his charm he called out, "Don't attack the human. He's my friend! And I apologize to him for being on opposite sides with this drow man." He then steps back and knocks another bolt, aiming for the drow.

5ft Step K35
To Hit:

2013-06-25, 02:35 AM
Everyone lands a strike on the drow, but he remains standing until Camellia charges in and lands the finishing blow. Unfortunately, the human's charm breaks as he watches Kevfire actively participate in slaughtering his allies, and in a rage runs at Kevfire and lands his oversized sword with frightening accuracy, dealing [roll0] slashing damage.

In the distance the intensity of the glow changes slightly, though no one can pinpoint what the change is, only that the source isn't doing the same thing anymore.


Attacks of Opportunity:
Glandin on the human.

Aodhan: DC 15 reflex to stay standing, DC 10 balance to move (score of 5 or more makes you fall).

Map Updated. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiSSvQ7VXyBedE5mX1dHRGVRUmxLUUpQTUlTZDdoV Hc#gid=0)

And Kevfire survives the crit from the large bastard sword. This guy may be a bit harder to gang-murder though, so hopefully you guys crit.

2013-06-26, 02:08 PM
Aodhan attempts a dignified exit but fails miserably - after one step, his footing wavers, and finally fails, sending him to the ground. With that in mind he decides the logical thing is to get out of the area, getting more of the horrible substance all over his outer layer of clothing. A small price for being able to do things. Once he's out, he steps up and sizes the situation up.

Move action: Crawling 5' to Q48, which is a thing you can do while prone (the restriction from Balance checks doesn't apply once I'm already down)
Standard action: Stand up from prone.

Both provoke AoOs but nothing Aodhan can detect is in a position to care.

2013-06-27, 02:20 AM
Glandin stared at the human as he rushed towards him. Seeing that the human's target was, in fact, not himself but rather the Tiefling behind him, Glandin lashed out with his hammer. He then pursued the human, preparing to strike him with righteous fury.

To Hit-[roll0]

Moving to K37. Activating the second smite for this encounter. If the subject is not Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Lawful Neutral, I add my Constitution Modifier+1 to hit, and level+2+1d6 to damage. I assume this is the case.
To Hit-[roll2]
Hammer Damage-[roll3]
Smite Damage-[roll4]