View Full Version : How to make a LOT of sheets quickly?

2013-05-26, 02:13 PM
Hey Gitp! I'm in a bit of a bind, as I need to churn out a LOT of character sheets with full stats and stuff, really fast.
Any Suggestions?

2013-05-26, 02:13 PM
Use a printer?

2013-05-26, 02:15 PM
Whoops, forgot to add that I need actual stats. :smallwink:

2013-05-26, 02:31 PM
Use a spreadsheet based character sheet. For anything in which you want variance numerically, put in the cell =randbetween(11,20), which for instance gives you a random number from 11 to 20. For non-numerical things like feats, create a list somewhere in the worksheet (I recommend each list of things gets its own column with nothing else in it). For each feat slot, enter =INDEX(C:C,RANDBETWEEN(2,COUNTA(C:C)),1), and it will pick a random entry from column C, but ignoring row 1 from column C so you can use that as a heading. If you want it to choose from column D, simply replace both instances of C:C to D:D, etc. You can hit F9 in Excel (not sure what the hotkey is in other programs) to refresh all the random variables, when you see something that looks coherent, just hit print.

2013-05-26, 02:37 PM
Excel makes things easier, yes, but what I do is handwrite out the most basic info like a statistics block with more room on a simple piece of paper. That, or Myth-Weavers and a laptop to the gaming area.

2013-05-26, 02:40 PM
Use a spreadsheet based character sheet. For anything in which you want variance numerically, put in the cell =randbetween(11,20), which for instance gives you a random number from 11 to 20. For non-numerical things like feats, create a list somewhere in the worksheet (I recommend each list of things gets its own column with nothing else in it). For each feat slot, enter =INDEX(C:C,RANDBETWEEN(2,COUNTA(C:C)),1), and it will pick a random entry from column C, but ignoring row 1 from column C so you can use that as a heading. If you want it to choose from column D, simply replace both instances of C:C to D:D, etc. You can hit F9 in Excel (not sure what the hotkey is in other programs) to refresh all the random variables, when you see something that looks coherent, just hit print.

I totally suck at Excel...:smallfrown:

2013-05-26, 02:43 PM
If you Google Excel character sheet there's already tons out there. All you'd need to do is put the functions I mention in their appropriate places, =randbetween(10,20) in the strength cell for instance.

2013-05-26, 02:52 PM
Hey Gitp! I'm in a bit of a bind, as I need to churn out a LOT of character sheets with full stats and stuff, really fast.
Any Suggestions?
Well, This (http://www.myth-weavers.com/generate_npc.php) doesn't come with equipment, but if you've got a copy of the DMG handy, the section on NPC's has equipment tables - sort of - for all the core PC classes when used with NPCs.

Edit: Oh, hey: This one (http://www.hailscape.com/) seems to include equipment, although it appears to be core-based and 3.0.

2013-05-26, 02:53 PM
Use an array for stat generation. I'm guessing Elite Array, but there are others.
This will save you either rolling dice or assigning points in a point buy scheme.
Less decisions = less work.

2013-05-26, 02:55 PM
just how many sheets do you need, and how varied? What are they for? Why do you need so many?
Using irregular sheet formats may make it easier to use various online sources that would have lots of chars.

2013-05-26, 02:56 PM
Use an array for stat generation. I'm guessing Elite Array, but there are others.
This will save you either rolling dice or assigning points in a point buy scheme.
Less decisions = less work.

ELite is what I'm using, The main thing/problem I have is going through level 1-20. And I have about 12/13 of each.
(FYI, That's 260 Sheets)

2013-05-26, 03:20 PM
This may help. (http://www.pathguy.com/cg35.htm)

2013-05-26, 03:28 PM
This may help. (http://www.pathguy.com/cg35.htm)

Unfortunately, by the time i could finish one sheet on that, I could have 2 or so done.

2013-05-26, 03:33 PM
Hey Gitp! I'm in a bit of a bind, as I need to churn out a LOT of character sheets with full stats and stuff, really fast.
Any Suggestions?


This movie has the answers you seek.

2013-05-26, 05:58 PM
Although Excel is arguably the greatest computer program ever written, spreadsheet programs aren't the most efficient for creating character sheets (or, IOW, creating character sheets isn't an efficient use of a spreadsheet program). You're better off using a database program to design the sheet. Once you have that, you can plug in any relevant data for an individual character and print it out, or print "blank" sheets to be filled in with details for any character.

Or download one of the many predesigned character sheets that are freely available around the 'net. My favorite by far is "Ema's 3.5E D&D Record Sheet 2.9". The site where the creator hosted these sheets has been taken down, but the sheets probably still available for d/l somewhere. They're very nicely designed, comprehensive at least for core classes, and have some color. The places where you write information are a bit small, but these sheets are still very usable.

And yeah, printers and photocopiers are great friends for this sort of thing ;)

2013-05-26, 08:19 PM
Severely off-topic:
Although Excel is arguable the greatest computer program ever written

How do you even measure that? What about the C compiler, or FORTRAN, or the cut-down program suite that ran Apollo's Command, Service, and Lunar Modules? Apache httpd, Linux kernel, NCSA Mosaic, emacs, Lisp? All of these have some pretty serious claims to fame, influence, and quality.

Also, Access is totally better than Excel. :smalltongue:

2013-05-26, 08:58 PM
Although Excel is arguable the greatest computer program ever written, ...

If only you knew just how many times I've crashed it.

Also TeX

2013-05-26, 08:59 PM

This movie has the answers you seek.

Watched it, no clue.

2013-05-26, 09:16 PM
I still can't fathom why you'd need SO many sheets; what possible need could you have for so many?

2013-05-26, 09:45 PM
I still can't fathom why you'd need SO many sheets; what possible need could you have for so many?

Tomb of Horrors pregens for a con?

2013-05-26, 09:56 PM
I still can't fathom why you'd need SO many sheets; what possible need could you have for so many?

I'm making a Nation, for a PVP game. I need it statted to get in. :smallwink:

2013-05-26, 10:15 PM
well, the format isn't quite standard but you could crib the pathfinder NPC list for some.

2013-05-26, 10:23 PM
I'm making a Nation, for a PVP game. I need it statted to get in. :smallwink:
Oh. My general method for that... you've seen, I think... is basically just a spreadsheet. Stat out the followers at level 1 in a one-row format, then level them up, marking down changes as you go through the rows.

2013-05-26, 11:54 PM
Watched it, no clue.

A lacky of course! The whole thing was a joke and the video was worth watching regardless.

2013-05-26, 11:56 PM
A lacky of course! The whole thing was a joke and the video was worth watching regardless.

Ah, it was, I can't wait to see 3. :smallcool:

Now i need to start on a spreadsheet, fun.

2013-05-27, 01:56 AM
Players Handbook 2 has a section for making sheets fast. Comes complete with decent suggestions for spells, feats and equipment. It might help you :)

2013-05-27, 11:15 AM
If only you knew just how many times I've crashed it.

Also TeX

Well, it depends on what you're doing, and the system on which you're doing it, to some extent :)