View Full Version : Custom Avatar Help

2013-05-26, 03:17 PM
Hey guys, new to the whole custom avatar thing on GitP, it's kinda confusing to me. Can anyone give me a hand or link me to a thread that can?

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2013-05-26, 03:42 PM
The kind of help you're likely after is probably most easily found in this section of the forums (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=27).

Apart from that I can't help you since you haven't mentioned what part is troubling you.

2013-05-27, 01:46 AM
1) Do you have a custom avatar?
- If no, see Fullbladder's link, particularly the Avatar Adoption Center thread and the Request an OotS-style avatar thread.

2) Do you know how to host it online?
- If no, try ImageShack (http://imageshack.us/) or PhotoBucket (http://photobucket.com/) for easy, free hosting.

3) Do you know where to put the URL?
- If no, click on "User CP" on the brown menu bar at the top of the page. Then click on "Edit Options" in the sidebar on the left. Scroll down to the very bottom, then paste the URL for your avatar into the "Custom Avatar URL" box. Be sure to use the direct link option from wherever you're hosting it, so that it starts with http and ends with .jpg, .png, or .gif.

4) Are you having some other problem?
- Please describe as specifically as possible.

Let me know if you need more info on any of the parts I've listed above.

2013-05-27, 04:19 AM
Sorry, My mistake, I think the problem I'm having is with the hosting because I can't figure out how to get the .Jpg at the end.

Killer Angel
2013-05-27, 05:46 AM
Sorry, My mistake, I think the problem I'm having is with the hosting because I can't figure out how to get the .Jpg at the end.

What website are you using to host your pics?

2013-05-27, 09:14 AM
The .jpg at the end should be coming from your file type and the hosting site shouldn't interfere with that at all. Can you give us the URL of the image and we can see if we can figure out what's going on?

2013-05-27, 10:42 AM
is here there problem with hosting or with picture inself?
you create picture in some type of program or only have some png picture?
if you have only png picture use paint and save as jpg

2013-05-27, 01:16 PM
Sorry, My mistake, I think the problem I'm having is with the hosting because I can't figure out how to get the .Jpg at the end.

Well, seeing how you managed to put up a custom avatar, I figure you figured it out. May I guess that the mistake you made was that you tried to use the link to the page where the image was hosted rather than the direct link to the image itself?

Now, I see you've accidently linked to the (not-so-)scaled thumbnail rather than the full avatar image itself (ImageShack is tricky like that. Depending on where you stand, you may need to click around a bit to get the picture in the intended resolution), which is why it cuts the top and bottom off it. I think this is the link you want to use:


... which looks like this:
