View Full Version : Old Character Conversion

2013-05-26, 06:12 PM
I am trying to convert an old 2nd Edition character to 3.5 Edition, and I am having some trouble with it. I was hoping for some help with it. I'm not expecting a straight conversion (too many changes in the editions), but I was hoping for some help creating a similar character.

Specifically, the character is a half-elf Fighter/Cleric/Mage specialized using the quarterstaff. Any help would really be appreciated.

Thanks! :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-26, 06:25 PM
Given that I know very little of 2nd edition (its the only one I haven't read anything from), I can still interpolate from what I know.

"Fighters hit things, a lot" is the general gist I have gotten from the earlier editions. In 3.5, clerics are just flat out better than fighters at doing this, so unless you had some special tricks you could do with your quarterstaff because of your fighter levels, they aren't going to be necessary here in 3.5.

Wizard (who is THE mage) and Cleric can be advanced simultaneously through dual progression Prestige Classes like Mystic Theurge.

Depending on what other people are playing, you may find this troublesome because you have two casting stats to deal with so you will either end up devoting resources to making one side amazing and the other iffy, or you'll split it down the middle and have a jack of all trades approach to your casting.

By making use of other options available in the system, you could mix up some impossible-to-read-at-first-glance character who performs pretty much how you would like, but not by taking the obvious choices to accomplish such a thing.

So, in good detail, could you describe all the powers and abilities available to your character, and what you expect to get out of each class?

2013-05-26, 07:15 PM
The official 2e to 3e conversion manual can be found here (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20030221a). It's at the bottom of the download list. From there you'll need to look at the 3.5 update booklets (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20030718a)

2013-05-26, 07:35 PM
The official 2e to 3e conversion manual can be found here (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20030221a). It's at the bottom of the download list. From there you'll need to look at the 3.5 update booklets (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20030718a)

Read this by all means but don't even think of using it. It's advice is laughable bad. I could go into the details, but they are rather involved.

AD&D multi-classing is very different to 3.5 in fact it's probably the part of the rules which is the most different. It is very difficult to port the triple class archetypes — I have tried with the old classic Fighter/Magic-user/Thief without much success.

The best approach would be to post more details about the character and we could try to create a suitable 3.5 build.

2013-05-26, 07:43 PM
Read this by all means but don't even think of using it. It's advice is laughable bad. I could go into the details, but they are rather involved.

AD&D multi-classing is very different to 3.5 in fact it's probably the part of the rules which is the most different. It is very difficult to port the triple class archetypes — I have tried with the old classic Fighter/Magic-user/Thief without much success.

The best approach would be to post more details about the character and we could try to create a suitable 3.5 build.

I mostly agree, but it seemed worthwhile to point out the official conversion material. With all the splat books that have been released since that documents creation a complete rebuild is probably in order here.

2013-05-26, 08:11 PM
specialization also did a lot mroe in earlier editions than it does in 3rd.

failing that, I would say go cleric/duskblade and take a decent Prc at some point like divine oracle.

it is probably the best representation of fighter/mage/cleric I cna think of

also I guess a lot of people would say Factotum too. since it appeanrlt is the class that sole gole is 'to do everything' or some such like that.

2013-05-26, 08:28 PM
Nearest I'd figure would be to multiclass say, Warmage/Favored Soul? Depending on your flavoring of the multiclassing.

But yeah, I mean if I remember everything right what you had with your multiclassing is:

Best attack progression.
No ability to wear armor while being able to cast.
Cleric Turning, Cleric Casting (With bonus spells for high wisdom).
Wizard Casting (No bonus spells).

It's a wide range of things to do, that would be kinda hard to set up.

2013-05-26, 08:34 PM
actually now that I think of it teh gestlalt rules are basically what multiclassing was in earlier editions

so theortically youc ould just go fighter//wizard/ur priest/thuerge right?

here is the stuff on gestalt (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/gestaltCharacters.htm)

2013-05-26, 08:51 PM
Well specialisation was a late 1E/2E thing.

Gestalt at about three levels lower than the party would be the target (for a triple classed character, other than one involving Rogue).

But MT with a few fighter feats might do it.

It depends on what kind of Mage and what kind of Cleric we are looking at really? Clerics of a specific deity were a 2E thing, and that might be modelled better as a PrC ?

2013-05-26, 10:25 PM
AD&D multi-classing is very different to 3.5 in fact it's probably the part of the rules which is the most different. It is very difficult to port the triple class archetypes — I have tried with the old classic Fighter/Magic-user/Thief without much success.

Not quite on-topic, but I happen to have made a build along those lines recently (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=278101)...you might be interested if it's something you've been wanting to play:

The SneakA gish who does the gish thing, but also the sneaky thing. It would have been cool to use Beguiler in this build, but they make, like, the absolute worst gishes, so Wizard it is. In terms of doing the rogue job, this character has Trapfinding and plenty of search/disable device to get by, access to Knock to make up for only one rank in open lock, excellent stealth (maxed hide/MS and Darkstalker, along with spells), and lots of backstabbing potential (4d6 sneak attack, Craven, Hunter's Eye for 7d6 or 8d6 more, Staggering Strike, maxed Iaijutsu Focus via Human Paragon's floating class skill).

This is the first of these characters I built, and it was for an actual game. She was a small-time thief who was caught and rehabilitated by a big-time wizard she tried to rob, but eventually found the life of magical academia too constraining and moved on to a life of adventuring. Made a pretty satisfying character to play, especially since I was borrowing heavily from my own dissatisfaction with the academic life at the time.


Race: Human

Stats (28 point buy):
Str: 14
Dex: 15 > 17
Con: 14
Int: 15 > 20
Wis: 8
Cha: 8

Level Progression
1 - Ranger 1 - Darkstalker, Combat Casting
2 - Human Paragon 1
3 - Wizard 1 - Extend Spell, Two-Weapon Fighting
4 - Wizard 2 - Int 16
5 - Human Paragon 2 - Practiced Spellcaster (wizard)
6 - Fighter 1 - Craven
7 - Human Paragon 3 - Int 18
8 - Unseen Seer 1 - Dex 16
9 - Unseen Seer 2 - Arcane Strike
10 - Unseen Seer 3
11 - Unseen Seer 4
12 - Abjurant Champion 1 - Staggering Strike, Dex 17
13 - Abjurant Champion 2
14 - Abjurant Champion 3
15 - Abjurant Champion 4 - Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
16 - Abjurant Champion 5 - Int 19
17 - Unseen Seer 5
18 - Unseen Seer 6 - Persistent Spell
19 - Unseen Seer 7
20 - Unseen Seer 8 - Int 20

ACF's: Abrupt Jaunt, Martial Wizard, Skilled City-Dweller (Ride > Tumble, Survival > Sense Motive, Nature > Local), Sneak Attack Fighter, Thug, Trap Expert


1 (36) - Concentration 4, Disable Device 4, Handle Animal 1, Hide 4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1, Knowledge (geography) 1, Knowledge (local) 1, Move Silently 4, Search 4, Sense Motive 4, Spot 4, Tumble 4
2 (7) - Balance 5, Iaijutsu Focus 1, Open Lock 1
3 (5) - Concentration 6, Iaijutsu Focus 4
4 (6) - Concentration 7, Iaijutsu Focus 5, Spellcraft 4
5 (8) - Concentration 8, Hide 8, Iaijutsu Focus 7, Spot 5
6 (8) - Iaijutsu Focus 8, Sleight of Hand 7
7 (9) - Concentration 10, Search 8, Spot 8
8 (11) - Disable Device 5, Iaijutsu Focus 11, Move Silently 8, Search 5, SKILL TRICK: Conceal Spellcasting
9 (11) - Disable Device 7, Hide 10, Iaijutsu Focus 12, Move Silently 10, Search 7, SKILL TRICK: Point it Out
10 (11) - Disable Device 9, Hide 13, Iaijutsu Focus 13, Move Silently 13, Search 8, Sleight of Hand 8
11 (11) - Disable Device 11, Hide 14, Move Silently 14, Search 11, Spot 12
12 (7) - Concentration 11, Iaijutsu Focus 15, Spellcraft 6, SKILL TRICK: Spot the Weak Point
13 (7) - Concentration 13, Iaijutsu Focus 16, Spellcraft 8, SKILL TRICK: False Theurgy
14 (7) - Concentration 15, Iaijutsu Focus 17, Tumble 6, SKILL TRICK: Clarity of Vision
15 (7) - Concentration 18, Iaijutsu Focus 18, Tumble 9
16 (7) - Concentration 19, Iaijutsu Focus 19, Tumble 12, SKILL TRICK: Acrobatic Backstab
17 (11) - Concentration 20, Disable Device 13, Hide 17, Iaijutsu Focus 20, Move Silently 16, Search 13
18 (11) - Concentration 21, Disable Device 15, Hide 19, Iaijutsu Focus 21, Move Silently 19, Search 15
19 (11) - Concentration 22, Disable Device 17, Hide 22, Iaijutsu Focus 22, Move Silently 21, Search 17
20 (12) - Concentration 23, Decipher Script 1, Disable Device 20, Hide 23, Iaijutsu Focus 23, Move Silently 23, Search 20

Balance: 5
Concentration: 23
Decipher Script: 1
Disable Device: 20
Handle Animal: 1
Hide: 23
Iaijutsu Focus: 23
Knowledge (dungeoneering): 1
Knowledge (geography): 1
Knowledge (local): 1
Move Silently: 23
Open Lock: 1
Search: 20
Sense Motive: 4
Sleight of Hand: 8
Spellcraft: 8
Spot: 12
Tumble: 12

Skill Tricks: Acrobatic Backstab, Clarity of Vision, Conceal Spellcasting, False Theurgy, Point it Out, Spot the Weak Point

Base Saves:
Fort: +8
Ref: +6
Will: +16

Notable Spells:
-Stuff to help with stealth (Superior Invisibility being the standout)
-Hunter's Eye adds +7d6 sneak attack due to Unseen Seer's caster level boost. Get 2 more caster levels via items and it's 8d6. Not bad.
-Normal gish buffs

Notable Items:
-Like the others, could use Novice Rings of the Diamond Mind to shore up low saves.
-Glove of the Master Strategist to trigger Iaijutsu Focus, since she's not proficient with Gnomish Quickrazors
-Sneaky goodies
-All the standard stuff

2013-05-26, 10:37 PM

I would transliterate that into an Archivist20//Warblade20
Gestalt rules.
Delicious. Pick up Academic Priest. INT focus. If you want even more, substitute warblade 20 with three opening levels of swashbuckler for INT to attack.

2013-05-26, 11:08 PM
For a Fighter/Cleric/Mage, I'd just play an Archivist. Focus on self-buffs, realize that you can basically get any spell in the game... read the various Archivist handbooks.

Here's an Archivist I made:


2013-05-27, 02:20 PM
ngilop, I think you're right. By the sound of it, some sort of cleric/duskblade would be the way to go. Any ideas on how to make that a workable build?

2013-05-27, 03:34 PM
ngilop, I think you're right. By the sound of it, some sort of cleric/duskblade would be the way to go. Any ideas on how to make that a workable build?

Remember, Archivists can get any spell in the game -- arcane or otherwise, as there is ALWAYS a way to get a spell in a divine version. And there are a LOT of very, very, very good melee combat spells in 3.5e, and various ways of making them last 24/7, to the point of leaving the actual fighter types in the dust...