View Full Version : Best Surveillance Bot?

2013-05-26, 09:05 PM
What's the most undetectable construct a lvl 9 Gestalt Artificer/Cleric Techsmith of Gond Faerunian Gnome can build?

The best without WBL but still pre-epic?
Preferably small enough to hold in the palm of his hand.

I'd want the little bugger to be able to survive at least aquatic environments and heights. Bonus points if it can survive extraplanar and/or lava.

It should be able to output maps of what it's seen if possible but simply using the Techsmith construct telepathy for information relay would be fine.

Ideas I've had so far:
- Animated intelligent custom magic item grain of sand with the best senses and imbued spells that let it map an area?
- An effigy of an itty bitty sneaky animal?
- A construct with class levels that allow it to be undetectable?
- I seem to remember some sort of homunculus or clockwork creature from either Dungeon, Dragon or a web supplement that fit the bill...?

Thanks regardless playgrounders. Dunno if my DM will okay a critter like this yet but that Underdark link beneath my current home city is bugging the crap outta me...