View Full Version : Third Party books for 3.5 - suggestions please.

2013-05-27, 12:27 AM
Have any of you come across any good third party books or companies? The only two companies I can think of offhand are Necromancer Games and Green Ronin.
I like a lot of the WotC stuff, but I want a bit more to send at the party I'm currently DMing for - I like seeing the look on their faces when I describe something physically when they get a good spot check or something, they blurt out "Oh, that's a ___!" and I say "Nuh uh, it's a ____, it's completely different." Plus it's a more interesting campaign when nobody knows what they're being sent up against.

Any and all suggestions would be much appreciated on this :smallsmile:

2013-05-27, 01:01 AM
mongoose publishing

sword and sorcery studios

fantasy flight games

are three companies I know of besides the two you alreayd listed.

I know people love to spout how 'unbalanced' 3rd party stuff is, but i say those same people must completely ignore WoTC published items.

or are just .. well i forget the exact word used but a group of people who hate things just because its not X.

2013-05-27, 01:04 AM
Adamant Entertainment is great third party stuff that's pretty well-balanced, unless you feel like optimizing like no tomorrow.

Try the d20pfsrd and just look for their classes. They're quite nice. "Other Paizo" also happens to be swell.

2013-05-27, 01:10 AM

VERY good 3rd party supplement. There're a few small things that are awful (like the option to turn astral constructs into permanent constructs, and the power that permanently kills your psicrystal), but overall it's truly excellent. And it's even written by the man who pioneered 3.5 psionics, the best psionics system to date.

It's what Complete Psionic wishes it could be.

It's probably what made Spastikitty in my sig spazz out.

2013-05-27, 02:15 AM
Paizo has some balanced stuff like their Paladin fix. Just cherry-pick the stuff you like.

2013-05-27, 02:18 AM
All of this sounds good to me, thank you all :smallsmile: