View Full Version : Suggested feats for a Pathfinder Psion?

2013-05-27, 06:05 AM
Hi! I am currently building a Shaper Psion to act as an NPC/Villain in my next campaign and was looking for advice on feat selection. I play/run 3.5 and pathfinder a lot but am not overly familiar with Psionics, so I am likely to be missing some obvious things. looking to build something that can seriously challenge the party and then get away (one problem our group has is that recurring villains never live long enough to well ... turn up more than once!)
anyway he is level 8 at the moment and current feat selection is
Bonus Feat Psionic talent (for being an Elan)
1st level feat Psionic Body (let him survive the first round)
1st level bonus feat Boost Construct
3rd level feat Psionic Meditation
5th level feat Split Psionic Ray
5th level bonus feat Focused Power
7th level feat Overchannel

Cheers, obviously all criticism welcome as I have not used the psionic subsystem before. Additionally any pointers on item selection would be handy too :)