View Full Version : Five From Kassen

2013-05-27, 12:12 PM
Ekat Kassen was a crusader and fortune seeker who came to serve Lastwall in the year 4515 ar. While he fought with distinction, he soon realized that he wanted more from life and left the Lastwall military to find his fortune
elsewhere. His travels took him all over the region around Lake Encarthan, and he decided to settle down in 4522 after a very profitable adventure.

Using a sizable portion of his fortune, he set out to tame a small area of the
Fangwood on the banks of the Tourondel River, making it a natural stopover for those traveling up and down the river to Skelt. For the next 10 years, the town, which was then known as Kassen’s Hold, grew and prospered.

All that changed when Asar Vergas came to Kassen’s Hold with a host of mercenaries under his command. Asar was an old companion of Ekat, and the two had traveled together for some time before splitting up just after Ekat’s
last adventure. Over the years, Asar became sure that Ekat had cheated him after that adventure. Promising great wealth to his mercenaries, Asar raided the town relentlessly for 2 months.

Finally, the townsfolk managed to locate Asar’s camp in an ancient crypt deep in the forest, and Ekat himself went out to deal with his old companion.
The battle was terribly bloody, with only a few townsfolk coming back to tell the tale. In the end, Asar was slain and his mercenaries scattered, but Ekat suffered a mortal wound. He died 2 days later, on the 11th day of Neth, 4535.

In honor of their beloved founder, the townsfolk buried Kassen in the ancient crypt, interring his bones in a place of honor, above the simple sarcophagi used to inter Asar, his mercenaries, and the townsfolk that lost their lives in
the bitter struggle. They placed an eternal flame above Kassen’s final resting place, so that all who visited might find warmth in the wilderness.

Over the years, the Crypt of the Everflame has become an important part of the history of the town, now simply called Kassen. The townsfolk view the crypt as a memorial to those difficult first years of the town’s history. Every
autumn, a few of the townsfolk make a pilgrimage to the crypt to light a lantern from the flame and bring it back to town, where it is preserved all winter, a symbol of the town’s resilience.

Most years, the town mayor and a group of dignitaries perform this quest. Every few years, however, a handful of younger townsfolk are given the
honor of lighting the lantern. Many see this as a passage into adulthood, a taste of adventure before settling down to work and marriage.

The quest starts out as a solemn ceremony in town, where the townsfolk gather to wish the adventurers luck, just as it was when Kassen himself left
to fight the mercenaries. When the adventurers return a few days later, the town holds a great celebration in their honor. This also marks the final harvest celebration before the long winter.

This year, it is your turn.

You have all heard about it months in advance and everyone in town seems giddy with excitement - if not for the ceremony, then at least for the celebrations afterwards....

2013-05-27, 12:30 PM
The bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song, echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful.

After a few moments, a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver
lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with
backpacks and supplies.

Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops and calls out to the assembled townsfolk. “Once again the winter winds blow through the Fangwood, marking the end of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just as it was one hundred and seventy-four years ago, when Kassen
himself left these walls to protect us, so it is today.

Where are the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to
Kassen’s tomb and retrieve the flame to keep this community
safe for another winter?”

He pauses, no doubt waiting for something...

Chained Birds
2013-05-27, 01:03 PM

A noisy clash can be heard beyond the crowd upon the silence of the old mayor. A bespectacled, young woman appears to have dropped a backpack full of candles and other supplies one would carry if they were going out of the village. The contents embarrassingly have pored over the ground for all to see.
She starts to quickly place all of her belongings back into the backpack, before readjusting her glasses and lifting herself up.

"Umm... Sorry..."

The woman whimpers. She takes a deep breath before exclaiming with a big smile on her face,

"Yes I, Shea Moon, shall participate in this endeavor!"

She seems very determined, with her scholarly dress and well tied, straight blonde hair flowing in the wind. A complete turnaround from her dejected and awkward entrance.

2013-05-27, 01:29 PM

A small boy's cries can be heard over the crowd.
Everyone looks over to see the child being cared for by a girl in a purple and blue cloak.

"It's gonna be okay. This is just a small scrape, you'll be fine."

"Thanks Melina"

"No problem, oh, I almost forgot I'm suppose to be going on this grand adventure for the lantern thingy."

2013-05-27, 03:18 PM
With a clank and a rattle of armour, a young man of the Guard steps up. The scale mail and the leather beneath are well-oiled, the tabard over the armour emblazoned with the Nirmathan tree-and-sword.

Broad of shoulder and black of beard but with barely a word, he kneels beside the scholar and quietly helps her repack her fallen belongings. With a concerned but wordless glance at Shea, he nods.

Leaning on his shield, he levers himself up.

He looks sharply at the sound of the child's distress, nods once at Melina, then turns to face forward once more, then grunts, "Sir. Trooper Severus Konstantin, reporting."

2013-05-28, 06:03 PM
With a grunt and a sigh, Malcolm sauntered on over to the Mayor, not interested in pomp and ceremony."Don't you worry. We'll get the fire." His eyes lock onto the air just above the heads of the crowd. He wasn't doing it for them, he was doing it to get out of the city. Some people came home after their journey, but Malcolm was going to see the world.

2013-05-28, 07:46 PM
A young woman stands at the edge of the crowd, reading a book. Someone next to her gives a nudge in the ribs and she jerks her head up with a start. Marianna steps forward hurriedly, tucking her book away in a pouch and pushing her glasses farther up her nose. "Sorry...so sorry. Excuse me, sorry." She mumbles as she tries to make up for her late entrance into the ceremony.

At first glance she looks like a mousy young woman with bright red hair held in a fraying bun, glasses she is constantly adjusting, and arcane robes held together by badly sewn patches. Then her ears are noticed, sharply pointed in the elven manner and her looks are reconsidered. She bears the elegant bone structure of the elves, and an ageless quality to her face. She bears no marks or blemishes, and moves more gracefully than the average absentminded wizard.

She stands next to the others, and apologizes a few more times before falling silent.

2013-05-29, 04:56 PM
The mayor nods at each of you in turn, a gentle smile spreading across his rotund, open face.
Turning around, he takes a lantern, richly decorated, from the cart.
" Who will take this lantern to light the fire?"

Also, at his signal, other townsfolk grab the backpacks and hand them out to each of you.
Each backpack contains: days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin, and a piece of the Trail Map that leads from Kassen to the Crypt of the Everflame.

Also, placed onto the ground between you are the following items for you to distribute amongst you as you see fit: 50 feet of hempen rope, a box containing tinder and three tindertwigs, a labeled potion of cure light wounds,
three torches, a grappling hook, and a small bottle of local brandy.

2013-05-29, 05:45 PM
Melina walks over and picks up the healing potion.

"I guess I shall take the potion."

She picks up the bottle of brandy.

"Aren't we a little young for this. Oh, maybe it's for sterilizing wounds."

Finally she examines the Lantern.

"I wonder how heavy this is...?"

2013-05-29, 05:57 PM
The lantern proves to be not too hard to carry. While it's made of metal, the iron is not very thick on either side or the bottom, making it rather light.

2013-05-29, 06:03 PM
"I don't need any of this, and will have enough of a hard time carrying the backpack honestly." Marissa pulls out her book and begins glancing through it while waiting for the others to divy it up.

Chained Birds
2013-05-29, 06:35 PM

Shea swipes the lantern, examining it with a wondrous smile.

"Now this is a marvelous item."

She adjusts her glasses again, she glances back at the mayor.

"Are pack animals for rent? It has been quite the lengthy bit of time since my last exploration of the town market."

2013-05-29, 07:33 PM
Taking the brandy from the young woman he smiles. "I'd best take of this." Tucking it into his belt, appraises the other items briefly. "I'll carry whatever else you ask me to."

2013-05-30, 02:06 AM
The mayor shakes his head at Shea's request. " Sadly, we do not have any that we can spare. Traditionally, the trip has always been made on foot."

Chained Birds
2013-05-30, 07:06 AM

"How unfortunate. I did not mean to ride the animal in question, but to simply use it as a beast of burden. Though tradition is tradition I suppose."

She then has a gleam in her eye as she looks at Malcom.

"I'll be in agreance towards your offer."

2013-05-30, 11:02 AM
"Yes, yes. Let's definitely use the handsome young man as a pack mule." Marianna says all this without really looking at anyone. It seems pretty clear that she was only half-way paying attention.

"Is it time to go yet?"

2013-05-30, 11:25 AM
The mayor once again speaks to the townsfolk. “I present to you the brave heroes who will follow in Kassen’s footsteps to retrieve the Everflame! Some of them may not return, but I say to you that their sacrifice shall not be forgotten. Go, brave heroes, and do not return until you have the eternal
fire.” With that, the mayor points to the south, the direction of Kassen’s tomb. The townsfolk begin waving goodbye with cold, solemn looks
on most of their faces.

2013-05-30, 02:32 PM
Severus says nothing in goodbye, merely a nod in thanks and a salute in farewell. He checks his gear quickly and efficiently, then heaves off and moves out.

What the frigg did she grow up in, not drinking no nip o' liq? he wonders at Mellina's statement, armour clanking as he leads the way in marching.

2013-05-30, 02:45 PM
Melina picks up her pack and begins following Severus.

"May not come back, as if. Like this is gonna be that dangerous." Melina mumbles to herself.

2013-05-30, 02:47 PM
With a mountain of armor taking point, Malcolm follows just behind. He certainly doesn't mind the warrior taking the first few blows, but he also wants to be toward the front, where the action is likely to be.

Chained Birds
2013-05-30, 02:48 PM

Shea tosses the backpack, that was given to her, at Malcom.

"Let's head out then."

2013-05-30, 07:00 PM
You all make your way out of town and down the narrow trail that leads into the forest. This area is known to be safe for the most part and you make good headway for the next two hours. After that, however, things rapidly change...

The narrow path winds through the raking claws of the trees, now bereft of their leaves, which crunch loudly underfoot. Up ahead, a fallen tree trunk blocks the path. Suddenly a trio of snarling humanoids leaps up from behind the log, all greenish skin and fearsome tusks, bellowing vulgar challenges.

First Combat! Initiative rolls, please

2013-05-30, 07:03 PM

2013-05-30, 07:21 PM
Lets see if i can do this right.

Chained Birds
2013-05-30, 11:05 PM

Initiative: [roll0]

Shea says something,

"Now who are you fine gentlemen? Or do you perhaps speak the Common tongue?"

2013-05-30, 11:27 PM
"[Orc]Please die quickly, if that's your goal.[Orc]"

Initiative: [roll0]

2013-05-31, 03:46 AM
Why in the name of horsecrap from Asmodeus' arse are y'all parleying with these filthy beasts?! Are ye girls committing suicide or something? Orcs will rip y'all to shreds. And worse! Severus rails inwardly at his questing companions, but his face and feet are set and grim.

These friggers are CLOSE. Too close. To home. That can't be. That ain't right, dammit. He drops his doubled backpacks, raises his shield and prepares to draw his sword and hisses at the others, "What in Asmodeus' arse are ye girls doing? They'll kill y'all. Rape y'all. Torture y'all fer hours. An' prob'ly not in that order. Get. Behind. Me. NOW. Any o' y'all other friggers know how ta fight? Try an' get behind 'em. I'll draw their centre."

Initiative, eh? [roll0]

2013-05-31, 03:52 AM
"A-yup, the mountain of steel is correct. Time to go to work."

2013-05-31, 03:52 AM
Initiative order is as follows:
Shea: 21
Severus: 18
Orcs: 18
Malcolm: 17
Marianna: 8
Melina: 4

Shea's turn.

Chained Birds
2013-05-31, 07:44 AM

"Never hurts to try and be reasonable."

Shea then swiftly grabs a small amount of sand from the pouch at her side.

"Fell's Crept."

She says, as she blows the sand towards the Orcs.

Standard Action: Casting Sleep on the Orcs.
- 10ft Radius, attempting to hit as many as possible.
- Affects up to 4HD of Targets
- DC 14 Will Save, to avoid being Helpless for 1 minute (10 rounds)

2013-05-31, 05:08 PM

While two of the orcs merely blink and react with angry grunts, one of them suddenly begins to swoon and blink almost comically before falling to the ground limply, starting to snore in the most abominable fashion.

Severus' turn

2013-06-01, 04:53 AM
"Yeah, 'strue. Reasonable..." Severus retorts as he draws his ancestors' sword from its waist-slung scabbard, then surges forward, yelling, "...if they were people!"

He charges across the grassy sward towards their ambushers--- who it seems, haven't done that good a job at ambushing--- and brings the heavy, forward-curved blade forwards and upwards in a hip to shoulder stroke, then skidding into a pivot that brings his shield forward again.

If he strikes well and the orcs' pointman attacks with a shoulder-to-hip stroke, his own blade would likely cut through the wrist, then hack into the neck. Or the other way around, depending on the orc's handedness. If the orc goes for a gutting stroke or a stop-thrust, his blow would likely sweep it up and aside and the remaining momentum might slice into the beast's body. Or his shield could take the blow...

Charging Power Attack at whichever still-standing Orc is closest.


...orrrrrr he could miscalculate, miss horribly and chop into the grass instead.

2013-06-01, 04:59 AM
Which is exactly what happens, the blade going wide, leading to a loud mocking guffaw from the orc warriors.

They retaliate, one of them striking at Severus, the other going for Malcom!

Attack against Severus:
Attack against Malcolm

2013-06-01, 05:01 AM
"Nervous, or just clumsy?" Malcolm chuckled.

2013-06-01, 05:06 AM
Ok, can anyone explain to me why the roll tags do not work???


2013-06-01, 05:07 AM
What's up, man?
Trying to roll something?
It's gotta be [.roll]xdy+z[./roll] (without the periods)

No other way. Can't have more than one type of dice, or more than one +z.

And rolls cannot be edited into posts.

2013-06-01, 05:11 AM
Ok, let's try this again.

Attack against Severus:
Attack against Malcolm
From those who are hit, I need a will save.

2013-06-01, 05:17 AM
I am assuming those moved closer? Or did they throw axes at use? Did they shoot lasers at us? I need to know if someone is standing next to me.

2013-06-01, 05:25 AM
The one orc had been attacked by Severus so he is standing next to the warrior, the other moved towards Malcolm.

2013-06-01, 05:48 AM
Roll to confirm critical

Severus' opponent cleaves down in a mighty arc, the axe slamming into his body with tremendous force!

I still need a will save from him

The other orc raced towards Malcolm with a primal battlecry, greataxe slashing diagonally across the other man's body...

And here, too, a will save if the attack hit

2013-06-01, 05:51 AM
Taking a single step back, Malcolm whipped out his pistol, aiming to give the bastard orc attacking him a face full of lead.

[roll0] vs Touch AC.
[roll1] Damage

2013-06-01, 06:04 AM
Seeing the barrel come up, danger registers in the primitive's brain just quickly enough to weave to the side, the shot splintering a nearby tree branch.

No hit, Touch AC is 10. Marianna's turn

2013-06-01, 10:15 AM
Marianna studies the battlefield, deciding what she should do.

If Marianna can launch it without hurting anyone she's going to use Burning hands. [roll0] Reflex DC 16 for half-damage
If she can't she's going to launch a force missile that will automatically hit the orc that just took down the tank for [roll1]

I can't see the battle layout, that's why theirs two choices. Hope you don't mind.

"Just because we talk to them doesn't mean we have the intention to let them kill us, for future reference."

2013-06-01, 06:25 PM
Finding herself unable to use the burning hands without hurting one of her comrades, Marianna opts for the force missile, the magical energy slamming into the chest of the orc who was just growling triumphantly after taking out Severus. Grunting in pain, the orc stumbles backwards but stays on his feet.

Marianna, a Will save please.
Melina's turn

2013-06-01, 07:04 PM
Melina seeing that the wall of metal is now on the ground bleeding out. she runs to his side and places her hands on him.
"Luce curare uulneribus!"

Cure light wounds
Also hooray for Latin!

2013-06-01, 08:35 PM
Warm, golden light flows from Melina's hand into Severus' body, aiming to heal his injuries...but something is wrong! Melina can feel it...it is as if there is nothing to heal!

Severus, on the other hand, opens his eyes as he jerks back into consciousness within the blink of an eye!

Shea's turn. Oh and Melina and Severus get another Will save.

Chained Birds
2013-06-01, 08:55 PM

"Well, this is unfortunate."

She draws a crossbow, and takes aim.

"These guys are far more attentive than I initially suspected..."

She then fires a shot at the weakened Orc.

Move Action: Draw Crossbow
Standard Action: Crossbow Attack VS Injured Orc's AC
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
- Crit Confirm (19-20): [roll2]
- Crit Damage (x2): [roll3]

2013-06-01, 08:59 PM
Another? will save? okay didn't get the first one but okay.

Wait I messed that up it should be 11. I forgot to take off my bonus from my old domain.

2013-06-01, 09:17 PM
The crossbow bolt takes the wounded orc right in the chest and the savage humanoid stumbled back and lands next to Severus, unmoving.

The orc who'd taken down Severus is down, leaving the orc that is fighting Malcolm. Shea, will save, please.

2013-06-01, 09:55 PM
Will save, real quick. [roll0]
Why can't I do that when I actually have a modifier?

2013-06-02, 02:32 AM
Those who made the save got a PM from me. Severus' turn.

Chained Birds
2013-06-02, 08:45 AM

Shea readjusts her glasses,

"Mmm, I had a few quandaries about this scenario.

My friends, it would appear we were duped. These Orcish combatants are merely just figments of someone's devious imagination. In essence, this combat is over."

Shea will attempt to try and walk through one of the Orcs upon her next action (if combat is not ended by then).

2013-06-02, 01:33 PM
"Until they vanish they still pose a danger to those still under the influence of the illusion. Everyone look carefully, these are only figments!"

2013-06-03, 12:19 PM
Blinking his eyes against the sudden glare
Severus struggles to his feet, nose a-flare
Beneath his helm, the man's face burns with shame
Glares, fights th'illusion. Just himself to blame.

2013-06-03, 01:14 PM
Slowly, now that their reality has been doubted by most of the group, the orcs begin to appear more and more transparent until they finally fade...

Combat is over! All wounds you might have suffered vanish completely. Everyone gets 81 XP

2013-06-03, 01:22 PM
Malcolm put his pistol back in its holster. "No wonder I missed. Blasted things weren't real. I guess we needed some excitement in our lives though. You OK, Mr. Mountain?"

Chained Birds
2013-06-03, 01:34 PM

With a smile on her face, despite the aggressive tone of her voice,

"Wasted a valuable incantation on literally nothing. This day is turning out well."

There is a bit of sarcasm with that last sentence. She readjusts her glasses,

"Everyone, let us continue along like this event never happened."

2013-06-03, 01:39 PM
"Oh, I bet the knight would like to do that, eh?" The gunman ribbed with a laugh. "I'm glad we fought them. Made the walk less dull. Woke me up."

2013-06-03, 01:52 PM
"I don't know whether to cry, scream, or laugh. Oh well, in any event it is time to get moving." Melina says with a chuckle.

2013-06-03, 01:57 PM
Malcolm nodded a bit to himself. "Aye. But something more important first." Malcolm drew out the brandy, took a large swig then handed the bottle to the knight. "Chalk it up to the illusions. And take the edge off the day. Just make sure there's a little left for dinner."

2013-06-03, 02:49 PM
Marianna looks a little confused by everyone's reaction.

"Are none of you even remotely curious about where these illusions came from? I want to see if I can figure it out before we leave, at least.

I'm going to use Detect Magic studying for three rounds to see if I can figure out where the illusions might have come from. I'm going to couple that with an Knowledge (Arcana) Check: [roll0]

2013-06-03, 03:10 PM
"You serious? They came from the village. It's just a setup from the people who sent us to make us think our job isn't just a joke, and that it's dangerous. The elders do it every year. Do you really think a rag tag group of grumpy old men can do a job that a band of strapping young adventurers would struggle with? It's just them trying to make it seem hard." With a sigh, he patted the young lady on the shoulder. "Don't be surprised if we come across a few more dangers along the way that end up being fake. Maybe they'll even throw some real dangers at us. Like some traps. I don't know. We'll see. But they probably sent people ahead of us to ambush is a few times."

Chained Birds
2013-06-03, 03:17 PM

Knowledge History: [roll0]
- Is what Malcolm said true?
Knowledge Arcane: [roll1]
- Are the illusions made by some powerful or weak spell?


Shea ponders the event a bit more, but fields no need to continue conversing any further.

2013-06-03, 03:51 PM
It is not confirmed whether or not this is typical of the quest for the crypt, but, given that neither the mayor nor most of the other townsfolk are really experienced fighters, it would make sense.
The spell was not that weak, coming from an experienced mage.
Marianna, you notice a faint magical trail rapidly leading away through the air. Whoever controlled the illusions is apparently flying away. There is a faint trace of pipe smoke in the air...

2013-06-03, 06:57 PM
Marianna smiles sweetly at Malcolm, then says "You aren't very fond of your hand, are you? You were born in this village, young boy. I've only lived here for seven years, which is less than seven percent of my life."

"Though I do seem to be picking up a faint magical trail in the sky, so unless one of the townsfolk can fly then it might not have been caused by them. Shea could you see if you could identify the magical trail, I'm having a hard time with it. Can anyone else smell pipe smoke?"

Perception to see if I could see it more: [roll0]

Chained Birds
2013-06-03, 07:57 PM

"The flight trail is of little concern for our cause. And I'd rather not chase after a caster who can create some very competent illusory combatants."

2013-06-03, 10:08 PM
"In seven years they have gone seven times. If you haven't seen the pattern yet, then my few years have taught me well, for I've figure that to be obvious, and would have only needed two or three to sense the pattern."

With a sigh, he moved back up to the knight. "Lead the way, let's just get this done."

2013-06-04, 07:52 AM
You make your way through the forest with little further distraction for most of the day. The trail is rather easy to follow, except for one part where it disappears amidst the underbrush for a bit...

Someone give me a DC 10 Survival check, others can aid if they wish to

Chained Birds
2013-06-04, 12:56 PM

"Mmm...Tracking is not a specialty of mine..."

Aid Another (Survival): [roll0]

Any chance could a Knowledge (History) help out in determining the path previous lantern bearers have taken?
- [roll1]

2013-06-04, 01:13 PM
Insofar as that it would add another +2 bonus to the survival check the tracking character makes, yes. Which means the bonus is currently at +2

2013-06-04, 03:02 PM
[roll0] Survival

2013-06-04, 03:39 PM
Malcolm is able to find the trail again after a quick search. The rest of the trip for the day goes smoothly until the sunlight begins to die away and a cold wind starts to rattle through the leafless forest.
There is no sign of civilization in sight and you think it is about time you make camp. Because even if the orcs had been illusions, travelling through the dense woods at night is not safe.

Anyone so inclined...make another survival check to find a good spot to make camp. DC is 10

2013-06-04, 03:43 PM
[roll0] Survival!

2013-06-04, 04:24 PM
After some searching, Malcolm finds a nice level spot, surrounded on three sides by thickets. There, you put up your camp for the night and prepare a meal. It is easy to gather enough dry wood to make a fire.

Will you be posting guards, do anything else besides eat?

2013-06-04, 04:37 PM
So who wants to play some games? Melina says pulling out cards and dice.
That she just so happens to have on her considering they cost about 1 gp.

Chained Birds
2013-06-04, 05:04 PM

Noticing the cards,

"My childhood companion taught me how to use cards to entertain myself. Though the cards we used were different from your standard set. While I'd rather get some reading done, I do not really have access to books out here, so dice and cards it is."

Shea will join in the games.

2013-06-04, 05:38 PM
"Gambling? I wouldn't mind." Malcolm says, walking over and sitting down. "What game we playing, princess?"

2013-06-05, 10:03 AM
While you play to while away the time, darkness settles over the forest, only illuminated by faint starlight and the pale glow of a waning moon. Only the fire provides any useful illumination, further increasing the feel of loneliness...

Perception check from everyone, please

2013-06-05, 01:57 PM
[roll0] Perception

2013-06-05, 02:17 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2013-06-06, 02:43 AM
Everyone with a check above 5 can hear the howl of a wolf in the forest, soon answered by others...and they are not that far away...

2013-06-06, 02:59 AM
Malcolm frowns at the sounds. "Wolves? I doubt they'll bother with us. But to be safe, we should make the fire bigger. Wild things don't like fire."

Chained Birds
2013-06-06, 05:16 AM

Shea thinks a bit on the subject of Wolves.

Knowledge (Nature): To figure out if there are any preventative measures to make sure the wolves don't come around.
- [roll0]

Regardless of what she comes up with, she'll have her scroll of Mage armor and crossbow at the ready.

2013-06-06, 05:29 AM
Wolves usually do not like fires and they rarely attack humans...however, wild game has been scarce these last few weeks so they might just be hungry enough to try anyway

2013-06-06, 03:26 PM
"My only fire spell would create to much flame to contain, but I have it ready if we must defend ourselves.

2013-06-06, 05:05 PM
"Well, I also have a loud weapon. Maybe it will frighten them off."

Malcolm shrugged. He was worried about wolves, really. They would only attack if starving, and starved animals are weak. He drew his pistol just in case.

2013-06-06, 05:12 PM

I'm not that well suited to combat so I'll just stay by the fire.

2013-06-06, 05:38 PM
Over the next hour, the howling seems to grow closer before becoming eerily silent....

Another perception check, please

2013-06-06, 06:40 PM
"It's way too quiet..."


2013-06-07, 10:12 AM
"So it is."

Perception: [roll0]

Chained Birds
2013-06-07, 10:19 AM

"Mmm, quite."

Perception: [roll0]

- Also, what the heck are we doing?! :smalltongue:

2013-06-07, 11:22 AM
Melina looks around uneasily.
I already rolled in the OOC

2013-06-07, 04:52 PM
Only Melina notices the wolf that has sneaked close to the camp, trying to remain hidden...and it is unlikely it is alone...

2013-06-08, 02:53 PM
"Guys look out! There's a wolf over there!" Melina says pointing to the wolf that is approaching stealthily.

2013-06-09, 02:13 PM
Marianna turns around immediately and tries to spot the wolf. She has a spell ready the moment she can launch it.

Chained Birds
2013-06-09, 02:24 PM

Shea grabs her 5 days worth of rations from her pack and tosses the large bundle towards the direction Melina is pointing.

"Here you go. That is 5 days worth of salted pork, jerky, cured beef, and several drumsticks from my parent's evening party... My mother thinks I need to eat more..."

Handle Animal (I guess): [roll0]

2013-06-09, 02:40 PM
The wolf growls, but carefully sniffs at the pack, nudging it open with its nose. A moment later, it begins to eat...and two other wolves emerge from the bushes. You are forgotten as the hungry animals take care of their empty stomachs. Finally, once the bundle is empty, the wolves trot away and vanish into the darkness.

Congratulations, combat avoided. Gain 240 xp each

Chained Birds
2013-06-09, 03:19 PM

"Supporting our local wildlife, Mmm, our forefathers would be proud."

She then goes off to bed after placing the ration she was given from the townsfolk into her own backpack.

2013-06-09, 08:12 PM
Malcolm scowled at the loss of food. "Maybe your fathers, but not mine. You didn't help anyone here. We lost food, and now the wolves think people will give them food and not try to kill them."

2013-06-09, 08:44 PM
"I don't think wolves act like little squirrels when feed. They are predators, and are always ready to fight for their food. If we fought them, the noise might have attracted larger threats, such as a bear, that we could not have dealt with easily." She sits down by the fire, and opens a book.

"She gave away her own food, anyways, so it literally has nothing to do with you." She glances at Shea. "If you run low I'll share my rations so poor Malcolm won't be inconvenienced."

2013-06-09, 09:16 PM
The sound of combat attracts bears? Lookie here, that's not how the world works. Wolves are just wild dogs. They can easily be trained. Easier than squirrels I reckon. As fer as it not affecting me, fine it don't." Malcolm shrugged, and sat back down with a grunt.

More relaxed, he continued in a level tone. "If we were a team, it would, but I guess you have no reason to call us much of a team. As fer your bad attitude, you can stuff it. I'm just giving my two cents. Nobody here needs your rott'n attitude. If you disagree with me, fine, say so. Don't cope an attitude. There's no need to be rude."

Chained Birds
2013-06-09, 09:25 PM

"You must always show a strong front. I'm mentally off to the astral realm for a bit. Have your own pleasant dreams."

She gets into her bedroll and hugs her doll/purse-thingy as she sleeps.

2013-06-10, 02:20 AM
After the encounter with the wolves, the rest of the night passes uneventfully. The next day, you can continue your journey through the Fangwood. Early in the day, your trail leads you to the shores of the Gray Lake.

The trees begin to thin, revealing a field of short, green grass that leads to the shores of a wide, calm lake reflecting the overcast sky above. A dense fog hangs over the center of the lake, obscuring the far side. Near the shore of the lake, a dark form lies next to the water.

Chained Birds
2013-06-10, 05:59 AM

Waking up and yawning,

"Morning Clyde. What secrets have you reserved for me today?"

The bespectacled woman spends about an hour in the morning eating her own rations (well, the remainder) and playing with her doll to pass the time while everyone else gets ready to leave. Once her hour of play is over, she packs up her own belongings and is ready for the trail ahead.

Replaced Obscuring Mist with Enlarge Person


[Upon reaching the Lake]

"Who among us is interesting in checking out that dark figure over yonder?"

2013-06-10, 07:12 AM
Malcolm grabbed his pistol, and walked beside Shea. "I'll go with you; keep you covered. I don't suspect danger, but just in case."

2013-06-10, 12:56 PM
Replacing Sleep with Mage Armor

"Be careful. Though we should probably go as a full group." Marianna says without looking up from a book she's reading. "For what by the way?" She looks around, sees the figure. "AH, maybe for that."

2013-06-10, 02:13 PM
Prepare Detect Evil
Perhaps we should be careful. Melina says with a thread of fear in her voice.

2013-06-10, 02:21 PM
Don't be too scared, ladies, it could just be a log, or a rock or something mundane like that. Or a corpse. And of it's dangerous, we can handle it. You two got her magic, I've got my gun, tin man's got his armor and that one's got the power to heal us if thing get too ugly. Malcolm smiled at the party. We're competent enough right?

2013-06-10, 02:35 PM
Severus grunts at the back,
Heavy sword hanging
Unsheathed and ready.

Sorry for the absence. Things got heavy.

2013-06-10, 02:47 PM
"Well, we're competent enough to kill some illusions. But we'll probably not die horribly."

2013-06-10, 04:06 PM
The dark shape is actually a corpse, an a badly mangled one. From what you can still gather, it was once a human man - and it ran afoul of one of the more dangerous forest inhabitants, if the huge bite marks on his body are anything to go by. Still, the body has not been eaten.

Chained Birds
2013-06-10, 05:08 PM

Shea will exam the body further to learn of what animal did this.

Heal Check: [roll0]
- Identify the Wound.
Knowledge (Nature): [roll1]
- What Animal.
Knowledge (History): [roll2]
- If she recognizes this situation happening before and what caused it... And because I like rolling History checks. :smallsmile:

2013-06-10, 05:24 PM
Type of wound: Large and deep bites, the made by a single pair of pointed fangs.
It looks like some sort of giant snake, the kind which can sometimes be found around the lakes in the area. This one apparently was not hungry, possibly only defending its territory.
The man must be dead for quite a bit, given that it's about time for most reptilians to go into hibernation. You doubt there is any danger from the snake.

2013-06-10, 06:11 PM
Damn. Malcolm said. Bastard went and got himself killed. Let's just hope whatever did this isn't around. He looks mostly intact though. Anyone want to bury him?

Chained Birds
2013-06-10, 06:27 PM

"We could leave him for the wolves, though that sort of practice could lead to the animals gaining a thirst for human blood. I feel no sentiment for this person, so I will not be the one who will bury him.
Mmm, but don't forget to check for anything useful. The large snake that murdered this man had no interest in this Jan's valuables, but we might."

The young woman begins to loot the body.

2013-06-10, 10:12 PM
Right well, you do that. I'm going to dig a grave. Nobody should have their corpse rot in the open air in front of Erastil and everybody. It isn't respectful of the dead. Wait... I don't have a shovel. I guess we could burn the body instead.

I can't believe I don't have a shovel! I have literally always bought a shovel on all my other characters. I'm not sure how I don't on this one.

2013-06-10, 11:03 PM
"For once in our short acquaintanceship I actually agree with Malcolm. I do not possess a shovel either, but we can at least cover the body with stones and loose foliage. I'll help with this process."

She begins to comb the ground around the lake for some material that will work.

2013-06-11, 01:49 AM
Shea, make a perception check

2013-06-11, 11:59 AM
She searches for a bit. Most of the man's possessions have rotted into near-nothingness already, but she still manages to find something...

A masterwork steel short sword and a purse containing 87 gold coins.

Chained Birds
2013-06-11, 01:08 PM

"Mmm, 17 gold pieces for everyone... And 1 more for the knightly man who is carrying my other supplies."

She hands out the gold in equal portions to her allies.

17gp for everyone, though 18gp to Severus.

"There is also a nice blade here, if anyone is interested."

2013-06-11, 01:28 PM
Marianna has apparently stopped paying attention. She takes the gold absentmindedly, but keeps up her search for largesh shaped rocks.

2013-06-11, 01:53 PM
Malcolm pockets the coin when it's handed to him, but is otherwise busy looking for rocks as well. Actually, if we rest him on the rocks, then cover him in dry material, we could just give him a pyre funeral.

2013-06-11, 03:38 PM
I discovered in my dream I am disgracing my goddess by not caring a bladed weapon, so if it is a weapon I am familiar with i would very much like to carry it. Melina says with shame.

What type of blade is it?

2013-06-11, 03:52 PM
There are a few suitable rocks strewn about the lake shore.

And it's a short sword.

2013-06-11, 04:25 PM
Malcolm, aided by Marianna, collects enough rocks to elevate the corpse off the ground, then collects dry material, especially wood to build a pyre with.

2013-06-12, 11:04 AM
"Now all we need is some fire, or flint of tinder. Does anyone possess these items? Or have the spark cantrip prepared today?"

2013-06-12, 11:45 AM
Severus returns to the group, dragging a bunch of rocks, loaded onto his shield. He stops just short and shucks off his double backpacks and grunts, "Do none of yeh dig shet-pits? Latrine-trenches? 'S unhealthy, keepin' yer crap bottled up."

With no further ado, he unlimbers the shovel--- evidently cleaned, but still bearing the scent of turned earth and nightsoil--- from his pack. The young watchman sets to, clearing a shallow trench beside the unfortunate corpse. When he's done, he climbs out of the pit, grinds his teeth, snorts and leans on his short spade, then says, "Well, then. Who's tippin' this poor frigger in an' committin' 'im to Pharasma, Gozreh an' Sarenrae?"

Furrowing his brow, he snorts and grunts, "A rock an' a dagger, what else ye need ta spark a fire?"

He then sighs and shakes his head, then says, "Priestess. No offense meant. But please. Get yer stuff together."

@Da Chief & Akazillia:

Right. The scimitar is Sarenrae's favoured weapon, is it not?
And, who knows? Unless you pull some retconning, we can't go back for a sword that was apparently forgotten. Maybe not having a scimitar can help towards characterizing our resident priestess if he can answer why she doesn't have her goddess' favoured weapon on hand?

Chained Birds
2013-06-12, 01:25 PM


Shea lights the dried leaves with a Tindertwig.

"While the corpse might appreciate the sentiment, we've still got a ways to go, and possibly more pressing challenges than even the dead guy had to deal with.
The man died with a fairly moderate amount of wealth though..."

2013-06-12, 03:10 PM
Melina says a quick prayer for the dead man.

I was swapping around my deity and domains so fast I forgot to fix my weapons.

2013-06-12, 03:54 PM
Shea, it may be inconvenient, but its something we had to do. Now that its done though, we can get a move on.

2013-06-13, 03:52 AM
It takes about 3 more hours to reach the valley that contains the old crypt. The trees here are old and gnarled, giving the whole scenery a forlorn, eldritch look. The rain that has started one hour after you left the lake has not made things better. It's cold and you are all soaking wet by now.

The trail leads ever deeper into the Fangwood, through a twisting maze of trees and confusing ravines. As it tops a small rise, a broad valley spreads out before it, the opposite side of which looks like a writhing serpent. Yet between the two lies a steep hill sloping down into the valley. The cold rain continues to fall, making the ground slick and treacherous.

Ok, need three acrobatics checks from you folks.
If you use a rope, you get a +2 equipment bonus to the check. If you take time - it usually takes half an hour to get down but you could extend that to an hour - you get another +2 circumstance bonus

2013-06-13, 04:49 AM
Going slowly seems like a good idea, in this rain.


2013-06-13, 11:00 AM
"Could I borrow a rope, please?"

Unless i can
t get a rope, then its 2 less.

2013-06-13, 03:45 PM
I should mention I'm afraid of heights.

Imma go slowly. cuz i get a -3 from my encumbrance.

2013-06-15, 08:54 AM
Not his first time on treks or to have patrolled under the weather, Severus bears the battering of the elements stoically. He only breaks his quiet to rumble at the priestess, "Don't think, just do. Oh, an' no, sorreh, probably can't carry ye. Unless ye want ta be crushed 'neath two hundred pounds o' iron an' flesh."

He then shoulders his shield, freeing up both hands, takes firm hold of the rope, winds it about his fists and begins the long, slow climb down and up the slopes...

Acrobatics, huh?
Rope, and taking time +4
ACP from Scalemail -4


2013-06-17, 05:29 PM
Ok, guys...I need a reflex save from each of you for every acrobatics roll you made that was below 10

2013-06-18, 01:20 PM
Reflex saves, eh?

2013-06-18, 04:23 PM
Shea: You slide down the hill at the last few metres after you lose your footing. While you arrive at the bottom of the slope, you did tumble through some rocks and bushes and take 4 points of damage.

Severus and Melina lose their footing much earlier, rolling and tumbling all the way down the slope without a chance to catch themselves. Both take 8 points of damage from the rough fall.

Chained Birds
2013-06-18, 04:42 PM

Rubbing her knee in pain, she grimaces for a second, before returning to her usual smiling face.

"Minor inconvenience..."

A small tear rolls down her left cheek, which she swiftly slaps away.

"Yep... Let's aid the others..."

She'll use both of her scrolls of !~£€r~@/ *cough* Healing on the two injured guys. After a Minute, they should be all healed up.

Scroll of Internal Healing x2

2013-06-18, 05:24 PM
Melina is unconscious, and is unable to say "SEE THIS IS WHY I AM AFRAID OF HEIGHTS!" ina very loud voice.

2013-06-18, 06:02 PM
Malcolm frowns and sits the fallen people up. Maybe climbing in the rain was a mistake. Is everyone else ok? Shea, you good?

Chained Birds
2013-06-18, 06:42 PM

"The injury is manageable. These two should be fine in a minute. Though I will need to invest time in the construction of new scrolls of "Healing"."

2013-06-18, 07:36 PM
Well, I'm sure those two would love to pitch in towards paying for the scroll that saved their asses. Once they are back up, we should move on. This a a terrible place to make camp. If it rains too much more, we could see a mudslide cover us up.

2013-06-18, 10:41 PM
"True, and hopefully we will not need more scrolls during this expedition."

2013-06-19, 04:07 PM
After taking a moment to recover, you make your way through the small valley until you finally reach - according to the map - your destination.

An archway of stone is set into the side of a small hill at the bottom of the valley. Moss has overgrown many of the details, but one is still quite clear. The keystone of the arch is carved with a flame symbol with a stylized rune in the middle. Beyond the archway is a darkened tunnel that leads to a pair of massive
wooden doors, one of which is slightly ajar.
A pair of horses and a trio of ponies lie slaughtered next to the archway, each corpse still tied to a post set into the ground nearby. A swarm of flies hangs lazily in the air above them.

Chained Birds
2013-06-22, 12:04 AM

Shea decides to examine the dead animals to determine how long they have been here.

Heal: [roll0]
Knowledge (Nature): [roll1]
Knowledge (History): [roll2]

2013-06-22, 03:25 AM
The animals have been dead for 2 days and their wounds have been caused by crude and dull blades. None of the wounds were caused by any normal animal. From what you can gather from the remains, the horses belonged to people in town. Please, give me a Perception check

Chained Birds
2013-06-22, 09:57 AM

"Mmm, it would appear some of the villagers decided to investigate this area about 2 days ago. It does not appear their adventure ended well."

2013-06-22, 11:11 AM
"But then the village would know about the failed investigation and the missing people. Hopefully they wouldn't send us if they thought a problem arose." Marianna takes a moment to think then says.

"Is it possible that the village sent us here knowing something was wrong, either hoping to kill us or hoping we would be able to deal with the problem? Or were there actions unknown to the rest of the village, I wonder."

Chained Birds
2013-06-22, 11:25 AM

"That wouldn't make much sense seeing as we all randomly volunteered. If they wanted us specifically dead, they would have done a "draft" of sorts and "randomly" chosen us.

I'm not going to presume anything until we get back to the village. For now, we get the fire-"

Shea shows the lantern,

"-And we get ourselves home safely."

Shea has others goals in mind besides getting the fire, but she'll just leave her thought to herself.

2013-06-22, 03:14 PM
Two days dead? We've been walking for two days. They must have died when we left.

2013-06-23, 03:06 AM
Shea notices that there are some backpacks scattered amongst the carnage. While most are empty, she finds one that is still full.
Inside are 2 days’ worth of rations, a pair of large, comfortable pillows, a quiver
with 10 blunt arrows (as normal arrows, but they only deal nonlethal damage), and 2 pints of lamp oil.

Chained Birds
2013-06-23, 07:40 AM

"Mmm, found some lamp oil, a pillow, and some arrows. Take what you wish, because I predict the owners of these deceased animals may not need these supplies any more."

Shea puts the rations in her backpack.

2013-06-23, 08:28 AM
Melina will take the pillow.How much does it weigh?

2013-06-24, 12:38 PM
Oh boy, it's never specified. Not sure, to be honest. I never weighed my own pillows :D Just assume it weighs about 1 lb, probably less.

2013-06-27, 06:36 PM
As the heavy doors swing open, the faint light from outside reveals a long chamber with risen platforms on either side. A faded painting of Kassen is on the far wall. The room appears to be the site of a gruesome battle, with two bodies piled in the center and a number of skeletons scattered around. An echoing wail can be heard somewhere in the distance, beyond this foul chamber.

2013-06-27, 07:37 PM
Malcolm frowns and looks around the place. The hell happened here? You all think this is... like them orcs from before, or something to else? This don't seem like an illusion to me. But maybe some other magic?

Chained Birds
2013-06-27, 07:58 PM

"That haunting wail does not fill me with much motivation to investigate it... But I believe we must."

The young woman does not want to put too much thought into what happened here, until the echoing wail is investigated properly.

2013-06-28, 11:44 AM
"I don't like this." Melina says worried."Should i check to see if they are truly dead?"

Chained Birds
2013-06-28, 12:15 PM

"If you so desire. Malcolm and Serverus, could you two be so kind as to check on that noise? Oh, and do be careful."

2013-06-28, 12:40 PM
Lady, it sounds like its somewhere in the distance, beyond this foul chamber. If we leave to investigate, who will protect you if some necromancer kind of **** happens? I reckon we travel together. We'll still take the lead, but if I can't see you, I can't shoot the skeletons that are gnawing on your face, ye see.Little priest lady, I'll cover you, if you want to check pulses on those bodies.

Malcolm pointed his gun squarely at one of the skeletons.

Chained Birds
2013-06-28, 01:18 PM

"I've never met the undead before. Clyde tells me they are either extremely loyal and friendly, or destructive and unpredictable."

2013-06-28, 01:28 PM
I was planing on using magic to tell. Detectis Inmortuorum!
Detect Undead.

2013-06-28, 01:45 PM
Shea, it's, uh, definitely the second one. Malcolm says with a chuckle. Well, I guess unless you made them... Shoot, I donno.

2013-06-28, 05:17 PM

Six of the skeletons in the room are still active undead.

2013-06-28, 06:08 PM
"AH! Six of these guys are undead!" Melina shrieks."I can't tell which yet. I just thought I'd give fair warning."

2013-06-28, 06:22 PM
Malcolm jumped to attention, and moved beside Melina, aiming his gun at each skeleton one at a time, prepared to shoot any that stand up, or crawl.

Which ones? Malcolm said gruffly, wary, but also keeping a calm tone to not frighten the poor priest.

Chained Birds
2013-06-28, 09:01 PM

Shea will walk over and position herself so she is around less than 20ft away from most of the potential undead bodies. She then lifts her doll up in the air, and calls,

"Clyde's Envy."

Bonerhrall: Up to 1 HD of Undead within the 20ft area from Shea must make a Will Save (DC 14) to avoid being under Shea's control.

2013-06-28, 09:51 PM
"I didn't think their was anything in the brochure about undead. Wasn't this supposed to be uneventful or something? I'm going to detect magic before we get gnawed on by living skeletons."

A faint light appears in Marianna's eyes.
Detect Magic, full studying if we have time.

"And I was being sarcastic as we have had plenty of evidence so far to assume that something is not right."

2013-07-01, 02:59 PM
As you move closer into the room, the skeletons begin to tremble..and get up!

One of them, however, does so with much less wrathful enthusiasm and stands next to Shea harmlessly.

Initiative. Malcolm gets a free attack since he already aimed.

2013-07-01, 04:07 PM
Bah! Undead bastards. Malcolm squeezes a shot off at the nearest skeleton as it stands.

[roll0] To hit
Whoops. My gun breaks. Gotta quick clear it next round.
[roll1] damage (piercing and bludgeoning)
[roll2] initiative.

2013-07-02, 04:24 AM

2013-07-03, 02:51 PM
Skeleton Ini: [roll0]

2013-07-03, 02:53 PM
Initiative is now:
Marianna: 19
Skeletons: 16
Melina: 15
Shea: 9
Malcolm: 6

Malcolm's shot goes wide and it's Marianna's turn.

2013-07-04, 12:09 AM
Marianna focuses on the nearest grouping of skeletons, begins waving her hands, then thrusts them palms first at the skeletons to let a wave of fire wash over them.

Or if the skeletons are all too far apart she instead shoots a force missile at the closest one.

Anyway we could get a map of combat so we can plan our attacks a bit more? It's sort of meta to post options. darklink_shadows knows of a site and could talk you through the process.
Burning hands damage [roll0] Reflex save for half, DC 16
Or Force missile damage [roll1], unavoidable

2013-07-05, 02:41 AM
//Alternatively, you could just ask how far these are away. In that case, I would have told you that you manage to get two of them with your burning hands.

Reflex save 1: [roll0]
Reflex Save 2: [roll1]

Both skeletons crackle and collapse, the fires roasting and splitting their old bones.

2013-07-05, 02:49 AM
The other four attack, with each skeleton choosing the closest enemy, meaning that everyone of you receives one opponent.

Attack against Marianna: [roll0] - If that hits, damage is [roll1]
Attack against Malcolm:[roll2] - If that hits, damage is [roll3]
Attack against Shea:[roll4] - If that hits, damage is [roll5]
Attack against Melina:[roll6] - If that hits, damage is [roll7]

Melina's turn

2013-07-05, 08:06 AM
Melina walks so that she is within 30 feet of each/most of the skeleton(s).
Searenrea's Burst!
[roll0] to each undead in 30 feet excluding the friendly one, undead make a will save DC 15 for half and because of my domains do not get to add their channel resist to it

2013-07-08, 01:21 PM
The five skeletons shudder under the impact of holy light...and crumble into the dust from whence they came, their animating force dissipating like a bad dream...

That took all of them out. There is one left standing harmlessly next to Shea.

Chained Birds
2013-07-08, 09:12 PM

With the brief combat concluded, Shea gives a nod towards Melina.

"Mmm, I see you noticed the nicer one here. I thank you for allowing him to assist us today, or until he breaks."

Shea cups her hands over Melina's hand, and gives it a friendly shake with an even friendlier smile. The remaining skeleton remains in its bowed position, awaiting orders.

2013-07-08, 11:22 PM
"That was exhilirating. Good job on dispatching those skeletons Melina."

Marianna dusts her hands off, and goes back to not paying attention.

2013-07-09, 09:08 AM
Well damn. That was awfully handy. Malcolm said with an impressed nod.

Chained Birds
2013-07-09, 11:12 AM

"Well then, let us continue on towards those screams. Well, after looting the corpses as per the adventurer's code of conduct."

Shea will start checking the corpses for loot.

Taking 10 or 20 on the Perception check to find valuables.

2013-07-10, 04:22 PM
Unfortunately, there is little to be found in this room save for the two exits. There are no valuables here, either.

You all get 150 xp for the fight, though

2013-07-10, 09:14 PM
Malcolm looks at the two exits. I read somewhere once, "All left all the time," so let's head left.

Could you describe the exits maybe? Is there a left exit? From out current perspective, one must be leftmost, correct?

2013-07-11, 12:26 AM
"Ah, Bixby's Left Hand Rule, if I'm not mistaken? A simple universal law that will allow us to most accurately explore the premises without too much fuss. Unless we were given a map of the crypt? Were we?"

She says all of this while reading, even though she is peering at the scene over the books top.

2013-07-12, 05:46 AM
From the entrance, the left exit is the closest. The right one is near the end of the room. Both are accessible via a small flight of stairs leading onto a raised platform encircling the room's interior.

Chained Birds
2013-07-12, 07:31 AM

"Do you want my skeleton friend to take the lead? He is quite expendable and will most likely not alarm the inhabitants."

Shea is also fine going left.

2013-07-12, 12:45 PM
Melina Shakes her head, as realization hits her, and she re-enters reality
"Did... Did I just kill all of those? Tell me I'm not dreaming, and I just killed all of those in one hit. WOW. Just WOW."
Melina mentally rewinds and plays the past few minutes over in her head.
"I agree left side first."

2013-07-15, 05:43 AM
So, you make your way through the left door to end up in another chamber.
This large chamber contains a maze of pillars that obscure the far side of the room. Next to the door is a pile of empty saddlebags and three brooms.
From somewhere to the south you can hear the wailing again.