View Full Version : Looking for an obsure feat.

2013-05-27, 07:30 PM
Hello everybody. I am currently in a game set in the ancient roman era.. and I am playing a Paladin (soon to be oracle) of Ra.

There are a couple of feats that I am looking at from the book of hallowed might, but they require teh feat Holy/Noble blood as a prerequisite..

the problem s, i have looked though all 3 hallowed might books and the book of eldirtch might.. nowhere is holy/noble blood ( i assume they are either 2 sepaate feats or interchangb;e or something of the like) I am hoping that the combined wisdoma nd maybe search powers of the GiTp forum goers can help me a lot more than I cna do on my own.

2013-05-27, 07:42 PM
Hello everybody. I am currently in a game set in the ancient roman era.. and I am playing a Paladin (soon to be oracle) of Ra.

There are a couple of feats that I am looking at from the book of hallowed might, but they require teh feat Holy/Noble blood as a prerequisite..

the problem s, i have looked though all 3 hallowed might books and the book of eldirtch might.. nowhere is holy/noble blood ( i assume they are either 2 sepaate feats or interchangb;e or something of the like) I am hoping that the combined wisdoma nd maybe search powers of the GiTp forum goers can help me a lot more than I cna do on my own.

The Book of Hallowed Might is a supplement put out by Whitewolf for Sword & Sorcery; I'd say you are on the wrong board if you are looking for help with a S&S game. The closest thing I can find is a Noble Born feat from a Dragon Magazine, but I doubt that is going to meet you prerequisite needs.

2013-05-27, 07:43 PM
Hmm, my apologies then i could have sowrn that this specific board was for 3rd ed/3.5 ed/ d20 stuff in general.. I have no idea where tog o for d20 stuff then if the board that says it is for d20 is not for d20 afterall.

2013-05-27, 07:54 PM
Hmm, my apologies then i could have sowrn that this specific board was for 3rd ed/3.5 ed/ d20 stuff in general.. I have no idea where tog o for d20 stuff then if the board that says it is for d20 is not for d20 afterall.

Well, fair enough; this is the general board, but S&S is somewhat obscure, so I'm not sure how much help you are going to find. I meant that you might have better luck on a S&S specific board; I'm sure Whitewolf hosts one.

2013-05-28, 07:23 AM
Not sure if it is useful or not. But maybe True Believer would make a good substitue for this feat? +2 to a saving throw once per day.

Nothing else really come to mind except the Fey, Dragon, Fiend bloodlines.

Just to Browse
2013-05-28, 02:27 PM
If PF is OK for this thread, so is S&S.

I'm going to guess that the prerequisite is just that you're a noble or holy. So like... being a paladin works. I don't own the book so I really can't make an accurate guess.

2013-05-28, 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by ngilop
There are a couple of feats that I am looking at from the book of hallowed might, but they require [the] feat Holy/Noble blood as a prerequisite..

I don't think this is a feat, but a more general requirement. Look at the first regular paragraph on p. 22 of Book of Hallowed Might, right above General Feats:

"A few [feats] have the requirement of holy/noble blood. This prerequisite refers either to someone who is an aasimar, a half-celestial, or a celestial creature, or to someone who has been declared a noble by divine right.... This definition may seem somewhat vague, because it is up to DMs to decide who has a special holy or noble bloodline in their campaign worlds."

So the prerequisite of "Holy/noble blood" isn't a feat at all, but a fundamental aspect of your character that would be decided at character creation, or perhaps developed through roleplaying in special circumstances. Either way, this is something you'd have to talk over with your DM, since these are specifically left hazy enough for your DM to define as he or she chooses.

2013-05-28, 03:17 PM
LOl i must have skipped over that section of the paragraph in all several re-readings of it.

Thanks so much for the help