View Full Version : What happened to my subscribed threads?

2006-11-30, 02:12 PM
A couple weeks ago, whenever I posted in a thread it automatically became a "subscribed" thread and any new postings to those threads would show up whenever I hit "User CP". This was a quick and easy way to see if any thread I'd posted to, across different forums, had been replied to since the last time I looked at it.

Now this week that feature isn't working. I hit User CP and there aren't any subscribed threads listed, even though I've posted in a lot of stuff (and been replied to) in the last couple days.

What gives?

2006-11-30, 03:00 PM
Check your settings and make sure that you are still subscribing to all the threads that you post in. You can also subscribe to threads using the thread tools drop down menu.

2006-12-01, 09:30 AM
Subscribing to a thread you post in is no longer the default option for any member. Because of the import, several default options such as this and the default editor were set incorrectly. These defaults were changed, but you can change them back.

You can make subscribing to threads your default by editing the setting in your user control panel.

How much crap do we need to go through on a daily basis because Rawhide didn't look up "default" in the thesaurus?

2006-12-01, 10:25 AM
On the fourth round of checking my options, I finally found it. Thanks.