View Full Version : Soulmeld twin!

2013-05-27, 09:38 PM
So, curiosity is nagging at me, can you create two soul melds, that are the same soulmeld binded to two different slots? My dm confused me when I asked him, and google didn't help in the slightest.

Big Fau
2013-05-27, 10:00 PM
You cannot shape the same soulmeld twice, nor can you bind the same soulmeld to two different chakras (barring the Totemist class feature).

2013-05-27, 10:13 PM
Is there actually a rule that says that, though?

Note that even if this is possible, the base benefit from the soulmeld (i.e., what you get even if it's not bound to a chakra) wouldn't stack, as it'd be a bonus of the same type.

2013-05-28, 12:06 AM
Is there actually a rule that says that, though?

Yes. MoI pg. 50:

A meldshaper chooses which soul melds to shape from his class list (see later in this chapter). He can choose any meld on this list, barring alignment restrictions (if an incarnate or soulborn). A meldshaper's level limits the number of soulmelds he can have shaped at any given time. He can't shape the same soulmeld more than once.

Later on the page, and also on 51:

Some soulmelds can occupy one of two or more different chakras. For example, the mauling gauntlets soulmeld can occupy your hands or your arms chakra. You choose when you shape a meld which chakra you want it to occupy.
In general, you can only bind a soulmeld to the chakra it occupies.

That is the general rule - from there you get into the specific exceptions like the Totemist's class ability.

2013-05-28, 12:16 AM
Ah, okay, just wanted to see if I could put something on my totem, and make another of the same soulmeld and put it on my hands. ^^ Thanks for the help.

2013-05-28, 12:20 AM
Ah, okay, just wanted to see if I could put something on my totem, and make another of the same soulmeld and put it on my hands. ^^ Thanks for the help.

Actually, you can do that. Totemists get that very ability starting at 11. (That was one of the exceptions I was referring to.)

You aren't shaping the meld twice though - you shape one meld and have the ability to bind it to both chakras (Totem and Hands) simultaneously. For instance, you can do this with Sphinx Claws to gain both the claw attacks and Pounce from it.