View Full Version : Alternate casting stat options for casters

2013-05-27, 11:46 PM
Looking to compile a list of these for personal use, after coming across the orc racial class archtype "scarred witch doctor" which lets you use con instead of int as your casting stat for the witch class.

While throwing around ideas in my head, I just keep coming back to how bad witches are compared to most other casters. Now from a flavor / rp standpoint I like the idea, but orcs are a more melee combatant oriented race, so im looking to find some other possible casters that have various archtype options for trading out casting stats (not just for con, but any casting stat swaps).

Please try to include only paizo stuff, not the 3rd party content thanks.

2013-05-27, 11:58 PM
Witches really aren't *bad* at all...I'd say they're higher tier than Summoners and Oracles.

2013-05-29, 12:53 PM
While throwing around ideas in my head, I just keep coming back to how bad witches are compared to most other casters.

Witches bad? Having played one and played alongside several, I couldn't agree less. It's true that their spell selection is limited compared to say a wizard, but a witch is a long distance runner, not a sprinter. Their hexes cover a lot of ground.

As for alternate casting stats:

Scarred Witch Doctor: Con
Empyreal Sorcerer: Wis
Sage Sorcerer: Int

And that's about it for casting stat alternatives, at least that I know of.

2013-05-29, 01:07 PM
Eldritch Godling may choose any stat for their spellcasting stat.

I like the idea of having a STR-based caster even though I know CON is a better choice.

2013-05-29, 02:23 PM
Relavent (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=215.0) This may have some information you're looking for.

2013-05-29, 02:59 PM
Witches bad? Having played one and played alongside several, I couldn't agree less. It's true that their spell selection is limited compared to say a wizard, but a witch is a long distance runner, not a sprinter. Their hexes cover a lot of ground.

Also - They're a preparation-based full caster. That places them in tier 1 pretty much by default, even if they're at the bottom of it. Their limited spell list, fewer spells per day (with no domain or school selection to add to it), and difficulty in learning new spells besides levelling up are certainly problems, but are pretty well mitigated by the potential strength of their hexes. I could see an argument for the top half of tier 2 at the weakest.

2013-05-29, 03:58 PM
Wu Jen is a prepared full caster, too, but is usually considered Tier 2 due to its relatively short class spell list. I assume that Witch would be similar.

Illumians (Races of Destiny) with the right word can use either Str or Dex to determine their bonus spells, though they still use the normal stat for DCs and max spell level allowed.

The Tainted Scholar (Heroes of Horror) uses Taint and Corruption, new stats which can potentially get very high, for all its spellcasting.

The Dragonlance feat "Academic Priest" lets a divine caster use Int to determine bonus spells, and is often recommended for an Archivist for that reason (Archivists use Int for save DCs and max level, but Wis for bonus spells).

2013-05-29, 04:58 PM
Pathfinder, I presume. Empyreal Celestial Sorcerers (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/archetypes/paizo---sorcerer-archetypes/wildblooded/empyreal) use Wisdom instead of Charisma for their casting.

Drawing a blank on others, but it's a start.