View Full Version : [DM] - Underwater Combat: Dungeonbred Eye of the Deep

2013-05-28, 11:45 AM
So we're kick starting my session that I'm the DM of, after a small break.

There is an underground labyrinth, found among the ruins of an old castle, under a giant pool of swampy water that has flooded the area. The entrance is only 30 ft around.

Once down about 15-20 ft, all is dark, and the opening is 40-70 feet around in certain areas.

The party is a bit of misfits:

Dwarf Cleric (8)

Elf Wizard (8)

Human Barbarian/Beastmaster/Warrior (8 with a riding dog, a wolf, and a fleshraker)

Elf Scout (8)

Minotaur Fighter (7 dragonlance)

Centaur Fighter (7)

Halfling Rogue (8)

Elf Assassin (8)

Half-Orc Barbarian (8)

If you aren't familiar with the eye of the deep, they are kind of a mini version of a beholder but for water, and I made it dungeon bred to fit the feel of the place.

How do you (on the grid) simulate under water combat fluently, and out side of the grid such as drowning, the possible hold monster of the Eye, and the fact that we have quite a few people who are in heavy armor, and if memory serves, they can only move and still attack while moving at 25% movement.

This thing can move at 40ft swim. It's got 12hd, its pretty dangerous I think, but I've never created this type of fight before.

Also, if you have a listeded swim speed do you need to make swim checks or do you still make those checks and instead move at the indicated speed?

Fouredged Sword
2013-05-28, 12:31 PM
If you have a swim speed, no movement requires a swim check. You can move at your listed swim speed as a move action without any clause. Think of it as fly (perfect) for water.

2013-05-28, 03:04 PM
If you have a swim speed, no movement requires a swim check. You can move at your listed swim speed as a move action without any clause. Think of it as fly (perfect) for water.

Not quite. If there are any aquatic hazards or forced swim checks, you still have to make those. A swim speed, however, lets you take 10 on any swim check as well as providing a +8 bonus to swim checks.

2013-05-28, 03:31 PM
Well that helps, the bad guy a lot :D.

If you can, imagine this cavern for a lack of better word, is shaped like a "J". They go down, and it actually comes back up.

Its not a smooth surface however.

I'm fully expecting our plate users to sink like a bag of bricks, if they do, assuming their constitution holds up, can they walk along the bottom and climb up the other side?

Fouredged Sword
2013-05-28, 03:54 PM
Yes, and I would give them a big bonus to the climb check due to their boyancy. Something like +10.

Also, I would make the characters walking along the bottom have only a five foot move speed. Walking through water is SLOW.

2013-05-28, 07:02 PM
Ok, now since I am declaring this murky water, with a visual check of 1d8x10 for spotting distance, do I roll that for each body or is it the same for everyone?

Does dark vision get around this? Do we just roll normal spot / listen checks and who ever beats who can take the surprise around?

Fouredged Sword
2013-05-28, 08:40 PM
I would treat the murk as a concealing mist spell. Apply those effects to the water.