View Full Version : Converting wild cohort to Pathfinder

2013-05-28, 08:08 PM
Animal Companions underwent considerable revision- how would your similarly revise the wild cohort feat for a PF game?

Feat in question:

2013-05-28, 09:07 PM
I've been wondering about that off and on for a while now. My gut reaction is to buff up the base animal companion a bit more and then go with an only slightly weaker version of the current animal companion and leave it at that.

To keep with the Pathfinder design philosophy though... Probably a weak feat prerequisite (maybe one that grants something like a weak version of wild empathy) and then the feat that actually grants the wild cohort.

2013-05-28, 09:35 PM
I am thinking effective druid level = character level - 3, as wild cohort is nearly as strong as a druid's. The biggest limitation is move action handle animal.