View Full Version : Serene Guardian as powerful Debuffer

2013-05-28, 08:40 PM
I've been combing obscure sources for Prestige Classes lately, and one I came across in the Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde (an adventure module) is called the Serene Guardian. Reading it over a bit, it looks like it has the potential to be an excellent attrition-type debuffer. The longer the battle goes, the more extreme the effect can be. The class gets the ability to build up points of "resonance" in a foe that it strikes more than once in a round. Two hits for one point of resonance, three hits for two points, and unfortunately it doesn't extrapolate from there, so every round the maximum number of resonance you can build is 2 per foe. Once you've built up resonance, you can swift action use it up for several effects. You can make a foe take -1 on attack rolls and saves per point of resonance built up, lasting for as many rounds as resonance points built up. You can decrease the foe's movement speeds by 10*resonance for that same duration. You can inflict a target with Confusion (no save) for the same duration. Or you can make the foe take 1d6 (later 2d6) damage per point of resonance. And finally, if the target has 2*resonance HD, you can try to make it save or die. The first two effects only work on crittable enemies, so no constructs or undead, though you can probably deal with those with the sheer damage of the 2d6*resonance. The really interesting thing about it is that I don't see any limit to the number of resonance points you can have built up at any one time, which means that if you had a high agility character, like a Shadowpouncer or Spring Attack/Bounding Assault user, you could rack up a very large number of points, then crash their saves to zero, and either you or your ally uses a SoD to take them out. It seems like a strong class!

The only prereqs are BAB 6, Lawful, and some fluff stuff. It has full BAB and good Fort and Ref, and the Will doesn't matter because at level 9 you get a permanent, no-action Moment of Perfect Mind effect. I could imagine making this a pretty good Initiator, maybe focused on Tiger Claw maneuvers. The thing is, although it's got pretty good class features throughout, the debuffing effect (which I think is the best one) you get at level 1. You probably want to stick with the class at least as far as level 5, because that's when you get the ability to build two resonance with three hits. But it's got pretty good class features throughout, except maybe the level 10 SoD. Though again, even with a pretty low DC (10+level+Wis mod), it synergizes well with the debuff you get (so long as you can build up HD/2 resonance in the number of turns the debuff lasts). What do you think? Does this have potential as a strong melee debuffer, to clear the way for casters to wreak havoc with SoDs galore?

Big Fau
2013-05-28, 09:56 PM
In the time it takes you to build up more than 4 points of Resonance, at least if you are being practical about your optimization, most encounters will be over/the target you are trying to build up Resonance in will be dead. You actively have to try to not damage your enemies to make the Resonance really matter, which can be suicidal against most level-appropriate encounters.

This goes double when the campaign inevitably devolves into Rocket Tag (as some mid/high-level ones are prone to do). It may happen against an Elder Evil or something of similar amount of difficult, but that involves getting into melee against something that can potentially 1-round the average Monk (which is the typical entry for Serene Guardian).

For the record, in the time it takes you to build up 2 points of Resonance (round 2 without Pounce) a 4th level Hexblade can Charge that same creature and impose the exact same penalties, no rolls required (Dark Companion). A Sorcerer with Ray of Enfeeblement can do similar debuffs as a Standard action, no save (so can a Warlock for that matter).

The concept of the PrC is a nice idea, but 3.5's combats are too short to really make us of it and there are much more efficient ways of debuffing enemies.

2013-05-28, 11:08 PM
Big Fau is probably right, although a bit of houseruling to make the progression scale would likely make a big difference. Then it's just a matter of getting lots and lots of attacks, perhaps with natural weapons and/or TWF, and Bob's your uncle.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-28, 11:25 PM
If you let it scale, a kobold totemist could probably do very well.