View Full Version : [3.5] A Night Below campaign journal by Keld Denar

Keld Denar
2013-05-28, 10:12 PM
So, after it was requested, here is the text version of the notes kept by the party. There are still some chapters that have been played that haven't made it into this document. Forgive some of the spelling and shorthand, it was written by the players without reference to the books and spelling. Also, some of the notes are VERY sparse at the start, but get better.

Players - Characters:
Clay - Bosch Human Cleric, XO Human Fighter/Cleric, Keev Gnome Archivist
Darvie - Snork 1/2 Orc Barbarian, Zenda Dwarf Paladin, Mohrda 1/2 Orc Fighter/Barb (sister of Snork), Molo 1/2 Orc Barbarian (brother of Snork and Mohrda), Toodles Whisper Gnome Beguiler
Lisa - Javalis Star Elf Sorceress/Force Missile Mage
Jason - Mavaris Human Ranger/Scout
Jaxsen - Dwarf Duskblade
Sameer - Human Rogue blend (currently Rogue/Wiz/USS)

Game 2
New Mire

Count Parlfrey does not hire us to see into New Mire, but says if we get results, he will compensate us.
Cleansing of Blessed Wood occurred 10 yrs ago.
Old Grizzler, dwarf resident of Milborne, has little info for us.

Game 3

We return to goblin cave to recup. We go to Milborne to see Semheis in our investigation of the missing Jelenneth. On the way we are attacked by 6 ferel dogs who we kill without losing any points ourselves. Semheis, who has been in the area for 6 months, investigated and found no residual magic in the area. Andren, the boyfriend, has no additional info. Shiraz is the ranger that patrols the northern area, around the mines.

Grizzler’s info ; Count is negotiating with stone giants of Half-Cut Hills to supply and build addition to the castle. Count has had 6 wives. No sons were born until the last one and the son is Lintern., 18 yrs old. There was an evil cleric and a band of assassins in the Harlow Woods 140 yrs back. The old Count led a company in and fought the cleric at Glimmer Glade. The co. lost all but a few and the cleric was killed, but set a curse that may still be potent. A priest with the co. , called Nerule, died in an inky pit of quicksand.

Tauster trades magic item identifying for our magical short sword. The potion is “cure light wounds” (Lisa), the bracers are called “arcane freedom” and allow the caster to suspend somatics on spells twice a day(Lisa), the ring is a portal to the elemental plane of water and is broken. It is the cause of the New Mire’s creation. It’s brake has opened up portals, placed in random locations around the area of the ring, allowing water to seep from the plane to here. The wand “of lesser vigor” heals +1 hp for 11 straight rounds and has 43 charges. You have to touch your target and say “tome”(Lisa). The shield could not be done for lack of pearls, but it is protective and I will use it.

We return to the Count to tell him we have solved the New Mire mystery. I ask for possession of Harlow Woods as our reward. He agrees if we give him the ring to help water his northern area. It’s agreed and we will take the ring to Shiraz to seal the deal. First we go to the stone giants and deliver their payment. On the way to see Shiraz, we are attacked by two ogres. One of the ogres kills Snork! The other runs from a fear spell. We take all of Snork’s possessions. The Harlow Woods is about 250 sq.mi.

Darvie rolls up new character – 2nd level dwarf paladin Zenda.

New Mire #5

The group, Bosch, Javalis, Zenda and her dog Ripper, traveled to the Carman Mines to question the miners on the missing girl, Jelenneth, and other things. The mines are dug by about 6 miners, supervised by dwarven Foreman Darris, has semi-precious gems and has made Mr. Carman the richest man in the Haranshire area. He lives in Milborne.
We learn that there is an old abandoned mine to the NE called Garlstone, named after a gem that is unknown to us. On the way there, we are ambushed by 9 goblins from high ground. We attack and defeat them, taking minimum damage and gaining minimum rewards (1gp, 2sp, 4cp, to Bosch). We spot boot tracks moving in and out of the cave and decide to spend the night outside and enter it in the morning. Entering the mine, we find that it is of dwarven design, but not of dwarven labor. Javalis notices that there is a slight breeze coming from inside of the cave to the outside. We suspect that there may be more openings than just this one. After a few minutes of walking, we see a smaller cave to the right and go in. It widens out and leads to a pool of water spanning the opening to the next cavern, a natural cavern. The water is cold and deep, but safe enough to swim; which we do. We find a large cavern with one remarkable feature; it has a “naturally” formed stalagmite statue of a dwarven goddess. A search of the cavern produces nothing and we leave to continue down the main cave. Suddenly, we are attacked by two invisible Halflings. Bosch takes 10, 9 and 8 hp in the first three rds.-he’s out. Zenda, Ripper and Javalis capture the Halflings. They are stripped (masterwork studded leather(2) to Zenda, short swords(2) to Zenda, a topaz-in-silver ring, non-magical, assessed at ___?____ to Javalis and 86 gp to Bosch) and questioned. Their black-robed, zombie controlling boss is Shillick. Shillick’s 2nd in command may be Rammer.
We set a trap for Shillick, who was due to show up in a day or two, but he did not. We return to Milborne, turn the Halflings over to Gerald. We then find Mr. Carmen to let him know of the evil activities in the old mine. We also check to see if he has an aura of evil; he does not. He tells us that Grizzler helped dig the Garlstone mine and we decide to go to Thurmaster to see him. Mr. Carmen advances us each 100 gp for a contract to clear the mine of the zombies and Shillick. We still need to sell the 2 MW studded leathers and the 2 s. swords.

New Mire #6

We are going to Thurmaster to see Grizzler and ask about the garlstone mine. We take the barge and are attacked about where the Hog Brook empties in to the Churnett River. We are attacked by a high level evil cleric and a band of six fighters. The evil cleric is in “golden robes”, has red hair and a red goatee. He has a medallion with a skull seated inside the image of a sickle; the symbol of Nerule, god of death. This must be the same golden robed person that hire a band to stop us from bringing “necromancy to the area”. It may be this was a ruse to stop us early in the game.
The attack was an ambush with ranged weapons and spells. We countered with crossbows and spells. Two of the fighters boarded the barge and a few rounds later, Bosch and Zenda took the fight to the evil cleric. 52 points were put to the evil cleric when he had had enough and flew away. We finished off the other fighters, capturing 3 of them. The evil cleric was last sighted traveling south almost directly into the middle of the Thornwood.
We took the prisoners to Thurmaster to Squire Marlon. They all refused to tell us anything because of their fear of the evil cleric. They fear being turned into zombies. They will be hanged.
We make it to Thurmaster and find Grizzler. Grizzler told us a few things about the cave. The bottom level runs north-south to the upper cave. The air flow indicates there is another opening and that it is not likely to be at the back of the cave because the cave runs into a hillside, not through it. More likely the flow is caused by a “chimney”. The connecting shaft between levels is about 40’. The golden robed cleric may be Rammer; we never did get any description from the halflings! We see Tauster to trade/buy items.

New Mire #7
Javalis and Mavaris return to Milborne after our first try to enter the Garlstone mine. They report the failure to Mr. Carmen whereupon he berates them for their ineptitude. He tells them “not to return until the job is finished”. Javalis and Mavaris retire to the Baron of Muton to wash away they cowardice. In the tavern, they meet Mohrda and X.O. and discover that Mohrda is the sister of the late Snork. X.O. and Mohrda hear all the stories of the duo’s recent adventures and are encouraged to volunteer their skills to the group and another assault of the cave. Jelenneth’s mother, Parellis, works at the Baron of Mutton along with Andreth (Jelenneth’s fiancé). Javalis has Andreth identified a ring captured in the last encounter as one he had given to Jelenneth. We now know that she was taken by the one-eyed evil cleric and that she was brought to the Garlstone cave.
We agree to make another attempt to clear the cave and after some planning decide to focus all missile weapons on the sniper, Rammer while the cleric tries to turn the Zombies. Using “lighted “ arrows, we see a group of Zombies and Rammer. There are 5 zombies; three previously slain guards(2hd), Zenda(6hd) and Ripper the dog(6hd). Over the next few rds., the zombie guards are turned and Rammer is hit a few times. The 6hd zombies are too high for me to turn and melee is for these two. Rammer makes the mistake of staying too long and a magic missile from Javalis puts him down. The zombies are all killed, but in the time it takes, Rammer bleeds out.
A close look at Rammer gives the impression that he was not fully human, but that is all we can discern.
We will spend the night right at the shaft/hole, healing ourselves with help from the wand and sleep.
Third level characters gain 900 XP and 4th level characters gain 850XP

New Mire #8

Javalis cuts off Rammer’s head before we rest for 8 hrs. Mavaris finds some glowing blue mushrooms that are eaten by all but X.O. The night is uneventful. We decide to descend to the second level to fight whatever is still there. We go into the “Blue Garl Cave” and see an old shed and something shiny at the bottom of the cave’s pond. We leave that until later and move into the “Dome” cave. It is almost all pond and has a body floating in it. We decide this also can wait to investigate until later. We pass “Fairyland”; an enlargement in the passage that has another shack. Both shacks turn out to be unremarkable. We go to the “Crab Petals” cave and almost trip a Cave Fisher’s trap, a long, stringy, sticky and very strong web. Again, we move on. At the Chamber of the All-Hearing Gods we discover a natural formation that looks like a human ear. We should ask Grizzler about it. The final cave is the Grand Cavern and it is empty. There is a smoothed area, 20’x20’, that may have sat an alter. Javalis finds a secret stone door in the backwall. It is of magical construction with a lock that we do not have the key.
We return to the Dome Cave and Mavaris dives in to get the body. He is attacked by two big and mean catfish. He is bitten enough to necessitate his retreat. X.O. goes fishing with his fishing net and manages to land both catfish. The body is retrieved (human male), but found to be without ID or wealth and is curiously little eaten by the two catfish. Our next stop is the Blue Garl Cave. It is Mohrda’s chance to go swimming and she is immediately attacked by a large eel. We pull her out and begin a bow and arrow attack on the eel and kill it. Mohrda gets the shiny object which turns out to be 2 gold rings (non-magical) on a severed hafling’s hand worth about 75gp for both. Now we return to the cave with the webs and Mavaris ID’s the monsters as Cave Fishers. Crab-like monsters. X.O. tries to pass through the opening, but gets stuck by a web line. The fight entails trying to hold on to X.O. with a rope, cutting the DR web and hitting the Fisher that has come down to get us. We kill the one on the ground. Mohrad and Mavaris climb up to kill the other in its den, but find their dice cool and must retreat. An oil flask finally chases the fisher from its den and we retrieve this treasure:
A quartz-like gem with a speck of light in its center. It may be a “Weapon Crystal”: a device that can be attached magically, by just touching it to a magical weapon, giving it an additional power. (Give to Mohrda to attach to +2 bastard sword?)
A cloak. Non-evil. Cloaks of Resistance are common.

The group returns to Milborne and presents Rammer’s head to Mr. Carmen. We tell him the story of how we cleared out his mine and he complains that we should have opened the secret door. He shows his displeasure by giving us only 150 gp each as payment. We visit Tauster in Thurmaster next. We recount our adventure and show him Rammer’s head. He says that Rammer may have been a Tiefling. A descendent of the demon race. For 100 gp (25gp plus the two rings from the hafling’s hand) he ID’s the medallion as an amplifier of enchantment spells, but not spells thrown, rather spells received. He does not know the two fishy smelling potions, but does say they have a slight evil aura. (Could this be because they were brewed by an evil wizard?)
Total 600xp each member

New Mire #9
We start off in Thurmaster. Morhda is still ill, but X.O. is tending to her and there is hope. We go to Tauster to have some of the magic items identified.
1. The cloak taken from the Cave Fishers is a Cloak of Elemental Protection. This cloak can be activated once per day (as a swift action) gaining a resistance of 10 against any type of energy (cold, heat, electrical, acid or sonic) the wearer wishes. The wearer can activate the cloak even if it is not his turn. However, the wearer must wear the cloak for at least 24 hours, continuously, before using it. Value – 1000gp. Abjuration 3rd level Clerical. Cloak given to X.O.
2. Weapon Crystal taken from the Cave Fishers –(Least, 1000gp) TrueDeath Crystal. A quartz-like gem with a speck of light in its center. Deals extra damage (1d6) to undead. This crystal has been attached to the +2 bastard sword and given to Mohrda.

Morhda is into the 3rd day of healing care and looking much better. She says she can feel her strength returning. We need to talk to Gizzler on how to open or break down the secret door. So we go to Milborne and find him at the Mutton. He says it was not there when he was working the mine and that only breaking through the rock will do it. We mention about the odd formations in the mine, but he assures us that there is nothing to them. The next day we travel to the Garlstone mine.
Half way to the mine, we are ambushed. There are 6 zombies and two evil clerics above us on a rise. The zombies come after us and the priests throw spells at us. X.O. is sickened and fails to turn zombies. Morhad takes cover in the wood and shots her bow. Javalis fires her MM and Mavaris uses his bow. X.O.’s 2nd turning attempt works and 3 zombies leave. Two zombies go after Mavaris, who shoots at them. Morhda joins the fray and kills her first zombie, plus cleaving a second. I move up the incline to get at the priests, but am paralyzed. Morhda moves up also and engages the male(human, mid-40’s, cropped gray hair) priest and kills him. She is then paralyzed. The female preist (Shilick – black curly hair, mid-30’s, human) moves to CDG Morhda, but Mavaris’s 2 attacks plus Javalis’s unerring MM kill her first!
We decided to track back on the zombies trail and found it led to the river. There was no boat there. We will cross the river to pick up the tracks on the otherside, if there, but first we will try to open the secret door. We make it all the way to the door and start to pick at it. It turns out the rock is a facade over a metal door. We stay the night and return to Milborne the following day. We meet Andreth, who recognizes the blue rope as Jenalth’s. We let him have it. We go to Rastifer’s store to do some trading. We trade the sapphire ring for 12 100gp pearls. We sell the bracelet for 100gp. We take the pearls and the gear to Thurmaster and Tauster for IDing. See above. A note was found in the scroll carried by Shilik. It said, “Take some zombies and hunt them down. Capture the mage and kill the others. The Orcs are watching. Do not return to Brokenspire without her or I will turn you into a zombie.” It was signed what looks like LTR, stylized. Tauster has not heard of the Brokenspire or of Shilik.
We will go to see the Count to see if he has any answers about the Brokenspire.

Yathrax’ Tomb
We go to Parlefey’s Keep to speak to him about the Brokenspire. His son, Lintern is there and both listen as we recall to them all of our previous adventures. The Count tells us that 4 generations back, the Parlefeys had its original keep in the Thornwood and that it was called Brokenspire. Over time, the family became less happy with its location in the wood, so that when the keep was attacked by a green dragon and partially destroyed, the family decided to relocate to the current location of the keep. The attack was 100 years ago and the dragon has not been seen since. The Thornwood has been uninhabited ever since and has not been used for hunting or any commercial use at all. The only person known to venture into the wood is the female druid, Oleana. This is the same druid that helped us fight off a goblin ambush earlier.
The Count has a side job for us to take on. We will do it, but without Mavaris (Jason is in Canada). There is a report from the stone quarry in the Halfcut Hills that the miners have uncovered a tomb. They will not enter the tomb and the Count asks if we will take on the task. We will. He contracts us to a share (undescribed) of the treasure we may find. We travel to the quarry where the foreman shows us to a “Portal” It is a curved top opening with unrecognized runes written on it. I use “Comprehend Lang” and read it as “Here lies Yathrax”.
After poking around the entrance, we enter and decend stairs to a door. It is unusually cold. In the lead, Mohrda looks into the room to reveal a large room with frescos depicting a Cleric reeking necromantic havoc over cowering masses. This is consistent through multiple tableaus except for the end, which is in a different artist’s hand and shows the Cleric being slain by Paladins wearing a symbol of a Pelor-like sunburst design. The floor of the room has bones scattered throughout. The bones are not recognizable, but are from medium size creatures.
We go into the room and Mohrda sets off a guard trap. Three skeletons form out of the bones from the floor. One of the skeletons is large. The two small skeletons engage Mohrda, I go “Hide from Undead” and Javalis fires MM. I move into the room, pass the two skeletons to get a clear shot at the big one. I attempt to turn it , but fail.
From this point, it is a straight fight with Mohrda going down to 2 hp before the Troll skeleton is finished off by Javalis. We search the room and find a secret door. We move along until we find a door. It was no lock, so we try to open it, but it is stuck. We force it open. A lightning bolt shoots through almost hitting us full-force. Singed but still walking we enter the room. It is another large room with 6 alcoves, a stand with a book, a sarcophycus and a small creature in a purple cylindrical light. Mohrda enters the room and pears into the first set of alcoves. They are dark and she does not see anything. This is verified by XO throwing a sunrod into one.
Morhda moves forward and is engaged into conversation by the creature which turns out to be Torga the summoned and held quasit slave of Yathrax. Torga wants to be released and promises us the room’s treasure if we help. When Mohrda approaches that end of the room, she is attacked by a Wight. Immediately she is reduced in life force by one level. I try very hard to turn the Wight, but it unexplainingly resists. We all run away.
Back at the miners quarters, we discuss our next attack on the Wight and go to sleep. We are awakened by a scream is outside. We go to see and find a miner’s body with its throat torn out. When Mohrda leans over to investigate the body, it reaches up to grab her. There is a quick fight that kills this Wight spawn. Then we hear a noise behind us. It is the Wight and it is on the roof above Javalis. It jumps on her to attack and reduces her by 2 life levels. Mohrda fights with many successful attacks and the Wight is finally killed. It crumbles away leaving just a cloak, which we recover and bag-up. We know that in 24 hours, the life level changes will become permanent and devise ways to track the time. When the time comes, Mohrda and Javalis are aided to strengthen their constitutions. Three good rolls are needed and they make them all, praise Pelor.
We go back to the tomb and Mohrda frees the Quasit. Upon release, the Quasit asks Mohrda to accept its blessing and Mohrda says yes. Suddenly she feels a burning on her shoulder and sees, as we all do, “232769150801” emblazoned there. The Quasit then moves the sarcophycus aside and disappears back to his plane. In the tomb is a vest made of cloth, a rod ½” thick and 2 ½’ long, a circlet, two gold bars and a piece of onyx rock. The onyx has no writing on it and is not shaped. Javalis will carry all we got in the room plus the Wight’s cloak and present it to the Count.

Experience points: Mohrda – 1266 X.O. – 1066 Javalis - 1017

Brokenspire #1
Still in Yathrax’ Tomb, I proceed to consecrate the area and then burn the book. We open the sarcophycus w/o incident and find Yathrax’ body there and it has a gem studded dagger driven his skull. We leave all as it is and leave; locking up behind us and warning the miner’s foreman to block entrance into the tomb. We go back to the keep and tell all to the Count; we offer to give part of the treasure to the Wight’s victim’s family. While there,
we meet Desdamona Troy, aka Desi. She is a fighter/rogue of 4th lvl. And she req. and is granted entrance into our small group.
We decide to go see Tauster in Thurmaster to get the new items found in the tomb ID’d. On the way we are attacked by a cougar; Desi is hurt, but the cougar is killed and skinned. We get to see Tauster and he sells us a “Artificer’s Monocle” for 1500gp. The ability lasts 10 rds, is good for 1 item and must be used with “Detect Magic”; after 1 minute of study the user gains the same info as from “Identify”. We give him one of our 2000gp gold bars; 500 gp over the price, to thank him for thinking of us in getting the monocle and to further our friendship w/him. Javalis will keep the monocle and she uses it to id the rest of the treasure.
We take the barge to Milborne after deciding that we will enter the Thornwood to get to the Brokenspire. On the way, the barge is attacked by a giant ell and one of the crew is snatched. Morhda kills the eel and Javalis hooks it with her g. hook allowing us to haul it up to the deck and save the crewman. At Milborne we talk to Grizzler and Gerald, but there is no new info. We take off along the hills eastward to the forest. We reach it and decide to camp just outside of it for the night. On the third watch, Dezi hears the approach of many footsteps. We are awaken to find we are being attacked by Bugbears; 6 in all. Three have long spears and there is a cleric that starts throwing spells. Javalis uses the Web spell and entangles 5 of the 6. As they slowly emerge from the web, we fight and kill them. We kill them all, but we lose Morhda’s dog in the fight. The Bugbears carry cash and weapons worth 4076gp total when we go to sell it all. This comes to 1019gp each.
We will attempt to rest for 8 hrs again.
Experience Points: Javalis – 1626xp Morhda, X.O. and Dezi - 1750xp

Brokenspire #2

After the encounter with the Bugbears, we rest for 8 hours w/o incident. Javalis monocles the tanari brooch and ring, but they are not magical. The Entagle scroll is given to Dezi to use with his UMD. We enter the Thornwood about 3:00pm and soon hear a bear approaching us. We throw some rations in one direction and go in the other to go around the bear. At dusk, we set camp and XO takes the 1st watch, but he is attacked by a red/brown bear that causes some damage until the companions engage it and kill it. Dezi skins it and keeps the pelt.
The following day, we come to the keep. The spire is no longer there, just the structure that was below it. The area around the keep is cleared, but unkept and is covered with thigh-high grasses and the portcullis is closed. Dezi climbs a tree and sees that there is a guard in the watchtower. The assault plan is: XO will approach the keep from one side while Morhda imitates a bear, using the bear skin, on the opposite side thus distracting the guard from XO’s approach. Using a levitate potion, XO will scale the wall, cross the bailey and scale the tower. There he will “command” sleep on the guard, get down to the gate and open it for the others. All goes well until the spell does not work on the guard. XO begins battle with the guard, Javalis and Dezi grapple over the wall and Mohrda distracts the gate guards (4) from outside the gate. XO grapples the guard over the edge of the of the tower and drops him to his death. One of the gate guards runs to the keep to get reinforcements, but Javalis “Webs” the door. She then opens the portcullis letting Mohrda in, resulting in the guards deaths.
Thinking that there may be opponents just inside the keep’s door, we make our way up the watchtower and enter there. We encounter the second watchtower guard and after a short fight, we convince him to help us in exchange for freedom. He tells us that captives have been brought to the keep to be made into zombies. He says he has not seen or heard of a dragon. He tells us that our evil cleric with red hair and in gold robes is called Ranchefus. We take the guard down the tower and into the yard where he points out each room and what it is used for. We give him some weapons and money and send him on his way. He has told us that there are three war dogs in the stable. Better to rid ourselves of the dogs now so we set a trail of food from the stable to the outside. The dogs are released as we hide in the keep. The dogs eat their way right out of the keep and we close the gate after them. One of the rooms is locked, so we brake in and search it finding a crate with a magical lantern. It is finely crafted, with silver filigree and a rose colored lens. It is an Everburning Lantern (Javalis) that uses a magical flame to light 20’ and it can be adjusted down to show no light or up to full light. It produces no heat and cannot create a fire.
We enter the dungeon via the rm pointed out to us by the guard. Javalis casts “light” on XO’s cowlick and we begin to search. The 1st rm has a giant rat that attcks XO and Morhda kills it. The next rm has a giant calamari which we avoid. The next room has 4 jail cells which XO tries to search using a mirror, but has his arm sliced in #1 cell by an unknown creature. The other cells are empty, but we decide to avoid the one with something in it; a decision we will later regret. We come across an alter rm with 2 zombies in it that we kill. The rm had been an alter to Pelor, but has been redone to exalt Nerull. We find a secret door that is to an old treasure room with 4 chests; one still intact, the others destroyed. Desi is hit with a couple of traps before getting to the treasures inside of the one good chest (Dezi may have been very lucky here; one of the traps was a poison needle trap). Suddenly, Javalis is attacked by a by a woman with a hideously scared face. The woman garrotes Javalis and Morhda kills the woman just in time. The crazy woman has a set of keys (XO), a +1 dagger (Dezi) and a wooden box. Dezi trys the box, but is darted w/poison. The box has 60gp, 40 plat and misc. trinkets (15gp/ea, 10 plat/ea and trinkets to Javalis). The chest from the treasure rm has 945gp(236gp/ea.), 1420sp(355sp/ea.) and 285 plat(71 plat/ea), 275 copper(69 cop/ea). There is an arcane spellbook (Javalis). There is a scroll in a tube: “Dispell Magic”, “Melf’s Acid Arrows” and “Hold Person” (which has been used already)(Javalis)
We continue our search of the rms and come across a “Summoning Rm” with a large ring of runes filled in with silver. XO takes the Cloak of Turning Resistance and burns it along with the ring. He then chips out many of the runes to ruin the rings ability to function. We find a rm across from the summoning rm with a skeleton in it on a cot (this turns out to be Xander Parlefey). There is a journal (Javalis) in the rm that belonged to Zander Parlafey. Was Zander P. summoning evil demons? Was he the dark sheep of the family? The skeleton of Xander has a ring on. It is a ring of “Lower Planes” that gives the wearer +2 to AC, +2 to saves vs evil outsiders (Dezi).
Finally we find a secret door that has Ranchefus behind it. He has 8 zombie guards. Ranchefus begins to throw spells and the zombies stay in front of him. Morhda (only 10 hp at this point) takes a “shield” potion. Dezi and Javalis join us outside the door. XO reads a “silent” spell scroll and Morhda attacks the zombies. Ranchefus retreats into a back room, avoiding the effect of the “silent” spell. Morhda kills a zombie and then cleaves to death another zombie. Ranchefus continues to throw spells that are effective and the group is weakening. XO turns the remaining 6 boosted zombies. We try to attack him directly. XO takes a “enlarge” potion. We are stunned by a spell and Mohrda drops her sword. We decide a grapple attempt would stop Ranchefus from throwing more spells, so Mohrda attacks and misses. Then XO tried, but Ranchefus had a ring that prevented grappling and so all attempts failed. Dezi went down, but not out; Javalis “greased” Ranchefus and caused him to fall prone; she tried to drag Dezi out, but went down also, but not out. Then Mohrda went down. XO misses Ranchefus 4 attacks in a row and Mohrda bleeds out. Ranchefus finally succums to XO’s last blow.

This treasure is split between Mohrda’s estate, XO, Javalis and Dezi.

Brokenspire #3

We have killed Ranchefus and need to rest and recover. We bed down in his room. During the 3rd watch we are attacked by 3 Orcs. We kill them and take a masterwork falchion worth 375/187gp, plus a masterwork breastplate worth 725/362 and 60 gp in cash. We search the room and find a secret door. We also find a locked wooden coffer (10x24x10) under a bed. In the coffer is a large non-magical key and a potion of Domination.

We decide we will go back to Thurmaster and also visit Count Parlefey. The first night back the Hut is put up for our security. We search the inside of the Hut and find Shilick’s treasure. There are two chests with 2000gp, 1200sp, a wand of Cold Fireballs (5 charges)(Javalis), a scroll with “Mirror Image”- “Web”- “Dispell Magic” and “Minor Globe of Invulnerability”(Javalis), and 2 silver flasks with potions of Domination.

In Thurmaster, we meet Mohrda’s brother, Molo. Molo takes Mohrda’s property; keeping some and sending some to the family. He proposes to join our group and is welcomed. We go to Tauster’s and meet a gnome with a long white beard named Keev. Tauster suggests we take Keev along and we agree to do so. Molo is a barbarian fighter and Keev is an Archivist. Keev is investigating the possible influence of Therizdune the far realm of madness and insanity which lies outside of the great wheel of the normal planes. With the help of Tauster, Javalis summons a familiar. It is a hummingbird by the name of Humma.

We travel to the castle of Parlefey and give the Count the Journal of Xander Parlefey. He thanks us and offers his armory for us to shop for, up to, +2 armor. Layfarer is there and we talk to him and purchase some healing potions. We will return to Brokenspire with a small contingent of the Count’s guard. They will secure the keep and we shall explore its deeper depths.

The Count has decided to go with us to the keep. Once there, he finds the desecrated shrine to Pelor and, with our divine help, re-consecrates the shrine.

We enter the secret door and immediately begin to descend. The passage is not dwarven made and goes on for several miles before coming to a “T” intersection which we take only to find a dead end. We search, but find nothing. Returning to the “T”, we continue on in what seems to be a northly or northwest direction until we reach another “T” and turn down it until we reach a door.
On the other side of the door, is a group of Orcs. We immediately engage with “web and the wand of cold fireballs. After a while, another group of Orcs, lead by a Orog on a lizard mount join in the fight. This pushes the group back and into the 10’ entry hall to the orc cave. We make a stand here, at a natural choke point and begin fighting our way back out using the wand and more web spells. Another group of orcs join the fight and they are led by two evil clerics. The clerics problem is that they cannot reach us with their spells because the web is blocking them. They decide to burn the web, but this takes time and we are killing off the orcs effectively. We attempt to attack the clerics by going around the web with Dezi going first, followed by Javalis and XO. Javalis uses the final charge from the wand and scores high damage on the clerics. Molo charges through the now opened web and attacks the clerics. Molo kills one then the other, on a cleave, to save the day.

Brokenspire #4

The battle with the Orcs is over and what a battle it was (4000+XP ea.). It is time to gather all the loot and divvy it up, but in our search, we find a captive of the Orcs. He is a Dwarf (Duskblade) fighter and he is near death. We heal him and find out he is Galmore. It seems that Galmore came into the caves with 3 of his friends: two were killed, one (a cleric – again there is a MU connection) was taken away and he was captured. We id his gear and return it to him. He tells us that his friend was taken through a secret door located behind the throne. He also tells us that we are about 300’ below ground.
We return to Brokenspire and tell Parlefey of the battle with the Orcs (28 Orcs and two clerics). XO has received a message from Gerald to return to his monastery and he will take all of the cash-out treasure, along with purchase requests, to the castle. We rest for a day. Parlefey wants us to explore the rest of the cave at the 300’ level. We want to go through the secret door at the throne; we think Jelenneth may be in that direction, but we will first do as the Count asks. He sends along about 20 of his troops with us.
So we return to the Orc cave and travel north another 5 miles to a “T” intersection going southeast and west. We go right (west) for 5 more miles and see a light at the end of the tunnel. It turns out to be sunlight from and opening in a cliff face 300’ from the top and 100’ from the bottom. There is no river at the bottom and we surmise it is the Great Rock Dale. This dale is said to be populated with goblins, orcs and all manner of evil things, but we cannot see any movement camps or camp fire smoke. We decide to camp and rest. Desi “activates” the coral-tipped spear. What that does is vague. The next day we move SW, an hour, until the cave turns east, another hour of travel and it turns north and brings us to a “Y” intersection. We think this places us between the river, the dale and the Blanryde Hills. We continue north for an hour until we come to a wall with a door that is the same door we tried to enter from the Grand Cavern at the Garlstone Mine. We know because we can open it from this side and we see it is the same door. The silver key, from Ranchefus, fits this door. There is a direct route from the mine to the old keep and Ranchefus may have been controlling the kidnapping ring.
We decide to return to the “Y” intersection and go down the south tunnel. Molo has the lead and runs into a hugh web. He is stuck fast and we are attacked by 4 hugh spiders. Galmore kills 2, Javalis kills 1 and Dezi kills 1. Keev attempted to cut Molo out of the web, but was too weak to cut the heavy threads. We find a dead victim of the spiders; an elf all wrapped up in webbing.
We wait for XO’s return and the all the treasures (both 8/26 and 9/16) and purchases are finalized as shown on the sheets “Equipment” for each character.
We return to the Orc cave and enter the secret door at the throne. We go down. How far?
We encounter a group of Sverfneblin or deep gnomes that live in the area. They are reluctant to allow us passage through their domain. We learn that they have been allowing the orcs and their captives through – reason not explained. We take them to see the result of the battle with the orcs and they are convinced to let us through under escort. They let us know that at the fork ahead, trolls lay to the right? We go to the right.

EP – 5th lvl characters (Keev, Molo and Galmore) - +400 +500 = 900
6th lvl characters (Javalis & Dezi) - +360 + 500 = 860

Keld Denar
2013-05-28, 10:13 PM
Cavern of the Trolls #1

After the defeat of the Ghasts, we decide to return 12 miles back to the troll dens. Dezi attracts the attention of one Troll and it comes up to the intersection to see the source of the noise. Dezi began inching back from the intersection as another 2 Trolls showed up and two of the three began to follow Dezi back to us. A fight began and we killed the two. Then, another two, with top-knots, attacked us from behind or south of us. We fought and killed them, but did not have enough offense to take on the 4 more Trolls coming from the north tunnel (the other side of the intersection). So we ran away to fight another day. We rested in the Leomund’s Shelter, getting spells and hp back. We return to the Troll dens to take up the fight once again. The first den, off the intersection where we had fought the first two, was empty but for the remains of the two burned Trolls. We headed north and found another T intersection. This time we can hear Trolls talking down the tunnel without them detecting us at the same time. We decide to rush the Trolls this time and Keev buffs the group before going in. We move into the cave and find 4 Trolls. They get the first move on us, but don’t reach us. Javalis uses web to stop the front two and the rest of the fighters kill them. The same is then applied to the back two with similar results. Kudos to Galmore for two massively destructive crits. The cave is home to the 4 Trolls only, but it is putrid smelling beyond even what a Troll would find acceptable. We search and find a cache of money, armor and magical items. Our attention is drawn to the pool of water in the back of the cave. Javalis “Lights” a pebble and throws it in. There is a shiny object at the bottom of the pool. During the discussion on what to do about getting the shiny object, a tentacle slithered out of the pool and wrapped itself around Javalis’ ankle. Keev recognized it as an Otyugh’s tentacle. Javalis was about to be dragged under the water and devoured! Lightning-fast, Molo leaped into the water to attack. The ring of free movement allowed her to swing her greatsword freely in the water and she hit the Otyugh in a critical location on the first blow, killing it outright. Hasah! 8 Trolls and 1 Otyugh. We are now in the cave and it is so rancid we must find another location to rest or go see the Serviblin.

Troll Cave: 800cp (160 ea) 500sp (100 ea) 4400gp (880 ea) 1100pp (220 ea) 15,458 gp equivilant (3091.6 ea)
XP: 7th level = 1032 6th level = 1270

Trolls #2

We return to the cave with the two burnt trolls to rest for 24 hours. The day goes by w/o incident. We head out north/right to engage the Trolls in their lair. They are waiting for us and attack with boulders as soon as Molo looks around the corner. She takes so much damage, we are forced to retreat back to the cave we used to rest in. Before we reach it, we run into 3 Topknot Trolls coming the other way saying “Quiet, I think they are up ahead. We will get those Slauverers”. We are forced to engage them, but Molo’s HP have been restored. We use fireballs, magic missiles and a web to start and then have Galmore enter the web, using the ring of FoM to kill the trolls. Jaxsen rolls 4 crits for 400-500 hp of damage. Trolls from the other clan are coming up behind us and we web two of a large group of them. Galmore enters the web and dispatches them. The rest of the clan leave the area. 11gp, 2 ea. And 3 for Galmore.
We decide we have enough fire power to take on the rest of the trolls and follow them back to the cave. They are waiting for us and ruin our Mirror Image and Glitterdust attack strategy. We retreat back to the “two burnt troll” cave to rest, but the Trolls have followed us back.

5 dead Trolls.
The Take: 2gp ea. 3gp to Galmore.
7th lvl XP -630 6th lvl XP – 720

Trolls #3

We are in the first watch of our rest in the cavern of the stalagmites when Molo hears Trolls coming down the tunnels. They attack immediately, but Javalis manages to get the Web on them and we attack with bows and reach weapons. There are 4 of them, but the web holds them long enough for us to kill and burn them all. Dezi hears more Trolls on the other side of the web. After we burn away the web and the dead Trolls, the others, 4 in number, attack. Again the Web is our best friend and using the same strategy as before, we defeat the Trolls. We search the Trolls and find 23gp total. 8 Trolls dead.
We go back to the Slaverer’s cave and search it. We find 800cp, 1400sp and 3300gp. There is a pool in the back of the cavern . There is a glint of gold at the bottom. I summon a water elemental and signal it to fetch the shiny object. It returns with a dagger (+1 Giant Bane with atypical gnome runes), a green crystal flask (potion of Alter Self) and a couple of gold pieces. We will have to find another way to get to the gold pieces, but before we do that, I summon a porpoise to check on the safety of the pool. It is immediately attacked by a giant catfish. We attack it in turn and it is hurt and retreats back through the sm. Tunnel that leads out of the pool. We retrieve the rest of the pool’s gold which amounts to 75gp in all. We set up the shelter right there and get a full 8 hrs w/o interruption. 1 Giant Catfish ran off.
The Take: 160cp ea. 286sp ea. 664gp ea. The dagger can be returned to the Gnomes for ingratiation. It is given to Keev to present, along with the chainmail, to the sverfneblin. The Alter Self potion, 300gp,will be given to Javalis.
As for now, everything should be taken out of the shelter, otherwise we will be unable to get to it for a week.
We will now take on the Topknot Trolls. We go down the tunnel til we reach a 3-way split-off from the tunnel we are in. We go down the one to our left. The cave has a large hole (used as a garbage pit) in the back and also has two trolls. We engage these trolls and one grapples Molo down and is going to attempt to throw him into the pit. We focus on this troll and get Molo free. We then beat-down the 2 trolls and burn them up. They have 20gp. We now go down the right passage, but there are no trolls there. It is an area where fungus is growing. We id the fungus as toxic. Dezi searches under it, but does not find anything. The fungus looks like it has been harvested to some degree. This needs to be investigated further. 2 Trolls dead.
The Take: 4gp ea.
We now go down the center tunnel. It has 4 trolls and two extra tough trolls. One of them is a caster and the other one is a fighter. They both have studded leather armor. The fight begins with a spell being thrown from them and a web from us. The web is dispelled and the trolls are unleashed on us. I throw a “silence” spell one one of the casters and the fighters engage the trolls. Dezi is in a fight with a big troll that is trying to sunder his “precious” Agripek. Our fighters are holding their own against the trolls, but one of the big trolls is holding back. This is a female troll with two heads! This is the caster – I silenced the wrong one and the caster is still attacking us with sound blasts. Javalis webs this two-headed troll and we do not hear from it again. The trolls are re-webbed, but not before Agripek is destroyed. Dezi is now released from the accursed weapon. The fight comes to its std. conclusion with only Dezi hit hard for points. We search the cave and find 20gp and 2 tiaras on the bodies. The tiaras are made of “trophy” teeth bound in a silver band. There is a silverfox pelt, bracers, ring, sickle, scroll case, 2 flasks of holy water, wooden holy symbol, 940sp and 1800gp. We believe this finishes all the occupants of the troll caves.
4 Trolls dead. 2 Mega Trolls dead.
The Take: 188sp ea. 360gp ea.

Back to the Gnomes

We have rested through the night, in the defeated trolls cave, without interruption. The fungus that the trolls have been harvesting is in fact a type of mushroom and is eatable. We take some, as our rations are down to zero. We head back toward the area where we first encountered the sverfneblin. After moving up and down this area, a contingent of the gnomes meld out from the walls and ask us our business. Among the contingent is Carmenaren the female priestess. We tell her of our victory over the troll hords and present her with the dagger of giant bane and the gnomish chainshirt. She says that it was her brother’s armor and where did we find it. She wants to know if we encountered Vusha, the two-headed troll priestess. We tell her the story of Vusha’s death and that no prisoners were found in any of the troll caves. We ask to R&R in the Sverfneblin city. The Gnomes open a secret door in the tunnel wall and we follow them through twists and turns; through rune protected doors and tunnels undoubtedly trapped until we reach their city. A phosphorescent light fills the city in a twilight glow and this is where a few hundred sverfneblin live. We are granted a week’s stay, but are escorted always.

Keev takes time to record some of the local’s histories and daily lives; along with portraits and drawings of daily life. He also acquires 5 new third level spells for his prayerbook: Dispell Magic, Stone Shape, Fly, Minor Image and Daylight. Javalis buys a cloak of charisma that moves her from a 19 to a 21 (+5). She also gets anklets of translocation. And a +1 ring? Galmore purchased a lesser crystal of life drinking and arm bands of might. Molo got a belt of giant strength, 20 silver arrows, curing potions and a beautiful medallion of mitheral and a blue stone.

We discover that the jewelry with the writhing serpent-like female is the image of a Tenaria and specifically of Meriluth, a half woman, half snake demon. She has 6 arms, each with a sword. Keev will keep this for further study and archiving.

We sell the following items to the Sverfneblin:
Silverfox pelt - 600gp
+2 Sickle - 4153gp
+1 Heavy Mace - 4155gp
+2 Heavy Shield - 2185gp
Ring of Floating - 1000gp
Cloak “Rear Guard”- 1000gp
Guantlets of Reach - 250gp
Ehlonna Quiver - 900gp
+1 dagger - 1151gp For a total of 15294gp or 3058.8 ea.

The 2 tiaras from Vusha were given to Carmenaren. She tells us that we can expect to meet Derro and Duargar dwarves farther along our journey. Prisoners seen with the orcs are directed by Illithids.

We leave the Sverfneblin city and head down the tunnel to the intersection that gives us the choice of worms or Grell. Dezi figures that the orcs may have a deal with the Grell, but could not with the unthinking worms and this would be the route Jelenneth was taken. We head down that tunnel, but only make it a short way before we are surprised by the sudden presence of 2 Umber Hulks, right next to us. Just as sudden, Galmore and Dezi become confused and unable to defend themselves. Then a Mind Flayer makes its appearance. Undaunted and taking AoO, Molo charges the Illithid and scores a hit. But the Mind Flayer stuns Molo with a psionic attack and we are down to just Javalis and Keev. Javalis webs the Umber Hulks and fires MM at the Mind Flayer. She scores just enough damage and kills the Illithid. The Umber Hulks are now free from the MF, but are still attacking us out of hunger. After we kill one, the other escapes by digging away through the tunnel.

The Take: Ring of Protection +1 and Robe of Resistance +2 both to Javalis.

Time to rest. We put up the shelter and pass the night w/o incident. Javalis has to heal charisma – a spell from the Illithid! We resume trip down the same passage and run into an area where the floor is covered with rubble large enough to slow our movement. Molo moves out first over the rocks to recon and soon sees a the floating jellyfish-like creature Keev recognize as a Grell. It is 4’ in dia. And has 12’ long tentacles. It has a beak. How to approach the Grell is discussed, but the Grell let us know their intensions by attacking with rods that fire lightning bolts. There are 8 Grell and one Philosopher Grell in all. Part of the group is webbed by the magic-using Phil.

That's all for now. The notes are kinda cut short there, but I'm sure there is more in the journal that just haven't been added to the word doc. I'll get the rest when I get it and keep updating. We have played like, 2.5 sessions since this document was updated, and we have another one this weekend. Hopefully I'll get more up soon. Please feel free to comment or as questions!

PS I'm doing all of the conversions freehand. I preplan a little, build some of the more complicated monsters, but a lot of it I just eyeball.

Keld Denar
2013-05-28, 10:14 PM
Xorns Oh My!

We have decided to go back to the “worm hole” area to investigate. We pass the area where we had fought the ghasts and come up to the worm holes. We throw out some rations to entice the worms out of their holes, but not a one appears. There may not have been any in the area for 1 to 2 weeks, from what we can see. We travel pass the holes and come to a drop-off of 60’. The tunnel jogs left and continues on. We have Molo do a recon, but all is safe and we all climb down. We come to a 10’ wide side tunnel on the left heading east. We follow this tunnel as it narrows down to 5’ and snakes back and forth as it slopes up. It ends in a large room that, unfortunately, connects to the Grell nest. Molo is in the lead and immediately takes a shot from a Grell’s lightning lance. We can see 3 Grell. Keev suggests that if Molo blocks the tunnel entrance the rest of the party can use ranged weapons and spells to that the 3 Grell out. We start this attack, but out of the darkness comes a Grell Patriarch. Molo takes more electrical damage and the Pat. Attacks with a scorching ray Molo is down and dying, but Keev comes up and heals him. But before Molo can retreat, he is hit with a fireball 10d6 and succumbs to it. Galmore retreaves the ring of FoM and we run away.
On our way back to the “T” intersection, we meet a Gnome that seemingly comes out of the stone. She is a Whisper gnome Beguiler by the name of Toodles, who has been sent by the Sverfneblin to keep an eye on us. We suggest the best way to do that would be to join our group and she agrees. We continue to travel down the south bound tunnel and we go 20 mi.at a 2% downgrade. On the second day, we travel another 20 mi. and come to an east/west “T”. There are some faint (to see and magical) runes on the wall, but no one in the group can decipher them although them seem similar to the script on Dezi’s Agripek. Dezi scouts east and finds only uneven ground. He scouts west, but finds nothing special. We decide to go east and after about 4 mi., we come to a “T”. After some more scouting we chose to go south and come to a large horseshoe shaped room. As Dezi enters the room, she notices that the walls are decorated with columns; she also notices that one of the columns is winking at her. Immediately she is attacked by a rope-like strand wrapping around her leg. Dezi teleports to safety. Keev discerns that the creature is a Roper. Javalis webs the Roper and Galmore moves in to finish off the monster. Toodles has sent an illusion down the other direction to trigger any other Ropers into attacking. There is a second Roper, but it attacks Keev. The Roper has wrapped 3 strands around Keev and is pulling him in for a bite. Javalis uses MM, but the Roper has SR. Dezi shoots arrow, but misses. Keev pulls a scroll out of his Haversack and reads of “Hesitate”. It works and the Roper stops pulling. Now the Roper is moving away, but still holding onto Keev. Toodles casts “Deeper Slumber” and the Roper falls to sleep. It is then Coup de Graised by Galmore. While testing each pillar for another Roper, Galmore finds an empty pillar and it has treasure!
5 dark red gems, value unknown.
18 pp

There is a passage out of the horseshoe shaped room that goes east. We follow that until it turns south and leads us to another room; this one also has pillars with stars on top and a large star in the middle of the room. We “detect thoughts” (Toodles hears “I wish I had a beer, man I hit that Roper hard” and takes a second to realize that it is Galmore’s thoughts she has picked up) and “detect magic” and fiddle with the stars themselves, but cannot find anything of interest. Suddenly a Xorn pops up out of the floor. Zorns are native to the elemental plane of earth. They glide through solid stone, are immune to fire and have a big bite. Toodles surprises everyone when she begins to speak to the Xorn. She says the Xorn heard us damaging the stone and arrived to stop us because they protect the hall. We plead our ignorance and ask forgiveness. And we give the Xorn one of the big red gems which it likes to eat very much. Now we are friends and the Xorn tells us the the hall is used by the Drow for ceremonies. We leave 2 more stones with the Xorn and ask to stay to rest there. We are about to set up Watch.

Meet the Quargoths
We have an uneventful rest in the starstone room and begin your trek. Dezi and Tootles take the lead and stay in front of the rest of the group by about 55’. This way our dwarf can see them while they take on any new encounters. We come to a “Y” and take it to the left where we come to another “Y” and go left until we come to a large room with a 30’ ceiling and a 15’ wall, inside of the room, which curves around, following the wall. Galmore says that the stone is not worked or natural, but seems to have been formed using magic. Tootles, using “Spider Climb”, views the wall as part of a maze which has something in the middle. Checking for traps all the way in, we discover that the center holds a Christmas-like tree with Bloodstones as its ornaments. The tree is made of glassteel, a magically form rock to glass substance as hard as steel. We wonder if the Xorn use this tree to feed off of, when suddenly one appears. Tootles takes over here by soothing the Xorn and confirming we have made friends with the previous Xorn we encountered. The Xorn demands food (note: the Xorn do not eat flesh) and we give him a gem. The Xorn demands that we leave and we do. Question – why demand food from us with the tree right there?
We go back to the “Y” and head down the other way for about 120’ at a 12 degree drop. At this point, the tunnel is flooded, but only 5’ deep. We decide to send Dezi out, secured to a rope, to see if it safe. It is not! Although she can see nothing, she is slam attacked and takes acid damage. The rope is burned by the acid and we loose our hold to Dezi. Javalis “Hastes” Dezi to help herr move faster through the water, which she does. Keev lloks at her wounds and her story and says it may be an Ooze. A Crystal Jelly would be invisible in the water, it moves at 15’, DR of 5/slashing and piercing, has a paralyzing poison and is immune to acid, cold and fire. This is not an intel. Creature and we attempt to draw it out of the water with some food. As it approaches, Javalis “Glitterdusts” it. We can now see it and Galmore kills it using “Shocking Grasp” and his glaive.
Still in the flooded tunnel, we move along and come to a 4-way intersection. Note: the water in the tunnel appears to be relatively new to the tunnel. There is another Ooze, but Galmore dispatches it. We reach a “T” intersection and each tunnel is now flooded up to its ceiling. Galmore begins swimming recon. One ends in a cave with a pillar. One ends in a cave with a stalagmite that is in fact a Stroper! And it attacks Galmore just missing with its strand. Galmore returns to the group and we decide to attack the Stroper. We start out with Tootles casting “Deeper Sleep” to no effect. Tootles is grapped by a strand as is Keev and Tootles is bit. Keev throws “Hesitate”, but it does not take. Dezi misses with his bow. Galmore misses. Tootles frees herself with “Displacement” , but Keev is bitten. Javalis uses “Unicorn Arrows” to do 26 points damage and a good bulrush. Keev throws “Sanctuary” and is safe from being bitten again. Dezi gets 4 points, Galmore misses and Javalis does 28 points.
Galmore hits and crits on his third attempt for 43 points and kills the Stroper.

Stroper treasure: Platinum coated dagger - +1 “Keen”(17-20/2 threat range) – Dezi.
3 gems - Javalis
Tube with scroll – Invisability, Knock, Fly, and Dimension Door – Dezi will use “Knock” and “Fly” to put them in his spellbook. The other two spells will go to Javalis.

The second of the flooded caves, has a statue in it of an Elf. This is no ordinary Elf; no one in the group can tell what race of Elves he belongs to, but it is missing any ref. to spiders, ie. Drow. The Elf is solemn, with up-turned palms that hold a polished stone that is beyond human ability to have made it through craft alone. The group notices something else, just as startling; the floor is festooned with gems! Keev begins to fill his haversack with the gems when a Xorn appears and is going to attack us. Tootles throws “Suggestion” and suggests that the Xorn leave and it does! We go back to the “Elf’s stone” and use the monocle. The stone is a “Life Stone”; to be worn like a necklace, it is a +4 on saving throws reguarding neg. energy effects (such as death magic). It also grants protection from evil plus allows the wearer the ability to cast dispel evil once a week.

Flooded Caves treasure: Life Stone – Keev, he is the only one that can cast the clerical spell “Dispell Evil”.
3000 gp in gems. That is 600gp in gems each.

We head back to the “T” where the flooding begins and head to the last cave holding the pillar. The pillar is in the center of the room. Galmore gets close to it, but it is not another stroper; it is a semi-clear stone that appears to have a person stuck in it. It gives all an uneasy feeling and Keev casts “Detect Thoughs” on it, but gets no thoughts from it. Dezi searches the room for traps and secret doors, but none are found. We abandon the pillar and return to the roper room to rest. Rest completed, we head north 4 miles to a “T” and continue north for another 3 miles where we run into some humanoids holding clubs. Tootles and Dezi go invisible while Keev detects for evil; they are not evil. There are 4 and 3 approach us and the other runs down the cave. Tootles “Detects Thoughts” and gets “If it is another Hooked Horror we’re running!”. Tootles says “Do not be afraid, we come in peace”. Unfortunately, she forgets that she is invisible and the creatures stop and run away. We follow as Keev describes the creatures as Quar-goth, a hairy, Yetti looking omnivour that lives underground and is used as slave-labor by the Drow and Mind Flayers. When we catch up to the Quar-Goth, there are 14 and they do not look friendly. Keev asked to talk to their leader, but they are frightened and angry; asking for food and telling us to go away. They then tell us that they will talk to us if we will go farther down the tunnel, kill the Hooked Horrors and bring to them the hooks of the monsters. This is a very poor bargin, but since we will be encountering the Hooked Horrors in any case, we agree.
It doesn’t take long to hook-up with the Hooked Horrors; these guys have strange hooked appendeges for arms that do serious damage with the potential to “rend”. The fight starts off badly with an ineffectual fireball and a missed slow spell. We see that one attacks Galmore, attacking his weapon instead of him. Keev says that they have blindsight, which means they can see you even if you are invisible. Now Javalis steps to the fore to cast “Web” It takes and the clean-up is left to Galmore – 2 Hooked Horrors dead! Galmore checks to see if anymore are waiting for the web to go down, but there are none. We cut off the hooks and find no treasure.

Dance Rasksasa dance!

We move along into the cavern we think is the lair of the Hook Horrors. Up ahead is a crevasse that is 80’ deep and stretches 20’ across. The bottom is very rocky and would be almost deadly if one were to fall in. This chasm runs, unbroken from wall to wall except for a rock bridge in the center. The bridge is about 5’ wide and spans the gap. We think the bridge could be trapped. Although Hook Horrors do not seem capable of such intricate construction, we check it anyway. No traps that we can find. Using ropes to insure safety, we all cross to the other side. Using Tootles’ “Dancing Lights” we can see the tunnel opens up to a 60’ high ceilinged cavern. There is one Hook Horror(#1) watching us. Javalis “Hastes” the group and we attack. Dezi does rapid shot and hits for 31 hp. As the Hook Horror retreats, Javalis hits it with Magic Missiles; – 25 hp. The Hook Horror(#1) is not down yet, but has been damaged for 56hp. A second HH(#2) attacks coming in at Dezi and Keev, but Javalis “Webs” him. Galmore attacks the webbed HH(#2) with his glaive and “Shocking Grasp”and scores 41 hp. The first HH(#1) attacks Dezi using “Power Attack” and puts Dezi down with Claw-Claw-Rend. Javalis finishes off this HH(#1) with MM. The second HH(#2) attacks Galmore with a sunder attempt on his glaive and almost destroys the weapon. It then escapes the web and runs away.
We can hear skittering sound coming from the other side of the web. It is a HH climbing the clear area above the web. We see it as it drops down on Javalis. It is bloodied and must be the other HH(#2). It starts to grapple Javalis, but she activates her Anklets of Translocation to move 10’, out of it’s grasp, and then finishes off the HH(#2) with MM. There are no more attackers and Galmore is healed back up.
We move forward and soon run into a “Wall of Darkness” that stretches across the cavern. Dezi throws a “Light”ed pebble into the darkness and we receive in return – a FIREBALL! All members take half (12) damage, except Keev who takes full (23). Out of the darkness (which turns out to be smoke) comes two very large Hook Horrors and one small HH. Galmore is hit and Tootles is grappled. Galmore and Tootles, along with the HH foes, are fireballed from the small HH. Keev sees the small HH has no magical devices nor is it using V, S, M to cast the fireball. Keev does not recall HH having supernatural abilities. This is curious.
Tootles escapes her grapple and retreats while Galmore is put below 0 hp by his HH(#3). Javalis throws “Tentacles” and grapples the HH M-U. Keev, using “Soundburst” stuns one of the HH for a round. Tootles throws “Deep Slumber” and puts one of the HH to sleep. Galmore is healed and kills one of the HH; Dezi does the same to the other. Galmore enters the tentacle area to kill the M-U (he has the ring of freedom), but the M-U pleads for his life and Galmore hesitates, then strikes once. The M-U again pleads, but this time it seems to be an attempt to use a mind-control spell on Galmore. Galmore shrugs it off and attacks, putting the M-U below zero hp. It dies before we can stop it and changes, before our eyes, into a humanoid creature with a feline head. Keev recognizes it as a Rakshasa (see MMI).

The wall of smoke drops away and we search the area. It turns out that the HH are not just fighting with the Guargoth they are skinning them for their “pelts”. There is a collection of them in the cave. Also found are 4 ornate coffers with 5000sp, 8000gp, 1000pp and a pair of diamonds. There is also a small wooden box with a pair of ivory-handled daggers, a miniature gong and a set of blood stones.
“Let me help you”. Galmore looks around, but sees no one. He asks the group, “Who said that?”, but we do not know what he is talking about. “I know where you are going”. Galmore follows the voice to a pile of rock and sees a glint of metal. Pulling the rocks away, he glimpses a magnificent longsword; a handle silvered and covered in emeralds. With warnings from his companions, he starts to place the rocks back on top of the sword. “Wait. You seek glory. I will show you glory. My name is ‘Finslayer’ and I have no master. I once served a great ranger named Pajarifan. I was captured by the Rakshasa but I would not let him touch me because he is vile.” Keev casts “Dispell Evil” from the Lifestone, but the sword shows no change or effect. The sword tells Galmore that it likes “Men of action.” Javalis uses the monocle, but gets nothing back. The sword says it is 1000’s of years old and fell in battle against the “fish” people. Galmore touches the sword and feels a deep vibrance; a thrum with the promise of courage in battle against aberrations, especially the Kuotoa and the sword can detect it’s bane at 60’ at will. The sword glimmers and suddenly becomes a glaive! (+2 (morphing) bane of aberrations, bane of aquatic humanoids) “We will fight darkness together.” Said Finslayer to Galmore,who replied “ Mort git vopma” – Death to Evil!
We set up the shelter and a night watch.

Thats all for now. Got about 2 more sessions to include once they get typed up.

Keld Denar
2013-05-28, 10:15 PM
Reserved 3

Keld Denar
2013-08-12, 11:59 PM
Long overdue update. Only playing about once a month over the summer due to busy kids vacation schedule.